/** * EGroupware JavaScript Framework * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @author Andreas Stoeckel * @version $Id$ */ /** * Some constant definitions */ EGW_LINK_SOURCE_FRAMEWORK = 0; EGW_LINK_SOURCE_LEGACY_IFRAME = 1; EGW_LINK_SOURCE_POPUP = 2; /** * Class: egw_fw * The egw_fw class is the base framework class. It wraps around all egw_fw_ui and * egw_fw_classes. It creates both, a side bar and a tab area and cares about linking. */ /** * The constructor of the egw_fw class. * * @param string _sidemenuId specifies the name of the div container which should contain the sidebar menu * @param string _tabsId specifies the name of the div container which should cotain the tab area * @param string _webserverUrl specifies the egroupware root url */ function egw_fw(_sidemenuId, _tabsId, _splitterId, _webserverUrl, _sideboxSizeCallback, _sideboxStartSize, _sideboxMinSize) { /* Get the base div */ this.sidemenuDiv = document.getElementById(_sidemenuId); this.tabsDiv = document.getElementById(_tabsId); this.splitterDiv = document.getElementById(_splitterId); this.webserverUrl = _webserverUrl; this.sideboxSizeCallback = _sideboxSizeCallback; window.egw_webserverUrl = _webserverUrl; this.serializedTabState = ''; this.notifyTabChangeEnabled = false; this.sidemenuUi = null; this.tabsUi = null; this.applications = new Object(); this.activeApp = null; if (this.sidemenuDiv && this.tabsDiv && this.splitterDiv) { //Wrap a scroll area handler around the applications this.scrollAreaUi = new egw_fw_ui_scrollarea(this.sidemenuDiv); //Create the sidemenu, the tabs area and the splitter this.sidemenuUi = new egw_fw_ui_sidemenu(this.scrollAreaUi.contentDiv, this.sortCallback); this.tabsUi = new egw_fw_ui_tabs(this.tabsDiv); this.splitterUi = new egw_fw_ui_splitter(this.splitterDiv, EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL, this.splitterResize, [ { "size": _sideboxStartSize, "minsize": _sideboxMinSize, "maxsize": 0 } ], this); var egw_script = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); var apps = egw_script ? egw_script.getAttribute('data-navbar-apps') : null; this.loadApplications(JSON.parse(apps)); } _sideboxSizeCallback(_sideboxStartSize); //Register the resize handler $j(window).resize(function(){window.framework.resizeHandler();}); //Register the global alert handler window.egw_alertHandler = this.alertHandler; //Register the key press handler //$j(document).keypress(this.keyPressHandler); //Override the old egw_openWindowCentered2 window.egw_openWindowCentered2 = this.egw_openWindowCentered2; //Override the app_window function window.egw_appWindow = this.egw_appWindow; // Override the egw_appWindowOpen function window.egw_appWindowOpen = this.egw_appWindowOpen; // Override the egw_getAppName function window.egw_getAppName = this.egw_getAppName; } egw_fw.prototype.alertHandler = function(_message, _details) { if (_details) { alert('Error:\n ' + _message + '\n\nDetails:\n ' + _details); } else { alert(_message); } }; /** * Call online manual * * @param referer optional referer, default use activeApp */ egw_fw.prototype.callManual = function(referer) { if (typeof referer == 'undefined' && this.activeApp && this.activeApp.appName != 'manual') { referer = this.activeApp.indexUrl; if (this.activeApp.browser.iframe && this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.location) { //this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.callManual(); referer = this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.location.href; } } if (typeof referer != 'undefined') { this.linkHandler(egw.link('/index.php', { menuaction: 'manual.uimanual.view', referer: referer }), 'manual', true); } }; egw_fw.prototype.print = function() { if (this.activeApp && this.activeApp.appName != 'manual') { var appWindow = this.egw_appWindow(this.activeApp.appName); if (appWindow) { appWindow.focus(); appWindow.print(); } } }; egw_fw.prototype.redirect = function(_url) { window.location = _url; }; /** * Sets the active framework application to the application specified by _app * * @param {egw_fw_class_application} _app application object */ egw_fw.prototype.setActiveApp = function(_app) { //Only perform the following commands if a new application is activated if (_app != this.activeApp) { // tab not yet loaded, load it now if (!_app.browser.currentLocation && !_app.browser.iframe) { this.applicationTabNavigate(_app, _app.indexUrl); return; } this.activeApp = _app; //Set the sidebox width if a application specific sidebox width is set if (_app.sideboxWidth !