* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License */ use EGroupware\Api; include('./inc/functions.inc.php'); // Authorize the user to use setup app and load the database if (!$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->auth('Config') || $_POST['cancel']) { Header('Location: index.php'); exit; } // Does not return unless user is authorized // check CSRF token for POST requests with any content (setup uses empty POST to call its modules!) if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $_POST) { Api\Csrf::validate($_POST['csrf_token'], __FILE__); } // determine from where we migrate to what if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db)) { $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->loaddb(); } // Load configuration values account_repository and auth_type, as setup has not yet done so foreach($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->select($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->config_table,'config_name,config_value', "config_name LIKE 'ldap%' OR config_name LIKE 'account_%' OR config_name LIKE '%encryption%' OR ". "config_name IN ('auth_type','install_id','mail_suffix') OR config_name LIKE 'ads_%' OR config_name LIKE 'account_import_%'", __LINE__,__FILE__) as $row) { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } try { if (!in_array($source = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source'], ['ldap', 'ads'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_source='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source']}'!"); } if (!in_array($type = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_type'], ['users', 'users_groups'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_type='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_type']}'!"); } if (!in_array($delete = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_delete'], ['yes', 'deactivate', 'no'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_delete='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_delete']}'!"); } if (!($initial_import=!empty($_REQUEST['initial'])) && empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_lastrun'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(lang("You need to run the inital import first!")); } $class = 'EGroupware\\Api\\Contacts\\'.ucfirst($source); /** @var Api\Contacts\Ldap $contacts */ $contacts = new $class($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']); $contacts_sql = new Api\Contacts\Sql(); $class = 'EGroupware\\Api\\Accounts\\'.ucfirst($source); /** @var Api\Accounts\Ldap $accounts */ $accounts = new $class(new Api\Accounts(['account_repository' => $source]+$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'])); $accounts_sql = new Api\Accounts\Sql(new Api\Accounts(['account_repository' => 'sql']+$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'])); Api\Accounts::cache_invalidate(); // to not get any cached data eg. from the wrong backend $filter = [ 'owner' => '0', ]; if (!$initial_import) { $filter[] = 'modified>='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_lastrun']; } $last_modified = null; $start_import = time(); $created = $updated = $uptodate = $errors = 0; $cookie = ''; $start = ['', 5, &$cookie]; do { foreach ($contacts->search('', false, '', 'account_lid', '', '', 'AND', $start, $filter) as $contact) { $new = null; if (!isset($last_modified) || (int)$last_modified < (int)$contact['modified']) { $last_modified = $contact['modified']; } $account = $accounts->read($contact['account_id']); echo "
" . json_encode($contact + $account) . "
\n"; // check if account exists in sql if (!($account_id = $accounts_sql->name2id($account['account_lid']))) { $sql_account = $account; if ($accounts_sql->save($account, true) > 0) { echo "Successful created user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)
echo "
Error creaing user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)
elseif ($account_id < 0)
throw new \Exception("User '$account[account_lid]' already exists as group!");
elseif (!($sql_account = $accounts_sql->read($account_id)))
throw new \Exception("User '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id) should exist, but not found!");
// ignore LDAP specific fields, and empty fields
$relevant = array_filter(array_intersect_key($account, $sql_account), static function ($attr) {
return $attr !== null && $attr !== '';
unset($relevant['person_id']); // is always different as it's the UID, no need to consider
$to_update = $relevant + $sql_account;
// fix accounts without firstname
if (!isset($to_update['account_firstname']) && $to_update['account_lastname'] === $to_update['account_fullname'])
$to_update['account_firstname'] = null;
if (($diff = array_diff_assoc($to_update, $sql_account)))
if ($accounts_sql->save($to_update) > 0)
echo "
Successful updated user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id): " . json_encode($diff, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) . "
if (!$new) $new = false;
echo "
Error updating user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)
echo "
User '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id) already up to date
if (!($sql_contact = $contacts_sql->read(['account_id' => $account_id])))
$sql_contact = $contact;
unset($sql_contact['id']); // LDAP contact-id is the UID!
if (!$contacts_sql->save($sql_contact))
$sql_contact['id'] = $contacts_sql->data['id'];
echo "Successful created contact for user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)
Created $created and updated $updated users, with $errors errors.
"; } else { echo "All users are up-to-date.
\n"; } if (!$errors) { echo "Setting new incremental import time to: $str ($last_run)
\n"; } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "".$e->getMessage()."
\n"; http_response_code(500); exit; }