* @author Stylite AG * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ require_once EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/emailadmin/inc/class.defaultimap.inc.php'; /** * This class holds all information about the imap connection. * This is the base class for all other imap classes. * * Also proxies Sieve calls to emailadmin_sieve (eg. it behaves like the former felamimail bosieve), * to allow IMAP plugins to also manage Sieve connection. * * @property-read integer $ImapServerId acc_id of mail account (alias for acc_id) * @property-read boolean $enableSieve sieve enabled (alias for acc_sieve_enabled) * @property-read int $acc_id id * @property-read string $acc_name description / display name * @property-read string $acc_imap_host imap hostname * @property-read int $acc_imap_ssl 0=none, 1=starttls, 2=tls, 3=ssl, &8=validate certificate * @property-read int $acc_imap_port imap port, default 143 or for ssl 993 * @property-read string $acc_imap_username * @property-read string $acc_imap_password * @property-read boolean $acc_sieve_enabled sieve enabled * @property-read string $acc_sieve_host possible sieve hostname, default imap_host * @property-read int $acc_sieve_ssl 0=none, 1=starttls, 2=tls, 3=ssl, &8=validate certificate * @property-read int $acc_sieve_port sieve port, default 4190, old non-ssl port 2000 or ssl 5190 * @property-read string $acc_folder_sent sent folder * @property-read string $acc_folder_trash trash folder * @property-read string $acc_folder_draft draft folder * @property-read string $acc_folder_template template folder * @property-read string $acc_folder_junk junk/spam folder * @property-read string $acc_imap_type imap class to use, default emailadmin_imap * @property-read string $acc_imap_logintype how to construct login-name standard, vmailmgr, admin, uidNumber * @property-read string $acc_domain domain name * @property-read boolean $acc_imap_administration enable administration * @property-read string $acc_imap_admin_username * @property-read string $acc_imap_admin_password * @property-read boolean $acc_further_identities are non-admin users allowed to create further identities * @property-read boolean $acc_user_editable are non-admin users allowed to edit this account, if it is for them * @property-read array $params parameters passed to constructor (all above as array) * @property-read boolean|int|string $isAdminConnection admin connection if true or account_id or imap username */ class emailadmin_imap extends Horde_Imap_Client_Socket implements defaultimap { /** * Default parameters for Horde_Imap_Client constructor * * @var array */ static public $default_params = array( //'debug' => '/tmp/imap.log', // uncomment to log communitcation with IMAP server //'debug_literal' => true, // uncomment to log mail contents returned by IMAP server 'cache' => true, // default caching via emailadmin_horde_cache / egw_cache ); /** * Label shown in EMailAdmin */ const DESCRIPTION = 'standard IMAP server'; /** * Capabilities of this class (pipe-separated): default, sieve, admin, logintypeemail */ const CAPABILITIES = 'default|sieve'; /** * does the server with the serverID support keywords * this information is filled/provided by examineMailbox * * init_static references this to a session-variable, so it persists * * @var array of boolean for each known serverID */ static $supports_keywords; /** * is the mbstring extension available * * @var boolean */ protected $mbAvailable; /** * Login type: 'uid', 'vmailmgr', 'uidNumber', 'email' * * @var string */ protected $imapLoginType; /** * a debug switch */ public $debug = false; /** * Sieve available * * @var boolean */ protected $enableSieve = false; /** * Connection is an admin connection * * @var boolean|int|string $isAdminConnection admin connection if true or account_id or imap username */ protected $isAdminConnection = false; /** * Domain name * * @var string */ protected $domainName; /** * Parameters passed to constructor from emailadmin_account * * @var array */ protected $params = array(); /** * Construtor * * @param array * @param bool|int|string $_adminConnection create admin connection if true or account_id or imap username * @param int $_timeout =null timeout in secs, if none given fmail pref or default of 20 is used * @return void */ function __construct(array $params, $_adminConnection=false, $_timeout=null) { if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $this->mbAvailable = true; } $this->params = $params; $this->isAdminConnection = $_adminConnection; $this->enableSieve = (boolean)$this->params['acc_sieve_enabled']; $this->loginType = $this->params['acc_imap_logintype']; $this->domainName = $this->params['acc_domain']; if (is_null($_timeout)) $_timeout = $this->params['acc_imap_timeout']?