True, ); var $mbox; // the mailbox identifier any function should use static $debug = false; //true; // sometimes debuging is quite handy, to see things. check with the error log to see results // define some constants // message types var $type = array("text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio", "image", "video", "other"); // message encodings var $encoding = array("7bit", "8bit", "binary", "base64", "quoted-printable", "other"); static $displayCharset; static $botranslation; // set to true, if php is compiled with multi byte string support var $mbAvailable = FALSE; // what type of mimeTypes do we want from the body(text/html, text/plain) var $htmlOptions; var $sessionData; // the current selected user profile var $profileID = 0; /** * Folders that get automatic created AND get translated to the users language * their creation is also controlled by users mailpreferences. if set to none / dont use folder * the folder will not be automatically created. This is controlled in bofelamimail->getFolderObjects * so changing names here, must include a change of keywords there as well. Since these * foldernames are subject to translation, keep that in mind too, if you change names here. * @var array */ var $autoFolders = array('Drafts', 'Junk', 'Sent', 'Trash', 'Templates'); function bofelamimail($_displayCharset='iso-8859-1') { $this->restoreSessionData(); // FIXME: this->foldername seems to be unused //$this->foldername = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; $this->accountid = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; $this->bopreferences =& CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences'); $this->sofelamimail =& CreateObject('felamimail.sofelamimail'); self::$botranslation =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation'); $this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences(); if ($this->mailPreferences) { $this->icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0); $this->ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer(0); $this->htmlOptions = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['htmlOptions']; } #_debug_array($this->mailPreferences->preferences); $this->imapBaseDir = ''; self::$displayCharset = $_displayCharset; if(function_exists(mb_decode_mimeheader)) { mb_internal_encoding(self::$displayCharset); } // set some defaults if(empty($this->sessionData)) { // this should be under user preferences // sessionData empty // no filter active $this->sessionData['activeFilter'] = "-1"; // default mailbox INBOX $this->sessionData['mailbox'] = "INBOX"; // default start message $this->sessionData['startMessage'] = 1; // default mailbox for preferences pages $this->sessionData['preferences']['mailbox'] = "INBOX"; $this->sessionData['messageFilter'] = array( 'string' => '', 'type' => 'quick', 'status' => 'any', ); // default sorting switch($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['sortOrder']) { case 1: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTDATE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 2: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTFROM; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 3: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTFROM; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 4: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSUBJECT; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 5: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSUBJECT; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 6: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSIZE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 7: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSIZE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; default: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTDATE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; } $this->saveSessionData(); } if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $this->mbAvailable = TRUE; } } function setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_acl) { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_acl)) ) { return false; } return TRUE; } function deleteACL($_folderName, $_accountName) { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteACL($_folderName, $_accountName)) ) { return false; } return TRUE; } /** * hook to add account * * this function is a wrapper function for emailadmin * * @param _hookValues contains the hook values as array * @returns nothing */ function addAccount($_hookValues) { $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { $icServer->addAccount($_hookValues); } $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer(0); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->addAccount($_hookValues); } } function adminMenu() { if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == "ldap") { $data = Array ( 'description' => 'email settings', 'url' => '/index.php', 'extradata' => 'menuaction=emailadmin.uiuserdata.editUserData' ); //Do not modify below this line global $menuData; $menuData[] = $data; } } /** * save a message in folder * * @todo set flags again * * @param string _folderName the foldername * @param string _header the header of the message * @param string _body the body of the message * @param string _flags the imap flags to set for the saved message * * @returns the id of the message appended or false */ function appendMessage($_folderName, $_header, $_body, $_flags) { $header = ltrim(str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_header)); $body = str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_body); $messageid = $this->icServer->appendMessage("$header"."$body", $_folderName, $_flags); if ( PEAR::isError($messageid)) { error_log("Could not append Message:".print_r($messageid->message,true)); return false; } return $messageid; } function closeConnection() { $this->icServer->disconnect(); } /** * remove any messages which are marked as deleted or * remove any messages from the trashfolder * * @param string _folderName the foldername * @returns nothing */ function compressFolder($_folderName = false) { $folderName = ($_folderName ? $_folderName : $this->sessionData['mailbox']); $deleteOptions = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['trashFolder']; $this->icServer->selectMailbox($folderName); if($folderName == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") { $this->icServer->deleteMessages('1:*'); $this->icServer->expunge(); } else { $this->icServer->expunge(); } } /** * create a new folder under given parent folder * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @param string _folderName the new foldername * @param bool _subscribe subscribe to the new folder * * @returns mixed name of the newly created folder or false on error */ function createFolder($_parent, $_folderName, $_subscribe=false) { $parent = $this->_encodeFolderName($_parent); $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); if(empty($parent)) { $newFolderName = $folderName; } else { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $newFolderName = $parent . $HierarchyDelimiter . $folderName; } if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->createMailbox($newFolderName) ) ) { return false; } if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->subscribeMailbox($newFolderName) ) ) { return false; } return $newFolderName; } function createIMAPFilter($_folder, $_criterias) { if(!is_array($_criterias)) { return 'ALL'; } # error_log(print_r($_criterias, true)); $imapFilter = ''; #foreach($_criterias as $criteria => $parameter) { if(!empty($_criterias['string'])) { $criteria = strtoupper($_criterias['type']); switch ($criteria) { case 'QUICK': if($this->isSentFolder($_folder)) { $imapFilter .= 'OR SUBJECT "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" TO "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; } else { $imapFilter .= 'OR SUBJECT "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" FROM "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; } break; case 'BCC': case 'BODY': case 'CC': case 'FROM': case 'KEYWORD': case 'SUBJECT': case 'TEXT': case 'TO': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; break; } } #foreach($_criterias as $criteria => $parameter) { $criteria = strtoupper($_criterias['status']); switch ($criteria) { case 'ANSWERED': case 'DELETED': case 'FLAGGED': case 'NEW': case 'OLD': case 'RECENT': case 'SEEN': case 'UNANSWERED': case 'UNDELETED': case 'UNFLAGGED': case 'UNSEEN': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' '; break; case 'BEFORE': case 'ON': case 'SINCE': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' "'. date() .'" '; break; } #} # error_log("Filter: $imapFilter"); if($imapFilter == '') { return 'ALL'; } else { return trim($imapFilter); #return 'CHARSET '. strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) .' '. trim($imapFilter); } } /** * convert a mailboxname from displaycharset to urf7-imap * * @param string _folderName the foldername * * @returns string the converted foldername */ function decodeFolderName($_folderName) { return self::$botranslation->convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } function decodeMimePart($_mimeMessage, $_encoding, $_charset = '') { // decode the part if (self::$debug) error_log("bofelamimail::decodeMimePart: ".print_r($_mimeMessage,true)); switch ($_encoding) { case 'BASE64': // use imap_base64 to decode return imap_base64($_mimeMessage); break; case 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE': // use imap_qprint to decode return quoted_printable_decode($_mimeMessage); break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it return $_mimeMessage; break; } } function decode_header($_string) { if(function_exists(imap_mime_header_decode)) { $newString = ''; $string = preg_replace('/\?