complete rewrite in 6/2006 and * earlier to use the new DB functions * * This class replaces the former accounts_sql class written by * Joseph Engo , Dan Kuykendall * and Bettina Gille . * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Joseph Engo * Copyright (C) 2003 Lars Kneschke, Bettina Gille * * @license GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @subpackage accounts * @version $Id$ */ /** * SQL Backend for accounts * * @author Ralf Becker * @license GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @subpackage accounts * @access internal only use the interface provided by the accounts class */ class accounts_sql { /** * instance of the db class * * @var egw_db */ var $db; /** * table name for the accounts * * @var string */ const TABLE = 'egw_accounts'; var $table = self::TABLE; /** * table name for the contacts * * @var string */ var $contacts_table = 'egw_addressbook'; /** * Join with the accounts-table used in contacts::search * * @var string */ var $contacts_join = ' RIGHT JOIN egw_accounts ON egw_accounts.account_id=egw_addressbook.account_id'; /** * total number of found entries from get_list method * * @var int */ var $total; /** * Reference to our frontend * * @var accounts */ private $frontend; /** * does backend allow to change account_lid */ const CHANGE_ACCOUNT_LID = true; /** * does backend requires password to be set, before allowing to enable an account */ const REQUIRE_PASSWORD_FOR_ENABLE = false; /** * Constructor * * @param accounts $frontend reference to the frontend class, to be able to call it's methods if needed * @return accounts_sql */ function __construct(accounts $frontend) { $this->frontend = $frontend; if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db)) { $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db; } else { $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; } } /** * Reads the data of one account * * For performance reasons and because the contacts-object itself depends on the accounts-object, * we directly join with the contacts table for reading! * * @param int $account_id numeric account-id * @return array/boolean array with account data (keys: account_id, account_lid, ...) or false if account not found */ function read($account_id) { if (!(int)$account_id) return false; if ($account_id > 0) { $extra_cols = $this->contacts_table.'.n_given AS account_firstname,'. $this->contacts_table.'.n_family AS account_lastname,'. $this->contacts_table.'.contact_email AS account_email,'. $this->contacts_table.'.n_fn AS account_fullname,'. $this->contacts_table.'.contact_id AS person_id,'. $this->contacts_table.'.contact_created AS account_created,'. $this->contacts_table.'.contact_modified AS account_modified,'. $this->contacts_table.'.tel_work AS account_phone,'; $join = 'LEFT JOIN '.$this->contacts_table.' ON '.$this->table.'.account_id='.$this->contacts_table.'.account_id'; } // during setup emailadmin might not yet be installed and running below query // will abort transaction in PostgreSQL elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']) || in_array(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, $this->db->table_names(true))) { $extra_cols = emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.mail_value AS account_email,'; $join = 'LEFT JOIN '.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.' ON '.$this->table.'.account_id=-'.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.account_id AND mail_type='.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TYPE_ALIAS; } try { $rs = $this->db->select($this->table, $extra_cols.$this->table.'.*', $this->table.'.account_id='.abs($account_id), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, '', false, 0, $join); } catch (egw_exception_db $e) { unset($e); } if (!$rs) // handle not (yet) existing mailaccounts table { $rs = $this->db->select($this->table, $this->table.'.*', $this->table.'.account_id='.abs($account_id), __LINE__, __FILE__); } if (!$rs || !($data = $rs->fetch())) { return false; } if ($data['account_type'] == 'g') { $data['account_id'] = -$data['account_id']; $data['mailAllowed'] = true; } if (!$data['account_firstname']) $data['account_firstname'] = $data['account_lid']; if (!$data['account_lastname']) { $data['account_lastname'] = $data['account_type'] == 'g' ? 'Group' : 'User'; // if we call lang() before the translation-class is correctly setup, // we can't switch away from english language anymore! if (translation::$lang_arr) { $data['account_lastname'] = lang($data['account_lastname']); } } if (!$data['account_fullname']) $data['account_fullname'] = $data['account_firstname'].' '.$data['account_lastname']; //echo "accounts_sql::read($account_id)"; _debug_array($data); return $data; } /** * Saves / adds the data of one account * * If no account_id is set in data the account is added and the new id is set in $data. * * @param array $data array with account-data * @return int/boolean the account_id or false on error */ function save(&$data) { //echo "


