complete rewrite in 6/2006 and earlier modifications
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @author
* @copyright 2001-2009 by
* @package api
* @subpackage html
* @version $Id$
* Generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
* The class has only static methods now, so there's no need to instanciate as object anymore!
class html
* user-agent: 'firefox', 'msie', 'safari' (incl. iPhone), 'chrome', 'opera', 'konqueror', 'mozilla'
* @var string
static $user_agent;
* User agent is a mobile browser
* @var boolean
static $ua_mobile;
* version of user-agent as specified by browser
* @var string
static $ua_version;
* what attribute to use for the title of an image: 'title' for everything but netscape4='alt'
* @var string
static $netscape4;
static private $prefered_img_title;
* charset used by the page, as returned by $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset()
* @var string
static $charset;
* URL (NOT path) of the js directory in the api
* @var string
static $api_js_url;
* Automatically turn on enhanced selectboxes if there's more than this many options
* initialise our static vars
static function _init_static()
// should be Ok for all HTML 4 compatible browsers
$parts = null;
if(!preg_match('/compatible; ([a-z]+)[\/ ]+([0-9.]+)/i',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$parts))
$parts = $parts[2][1] == 'Chrome' ? $parts[2] : array_pop($parts);
list(,self::$user_agent,self::$ua_version) = $parts;
if ((self::$user_agent = strtolower(self::$user_agent)) == 'version') self::$user_agent = 'opera';
// IE no longer reports MSIE, but "Trident/7.0; rv:11.0"
if (self::$user_agent=='trident')
$matches = null;
self::$ua_version = preg_match('|Trident/[0-9.]+; rv:([0-9.]+)|i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches) ?
$matches[1] : 11.0;
self::$ua_mobile = preg_match('/(iPhone|iPad|Android|SymbianOS)/i',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
self::$netscape4 = self::$user_agent == 'mozilla' && self::$ua_version < 5;
self::$prefered_img_title = self::$netscape4 ? 'alt' : 'title';
//error_log("HTTP_USER_AGENT='$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]', UserAgent: '".self::$user_agent."', Version: '".self::$ua_version."', isMobile=".array2string(self::$ua_mobile).", img_title: '".self::$prefered_img_title."'");
if ($GLOBALS['egw']->translation)
self::$charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset();
self::$api_js_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js';
* Created an input-field with an attached color-picker
* Please note: it need to be called before the call to egw_header() !!!
* @param string $name the name of the input-field
* @param string $value='' the actual value for the input-field, default ''
* @param string $title='' tooltip/title for the picker-activation-icon
* @param string $options='' options for input
* @return string the html
static function inputColor($name,$value='',$title='',$options='')
$options .= ' id="'.htmlspecialchars($id=str_replace(array('[',']'),array('_',''),$name).'_colorpicker').'"';
$onclick = "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2('".self::$api_js_url.'/colorpicker/select_color.html?id='.urlencode($id)."&color='+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('$id').value),'colorPicker',240,187);";
if (preg_match('/^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i',$value))
$options .= ' style="background-color: '.$value.'"';
$options .= ' onChange="^(#[0-9A-F]+|[a-z]+)$/i)?this.value:\'#FFFFFF\'+(this.value=\'\')"';
return self::input($name, $value, 'text', $options.' size="7" maxsize="7"').' '.