$this->params['acc_imap_timeout']:self::getTimeOut (); switch($this->params['acc_imap_ssl'] & ~emailadmin_account::SSL_VERIFY) { case emailadmin_account::SSL_STARTTLS: $secure = 'tls'; // Horde uses 'tls' for STARTTLS, not ssl connection with tls version >= 1 and no sslv2/3 break; case emailadmin_account::SSL_SSL: $secure = 'ssl'; break; case emailadmin_account::SSL_TLS: $secure = 'tlsv1'; // since Horde_Imap_Client-1.16.0 requiring Horde_Socket_Client-1.1.0 break; } // Horde use locale for translation of error messages common::setlocale(LC_MESSAGES); // some plugins need extra measures to switch to an admin connection (eg. Dovecot constructs a special admin user name) $username = $_adminConnection; if (!is_bool($username) && is_numeric($username)) { $username = $this->getMailBoxUserName($username); } if ($_adminConnection) $this->adminConnection($username); $parent_params = array( 'username' => $this->params[$_adminConnection ? 'acc_imap_admin_username' : 'acc_imap_username'], 'password' => $this->params[$_adminConnection ? 'acc_imap_admin_password' : 'acc_imap_password'], 'hostspec' => $this->params['acc_imap_host'], 'port' => $this->params['acc_imap_port'], 'secure' => $secure, 'timeout' => $_timeout, )+self::$default_params; if ($parent_params['cache'] === true) { $parent_params['cache'] = array( 'backend' => new Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend_Cache(array( 'cacheob' => new emailadmin_horde_cache(), )), ); } parent::__construct($parent_params); } /** * Ensure we use an admin connection * * Plugins can overwrite it to eg. construct a special admin user name * * @param string $_username =null create an admin connection for given user or $this->acc_imap_username */ function adminConnection($_username=true) { if ($this->isAdminConnection !== $_username) { $this->logout(); $this->__construct($this->params, $_username); $this->acc_imap_username = $_username; } } /** * Check admin credientials and connection (if supported) * * @param string $_username =null create an admin connection for given user or $this->acc_imap_username * @throws Horde_IMAP_Client_Exception */ public function checkAdminConnection($_username=true) { if ($this->acc_imap_administration) { $this->adminConnection($_username); $this->login(); } } /** * Allow read access to former public attributes * * @param type $name * @return mixed null for an unknown attribute */ public function __get($name) { switch($name) { case 'acc_imap_administration': return !empty($this->params['acc_imap_admin_username']); case 'acc_id': // to not get an exception, if account is not yet stored, just return null case 'ImapServerId': return $this->params['acc_id']; case 'enableSieve': return (boolean)$this->params['acc_sieve_enabled']; default: // allow readonly access to all class attributes if (isset($this->$name)) { return $this->$name; } if (array_key_exists($name,$this->params)) { return $this->params[$name]; } if ($this->getParam($name)) { return $this->getParam($name); } // calling Horde_Imap_Client's __get() method available since 2.24.1 return is_callable('parent::__get') ? parent::__get($name) : null; } } /** * opens a connection to a imap server * * @param bool $_adminConnection create admin connection if true * @param int $_timeout =null timeout in secs, if none given fmail pref or default of 20 is used * @deprecated allready called by constructor automatic, parameters must be passed to constructor! * @return boolean|PEAR_Error true on success, PEAR_Error of false on failure */ function openConnection($_adminConnection=false, $_timeout=null) { unset($_timeout); // not used if ($_adminConnection !== $this->params['adminConnection']) { throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter('need to set parameters on calling emailadmin_account->imapServer()!'); } } /** * getTimeOut * * @param string _use decide if the use is for IMAP or SIEVE, by now only the default differs * @return int - timeout (either set or default 20/10) */ static function getTimeOut($_use='IMAP') { $timeout = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['connectionTimeout']; if (empty($timeout) || !($timeout > 0)) $timeout = $_use == 'SIEVE' ? 10 : 20; // this is the default value return $timeout; } /** * Return description for EMailAdmin * * @return string */ public static function description() { return static::DESCRIPTION; } /** * adds a account on the imap server * * @param array $_hookValues * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function addAccount($_hookValues) { unset($_hookValues); // not used return true; } /** * updates a account on the imap server * * @param array $_hookValues * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function updateAccount($_hookValues) { unset($_hookValues); // not used return true; } /** * deletes a account on the imap server * * @param array $_hookValues * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function deleteAccount($_hookValues) { unset($_hookValues); // not used return true; } function disconnect() { } /** * converts a foldername from current system charset to UTF7 * * @param string $_folderName * @return string the encoded foldername */ function encodeFolderName($_folderName) { if($this->mbAvailable) { return mb_convert_encoding($_folderName, "UTF7-IMAP", translation::charset()); } // if not // we can encode only from ISO 8859-1 return imap_utf7_encode($_folderName); } /** * getMailbox * * @param string $mailbox * @return mixed mailbox object/string (string if not found by listMailboxes but existing) */ function getMailbox($mailbox) { $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL); if (empty($mailboxes)) $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_UNSUBSCRIBED); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'.