\n"; $to_write = $data; unset($to_write['account_passwd']); // encrypt password if given or unset it if not if ($data['account_passwd']) { // if password it's not already entcrypted, do so now if (!preg_match('/^\\{[a-z5]{3,5}\\}.+/i',$data['account_passwd']) && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/',$data['account_passwd'])) // md5 hash { $data['account_passwd'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->auth->encrypt_sql($data['account_passwd']); } $to_write['account_pwd'] = $data['account_passwd']; $to_write['account_lastpwd_change'] = time(); } if ($data['mustchangepassword'] == 1) $to_write['account_lastpwd_change']=0; if (!(int)$data['account_id'] || !$this->id2name($data['account_id'])) { if ($to_write['account_id'] < 0) $to_write['account_id'] *= -1; if (!isset($to_write['account_pwd'])) $to_write['account_pwd'] = ''; // is NOT NULL! if (!isset($to_write['account_status'])) $to_write['account_status'] = ''; // is NOT NULL! // postgres requires the auto-id field to be unset! if (isset($to_write['account_id']) && !$to_write['account_id']) unset($to_write['account_id']); if (!in_array($to_write['account_type'],array('u','g')) || !$this->db->insert($this->table,$to_write,false,__LINE__,__FILE__)) return false; if (!(int)$data['account_id']) { $data['account_id'] = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->table,'account_id'); if ($data['account_type'] == 'g') $data['account_id'] *= -1; } } else // update of existing account { unset($to_write['account_id']); if (!$this->db->update($this->table,$to_write,array('account_id' => abs($data['account_id'])),__LINE__,__FILE__)) { return false; } } // store group-email in mailaccounts table if ($data['account_id'] < 0 && class_exists('emailadmin_smtp_sql', isset($data['account_email']))) { try { if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) && !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['emailadmin']) || isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']) && !in_array(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, $this->db->table_names(true))) { // cant store email, if emailadmin not (yet) installed } elseif (empty($data['account_email'])) { $this->db->delete(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, array( 'account_id' => $data['account_id'], 'mail_type' => emailadmin_smtp_sql::TYPE_ALIAS, ), __LINE__, __FILE__, emailadmin_smtp_sql::APP); } else { $this->db->insert(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, array( 'mail_value' => $data['account_email'], ), array( 'account_id' => $data['account_id'], 'mail_type' => emailadmin_smtp_sql::TYPE_ALIAS, ), __LINE__, __FILE__, emailadmin_smtp_sql::APP); } } // ignore not (yet) existing mailaccounts table (does NOT work in PostgreSQL, because of transaction!) catch (egw_exception_db $e) { unset($e); } } return $data['account_id']; } /** * Delete one account, deletes also all acl-entries for that account * * @param int $account_id numeric account_id * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ function delete($account_id) { if (!(int)$account_id) return false; $contact_id = $this->id2name($account_id,'person_id'); if (!$this->db->delete($this->table,array('account_id' => abs($account_id)),__LINE__,__FILE__)) { return false; } if ($contact_id) { $GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->delete($contact_id,false); // false = allow to delete accounts (!) } return true; } /** * Get all memberships of an account $accountid / groups the account is a member off * * @param int $account_id numeric account-id * @return array/boolean array with account_id => account_lid pairs or false if account not found */ function memberships($account_id) { if (!(int)$account_id) return false; $memberships = array(); if(($gids = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_location_list_for_id('phpgw_group', 1, $account_id))) { foreach($gids as $gid) { $memberships[(string) $gid] = $this->id2name($gid); } } //echo "accounts::memberships($account_id)"; _debug_array($memberships); return $memberships; } /** * Sets the memberships of the account this class is instanciated for * * @param array $groups array with gidnumbers * @param int $account_id numerical account-id */ function set_memberships($groups,$account_id) { if (!(int)$account_id) return; $acl =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$account_id); $acl->read_repository(); $acl->delete('phpgw_group',false); foreach($groups as $group) { $acl->add('phpgw_group',$group,1); } $acl->save_repository(); } /** * Get all members of the group $accountid * * @param int/string $account_id numeric account-id * @return array with account_id => account_lid pairs */ function members($account_id) { if (!is_numeric($account_id)) $account_id = $this->name2id($account_id); $members = array(); foreach($this->db->select($this->table, 'account_id,account_lid', $this->db->expression(acl::TABLE, array( 'acl_appname' => 'phpgw_group', 'acl_location' => $account_id, )), __LINE__, __FILE__, false, '', false, 0, 'JOIN '.acl::TABLE.' ON account_id=acl_account' ) as $row) { $members[$row['account_id']] = $row['account_lid']; } //echo "accounts::members($accountid)"; _debug_array($members); return $members; } /** * Set the members of a group * * @param array $members array with uidnumber or uid's * @param int $gid gidnumber of group to set */ function set_members($members,$gid) { //echo "


