* @version $Id$ */ /** * Log mails to log file specified in $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] * or regular error_log for true (can be set either in DB or header.inc.php). * * New egw_mailer object uses Horde Mime Mail class with compatibility methods for * old PHPMailer methods and class variable assignments. * * This class does NOT use anything EGroupware specific, it acts like PHPMail, but logs. */ class egw_mailer extends Horde_Mime_Mail { /** * Mail account used for sending mail * * @var emailadmin_account */ protected $account; /** * Header / recipients set via Add(Address|Cc|Bcc|Replyto) * * @var Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List */ protected $to; protected $cc; protected $bcc; protected $replyto; /** * Constructor: always throw exceptions instead of echoing errors and EGw pathes * * @param int|emailadmin_account $account =null mail account to use, default use emailadmin_account::get_default($smtp=true) */ function __construct($account=null) { parent::__construct(); $this->_headers->setUserAgent('EGroupware API '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi']); $this->setAccount($account); $this->is_html = false; $this->ClearAddresses(); $this->clearParts(); } /** * Clear all addresses */ function clearAddresses() { // clear all addresses $this->to = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List(); $this->cc = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List(); $this->bcc = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List(); $this->replyto = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List(); } /** * Set mail account to use for sending * * @param int|emailadmin_account $account =null mail account to use, default use emailadmin_account::get_default($smtp=true) * @throws egw_exception_not_found if account was not found (or not valid for current user) */ function setAccount($account=null) { if (is_a($account, 'emailadmin_account')) { $this->account = $account; } elseif ($account > 0) { $this->account = emailadmin_account::read($account); } else { $this->account = emailadmin_account::get_default(true); // true = need an SMTP (not just IMAP) account } // use smpt-username as sender, if available, but only if it is a full email address $sender = $this->account->acc_smtp_username && strpos($this->account->acc_smtp_username, '@') !== false ? $this->account->acc_smtp_username : $this->account->ident_email; $name = $this->account->ident_realname ? $this->account->ident_realname : $sender; $this->setFrom($sender, $name); } /** * Set From and Return-Path header * * @param string $address * @param string $personal ='' */ public function setFrom($address, $personal='') { $this->addHeader('Return-Path', '<'.$address.'>', true); $this->addHeader('From', self::add_personal($address, $personal)); } /** * Add one or multiple addresses to To, Cc, Bcc or Reply-To * * @param string|array|Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $address * @param string $personal ='' only used if $address is a string * @param string $type ='to' type of address to add "to", "cc", "bcc" or "replyto" */ function addAddress($address, $personal='', $type='to') { static $type2header = array( 'to' => 'To', 'cc' => 'Cc', 'bcc' => 'Bcc', 'replyto' => 'Reply-To', ); if (!isset($type2header[$type])) { throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("Unknown type '$type'!"); } if ($personal) $address = self::add_personal ($address, $personal); // add to our local list $this->$type->add($address); // add as header $this->addHeader($type2header[$type], $this->$type, true); } /** * Write Bcc as header for storing in sent or as draft * * Bcc is normally only add to recipients while sending, but not added visible as header. * * This function is should only be called AFTER calling send, or when NOT calling send at all! */ function forceBccHeader() { $this->_headers->removeHeader('Bcc'); // only add Bcc header, if we have bcc's if (count($this->bcc)) { $this->_headers->addHeader('Bcc', $this->bcc); } } /** * Add personal part to email address * * @param string $address * @param string $personal * @return string Rfc822 address */ static function add_personal($address, $personal) { if (is_string($address) && !empty($personal)) { //if (!preg_match('/^[!