== false) { this.sideboxSizeCallback(_app.sideboxWidth); this.splitterUi.constraints[0].size = _app.sideboxWidth; } //Open the sidemenuUi that belongs to the app, if no sidemenu is attached //to the app, close the sidemenuUi if (_app.sidemenuEntry) { if (_app.hasSideboxMenuContent) { this.sidemenuUi.open(_app.sidemenuEntry); } /* disabling dynamic loading of sidebox, as it seems to happen always, * because request for app itself has not yet returned else { //Probably the sidemenu data just got lost along the way. This //for example happens, when a user double clicks on a menu item _app.sidemenuEntry.showAjaxLoader(); var req = egw.json( _app.getMenuaction('ajax_sidebox'), [_app.internalName, _app.sidebox_md5], function(data) { if ((typeof data.md5 != 'undefined') && (typeof data.data != 'undefined')) { this.fw.setSidebox(this.app, data.data, data.md5); this.app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); } }, null, false, {'app' : _app, 'fw' : this} ); req.sendRequest(); }*/ } else { this.sidemenuUi.open(null); } //Set the website title this.refreshAppTitle(); //Show the application tab if (_app.tab) { this.tabsUi.showTab(_app.tab); //Going to a new tab changes the tab state this.notifyTabChange(_app.tab); } //Resize the scroll area... this.scrollAreaUi.update(); //...and scroll to the top this.scrollAreaUi.setScrollPos(0); } }; /** * Function called whenever the sidemenu entries are sorted */ egw_fw.prototype.sortCallback = function(_entriesArray) { //Create an array with the names of the applications in their sort order var name_array = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < _entriesArray.length; i++) { name_array.push(_entriesArray[i].tag.appName); } //Send the sort order to the server via ajax var req = egw.jsonq('home.jdots_framework.ajax_appsort', [name_array]); }; /** * Function called whenever the sidebox is resized */ egw_fw.prototype.splitterResize = function(_width) { if (this.tag.activeApp) { var req = egw.jsonq( this.tag.activeApp.getMenuaction('ajax_sideboxwidth'), [this.tag.activeApp.internalName, _width] ); //If there are no global application width values, set the sidebox width of //the application every time the splitter is resized if (this.tag.activeApp.sideboxWidth !== false) { this.tag.activeApp.sideboxWidth = _width; } } this.tag.sideboxSizeCallback(_width); // Notify app about change if(this.tag.activeApp && this.tag.activeApp.browser != null) { this.tag.activeApp.browser.callResizeHandler(); } }; /** * tabCloseClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks * on the close button of every tab. * * @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ egw_fw.prototype.tabCloseClickCallback = function(_sender) { //Save references to the application and the tabsUi as "this" will be deleted var app = this.tag; var tabsUi = this.parent; //At least one tab must stay open if (tabsUi.tabs.length > 1) { //Tell the browser object to browse to an empty page, which will trigger the //unload handler app.browser.blank(); this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChangeEnabled = false; tabsUi.removeTab(this); app.tab = null; app.browser = null; if (app.sidemenuEntry) app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); //Set the active application to the application of the currently active tab app.parentFw.setActiveApp(tabsUi.activeTab.tag); this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChangeEnabled = true; this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChange(); } tabsUi.setCloseable(tabsUi.tabs.length > 1); //As a new tab might remove a row from the tab header, we have to resize all tab content browsers this.tag.parentFw.resizeHandler(); }; egw_fw.prototype.resizeHandler = function() { // Tabs overflow needs to be checked again this.checkTabOverflow(); //Resize the browser area of the applications for (var app in this.applications) { if (this.applications[app].browser != null) { this.applications[app].browser.resize(); } } //Update the scroll area this.scrollAreaUi.update(); }; /** * Callback to calculate height of browser iframe or div * * @param {object} _iframe dom node of iframe or null for div * @returns number in pixel */ egw_fw.prototype.getIFrameHeight = function(_iframe) { $header = $j(this.tabsUi.appHeaderContainer); var height = $j(this.sidemenuDiv).height()-this.tabsUi.appHeaderContainer.outerHeight(); return height; }; /** * tabClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on * a tab. * * @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ egw_fw.prototype.tabClickCallback = function(_sender) { //Set the active application in the framework this.tag.parentFw.setActiveApp(this.tag); }; /** * applicationClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on * an application in the sidebox menu. * * @param egw_fw_ui_tab _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ egw_fw.prototype.applicationClickCallback = function(_sender) { this.tag.parentFw.applicationTabNavigate(this.tag, this.tag.indexUrl); }; /** * Creates an ordered list with all opened tabs and whether the tab is currently active */ egw_fw.prototype.assembleTabList = function() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.tabsUi.tabs.length; i++) { var tab = this.tabsUi.tabs[i]; result[i] = { 'appName': tab.tag.appName, 'active': tab == this.tabsUi.activeTab }; } return result; }; egw_fw.prototype.notifyTabChange = function() { // Call the "resize" function of the currently active app if (this.activeApp) { var browser = this.activeApp.browser; if (browser) { window.setTimeout(function() { browser.callResizeHandler(); // Focus the current window so that keyboard input is forwarderd // to it. The timeout is needed, as this is function is often // called by the click on a jdots-tab. And that click immediately // focuses the outer window again. if (browser.iframe && browser.iframe.contentWindow) { browser.iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } else { window.focus(); } }, 100); } } if (this.notifyTabChangeEnabled) { //Send the current tab list to the server var data = this.assembleTabList(); //Serialize the tab list and check whether it really has changed since the last //submit var serialized = egw.jsonEncode(data); if (serialized != this.serializedTabState) { this.serializedTabState = serialized; var request = egw.jsonq("home.jdots_framework.ajax_tab_changed_state", [data]); } } }; /** * Checks whether the application already owns a tab and creates one if it doesn't exist */ egw_fw.prototype.createApplicationTab = function(_app, _pos) { //Default the pos parameter to -1 if (typeof _pos == 'undefined') _pos = -1; if (_app.tab == null) { //Create the tab _app.tab = this.tabsUi.addTab(_app.icon, this.tabClickCallback, this.tabCloseClickCallback, _app, _pos); _app.tab.setTitle(_app.displayName); //Set the tab closeable if there's more than one tab this.tabsUi.setCloseable(this.tabsUi.tabs.length > 1); // Check for too many tabs, and adjust width if needed this.checkTabOverflow(); } }; /** * Check to see if the tab header will overflow and want to wrap. * Deal with it by setting some smaller widths on the tabs. */ egw_fw.prototype.checkTabOverflow = function() { var width = 0; var outer_width = $j(this.tabsUi.contHeaderDiv).width(); var spans = $j(this.tabsUi.contHeaderDiv).children('span'); spans.css('max-width',''); spans.each(function() { width += $j(this).outerWidth(true);}); if(width > outer_width) { var max_width = Math.floor(outer_width / this.tabsUi.contHeaderDiv.childElementCount) - (spans.outerWidth(true) - spans.width()); spans.css('max-width',max_width + 'px'); } }; /** * Navigate to the tab of an application (opening the tab if not yet open) * * @param egw_fw_class_application _app * @param string _url optional url, default index page of app * @param bool _hidden specifies, whether the application should be set active * after opening the tab */ egw_fw.prototype.applicationTabNavigate = function(_app, _url, _hidden, _pos) { //Default the post parameter to -1 if (typeof _pos == 'undefined') _pos = -1; //Create the tab for that application this.createApplicationTab(_app, _pos); if (typeof _url == 'undefined' || _url == null) { _url = _app.indexUrl; } else if (_app.browser != null && // check if app has its own linkHandler !(this.applications[_app.appName].app_refresh) && _app.browser.iframe == null && _url == _app.browser.currentLocation) { // Just do an egw_refresh to avoid a full reload egw_refresh('',_app.appName); //Show the application tab if (_app.tab) { this.setActiveApp(_app); } return; } if (_app.browser == null) { //Create a new browser ui and set it as application tab callback var callback = new egw_fw_class_callback(this, this.getIFrameHeight); _app.browser = new egw_fw_content_browser(_app, callback); _app.tab.setContent(_app.browser.baseDiv); } if (typeof _hidden == 'undefined' || !_hidden) { _app.browser.browse(_url); this.setActiveApp(_app); } else { this.notifyTabChange(); } }; /** * Tries to obtain the application from a menuaction */ egw_fw.prototype.parseAppFromUrl = function(_url) { var _app = null; //Read the menuaction parts from the url and check whether the first part //of the url contains a valid app name var matches = _url.match(/menuaction=([a-z0-9_-]+)\./i); if (matches && (_app = this.getApplicationByName(matches[1]))) { return _app; } //Check the url for a scheme of "/app/something.php" and check this one for a valid app //name var matches = _url.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+\.php/i); if (matches && (_app = this.getApplicationByName(matches[1]))) { return _app; } return null; }; /** * loadApplications refreshes the list of applications. Upon calling, all existing applications * will be deleted from the list, and all open tabs will be closed. * * @param {array} apps array of objects per application with following attributes: * - string name application name * - string title application title as displayed to user * - string icon url of application icon * - string url index url of application * - int opened order of open tabs starting with 0, not set for closed apps * - boolean active true for the active app * - boolean noNavbar true if application is NOT shown in navigation * - boolean isDefault default app of user (currently not used) */ egw_fw.prototype.loadApplications = function(apps) { //Close all open tabs, remove all applications from the application list this.sidemenuUi.clean(); this.tabsUi.clean(); var defaultApp = null; var restore = new Object; var restore_count = 0; var mkRestoreEntry = function(_app, _pos, _url, _active) { return { 'app': _app, 'position': _pos, 'url': _url, 'active': _active }; }; //Iterate through the application array returned for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { var app = apps[i]; // Retrieve the application base url var baseUrl = false; if (typeof app.baseUrl == 'string') { baseUrl = app.baseUrl; } // Compute the instance internal name var internalName = app.name; if (typeof app.internalName == 'string') { internalName = app.internalName; } appData = new egw_fw_class_application(this, app.name, app.title, app.icon, app.url, app.sideboxwidth, baseUrl, internalName); //Create a sidebox menu entry for each application if (!app.noNavbar) { appData.sidemenuEntry = this.sidemenuUi.addEntry( appData.displayName, appData.icon, this.applicationClickCallback, appData, app.name); } //If this entry is the default entry, show it using the click callback if (app.isDefault && (app.isDefault === true) && (restore.length == 0)) { defaultApp = appData; } //If the opened field is set, add the application to the restore array. if ((typeof app.opened != 'undefined') && (app.opened !