=\s+=\?/', '?= =?', $_string); $elements=imap_mime_header_decode($string); foreach((array)$elements as $element) { if ($element->charset == 'default') $element->charset = 'iso-8859-1'; $newString .= self::$botranslation->convert($element->text,$element->charset); } return preg_replace('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/','',$newString); } elseif(function_exists(mb_decode_mimeheader)) { $string = $_string; if(preg_match_all('/=\?.*\?Q\?.*\?=/iU', $string, $matches)) { foreach($matches[0] as $match) { $fixedMatch = str_replace('_', ' ', $match); $string = str_replace($match, $fixedMatch, $string); } $string = str_replace('=?ISO8859-','=?ISO-8859-',$string); $string = str_replace('=?windows-1258','=?ISO-8859-1',$string); } $string = mb_decode_mimeheader($string); return preg_replace('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/','',$string); } elseif(function_exists(iconv_mime_decode)) { // continue decoding also if an error occurs $string = @iconv_mime_decode($_string, 2, self::$displayCharset); return preg_replace('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/','',$string); } // no decoding function available return preg_replace('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/','',$_string); } function decode_subject($_string) { #$string = $_string; $_string = self::decode_header($_string); if($_string=='NIL') { $_string = 'No Subject'; } return $_string; } /** * decodes winmail.dat attachments * * @param int $_uid * @param string $_partID * @param int $_filenumber * @return array */ function decode_winmail( $_uid, $_partID, $_filenumber=0 ) { $attachment = $this->getAttachment( $_uid, $_partID ); $dir = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']."/fmail_winmail/$_uid"; $mime = CreateObject('phpgwapi.mime_magic'); if ( $attachment['type'] == 'APPLICATION/MS-TNEF' && $attachment['filename'] == 'winmail.dat' ) { // decode winmail.dat if ( !file_exists( "$dir/winmail.dat" ) ) { mkdir( $dir, 0700, true ); file_put_contents( "$dir/winmail.dat", $attachment['attachment'] ); exec( "cd $dir && ytnef -f . winmail.dat" ); } // list contents $files = scandir( $dir ); foreach ( $files as $num => $file ) { if ( filetype( "$dir/$file" ) != 'file' || $file == 'winmail.dat' ) continue; if ( $_filenumber > 0 && $_filenumber != $num ) continue; $type = $mime->filename2mime($file); $attachments[] = array( 'is_winmail' => $num, 'name' => $file, 'size' => filesize( "$dir/$file"), 'partID' => $_partID, 'mimeType' => $type, 'type' => $type, 'attachment' => $_filenumber > 0 ? file_get_contents("$dir/$file") : '', ); unlink($dir."/".$file); } if (file_exists($dir."/winmail.dat")) unlink($dir."/winmail.dat"); if (file_exists($dir)) rmdir($dir); return $_filenumber > 0 ? $attachments[0] : $attachments; } return false; } function deleteAccount($_hookValues) { $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { $icServer->deleteAccount($_hookValues); } $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer(0); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->deleteAccount($_hookValues); } } /** * delete a existing folder * * @param string _folderName the name of the folder to be deleted * * @returns bool true on success, false on failure */ function deleteFolder($_folderName) { $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); $this->icServer->unsubscribeMailbox($folderName); if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMailbox($folderName)) ) { return false; } return true; } function deleteMessages($_messageUID, $_folder=NULL) { $msglist = ''; $oldMailbox = ''; if (is_null($_folder) || empty($_folder)) $_folder = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; if(!is_array($_messageUID) || count($_messageUID) === 0) { return false; } $deleteOptions = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']; $draftFolder = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['draftFolder']; $templateFolder = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['templateFolder']; if(($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") || ($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $draftFolder)) { $deleteOptions = "remove_immediately"; } if($this->icServer->getCurrentMailbox() != $_folder) { $oldMailbox = $this->icServer->getCurrentMailbox(); $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_folder); } switch($deleteOptions) { case "move_to_trash": if(!empty($trashFolder)) { #error_log(implode(' : ', $_messageUID)); #error_log("$trashFolder <= ". $this->sessionData['mailbox']); // copy messages if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->copyMessages($trashFolder, $_messageUID, $_folder, true)) ) { return false; } // mark messages as deleted if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true))) { return false; } // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); } break; case "mark_as_deleted": // mark messages as deleted if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true))) { return false; } break; case "remove_immediately": // mark messages as deleted if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true))) { return false; } // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); break; } if($oldMailbox != '') { $this->icServer->selectMailbox($oldMailbox); } return true; } /** * convert a mailboxname from utf7-imap to displaycharset * * @param string _folderName the foldername * * @returns string the converted string */ function encodeFolderName($_folderName) { return self::$botranslation->convert($_folderName, 'UTF7-IMAP', self::$displayCharset); } # function encodeHeader($_string, $_encoding='q') # { # switch($_encoding) { # case "q": # if(!preg_match("/[\x80-\xFF]/",$_string)) { # // nothing to quote, only 7 bit ascii # return $_string; # } # # $string = imap_8bit($_string); # $stringParts = explode("=\r\n",$string); # while(list($key,$value) = each($stringParts)) { # if(!empty($retString)) $retString .= " "; # $value = str_replace(" ","_",$value); # // imap_8bit does not convert "?" # // it does not need, but it should # $value = str_replace("?","=3F",$value); # $retString .= "=?".strtoupper(self::$displayCharset). "?Q?". $value. "?="; # } # #exit; # return $retString; # break; # default: # return $_string; # } # } function getFlags ($_messageUID) { $flags = $this->icServer->getFlags($_messageUID, true); if (PEAR::isError($flags)) { return null; } return $flags; } function getNotifyFlags ($_messageUID) { $flags = $this->icServer->getFlags($_messageUID, true); if (PEAR::isError($flags)) { return null; } if ( in_array('MDNSent',$flags[0]) ) return true; if ( in_array('MDNnotSent',$flags[0]) ) return false; return null; } function flagMessages($_flag, $_messageUID) { #error_log("felamimail::bocompose::flagMessages"); if(!is_array($_messageUID)) { #return false; $_messageUID=array($_messageUID); } $this->icServer->selectMailbox($this->sessionData['mailbox']); switch($_flag) { case "flagged": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Flagged', 'add', true); break; case "read": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Seen', 'add', true); break; case "forwarded": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '$Forwarded', 'add', true); case "answered": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Answered', 'add', true); break; case "unflagged": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Flagged', 'remove', true); break; case "unread": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Seen', 'remove', true); $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Answered', 'remove', true); $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '$Forwarded', 'remove', true); break; case "mdnsent": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, 'MDNSent', 'add', true); break; case "mdnnotsent": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, 'MDNnotSent', 'add', true); break; } $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$this->sessionData['mailbox']]['uidValidity'] = 0; $this->saveSessionData(); } function _getSubStructure($_structure, $_partID) { $tempID = ''; $structure = $_structure; if (empty($_partID)) $_partID=1; $imapPartIDs = explode('.',$_partID); #error_log(print_r($structure,true)); #error_log(print_r($_partID,true)); if($_partID != 1) { foreach($imapPartIDs as $imapPartID) { if(!empty($tempID)) { $tempID .= '.'; } $tempID .= $imapPartID; #error_log(print_r( "TEMPID: $tempID
",true)); //_debug_array($structure); if($structure->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MESSAGE' && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RFC822' && count($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts) == 1 && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'MIXED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RELATED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'REPORT')) { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]; } else { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]; } } } if($structure->partID != $_partID) { foreach($imapPartIDs as $imapPartID) { if(!empty($tempID)) { $tempID .= '.'; } $tempID .= $imapPartID; //print "TEMPID: $tempID
