 * EGroupware - Calendar - Javascript UI
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @package calendar
 * @author Hadi Nategh	<hn-AT-stylite.de>
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @copyright (c) 2008-13 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$


 * UI for calendar
 * Calendar has multiple different views of the same data.  All the templates
 * for the different view are loaded at the start, then the view objects
 * in app.classes.calendar.views are used to manage the different views.
 * update_state() is used to change the state between the different views, as
 * well as adjust only a single part of the state while keeping the rest unchanged.
 * The event widgets (and the nextmatch) get the data from egw.data, and they
 * register update callbacks to automatically update when the data changes.  This
 * means that when we update something on the server, to update the UI we just need
 * to send back the new data and if the event widget still exists it will update
 * itself.  See calendar_uiforms->ajax_status().
 * To reduce server calls, we also keep a map of day => event IDs.  This allows
 * us to quickly change views (week to day, for example) without requesting additional
 * data from the server.  We keep that map as long as only the date (and a few
 * others - see update_state()) changes.  If user or any of the other filters are
 * changed, we discard the daywise cache and ask the server for the filtered events.
 * @augments AppJS
app.classes.calendar = AppJS.extend(
	 * application name
	appname: 'calendar',

	 * etemplate for the sidebox filters
	sidebox_et2: null,

	 * Current internal state
	 * If you need to change state, you can pass just the fields to change to
	 * update_state().
	state: {
		date: new Date(),
		view: egw.preference('defaultcalendar','calendar') || 'day',
		owner: egw.user('account_id'),
		days: egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar')

	states_to_save: ['owner','filter','cat_id','view','sortby','planner_days'],

	 * Constructor
	 * @memberOf app.calendar
	init: function()
		// make calendar object available, even if not running in top window, as sidebox does
		if (window.top !== window && !egw(window).is_popup() && window.top.app.calendar)
			window.app.calendar = window.top.app.calendar;

		// call parent
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Scroll

	 * Destructor
	destroy: function()
		// call parent
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// remove top window reference
		if (window.top !== window && window.top.app.calendar === this)
			delete window.top.app.calendar;

	 * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
	 * and ready.  If you must store a reference to the et2 object,
	 * make sure to clean it up in destroy().
	 * @param {etemplate2} _et2 newly ready et2 object
	 * @param {string} _name name of template
	et2_ready: function(_et2, _name)
		// call parent
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Avoid many problems with home
		if(_et2.app !== 'calendar') return;

		// Re-init sidebox, since it was probably initialized too soon
		var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname);
		if(sidebox.length == 0 && egw_getFramework() != null)
			var egw_fw = egw_getFramework();
			sidebox= $j('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname,egw_fw.sidemenuDiv);

		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content');

		switch (_name)
			case 'calendar.sidebox':
				this.sidebox_et2 = _et2.widgetContainer;

			case 'calendar.edit':
				if (typeof content.data['conflicts'] == 'undefined')
					//Check if it's fallback from conflict window or it's from edit window
					if (content.data['button_was'] != 'freetime')
						this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_exception').set_disabled(!content.data.recur_exception ||
							typeof content.data.recur_exception[0] == 'undefined');
					//send Syncronus ajax request to the server to unlock the on close entry
					//set onbeforeunload with json request to send request when the window gets close by X button
					if (content.data.lock_token)
						window.onbeforeunload = function () {
							[content.data.id, content.data.lock_token],null,true,null,null).sendRequest(true);

			case 'calendar.freetimesearch':
			case 'calendar.list':

		// Record the templates for the views so we can switch between them

	 * Observer method receives update notifications from all applications
	 * App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in!
	 * @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
	 * @param {string} _app application name
	 * @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null
	 * @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
	 * - update: request just modified data from given rows.  Sorting is not considered,
	 *		so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
	 * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected.  Requires full reload.
	 * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
	 * - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
	 * @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default)
	 * @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries
	 * or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info
	 * @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run
	observer: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _links)
		var do_refresh = false;
			case 'infolog':
						var match = a.href.split(/&info_id=/);
						if (match && typeof match[1] !="undefined")
							if (match[1]== _id)	do_refresh = true;
				if (jQuery('div [id^="infolog'+_id+'"],div [id^="drag_infolog'+_id+'"]').length > 0) do_refresh = true;
				switch (_type)
					case 'add':
						do_refresh = true;
				if (do_refresh)
					if (typeof this.et2 != 'undefined' && this.et2 !=null)
						this.egw.refresh(_msg, 'calendar');
						var iframe = parent.jQuery(parent.document).find('.egw_fw_content_browser_iframe');
						var calTab = iframe.parentsUntil(jQuery('.egw_fw_ui_tab_content'),'.egw_fw_ui_tab_content');

						if (!calTab.is(':visible'))
							// F.F can not handle to style correctly an iframe which is hidden (display:none), therefore we need to
							// bind a handler to refresh the calendar views after it shows up
							window.egw_refresh('refreshing calendar','calendar');
			case 'calendar':
					var event = egw.dataGetUIDdata('calendar::'+_id);
					if(event && event.data && event.data.date)
						var new_cache_id = app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(event.data.date,this.state.owner)
						var daywise = egw.dataGetUIDdata(new_cache_id);
						daywise = daywise ? daywise.data : [];
						if(_type === 'delete')
						else if (daywise.indexOf(_id) < 0)
					// Full refresh, clear the caches
					var daywise = egw.dataKnownUIDs(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID);
					for(var i = 0; i < daywise.length; i++)
						egw.dataDeleteUID(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise[i]);
					var events = egw.dataKnownUIDs(_app);
					for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
						egw.dataDeleteUID(_app + '::' + events[i]);
					// Force redraw to default state

	 * Link hander for jDots template to just reload our iframe, instead of reloading whole admin app
	 * @param {String} _url
	 * @return {boolean|string} true, if linkHandler took care of link, false for default processing or url to navigate to
	linkHandler: function(_url)
		if (_url.match('menuaction=calendar\.calendar_uiviews\.'))
			var view = _url.match(/calendar_uiviews\.([^&?]+)/);
			view = view && view.length > 1 ? view[1] : null;

			// Get query
			var q = {};
			delete q.ajax;
			delete q.menuaction;
			if((!view || view == 'index') && q.view) view = q.view;

			if (this.sidebox_et2 && typeof app.classes.calendar.views[view] == 'undefined')
				return true;
			// Known AJAX view
			else if(app.classes.calendar.views[view])
				if(typeof app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates[0] == 'string')
					return _url + '&ajax=true';
				// Already loaded, we'll just apply any variables to our current state
				var set = jQuery.extend({view: view},q);
				return true;
		else if (_url.indexOf('menuaction=calendar.calendar_') >= 0)
			var iframe = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('iframe');
			// Hide other views
			for(var _view in app.classes.calendar.views)
				for(var i = 0; i < app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates.length; i++)
			this.state.view = '';
			return true;
		// can not load our own index page, has to be done by framework
		return false;