* Handles tooltips via the wz_tooltip class from Walter Zorn
* @param string $text text or html for the tooltip, all chars allowed, they will be quoted approperiate
* @param boolean $do_lang (default False) should the text be run though lang()
* @param array $options param/value pairs, eg. 'TITLE' => 'I am the title'. Some common parameters:
* title (string) gives extra title-row, width (int,'auto') , padding (int), above (bool), bgcolor (color), bgimg (URL)
* For a complete list and description see
* @param boolean $return_as_attributes true to return array(onmouseover, onmouseout) attributes
* @return string|array to be included in any tag, like '
Ralf').'>Text with tooltip
static function tooltip($text,$do_lang=False,$options=False, $return_as_attributes=false)
// tell egw_framework to include wz_tooltip.js
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['include_wz_tooltip'] = true;
if ($do_lang) $text = lang($text);
$ttip = 'Tip(\''.str_replace(array("\n","\r","'",'"'),array('','',"\\'",'"'),$text).'\'';
$sticky = false;
if (is_array($options))
foreach($options as $option => $value)
$option = strtoupper($option);
if ($option == 'STICKY') $sticky = (bool)$value;
case 'boolean':
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'string':
if (stripos($value,"'")===false) $value = "'$value'";
$ttip .= ','.$option.','.$value;
$ttip .= ')';
$untip = 'UnTip()';
return $return_as_attributes ? array($ttip, $untip) :
' onmouseover="'.self::htmlspecialchars($ttip).'" onmouseout="'.$untip.'"';
* activates URLs in a text, URLs get replaced by html-links
* @param string $content text containing URLs
* @return string html with activated links
static function activate_links($content)
if (!$content || strlen($content) < 20) return $content; // performance
// Exclude everything which is already a link
$NotAnchor = '(?\\1 AT \\2 DOT \\3',
// First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols)
$Protocol = '(http:\/\/|(ftp:\/\/|https:\/\/))'; // only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown
$Domain = '([\w-]+\.[\w-.]+)';
$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&;:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$optBracket = '';
//$optBracket = '(>|>)';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $Protocol . $Domain . $Subdir . $optBracket . '/i';
$result2 = preg_replace( $Expr, "$2$3$4", $result );
//$result = preg_replace( $Expr, "$2$3$4$5 ", $result );
// Now match things beginning with www.
$NotHTTP = '(?)'; // avoid running again on http://www links already handled above
$Domain2 = 'www(\.[\w-.]+)';
$Subdir2 = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain2 . $Subdir2 . '/i';
//$optBracket = '(>|>)';
//$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain . $Subdir . $optBracket . '/i';
return preg_replace( $Expr, "$0", $result2 );
//return preg_replace( $Expr, "www$1$2$3 ", $result );
* escapes chars with special meaning in html as entities
* Allows to use and char in the html-output and prevents XSS attacks.
* Some entities are allowed and get NOT escaped: -> prevented by 4th param = doubleencode=false
* - some translations (AFAIK: the arabic ones) need this;
* - < > for convenience -> should not happen anymore, as we do not doubleencode anymore (20101020)
* @param string $str string to escape
* @param boolean $double_encoding=false do we want double encoding or not, default no
* @return string
static function htmlspecialchars($str, $double_encoding=false)
//if (!is_scalar($str) && !is_null($str)) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($str).') '.function_backtrace());
// as EGroupware supports only utf-8 we should not need to worry about wrong charsets
//if (is_array($str)) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' string expected -> array given:'.array2string($str).'->'.function_backtrace());
return htmlspecialchars($str,ENT_COMPAT,self::$charset,$double_encoding);
// we need '' unchanged, so we translate it back -> this is provided by 4th param = false -> do not doubleencode
//$str = str_replace(array('&#',' ','<','>'),array('',' ','<','>'),$str);
//return $str;
* allows to show and select one item from an array
* @param string $name string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
* @param string/array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
* @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
* @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 0 = no multiselect, < 0 sets size without multiple
* @param boolean $enhanced Use enhanced selectbox with search. Null for default yes if more than 12 options.
* @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
static function select($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=0,$enhanced=null)
if(is_null($enhanced)) $enhanced = false; //disabled by default (count($arr) > self::SELECT_ENHANCED_ROW_COUNT);
if (!is_array($arr))
$arr = array('no','yes');
if ((int)$multiple > 0)
$options .= ' multiple="1" size="'.(int)$multiple.'"';
if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
$name .= '[]';
elseif($multiple < 0)
$options .= ' size="'.abs($multiple).'"';
// fix width for MSIE < 9 in/for selectboxes
if (self::$user_agent == 'msie' && self::$ua_version < 9)
if (stripos($options,'onfocus="') === false)
$options .= ' onfocus="window.dropdown_menu_hack(this);" ';
$options = str_ireplace('onfocus="','onfocus="window.dropdown_menu_hack(this);',$options);
$out = "\n";
if($enhanced) {
$out .= "\n";
return $out;
* emulating a multiselectbox using checkboxes
* Unfortunaly this is not in all aspects like a multi-selectbox, eg. you cant select options via javascript
* in the same way. Therefor I made it an extra function.