"; //_debug_array($structure); if($structure->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MESSAGE' && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RFC822' && count($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts) == 1 && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'MIXED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RELATED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'REPORT')) { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]; } else { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]; } } if($structure->partID != $_partID) { error_log("bofelamimail::_getSubStructure(". __LINE__ .") partID's don't match"); return false; } } return $structure; } /* * strip tags out of the message completely with their content * param $_body is the text to be processed * param $tag is the tagname which is to be removed. Note, that only the name of the tag is to be passed to the function * without the enclosing brackets * param $endtag can be different from tag but should be used only, if begin and endtag are known to be different e.g.: */ static function replaceTagsCompletley(&$_body,$tag,$endtag='') { if (self::$debug) error_log("bofelamimail:replaceTagsCompletley $tag/$endtag: $_body"); if ($tag) $tag = strtolower($tag); if ($endtag == '' || empty($endtag) || !isset($endtag)) { $endtag = $tag; } else { $endtag = strtolower($endtag); } // strip tags out of the message completely with their content $taglen=strlen($tag); $endtaglen=strlen($endtag); if ($_body) { $_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>(.*)~sim','',$_body); // remove left over tags, unfinished ones, and so on $_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>~si','',$_body); } } static function getCleanHTML(&$_html) { #echo $_html;exit; $kses = new kses(); $kses->AddProtocol('cid'); // since check protocoll is called for every value associated to an attribute we have to add color and background-color to the valid protocolls $kses->AddProtocol('color'); $kses->AddProtocol('font-size'); $kses->AddProtocol('background-color'); #$kses->AddHTML('html', array( # 'xmlns' => array(), # 'lang' => array(), # ) #); #$kses->AddHTML('head'); #$kses->AddHTML('body', array( # 'class' => array(), # 'id' => array(), # ) #); #$kses->AddHTML('meta', array( # 'http-equiv' => array(), # 'content' => array(), # ) #); #$kses->AddHTML('link',array( # 'rel' => array(), // ="stylesheet" # 'type' => array(), //="text/css" # 'href' => array(), # 'media' => array(), # ) #); $kses->AddHTML( 'p', array( 'align' => array('minlen' => 1, 'maxlen' => 10) ) ); $kses->AddHTML("tbody"); $kses->AddHTML("thead"); $kses->AddHTML("tt"); $kses->AddHTML("br"); $kses->AddHTML("b"); $kses->AddHTML("u"); $kses->AddHTML("s"); $kses->AddHTML("i"); $kses->AddHTML('em'); $kses->AddHTML("strong"); $kses->AddHTML("strike"); $kses->AddHTML("center"); $kses->AddHTML( "font",array( "color" => array('maxlen' => 20), "size"=>array('maxlen'=>2) ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "hr",array( "class" => array('maxlen' => 20), "style" => array('minlen' => 1), ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "div",array( # 'class' => array(), 'align' => array('maxlen' => 10) ) ); $kses->AddHTML("ul"); $kses->AddHTML( "ol",array( "type" => array('maxlen' => 20) ) ); $kses->AddHTML("li"); $kses->AddHTML("h1"); $kses->AddHTML("h2"); $kses->AddHTML("h3"); $kses->AddHTML( "style",array( "type" => array('maxlen' => 20), "color" => array('maxlen' => 20), "background-color" => array('maxlen' => 20) ) ); $kses->AddHTML("select"); $kses->AddHTML( "option",array( "value" => array('maxlen' => 45), "selected" => array() ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "a", array( "href" => array('maxlen' => 348, 'minlen' => 10), "name" => array('minlen' => 2), 'target' => array('maxlen' => 10) ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "pre", array( "wrap" => array('maxlen' => 10) ) ); // Allows 'td' tag with colspan|rowspan|class|style|width|nowrap attributes, // colspan has minval of 2 and maxval of 5 // rowspan has minval of 3 and maxval of 6 // class has minlen of 1 char and maxlen of 10 chars // style has minlen of 10 chars and maxlen of 100 chars // width has maxval of 100 // nowrap is valueless $kses->AddHTML( "table",array( "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "border" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 10), "cellpadding" => array("minlen" => 0, 'maxlen' => 10), "cellspacing" => array("minlen" => 0, 'maxlen' => 10), "width" => array("maxlen" => 5), "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100), "bgcolor" => array('maxlen' => 10), "align" => array('maxlen' => 10), "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10), "bordercolor" => array('maxlen' => 10) ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "tr",array( "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5), "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6), "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "width" => array("maxlen" => 5), "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100), "align" => array('maxlen' => 10), 'bgcolor' => array('maxlen' => 10), "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10), "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y') ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "td",array( "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5), "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6), "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "width" => array("maxlen" => 5), "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100), "align" => array('maxlen' => 10), 'bgcolor' => array('maxlen' => 10), "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10), "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y') ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "th",array( "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5), "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6), "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "width" => array("maxlen" => 5), "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100), "align" => array('maxlen' => 10), "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10), "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y') ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "span",array( "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "style" => array('minlen' => 5, 'maxlen' => 100) ) ); $kses->AddHTML( "blockquote",array( "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20), "style" => array("minlen" => 1), "cite" => array('maxlen' => 30), "type" => array('maxlen' => 10), "dir" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 10) ) ); $kses->AddHTML( 'img',array( "src" => array("minlen" => 4, 'maxlen' => 384, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['allowExternalIMGs'] ? '' : 'match' => '/^cid:.*/'), "align" => array("minlen" => 1), "border" => array('maxlen' => 30), ) ); // no scripts allowed // clean out comments $search = array('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $_html = preg_replace($search,"",$_html); // do the kses clean out first, to avoid general problems with content later on $_html = $kses->Parse($_html); // clean out empty or pagewide style definitions / left over tags self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'style'); // remove non printable chars $_html = preg_replace('/([\000-\012])/','',$_html); } /** * replace emailaddresses eclosed in <> (eg.: ) with the emailaddress only (e.g: * always returns 1 */ static function replaceEmailAdresses(&$text) { // replace emailaddresses eclosed in <> (eg.: ) with the emailaddress only (e.g: $text = preg_replace("/(<|<)(([\w\.,-.,_.,0-9.]+)(@)([\w\.,-.,_.,0-9.]+))(>|>)/ie","'$2'", $text); return 1; } static function convertHTMLToText($_html,$stripcrl=false) { #error_log($_html); #print '
'; #print "
"; print htmlspecialchars($_html); 
			#print "
"; #print "
"; self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'style'); $Rules = array ('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@&(quot|#34);@i', // Replace HTML entities '@&(amp|#38);@i', // Ampersand & '@&(lt|#60);@i', // Less Than < '@&(gt|#62);@i', // Greater Than > '@&(nbsp|#160);@i', // Non Breaking Space '@&(iexcl|#161);@i', // Inverted Exclamation point '@&(cent|#162);@i', // Cent '@&(pound|#163);@i', // Pound '@&(copy|#169);@i', // Copyright '@&(reg|#174);@i', // Registered ); $Replace = array ('', '"', '+', '<', '>', ' ', chr(161), chr(162), chr(163), chr(169), chr(174), ); $_html = preg_replace($Rules, $Replace, $_html); // removing carriage return linefeeds if ($stripcrl === true ) $_html = preg_replace('@(\r\n)@i',' ',$_html); $tags = array ( 0 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 1 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 2 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 3 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 4 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 5 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 6 => '~]*>~si', 7 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 8 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 9 => '~]*>\r*\n*~si', 10 => '/
/', ); $Replace = array ( 0 => "\r\n", 1 => "\r\n", 2 => "\r\n", 3 => "\r\n", 4 => "\r\n", 5 => "\r\n", 6 => "\r\n", 7 => "\r\n", 8 => "\r\n", 9 => "\r\n__________________________________________________\r\n", 10 => '#blockquote#type#cite#', ); $_html = preg_replace($tags,$Replace,$_html); $_html = preg_replace('~\s*]*>~si',' - ',$_html); $_html = preg_replace('~]+>~s','',$_html); //convert hrefs to description -> URL $_html = preg_replace('~]+href=\"([^"]+)\"[^>]*>(.*)~si','[$2 -> $1]',$_html); $_html = preg_replace('~<[^>^@]+>~s','',$_html); #$_html = strip_tags($_html); // reducing spaces $_html = preg_replace('~ +~s',' ',$_html); // we dont reduce whitespace at the start or the end of the line, since its used for structuring the document #$_html = preg_replace('~^\s+~m','',$_html); #$_html = preg_replace('~\s+$~m','',$_html); // restoring the preserved blockquote $_html = preg_replace('~#blockquote#type#cite#~s','
',$_html); $_html = html_entity_decode($_html, ENT_COMPAT, self::$displayCharset); // replace emailaddresses eclosed in <> (eg.: ) with the emailaddress only (e.g: self::replaceEmailAdresses($_html); #error_log($text); $pos = strpos($_html, 'blockquote'); #error_log("convert HTML2Text"); if($pos === false) { return $_html; } else { $indent = 0; $indentString = ''; $quoteParts = preg_split('/