	 * Setup and handle sortable calendars.
	 * You can only sort calendars if there is more than one owner, and the calendars
	 * are not combined (many owners, multi-week or month views)
	 * @returns {undefined}
	_sortable: function() {
		// Calender current state
		var state = this.getState();
		var sortable = jQuery('#calendar-view_view tbody');
			jQuery('#calendar-view_view tbody').sortable({
				cancel: "#divAppboxHeader, .calendar_calWeekNavHeader, .calendar_plannerHeader",
				handle: '.calendar_calGridHeader',
				//placeholder: "srotable_cal_wk_ph",
				revert: true,
				create: function ()
					var $sortItem = jQuery(this);
				start: function (event, ui)
					$j('.calendar_calTimeGrid',ui.helper).css('position', 'absolute');
					// Put owners into row IDs
					app.classes.calendar.views[app.calendar.state.view].etemplates[0].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(widget) {
				stop: function ()
				update: function ()
					var state = app.calendar.getState();
					if (state && typeof state.owner !== 'undefined')
						var sortedArr = sortable.sortable('toArray', {attribute:"data-owner"});
						// Directly update, since there is no other changes needed,
						// and we don't want the current sort order applied
						app.calendar.state.owner = sortedArr;

		// Enable or disable
		if((state.view == 'day' || state.view == 'week') &&
			state.owner.length > 1 && state.owner.length < egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi'))
			var options = {};
			switch (state.view)
				case "day":
					options = {
					sortable.sortable('option', options);
				case "week":
					options = {
					sortable.sortable('option', options);

	 * Bind scroll event
	 * When the user scrolls, we'll move enddate - startdate days
	_scroll: function() {
		// Bind only once, to the whole thing
			.on('wheel.calendar','.et2_container .calendar_calTimeGrid, .et2_container .calendar_plannerWidget',
					var direction = e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
					var delta = 1;
					var start = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);
					var end = null;

					// Find the template
					var id = $j(this).closest('.et2_container').attr('id');
					if(!id) return;
					var template = etemplate2.getById(id);
					if(!template) return;

					// Get the view to calculate
					var view = app.classes.calendar.views[app.calendar.state.view] || false;
					if (view && view.etemplates.indexOf(template) !== -1)
						start = view.scroll(direction * delta);
						// Home - always 1 week
						// TODO
						return false;
						var widget = [];
						var value = [];
						template.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) {
							if(typeof w.set_start_date === 'function' && typeof w.set_value === 'function')
						for(var i = 0; i < widget.length; i++)
							var state = template.widgetContainer.getParent().settings.favorite.state || {};
							var start = new Date(widget[i].options.start_date || state.start);
							start.setUTCDate(start.getUTCDate() + (7 * direction * delta));
							var end = new Date(widget[i].options.end_date || state.end);
							end.setUTCDate(end.getUTCDate() + (7 * direction * delta));

							// Get data
							value[i] = {
								start_date: start,
								end_date: end
							app.calendar._need_data([value[i]], state);

					return false;

	 * Function to help calendar resizable event, to fetch the right droppable cell
	 * @param {int} _X position left of draggable element
	 * @param {int} _Y position top of draggable element
	 * @return {jquery object|boolean} return selected jquery if not return false
	resizeHelper: function(_X,_Y)
		var $drops = jQuery("div[id^='drop_']");
		var top = Math.round(_Y);
		var left = Math.round(_X);
		for (var i=0;i < $drops.length;i++)
			if (top >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().top)
					&& top <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom)
					&& left >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().left)
					&& left <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().right))
				return $drops[i];
		return false;

	 * Convert AM/PM dateTime format to 24h
	 * @param {string} _date dnd date format: dateTtime{am|pm}, eg. 121214T1205 am
	 * @return {string} 24h format date
	cal_dnd_tZone_converter : function (_date)
		var date = _date;
		if (_date !='undefined')
			var tZone = _date.split('T')[1];
			if (tZone.search('am') > 0)
				tZone = tZone.replace(' am','');
				var tAm = tZone.substr(0,2);
				if (tAm == '12')
					tZone = tZone.replace('12','00');
				date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + tZone;
			if (tZone.search('pm') > 0)
				var pmTime = tZone.replace(' pm','');
				var H = parseInt(pmTime.substring(0,2)) + 12;
				pmTime = H.toString() + pmTime.substr(2,2);
				date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + pmTime;

		return date;

	 * Handler for changes generated by internal user interactions, like
	 * drag & drop inside calendar and resize.
	 * @param {Event} event
	 * @param {et2_calendar_event} widget Widget for the event
	 * @param {string} dialog_button - 'single', 'series', or 'exception', based on the user's answer
	 *	in the popup
	 * @returns {undefined}
	event_change: function(event, widget, dialog_button)
		// Add loading spinner - not visible if the body / gradient is there though
			[widget.options.value.id, widget.options.value.owner, widget.options.value.start, widget.options.value.owner, widget.options.value.duration],
			// Remove loading spinner
			function() {widget.div.removeClass('loading');}

	 * This function tries to recognise the type of dropped event, and sends relative request to server accordingly
	 *	-ATM we have three different requests:
	 *		-1. Event part of series
	 *		-2. Single Event (Normall Cal Event)
	 *		-3. Integrated Infolog Event
	 * @param {string} _id dragged event id
	 * @param {array} _date array of date,hour, and minute of dropped cell
	 * @param {string} _duration description
	 * @param {string} _eventFlag Flag to distinguish whether the event is Whole Day, Series, or Single
	 *	- S represents Series
	 *	- WD represents Whole Day
	 *	- WDS represents Whole Day Series (recurrent whole day event)
	 *	- '' represents Single
	dropEvent : function(_id, _date, _duration, _eventFlag)
		var eventId = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("drag_")+5,_id.lastIndexOf("_O"));
		var calOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_O")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("_C"));
		var eventOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,_id.lastIndexOf(""));
		var date = this.cal_dnd_tZone_converter(_date);

		if (_eventFlag == 'S')
				if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON)
					egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration]).sendRequest();
			},this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."),
			this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE);
			//Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event
			var infolog_id = eventId.split('infolog')[1];

			if (infolog_id)
				// If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry
				egw().json('stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent', [infolog_id, date,_duration]).sendRequest();
				//Edit calendar event
				egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent',[eventId,	calOwner, date,	eventOwner,	_duration]).sendRequest();

	 * open the freetime search popup
	 * @param {string} _link
	freetime_search_popup: function(_link)
		this.egw.open_link(_link,'ft_search','700x500') ;

	 * send an ajax request to server to set the freetimesearch window content
	freetime_search: function()
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
		content['start'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value();
		content['end'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('end').get_value();
		content['duration'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration').get_value();

		var request = this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_freetimesearch', [content],null,null,null,null);

	 * Function for disabling the recur_data multiselect box
	check_recur_type: function()
		var recurType = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_type');
		var recurData = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_data');

		if(recurType && recurData)
			recurData.set_disabled(recurType.get_value() != 2);