$mailbox.'/'.array2string($mailboxes)); $mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //_debug_array($mboxes->count()); foreach ($mboxes->getIterator() as $k =>$box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'.$k); if ($k!='user' && $k != '' && $k==$mailbox) return $box['mailbox']; //_debug_array(array($k => $client->status($k))); } return ($this->mailboxExist($mailbox)?$mailbox:false); } /** * mailboxExists * * @param string $mailbox * @return boolean */ function mailboxExist($mailbox) { try { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.':'.$mailbox); $currentMailbox = $this->currentMailbox(); } catch(Exception $e) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed detecting currentMailbox:'.$currentMailbox.':'.$e->getMessage()); $currentMailbox=null; unset($e); } try { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.':'.$mailbox); $this->openMailbox($mailbox); $returnvalue=true; } catch(Exception $e) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed opening:'.$mailbox.':'.$e->getMessage().' Called by:'.function_backtrace()); unset($e); $returnvalue=false; } if (!empty($currentMailbox) && $currentMailbox['mailbox'] != $mailbox) { try { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.':'.$currentMailbox .'<->'.$mailbox); $this->openMailbox($currentMailbox['mailbox']); } catch(Exception $e) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed reopening:'.$currentMailbox.':'.$e->getMessage()); unset($e); } } return $returnvalue; } /** * getSpecialUseFolders * * @return current mailbox, or if none check on INBOX, and return upon existance */ function getCurrentMailbox() { try { $mailbox = $this->currentMailbox(); } catch(Exception $e) { error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') failed fetching currentMailbox:'.$e->getMessage()); //throw new egw_exception(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.") failed to ".__METHOD__." :".$e->getMessage()); unset($e); } if (!empty($mailbox)) return $mailbox['mailbox']; if (empty($mailbox) && $this->mailboxExist('INBOX')) return 'INBOX'; return null; } /** * getSpecialUseFolders * * @return array with special use folders */ function getSpecialUseFolders() { $mailboxes = $this->getMailboxes('',0,true); $suF = array(); foreach ($mailboxes as $box) { if ($box['MAILBOX']!='user' && $box['MAILBOX'] != '') { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$k.'->'.array2string($box)); if (isset($box['ATTRIBUTES'])&&!empty($box['ATTRIBUTES'])&& stripos(strtolower(array2string($box['ATTRIBUTES'])),'\noselect')=== false&& stripos(strtolower(array2string($box['ATTRIBUTES'])),'\nonexistent')=== false) { $suF[$box['MAILBOX']] = $box; } } } return $suF; } /** * getMailboxCounters * * @param array/string $mailbox * @return array with counters */ function getMailboxCounters($mailbox) { try { $status = $this->status($mailbox); foreach ($status as $key => $v) { $_status[strtoupper($key)]=$v; } return $_status; } catch (Exception $e) { unset($e); return false; } } /** * getStatus * * @param string $mailbox * @return array with counters */ function getStatus($mailbox) { $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL,array( 'attributes'=>true, 'children'=>true, //child info 'delimiter'=>true, 'special_use'=>true, )); $mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($mboxes->count())); foreach ($mboxes->getIterator() as $k =>$box) { if ($k!='user' && $k != '' && $k==$mailbox) { if (stripos(array2string($box['attributes']),'\noselect')=== false) { $status = $this->status($k); foreach ($status as $key => $v) { $_status[strtoupper($key)]=$v; } $_status['HIERACHY_DELIMITER'] = $_status['delimiter'] = ($box['delimiter']?$box['delimiter']:$this->getDelimiter('personal')); $_status['ATTRIBUTES'] = $box['attributes']; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$k.'