<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- $Id$ --> <overlay> <template id="resources.edit.general" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid> <columns> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit.page" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid> <columns> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit.pictures" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid> <columns> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit.links" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid> <columns> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit.custom" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid> <columns> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit_tabs" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid height="380"> <columns> <column width="700"/> <column/> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row class="row_off"> <tabbox span="all"> <tabs> <tab label="General" statustext="General informations about resource"/> <tab label="Description" statustext="Informations about the location of resource"/> <tab label="Picture" statustext="Prizeing information for booking or buying"/> <tab label="Links" statustext="Web-Page of resource"/> <tab label="Custom" statustext="Pictures or resource"/> </tabs> <tabpanels> <template id="resources.edit.general"/> <template id="resources.edit.page"/> <template id="resources.edit.pictures"/> <template id="resources.edit.links"/> <template id="resources.edit.custom"/> </tabpanels> </tabbox> </row> <row height="100%"> <description span="all"/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit_buttons" template="" lang="" group="0" version=""> <grid width="100%"> <columns> <column/> <column/> <column width="100%"/> </columns> <rows> <row> <button label="Save" id="save" statustext="Saves entry and exits"/> <button label="Cancel" onclick="window.close();"/> <button label="Delete" align="right" id="delete" onclick="return confirm('Do you really want do delte this resource?');"/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> <template id="resources.edit" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.5.001"> <grid> <columns> <column width="700"/> </columns> <rows> <row> <description no_lang="1" id="msg"/> </row> <row> <hbox> <textbox label="Name" id="name" statustext="Name of resource" needed="1"/> <textbox label="Inventory number" id="inventory_number"/> <menulist> <menupopup label="Category" no_lang="1" id="cat_id" needed="1" statustext="Which category does this resource belong to?" align="right"/> </menulist> </hbox> </row> <row> <template id="resources.edit_tabs"/> </row> <row> <template id="resources.edit_buttons"/> </row> </rows> </grid> </template> </overlay>