/** * Copyright (C) 2013 KO GmbH * * @licstart * This file is part of WebODF. * * WebODF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL) * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * WebODF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with WebODF. If not, see . * @licend * * @source: http://www.webodf.org/ * @source: https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/ */ /*global define, document, dijit, dojo, runtime, ops*/ define("webodf/editor/Tools", [ "dojo/ready", "dijit/MenuItem", "dijit/DropDownMenu", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/form/DropDownButton", "dijit/Toolbar", "webodf/editor/widgets/paragraphAlignment", "webodf/editor/widgets/simpleStyles", "webodf/editor/widgets/undoRedoMenu", "webodf/editor/widgets/toolbarWidgets/currentStyle", "webodf/editor/widgets/annotation", "webodf/editor/widgets/editHyperlinks", "webodf/editor/widgets/imageInserter", "webodf/editor/widgets/paragraphStylesDialog", "webodf/editor/widgets/zoomSlider", "webodf/editor/widgets/aboutDialog", "webodf/editor/EditorSession"], function (ready, MenuItem, DropDownMenu, Button, DropDownButton, Toolbar, ParagraphAlignment, SimpleStyles, UndoRedoMenu, CurrentStyle, AnnotationControl, EditHyperlinks, ImageInserter, ParagraphStylesDialog, ZoomSlider, AboutDialog, EditorSession) { "use strict"; return function Tools(toolbarElementId, args) { var tr = runtime.tr, onToolDone = args.onToolDone, loadOdtFile = args.loadOdtFile, saveOdtFile = args.saveOdtFile, saveAsOdtFile = args.saveAsOdtFile, downloadOdtFile = args.downloadOdtFile, close = args.close, toolbar, loadButton, saveButton, closeButton, aboutButton, saveAsButton, downloadButton, formatDropDownMenu, formatMenuButton, paragraphStylesMenuItem, paragraphStylesDialog, editorSession, aboutDialog, sessionSubscribers = []; /** * Creates a tool and installs it, if the enabled flag is set to true. * Only supports tool classes whose constructor has a single argument which * is a callback to pass the created widget object to. * @param {!function(new:Object, function(!Object):undefined)} Tool constructor method of the tool * @param {!boolean} enabled * @return {?Object} */ function createTool(Tool, enabled) { var tool = null; if (enabled) { tool = new Tool(function (widget) { widget.placeAt(toolbar); widget.startup(); }); sessionSubscribers.push(tool); tool.onToolDone = onToolDone; } return tool; } function handleCursorMoved(cursor) { var disabled = cursor.getSelectionType() === ops.OdtCursor.RegionSelection; if (formatMenuButton) { formatMenuButton.setAttribute('disabled', disabled); } } function setEditorSession(session) { if (editorSession) { editorSession.unsubscribe(EditorSession.signalCursorMoved, handleCursorMoved); } editorSession = session; if (editorSession) { editorSession.subscribe(EditorSession.signalCursorMoved, handleCursorMoved); } sessionSubscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) { subscriber.setEditorSession(editorSession); }); [saveButton, saveAsButton, downloadButton, closeButton, formatMenuButton].forEach(function (button) { if (button) { button.setAttribute('disabled', !editorSession); } }); } this.setEditorSession = setEditorSession; /** * @param {!function(!Error=)} callback, passing an error object in case of error * @return {undefined} */ this.destroy = function (callback) { // TODO: // 1. We don't want to use `document` // 2. We would like to avoid deleting all widgets // under document.body because this might interfere with // other apps that use the editor not-in-an-iframe, // but dojo always puts its dialogs below the body, // so this works for now. Perhaps will be obsoleted // once we move to a better widget toolkit var widgets = dijit.findWidgets(document.body); dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w) { w.destroyRecursive(false); }); callback(); }; // init ready(function () { toolbar = new Toolbar({}, toolbarElementId); // About if (args.aboutEnabled) { aboutButton = new Button({ label: tr('About WebODF Text Editor'), showLabel: false, iconClass: 'webodfeditor-dijitWebODFIcon' }); aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(function (dialog) { aboutButton.onClick = function () { dialog.startup(); dialog.show(); }; }); aboutDialog.onToolDone = onToolDone; aboutButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // Load if (loadOdtFile) { loadButton = new Button({ label: tr('Open'), showLabel: false, iconClass: 'dijitIcon dijitIconFolderOpen', onClick: function () { loadOdtFile(); } }); loadButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // Save if (saveOdtFile) { saveButton = new Button({ label: tr('Save'), showLabel: false, disabled: true, iconClass: 'dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconSave', onClick: function () { saveOdtFile(); onToolDone(); } }); saveButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // SaveAs if (saveAsOdtFile) { saveAsButton = new Button({ label: tr('Save as...'), showLabel: false, disabled: true, iconClass: 'webodfeditor-dijitSaveAsIcon', onClick: function () { saveAsOdtFile(); onToolDone(); } }); saveAsButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // Download if (downloadOdtFile) { downloadButton = new Button({ label: tr('Download'), showLabel: true, disabled: true, style: { float: 'right' }, onClick: function () { downloadOdtFile(); onToolDone(); } }); downloadButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // Format menu if (args.paragraphStyleEditingEnabled) { formatDropDownMenu = new DropDownMenu({}); paragraphStylesMenuItem = new MenuItem({ label: tr("Paragraph...") }); formatDropDownMenu.addChild(paragraphStylesMenuItem); paragraphStylesDialog = new ParagraphStylesDialog(function (dialog) { paragraphStylesMenuItem.onClick = function () { if (editorSession) { dialog.startup(); dialog.show(); } }; }); sessionSubscribers.push(paragraphStylesDialog); paragraphStylesDialog.onToolDone = onToolDone; formatMenuButton = new DropDownButton({ dropDown: formatDropDownMenu, disabled: true, label: tr('Format'), iconClass: "dijitIconEditTask" }); formatMenuButton.placeAt(toolbar); } // Undo/Redo createTool(UndoRedoMenu, args.undoRedoEnabled); // Add annotation createTool(AnnotationControl, args.annotationsEnabled); // Simple Style Selector [B, I, U, S] createTool(SimpleStyles, args.directTextStylingEnabled); // Paragraph direct alignment buttons createTool(ParagraphAlignment, args.directParagraphStylingEnabled); // Paragraph Style Selector createTool(CurrentStyle, args.paragraphStyleSelectingEnabled); // Zoom Level Selector createTool(ZoomSlider, args.zoomingEnabled); // hyper links createTool(EditHyperlinks, args.hyperlinkEditingEnabled); // image insertion createTool(ImageInserter, args.imageInsertingEnabled); // close button if (close) { closeButton = new Button({ label: tr('Close'), showLabel: false, disabled: true, iconClass: 'dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCancel', style: { float: 'right' }, onClick: function () { close(); } }); closeButton.placeAt(toolbar); } setEditorSession(editorSession); }); }; });