%1 email addresses inserted	common	ca	%1 adreces de correu afegides
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!!	common	ca	%1 no es pot executar en el servidor web !!!
%1 manual	common	ca	%1 manual
%1 start	common	ca	%1 inicia
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver	common	ca	%1Tria un altre directori%2<br />o fes que %3 sigui modificable pel webserver
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4.	common	ca	%1eGroupWare%2 és una eina de treball en grup, multiusuari i basada en web escrita en %3PHP%4
(shift-)click or drag to change value	jscalendar	ca	(Maj-)+clic o arrosegar per a canviar el valor
- click on any of the time parts to increase it	jscalendar	ca	- Premeu en qualsevol part de l'hora per a incrementar-la
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.	jscalendar	ca	- Mantingueu premut el botó del ratolí en qualsevol dels botons anteriors per a una selecció més ràpida.
- or click and drag for faster selection.	jscalendar	ca	- o premeu i arrosegueu per a una selecció més ràpida.
- or shift-click to decrease it	jscalendar	ca	- o Maj+clic per disminuir
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month	jscalendar	ca	- Useu els botons %1, %2 per a seleccionar el mes
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year	jscalendar	ca	- Useu els botons %1, %2 per a seleccionar l'any
00 (disable)	admin	ca	00 (desactiva)
1 day	common	ca	1 Dia
1 hour	common	ca	1 Hora
1 month	common	ca	1 Mes
1 week	common	ca	1 Setmana
13 (ntp)	admin	ca	13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut	jscalendar	ca	3 caràcters per a l'abreviatura del dia
3 number of chars for month-shortcut	jscalendar	ca	3 caràcters per a l'abreviatura del mes
80 (http)	admin	ca	80 (http)
about	common	ca	Sobre
about %1	common	ca	Sobre %1
about egroupware	common	ca	Sobre eGroupware
about the calendar	jscalendar	ca	Sobre el calendari
access	common	ca	Accés
access not permitted	common	ca	Accés no permès
account has been created	common	ca	Compte creat
account has been deleted	common	ca	Compte esborrat
account has been updated	common	ca	Compte actualitzat
account is expired	common	ca	Compte caducat
acl	common	ca	LCA
action	common	ca	Acció
active	common	ca	Actiu
add	common	ca	Afegir
add %1 category for	common	ca	Afegir %1 categoria per a
add category	common	ca	Afegir categoria
add shortcut	common	ca	Afegeix combinació de tecles
add sub	common	ca	Afegir sub
addressbook	common	ca	Llibreta d'adreces
admin	common	ca	Administració
administration	common	ca	Administració
afghanistan	common	ca	AFGANISTAN
albania	common	ca	ALBÀNIA
algeria	common	ca	ALGÈRIA
all	common	ca	Tot
all fields	common	ca	tots els camps
alphabet	common	ca	a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet:	common	ca	Fulla d'estils alternativa:
american samoa	common	ca	SAMOA AMERICANA
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload.	common	ca	Un directori existent I llegible pel servidor web habilita la imatge del navegador i carrega.
andorra	common	ca	ANDORRA
angola	common	ca	ANGOLA
anguilla	common	ca	ANGUILLA
antarctica	common	ca	ANTÀRTICA
antigua and barbuda	common	ca	ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
application	common	ca	Aplicació
apply	common	ca	Aplicar
april	common	ca	Abril
are you sure you want to delete these entries ?	common	ca	Esteu segurs d'esborrar aquestes entrades?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ?	common	ca	Esteu segurs d'esborrar aquesta entrada?
argentina	common	ca	ARGENTINA
armenia	common	ca	ARMÈNIA
aruba	common	ca	ARUBA
august	common	ca	Agost
australia	common	ca	AUSTRÀLIA
austria	common	ca	ÀUSTRIA
author	common	ca	Autor
autohide sidebox menu's	common	ca	Autooculta menú del costat
autohide sidebox menus	common	ca	Ocultar automàticament els menús laterals
automatically hide the sidebox menu's?	common	ca	Automàticament amaga el menú del costat?
automatically hide the sidebox menus?	common	ca	Ocultar automàticament els menùs laterals?