->'.array2string($_status)); return $_status; } else { return false; } } } return false; } /** * Returns an array containing the names of the selected mailboxes * * @param string $reference base mailbox to start the search (default is current mailbox) * @param string $restriction_search false or 0 means return all mailboxes * true or 1 return only the mailbox that contains that exact name * 2 return all mailboxes in that hierarchy level * @param string $returnAttributes true means return an assoc array containing mailbox names and mailbox attributes * false - the default - means return an array of mailboxes with only selected attributes like delimiter * * @return mixed array of mailboxes */ function getMailboxes($reference = '' , $restriction_search = 0, $returnAttributes = false) { if ( is_bool($restriction_search) ){ $restriction_search = (int) $restriction_search; } $mailbox = ''; if ( is_int( $restriction_search ) ){ switch ( $restriction_search ) { case 0: $searchstring = $reference."*"; break; case 1: $mailbox = $searchstring = $reference; //$reference = '%'; break; case 2: $searchstring = $reference."%"; break; } }else{ if ( is_string( $restriction_search ) ){ $mailbox = $searchstring = $restriction_search; } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($mailbox)); //if (is_array($mailbox))error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.function_backtrace()); $options = array( 'attributes'=>true, 'children'=>true, //child info 'delimiter'=>true, 'special_use'=>true, 'sort'=>true, ); if ($returnAttributes==false) { unset($options['attributes']); unset($options['children']); unset($options['special_use']); } $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($searchstring,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL, $options); //$mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //_debug_array($mboxes->count()); foreach ((array)$mailboxes as $k =>$box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Box:'.$k.'->'.array2string($box)); $ret[$k]=array('MAILBOX'=>$k,'ATTRIBUTES'=>$box['attributes'],'delimiter'=>($box['delimiter']?$box['delimiter']:$this->getDelimiter('personal')),'SUBSCRIBED'=>true); } // for unknown reasons on ALL, UNSUBSCRIBED are not returned //always fetch unsubscribed, think about only fetching it when $options['attributes'] is set //but then allMailboxes are not all, .... //if (!empty($mailbox) && !isset($ret[$mailbox])) { $unsub_mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($searchstring,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_UNSUBSCRIBED, $options); //$mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //_debug_array($mboxes->count()); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$mailbox.':'.count((array)$mailboxes).'->'.function_backtrace()); foreach ((array)$unsub_mailboxes as $k =>$box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Box:'.$k.' already In?'.array_key_exists($k,$boxexists).'->'.array2string($box)); if(!array_key_exists($k,$ret)) { $ret[$k]=array('MAILBOX'=>$k,'ATTRIBUTES'=>$box['attributes'],'delimiter'=>($box['delimiter']?$box['delimiter']:$this->getDelimiter('personal')),'SUBSCRIBED'=>false); } else { $ret[$k]['SUBSCRIBED'] = false; } } } return $ret; } /** * Returns an array containing the names of the subscribed selected mailboxes * * @param string $reference base mailbox to start the search * @param string $restriction_search false or 0 means return all mailboxes * true or 1 return only the mailbox that contains that exact name * 2 return all mailboxes in that hierarchy level * @param string $returnAttributes true means return an assoc array containing mailbox names and mailbox attributes * false - the default - means return an array of mailboxes with only selected attributes like delimiter * * @return mixed array of mailboxes */ function listSubscribedMailboxes($reference = '' , $restriction_search = 0, $returnAttributes = false) { if ( is_bool($restriction_search) ){ $restriction_search = (int) $restriction_search; } $mailbox = ''; if ( is_int( $restriction_search ) ){ switch ( $restriction_search ) { case 0: $searchstring = $reference."*"; break; case 1: $mailbox = $searchstring = $reference; //$reference = '%'; break; case 2: $searchstring = $reference."%"; break; } }else{ if ( is_string( $restriction_search ) ){ $mailbox = $searchstring = $restriction_search; } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$mailbox); $options = array( 'attributes'=>true, 'children'=>true, //child info 'delimiter'=>true, 'special_use'=>true, 'sort'=>true, ); if ($returnAttributes==false) { unset($options['attributes']); unset($options['children']); unset($options['special_use']); } $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($searchstring,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_SUBSCRIBED_EXISTS, $options); //$mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //_debug_array($mboxes->count()); foreach ((array)$mailboxes as $k =>$box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Searched for:'.$mailbox.' got Box:'.$k.'->'.array2string($box).function_backtrace()); if ($returnAttributes==false) { $ret[]=$k; } else { $ret[$k]=array('MAILBOX'=>$k,'ATTRIBUTES'=>$box['attributes'],'delimiter'=>($box['delimiter']?