#$%&\'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~-]+$/u', $personal)) // that's how I read the rfc(2)822 if ($personal && !preg_match('/^[0-9A-Z -]*$/iu', $personal)) // but quoting is never wrong, so quote more then necessary { $personal = '"'.str_replace(array('\\', '"'),array('\\\\', '\\"'), $personal).'"'; } $address = ($personal ? $personal.' <' : '').$address.($personal ? '>' : ''); } return $address; } /** * Add one or multiple addresses to Cc * * @param string|array|Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $address * @param string $personal ='' only used if $address is a string */ function AddCc($address, $personal=null) { $this->AddAddress($address, $personal, 'cc'); } /** * Add one or multiple addresses to Bcc * * @param string|array|Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $address * @param string $personal ='' only used if $address is a string */ function AddBcc($address, $personal=null) { $this->AddAddress($address, $personal, 'bcc'); } /** * Add one or multiple addresses to Reply-To * * @param string|array|Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $address * @param string $personal ='' only used if $address is a string */ function AddReplyTo($address, $personal=null) { $this->AddAddress($address, $personal, 'replyto'); } /** * Adds an attachment * * "text/calendar; method=..." get automatic detected and added as highes priority alternative, * overwriting evtl. existing html body! * * @param string $file The path to the file. * @param string $name The file name to use for the attachment. * @param string $type The content type of the file. * @param string $charset The character set of the part, only relevant for text parts. * @return integer part-number * @throws egw_exception_not_found if $file could not be opened for reading */ public function addAttachment($file, $name = null, $type = null, $charset = 'us-ascii') { // deprecated PHPMailer::AddAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') call if ($type === 'base64') { $type = $charset; $charset = 'us-ascii'; } // pass file as resource to Horde_Mime_Part::setContent() if (!($resource = fopen($file, 'r'))) { throw new egw_exception_not_found("File '$file' not found!"); } $part = new Horde_Mime_Part(); $part->setType($type ? $type : egw_vfs::mime_content_type($file)); $part->setContents($resource); $part->setName($name ? $name : egw_vfs::basename($file)); // store "text/calendar" as _htmlBody, to trigger "multipart/alternative" if (stripos($type,"text/calendar; method=") !== false) { $this->_htmlBody = $part; return; } // this should not be necessary, because binary data get detected by mime-type, // but at least Cyrus complains about NUL characters $part->setTransferEncoding('base64', array('send' => true)); $part->setDisposition('attachment'); return $this->addMimePart($part); } /** * Adds a string or binary attachment (non-filesystem) to the list. * * "text/calendar; method=..." get automatic detected and added as highes priority alternative, * overwriting evtl. existing html body! * * @param string $content String attachment data. * @param string $filename Name of the attachment. We assume that this is NOT a path * @param string $type File extension (MIME) type. * @return int part-number */ public function AddStringAttachment($content, $filename, $type = 'application/octet-stream') { // deprecated PHPMailer::AddStringAttachment($content, $filename = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') call if ($type === 'base64' || func_num_args() == 4) { $type = func_get_arg(3); } $part = new Horde_Mime_Part(); $part->setType($type); $part->setCharset('utf-8'); $part->setContents($content); // this should not be necessary, because binary data get detected by mime-type, // but at least Cyrus complains about NUL characters $part->setTransferEncoding('base64', array('send' => true)); $part->setName($filename); // store "text/calendar" as _htmlBody, to trigger "multipart/alternative" if (stripos($type,"text/calendar; method=") !