\n"; $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->delete_repository('phpgw_group',$gid,false); if (is_array($members)) { foreach($members as $id) { $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->add_repository('phpgw_group',$gid,$id,1); } } } /** * Searches / lists accounts: users and/or groups * * @param array with the following keys: * @param $param['type'] string/int 'accounts', 'groups', 'owngroups' (groups the user is a member of), 'both', * 'groupmember' or 'groupmembers+memberships' * or integer group-id for a list of members of that group * @param $param['start'] int first account to return (returns offset or max_matches entries) or all if not set * @param $param['order'] string column to sort after, default account_lid if unset * @param $param['sort'] string 'ASC' or 'DESC', default 'ASC' if not set * @param $param['query'] string to search for, no search if unset or empty * @param $param['query_type'] string: * 'all' - query all fields for containing $param[query] * 'start' - query all fields starting with $param[query] * 'exact' - query all fields for exact $param[query] * 'lid','firstname','lastname','email' - query only the given field for containing $param[query] * @param $param['offset'] int - number of matches to return if start given, default use the value in the prefs * @param $param['objectclass'] boolean return objectclass(es) under key 'objectclass' in each account * @return array with account_id => data pairs, data is an array with account_id, account_lid, account_firstname, * account_lastname, person_id (id of the linked addressbook entry), account_status, account_expires, account_primary_group */ function search($param) { static $order2contact = array( 'account_firstname' => 'n_given', 'account_lastname' => 'n_family', 'account_email' => 'contact_email', ); // fetch order of account_fullname from common::display_fullname if (strpos($param['order'],'account_fullname') !== false) { $param['order'] = str_replace('account_fullname', preg_replace('/[ ,]+/',',',str_replace(array('[',']'),'', common::display_fullname('account_lid','account_firstname','account_lastname'))), $param['order']); } $order = str_replace(array_keys($order2contact),array_values($order2contact),$param['order']); // allways add 'account_lid', as it is only valid one for groups if (strpos($order, 'account_lid') === false) { $order .= ($order?',':'').'account_lid'; } if ($param['sort']) $order = implode(' '.$param['sort'].',', explode(',', $order)).' '.$param['sort']; $search_cols = array('account_lid','n_family','n_given','email'); $join = $this->contacts_join; $email_cols = array('email'); // Add in group email searching if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']) || in_array(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, $this->db->table_names(true))) { $email_cols = array('coalesce('.$this->contacts_table.'.contact_email,'.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.mail_value) as email'); if ($this->db->Type == 'mysql' && !preg_match('/[\x80-\xFF]/', $param['query'])) { $search_cols[] = emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.mail_value'; } $join .= ' LEFT JOIN '.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.' ON '.$this->table.'.account_id=-'.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.account_id AND mail_type='.emailadmin_smtp_sql::TYPE_ALIAS; } $filter = array(); switch($param['type']) { case 'accounts': $filter['owner'] = 0; break; case 'groups': $filter[] = "account_type='g'"; break; case 'owngroups': $filter['account_id'] = array_map('abs', $this->frontend->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], true)); $filter[] = "account_type='g'"; break; case 'groupmembers': case 'groupmembers+memberships': $members = array(); foreach((array)$this->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], true) as $grp) { $members = array_unique(array_merge($members, (array)$this->members($grp,true))); if ($param['type'] == 'groupmembers+memberships') $members[] = abs($grp); } $filter['account_id'] = $members; break; default: if (is_numeric($param['type'])) { $filter['account_id'] = $this->frontend->members($param['type'], true, $param['active']); $filter['owner'] = 0; break; } // fall-through case 'both': $filter[] = "(egw_addressbook.contact_owner=0 OR egw_addressbook.contact_owner IS NULL)"; break; } // fix ambigous account_id (used in accounts and contacts table) if (array_key_exists('account_id', $filter)) { if (!$filter['account_id']) // eg. group without members (would give SQL error) { $this->total = 0; return array(); } $filter[] = $this->db->expression($this->table, $this->table.'.', array( 'account_id' => $filter['account_id'], )); unset($filter['account_id']); } if ($param['active']) { $filter[] = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())',time(),addressbook_sql::ACOUNT_ACTIVE_FILTER); } $criteria = array(); $wildcard = $param['query_type'] == 'start' || $param['query_type'] == 'exact' ? '' : '%'; if (($query = $param['query'])) { switch($param['query_type']) { case 'start': $query .