* @param string $name string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
* @param string/array $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
* @param array $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT run the labels of the options through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
* @param int $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 3
* @param boolean $selected_first show the selected items before the not selected ones, default true
* @param string $style='' extra style settings like "width: 100%", default '' none
* @return string to set for a template or to echo into html page
static function checkbox_multiselect($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=false,$options='',$multiple=3,$selected_first=true,$style='',$enhanced = null)
//echo "
if(is_null($enhanced)) $enhanced = (count($arr) > self::SELECT_ENHANCED_ROW_COUNT);
if (!is_array($arr))
$arr = array('no','yes');
if ((int)$multiple <= 0) $multiple = 1;
if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
$name .= '[]';
$base_name = substr($name,0,-2);
if($enhanced) return self::select($name, $key, $arr,$no_lang,$options." style=\"$style\" ",$multiple,$enhanced);
if (!is_array($key))
// explode on ',' only if multiple values expected and the key contains just numbers and commas
$key = preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/',$key) ? explode(',',$key) : array($key);
$html = '';
$options_no_id = preg_replace('/id="[^"]+"/i','',$options);
if ($selected_first)
$selected = $not_selected = array();
foreach($arr as $val => $label)
if (in_array((string)$val,$key))
$selected[$val] = $label;
$not_selected[$val] = $label;
$arr = $selected + $not_selected;
$max_len = 0;
foreach($arr as $val => $label)
if (is_array($label))
$title = $label['title'];
$label = $label['label'];
$title = '';
if ($label && !$no_lang) $label = lang($label);
if ($title && !$no_lang) $title = lang($title);
if (strlen($label) > $max_len) $max_len = strlen($label);
$html .= self::label(self::checkbox($name,in_array((string)$val,$key),$val,$options_no_id.
' id="'.$base_name.'['.$val.']'.'"').self::htmlspecialchars($label),
$base_name.'['.$val.']','',($title ? 'title="'.self::htmlspecialchars($title).'" ':''))." \n";
if ($style && substr($style,-1) != ';') $style .= '; ';
if (strpos($style,'height')===false) $style .= 'height: '.(1.7*$multiple).'em; ';
if (strpos($style,'width')===false) $style .= 'width: '.(4+$max_len*($max_len < 15 ? 0.65 : 0.6)).'em; ';
$style .= 'background-color: white; overflow: auto; border: lightgray 2px inset; text-align: left;';
return self::div($html,$options,'',$style);
* generates an option-tag for a selectbox
* @param string $value value
* @param string $label label
* @param mixed $selected value or array of values of options to mark as selected
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $extra extra text, e.g.: style="", default: ''
* @return string html
static function select_option($value,$label,$selected,$no_lang=0,$title='',$extra='')
// the following compares strict as strings, to archive: '0' == 0 != ''
// the first non-strict search via array_search, is for performance reasons, to not always search the whole array with php
if (($found = ($key = array_search($value,$selected)) !== false) && (string) $value !== (string) $selected[$key])
$found = false;
foreach($selected as $sel)
if (($found = (((string) $value) === ((string) $selected[$key])))) break;
return '\n";
* generates a div-tag
* @param string $content of a div, or '' to generate only the opening tag
* @param string $options to include in the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $class css-class attribute, default ''=none
* @param string $style css-styles attribute, default ''=none
* @return string html
static function div($content,$options='',$class='',$style='')
if ($class) $options .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
if ($style) $options .= ' style="'.$style.'"';
return "
\n".($content ? "$content
\n" : '');
* generate one or more hidden input tag(s)
* @param array/string $vars var-name or array with name / value pairs
* @param string $value value if $vars is no array, default ''
* @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
* @param string html
static function input_hidden($vars,$value='',$ignore_empty=True)
if (!is_array($vars))
$vars = array( $vars => $value );
foreach($vars as $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$value = json_encode($value);
if (!$ignore_empty || $value && !($name == 'filter' && $value == 'none')) // dont need to send all the empty vars
$html .= "\n";
return $html;
* generate a textarea tag
* @param string $name name attr. of the tag
* @param string $value default
* @param boolean $ignore_empty if true all empty, zero (!) or unset values, plus filer=none
* @param boolean $double_encoding=false do we want double encoding or not, default no
* @param string html
static function textarea($name,$value='',$options='',$double_encoding=false)
return "\n";
* Checks if HTMLarea (or an other richtext editor) is availible for the used browser
* @return boolean
static function htmlarea_availible()
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' userAgent:'.$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]);
// we check for the useragent to be able to recognize andoid machines that do not support ckeditor yet.