/', $_html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach($quoteParts as $quotePart) { if($quotePart[1] > 0) { $indent++; $indentString .= '>'; } $quoteParts2 = preg_split('/<\/blockquote>/', $quotePart[0], -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach($quoteParts2 as $quotePart2) { if($quotePart2[1] > 0) { $indent--; $indentString = substr($indentString, 0, $indent); } $quoteParts3 = explode("\r\n", $quotePart2[0]); foreach($quoteParts3 as $quotePart3) { $allowedLength = 76-strlen("\r\n$indentString"); if (strlen($quotePart3) > $allowedLength) { $s=explode(" ", $quotePart3); $quotePart3 = ""; $linecnt = 0; foreach ($s as $k=>$v) { $cnt = strlen($v); // only break long words within the wordboundaries, if($cnt > $allowedLength) { $v=wordwrap($v, $allowedLength, "\r\n$indentString", true); } // the rest should be broken at the start of the new word that exceeds the limit if ($linecnt+$cnt > $allowedLength) { $v="\r\n$indentString$v"; $linecnt = 0; } else { $linecnt += $cnt; } if (strlen($v)) $quotePart3 .= (strlen($quotePart3) ? " " : "").$v; } } $asciiTextBuff[] = $indentString . $quotePart3 ; } } } return implode("\r\n",$asciiTextBuff); } } /** * retrieve a attachment * * @param int _uid the uid of the message * @param string _partID the id of the part, which holds the attachment * @param int _winmail_nr winmail.dat attachment nr. * * @returns array */ function getAttachment($_uid, $_partID, $_winmail_nr=0) { // parse message structure $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); if($_partID != '') { $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID); } $filename = self::getFileNameFromStructure($structure); $attachment = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $_partID, true); switch ($structure->encoding) { case 'BASE64': // use imap_base64 to decode $attachment = imap_base64($attachment); break; case 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE': // use imap_qprint to decode #$attachment = imap_qprint($attachment); $attachment = quoted_printable_decode($attachment); break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it } $attachmentData = array( 'type' => $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType, 'filename' => $filename, 'attachment' => $attachment ); # if the attachment holds a winmail number and is a winmail.dat then we have to handle that. if ( $filename == 'winmail.dat' && $_winmail_nr > 0 && ( $wmattach = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $_partID, $_winmail_nr ) ) ) { $attachmentData = array( 'type' => $wmattach['type'], 'filename' => $wmattach['name'], 'attachment' => $wmattach['attachment'], ); } return $attachmentData; } // this function is based on a on "Building A PHP-Based Mail Client" // // fetch a specific attachment from a message function getAttachmentByCID($_uid, $_cid, $_part) { $partID = false; #error_log("getAttachmentByCID:$_uid, $_cid, $_part"); $attachments = $this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, $_part); foreach($attachments as $attachment) { #error_log(print_r($attachment,true)); if(strpos($attachment['cid'], $_cid) !== false || strpos($cid, $attachment['cid']) !== false) { $partID = $attachment['partID']; break; } } #error_log( "PARTID:$_cid $partID
"); #exit; if($partID == false) { return false; } // parse message structure $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $partID); $filename = self::getFileNameFromStructure($structure); $attachment = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $partID, true); switch ($structure->encoding) { case 'BASE64': // use imap_base64 to decode $attachment = imap_base64($attachment); break; case 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE': // use imap_qprint to decode #$attachment = imap_qprint($attachment); $attachment = quoted_printable_decode($attachment); break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it } $attachmentData = array( 'type' => $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType, 'filename' => $filename, 'attachment' => $attachment ); return $attachmentData; } function getEMailProfile() { $config =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $felamimailConfig = $config->config_data; #_debug_array($felamimailConfig); if(!isset($felamimailConfig['profileID'])){ return -1; } else { return intval($felamimailConfig['profileID']); } } function getErrorMessage() { return $this->icServer->_connectionErrorObject->message; } /** * get IMAP folder status * * returns an array information about the imap folder * * @param _folderName string the foldername * * @returns array */ function getFolderStatus($_folderName) { $retValue = array(); $retValue['subscribed'] = false; if(!$icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0)) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? $folderInfo = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('', $_folderName, true); if(is_a($folderInfo, 'PEAR_Error') || !is_array($folderInfo[0])) { return false; } #if(!is_array($folderInfo[0])) { # return false; #} $subscribedFolders = $this->icServer->listsubscribedMailboxes('', $_folderName); if(is_array($subscribedFolders) && count($subscribedFolders) == 1) { $retValue['subscribed'] = true; } $retValue['delimiter'] = $folderInfo[0]['HIERACHY_DELIMITER']; $retValue['attributes'] = $folderInfo[0]['ATTRIBUTES']; $shortNameParts = explode($retValue['delimiter'], $_folderName); $retValue['shortName'] = array_pop($shortNameParts); $retValue['displayName'] = $this->encodeFolderName($_folderName); $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = $this->encodeFolderName($retValue['shortName']); if(strtoupper($retValue['shortName']) == 'INBOX') { $retValue['displayName'] = lang('INBOX'); $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = lang('INBOX'); } // translate the automatic Folders (Sent, Drafts, ...) like the INBOX elseif (in_array($retValue['shortName'],$this->autoFolders)) { $retValue['displayName'] = $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = lang($retValue['shortName']); } if ( PEAR::isError($folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus($_folderName)) ) { //_debug_array($folderStatus); } else { $retValue['messages'] = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $retValue['recent'] = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $retValue['uidnext'] = $folderStatus['UIDNEXT']; $retValue['uidvalidity'] = $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; $retValue['unseen'] = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; } return $retValue; } /** * get IMAP folder objects * * returns an array of IMAP folder objects. Put INBOX folder in first * position. Preserves the folder seperator for later use. The returned * array is indexed using the foldername. * * @param _subscribedOnly boolean get subscribed or all folders * @param _getCounters boolean get get messages counters * * @returns array with folder objects. eg.: INBOX => {inbox object} */ function getFolderObjects($_subscribedOnly=false, $_getCounters=false) { $isUWIMAP = false; $delimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $inboxData = new stdClass; $inboxData->name = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->folderName = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->displayName = lang('INBOX'); $inboxData->delimiter = $delimiter; $inboxData->shortFolderName = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->shortDisplayName = lang('INBOX'); $inboxData->subscribed = true; if($_getCounters == true) { $folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus('INBOX'); $status = new stdClass; $status->messages = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $status->unseen = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; $status->recent = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $inboxData->counter = $status; } #$inboxData->attributes = 64; $folders = array('INBOX' => $inboxData); #_debug_array($folders); $nameSpace = $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); #_debug_array($nameSpace); if(isset($nameSpace['#mh/'])) { // removed the uwimap code // but we need to reintroduce him later // uw imap does not return the attribute of a folder, when requesting subscribed folders only // dovecot has the same problem too } else { if (is_array($nameSpace)) { foreach($nameSpace as $type => $singleNameSpace) { if($type == 'personal' && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('Mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = 'Mail'; } elseif($type == 'personal' && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = 'mail'; } else { $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = $singleNameSpace[0]['name']; } $foldersNameSpace[$type]['delimiter'] = $delimiter; if(is_array($singleNameSpace[0])) { // fetch and sort the subscribed folders $subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listsubscribedMailboxes($foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix']); if( PEAR::isError($subscribedMailboxes) ) { continue; } $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'] = $subscribedMailboxes; if (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'])) sort($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']); // fetch and sort all folders $allMailboxes = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix']); if( PEAR::isError($allMailboxes) ) { continue; } $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'] = $allMailboxes; if (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) sort($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']); } } } // check for autocreated folders if(isset($foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix'])) { $personalPrefix = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix']; $personalDelimiter = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['delimiter']; if(!empty($personalPrefix)) { if(substr($personalPrefix, -1) != $personalDelimiter) { $folderPrefix = $personalPrefix . $personalDelimiter; } else { $folderPrefix = $personalPrefix; } } if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'] && !empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'])) { $foldersToCheck = array_diff($this->autoFolders,explode(',',$this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'])); } else { $foldersToCheck = $this->autoFolders; } #_debug_array($foldersToCheck); foreach($foldersToCheck as $personalFolderName) { $folderName = (!empty($personalPrefix)) ? $folderPrefix.