autosave default category	common	ca	Desar automàticament la Categoria Predeterminada
azerbaijan	common	ca	AZERBAIJÀN
back	common	ca	Enrere
back to user login	common	ca	Tornar a identificació d'usuari
background color:	common	ca	Color de fons:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver	common	ca	el servidor web no pot escriure el directori de còpia de seguretat '%1'
bad login or password	common	ca	Nom d'usuari o contrasenya incorrectes
bahamas	common	ca	BAHAMES
bahrain	common	ca	BAHREIN
bangladesh	common	ca	BANGLADESH
barbados	common	ca	BARBADOS
bcc	common	ca	CCo
belarus	common	ca	BIELORÚSSIA
belgium	common	ca	BÈLGICA
belize	common	ca	BELIZE
benin	common	ca	BENIN
bermuda	common	ca	BERMUDA
bhutan	common	ca	BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts	common	ca	Bloquejat, massa intents
bold	common	ca	Negreta
bolivia	common	ca	BOLIVIA
border	common	ca	Vorera
bosnia and herzegovina	common	ca	BOSNIA I HERZEGOVINA
botswana	common	ca	BOTSWANA
bottom	common	ca	Part inferior
bouvet island	common	ca	ILLA BOUVET
brazil	common	ca	BRASIL
british indian ocean territory	common	ca	TERRITORI OCEÀNIC DE LES INDIES BRITÀNIQUES
brunei darussalam	common	ca	BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria	common	ca	BULGÀRIA
burkina faso	common	ca	BURKINA FASO
burundi	common	ca	BURUNDI
calendar	common	ca	Calendari
cambodia	common	ca	CAMBODJA
cameroon	common	ca	CAMERUN
canada	common	ca	CANADA
cancel	common	ca	Cancel·lar
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory	common	ca	No es pot reemplaçar %1 perquè és un directori
cant open '%1' for %2	common	ca	No es pot obrir '%1' per %2
cape verde	common	ca	CAP VERD
caption	common	ca	Contingut
catalonia	common	ca	CATALUNYA
categories	common	ca	Categories
categories for	common	ca	categories per
category	common	ca	Categoria
category %1 has been added !	common	ca	Categoria %1 afegida !
category %1 has been updated !	common	ca	Categoria %1 actualitzada !
cayman islands	common	ca	ILLES CAIMAN
cc	common	ca	Cc
centered	common	ca	centrat
central african republic	common	ca	REPÚBLICA CENTREAFRICANA
chad	common	ca	TXAD
change	common	ca	Canvi
charset	common	ca	utf-8
check installation	common	ca	Comprovar instal·lació
check now	common	ca	Comprova-ho Ara
chile	common	ca	XILE
china	common	ca	XINA
choose a background color	common	ca	Tria un color de fons
choose a background color for the icons	common	ca	Tria un color de fons per a les icones
choose a background image.	common	ca	Tria una imatge de fons
choose a background style.	common	ca	Tria un estil de fons
choose a text color for the icons	common	ca	Tria un color de text per a les icones
choose the category	common	ca	Trieu la categoria
choose the parent category	common	ca	Trieu la categoria superior
christmas island	common	ca	ILLA CHRISTMAS
clear	common	ca	Netejar
clear form	common	ca	Netejar formulari
click	common	ca	Premeu
click or mouse over to show menus	common	ca	Premeu o moveu el ratolí per sobre per veure menús
click or mouse over to show menus?	common	ca	Prèmer o moure el ratolí per sobre per veure menús?
click this image on the navbar: %1	common	ca	Premeu aquesta imatge de la barra de navegació: %1
close	common	ca	Tancar
close sidebox	common	ca	Tanca menú del costat
cocos (keeling) islands	common	ca	ILLES COCOS (KEELING)
colombia	common	ca	COLÒMBIA
common preferences	common	ca	Preferències comuns
comoros	common	ca	COMORES
company	common	ca	Empresa
congo	common	ca	CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the	common	ca	CONGO, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA DEL
contacting server...	common	ca	Contactant amb servidor...
cook islands	common	ca	ILLES COOK
copy	common	ca	Copiar
costa rica	common	ca	COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire	common	ca	COSTA D'IVORI
could not contact server. operation timed out!	common	ca	No s'ha pogut contactar amb el servidor. Ha expirat el temps de l'operació!
create	common	ca	Crear
created by	common	ca	Creat per
croatia	common	ca	CROÀCIA
cuba	common	ca	CUBA
currency	common	ca	Moneda
current	common	ca	Actual
current users	common	ca	Usuaris actuals
cyprus	common	ca	XIPRE
czech republic	common	ca	REPÚBLICA TXECA
date	common	ca	Data
date due	common	ca	Data límit
date selection:	jscalendar	ca	Selecció de data:
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host:	admin	ca	Port de data.<br>Si useu el port 13, si us plau, configureu acuradament les regles del tallafocs abans d'enviar aquesta plana.<br>
december	common	ca	Desembre
default category	common	ca	Categoria predeterminada
default height for the windows	common	ca	Alçada per defecte de la finestra
default width for the windows	common	ca	Amplada per defecte de la finestra
delete	common	ca	Esborrar
delete row	common	ca	Esborra fila
denmark	common	ca	DINAMARCA
description	common	ca	Descripció
detail	common	ca	Detall
details	common	ca	Detalls
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images?	common	ca	Desactivar l'execució del pegat d'IE 5.5 i superiors per mostrar transparències en imatges PNG?
direction left to right	common	ca	Direcció d'esquerra a dreta
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root!	common	ca	El directori no existeix, el servidor web no el pot llegir o no pertany a l'arrel del document!