$box['delimiter']:$this->getDelimiter('personal')),'SUBSCRIBED'=>true); } } return $ret; } /** * Returns an array containing the names of the selected unsubscribed mailboxes * * @param string $reference base mailbox to start the search * @param string $restriction_search false or 0 means return all mailboxes * true or 1 return only the mailbox that contains that exact name * 2 return all mailboxes in that hierarchy level * * @return mixed array of mailboxes */ function listUnSubscribedMailboxes($reference = '' , $restriction_search = 0) { if ( is_bool($restriction_search) ){ $restriction_search = (int) $restriction_search; } if ( is_int( $restriction_search ) ){ switch ( $restriction_search ) { case 0: $mailbox = $reference."*"; break; case 1: $mailbox = $reference; $reference = '%'; break; case 2: $mailbox = "%"; break; } }else{ if ( is_string( $restriction_search ) ){ $mailbox = $restriction_search; } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$mailbox); $options = array( 'sort'=>true, //'flat'=>true, ); $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_SUBSCRIBED_EXISTS, $options); foreach ($mailboxes as $box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Box:'.$k.'->'.array2string($box['mailbox']->utf8)); $sret[]=$box['mailbox']->utf8; } $unsubscribed = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox,Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_UNSUBSCRIBED, $options); foreach ($unsubscribed as $box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Box:'.$k.'->'.array2string($box['mailbox']->utf8)); if (!in_array($box['mailbox']->utf8,$sret) && $box['mailbox']->utf8!='INBOX') $ret[]=$box['mailbox']->utf8; } return $ret; } /** * examineMailbox * * @param string $mailbox * @param int $flags =null default Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL | Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_FLAGS | Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS * @return array of counters for mailbox */ function examineMailbox($mailbox, $flags=null) { if ($mailbox=='') return false; $mailboxes = $this->listMailboxes($mailbox); if (is_null($flags)) $flags = Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL | Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_FLAGS | Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS; $mboxes = new Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox_List($mailboxes); //_debug_array($mboxes->count()); foreach ($mboxes->getIterator() as $k => $box) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($box)); unset($box); if ($k!='user' && $k != '' && $k==$mailbox) { $status = $this->status($k, $flags); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($status)); foreach ($status as $key => $v) { $_status[strtoupper($key)]=$v; } if ($flags & (Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_FLAGS|Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS)) { self::$supports_keywords[$this->ImapServerId] = stripos(implode('', $status['flags']), '$label') !== false || in_array('\\*', $status['permflags']); // arbitrary keyswords also allow keywords } return $_status; } } return false; } /** * returns the supported capabilities of the imap server * return false if the imap server does not support capabilities * * @deprecated use capability() * @return array the supported capabilites */ function getCapabilities() { $cap = $this->capability(); foreach ($cap as $c => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $v) { $cap[$c.'='.$v] = true; } } } return $cap; } /** * Query a single capability * * @param string $capability * @return boolean */ function hasCapability($capability) { if ($capability=='SUPPORTS_KEYWORDS') { // if pseudo-flag is not set, call examineMailbox now to set it (no STATUS_ALL = counters necessary) if (!isset(self::$supports_keywords[$this->ImapServerId])) { try { $this->examineMailbox('INBOX', Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_FLAGS|Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_PERMFLAGS); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' (examineServer for detection) '.$capability.'->'.array2string(self::$supports_keywords).' failed '.function_backtrace()); self::$supports_keywords[$this->ImapServerId]=false; } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$capability.'->'.array2string(self::$supports_keywords).' '.function_backtrace()); return self::$supports_keywords[$this->ImapServerId]; } try { $cap = $this->capability(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' error querying for capability:'.$capability.' ->'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } if (!is_array($cap)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' error querying for capability:'.$capability.' Expected array but got->'.array2string($cap)); return false; } foreach ($cap as $c => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $v) { $cap[$c.'='.$v] = true; } } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$capability.'