== false)) { defaultApp = null; var url = null; if (typeof app.openOnce != 'undefined' && app.openOnce) url = app.openOnce; restore[appData.appName] = mkRestoreEntry(appData, app.opened, url, app.active ? 1 : 0); restore_count += 1; } this.applications[appData.appName] = appData; } //Processing of the url or the defaultApp is now deactivated. /* // check if a menuaction or app is specified in the url --> display that var _app = this.parseAppFromUrl(window.location.href); if (_app) { //If this app is already opened, don't change its position. Otherwise //add it to the end of the tab list var appPos = restore_count; if (typeof restore[_app.appName] != 'undefined') appPos = restore[_app.appName].position; restore[_app.appName] = mkRestoreEntry(_app, appPos, window.location.href.replace(/&?cd=yes/,''), 2); }*/ // else display the default application if (defaultApp && restore_count == 0) { restore[defaultApp.appName] = mkRestoreEntry(defaultApp, 0, null, 1); } //Generate an array with all tabs which shall be restored sorted in by //their active state //Fill in the sorted_restore array... var sorted_restore = []; for (appName in restore) sorted_restore[sorted_restore.length] = restore[appName]; //...and sort it sorted_restore.sort(function (a, b) { return ((a.active < b.active) ? 1 : ((a.active == b.active) ? 0 : -1)); }); //Now actually restore the tabs by passing the application, the url, whether //this is an legacyApp (null triggers the application default), whether the //application is hidden (only the active tab is shown) and its position //in the tab list. for (var i = 0; i < sorted_restore.length; i++) this.applicationTabNavigate( sorted_restore[i].app, sorted_restore[i].url, i != 0, sorted_restore[i].position); this.scrollAreaUi.update(); //Set the current state of the tabs and activate TabChangeNotification. this.serializedTabState = egw.jsonEncode(this.assembleTabList()); this.notifyTabChangeEnabled = true; // Disable loader, if present $j('#egw_fw_loading').hide(); }; /** * Goes through all applications and returns the application with the specified name. * @param string _name the name of the application which should be returned. * @return object or null if application is not found. */ egw_fw.prototype.getApplicationByName = function(_name) { if (typeof this.applications[_name] != 'undefined') { return this.applications[_name]; } return null; }; /** * Sends sidemenu entry category open/close information to the server using an AJAX request */ egw_fw.prototype.categoryOpenCloseCallback = function(_opened) { egw.set_preference(this.tag.appName, 'jdots_sidebox_'+this.catName, _opened); }; egw_fw.prototype.categoryAnimationCallback = function() { this.tag.parentFw.scrollAreaUi.update(); }; /** * Sets the sidebox data of an application * @param object _app the application whose sidebox content should be set. * @param object _data an array/object containing the data of the sidebox content * @param string _md5 an md5 hash of the sidebox menu content: Only if this hash differs between two setSidebox calles, the sidebox menu will be updated. */ egw_fw.prototype.setSidebox = function(_app, _data, _md5) { if (typeof _app == 'string') _app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if ((_app != null) && (_app.sidebox_md5 != _md5) && (_app.sidemenuEntry != null)) { //Parse the sidebox data if (_data != null) { var contDiv = document.createElement('div'); var contJS = ''; //new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) { var catContent = ''; for (var j = 0; j < _data[i].entries.length; j++) { /* As jquery executes all script tags which are found inside the html and removes them afterwards, we have to seperate the javaScript from the html in lang_item and add it manually. */ html = new Object(); html.html = _data[i].entries[j].lang_item; html.js = ''; egw_seperateJavaScript(html); contJS += html.js;//contJS.concat(html.js); if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star) { catContent += '
'; } if (_data[i].entries[j].item_link == '') { catContent += html.html; } else { var link = _data[i].entries[j].item_link; if (link) { catContent += '' + html.html + ''; } } if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star) { catContent += '