$personalFolderName : $personalFolderName; if(!is_array($foldersNameSpace['personal']['all']) || !in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'])) { $createfolder = true; switch($folderName) { case 'Drafts': // => Entwürfe if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Junk': //] => Spammails if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['junkFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['junkFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Sent': //] => Gesendet if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Trash': //] => Papierkorb if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Templates': //] => Vorlagen if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; } if($createfolder === true && $this->createFolder('', $folderName, true)) { $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'][] = $folderName; $foldersNameSpace['personal']['subscribed'][] = $folderName; } else { # print "FOLDERNAME failed: $folderName
"; } } } } } foreach( array('personal', 'others', 'shared') as $type) { if(isset($foldersNameSpace[$type])) { if($_subscribedOnly) { if( !PEAR::isError($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']) ) $listOfFolders = $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']; } else { if( !PEAR::isError($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) $listOfFolders = $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']; } foreach((array)$listOfFolders as $folderName) { if($_subscribedOnly && !in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) { continue; } $folderParts = explode($delimiter, $folderName); $shortName = array_pop($folderParts); $folderObject = new stdClass; $folderObject->delimiter = $delimiter; $folderObject->folderName = $folderName; $folderObject->shortFolderName = $shortName; if(!$_subscribedOnly) { $folderObject->subscribed = in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']); } if($_getCounters == true) { $folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus($folderName); if(is_array($folderStatus)) { $status = new stdClass; $status->messages = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $status->unseen = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; $status->recent = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $folderObject->counter = $status; } } if(strtoupper($folderName) == 'INBOX') { $folderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->folderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->shortFolderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->displayName = lang('INBOX'); $folderObject->shortDisplayName = lang('INBOX'); $folderObject->subscribed = true; // translate the automatic Folders (Sent, Drafts, ...) like the INBOX } elseif (in_array($shortName,$this->autoFolders)) { $folderObject->displayName = $folderObject->shortDisplayName = lang($shortName); } else { $folderObject->displayName = $this->encodeFolderName($folderObject->folderName); $folderObject->shortDisplayName = $this->encodeFolderName($shortName); } $folderName = $folderName; $folders[$folderName] = $folderObject; } } } #_debug_array($folders); exit; return $folders; } function getMimePartCharset($_mimePartObject) { $charSet = 'iso-8859-1'; if(is_array($_mimePartObject->parameters)) { if(isset($_mimePartObject->parameters['CHARSET'])) { $charSet = $_mimePartObject->parameters['CHARSET']; } } return $charSet; } function getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode) { // a multipart/alternative has exactly 2 parts (text and html OR text and something else) $partText = false; $partHTML = false; foreach($_structure as $mimePart) { if($mimePart->type == 'TEXT' && $mimePart->subType == 'PLAIN' && $mimePart->bytes > 0) { $partText = $mimePart; } elseif($mimePart->type == 'TEXT' && $mimePart->subType == 'HTML' && $mimePart->bytes > 0) { $partHTML = $mimePart; } elseif ($mimePart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $mimePart->subType == 'RELATED' && is_array($mimePart->subParts)) { // in a multipart alternative we treat the multipart/related as html part #$partHTML = array($mimePart); error_log(__METHOD__." process MULTIPART/RELATED with array as subparts"); $partHTML = $mimePart; } } switch($_htmlMode) { case 'always_display': if(is_object($partHTML)) { if($partHTML->subType == 'RELATED') { return $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $partHTML, 'always_display'); } else { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partHTML, 'always_display'); } } elseif(is_object($partText)) { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText); } break; case 'only_if_no_text': if(is_object($partText)) { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText); } elseif(is_object($partHTML)) { if($partHTML->type) { return $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $partHTML, $_htmlMode); } else { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partHTML, 'always_display'); } } break; default: if(is_object($partText)) { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText); } else { $bodyPart = array( 'body' => lang("no plain text part found"), 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); } break; } return $bodyPart; } function getMultipartMixed($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode) { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_htmlMode
"; $bodyPart = array(); if (self::$debug) _debug_array($_structure); if (!is_array($_structure)) $_structure = array($_structure); foreach($_structure as $part) { if (self::$debug) echo $part->type."/".$part->subType."
"; switch($part->type) { case 'MULTIPART': switch($part->subType) { case 'ALTERNATIVE': $bodyPart[] = $this->getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode); break; case 'MIXED': case 'SIGNED': $bodyPart = array_merge($bodyPart, $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode)); break; case 'RELATED': $bodyPart = array_merge($bodyPart, $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode)); break; } break; case 'TEXT': switch($part->subType) { case 'PLAIN': case 'HTML': if($part->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT') { $bodyPart[] = $this->getTextPart($_uid, $part, $_htmlMode); } break; } break; case 'MESSAGE': if($part->subType == 'delivery-status') { $bodyPart[] = $this->getTextPart($_uid, $part); } break; default: // do nothing // the part is a attachment #$bodyPart[] = $this->getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlMode, $part->partID, $part); #if (!($part->type == 'TEXT' && ($part->subType == 'PLAIN' || $part->subType == 'HTML'))) { # $bodyPart[] = $this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, $part->partID, $part); #} } } return $bodyPart; } function getMultipartRelated($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode) { return $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode); } function getTextPart($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode = '') { $bodyPart = array(); #_debug_array($_structure); $partID = $_structure->partID; $mimePartBody = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $partID, true); #_debug_array($mimePartBody); #_debug_array(preg_replace('/PropertyFile___$/','',$this->decodeMimePart($mimePartBody, $_structure->encoding))); if($_structure->subType == 'HTML' && $_htmlMode != 'always_display' && $_htmlMode != 'only_if_no_text') { $bodyPart = array( 'body' => lang("displaying html messages is disabled"), 'mimeType' => 'text/html', 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); } else { // some Servers append PropertyFile___ ; strip that here for display $bodyPart = array( 'body' => preg_replace('/PropertyFile___$/','',$this->decodeMimePart($mimePartBody, $_structure->encoding, $this->getMimePartCharset($_structure))), 'mimeType' => ($_structure->type == 'TEXT' && $_structure->subType == 'HTML') ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain', 'charSet' => $this->getMimePartCharset($_structure), ); } return $bodyPart; } function getNameSpace($_icServer) { $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); } function getHierarchyDelimiter() { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->icServer->getHierarchyDelimiter(); if (PEAR::isError($HierarchyDelimiter)) $HierarchyDelimiter = '/'; return $HierarchyDelimiter; } /** * fetches a sorted list of messages from the imap server * private function * * @todo implement sort based on Net_IMAP * @param string $_folderName the name of the folder in which the messages get searched * @param integer $_sort the primary sort key * @param bool $_reverse sort the messages ascending or descending * @param array $_filter the search filter * @return bool */ function getSortedList($_folderName, $_sort, $_reverse, $_filter) { if(PEAR::isError($folderStatus = $this->icServer->examineMailbox($_folderName))) { return false; } if(is_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]) && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['uidValidity'] === $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['messages'] === $folderStatus['EXISTS'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['uidnext'] === $folderStatus['UIDNEXT'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['filter'] === $_filter && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['sort'] === $_sort ) { #error_log("USE CACHE"); $sortResult = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['sortResult']; } else { #error_log("USE NO CACHE"); $filter = $this->createIMAPFilter($_folderName, $_filter); if($this->icServer->hasCapability('SORT')) { $sortOrder = $this->_getSortString($_sort); if (!empty(self::$displayCharset)) { $sortResult = $this->icServer->sort($sortOrder, strtoupper( self::$displayCharset ), $filter, true); } if (PEAR::isError($sortResult) || empty(self::$displayCharset)) { $sortResult = $this->icServer->sort($sortOrder, 'US-ASCII', $filter, true); } } else { $advFilter = 'CHARSET '. strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) .' '.