== false) { $this->_htmlBody = $part; return; } $part->setDisposition('attachment'); return $this->addMimePart($part); } /** * Send mail, injecting mail transport from account * * @ToDo hooks port hook from SmtpSend */ function send() { parent::send($this->account->smtpTransport(), true); // true: keep Message-ID } /** * Reset all Settings to send multiple Messages */ function ClearAll() { $this->__construct($this->account); } /** * Get the raw email data sent by this object. * * Reimplement to be able to call it for saveAsDraft by calling * $this->send(new Horde_Mail_Transport_Null()), * if no base-part is set, because send is not called before. * * @param boolean $stream If true, return a stream resource, otherwise * @return stream|string The raw email data. */ function getRaw($stream=true) { try { $this->getBasePart(); } catch(Horde_Mail_Exception $e) { unset($e); parent::send(new Horde_Mail_Transport_Null(), true); // true: keep Message-ID } return parent::getRaw($stream); } /** * Deprecated PHPMailer compatibility methods */ /** * Get header part of mail * * @deprecated use getRaw($stream=true) to get a stream of whole mail containing headers and body * @return string */ function getMessageHeader() { try { $this->getBasePart(); } catch(Horde_Mail_Exception $e) { unset($e); parent::send(new Horde_Mail_Transport_Null(), true); // true: keep Message-ID } return $this->_headers->toString(); } /** * Get body part of mail * * @deprecated use getRaw($stream=true) to get a stream of whole mail containing headers and body * @return string */ function getMessageBody() { try { $this->getBasePart(); } catch(Horde_Mail_Exception $e) { unset($e); parent::send(new Horde_Mail_Transport_Null(), true); // true: keep Message-ID } return $this->getBasePart()->toString( array('stream' => false, 'encode' => Horde_Mime_Part::ENCODE_7BIT | Horde_Mime_Part::ENCODE_8BIT | Horde_Mime_Part::ENCODE_BINARY)); } /** * Use SMPT * * @deprecated not used, SMTP always used */ function IsSMTP() { } /** * @deprecated use AddHeader($header, $value) */ function AddCustomHeader($str) { $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^([^:]+): *(.*)$/', $str, $matches)) { $this->addHeader($matches[1], $matches[2]); } } /** * @deprecated use clearParts() */ function ClearAttachments() { $this->clearParts(); } /** * @deprecated done by Horde automatic */ function EncodeHeader($str/*, $position = 'text'*/) { return $str; } protected $is_html = false; /** * Defines that setting $this->Body should set Body or AltBody * @param boolean $html * @deprecated use either setBody() or setHtmlBody() */ function isHtml($html) { $this->is_html = (bool)$html; } /** * Sets the message type * * @deprecated no longer necessary to call, happens automatic when calling send or getRaw($stream=true) */ public function SetMessageType() { } /** * Assembles message header * * @deprecated use getMessageHeader() or better getRaw($stream=true) * @return string The assembled header */ public function CreateHeader() { return $this->getMessageHeader(); } /** * Assembles message body * * @deprecated use getMessageBody() or better getRaw($stream=true) * @return string The assembled header */ public function CreateBody() { return $this->getMessageBody(); } protected $from = ''; /** * Magic method to intercept assignments to old PHPMailer variables * * @deprecated use addHeader(), setBody() or setHtmlBody() * @param type $name * @param type $value */ function __set($name, $value) { switch($name) { case 'Sender': $this->addHeader('Return-Path', '<'.$value.'>', true); break; case 'From': case 'FromName': if (empty($this->from) || $name == 'From' && $this->from[0] == '<') { $this->from = $name == 'From' ? '<'.$value.'>' : $value; } elseif ($name == 'From') { $this->from = self::add_personal($value, $this->from); } else { $this->from = self::add_personal(substr($this->from, 1, -1), $value); } $this->addHeader('From', $this->from, true); break; case 'Priority': $this->AddHeader('X-Priority', $value); break; case 'Subject': $this->AddHeader($name, $value); break; case 'MessageID': $this->AddHeader('Message-ID', $value); break; case 'AltExtended': case 'AltExtendedContentType': // todo addPart() break; case 'Body': $this->is_html ? $this->setHtmlBody($value, null, false) : $this->setBody($value); break; case 'AltBody': !$this->is_html ? $this->setHtmlBody($value, null, false) : $this->setBody($value); break; default: error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', ".array2string($value).") unsupported attribute '$name' --> ignored"); break; } } /** * Magic method to intercept readin old PHPMailer variables * * @deprecated use getHeader(), etc. * @param type $name */ function __get($name) { switch($name) { case 'Sender': return $this->getHeader('Return-Path'); case 'From': return $this->getHeader('From'); } error_log(__METHOD__."