= '*'; // fall-through case 'all': default: case 'exact': foreach($search_cols as $col) { $criteria[$col] = $query; } break; case 'account_firstname': case 'firstname': $criteria['n_given'] = $query; break; case 'account_lastname': case 'lastname': $criteria['n_family'] = $query; break; case 'account_lid': case 'lid': $criteria['account_lid'] = $query; break; case 'account_email': case 'email': $criteria['email'] = $query; // Group email if(in_array(emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE, $this->db->table_names(true))) { $criteria[emailadmin_smtp_sql::TABLE.'.mail_value'] = $query; } break; } } if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->contacts)) throw new exception('No $GLOBALS[egw]->contacts!'); $accounts = array(); foreach((array) $GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->search($criteria, array_merge(array(1,'n_given','n_family','id','created','modified',$this->table.'.account_id AS account_id'),$email_cols), $order,"account_lid,account_type,account_status,account_expires,account_primary_group", $wildcard,false,$query[0] == '!' ? 'AND' : 'OR', $param['offset'] ? array($param['start'], $param['offset']) : (is_null($param['start']) ? false : $param['start']), $filter,$join) as $contact) { if ($contact) { $account_id = ($contact['account_type'] == 'g' ? -1 : 1) * $contact['account_id']; $accounts[$account_id] = array( 'account_id' => $account_id, 'account_lid' => $contact['account_lid'], 'account_type' => $contact['account_type'], 'account_firstname' => $contact['n_given'], 'account_lastname' => $contact['n_family'], 'account_email' => $contact['email'], 'person_id' => $contact['id'], 'account_status' => $contact['account_status'], 'account_expires' => $contact['account_expires'], 'account_primary_group' => $contact['account_primary_group'], // addressbook_bo::search() returns everything in user-time, need to convert to server-time 'account_created' => egw_time::user2server($contact['created']), 'account_modified' => egw_time::user2server($contact['modified']), ); } } $this->total = $GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->total; //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($param).") returning ".count($accounts).'/'.$this->total); return $accounts; } /** * convert an alphanumeric account-value (account_lid, account_email, account_fullname) to the account_id * * Please note: * - if a group and an user have the same account_lid the group will be returned (LDAP only) * - if multiple user have the same email address, the returned user is undefined * * @param string $name value to convert * @param string $which ='account_lid' type of $name: account_lid (default), account_email, person_id, account_fullname * @param string $account_type u = user, g = group, default null = try both * @return int/false numeric account_id or false on error ($name not found) */ function name2id($name,$which='account_lid',$account_type=null) { if ($account_type === 'g' && $which != 'account_lid') return false; $where = array(); $cols = 'account_id'; switch($which) { case 'account_fullname': $table = $this->contacts_table; $where['n_fn'] = $name; break; case 'account_email': $table = $this->contacts_table; $where['contact_email'] = $name; break; case 'person_id': $table = $this->contacts_table; $where['contact_id'] = $name; break; default: $table = $this->table; $cols .= ',account_type'; $where[$which] = $name; } if ($account_type) { $where['account_type'] = $account_type; } else { $where[] = 'account_id IS NOT NULL'. // otherwise contacts with eg. the same email hide the accounts! ($table == $this->contacts_table ? " AND contact_tid != 'D'" : ''); // ignore deleted accounts contact-data } if (!($rs = $this->db->select($table,$cols,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__)) || !($row = $rs->fetch())) { //error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', '$which', ".array2string($account_type).") db->select('$table', '$cols', ".array2string($where).") returned ".array2string($rs).' '.function_backtrace()); return false; } return ($row['account_type'] == 'g' ? -1 : 1) * $row['account_id']; } /** * Convert an numeric account_id to any other value of that account (account_lid, account_email, ...) * * Uses the read method to fetch all data. * * @param int $account_id numerica account_id * @param string $which ='account_lid' type to convert to: account_lid (default), account_email, ... * @return string/false converted value or false on error ($account_id not found) */ function id2name($account_id,$which='account_lid') { return $this->frontend->id2name($account_id,$which); } /** * Update the last login timestamps and the IP * * @param int $account_id * @param string $ip * @return int lastlogin time */ function update_lastlogin($account_id, $ip) { $previous_login = $this->db->select($this->table,'account_lastlogin',array('account_id'=>abs($account_id)),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn(); $this->db->update($this->table,array( 'account_lastloginfrom' => $ip, 'account_lastlogin' => time(), ),array( 'account_id' => abs($account_id), ),__LINE__,__FILE__); return $previous_login; } }