$filter; $sortResult = $this->icServer->search($advFilter, true); if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) $sortResult = $this->icServer->search($filter, true); if(is_array($sortResult)) { sort($sortResult, SORT_NUMERIC); } } $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['uidValidity'] = $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['messages'] = $folderStatus['EXISTS']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['uidnext'] = $folderStatus['UIDNEXT']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['filter'] = $_filter; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['sortResult'] = $sortResult; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['sort'] = $_sort; } $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['reverse'] = $_reverse; $this->saveSessionData(); return $sortResult; } function getMessageEnvelope($_uid, $_partID = '') { if($_partID == '') { if( PEAR::isError($envelope = $this->icServer->getEnvelope('', $_uid, true)) ) { return false; } return $envelope[0]; } else { if( PEAR::isError($headers = $this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $_partID, true)) ) { return false; } #_debug_array($headers); $newData = array( 'DATE' => $headers['DATE'], 'SUBJECT' => $headers['SUBJECT'], 'MESSAGE_ID' => $headers['MESSAGE-ID'] ); $recepientList = array('FROM', 'TO', 'CC', 'BCC', 'SENDER', 'REPLY_TO'); foreach($recepientList as $recepientType) { if(isset($headers[$recepientType])) { $addresses = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($headers[$recepientType], ''); foreach($addresses as $singleAddress) { $addressData = array( 'PERSONAL_NAME' => $singleAddress->personal ? $singleAddress->personal : 'NIL', 'AT_DOMAIN_LIST' => $singleAddress->adl ? $singleAddress->adl : 'NIL', 'MAILBOX_NAME' => $singleAddress->mailbox ? $singleAddress->mailbox : 'NIL', 'HOST_NAME' => $singleAddress->host ? $singleAddress->host : 'NIL', 'EMAIL' => $singleAddress->host ? $singleAddress->mailbox.'@'.$singleAddress->host : $singleAddress->mailbox, ); if($addressData['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $addressData['RFC822_EMAIL'] = imap_rfc822_write_address($singleAddress->mailbox, $singleAddress->host, $singleAddress->personal); } else { $addressData['RFC822_EMAIL'] = 'NIL'; } $newData[$recepientType][] = $addressData; } } else { if($recepientType == 'SENDER' || $recepientType == 'REPLY_TO') { $newData[$recepientType] = $newData['FROM']; } else { $newData[$recepientType] = array(); } } } #_debug_array($newData); return $newData; } } function getHeaders($_folderName, $_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort, $_reverse, $_filter) { $reverse = (bool)$_reverse; // get the list of messages to fetch $this->reopen($_folderName); //$this->icServer->selectMailbox($_folderName); #print "

			$sortResult = $this->getSortedList($_folderName, $_sort, $_reverse, $_filter);

			#print "
"; // nothing found if(!is_array($sortResult) || empty($sortResult)) { $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } $total = count($sortResult); #_debug_array($sortResult); #_debug_array(array_slice($sortResult, -5, -2)); #error_log("REVERSE: $reverse"); if($reverse === true) { $startMessage = $_startMessage-1; if($startMessage > 0) { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, -($_numberOfMessages+$startMessage), -$startMessage); } else { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, -($_numberOfMessages+($_startMessage-1))); } $sortResult = array_reverse($sortResult); } else { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, $_startMessage-1, $_numberOfMessages); } $queryString = implode(',', $sortResult); // fetch the data for the selected messages $headersNew = $this->icServer->getSummary($queryString, true); $count = 0; foreach((array)$sortResult as $uid) { $sortOrder[$uid] = $count++; } $count = 0; if (is_array($headersNew)) { foreach((array)$headersNew as $headerObject) { #if($count == 0) _debug_array($headerObject); $uid = $headerObject['UID']; // make dates like "Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:11:06 UT" working with strtotime if(substr($headerObject['DATE'],-2) === 'UT') { $headerObject['DATE'] .= 'C'; } $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['subject'] = $this->decode_subject($headerObject['SUBJECT']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['size'] = $headerObject['SIZE']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['date'] = strtotime($headerObject['DATE']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mimetype'] = $headerObject['MIMETYPE']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['id'] = $headerObject['MSG_NUM']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['uid'] = $headerObject['UID']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['priority'] = ($headerObject['PRIORITY']?$headerObject['PRIORITY']:3); if (is_array($headerObject['FLAGS'])) { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['recent'] = in_array('\\Recent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['flagged'] = in_array('\\Flagged', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['answered'] = in_array('\\Answered', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['forwarded'] = in_array('$Forwarded', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['deleted'] = in_array('\\Deleted', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['seen'] = in_array('\\Seen', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['draft'] = in_array('\\Draft', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mdnsent'] = in_array('MDNSent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mdnnotsent'] = in_array('MDNnotSent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); } if(is_array($headerObject['FROM']) && is_array($headerObject['FROM'][0])) { if($headerObject['FROM'][0]['HOST_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_address'] = $headerObject['FROM'][0]['EMAIL']; } else { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_address'] = $headerObject['FROM'][0]['MAILBOX_NAME']; } if($headerObject['FROM'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_name'] = $this->decode_header($headerObject['FROM'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME']); } } if(is_array($headerObject['TO']) && is_array($headerObject['TO'][0])) { if($headerObject['TO'][0]['HOST_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_address'] = $headerObject['TO'][0]['EMAIL']; } else { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_address'] = $headerObject['TO'][0]['MAILBOX_NAME']; } if($headerObject['TO'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_name'] = $this->decode_header($headerObject['TO'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME']); } } $count++; } // sort the messages to the requested displayorder if(is_array($retValue['header'])) { ksort($retValue['header']); $retValue['info']['total'] = $total; $retValue['info']['first'] = $_startMessage; $retValue['info']['last'] = $_startMessage + $count - 1 ; return $retValue; } else { $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } } else { error_log("bofelamimail::getHeaders -> retrieval of Message Details failed: ".print_r($headersNew,TRUE)); $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } } function getNextMessage($_foldername, $_id) { #_debug_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult']); #_debug_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID]); #print "ID: $_id
"; $position=false; if (is_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'])) { $position = array_search($_id, $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult']); } #print "POS: $position
"; if($position !== false) { $retValue = array(); if($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['reverse'] == true) { #print "is reverse
"; if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1])) { $retValue['next'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1]; } if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1])) { $retValue['previous'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1]; } } else { #print "is not reverse"; if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1])) { $retValue['previous'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1]; } if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1])) { $retValue['next'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1]; } } return $retValue; } return false; } function getIMAPACL($_folderName, $user='') { if(($this->hasCapability('ACL'))) { if ( PEAR::isError($acl = $this->icServer->getACL($_folderName)) ) { return false; } if ($user=='') { return $acl; } foreach ($acl as $i => $userACL) { if ($userACL['USER'] == $user) { return $userACL['RIGHTS']; } } return ''; } return false; } /** * checks if the imap server supports a given capability * * @param string $_capability the name of the capability to check for * @return bool */ function hasCapability($_capability) { return $this->icServer->hasCapability(strtoupper($_capability)); } function getMailPreferences() { return $this->mailPreferences; } function getMessageAttachments($_uid, $_partID='', $_structure='') { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_partID