'; } } /* Append the category content */ if (catContent != '') { var categoryUi = new egw_fw_ui_category(contDiv,_data[i].menu_name, _data[i].title, catContent, this.categoryOpenCloseCallback, this.categoryAnimationCallback, _app); //Lookup whether this entry was opened before. If no data is //stored about this, use the information we got from the server var opened = egw.preference('jdots_sidebox_'+_data[i].menu_name, _app.appName); if (typeof opened == 'undefined') { opened = _data[i].opened; } if (opened) { categoryUi.open(true); } } } // Stop ajax loader spinner icon in case there's no data and still is not stopped if (_data.length <= 0) _app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); //Rewrite all form actions if they contain some javascript var forms = $j('form', contDiv).toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; ++i) { var form = forms[i]; if (form.action.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { var action = form.action.match(/\('([^']*)/)[0].substr(2); form.action = action; form.target = 'egw_app_iframe_' + this.parseAppFromUrl(action).appName; } } _app.sidemenuEntry.setContent(contDiv); _app.sidebox_md5 = _md5; //console.log(contJS); $j(contDiv).append(contJS); } _app.hasSideboxMenuContent = true; //Only view the sidemenu content if this is really the active application if (_app == _app.parentFw.activeApp) { //Set the sidebox width if a application specific sidebox width is set if (_app.sideboxWidth !== false) { this.sideboxSizeCallback(_app.sideboxWidth); this.splitterUi.constraints[0].size = _app.sideboxWidth; } _app.sidemenuEntry.parent.open(_app.sidemenuEntry); _app.parentFw.scrollAreaUi.update(); _app.parentFw.scrollAreaUi.setScrollPos(0); // reliable init sidebox, as app.js might initialise earlier if (typeof app[_app.appName] == 'object') { var sidebox = $j('#favorite_sidebox_'+_app.appName, this.sidemenuDiv); var self = this; var currentAppName = _app.appName; // make sidebox sidebox.children().sortable({ items:'li:not([data-id$="add"])', placeholder:'ui-fav-sortable-placeholder', update: function (event, ui) { var favSortedList = jQuery(this).sortable('toArray', {attribute:'data-id'}); egw().set_preference(currentAppName,'fav_sort_pref',favSortedList); } }); if (sidebox.length) app[_app.appName]._init_sidebox.call(app[_app.appName], sidebox); } } } }; /** * Sets the website title of an application * @param object _app the application whose title should be set. * @param string _title title to set */ egw_fw.prototype.setWebsiteTitle = function(_app, _title, _header) { if (typeof _app == 'string') _app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if (_app) { _app.website_title = _title; // only set app_header if different from app-name if (_header && _header != egw.lang(_app.appName)) { _app.app_header = _header; } else { _app.app_header = ''; } if (_app == this.activeApp) this.refreshAppTitle(); } }; /** * Display an error or regular message * * @param string _msg message to show * @param string _type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default) */ egw_fw.prototype.setMessage = function(_msg, _type) { if (typeof _type == 'undefined') _type = _msg.match(/error/i) ? 'error' : 'success'; if (this.messageTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.messageTimer); delete this.messageTimer; } this.tabsUi.setAppHeader(_msg, _type+'_message'); this.resizeHandler(); if (_type != 'error') // clear message again after some time, if no error { var self = this; this.messageTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { self.refreshAppTitle.call(self); }, 5000); } }; egw_fw.prototype.refreshAppTitle = function() { if (this.activeApp) { if (this.messageTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.messageTimer); delete this.messageTimer; } this.tabsUi.setAppHeader(this.activeApp.app_header); document.title = this.activeApp.website_title; } this.resizeHandler(); }; /** * Change timezone and refresh current app * @param _tz */ egw_fw.prototype.tzSelection = function(_tz) { //Perform an AJAX request to tell server var req = egw.json('home.jdots_framework.ajax_tz_selection.template',[_tz],null,null,false); // false = synchron req.sendRequest(); if (this.activeApp.browser) { this.activeApp.browser.reload(); } }; egw_fw.prototype.linkHandler = function(_link, _app, _useIframe, _linkSource) { //Determine the app string from the application parameter var app = null; if (_app && typeof _app == 'string') { app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); } if (!app) { //The app parameter was false or not a string or the application specified did not exists. //Determine the target application from the link that had been passed to this function app = this.parseAppFromUrl(_link); } if (app) { this.applicationTabNavigate(app, _link); } else { //Display some error messages to have visible feedback if (typeof _app == 'string') { egw_alertHandler('Application "' + _app + '" not found.', 'The application "' + _app + '" the link "' + _link + '" points to is not registered.'); } else { egw_alertHandler("No appropriate target application has been found.", "Target link: " + _link); } } }; egw_fw.prototype.egw_openWindowCentered2 = function(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, _status, _app, _returnID) { if (typeof _returnID == 'undefined') _returnID = false; windowWidth = egw_getWindowOuterWidth(); windowHeight = egw_getWindowOuterHeight(); positionLeft = (windowWidth/2)-(_width/2)+egw_getWindowLeft(); positionTop = (windowHeight/2)-(_height/2)+egw_getWindowTop(); //Determine the window the popup should be opened in - normally this is the iframe of the currently active application var parentWindow = window; var navigate = false; if (typeof _app != 'undefined' && _app !