->'.array2string($cap)); if (isset($cap[$capability]) && $cap[$capability]) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * getFolderPrefixFromNamespace, wrapper to extract the folder prefix from folder compared to given namespace array * * @var array $_nameSpace * @var string $_folderName * @return string the prefix (may be an empty string) */ static function getFolderPrefixFromNamespace($_nameSpace, $_folderName) { foreach($_nameSpace as &$singleNameSpace) { if (substr($_folderName,0,strlen($singleNameSpace['prefix'])) == $singleNameSpace['prefix']) return $singleNameSpace['prefix']; } return ""; } /** * getMailBoxesRecursive * * function to retrieve mailboxes recursively from given mailbox * @param string $_mailbox * @param string $delimiter * @param string $prefix * @param string $reclevel = 0, counter to keep track of the current recursionlevel * @return array of mailboxes */ function getMailBoxesRecursive($_mailbox, $delimiter, $prefix, $reclevel=0) { if ($reclevel > 25) { error_log( __METHOD__." Recursion Level Exeeded ($reclevel) while looking up $_mailbox$delimiter "); return array(); } $reclevel++; // clean up double delimiters $mailbox = preg_replace('~'.($delimiter == '.' ? "\\".$delimiter:$delimiter).'+~s',$delimiter,$_mailbox); //get that mailbox in question $mbx = $this->getMailboxes($mailbox,1,true); $mbxkeys = array_keys($mbx); // Example: Array([INBOX/GaGa] => Array([MAILBOX] => INBOX/GaGa[ATTRIBUTES] => Array([0] => \\unmarked)[delimiter] => /)) if (is_array($mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]) && (in_array('\HasChildren',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Haschildren',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\haschildren',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]))) { $buff = $this->getMailboxes($mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]['MAILBOX'].($mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]['MAILBOX'] == $prefix ? '':$delimiter),2,false); $allMailboxes = array(); foreach ($buff as $mbxname) { $mbxname = preg_replace('~'.($delimiter == '.' ? "\\".$delimiter:$delimiter).'+~s',$delimiter,$mbxname['MAILBOX']); #echo "About to recur in level $reclevel:".$mbxname."
"; if ( $mbxname != $mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]['MAILBOX'] && $mbxname != $prefix && $mbxname != $mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]['MAILBOX'].$delimiter) { $allMailboxes = array_merge($allMailboxes, self::getMailBoxesRecursive($mbxname, $delimiter, $prefix, $reclevel)); } } if (!(in_array('\NoSelect',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Noselect',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\noselect',$mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]["ATTRIBUTES"]))) $allMailboxes[] = $mbx[$mbxkeys[0]]['MAILBOX']; return $allMailboxes; } else { return array($mailbox); } } /** * getNameSpace, fetch the namespace from icServer * * Note: a IMAPServer may present several namespaces under each key; * so we return an array of namespacearrays for our needs * * @return array array(prefix_present=>mixed (bool/string) ,prefix=>string,delimiter=>string,type=>string (personal|others|shared)) */ function getNameSpace() { static $nameSpace=null; $foldersNameSpace = array(); $delimiter = $this->getDelimiter(); if (empty($delimiter)) $delimiter='/'; if (is_null($nameSpace)) $nameSpace = $this->getNameSpaceArray(); if (is_array($nameSpace)) { foreach($nameSpace as $type => $singleNameSpaceArray) { foreach ($singleNameSpaceArray as $singleNameSpace) { $_foldersNameSpace = array(); if($type == 'personal' && $singleNameSpace['name'] == '#mh/' && ($this->folderExists('Mail')||$this->folderExists('INBOX'))) { $_foldersNameSpace['prefix_present'] = 'forced'; // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $_foldersNameSpace['prefix'] = ($this->folderExists('Mail')?'Mail':(!empty($singleNameSpace['name'])?$singleNameSpace['name']:'')); } elseif($type == 'personal' && ($singleNameSpace['name'] == '#mh/') && $this->folderExists('mail')) { $_foldersNameSpace['prefix_present'] = 'forced'; // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $_foldersNameSpace['prefix'] = 'mail'; } else { $_foldersNameSpace['prefix_present'] = !empty($singleNameSpace['name']); $_foldersNameSpace['prefix'] = $singleNameSpace['name']; } $_foldersNameSpace['delimiter'] = ($singleNameSpace['delimiter']?