"; if(is_object($_structure)) { $structure = $_structure; } else { $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); if($_partID != '' && $_partID !=0) { $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID); } } if (self::$debug) _debug_array($structure); $attachments = array(); // this kind of messages contain only the attachment and no body if($structure->type == 'APPLICATION' || $structure->type == 'AUDIO' || $structure->type == 'IMAGE') { $newAttachment = array(); $newAttachment['size'] = $structure->bytes; $newAttachment['mimeType'] = $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType; $newAttachment['partID'] = $structure->partID; $newAttachment['encoding'] = $structure->encoding; if(isset($structure->cid)) { $newAttachment['cid'] = $structure->cid; } $newAttachment['name'] = self::getFileNameFromStructure($structure); # if the new attachment is a winmail.dat, we have to decode that first if ( $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' && ( $wmattachments = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $newAttachment['partID'] ) ) ) { $attachments = array_merge( $attachments, $wmattachments ); } else { $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } //$attachments[] = $newAttachment; #return $attachments; } // this kind of message can have no attachments if($structure->type == 'TEXT' || ($structure->type == 'MULTIPART' && $structure->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' && !is_array($structure->subParts)) || !is_array($structure->subParts)) { if (count($attachments) == 0) return array(); } #$attachments = array(); foreach($structure->subParts as $subPart) { // skip all non attachment parts if(($subPart->type == 'TEXT' && ($subPart->subType == 'PLAIN' || $subPart->subType == 'HTML') && $subPart->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT') || ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE') || ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'APPLEFILE') || ($subPart->type == 'MESSAGE' && $subPart->subType == 'delivery-status')) { if ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE') { $attachments = array_merge($this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, '', $subPart), $attachments); } continue; } // fetch the subparts for this part if($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($subPart->subType == 'RELATED' || $subPart->subType == 'MIXED' || $subPart->subType == 'SIGNED' || $subPart->subType == 'APPLEDOUBLE')) { $attachments = array_merge($this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, '', $subPart), $attachments); } else { $newAttachment = array(); $newAttachment['size'] = $subPart->bytes; $newAttachment['mimeType'] = $subPart->type .'/'. $subPart->subType; $newAttachment['partID'] = $subPart->partID; $newAttachment['encoding'] = $subPart->encoding; if(isset($subPart->cid)) { $newAttachment['cid'] = $subPart->cid; } $newAttachment['name'] = self::getFileNameFromStructure($subPart); # if the new attachment is a winmail.dat, we have to decode that first if ( $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' && ( $wmattachments = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $newAttachment['partID'] ) ) ) { $attachments = array_merge( $attachments, $wmattachments ); } else { $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } //$attachments[] = $newAttachment; } } //_debug_array($attachments); exit; return $attachments; } static function getFileNameFromStructure(&$structure) { if(isset($structure->parameters['NAME'])) { return self::decode_header($structure->parameters['NAME']); } elseif(isset($structure->dparameters['FILENAME'])) { return self::decode_header($structure->dparameters['FILENAME']); } elseif(isset($structure->dparameters['FILENAME*'])) { return self::decode_header($structure->dparameters['FILENAME*']); } elseif ( isset($structure->filename) && !empty($structure->filename) && $structure->filename != 'NIL') { return self::decode_header($structure->filename); } else { return lang("unknown").($structure->subType ? ".".$structure->subType : ""); } } function getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlOptions='', $_partID='', $_structure = '') { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_htmlOptions, $_partID
"; if($_htmlOptions != '') { $this->htmlOptions = $_htmlOptions; } if(is_object($_structure)) { $structure = $_structure; } else { $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); if($_partID != '') { $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID); } } if (self::$debug) _debug_array($structure); switch($structure->type) { case 'APPLICATION': return array( array( 'body' => '', 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => 'iso-8859-1', ) ); break; case 'MULTIPART': switch($structure->subType) { case 'ALTERNATIVE': return array($this->getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions)); break; case 'MIXED': case 'REPORT': case 'SIGNED': return $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions); break; case 'RELATED': return $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions); break; } break; case 'AUDIO': // some servers send audiofiles and imagesfiles directly, without any stuff surround it case 'IMAGE': // they are displayed as Attachment NOT INLINE return array( array( 'body' => '', 'mimeType' => $structure->subType, ), ); break; case 'TEXT': $bodyPart = array(); if (($structure->subType == 'HTML' || $structure->subType == 'PLAIN') && $structure->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT') { $bodyPart = array($this->getTextPart($_uid, $structure, $this->htmlOptions)); } return $bodyPart; break; case 'MESSAGE': switch($structure->subType) { case 'RFC822': $newStructure = array_shift($structure->subParts); return $this->getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlOptions, $newStructure->partID, $newStructure); break; } break; default: return array( array( 'body' => lang('The mimeparser can not parse this message.'), 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => 'iso-8859-1', ) ); break; } } function getMessageHeader($_uid, $_partID = '') { $retValue = $this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $_partID, true); return $retValue; } function getMessageRawBody($_uid, $_partID = '') { if($_partID != '') { $body = $this->icServer->getBody($_uid, true); } else { $body = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $_partID, true); } return $body; } function getMessageRawHeader($_uid, $_partID = '') { $retValue = $this->icServer->getRawHeaders($_uid, $_partID, true); return $retValue; } // return the qouta of the users INBOX function getQuotaRoot() { if(!$this->icServer->hasCapability('QUOTA')) { return false; } $quota = $this->icServer->getStorageQuotaRoot('INBOX'); if(is_array($quota)) { return array( 'usage' => $quota['USED'], 'limit' => $quota['QMAX'], ); } else { return false; } } # function imapGetQuota($_username) # { # $quota_value = @imap_get_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username); # # if(is_array($quota_value) && count($quota_value) > 0) # { # return array('limit' => $quota_value['limit']/1024); # } # else # { # return false; # } # } # function imap_get_quotaroot($_folderName) # { # return @imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $_folderName); # } # function imapSetQuota($_username, $_quotaLimit) # { # if(is_numeric($_quotaLimit) && $_quotaLimit >= 0) # { # // enable quota # $quota_value = @imap_set_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username, $_quotaLimit*1024); # } # else # { # // disable quota # $quota_value = @imap_set_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username, -1); # } # } function isSentFolder($_folderName) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if (!self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isDraftFolder($_folderName) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if (!self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isTemplateFolder($_folderName) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if (!self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function folderExists($_folder, $forceCheck=false) { // does the folder exist??? #error_log("bofelamimail::folderExists->Connected?".$this->icServer->_connected.", ".$_folder.", ".$forceCheck); if ((!($this->icServer->_connected == 1)) && $forceCheck) { #error_log("bofelamimail::folderExists->NotConnected and forceCheck"); return false; } $folderInfo = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('', $_folder, true); #error_log(print_r($folderInfo,true)); if(is_a($folderInfo, 'PEAR_Error') || !is_array($folderInfo[0])) { return false; } else { return true; } } function moveMessages($_foldername, $_messageUID) { $msglist = ''; $deleteOptions = $GLOBALS['egw_info']["user"]["preferences"]["felamimail"]["deleteOptions"]; if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->copyMessages($_foldername, $_messageUID, $this->sessionData['mailbox'], true)) ) { return false; } // mark messages as deleted if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true))) { return false; } if($deleteOptions != "mark_as_deleted") { // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); } return true; } function openConnection($_icServerID=0, $_adminConnection=false) { #if (!is_object($this->mailPreferences)) echo function_backtrace(); if(!$this->icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer((int)$_icServerID)) { $this->errorMessage .= lang('No active IMAP server found!!'); return false; } if ($this->icServer && empty($this->icServer->host)) { $errormessage = lang('No IMAP server host configured!!'); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['emailadmin']) { $errormessage .= "