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix	common	ca	Desactivar el pegat d'IE per veure imatges PNG
disable slider effects	common	ca	Desactivar efectes lliscants
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this.	common	ca	Desactivar efectes lliscants animats en mostrar o amagar menús a la plana? Opera i Konqueror probablement ho necessiten.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images?	common	ca	Deshabilita l'execució d'un bugfixscript per Internet Explorer 5.5 i superior per mostrar les imatges PNG transparents?
disabled	common	ca	Desactivat
display %s first	jscalendar	ca	Mostra %s primer
djibouti	common	ca	DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ?	common	ca	També voleu esborrar totes les subcategories?
doctype:	common	ca	TIPUS DE DOCUMENT:
document properties	common	ca	Propietats del document
document title:	common	ca	Títol del document:
domain	common	ca	Domini
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"	common	ca	Nom de domini per adreça de correu, ex. "%1"
domestic	common	ca	Domèstic
dominica	common	ca	DOMINICA
dominican republic	common	ca	REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA
done	common	ca	Fet
drag to move	jscalendar	ca	Arrosegueu per moure
e-mail	common	ca	Correu electrònic
east timor	common	ca	TIMOR EST
ecuador	common	ca	EQUADOR
edit	common	ca	Editar
edit %1 category for	common	ca	Editar %1 categoria per
edit categories	common	ca	Editar categories
edit category	common	ca	Editar categoria
egroupware api version	common	ca	Versió eGroupWare API
egroupware api version %1	common	ca	eGroupWare API versió %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2	common	ca	eGroupWare: inici de sessió bloquejat per a l'usuari '%1', IP %2
egypt	common	ca	EGIPTE
el salvador	common	ca	EL SALVADOR
email	common	ca	Correu electrònic
email-address of the user, eg. "%1"	common	ca	Adreces de correu electrònic del usuari, ex. '%1'
enabled	common	ca	Activat
end date	common	ca	Data de finalització
end time	common	ca	Hora de finalització
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b>	admin	ca	Entreu l'adreça URL d'eGroupWare.<br>Exemple: http://www.domini.com/egroupware   o bé   /egroupware<br><b>Sense barra final!!</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully	common	ca	Entrada esborrada correctament
entry updated sucessfully	common	ca	Entrada actualitzada correctament
equatorial guinea	common	ca	GUINEA EQUATORIAL
eritrea	common	ca	ERITREA
error	common	ca	Error
error creating %1 %2 directory	common	ca	Error creant el directori %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory	common	ca	Error esborrant el directori %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory	common	ca	Error reanomenant el directori %1 %2
estonia	common	ca	ESTÒNIA
ethiopia	common	ca	ETIÒPIA
everything	common	ca	Tot
exact	common	ca	exacte
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure.	common	ca	No s'ha pogut contactar amb el Servidor o Resposta Invàlida del Servidor. Torna-ho a provar. Contacta amb l'administrador en cas que falli.
falkland islands (malvinas)	common	ca	ILLES MALVINES (FALKLAND)
faroe islands	common	ca	ILLES FEROE
fax number	common	ca	Fax
features of the editor?	common	ca	Característiques de l'editor?
february	common	ca	Febrer
fields	common	ca	Camps
fiji	common	ca	FIDJI
files	common	ca	Arxius
filter	common	ca	Filtre
finland	common	ca	FINLÀNDIA
first name	common	ca	Nom de pila
first name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	ca	Nom de pila de l'usuari, ex "%1"
first page	common	ca	Primera plana
firstname	common	ca	Nom de pila
fixme!	common	ca	ARREGLEU-ME!
folder already exists.	common	ca	La carpeta ja existeix.