('$name') unsupported attribute '$name' --> returning NULL"); return null; } /** * Log mails to log file specified in $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] * or regular error_log for true (can be set either in DB or header.inc.php). * * We can NOT supply this method as callback to phpMailer, as phpMailer only accepts * functions (not methods) and from a function we can NOT access $this->ErrorInfo. * * @param boolean $isSent * @param string $to * @param string $cc * @param string $bcc * @param string $subject * @param string $body */ protected function doCallback($isSent,$to,$cc,$bcc,$subject,$body) { if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail']) { $msg = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] !== true ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n" : ''; $msg .= ($isSent ? 'Mail send' : 'Mail NOT send'). ' to '.$to.' with subject: "'.trim($subject).'"'; $msg .= ' from instance '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'].' and IP '.egw_session::getuser_ip(); $msg .= ' from user #'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] && class_exists('common',false)) { $msg .= ' ('.common::grab_owner_name($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']).')'; } if (!$isSent) { $this->SetError(''); // queries error from (private) smtp and stores it in $this->ErrorInfo $msg .= $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] !== true ? "\n" : ': '; $msg .= 'ERROR '.str_replace(array('Language string failed to load: smtp_error',"\n","\r"),'', strip_tags($this->ErrorInfo)); } $msg .= " cc=$cc, bcc=$bcc"; if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] !== true) $msg .= "\n\n"; error_log($msg,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail'] === true ? 0 : 3, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['log_mail']); } // calling the orginal callback of phpMailer parent::doCallback($isSent,$to,$cc,$bcc,$subject,$body); } private $addresses = array(); /** * Initiates a connection to an SMTP server. * Returns false if the operation failed. * * Overwriting this method from phpmailer, to make sure we set SMTPSecure to ssl or tls if the standardports for ssl or tls * are configured for the given profile * * @uses SMTP * @access public * @return bool */ public function SmtpConnect() { $port = $this->Port; $hosts = explode(';',$this->Host); foreach ($hosts as &$host) { $host = trim($host); // make sure there is no whitespace leading or trailling the host string if (in_array($port,array(465,587)) && strpos($host,'://')===false) { //$host = ($port==587?'tls://':'ssl://').trim($host); $this->SMTPSecure = ($port==587?'tls':'ssl'); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Smtp Host:'.$host.' SmtpSecure:'.($this->SMTPSecure?$this->SMTPSecure:'no')); } return parent::SmtpConnect(); } /** * Sends mail via SMTP using PhpSMTP * * Overwriting this method from phpmailer, to allow apps to intercept it * via "send_mail" hook, eg. to log or authorize sending of mail. * Hooks can throw phpmailerException($message, phpMailer::STOP_CRITICAL), * to stop sending the mail out like an SMTP error. * * @param string $header The message headers * @param string $body The message body * @return bool */ public function SmtpSend($header, $body) { $matches = null; $mail_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array( 'location' => 'send_mail', 'subject' => $this->Subject, 'from' => $this->Sender ? $this->Sender : $this->From, 'to' => $this->addresses['To'], 'cc' => $this->addresses['Cc'], 'bcc' => $this->addresses['Bcc'], 'body_sha1' => sha1($body), 'message_id' => preg_match('/^Message-ID: (.*)$/m', $header, $matches) ? $matches[1] : null, ), array(), true); // true = call all apps $this->addresses = array(); // reset addresses for next mail try { // calling the overwritten method return parent::SmtpSend($header, $body); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { // in case of errors/exceptions call hook again with previous returned mail_id and error-message to log $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array( 'location' => 'send_mail', 'subject' => $this->Subject, 'from' => $this->Sender ? $this->Sender : $this->From, 'to' => $this->addresses['To'], 'cc' => $this->addresses['Cc'], 'bcc' => $this->addresses['Bcc'], 'body_sha1' => sha1($body), 'message_id' => preg_match('/^Message-ID: (.*)$/m', $header,$matches) ? $matches[1] : null, 'mail_id' => $mail_id, 'error' => $e->getMessage(), ), array(), true); // true = call all apps // re-throw exception throw $e; } } }