	 * Show/Hide end date, for both edit and freetimesearch popups,
	 * based on if "use end date" selected or not.
	set_enddate_visibility: function()
		var duration = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration');
		var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start');
		var end = this.et2.getWidgetById('end');
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;

		if (typeof duration != 'undefined' && typeof end != 'undefined')
			if (!end.disabled )
				if (typeof content.duration != 'undefined') end.set_value("+"+content.duration);

	 * handles actions selectbox in calendar edit popup
	 * @param {mixed} _event
	 * @param {et2_base_widget} widget "actions selectBox" in edit popup window
	actions_change: function(_event, widget)
		var event = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
		if (widget)
			var id = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data['id'];
			switch (widget.get_value())
				case 'print':
				case 'mail':
					this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], false],null,null,null,null).sendRequest();
				case 'sendrequest':
					this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], true],null,null,null,null).sendRequest();
				case 'infolog':
				case 'ical':

	 * open mail compose popup window
	 * @param {Array} vars
	 * @todo need to provide right mail compose from server to custom_mail function
	custom_mail: function (vars)

	 * control delete_series popup visibility
	 * @param {et2_widget} widget
	 * @param {Array} exceptions an array contains number of exception entries
	delete_btn: function(widget,exceptions)
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;

		if (exceptions)
			var buttons = [
					button_id: 'keep',
					statustext:'All exceptions are converted into single events.',
					text: 'Keep exceptions',
					id: 'button[delete_keep_exceptions]',
					image: 'keep', "default":true
					button_id: 'delete',
					statustext:'The exceptions are deleted together with the series.',
					text: 'Delete exceptions',
					id: 'button[delete_exceptions]',
					image: 'delete'
					button_id: 'cancel',
					text: 'Cancel',
					id: 'dialog[cancel]',
					image: 'cancel'

			var self = this;
						if (_button_id != 'dialog[cancel]')
							return true;
							return false;
					this.egw.lang("Do you want to keep the series exceptions in your calendar?"),
					this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE
		else if (content['recur_type'] !== 0)
			et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this series of recuring events','Delete Series');
			et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this event','Delete');

	 * print_participants_status(egw,widget)
	 * Handle to apply changes from status in print popup
	 * @param {mixed} _event
	 * @param {et2_base_widget} widget widget "status" in print popup window
	print_participants_status: function(_event, widget)
		if (widget && window.opener)
			//Parent popup window
			var editPopWindow = window.opener;

			if (editPopWindow)
				//Update paretn popup window

			editPopWindow.opener.egw_refresh('status changed','calendar');
		else if (widget)
			window.egw_refresh(this.egw.lang('The original popup edit window is closed! You need to close the print window and reopen the entry again.'),'calendar');

	 * In edit popup, search for calendar participants.
	 * Resources need to have the start & duration (etc.)
	 * passed along in the query.
	 * @param {Object} request
	 * @param {et2_link_entry} widget
	 * @returns {boolean} True to continue with the search
	edit_participant_search: function(request, widget)
		if(widget.app_select.val() == 'resources')
			// Resources search is expecting exec
			var values = widget.getInstanceManager().getValues(widget.getRoot());
			if(typeof request.options != 'object' || request.options == null)
				request.options = {};
			request.options.exec = {
				start: values.start,
				end: values.end,
				duration: values.duration,
				participants: values.participants,
				recur_type: values.recur_type,
				event_id: values.link_to.to_id, // cal_id, if available
				show_conflict: (egw.preference('defaultresource_sel','calendar') == 'resources_without_conflict') ? '0' : '1'
				request.options.exec.whole_date = true;
		return true;

	 * Handles to select freetime, and replace the selected one on Start,
	 * and End date&time in edit calendar entry popup.
	 * @param {mixed} _event
	 * @param {et2_base_widget} _widget widget "select button" in freetime search popup window
	freetime_select: function(_event, _widget)
		if (_widget)
			var content = this.et2._inst.widgetContainer.getArrayMgr('content').data;
			// Make the Id from selected button by checking the index
			var selectedId = _widget.id.match(/^select\[([0-9])\]$/i)[1];

			var sTime = this.et2.getWidgetById(selectedId+'start');

			//check the parent window is still open before to try to access it
			if (window.opener && sTime)
				var editWindowObj = window.opener.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0];
				if (typeof editWindowObj != "undefined")
					var startTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('start');
					var endTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('end');
					if (startTime && endTime)
				alert(this.egw.lang('The original calendar edit popup is closed!'));

	 * show/hide the filter of nm list in calendar listview
	filter_change: function()
		var filter = this.et2 ? this.et2.getWidgetById('filter') : null;
		var dates = this.et2 ? this.et2.getWidgetById('calendar.list.dates') : null;

		if (filter && dates)
			dates.set_disabled(filter.value !== "custom");

	 * Application links from non-list events
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActionObject[]} _events
	action_open: function(_action, _events)
		var id = _events[0].id.split('::');
			var open = JSON.parse(_action.data.open) || {};
			var extra = open.extra || '';

			extra = extra.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,id[0]).replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id[1]);
		else if (_action.data.url)
			var url = _action.data.url;
			url = url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,id[0]).replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id[1]);

	 * Change status (via AJAX)
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActionObject} _events
	status: function(_action, _events)
		// Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all
		for(var i = 0; i < _events.length; i++)
			var event_widget = _events[i].iface.getWidget() || false;
			if(!event_widget) continue;

			event_widget.recur_prompt(jQuery.proxy(function(button_id,event_data) {
					case 'exception':
							[event_data.app_id, egw.user('account_id'), _action.data.id]
					case 'series':
					case 'single':
							[event_data.id, egw.user('account_id'), _action.data.id]
					case 'cancel':


	 * this function try to fix ids which are from integrated apps
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActionObject[]} _senders
	cal_fix_app_id: function(_action, _senders)
		var app = 'calendar';
		var id = _senders[0].id;
		var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/);
		if (matches)
			id = matches[1];
			matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i);
			if (matches)
				app = matches[1];
				id = matches[2];
		var backup_url = _action.data.url;

		_action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id);
		_action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,app);

		nm_action(_action, _senders,false,{ids:[id]});

		_action.data.url = backup_url;	// restore url

	 * Open calendar entry, taking into accout the calendar integration of other apps
	 * calendar_uilist::get_rows sets var js_calendar_integration object
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders
	cal_open: function(_action, _senders)

		if(_action.parent.data && _action.parent.data.nextmatch)
			var js_integration_data = _action.parent.data.nextmatch.options.settings.js_integration_data || this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data.nm.js_integration_data;
		var id = _senders[0].id;
		var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/);
		var backup = _action.data;
		if (matches)
		matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i);
		if (matches && js_integration_data)
			var app = matches[1];
			_action.data.url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?';
			var get_params = js_integration_data[app].edit;
			get_params[js_integration_data[app].edit_id] = matches[2];
			for(var name in get_params)
				_action.data.url += name+"="+encodeURIComponent(get_params[name])+"&";

			if (js_integration_data[app].edit_popup)
				matches = js_integration_data[app].edit_popup.match(/^(.*)x(.*)$/);
				if (matches)
					_action.data.width = matches[1];
					_action.data.height = matches[2];
					_action.data.nm_action = 'location';
		_action.data = backup;	// restore url, width, height, nm_action