force selectbox	common	ca	Forçar quadre de selecció
forever	common	ca	Sempre
france	common	ca	FRANÇA
french guiana	common	ca	GUAIANA FRANCESA
french polynesia	common	ca	POLINÈSIA FRANCESA
french southern territories	common	ca	TERRITORIS FRANCESSOS DEL SUD
friday	common	ca	Divendres
ftp	common	ca	FTP
fullname	common	ca	Nom complet
fullscreen mode	common	ca	Mode pantalla completa
gabon	common	ca	GABÓN
gambia	common	ca	GÀMBIA
general menu	common	ca	Menú General
georgia	common	ca	GEORGIA
german	common	ca	Alemany
germany	common	ca	ALEMANYA
ghana	common	ca	GHANA
gibraltar	common	ca	GIBRALTAR
global	common	ca	Global
global public	common	ca	Public Global
go today	jscalendar	ca	Anar a avui
grant access	common	ca	Atorgar accés
greece	common	ca	GRÈCIA
greenland	common	ca	GROENLANDIA
grenada	common	ca	GRANADA
group	common	ca	Grup
group access	common	ca	Accés de Grup
group has been added	common	ca	Grup afegit
group has been deleted	common	ca	Grup esborrat
group has been updated	common	ca	Grup actualitzat
group name	common	ca	nom del grup
group public	common	ca	Grup Públic
groups	common	ca	Grups
groups with permission for %1	common	ca	Grups amb permís per %1
groups without permission for %1	common	ca	Grups sense permís per %1
guadeloupe	common	ca	GUADALUPE
guam	common	ca	GUAM
guatemala	common	ca	GUATEMALA
guinea	common	ca	GUINEA
guinea-bissau	common	ca	GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana	common	ca	GUYANA
haiti	common	ca	HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands	common	ca	ILLA HEARD I ILLES MCDONALD
height	common	ca	Alçada
help	common	ca	Ajuda
high	common	ca	Alta
highest	common	ca	La més alta
holy see (vatican city state)	common	ca	SANTA SEU (ESTAT DE LA CIUTAT DEL VATICÀ)
home	common	ca	Inici
home email	common	ca	correu electrònic privat
honduras	common	ca	HONDURAS
hong kong	common	ca	HONG KONG
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.	common	ca	Quantitat d'icones que es mostren a la barra de navegació (a la part superior de la plana). Les icones addicionals apareixen en una mena de menú emergent, activable clicant a la darrera icona, a la dreta de la barra.
how to show the general egroupware menu ?	common	ca	Com mostrar el menú general eGroupWare?
hungary	common	ca	HUNGRIA
iceland	common	ca	ISLÀNDIA
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page.	common	ca	No s'ha detectat ieSpell. Pitja OK per anar a la pàgina de descàrrega.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute?	common	ca	Si el rellotge està habilitat, vols que s'actualitzi cada segon o cada minut?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see.	common	ca	Si hi ha algunes imatges a la carpeta de fons, pots triar la que t'agradaria veure.
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example:	common	ca	Directori d'imatge relatiu a l'arrel del document (useu/!), exemple:
image url	common	ca	Imatge URL
india	common	ca	INDIA
indonesia	common	ca	INDONÈSIA
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3	common	ca	Inseriu totes les adreces %1 del contactes de %2 en %3
insert column after	common	ca	Insereix columna després
insert column before	common	ca	Insereix columna abans
insert row after	common	ca	Insereix fila després
insert row before	common	ca	Insereix fila abans
international	common	ca	Internacional
invalid filename	common	ca	Nom de fitxer invàlid
invalid ip address	common	ca	Adreça IP no vàlida
invalid password	common	ca	Contrasenya no vàlida
iran, islamic republic of	common	ca	IRAN, REPÚBLICA ISLÀMICA D
iraq	common	ca	IRAQ
ireland	common	ca	IRLANDA
israel	common	ca	ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password	common	ca	Fa més de %1 dies des de que vàreu canviar la contrasenya
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version	common	ca	Es recomana que executeu <i>setup</i> per actualitzar les taules a la versió actual.
italic	common	ca	Cursiva
italy	common	ca	ITÀLIA
jamaica	common	ca	JAMAICA
january	common	ca	Gener
japan	common	ca	JAPÓ
jordan	common	ca	JORDÀNIA
july	common	ca	Juliol
jun	common	ca	Juny
june	common	ca	Juny
justify center	common	ca	Justificar centrat
justify full	common	ca	Justificat total
justify left	common	ca	Justificat esquerra
justify right	common	ca	Justificat dreta
kazakstan	common	ca	KAZAKSTAN
kenya	common	ca	KENYA
keywords	common	ca	Paraules clau
kiribati	common	ca	KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of	common	ca	COREA, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA POPULAR DE
korea, republic of	common	ca	COREA, REPÚBLICA DE
kuwait	common	ca	KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan	common	ca	KIRGIZYSTAN