== false) { var appEntry = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); if (appEntry && appEntry.browser == null) { navigate = true; framework.applicationTabNavigate(appEntry, 'about:blank'); } } else { var appEntry = framework.activeApp; } if (appEntry != null && appEntry.browser.iframe != null) parentWindow = appEntry.browser.iframe.contentWindow; windowID = parentWindow.open(_url, _windowName, "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height + ",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop + ",location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status="+_status); // inject framework and egw object, because opener might not yet be loaded and therefore has no egw object! windowID.egw = window.egw; windowID.framework = framework; if (navigate) { window.setTimeout("framework.applicationTabNavigate(framework.activeApp, framework.activeApp.indexUrl);", 500); } if (_returnID === false) { // return nothing } else { return windowID; } }; egw_fw.prototype.egw_appWindow = function(_app) { var app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); var result = window; if (app != null && app.browser != null && app.browser.iframe != null) { result = app.browser.iframe.contentWindow; } return result; }; egw_fw.prototype.egw_appWindowOpen = function(_app, _url) { if (typeof _url == "undefined") { _url = "about:blank"; } // Do a global location change if the given application name is null (as this function // is called by egw_json.js redirect handler, where the _app parameter defaults to null) if (_app == null) { window.location = _url; } var app = null; if (typeof _app == "string") { app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); } else { app = _app; } if (app != null) { framework.applicationTabNavigate(app, _url); } }; egw_fw.prototype.egw_getAppName = function() { return framework.activeApp.appName; }; /** * egw_fw_content_browser class */ EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_NONE = 0; EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_IFRAME = 1; EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_DIV = 2; /** * Creates a new content browser ui, _heightCallback must either be a function * or an egw_fw_class_callback object. */ function egw_fw_content_browser(_app, _heightCallback) { //Create a div which contains both, the legacy iframe and the contentDiv this.baseDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.type = EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_NONE; this.iframe = null; this.contentDiv = null; this.heightCallback = _heightCallback; this.app = _app; this.currentLocation = ''; } egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.callResizeHandler = function() { var wnd = window; if (this.iframe) { wnd = this.iframe.contentWindow; } // Call the resize handler (we have to use the jquery object of the iframe!) if (wnd && typeof wnd.$j != "undefined") { wnd.$j(wnd).trigger("resize"); } }; /** * Resizes both, the contentDiv and the iframe to the size returned from the heightCallback */ egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.resize = function() { var height = this.heightCallback.call(this.iframe) + 'px'; //Set the height of the content div or the iframe if (this.contentDiv) { this.contentDiv.style.height = height; } if (this.iframe) { this.iframe.style.height = height; } }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.setBrowserType = function(_type) { //Only do anything if the browser type has changed if (_type != this.type) { //Destroy the iframe and/or the contentDiv $j(this.baseDiv).empty(); this.iframe = null; this.contentDiv = null; this.ajaxLoaderDiv = null; switch (_type) { //Create the div for displaying the content case EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_DIV: this.contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); $j(this.contentDiv).addClass('egw_fw_content_browser_div'); $j(this.baseDiv).append(this.contentDiv); break; case EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_IFRAME: //Create the iframe this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); this.iframe.style.width = "100%"; this.iframe.style.borderWidth = 0; this.iframe.frameBorder = 0; this.iframe.name = 'egw_app_iframe_' + this.app.appName; $j(this.iframe).addClass('egw_fw_content_browser_iframe'); $j(this.baseDiv).append(this.iframe); break; } this.resize(); this.type = _type; } }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.browse = function(_url) { // check if app has its own linkHandler and it accepts the link (returns true), or returns different url instead if (typeof window.app == 'object' && typeof window.app[this.app.appName] == 'object' && typeof window.app[this.app.appName].linkHandler == 'function') { var ret = window.app[this.app.appName].linkHandler.call(window.app[this.app.appName], _url); { if (ret === true) return; if (typeof ret === 'string') { _url = ret; } } } var useIframe = true; var targetUrl = _url; // Check whether the given url is a pseudo url which should be executed // by calling the ajax_exec function // we now send whole url back to server, so apps can use $_GET['ajax']==='true' // to detect app-icon was clicked and eg. further reset filters var matches = _url.match(/\/index.php\?menuaction=([A-Za-z0-9_\.]*.*&ajax=true.