	 * Delete (a single) calendar entry over ajax.
	 * Used for the non-list views
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActionObject} _events
	delete: function(_action, _events)
		// Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all
		for(var i = 0; i < _events.length; i++)
			var event_widget = _events[i].iface.getWidget() || false;
			if(!event_widget) continue;

			event_widget.recur_prompt(jQuery.proxy(function(button_id,event_data) {
					case 'exception':
					case 'series':
					case 'single':
					case 'cancel':

	 * Delete calendar entry, asking if you want to delete series or exception
	 * Used for nextmatch
	 * @param _action
	 * @param _senders
	cal_delete: function(_action, _senders)
		var backup = _action.data;
		var matches = false;

		// Loop so we ask if any of the selected entries is part of a series
		for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++)
			var id = _senders[i].id;
				matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/);
		if (matches)
			var popup = jQuery('#calendar-list_delete_popup').get(0);
			if (typeof popup != 'undefined')
				// nm action - show popup

		nm_action(_action, _senders);

	 * Confirmation dialog for moving a series entry
	 * @param {object} _DOM
	 * @param {et2_widget} _button button Save | Apply
	move_edit_series: function(_DOM,_button)
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
		var start_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value();
		var whole_day = this.et2.getWidgetById('whole_day');
		var is_whole_day = whole_day && whole_day.get_value() == whole_day.options.selected_value;
		var button = _button;
		var that = this;
		if (typeof content != 'undefined' && content.id != null &&
			typeof content.recur_type != 'undefined' && content.recur_type != null && content.recur_type != 0
			if (content.start != start_date || content.whole_day != is_whole_day)
						if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON)

							return false;
					this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."),
					this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE);
				return true;
			return true;

	 * Create edit exception dialog for recurrence entries
	 * @param {object} event
	 * @param {string} id cal_id
	 * @param {integer} date timestamp
	edit_series: function(event,id,date)
		// Coming from list, there is no event
		if(arguments.length == 2)
			date = id;
			id = event;
			event = null;
		var edit_id = id;
		var edit_date = date;
		var that = this;
		var buttons = [
			{text: this.egw.lang("Edit exception"), id: "exception", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true},
			{text: this.egw.lang("Edit series"), id:"series"},
			{text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"}
				case 'exception':
					that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date+'&exception=1');
				case 'series':
					that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date);
				case 'cancel':

		},this.egw.lang("Do you want to edit this event as an exception or the whole series?"),
		this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE);

	 * Method to set state for JSON requests (jdots ajax_exec or et2 submits can NOT use egw.js script tag)
	 * @param {object} _state
	set_state: function(_state)
		if (typeof _state == 'object')
			// If everything is loaded, handle the changes
			if(this.sidebox_et2 !== null)
				// Things aren't loaded yet, just set it
				this.state = _state;

	 * Change only part of the current state.
	 * The passed state options (filters) are merged with the current state, so
	 * this is the one that should be used for most calls, as setState() requires
	 * the complete state.
	 * @param {Object} _set New settings
	update_state: function(_set)
		// Make sure we're running in top window
		if(window !== window.top)
			return window.top.app.calendar.update_state(_set);
		if(this.state_update_in_progress) return;

		var changed = [];
		var new_state = jQuery.extend({}, this.state);
		var cachable_changes = ['date','view','days','planner_days','sortby'];
		if (typeof _set === 'object')
			for(var s in _set)
				if(cachable_changes.indexOf(s) === -1)
					// Expire daywise cache
					var daywise = egw.dataKnownUIDs(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID);
					for(var i = 0; i < daywise.length; i++)
						egw.dataDeleteUID(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise[i]);
				if (new_state[s] !== _set[s])
					changed.push(s + ': ' + new_state[s] + ' -> ' + _set[s]);
					new_state[s] = _set[s];
		if(changed.length && !this.state_update_in_progress)
			console.log('Calendar state changed',changed.join("\n"));
			// Log
			this.egw.debug('navigation','Calendar state changed', changed.join("\n"));
			this.setState({state: new_state});

	 * Return state object defining current view
	 * Called by favorites to query current state.
	 * @return {object} description
	getState: function()
		var state = jQuery.extend({},this.state);

		if (!state)
			var egw_script_tag = document.getElementById('egw_script_id');
			state = egw_script_tag.getAttribute('data-calendar-state');
			state = state ? JSON.parse(state) : {};

		// Make sure date is consitantly a string, in case it needs to be passed to server
		if(state.date && state.date.toJSON)
			state.date = state.date.toJSON();

		// Don't store current user in state to allow admins to create favourites for all
		// Should make no difference for normal users.
		if(state.owner == egw.user('account_id'))
			// 0 is always the current user, so if an admin creates a default favorite,
			// it will work for other users too.
			state.owner = 0;
		// Don't store first and last
		delete state.first;
		delete state.last;

		return state;

	 * Set a state previously returned by getState
	 * Called by favorites to set a state saved as favorite.
	 * @param {object} state containing "name" attribute to be used as "favorite" GET parameter to a nextmatch
	setState: function(state)
		// State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse
		if(typeof state == "string")
			if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null')
				state = JSON.parse(state);
		if(typeof state.state !== 'object' || !state.state.view)
			state.state = {view: 'week'};
			state.state.date = new Date();

		// Hide other views
		for(var _view in app.classes.calendar.views)
			if(state.state.view != _view && app.classes.calendar.views[_view])
				for(var i = 0; i < app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates.length; i++)
					if(typeof app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates[i] !== 'string')

		// Check for a supported client-side view
		if(app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view] &&
			// Check that the view is instanciated
			typeof app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view].etemplates[0] !== 'string' && app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view].etemplates[0].widgetContainer
			// Doing an update - this includes the selected view, and the sidebox
			// We set a flag to ignore changes from the sidebox which would
			// cause infinite loops.
			this.state_update_in_progress = true;

			var view = app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view];

			// Sanitize owner so it's always an array
			if(state.state.owner === null)
				state.state.owner = undefined;
			switch(typeof state.state.owner)
				case 'undefined':
					state.state.owner = [this.egw.user('account_id')];
				case 'string':
					state.state.owner = state.state.owner.split(',');
				case 'number':
					state.state.owner = [state.state.owner];
				case 'object':
					// An array-like Object or an Array?
						state.state.owner = jQuery.map(state.state.owner, function(owner) {return owner;});
			// Keep sort order
			if(typeof this.state.owner === 'object')
				var owner = [];
				this.state.owner.forEach(function(key) {
					var found = false;
					state.state.owner = state.state.owner.filter(function(item) {
						if(!found && item == key) {
							found = true;
							return false;
						} else
							return true;
				// Add in any new owners
				state.state.owner = owner.concat(state.state.owner);