$singleNameSpace['delimiter']:$delimiter); $_foldersNameSpace['type'] = $type; $foldersNameSpace[] =$_foldersNameSpace; } } } return $foldersNameSpace; } /** * return the delimiter used by the current imap server * @param mixed _type (1=personal, 2=user/other, 3=shared) * @return string the delimimiter */ function getDelimiter($_type=1) { switch ($_type) { case 'user': case 'other': case 2: $type=2; break; case 'shared': case '': case 3: $type=3; break; case 'personal': case 1: default: $type=1; } $namespaces = $this->getNamespaces(); foreach ($namespaces as $nsp) { if ($nsp['type']==$type && $nsp['delimiter']) return $nsp['delimiter']; } return "/"; } /** * Check if IMAP server supports group ACL, can be overwritten in extending classes * * If group ACL is supported getMailBoxUserName and getMailBoxAccountId should be * modified too, to return correct values for groups. * * @return boolean true if group ACL is supported, false if not */ function supportsGroupAcl() { return false; } /** * get the effective Username for the Mailbox, as it is depending on the loginType * * @param string|int $_username account_id or account_lid * @return string the effective username to be used to access the Mailbox */ function getMailBoxUserName($_username) { if (is_numeric($_username)) { $_username = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($_username); } else { $accountID = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($_username); } switch ($this->loginType) { case 'email': $accountemail = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($accountID,'account_email'); //$accountemail = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($_username,'account_email')); if (!empty($accountemail)) { list($lusername,$domain) = explode('@',$accountemail,2); if (strtolower($domain) == strtolower($this->domainName) && !empty($lusername)) { $_username = $lusername; } } break; case 'vmailmgr': $_username .= '@'.$this->domainName; break; case 'uidNumber': $_username = 'u'.$accountID; break; default: if (empty($this->loginType)) { // try to figure out by params['acc_imap_username'] list($lusername,$domain) = explode('@',$this->params['acc_imap_username'],2); if (strpos($_username,'@')===false && !empty($domain) && !empty($lusername)) { $_username = $_username.'@'.$domain; } } } return strtolower($_username); } /** * Get account_id from a mailbox username * * @param string $_username * @return int|boolean account_id of user or false if no matching user found */ function getMailBoxAccountId($_username) { switch ($this->loginType) { case 'email': $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($_username, 'account_email'); if (!$account_id) { list($uid) = explode('@', $_username); $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($uid, 'account_lid'); } break; case 'uidNumber': $account_id = (int)substr($_username, 1); break; default: $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($_username, 'account_lid'); } return $account_id; } /** * Create mailbox string from given mailbox-name and user-name * * @param string $_folderName='' * @return string utf-7 encoded (done in getMailboxName) */ function getUserMailboxString($_username, $_folderName='') { $nameSpaces = $this->getNameSpaceArray(); if(!isset($nameSpaces['others'])) { return false; } $username = $this->getMailBoxUserName($_username); if($this->loginType == 'vmailmgr' || $this->loginType == 'email' || $this->loginType == 'uidNumber') { $username .= '@'. $this->domainName; } $mailboxString = $nameSpaces['others'][0]['name'] . $username . (!empty($_folderName) ? ($nameSpaces['others'][0]['delimiter']?$nameSpaces['others'][0]['delimiter']:'/') . $_folderName : ''); return $mailboxString; } /** * get list of namespaces * Note: a IMAPServer may present several namespaces under each key * @return array with keys 'personal', 'shared' and 'others' and value array with values for keys 'name' and 'delimiter' */ function getNameSpaceArray() { static $types = array( Horde_Imap_Client::NS_PERSONAL => 'personal', Horde_Imap_Client::NS_OTHER => 'others', Horde_Imap_Client::NS_SHARED => 'shared' ); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($types)); $result = array(); foreach($this->getNamespaces() as $data) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($data)); if (isset($types[$data['type']])) { $result[$types[$data['type']]][] = array( 'type' => $types[$data['type']], 'name' => $data['name'], 'prefix' => $data['name'], 'prefix_present' => !empty($data['name']), 'delimiter' => ($data['delimiter']?$data['delimiter']:'/'), ); } } //error_log(__METHOD__."() returning ".array2string($result)); return $result; } /** * return the quota for the current user * * @param string $mailboxName * @return mixed the quota for the current user -> array with all available Quota Information, or false */ function getStorageQuotaRoot($mailboxName) { $storageQuota = $this->getQuotaRoot($mailboxName); foreach ($storageQuota as $qInfo) { if ($qInfo['storage']) { return array('USED'=>$qInfo['storage']['usage'],'QMAX'=>$qInfo['storage']['limit']); } } return false; } /** * return the quota for another user * used by admin connections only * * @param string $_username * @param string $_what - what to retrieve either limit/QMAX, usage/USED or ALL is supported * @return int|array|boolean the quota for specified user (by what) or array with values for "limit" and "usage", or false */ function getQuotaByUser($_username, $_what='QMAX') { $mailboxName = $this->getUserMailboxString($_username); $storageQuota = $this->getQuotaRoot($mailboxName); //error_log(__METHOD__.' Username:'.