language	common	ca	Idioma
language_direction_rtl	common	ca	rtl_adreça_idioma
lao peoples democratic republic	common	ca	LAOS,  REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA POPULAR DE
last name	common	ca	Cognom
last name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	ca	Cognom de l'usuari, ex "%1"
last page	common	ca	Darrera plana
lastname	common	ca	Cognom
latvia	common	ca	LETÒNIA
ldap-mgr	common	ca	Gestor-LDAP
lebanon	common	ca	LIBAN
left	common	ca	Esquerra
lesotho	common	ca	LESOTHO
liberia	common	ca	LIBÈRIA
libyan arab jamahiriya	common	ca	LIBIA (LYBIAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA)
license	common	ca	Llicència
liechtenstein	common	ca	LIECHTENSTEIN
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b>	common	ca	Línia %1: '%2'<br><b>les dades csv no coincideixen amb el número de columnes de la taula %3 ==> ignorat</b>
list	common	ca	Llista
list members	common	ca	Llista de membres
lithuania	common	ca	LITUÀNIA
local	common	ca	Local
login	common	ca	Entrar
loginid	common	ca	ID d'usuari
logout	common	ca	Sortir
lost login id	common	ca	Dades d'entrada Id perdudes
lost password	common	ca	Contrasenya perduda
low	common	ca	Baixa
lowest	common	ca	La més baixa
luxembourg	common	ca	LUXEMBURG
macau	common	ca	MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of	common	ca	MACEDÒNIA, ANTIGA REPÚBLICA IUGOSLAVA DE
madagascar	common	ca	MADAGASCAR
mail domain, eg. "%1"	common	ca	domini de correu, ej. "%1"
main category	common	ca	Categoria Principal
main screen	common	ca	Pantalla Principal
maintainer	common	ca	Mantingut per
malawi	common	ca	MALAWI
malaysia	common	ca	MALÀSIA
maldives	common	ca	MALDIVES
mali	common	ca	MALI
malta	common	ca	MALTA
march	common	ca	Març
marshall islands	common	ca	ILLES MARSHALL
martinique	common	ca	MARTINICA
mauritania	common	ca	MAURITÀNIA
mauritius	common	ca	MAURICI
max number of icons in navbar	common	ca	Nombre màxim d'icones a la barra de navegació
may	common	ca	Maig
mayotte	common	ca	MAYOTTE
medium	common	ca	Mig
menu	common	ca	Menú
message	common	ca	Missatge
mexico	common	ca	MÈXIC
micronesia, federated states of	common	ca	MICRONESIA, ESTATS FEDERATS DE
minute	common	ca	Minut
moldova, republic of	common	ca	MOLDÀViA, REPÚBLICA DE
monaco	common	ca	MONACO
monday	common	ca	Dilluns
mongolia	common	ca	MONGOLIA
montenegro	common	ca	MONTENEGRO
montserrat	common	ca	MONTSERRAT
morocco	common	ca	MARROC
mozambique	common	ca	MOÇAMBIC
multiple	common	ca	múltiple
myanmar	common	ca	MYANMAR
name	common	ca	Nom
name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	ca	Nom de l'usuari, ex. "%1"
namibia	common	ca	NAMIBIA
nauru	common	ca	NAURU
nepal	common	ca	NEPAL
netherlands	common	ca	HOLANDA
netherlands antilles	common	ca	ANTILLES HOLANDESES
never	common	ca	Mai
new caledonia	common	ca	NOVA CALEDÒNIA
new entry added sucessfully	common	ca	Nova entrada afegida correctament
new main category	common	ca	Nova categoria principal
new value	common	ca	Nou valor
new zealand	common	ca	NOVA ZELANDA
next	common	ca	Següent
next month (hold for menu)	jscalendar	ca	Mes següent (mantenir clicat per menú)
next page	common	ca	Plana següent
next year (hold for menu)	jscalendar	ca	Any següent (mantenir clicat per menú)
nicaragua	common	ca	NICARAGUA
niger	common	ca	NIGER
nigeria	common	ca	NIGERIA
niue	common	ca	NIUE
no	common	ca	No
no entries found, try again ...	common	ca	No s'han trobat entrades, proveu un altre cop...
no history for this record	common	ca	Sense historial per aquest registre
no savant2 template directories were found in:	common	ca	No s'han trobat directoris de plantilles Savant2  a:
no subject	common	ca	Sense assumpte
none	common	ca	Cap
norfolk island	common	ca	ILLA NORFOLK
normal	common	ca	Normal
northern mariana islands	common	ca	ILLES MARIANES SEPTENTRIONALS
norway	common	ca	NORUEGA
not	common	ca	no
not a user yet? register now	common	ca	No sou usuari encara? Registreu-vos ara
not assigned	common	ca	sense assignar
note	common	ca	Nota
notes	common	ca	Notes
notify window	common	ca	Finestra de notificació
notify your administrator to correct this situation	common	ca	Avisa al teu administrador per corregir aquesta situació
november	common	ca	Novembre
october	common	ca	Octubre
ok	common	ca	Acceptar
old value	common	ca	Valor anterior
oman	common	ca	OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1	common	ca	En sistemes *nix escriviu: %1
on mouse over	common	ca	En moure el ratolí per sobre
only private	common	ca	només privat
only yours	common	ca	només els vostres
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance.	common	ca	Ups! Ens heu agafat al mig del manteniment del sistema.