			// Show the correct number of grids
			var grid_count = state.state.view === 'weekN' ? parseInt(this.egw.preference('multiple_weeks','calendar')) || 3 :
				state.state.view === 'month' ? 0 : // Calculate based on weeks in the month
				state.state.owner.length > (this.egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi') || 5) ? 1 : state.state.owner.length;

			var grid = view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById('view');

			If the count is different, we need to have the correct number (just remove all & re-create)
			If the count is > 1, it's either because there are multiple date spans (weekN, month) and we need the correct span
			per row, or there are multiple owners and we need the correct owner per row.
			if(grid && (grid_count !== grid._children.length || grid_count > 1))
				// Need to redo the number of grids
				var value = [];
				state.state.first = view.start_date(state.state).toJSON();
				// We'll modify this one, so it needs to be a new object
				var date = new Date(state.state.first);

				// Determine the different end date
					case 'month':
						var end = state.state.last = view.end_date(state.state);
						grid_count = Math.ceil((end - date) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) / 7);
						// fall through
					case 'weekN':
						for(var week = 0; week < grid_count; week++)
							var val = {
								id: ""+date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()) + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()),
								start_date: new Date(date),
								end_date: new Date(date),
								owner: state.state.owner
						var end = state.state.last = view.end_date(state.state);
						for(var owner = 0; owner < grid_count && owner < state.state.owner.length; owner++)
								id: ""+date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()) + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()),
								start_date: date,
								end_date: end,
								owner: grid_count > 1 ? state.state.owner[owner] || 0 : state.state.owner
				state.state.last = state.state.last.toJSON()
				// If we have cached data for the timespan, pass it along
						{content: value}

					// Weekend needs to be done seperately
					grid.iterateOver(function(widget) {
					},this, et2_valueWidget);

					// Granularity needs to be done seperately
					grid.iterateOver(function(widget) {
					},this, et2_valueWidget);
				// Simple, easy case - just one widget for the selected time span.
				// Update existing view's special attribute filters, defined in the view list
				for(var updater in view)
					if(typeof view[updater] === 'function')
						var value = view[updater].call(this,state.state);
						if(updater === 'start_date') state.state.first = this.date.toString(value);
						if(updater === 'end_date') state.state.last = this.date.toString(value);

						// Set value
						for(var i = 0; i < view.etemplates.length; i++)
							view.etemplates[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(widget) {
								if(typeof widget['set_'+updater] === 'function')
							}, this, et2_valueWidget);
				var value = [{start_date: state.state.first, end_date: state.state.last}];
			// Include first & last dates in state, mostly for server side processing
			if(state.state.first && state.state.first.toJSON) state.state.first = state.state.first.toJSON();
			if(state.state.last && state.state.last.toJSON) state.state.last = state.state.last.toJSON();

			// Show the templates for the current view
			for(var i = 0; i < view.etemplates.length; i++)
			// Toggle todos
			if(state.state.view == 'day')
				if(state.state.owner.length === 1 && !isNaN(state.state.owner) && state.state.owner[0] > 0)
					// TODO: Maybe some caching here
					this.egw.jsonq('calendar_uiviews::ajax_get_todos', [state.state.date, state.state.owner[0]], function(data) {
			this.state = jQuery.extend({},state.state);

			var formatDate = new Date(this.state.date);
			formatDate = new Date(formatDate.valueOf() + formatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);

			// List view (nextmatch) has slightly different fields
			if(state.state.view === 'listview')
				state.state.startdate = state.state.date;
				state.state.col_filter = {participant: state.state.owner};

				// Pass status filter in as status filter, avoids conflicts with nm filter
				state.state.status_filter = state.state.filter;
				delete state.state.filter;

				var nm = view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById('nm');

			/* Update re-orderable calendars */

			/* Update sidebox widgets to show current value*/
				this.sidebox_et2.iterateOver(function(widget) {
					if(widget.id == 'view')
						// View widget has a list of state settings, which require special handling
						for(var i = 0; i < widget.options.select_options.length; i++)
							var option_state = JSON.parse(widget.options.select_options[i].value) || [];
							var match = true;
							for(var os_key in option_state)
								// Sometimes an optional state variable is not yet defined (sortby, days, etc)
								match = match && (option_state[os_key] == this.state[os_key] || typeof this.state[os_key] == 'undefined');
					else if(typeof state.state[widget.id] !== 'undefined' && state.state[widget.id] != widget.getValue())
						// Update widget.  This may trigger an infinite loop of
						// updates, so we do it after changing this.state and set a flag

			// If current state matches a favorite, hightlight it

			// Sidebox is updated, we can clear the flag
			this.state_update_in_progress = false;

			// Update saved state in preferences
			var save = {};
			for(var i = 0; i < this.states_to_save.length; i++)
				save[this.states_to_save[i]] = this.state[this.states_to_save[i]];
			egw.set_preference('calendar','saved_states', save);

		// old calendar state handling on server-side (incl. switching to and from listview)
		var menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index';
		if (typeof state.state != 'undefined' && (typeof state.state.view == 'undefined' || state.state.view == 'listview'))
			if (state.name)
				// 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name
				state.state.favorite = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state||state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_');
				// set date for "No Filter" (blank) favorite to todays date
				if (state.state.favorite == 'blank')
					state.state.date = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yymmdd', new Date);
			menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview';
			state.state.ajax = 'true';
			// check if we already use et2 / are in listview
			if (this.et2 || etemplate2 && etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar'))
				// current calendar-code can set regular calendar states only via a server-request :(
				// --> check if we only need to set something which can be handeled by nm internally
				// or we need a redirect
				// ToDo: pass them via nm's get_rows call to server (eg. by passing state), so we dont need a redirect
				var current_state = this.getState();
				var need_redirect = false;
				for(var attr in current_state)
						case 'cat_id':
						case 'owner':
						case 'filter':
							if (state.state[attr] != current_state[attr])
								need_redirect = true;
								// reset of attributes managed on server-side
								if (state.state.favorite === 'blank')
										case 'cat_id':
											state.state.cat_id = 0;
										case 'owner':
											state.state.owner = egw.user('account_id');
										case 'filter':
											state.state.filter = 'default';

						case 'view':
							// "No filter" (blank) favorite: if not in listview --> stay in that view
							if (state.state.favorite === 'blank' && current_state.view != 'listview')
								menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index';
								delete state.state.ajax;
								need_redirect = true;
				if (!need_redirect)
					return this._super.apply(this, [state]);
		// setting internal state now, that linkHandler does not intercept switching from listview to any old view
		this.state = jQuery.extend({},state.state);

		var query = jQuery.extend({menuaction: menuaction},state.state||{});

		// prepend an owner 0, to reset all owners and not just set given resource type
		if(typeof query.owner != 'undefined')
			query.owner = '0,'+ query.owner;

		this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php',query), 'calendar');

		// Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click
		return false;

	 * Check to see if any of the selected is an event widget
	 * Used to separate grid actions from event actions
	 * @param {egwAction} _action
	 * @param {egwActioObject[]} _selected
	 * @returns {boolean} Is any of the selected an event widget
	is_event: function(_action, _selected)
		var is_widget = false;
		for(var i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++)
			if(_selected[i].iface.getWidget() && _selected[i].iface.getWidget().instanceOf(et2_calendar_event))
				is_widget = true;