$_username.' Mailbox:'.$mailboxName.' getQuotaRoot('.$_what.'):'.array2string($storageQuota)); if (is_array($storageQuota) && isset($storageQuota[$mailboxName]) && is_array($storageQuota[$mailboxName]) && isset($storageQuota[$mailboxName]['storage']) && is_array($storageQuota[$mailboxName]['storage'])) { switch($_what) { case 'QMAX': $_what = 'limit'; break; case 'USED': $_what = 'usage'; case 'ALL': return $storageQuota[$mailboxName]['storage']; } return isset($storageQuota[$mailboxName]['storage'][$_what]) ? (int)$storageQuota[$mailboxName]['storage'][$_what] : false; } return false; } /** * returns information about a user * * Only a stub, as admin connection requires, which is only supported for Cyrus * * @param string $_username * @return array userdata */ function getUserData($_username) { unset($_username); // not used return array(); } /** * set userdata * * @param string $_username username of the user * @param int $_quota quota in bytes * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function setUserData($_username, $_quota) { unset($_username, $_quota); // not used return true; } /** * check if imap server supports given capability * * @param string $_capability the capability to check for * @return bool true if capability is supported, false if not */ function supportsCapability($_capability) { return $this->hasCapability($_capability); } /** * Instance of emailadmin_sieve * * @var emailadmin_sieve */ private $sieve; public $scriptName; public $error; //public $error; /** * Proxy former felamimail bosieve methods to internal emailadmin_sieve instance * * @param string $name * @param array $params * @throws Exception */ public function __call($name,array $params=null) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'->'.$name.' with params:'.array2string($params)); switch($name) { case 'installScript': case 'getScript': case 'setActive': case 'setEmailNotification': case 'getEmailNotification': case 'setRules': case 'getRules': case 'retrieveRules': case 'getVacation': case 'setVacation': try { if (is_null($this->sieve)) { PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION); $this->sieve = new emailadmin_sieve($this); $this->error =& $this->sieve->error; } $ret = call_user_func_array(array($this->sieve,$name),$params); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new PEAR_Exception('Error in Sieve: '.$e->getMessage(), $e); } //error_log(__CLASS__.'->'.$name.'('.array2string($params).') returns '.array2string($ret)); return $ret; } throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("No method '$name' implemented!"); } /** * Set vacation message for given user * * @param int|string $_euser nummeric account_id or imap username * @param array $_vacation * @param string $_scriptName =null * @return boolean */ public function setVacationUser($_euser, array $_vacation, $_scriptName=null) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.' User:'.array2string($_euser).' Scriptname:'.array2string($_scriptName).' VacationMessage:'.array2string($_vacation)); if (is_numeric($_euser)) { $_euser = $this->getMailBoxUserName($_euser); } if (is_null($this->sieve) || $this->isAdminConnection !== $_euser) { $this->adminConnection($_euser); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION); $this->sieve = new emailadmin_sieve($this, $_euser, $_scriptName); $this->scriptName =& $this->sieve->scriptName; $this->error =& $this->sieve->error; } $ret = $this->setVacation($_vacation, $_scriptName); return $ret; } /** * Get vacation message for given user * * @param int|string $_euser nummeric account_id or imap username * @param string $_scriptName =null * @throws Exception on connection error or authentication failure * @return array */ public function getVacationUser($_euser, $_scriptName=null) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.' User:'.array2string($_euser)); if (is_numeric($_euser)) { $_euser = $this->getMailBoxUserName($_euser); } if (is_null($this->sieve) || $this->isAdminConnection !== $_euser) { $this->adminConnection($_euser); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION); $this->sieve = new emailadmin_sieve($this, $_euser, $_scriptName); $this->error =& $this->sieve->error; $this->scriptName =& $this->sieve->scriptName; } return $this->sieve->getVacation(); } /** * Return fields or tabs which should be readonly in UI for given imap implementation * * @return array fieldname => true pairs or 'tabs' => array(tabname => true) */ public static function getUIreadonlys() { return array(); } /** * Init static variables */ public function init_static() { self::$supports_keywords =& egw_cache::getSession (__CLASS__, 'supports_keywords'); } } emailadmin_imap::init_static();