// ckeditors fallback is rather unpleaseant.
if (stripos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],'android') !== false) return false;
// this one is for testing how it will turn out, if you do not have the device or agent ready at your fingertips
// if (stripos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],'mozilla') !== false) return false;
// CKeditor will doublecheck availability for us, but its fallback does not look nice, and you will get
// no conversion of html content to plain text, so we provide a check for known USER_AGENTS to fail the test
return true;
* compability static function for former used htmlarea. Please use static function fckeditor now!
* creates a textarea inputfield for the htmlarea js-widget (returns the necessary html and js)
static function htmlarea($name,$content='',$style='',$base_href=''/*,$plugins='',$custom_toolbar='',$set_width_height_in_config=false*/)
/*if (!self::htmlarea_availible())
return self::textarea($name,$content,'style="'.$style.'"');
return self::fckEditor($name, $content, $style, array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'), '400px', '100%', $base_href);
* this static function is a wrapper for fckEditor to create some reuseable layouts
* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
* @param string $_content of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
* @param array $_options (toolbar_expanded true/false)
* @param string $_height='400px'
* @param string $_width='100%'
* @param string $_start_path='' if passed activates the browser for image at absolute path passed
* @param boolean $_purify=true run $_content through htmlpurifier before handing it to fckEditor
* @param mixed (boolean/string) $_focusToBody=false USED only for CKEDIOR true means yes, focus on top, you may specify TOP or BOTTOM (to focus on the end of the editor area)
* @param string $_executeJSAfterInit='' Javascript to be executed after InstanceReady of CKEditor
* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
static function fckEditor($_name, $_content, $_mode, $_options=array('toolbar_expanded' =>'true'),
$_height='400px', $_width='100%',$_start_path='',$_purify=true, $_focusToBody=false, $_executeJSAfterInit='')
if (!self::htmlarea_availible() || $_mode == 'ascii')
return self::textarea($_name,$_content,'style="width: '.$_width.'; height: '.$_height.';" id="'.htmlspecialchars($_name).'"');
//include the ckeditor js file
// run content through htmlpurifier
if ($_purify && !empty($_content))
$_content = self::purify($_content);
// By default the editor start expanded
$expanded = isset($_options['toolbar_expanded']) ?
$_options['toolbar_expanded'] == 'true' : true;
//Get the height in pixels from the pixels parameter
$pxheight = (strpos('px', $_height) === false) ?
(empty($_height) ? 400 : $_height) : str_replace('px', '', $_height);
// User preferences
$font = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font'];
$font_size = egw_ckeditor_config::font_size_from_prefs();
$font_span = '';
if (empty($font) && empty($font_size)) $font_span = '';
// we need to enable double encoding here, as ckEditor has to undo one level of encoding
// otherwise < and > chars eg. from html markup entered in regular (not source) input, will turn into html!
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.self::$user_agent.','.self::$ua_version);
return self::textarea($_name,$_content,'id="'.htmlspecialchars($_name).'"',true). // true = double encoding
* this static function is a wrapper for tinymce to create some reuseable layouts
* Please note: if you did not run init_tinymce already you this static function need to be called before the call to phpgw_header() !!!