			// Also check classes, usually indicating permission
			if(_action.data && _action.data.enableClass)
				is_widget = is_widget && ($j( _selected[i].iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.enableClass));
			if(_action.data && _action.data.disableClass)
				is_widget = is_widget && !($j( _selected[i].iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.disableClass));

		return is_widget;

	 * Enable/Disable custom Date-time for set Alarm
	 * @param {egw object} _egw
	 * @param {widget object} _widget new_alarm[options] selectbox
	alarm_custom_date: function (_egw,_widget)
		var alarm_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[date]');
		var alarm_options = _widget || this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[options]');
		var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start');

		if (alarm_date && alarm_options
					&& start)
			if (alarm_options.get_value() != '0')
			var startDate = typeof start.get_value != 'undefined'?start.get_value():start.value;
			if (startDate)
				var date = new Date(startDate);
				date.setTime(date.getTime() - 1000 * parseInt(alarm_options.get_value()));

	 * Set alarm options based on WD/Regular event user preferences
	 * Gets fired by wholeday checkbox
	 * @param {egw object} _egw
	 * @param {widget object} _widget whole_day checkbox
	set_alarmOptions_WD: function (_egw,_widget)
		var alarm = this.et2.getWidgetById('alarm');
		if (!alarm) return;	// no default alarm
		var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
		var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start');
		var self= this;
		var time = alarm.cells[1][0].widget;
		var event = alarm.cells[1][1].widget;
		// Convert a seconds of time to a translated label
		var _secs_to_label = function (_secs)
			var label='';
			if (_secs <= 3600)
				label = self.egw.lang('%1 minutes', _secs/60);
			else if(_secs <= 86400)
				label = self.egw.lang('%1 hours', _secs/3600);
			return label;
		if (typeof content['alarm'][1]['default'] == 'undefined')
			// user deleted alarm --> nothing to do
			var def_alarm = this.egw.preference(_widget.get_value() === "true" ?
				'default-alarm-wholeday' : 'default-alarm', 'calendar');
			if (!def_alarm && def_alarm !== 0)	// no alarm
				jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').hide();
				jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').show();
				time.set_value('-'+(60 * def_alarm));
				event.set_value(_secs_to_label(60 * def_alarm));

	 * Take the date range(s) in the value and decide if we need to fetch data
	 * for the date ranges, or if they're already cached fill them in.
	 * @param {
	_need_data: function(value, state)
		var need_data = false;

		// Determine if we're showing multiple owners seperate or consolidated
		var seperate_owners = false;
		var last_owner = value.length ? value[0].owner || 0 : 0;
		for(var i = 0; i < value.length && !seperate_owners; i++)
			seperate_owners = seperate_owners || (last_owner !== value[i].owner)

		for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
			var t = new Date(value[i].start_date);
			var end = new Date(value[i].end_date);
				// Cache is by date (and owner, if seperate)
				var date = t.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCDate());
				var cache_id = app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(date, seperate_owners ? value[i].owner : state.owner||false);

					var c = egw.dataGetUIDdata(cache_id);
					if(c.data && c.data !== null)
						// There is data, pass it along now
						value[i][date] = [];
						for(var j = 0; j < c.data.length; j++)
								need_data = true;
						need_data = true;
						// Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later
						egw.dataStoreUID(cache_id, []);
					need_data = true;
					// Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later
					egw.dataStoreUID(cache_id, []);
				t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 1);
			while(t < end);

			// Some data is missing for the current owner, go get it
			if(need_data && seperate_owners)
				this._fetch_data(jQuery.extend({}, state, {owner: value[i].owner}));

		// Some data was missing, go get it
		if(need_data && !seperate_owners)

	 * Use the egw.data system to get data from the calendar list for the
	 * selected time span.
	 * As long as the other filters are the same (category, owner, status) we
	 * cache the data.
	 * @param {Object} state
	 * @param {etemplate2} [instance] If the full calendar app isn't loaded
	 *	(home app), pass a different instance to use it to get the data
	 * @param {number} [start] Result offset.  Internal use only
	_fetch_data: function(state, instance, start)
		if(!this.sidebox_et2 && !instance) return;

		if(typeof start === 'undefined')
			start = 0;

		var query = jQuery.extend({}, {
			get_rows: 'calendar.calendar_uilist.get_rows',
			startdate:state.first ||  state.date,
			// Participant must be an array or it won't work
			col_filter: {participant: (typeof state.owner == 'string' || typeof state.owner == 'number' ? [state.owner] : state.owner)},
			filter:'custom', // Must be custom to get start & end dates
			status_filter: state.filter,
			cat_id: state.cat_id,
			search: state.keywords
		// Show ajax loader

			instance ? instance.etemplate_exec_id :
			{start: start, num_rows:200},
			function(data) {
				var updated_days = {};
				for(var i = 0; i < data.order.length && data.total; i++)
					var record = this.egw.dataGetUIDdata(data.order[i]);
					if(record && record.data)
						if(typeof updated_days[record.data.date] === 'undefined')
							updated_days[record.data.date] = [];
						// Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference

						// Check for multi-day events listed once
						// Date must stay a string or we might cause problems with nextmatch
						var dates = {
							start: typeof record.data.start === 'string' ? record.data.start : record.data.start.toJSON(),
							end: typeof record.data.end === 'string' ? record.data.end : record.data.end.toJSON(),
						if(dates.start.substr(0,10) !== dates.end.substr(0,10))
							var end = new Date(record.data.end);
							var t = new Date(record.data.start);

								var expanded_date = ''+t.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',t.getDate());
								if(typeof(updated_days[expanded_date]) === 'undefined')
									updated_days[expanded_date] = [];
								if(record.data.date !== expanded_date)
									// Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference
								t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 1);
							while(end >= t)
				for(var day in updated_days)
					this.egw.dataStoreUID(app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(day, state.owner), updated_days[day]);

				// More rows?
				if(data.order.length + start < data.total)
					// Wait a bit, let UI do something.
					window.setTimeout( function() {
						app.calendar._fetch_data(state, instance, start + data.order.length);
					}, 100);

				// Hide AJAX loader
			}, this,null

	 * Some handy date calculations
	 * All take either a Date object or full date with timestamp (Z)
	date: {
		toString: function(date)
			// Ensure consistent formatting using UTC, avoids problems with comparison
			// and timezones
			if(typeof date === 'string') date = new Date(date);
			return date.getUTCFullYear() +'-'+
				sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()+1) + '-'+
				sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()) + 'T'+
				sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCHours()) + ':'+
				sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMinutes()) + ':'+
				sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';