*)$/); if (matches) { // Matches[1] contains the menuaction which should be executed - replace // the given url with the following line. This will be evaluated by the // jdots_framework ajax_exec function which will be called by the code // below as we set useIframe to false. targetUrl = "index.php?menuaction=" + matches[1]; useIframe = false; } // Destroy application js if(window.app[this.app.appName] && window.app[this.app.appName].destroy) { window.app[this.app.appName].destroy(); } // Unload etemplate2, if there if(typeof etemplate2 == "function") { // Clear all etemplates on this tab, regardless of application, by using DOM nodes $j('.et2_container',this.contentDiv||this.baseDiv).each(function() { var et = etemplate2.getById(this.id); if(et !== null) { et.clear(); } }); } else if(this.iframe && typeof this.iframe.contentWindow.etemplate2 == "function") { try { if(typeof this.iframe.contentWindow.etemplate2 == "function") { // Clear all etemplates on this tab, regardless of application, by using DOM nodes var content = this.iframe.contentWindow; $j('.et2_container',this.iframe.contentWindow).each(function() { var et = content.etemplate2.getById(this.id); if(et !== null) { et.clear(); } }); } } catch(e) {} // catch error if eg. SiteMgr runs a different origin, otherwise tab cant be closed } //Set the browser type if (useIframe) { this.setBrowserType(EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_IFRAME); //Postpone the actual "navigation" - gives some speedup with internet explorer //as it does no longer blocks the complete page until all frames have loaded. var self = this; window.setTimeout(function() { //Load the iframe content self.iframe.src = _url; //Set the "_legacy_iframe" flag to allow link handlers to easily determine //the type of the link source if (self.iframe && self.iframe.contentWindow) { try { self.iframe.contentWindow._legacy_iframe = true; // Focus the iframe of the current application if (self.app == framework.activeApp) { self.iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } } catch (e) { // ignoer SecurityError: Blocked a frame ..., caused by different origin } } }, 1); } else { this.setBrowserType(EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_DIV); // Save the actual url which has been passed as parameter this.currentLocation = _url; //Special treatement of "about:blank" if (targetUrl == "about:blank") { if (this.app.sidemenuEntry) this.app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); egw_widgetReplace(this.app.appName, this.contentDiv, ''); } else { //Perform an AJAX request loading application output if (this.app.sidemenuEntry) this.app.sidemenuEntry.showAjaxLoader(); this.data = ""; $j(this.contentDiv).empty(); var self_egw = egw(this.app.appName); var req = self_egw.json( this.app.getMenuaction('ajax_exec'), [targetUrl], this.browse_callback,this, true, this ); req.sendRequest(); } } }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.browse_callback = function(_data) { // Abort if data is from wrong kind of response - only 'data' if(!_data || _data.type != undefined) return; this.data = _data[0]; this.browse_finished(); }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.browse_finished = function() { if (this.app.sidemenuEntry) this.app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); // egw_widgetReplace(this.app.appName, this.contentDiv, this.data); content = { html: this.data, js: '' }; if (this.app == framework.activeApp) { window.focus(); } egw_seperateJavaScript(content); // Insert the content $j(this.contentDiv).append(content.html); // Run the javascript code //console.log(content.js); $j(this.contentDiv).append(content.js); }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.reload = function() { switch (this.type) { case EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_DIV: this.browse(this.currentLocation); break; case EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_IFRAME: //Do a simple reload in the iframe case this.iframe.contentWindow.location.reload(); break; } }; egw_fw_content_browser.prototype.blank = function() { this.browse('about:blank', this.type == EGW_BROWSER_TYPE_IFRAME); }; /** * Global functions */ /** * Refresh given application _targetapp display of entry _app _id, incl. outputting _msg * * @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted' * @param {string|undefined} _app application name * @param {string|number|undefined} _id id of entry to refresh * @param {string|undefined} _type either 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or undefined * @param {string|undefined} _targetapp which app's window should be refreshed, default current * @param {string|RegExp} _replace regular expression to replace in url * @param {string} _with * @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default) * @return {DOMwindow|null} null if refresh was triggered, or DOMwindow of app */ egw_fw.prototype.refresh = function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _targetapp, _replace, _with, _msg_type) { //alert("egw_refresh(\'"+_msg+"\',\'"+_app+"\',\'"+_id+"\',\'"+_type+"\')"); if (!