import {cleanSelectOptions, SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; import {css, html, SlotMixin, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core"; import {Et2Select} from "../Et2Select/Et2Select"; export class Et2LinkAppSelect extends SlotMixin(Et2Select) { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host { --icon-width: 20px; display: inline-block; min-width: 64px; } :host([appIcons]) { max-width: 75px; } .select__menu { overflow-x: hidden; } ::part(control) { border: none; box-shadow: initial; } ` ] } static get properties() { return {, /** * Limit to just this one application, and hide the selection */ onlyApp: {type: String}, /** * Limit to these applications (comma seperated). */ applicationList: {type: String}, /** * Show application icons instead of application names */ appIcons: {type: Boolean, reflect: true} } }; get slots() { return { ...super.slots, "": () => { const icon = document.createElement("et2-image"); icon.setAttribute("slot", "prefix"); icon.setAttribute("src", "api/navbar"); = "var(--icon-width)"; = "var(--icon-width)"; return icon; } } } protected __applicationList : string[]; protected __onlyApp : string; /** * Constructor * */ constructor() { super(); this.onlyApp = ""; this.appIcons = true; this.applicationList = []; this.hoist = true; // Select options are based off abilities registered with link system this._reset_select_options(); } set onlyApp(app : string) { this.__onlyApp = app || ""; this.updateComplete.then(() => { = this.onlyApp ? 'none' : ''; }); } get onlyApp() : string { // __onlyApp may be undefined during creation return this.__onlyApp || ""; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // Set icon this.querySelector(":scope > [slot='prefix']").setAttribute("src", this.egw().link_get_registry(this.value, 'icon') ?? this.value + "/navbar"); if(!this.value) { // use preference let appname = ""; if(typeof this.value != 'undefined' && this.parentNode && this.parentNode.toApp) { appname = this.parentNode.toApp; } this.value = this.egw().preference('link_app', appname || this.egw().app_name()); } // Register to this.addEventListener("change", this._handleChange); if(this.__onlyApp) { = 'none'; } } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.removeEventListener("change", this._handleChange); } /** * Called before update() to compute values needed during the update * * @param changedProperties */ willUpdate(changedProperties) { super.willUpdate(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has("onlyApp") || changedProperties.has("applicationList")) { this._reset_select_options(); } } set applicationList(app_list : string[]) { let oldValue = this.__applicationList; if(typeof app_list == "string") { app_list = (<string>app_list).split(","); } this.__applicationList = app_list; this.requestUpdate("applicationList", oldValue); } get applicationList() : string[] { return this.__applicationList; } get value() : string { return this.onlyApp ? this.onlyApp : <string>super.value; } set value(new_value) { super.value = new_value; } _handleChange(e) { // Set icon this.querySelector(":scope > [slot='prefix']").setAttribute("src", this.egw().link_get_registry(this.value, 'icon')); // update preference let appname = ""; if(typeof this.value != 'undefined' && this.parentNode && this.parentNode.toApp) { appname = this.parentNode.toApp; } this.egw().set_preference(appname || this.egw().app_name(), 'link_app', this.value); } /** * Limited select options here * This method will check properties and set select options appropriately */ private _reset_select_options() { let select_options = []; // Limit to one app if(this.onlyApp) { select_options.push({value: this.onlyApp, label: this.egw().lang(this.onlyApp)}); } else if(this.applicationList.length > 0) { select_options = => { return {value: app, label: this.egw().lang(app)}; }); } else { //@ts-ignore link_app_list gives {app:name} instead of an array, but parent will fix it select_options = this.egw().link_app_list('query'); if(typeof select_options['addressbook-email'] !== 'undefined') { delete select_options['addressbook-email']; } } if (!this.value) { this.value = <string>this.egw().preference('link_app', this.egw().app_name()); } this.select_options = cleanSelectOptions(select_options); } _optionTemplate(option : SelectOption) : TemplateResult { return html` <sl-menu-item value="${option.value}" title="${option.title}"> ${this.appIcons ? "" : option.label} ${this._iconTemplate(option.value)} </sl-menu-item>`; } _iconTemplate(appname) { let url = appname ? this.egw().link_get_registry(appname, 'icon') : ""; return html` <et2-image style="width: var(--icon-width)" slot="prefix" src="${url}"></et2-image>`; } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-link-apps", Et2LinkAppSelect);