		* Formats one or two dates (range) as long date (full monthname), optionaly with a time
		* Take care of any timezone issues before you pass the dates in.
		* @param {Date} first first date
		* @param {Date} last=0 last date for range, or false for a single date
		* @param {boolean} display_time=false should a time be displayed too
		* @param {boolean} display_day=false should a day-name prefix the date, eg. monday June 20, 2006
		* @return string with formatted date
		long_date: function(first, last, display_time, display_day)
			if(!first) return '';
			if(typeof first === 'string')
				first = new Date(first);
			if(typeof last == 'string' && last)
				last = new Date(last);
			if(!last || typeof last !== 'object')
				 last = false;

			if(!display_time) display_time = false;
			if(!display_day) display_day = false;

			var range = '';

			var datefmt = egw.preference('dateformat');
			var timefmt = egw.preference('timeformat') == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i';

			var month_before_day = datefmt[0].toLowerCase() == 'm' ||
				datefmt[2].toLowerCase() == 'm' && datefmt[4] == 'd';

			if (display_day)
				range = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('DD',first)+(datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ' ' : ', ');
			for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 2)
					 case 'd':
						 range += first.getUTCDate()+ (datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : '');
						 if (last && (first.getUTCMonth() != last.getUTCMonth() || first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear()))
							 if (!month_before_day)
								 range += jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',first);
							 if (first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear() && datefmt[0] != 'Y')
								 range += (datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') . first.getFullYear();
							 if (display_time)
								 range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),first);
							 if (!last)
								 return range;
							 range += ' - ';

							 if (first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear() && datefmt[0] == 'Y')
								 range += last.getFullYear() + ', ';

							 if (month_before_day)
								 range += jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',last);
							 if (display_time)
								 range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),last);
								 range += ' - ';
							 range += ' ' + last.getUTCDate() + (datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : '');
					 case 'm':
					 case 'M':
						 range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',month_before_day ? first : last) + ' ';
					 case 'Y':
						 if (datefmt[0] != 'm')
							 range += ' ' + (datefmt[0] == 'Y' ? first.getFullYear()+(datefmt[2] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') : last.getFullYear()+' ');
			if (display_time && last)
				 range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),last);
			if (datefmt[4] == 'Y' && datefmt[0] == 'm')
				 range += ', ' + last.getFullYear();
			return range;
		* Calculate iso8601 week-number, which is defined for Monday as first day of week only
		* We adjust the day, if user prefs want a different week-start-day
		* @param string|Date date
		* @return string
		week_number: function(_date)
			var d = new Date(_date);
			var day = d.getUTCDay();

			// if week does not start Monday and date is Sunday --> add one day
			if (egw.preference('weekdaystarts','calendar') != 'Monday' && !day)
				d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 1);
			// if week does start Saturday and $time is Saturday --> add two days
			else if (egw.preference('weekdaystarts','calendar') == 'Saturday' && day == 6)
				d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 2);

			return jQuery.datepicker.iso8601Week(new Date(d.valueOf() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000));
		start_of_week: function(date)
			var d = new Date(date);
			var day = d.getUTCDay();
			var diff = 0;
				case 'Saturday':
					diff = day === 6 ? 0 : day === 0 ? -1 : -(day + 1);
				case 'Monday':
					diff = day === 0 ? 1 : 1-day;
				case 'Sunday':
					diff = -day;
			d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + diff);
			return d;
		end_of_week: function(date)
			var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(date);
			d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 6);
			return d;

	 * Initializes actions and handlers on sidebox (delete)
	 * Extended from parent to automatically add change handlers for resource
	 * menu items.
	 * @param {jQuery} sidebox jQuery of DOM node
	_init_sidebox: function(sidebox)
		if( this._super.apply(this, arguments) )
				.on('change.sidebox', 'select:not(.et2_selectbox),input', this, function(event) {
					var state = {};

					// Here we look for things like owner: ['r1,r2'] and change them
					// to owner: ['r1','r2']
					state[this.name.replace('[]','')] = $j(this).val();
					$j('option', this).removeAttr('selected');
					for(var key in state)
						if(state[key] && typeof state[key].length !== 'undefined')
							for(var sub_key in state[key])
								if(typeof state[key][sub_key] == 'string' && state[key][sub_key].indexOf(',') !== -1)
									var explode_me = state[key][sub_key];
									delete state[key][sub_key];
									jQuery.extend(state[key], explode_me.split(','));

	 * The sidebox filters use some non-standard and not-exposed options.  They
	 * are set up here.
	_setup_sidebox_filters: function()
		// Further date customizations
		var date = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('date');
			date.input_date.datepicker("option", {
				showButtonPanel:	true,
				onChangeMonthYear:	function(year, month, inst)
					// Switch to month view for that month
					var date = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);
						view: 'month',
						date: date
				// Mark holidays
				beforeShowDay: function (date)
					var holidays = et2_calendar_daycol.get_holidays({day_class_holiday: function() {}}, date.getFullYear());
					var day_holidays = holidays[''+date.getUTCFullYear() +
						sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()+1) +
					var css_class = '';
					var tooltip = '';
					if(typeof day_holidays !== 'undefined' && day_holidays.length)
						for(var i = 0; i < day_holidays.length; i++)
							if (typeof day_holidays[i]['birthyear'] !== 'undefined')
								css_class +='calendar_calBirthday ';
								css_class += 'calendar_calHoliday ';
							tooltip += day_holidays[i]['name'] + "\n";
					return [true, css_class, tooltip];

			// Clickable week numbers
			date.input_date.on('mouseenter','.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() {
				.on('mouseleave','.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() {
				.on('click', '.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() {
					// Fake a click event on the first day to get the updated date

					// Set to week view
					app.calendar.update_state({view: 'week', date: date.getValue()});

	 * Record view templates so we can quickly switch between them.
	 * @param {etemplate2} _et2 etemplate2 template that was just loaded
	 * @param {String} _name Name of the template
	_et2_view_init: function(_et2, _name)
		var hidden = typeof this.state.view !== 'undefined';
		var all_loaded = true;

		// Avoid home portlets using our templates, and get them right
		if(_et2.uniqueId.indexOf('portlet') === 0) return;

		// Flag to make sure we don't hide non-view templates
		var view_et2 = false;

		for(var view in app.classes.calendar.views)
			var index = app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates.indexOf(_name);
			if(index > -1)
				view_et2 = true;
				app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates[index] = _et2;
				// If a template disappears, we want to release it
				$j(_et2.DOMContainer).one('clear',jQuery.proxy(function() {
					this.view[index] = _name;
				},jQuery.extend({},{view: app.classes.calendar.views[view], index: ""+index, name: _name})));

				if(this.state.view === view)
					hidden = false;
			app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates.forEach(function(et) {all_loaded = all_loaded && typeof et !== 'string';});

		// Start hidden, except for current view

	View: {
		// List of etemplates to show for this view
		etemplates: ['calendar.view'],

		 * Translated label for header
		 * @param {Object} state
		 * @returns {string}
		header: function(state) {
			var formatDate = new Date(state.date);
			formatDate = new Date(formatDate.valueOf() + formatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
			return date(egw.preference('dateformat'),formatDate);