open notify window	common	ca	Obrir finestra de notificació
open popup window	common	ca	Obrir finestra emergent
open sidebox	common	ca	Obre el menú del costat
ordered list	common	ca	Llista ordenada
original	common	ca	Original
other	common	ca	Altres
overview	common	ca	Resum
owner	common	ca	Propietari
page	common	ca	Pàgina
page was generated in %1 seconds	common	ca	Plana generada en %1 segons
pakistan	common	ca	PAKISTAN
palau	common	ca	PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied	common	ca	TERRITORI PALESTÍ, OCUPAT
panama	common	ca	PANAMA
papua new guinea	common	ca	PAPUA NOVA GUINEA
paraguay	common	ca	PARAGUAY
parcel	common	ca	Paquet
parent category	common	ca	Categoria superior
password	common	ca	Contrasenya
password could not be changed	common	ca	No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya
password has been updated	common	ca	Contrasenya actualitzada
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters	common	ca	La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 lletres minúscules
password must contain at least %1 numbers	common	ca	La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 números
password must contain at least %1 special characters	common	ca	La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 caràcters especials
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters	common	ca	La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 lletres majúscules
password must have at least %1 characters	common	ca	La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 caràcters
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!!	common	ca	El camí als arxius d'usuari i grups HA D'ESTAR FORA del directori arrel de documents dels servidors web!!
permissions to the files/users directory	common	ca	permissos als directoris d'arxius/usuaris
personal	common	ca	Personal
peru	common	ca	PERU
philippines	common	ca	FILIPINES
phone number	common	ca	Número de telèfon
phpgwapi	common	ca	API eGroupware
pitcairn	common	ca	PITCAIRN
please %1 by hand	common	ca	Si us plau, %1 manualment
please enter a name	common	ca	Si us plau, introduïu un nom !
please run setup to become current	common	ca	Si us plau, executeu la instal·lació per posar-vos al dia
please select	common	ca	Si us plau, Trieu
please set your global preferences	common	ca	Si us plau, establiu les vostres preferències globals !
please set your preferences for this application	common	ca	Si us plau, establiu les vostres preferències per aquesta aplicació
please wait...	common	ca	Si us plau, espereu...
please, check back with us shortly.	common	ca	Siusplau, verifiqueu amb nosaltres aviat.
poland	common	ca	POLÒNIA
portugal	common	ca	PORTUGAL
postal	common	ca	Postal
powered by	common	ca	Gestionat per
preferences	common	ca	Preferències
preferences for the idots template set	common	ca	Preferències per al joc de plantilles "idot"
prev. month (hold for menu)	jscalendar	ca	Mes anterior (mantenir clicat per menú)
prev. year (hold for menu)	jscalendar	ca	Any anterior (mantenir clicat per menú)
previous page	common	ca	Plana anterior
primary style-sheet:	common	ca	Full d'estils primari:
print	common	ca	Imprimir
priority	common	ca	Prioritat
private	common	ca	Privat
programs	common	ca	Programes
project	common	ca	Projecte
public	common	ca	públic
puerto rico	common	ca	PUERTO RICO
qatar	common	ca	QATAR
read	common	ca	Llegir
read this list of methods.	common	ca	Llegir aquesta llista de mètodes
reading	common	ca	llegint
register	common	ca	Registrar
regular	common	ca	Regular
reject	common	ca	Rebutjar
remember me	common	ca	Recorda'm
remove selected accounts	common	ca	esborra els comptes seleccionats
remove shortcut	common	ca	Esborra tecles ràpides
rename	common	ca	Reanomena
replace	common	ca	Reemplaça
replace with	common	ca	Reemplaça per
returns a full list of accounts on the system.  warning: this is return can be quite large	common	ca	Torna una llista completa dels comptes del sistema. Atenció: pot ser molt llarg
returns an array of todo items	common	ca	Torna una matriu de tasques pendents
returns struct of users application access	common	ca	Torna una estructura de l'accés dels usuaris a l'aplicació
reunion	common	ca	REUNION
right	common	ca	Dreta
romania	common	ca	ROMANIA
russian federation	common	ca	FEDERACIÓ RUSSA
rwanda	common	ca	RUANDA
saint helena	common	ca	SANTA HELENA
saint kitts and nevis	common	ca	SAINT KITTS I NEVIS
saint lucia	common	ca	SANTA LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon	common	ca	SAINT PIERRE I MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines	common	ca	SAINT VINCENT I LES GRANADINES
samoa	common	ca	SAMOA
san marino	common	ca	SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe	common	ca	SAO TOME I PRINCIPE
saturday	common	ca	Dissabte
saudi arabia	common	ca	ARÀBIA SAUDÍ
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2	common	ca	Problema de versions de Savant2. <br/>Aquesta versió: %1 <br/>Versió Savants: %2
save	common	ca	Desar
search	common	ca	Cercar
search %1 '%2'	common	ca	Cercar %1 '%2'
search accounts	common	ca	Busca comptes
search or select accounts	common	ca	busca o selecciona comptes
second	common	ca	segon
section	common	ca	Secció
select	common	ca	Triar
select all %1 %2 for %3	common	ca	Triar tots els %1 %2 per %3
select category	common	ca	Triar categoria
select date	common	ca	Triar data
select group	common	ca	Triar grup
select home email address	common	ca	Triar adreça de correu particular
select multiple accounts	common	ca	selecciona múltiples comptes
select one	common	ca	Triar un
select the default height for the application windows	common	ca	Tria l'alçada per defecte de les finestre de les aplicacions
select the default width for the application windows	common	ca	Tria l'amplada per defecte de les finestres de les aplicacions
select user	common	ca	Triar usuari
select work email address	common	ca	Triar adreça de correu del treball
selection	common	ca	Selecció
send	common	ca	Enviar
senegal	common	ca	SENEGAL
september	common	ca	Setembre
serbia	common	ca	Serbia
server %1 has been added	common	ca	Servidor %1 afegit
server answered. processing response...	common	ca	El servidor ha contestat. Processant resposta...
