true, 'show_replacements' => true, 'merge_entries' => true, ); /** * Business object to pull records from */ protected $bo = null; /** * Constructor * */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->bo = new resources_bo(); $this->date_fields += array( 'res_modified', 'res_created', ); // switch of handling of Api\Html formated content, if Api\Html is not used $this->parse_html_styles = Api\Storage\Customfields::use_html('resources'); } /** * Get replacements * * @param int $id id of entry * @param string &$content=null content to create some replacements only if they are use * @return array|boolean */ protected function get_replacements($id, &$content = null) { if(!($replacements = $this->resource_replacements($id, '', $content))) { return false; } return $replacements; } /** * Get resource replacements * * @param int $id id of entry * @param string $prefix ='' prefix like eg. 'erole' * @return array|boolean */ public function resource_replacements($id, $prefix = '', &$content = '') { $record = new resources_egw_record($id); $info = array(); // Convert to human friendly values $types = resources_egw_record::$types; // Needed to find fields later $accessory_of = $record->accessory_of; $selects = array(); if($content && strpos($content, '$$#') !== FALSE) { $this->cf_link_to_expand($record->get_record_array(), $content, $info); } importexport_export_csv::convert($record, $types, 'resources', $selects); $array = $record->get_record_array(); // Set any missing custom fields, or the marker will stay foreach($this->bo->customfields as $name => $field) { if (empty($array['#'.$name])) { $array['#'.$name] = ''; } // Format date cfs per user Api\Preferences if($array['#'.$name] && ($field['type'] == 'date' || $field['type'] == 'date-time')) { $this->date_fields[] = '#'.$name; $array['#'.$name] = Api\DateTime::to($array['#'.$name], $field['type'] == 'date' ? true : ''); } } // Add markers foreach($array as $key => &$value) { if(!$value) $value = ''; $info['$$'.($prefix ? $prefix.'/':'').$key.'$$'] = $value; } // Links $info += $this->get_all_links('resources', $id, $prefix, $content); // Add parent if($record->accessory_of) { $info += $this->resource_replacements($accessory_of, 'accessory_of', $content); } return $info; } public function get_placeholder_list($prefix = '') { $placeholders = array( 'resource' => [], 'Accessory of' => [] ) + parent::get_placeholder_list($prefix); $fields = array( 'res_id' => lang('Resource ID'), 'name' => lang('name'), 'short_description' => lang('short description'), 'cat_id' => lang('category'), 'quantity' => lang('quantity'), 'useable' => lang('useable'), 'location' => lang('location'), 'storage_info' => lang('storage'), 'bookable' => lang('bookable'), 'long_description' => lang('description'), 'inventory_number' => lang('inventory number'), 'accessory_of' => lang('accessory of') ); $group = 'resource'; foreach($fields as $name => $label) { if(in_array($name, array('custom'))) { // dont show them continue; } $marker = $this->prefix($prefix, $name, '{'); if(!array_filter($placeholders, function ($a) use ($marker) { return array_key_exists($marker, $a); })) { $placeholders[$group][] = [ 'value' => $marker, 'label' => $label ]; } } // Don't add any linked placeholders if we're not at the top level // This avoids potential recursion if(!$prefix) { // Add parent placeholders $this->add_linked_placeholders( $placeholders, lang('accessory of'), $this->get_placeholder_list(($prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '') . 'accessory_of') ); } else { unset($placeholders[lang('accessory of')]); } return $placeholders; } }