		 * Get the start date for this view
		 * @param {Object} state
		 * @returns {Date}
		start_date: function(state) {
			var d = state.date ? new Date(state.date) : new Date();
			return d;
		 * Get the end date for this view
		 * @param {Object} state
		 * @returns {Date}
		end_date: function(state) {
			var d = state.date ? new Date(state.date) : new Date();
			return d;
		 * Get the owner for this view
		 * This is always the owner from the given state, we use a function
		 * to trigger setting the widget value.
		 * @param {number[]|String} state.owner List of owner IDs, or a comma seperated list
		 * @returns {number[]|String}
		owner: function(state) {
			return state.owner || 0;
		 * Should the view show the weekends
		 * @returns {boolean} Current preference to show 5 or 7 days in weekview
		show_weekend: function(state)
			return state.days ? parseInt(state.days) === 7 : parseInt(egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar')) == 7;
		 * How big or small are the displayed time chunks?
		 * We automatically scale the user's preference based on how many rows / calendars are shown.
		granularity: function(state) {
			return Math.min(240,(state.owner.length <= (egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi') || 5) ? state.owner.length : 1)
				* (parseInt(egw.preference('interval','calendar')) || 30));
		extend: function(sub)
			return jQuery.extend({},this,{_super:this},sub);
		 * Determines the new date after scrolling.  The default is 1 week.
		 * @param {number} delta Integer for how many 'ticks' to move, positive for
		 *	forward, negative for backward
		 * @returns {Date}
		scroll: function(delta)
			var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);
			d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (7 * delta));
			return d;


	 * This is the data cache prefix for the daywise event index cache
	 * Daywise cache IDs look like: calendar_daywise::20150101 and
	 * contain a list of event IDs for that day (or empty array)
	DAYWISE_CACHE_ID: 'calendar_daywise',

	 * Create a cache ID for the daywise cache
	 * @param {String|Date} date
	 * @param {String|integer|String[]} owner
	 * @returns {String} Cache ID
	_daywise_cache_id: function(date, owner)
		if(typeof date === 'object')
			date =  date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',date.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',date.getUTCDate());

		// If the owner is not set, 0, or the current user, don't bother adding it
		var state_owner = app.calendar ? app.calendar.state.owner.toString() || '' : '';
		var _owner = (owner && owner.toString() != '0' && owner !== state_owner) ? owner.toString() : '';
		if(_owner == egw.user('account_id'))
			_owner = '';
		return app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID+'::'+date+(_owner ? '-' + _owner : '');

	* Etemplates and settings for the different views.  Some (day view)
	* use more than one template, some use the same template as others,
	* most need different handling for their various attributes.
	* Not using the standard Class.extend here because it hides the members,
	* and we want to be able to look inside them.  This is done seperately instead
	* of inside the normal object to allow access to the View object.
	views: {
		day: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state) {
				return egw.lang('Day view') + ': ' + app.calendar.View.header.call(this, state);
			etemplates: ['calendar.view','calendar.todo'],
			start_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this, state);
				state.date = app.calendar.date.toString(d);
				return d;
			show_weekend: function(state) {
				state.days = '1';

				return app.calendar.View.show_weekend.call(this,state);
			scroll: function(delta)
				var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);
				d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (delta));
				return d;
		day4: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state) {
				return egw.lang('Four days view') + ': ' + app.calendar.View.header.call(this, state);
			end_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this,state);
				state.days = '4';
				return d;
			show_weekend: function(state) {
				return true;
		week: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state) {
				var formatDate = new Date(state.first);
				return egw.lang('Week view') + ': ' + egw.lang('Week') + ' ' +
					app.calendar.date.week_number(state.first) + ': ' +
					app.calendar.date.long_date(state.first, state.last)
			start_date: function(state) {
				return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this,state));
			end_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date());
				// Always 7 days, we just turn weekends on or off
				state.days = '' + (state.days >= 5 ? state.days : egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar') || 7);
				return d;
			show_weekend: function(state)
				return parseInt(state.days) === 7;
		weekN: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state) {
				return egw.lang('Week') + ' ' +
					app.calendar.date.week_number(state.first) + ' - ' +
					app.calendar.date.week_number(state.last) + ': ' +
					app.calendar.date.long_date(state.first, state.last)
			start_date: function(state) {
				return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date());
			end_date: function(state) {
				state.days = '' + (state.days >= 5 ? state.days : egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar') || 7);

				var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date());
				// Always 7 days, we just turn weekends on or off
				return d;
			granularity: function(state) {
				return  (parseInt(egw.preference('multiple_weeks','calendar')) || 3) * app.calendar.View.granularity.call(this, state);
		month: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state)
				var formatDate = new Date(state.date);
				formatDate = new Date(formatDate.valueOf() + formatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
				return egw.lang('Month view') + ':' + egw.lang(date('F',formatDate)) + ' ' + date('Y',formatDate);
			start_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this,state);
				state.date = app.calendar.date.toString(d);
				return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d);
			end_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this,state);
				d = new Date(d.getFullYear(),d.getUTCMonth() + 1, 0);
				var week_start = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d);
				if(week_start < d) week_start.setUTCHours(24*7);
				return week_start;
			granularity: function(state) {
				return 120;
			scroll: function(delta)
				var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);
				d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + delta);
				return d;

		planner: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function(state) {
				var startDate = new Date(state.first);
				startDate = new Date(startDate.valueOf() + startDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);

				var endDate = new Date(state.last);
				endDate = new Date(endDate.valueOf() + endDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
				return egw.lang('Planner view') + ': ' + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),startDate) +
					(startDate == endDate ? '' : ' - ' + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),endDate));
			etemplates: ['calendar.planner'],
			group_by: function(state) {
				return state.cat_id? state.cat_id : (state.sortby ? state.sortby : 0);
			start_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this, state);
				if(state.sortby && state.sortby === 'month')
				else if (!state.planner_days)
					if(d.getUTCDate() < 15)
						return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d);
						return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d);
				return d;
			end_date: function(state) {
				var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this, state);
				if(state.sortby && state.sortby === 'month')
					d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
				else if (state.planner_days)
					d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + parseInt(state.planner_days)-1);
				else if (state.last)
					d = new Date(state.last);
				else if (!state.planner_days)
					if (d.getUTCDate() < 15)
						d = app.calendar.date.end_of_week(d);
						d = app.calendar.date.end_of_week(d);
				return d;
			scroll: function(delta)
				var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date);

				// Yearly view, grouped by month - scroll 1 month
				if(app.calendar.state.sortby === 'month')
					d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + delta)
					return d;
				// Need to set the day count, or auto date ranging takes over and
				// makes things buggy
				if(app.calendar.state.first && app.calendar.state.last)
					var diff = new Date(app.calendar.state.last)  - new Date(app.calendar.state.first);
					app.calendar.state.planner_days = Math.round(diff / (1000*3600*24));
				d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (app.calendar.state.planner_days*delta));
				if(app.calendar.state.planner_days > 8)
					d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d);
				return d;

		listview: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({
			header: function() {return egw.lang('List view');},
			etemplates: ['calendar.list']