server contacted. waiting for response...	common	ca	Servidor contactat. Esperant resposta...
server name	common	ca	Nom del servidor
session has been killed	common	ca	Sessió eliminada
setup	common	ca	Instal·lació
setup main menu	common	ca	Menú principal d'instal·lació
seychelles	common	ca	SEYCHELLES
show all	common	ca	mostrar tot
show all categorys	common	ca	Mostrar totes les categories
show as topmenu	common	ca	Mostra com a menú superior
show clock?	common	ca	Mostra rellotge?
show home and logout button in main application bar?	common	ca	Mostra els botons d'Inici i Sortir a la barra principal d'aplicacions?
show in sidebox	common	ca	Mostra a la part lateral
show logo's on the desktop.	common	ca	Mostra el logo a l'escriptori
show menu	common	ca	mostrar menu
show page generation time	common	ca	Mostrar temps de generació de la plana
show page generation time on the bottom of the page?	common	ca	Mostrar el temps de generació de la plana a la part inferior?
show page generation time?	common	ca	Mostra el temps de generació de la pàgina?
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop.	common	ca	Mostra el logo d'eGroupware i x-desktop a l'escriptori.
show_more_apps	common	ca	mostrar més aplicacions
showing %1	common	ca	mostrant %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3	common	ca	mostrant %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone	common	ca	SIERRA LEONA
simple	common	ca	Simple
singapore	common	ca	SINGAPUR
slovakia	common	ca	ESLOVÀQUIA
slovenia	common	ca	ESLOVÈNIA
solomon islands	common	ca	ILLES SALOMÓ
somalia	common	ca	SOMÀLIA
sorry, your login has expired	login	ca	La seva sessió ha caducat
south africa	common	ca	SUDÀFRICA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands	common	ca	ILLES GEORGIA I SANDWICH MERIDIONALS
spain	common	ca	ESPANYA
sri lanka	common	ca	SRI LANKA
start date	common	ca	Data d'inici
start time	common	ca	Hora d'inici
start with	common	ca	començar amb
starting up...	common	ca	Iniciant...
status	common	ca	Estat
stretched	common	ca	estirat
subject	common	ca	Assumpte
submit	common	ca	Enviar
substitutions and their meanings:	common	ca	Substitucions i els seus significats
sudan	common	ca	SUDAN
sunday	common	ca	Diumenge
suriname	common	ca	SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen	common	ca	SVALBARD I JAN MAYEN
swaziland	common	ca	SWAZILANDIA
sweden	common	ca	SUÈCIA
switzerland	common	ca	SUISSA
syrian arab republic	common	ca	SIRIA, REPÚBLICA ÀRAB DE
table properties	common	ca	Propietats de la taula
taiwan	common	ca	TAIWAN/TAIPEI
tajikistan	common	ca	TAJIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of	common	ca	TANZANIA, REPÚBLICA UNIDA DE
text color:	common	ca	Color del text:
thailand	common	ca	TAILÀNDIA
the api is current	common	ca	La API esta al dia
the api requires an upgrade	common	ca	La API necessita actualització
the following applications require upgrades	common	ca	Les següents aplicacions necessiten actualització
the mail server returned	common	ca	El servidor de correu ha tornat
this application is current	common	ca	Aquesta aplicació està al dia
this application requires an upgrade	common	ca	Aquesta aplicació necessita actualitzar-se
this name has been used already	common	ca	Aquest nom ja és en ús !
thursday	common	ca	Dijous
tiled	common	ca	apilat
time	common	ca	Hora
time selection:	jscalendar	ca	Seleccionar hora:
time zone	common	ca	Zona horària
time zone offset	common	ca	Diferència de zona horària
title	common	ca	Títol
to	common	ca	Per
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the	common	ca	Per a corregir aquest error per al futur necessitareu configurar acuradament el
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a>	common	ca	Per tornar a la llista de missatges, premeu <a href="%1">aquí</a>
today	common	ca	Avui
todays date, eg. "%1"	common	ca	data d'avui, ex. "%1"
toggle first day of week	jscalendar	ca	Canviar el primer dia de la setmana
togo	common	ca	TOGO
tokelau	common	ca	TOKELAU
tonga	common	ca	TONGA
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4	common	ca	Massa intents erronis d'inici de sessió: %1 per a l'usuari '%2', %3 per la IP %4
top	common	ca	Su
total	common	ca	Total
transparant bg for the icons?	common	ca	Icones amb fons transparent?