".lang("Configure a valid IMAP Server in emailadmin for the profile you are using."); } else { $errormessage .= "
".lang('Please ask the administrator to correct the emailadmin IMAP Server Settings for you.'); } $this->icServer->_connectionErrorObject->message .= $this->errorMessage .= $errormessage; return false; } #error_log( "---------------------------open connection
"); #error_log(print_r($this->icServer,true)); if ($this->icServer->_connected == 1) { $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($this->icServer->currentMailbox); } else { $tretval = $this->icServer->openConnection($_adminConnection); } #error_log(print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); return $tretval; } /** * rename a folder * * @param string _oldFolderName the old foldername * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @param string _folderName the new foldername * * @returns mixed name of the newly created folder or false on error */ function renameFolder($_oldFolderName, $_parent, $_folderName) { $oldFolderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_oldFolderName); $parent = $this->_encodeFolderName($_parent); $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); if(empty($parent)) { $newFolderName = $folderName; } else { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $newFolderName = $parent . $HierarchyDelimiter . $folderName; } if (self::$debug) error_log("create folder: $newFolderName"); $rv = $this->icServer->renameMailbox($oldFolderName, $newFolderName); if ( PEAR::isError($rv) ) { error_log(__METHOD__." failed for $oldFolderName, $newFolderName with error: ".print_r($rv->message,true)); return false; } return $newFolderName; } function reopen($_foldername) { #error_log( "------------------------reopen-
"); #error_log(print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); if ($this->icServer->_connected == 1) { $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_foldername); } else { $tretval = $this->icServer->openConnection(false); $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_foldername); } } function restoreSessionData() { $this->sessionData = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','felamimail'); } function saveFilter($_formData) { if(!empty($_formData['from'])) $data['from'] = $_formData['from']; if(!empty($_formData['to'])) $data['to'] = $_formData['to']; if(!empty($_formData['subject'])) $data['subject']= $_formData['subject']; if($_formData['filterActive'] == "true") { $data['filterActive']= "true"; } $this->sessionData['filter'] = $data; $this->saveSessionData(); } function saveSessionData() { $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','felamimail',$this->sessionData); } function setEMailProfile($_profileID) { $config =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $config->value('profileID',$_profileID); $config->save_repository(); } function subscribe($_folderName, $_status) { if (self::$debug) error_log("bofelamimail::".($_status?"":"un")."subscribe:".$_folderName); if($_status === true) { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->subscribeMailbox($_folderName))) { return false; } } else { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->unsubscribeMailbox($_folderName))) { return false; } } return true; } function toggleFilter() { if($this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] == 'true') { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'false'; } else { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'true'; } $this->saveSessionData(); } function updateAccount($_hookValues) { $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { $icServer->updateAccount($_hookValues); } $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer(0); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->updateAccount($_hookValues); } } function updateSingleACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_aclType, $_aclStatus) { $userACL = $this->getIMAPACL($_folderName, $_accountName); if($_aclStatus == 'true') { if(strpos($userACL, $_aclType) === false) { $userACL .= $_aclType; $this->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $userACL); } } elseif($_aclStatus == 'false') { if(strpos($userACL, $_aclType) !== false) { $userACL = str_replace($_aclType,'',$userACL); $this->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $userACL); } } return $userACL; } static function wordwrap($str, $cols, $cut) { $lines = explode("\n", $str); $newStr = ''; foreach($lines as $line) { // replace tabs by 8 space chars, or any tab only counts one char //$line = str_replace("\t"," ",$line); //$newStr .= wordwrap($line, $cols, $cut); $allowedLength = $cols-strlen($cut); if (strlen($line) > $allowedLength) { $s=explode(" ", $line); $line = ""; $linecnt = 0; foreach ($s as $k=>$v) { $cnt = strlen($v); // only break long words within the wordboundaries, if($cnt > $allowedLength) { $v=wordwrap($v, $allowedLength, $cut, true); } // the rest should be broken at the start of the new word that exceeds the limit if ($linecnt+$cnt > $allowedLength) { $v=$cut.$v; #$linecnt = 0; $linecnt =strlen($v)-strlen($cut); } else { $linecnt += $cnt; } if (strlen($v)) $line .= (strlen($line) ? " " : "").$v; } } $newStr .= $line . "\n"; } return $newStr; } /** * convert the foldername from display charset to UTF-7 * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @returns ISO-8859-1 / UTF7-IMAP encoded string */ function _encodeFolderName($_folderName) { return $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'ISO-8859-1'); #return $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } /** * convert the foldername from UTF-7 to display charset * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @returns ISO-8859-1 / self::$displayCharset encoded string */ function _decodeFolderName($_folderName) { return $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'ISO-8859-1'); #return $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($_folderName, 'UTF7-IMAP', self::$displayCharset); } /** * convert the sort value from the gui(integer) into a string * * @param int _sort the integer sort order * @returns the ascii sort string */ function _getSortString($_sort) { switch($_sort) { case 2: $retValue = 'FROM'; break; case 3: $retValue = 'SUBJECT'; break; case 6: $retValue = 'SIZE'; break; case 0: default: $retValue = 'DATE'; break; } return $retValue; } function sendMDN($uid) { $identities = $this->mailPreferences->getIdentity(); $headers = $this->getMessageHeader($uid); $send = & CreateObject('phpgwapi.send'); $send->ClearAddresses(); $send->ClearAttachments(); $send->IsHTML(False); $send->IsSMTP(); $array_to = explode(",",$headers['TO']); foreach($identities as $identity) { if ( preg_match('/\b'.$identity->emailAddress.'\b/',$headers['TO']) ) { $send->From = $identity->emailAddress; $send->FromName = $identity->realName; error_log('Not Default '.$send->From); break; } if($identity->default) { $send->From = $identity->emailAddress; $send->FromName = $identity->realName; } } if (isset($headers['DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO'])) { $send->AddAddress( $headers['DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO'] ); } else if ( isset($headers['RETURN-RECEIPT-TO']) ) { $send->AddAddress( $headers['RETURN-RECEIPT-TO']); } else if ( isset($headers['X-CONFIRM-READING-TO']) ) { $send->AddAddress( $headers['X-CONFIRM-READING-TO']); } else return false; $send->AddCustomHeader('References: '.$headers['MESSAGE-ID']); $send->Subject = $send->encode_subject( lang('Read')." : ".$headers['SUBJECT'] ); $sep = "-----------mdn".$uniq_id = md5(uniqid(time())); $body = "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n". $send->EncodeString(lang("Your message to %1 was displayed." ,$send->From),"7bit"). "\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: message/disposition-notification; name=\"MDNPart2.txt\"\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"; $body.= $send->EncodeString("Reporting-UA: eGroupWare\r\n" . "Final-Recipient: rfc822;".$send->From."\r\n" . "Original-Message-ID: ".$headers['MESSAGE-ID']."\r\n". "Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed",'7bit')."\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers; name=\"MDNPart3.txt\"\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $send->EncodeString($this->getMessageRawHeader($uid),'7bit')."\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."--"; $header = rtrim($send->CreateHeader())."\r\n"."Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification;\r\n". "\tboundary=\"".$sep."\"\r\n\r\n"; return $send->SmtpSend($header,$body); } /** * Tests if string contains 8bit symbols. * * If charset is not set, function defaults to default_charset. * $default_charset global must be set correctly if $charset is * not used. * @param string $string tested string * @param string $charset charset used in a string * @return bool true if 8bit symbols are detected */ static function is8bit(&$string,$charset='') { if ($charset=='') $charset= self::$displayCharset; /** * Don't use \240 in ranges. Sometimes RH 7.2 doesn't like it. * Don't use \200-\237 for iso-8859-x charsets. This ranges * stores control symbols in those charsets. * Use preg_match instead of ereg in order to avoid problems * with mbstring overloading */ if (preg_match("/^iso-8859/i",$charset)) { $needle='/\240|[\241-\377]/'; } else { $needle='/[\200-\237]|\240|[\241-\377]/'; } return preg_match("$needle",$string); } static function detect_qp(&$sting) { $needle = '/(=[0-9][A-F])|(=[A-F][0-9])|(=[A-F][A-F])|(=[0-9][0-9])/'; return preg_match("$needle",$string); } }