_app) // force reload of entire framework, eg. when template-set changes { window.location.href = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?cd=yes'+(_msg ? '&msg='+encodeURIComponent(_msg) : ''); } // if window defines an app_refresh method, just call it if(typeof this.app_refresh == "function" && typeof this.app_refresh.registered == undefined) { egw().log("error", "An application has overwritten app_refresh() instead of calling register_app_refresh()"); } if( typeof this.app_refresh != "undefined" && this.app_refresh.registered(_app)) { this.app_refresh(_msg, _app, _id, _type); // if different target-app given, refresh it too if (_targetapp && _app != _targetapp) { return this.refresh(_msg, _targetapp, null, null, null, _replace, _with, _msg_type); } return; } // Call appropriate default / fallback refresh var win = window; var app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if (app) { // app with closed, or not yet loaded tab --> ignore update, happens automatic when tab loads if (!app.browser) { return; } if (app.browser && app.browser.iframe) { win = app.browser.iframe.contentWindow; } } // app running top-level (no full refresh / window reload!) if (win == window) { var refresh_done = false; // et2 nextmatch available, let it refresh if(typeof etemplate2 == "function" && etemplate2.app_refresh) { refresh_done = etemplate2.app_refresh(_msg, _app, _id, _type); } // if not trigger a regular refresh if (!refresh_done) { if (!app) app = this.activeApp; if (app && app.browser) app.browser.reload(); } } // if different target-app given, refresh it too if (_targetapp && _app != _targetapp) { this.refresh(_msg, _targetapp, null, null, null, _replace, _with, _msg_type); } // app runs in iframe (refresh iframe content window) if (win != window) { return win; } }; /** * Register a custom method to refresh an application in an intelligent way * * This function will be called any time the application needs to be refreshed. * The default is to just reload, but with more detailed knowledge of the application * internals, it should be possible to only refresh what is needed. * * The refresh function signature is: * function (_msg, _app, _id, _type [,_targetapp]); * returns void * @see egw_refresh() * * @param appname String Name of the application * @param refresh_func function to call when refreshing */ egw_fw.prototype.register_app_refresh = function(appname, refresh_func) { this.applications[appname].app_refresh = refresh_func; }; /** * App refresh for this framework checks the internal application registry for a function and calls it. * * If the application has registered a refresh function with register_app_refresh(), it will be called. * Otherwise the default egw_refresh() will continue. * @see egw_refresh() * * @param _msg String Message to be displayed, such as "Saved" or "Entry deleted" * @param _app String Application name for the record causing the refresh * @param _id String|null Record ID, if refresh is for one particular record * @param _type String|null either 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null * @param _targetapp String|null If refreshing an app other than what is given in _app, pass the desired app to be refreshed */ egw_fw.prototype.app_refresh = function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _targetapp) { if(typeof _targetapp == "undefined") { _targetapp = _app; } if (typeof this.applications[_targetapp] != 'undefined' && typeof this.applications[_targetapp].app_refresh == 'function') { this.applications[_targetapp].app_refresh.call(this,_msg,_app,_id,_type); } }; /** * A check to see if an application has registered a refresh function * * @param appname String Application name * * @return boolean */ egw_fw.prototype.app_refresh.registered = function(appname) { var framework = egw_getFramework(); return framework && framework.applications && typeof framework.applications[appname] != 'undefined' && typeof framework.applications[appname].app_refresh == 'function'; }; /** * Initialise framework */ egw_LAB.wait(function() { function egw_setSideboxSize(_size) { document.getElementById('egw_fw_main').style.marginLeft = _size + 'px'; document.getElementById('egw_fw_sidebar').style.width = _size + 'px'; } $j(document).ready(function() { window.framework = new egw_fw("egw_fw_sidemenu", "egw_fw_tabs", "egw_fw_splitter", window.egw_webserverUrl, egw_setSideboxSize, 255, 215); // should be identical to jdots_framework::(DEFAULT|MIN)_SIDEBAR_WIDTH window.callManual = window.framework.callManual; jQuery('#egw_fw_print').click(function(){window.framework.print()}); jQuery('#egw_fw_logout').click(function(){ window.framework.redirect(this.getAttribute('data-logout-url')); }); jQuery('form[name^="tz_selection"]').children().on('change', function(){framework.tzSelection(this.value); return false;}); window.egw.link_quick_add('quick_add'); // allowing javascript urls in topmenu and sidebox only under CSP by binding click handlers to them var href_regexp = /^javascript:([^\(]+)\((.*)?\);?$/; jQuery('#egw_fw_topmenu_items,#egw_fw_topmenu_info_items,#egw_fw_sidemenu,#egw_fw_footer').on('click','a[href^="javascript:"]',function(ev){ ev.stopPropagation(); // do NOT execute regular event, as it will violate CSP, when handler does NOT return false var matches = this.href.match(href_regexp); var args = []; if (matches.length > 1 && matches[2] !== undefined) { try { args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2]+']'); } catch(e) { // deal with '-encloded strings (JSON allows only ") args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2].replace(/','/g, '","').replace(/((^|,)'|'(,|$))/g, '$2"$3')+']'); } } args.unshift(matches[1]); et2_call.apply(this, args); return false; // IE11 seems to require this, ev.stopPropagation() does NOT stop link from being executed }); }); });