trinidad and tobago	common	ca	TRINIDAD I TOBAGO
tuesday	common	ca	Dimarts
tunisia	common	ca	TUNISIA
turkey	common	ca	TURQUIA
turkmenistan	common	ca	TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands	common	ca	ILLES TURKS I CAICOS
tuvalu	common	ca	TUVALU
type	common	ca	Tipus
uganda	common	ca	UGANDA
ukraine	common	ca	UCRAÏNA
underline	common	ca	Subratllat
united arab emirates	common	ca	EMIRATS ÀRABS UNITS
united kingdom	common	ca	REGNE UNIT
united states	common	ca	ESTATS UNITS
united states minor outlying islands	common	ca	ILLES MENORS OUTLYING DELS ESTATS UNITS
unknown	common	ca	Desconegut
update	common	ca	Actualitzar
update the clock per minute or per second	common	ca	Actualitza el rellotge per minuts o per segons
upload	common	ca	Carrega
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver	common	ca	El directori de càrrega no existeix o no és modificable pel webserver
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver!	common	ca	La càrrega requereix que el servidor web pugui escriure el directori!
url	common	ca	URL
uruguay	common	ca	URUGUAI
use button to search for	common	ca	useu el Botó per cercar per
use button to search for address	common	ca	useu el Botó per cercar per adreça
use button to search for calendarevent	common	ca	useu el Botó per cercar per entrada de calendari
use button to search for project	common	ca	useu el Botó per cercar per projecte
user	common	ca	Usuari
user accounts	common	ca	Comptes d'usuari
user groups	common	ca	Grups d'usuari
user openinstance	common	ca	Instància Oberta d'Usuari
username	common	ca	Nom d'usuari
users	common	ca	usuaris
users choice	common	ca	Tria de l'usuari
uzbekistan	common	ca	UZBEKISTAN
vanuatu	common	ca	VANUATU
venezuela	common	ca	VENEÇUELA
version	common	ca	Versió
viet nam	common	ca	VIETNAM
view	common	ca	Veure
virgin islands, british	common	ca	ILLES VERGES BRITÀNIQUES
virgin islands, u.s.	common	ca	ILLES VERGES, U.S.
wallis and futuna	common	ca	WALLIS i FUTUNA
wednesday	common	ca	Dimecres
welcome	common	ca	Benvingut
western sahara	common	ca	SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have	common	ca	Quin color haurien de tenir tots els espais en blanc de l'escriptori
what style would you like the image to have?	common	ca	Quin estil vols que tenguin les imatges?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar.	common	ca	Si dius que sí, els botons d'Inici i Sortir se presenten com a aplicacions a la barra principal d'aplicacions.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed.	common	ca	On i com seran mostrats els enllaços de egroupware com preferències, sobre i desconnexió.
which groups	common	ca	Quins grups
width	common	ca	Amplada
wk	jscalendar	ca	st
work email	common	ca	correu del treball
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window?	common	ca	T'agradaria veure el temps de generació de la pàgina al peu de cada finestra?
writing	common	ca	escrivint
written by:	common	ca	Escrit per:
year	common	ca	Any
yemen	common	ca	IEMEN
yes	common	ca	Sí
you are required to change your password during your first login	common	ca	Heu de canviar la vostra contrasenya a la vostra primera connexió.
you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows.	common	ca	Podeu personalitzar quantes icones i barres d'eines mostra l'editor.
you have been successfully logged out	login	ca	Desconnexió correcta
you have not entered a title	common	ca	No heu entrat un títol
you have not entered a valid date	common	ca	No heu entrat una data correcta
you have not entered a valid time of day	common	ca	No heu entrat una hora del dia correcta
you have not entered participants	common	ca	No heu entrat participants
you have selected an invalid date	common	ca	Heu triat una data incorrecta !
you have selected an invalid main category	common	ca	Heu triat una categoria principal incorrecta !
you have successfully logged out	common	ca	Desconnexió correcta
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'.	common	ca	Necessiteu afegir l'usuari '%1' del servidor web al grup '%2'.
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application.	common	ca	Heu triat obrir l'aplicació eGroupWare: 1%, però no teniu permís per accedir a aquesta aplicació.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br>	common	ca	El missatge <b>no</b> s'ha pogut enviar!<br>
your message has been sent	common	ca	Missatge enviat
your search returned %1 matchs	common	ca	la recerca ha tornat %1 resultats
your search returned 1 match	common	ca	la recerca ha tornat 1 resultat
your session could not be verified.	login	ca	La vostra sessió no s'ha pogut verificar.
your settings have been updated	common	ca	Preferències actualitzades
zambia	common	ca	ZAMBIA
zimbabwe	common	ca	ZIMBABWE
zoom	common	ca	Zoom
site configuration	common	ca	Configuració del Lloc