* @param string $_name name and id of the input-field
* @param string $_mode display mode of the tinymce editor can be: simple, extended or advanced
* @param string $_content='' of the tinymce (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
* @param string $_height='400px'
* @param string $_width='100%'
* @param boolean $_purify=true
* @param string $_border='0px' NOT used for CKEditor
* @param mixed (boolean/string) $_focusToBody=false USED only for CKEDIOR true means yes, focus on top, you may specify TOP or BOTTOM (to focus on the end of the editor area)
* @param string $_executeJSAfterInit='' Javascript to be executed after InstanceReady of CKEditor
* @return string the necessary html for the textarea
static function fckEditorQuick($_name, $_mode, $_content='', $_height='400px', $_width='100%',$_purify=true, $_border='0px',$_focusToBody=false,$_executeJSAfterInit='')
if (!self::htmlarea_availible() || $_mode == 'ascii')
//TODO: use self::textarea
return "";
return self::fckEditor($_name, $_content, $_mode, array(), $_height, $_width,'',$_purify,$_focusToBody,$_executeJSAfterInit);
* represents html's input tag
* @param string $name name
* @param string $value default value of the field
* @param string $type type, default ''=not specified = text
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
static function input($name,$value='',$type='',$options='' )
switch ((string)$type)
case 'color':
return self::inputColor($name, $value, '', $options);
case '';
$type = 'type="'.htmlspecialchars($type).'"';
return "\n";
static protected $default_background_images = array(
'save' => '/save(&|\]|$)/',
'apply' => '/apply(&|\]|$)/',
'cancel' => '/cancel(&|\]|$)/',
'delete' => '/delete(&|\]|$)/',
'edit' => '/edit(&|\]|$)/',
'next' => '/(next|continue)(&|\]|$)/',
'finish' => '/finish(&|\]|$)/',
'back' => '/(back|previous)(&|\]|$)/',
'copy' => '/copy(&|\]|$)/',
'more' => '/more(&|\]|$)/',
'check' => '/(yes|check)(&|\]|$)/',
'cancelled' => '/no(&|\]|$)/',
'ok' => '/ok(&|\]|$)/',
'close' => '/close(&|\]|$)/',
'add' => '/(add(&|\]|$)|create)/', // customfields use create*
static protected $default_classes = array(
'et2_button_cancel' => '/cancel(&|\]|$)/', // yellow
'et2_button_question' => '/(yes|no)(&|\]|$)/', // yellow
'et2_button_delete' => '/delete(&|\]|$)/' // red
* represents html's button (input type submit or input type button or image)
* @param string $name name
* @param string $label label of the button
* @param string $onClick javascript to call, when button is clicked
* @param boolean $no_lang NOT running the label through lang(), default false=use lang()
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $image to show instead of the label, default ''=none
* @param string $app app to search the image in
* @param string $buttontype which type of html button (button|submit), default ='submit'
* @return string html
static function submit_button($name,$label,$onClick='',$no_lang=false,$options='',$image='',$app='phpgwapi', $buttontype='submit')
// workaround for idots and IE button problem (wrong cursor-image)
if (self::$user_agent == 'msie')
$options .= ' style="cursor: pointer;"';
// add et2_classes to "old" buttons
$classes = array('et2_button');
if ($image != '')
$image = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$image);
if (!($path = common::image($app,$image)))
$path = $image; // name may already contain absolut path
$image = ' src="'.$path.'"';
$classes[] = 'image_button';
$classes[] = 'et_button_text';
if (!$no_lang)
$label = lang($label);
if (($accesskey = @strstr($label,'&')) && $accesskey[1] != ' ' &&
(($pos = strpos($accesskey,';')) === false || $pos > 5))
$label_u = str_replace('&'.$accesskey[1],''.$accesskey[1].'',$label);
$label = str_replace('&','',$label);
$options .= ' accesskey="'.$accesskey[1].'" '.$options;
$accesskey = '';
$label_u = $label;
if ($onClick) $options .= ' onclick="'.str_replace('"','\\"',$onClick).'"';
// add default background-image to get et2 like buttons
foreach(self::$default_background_images as $img => $reg_exp)
if (preg_match($reg_exp, $name) && ($url = common::image($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'], $img)))
$options .= ' style="background-image: url('.$url.');"';
$classes[] = 'et2_button_with_image';
// add default class for cancel, delete or yes/no buttons
foreach(self::$default_classes as $class => $reg_exp)
if (preg_match($reg_exp, $name))
$classes[] = $class;
if (strpos($options, 'class="') !== false)
$options = str_replace('class="', 'class="'.implode(' ', $classes).' ', $options);
$options .= ' class="'.implode(' ', $classes).'"';
return '';
* creates an absolut link + the query / get-variables
* Example link('/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list',array('info_id' => 123))
* gives 'http://domain/phpgw-path/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list&info_id=123'
* @param string $url phpgw-relative link, may include query / get-vars
* @param array/string $vars query or array ('name' => 'value', ...) with query
* @return string absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
static function link($url,$vars='')
//echo "
if (!is_array($vars))
list($url,$v) = explode('?',$url); // url may contain additional vars
if ($v)
$vars += $v;
return $GLOBALS['egw']->link($url,$vars);
* represents html checkbox
* @param string $name name
* @param boolean $checked box checked on display
* @param string $value value the var should be set to, default 'True'
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @return string html
static function checkbox($name,$checked=false,$value='True',$options='')
return '\n";
* represents a html form
* @param string $content of the form, if '' only the opening tag gets returned
* @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
* @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function, if empty the current url is used
* @param string/array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link static function too
* @param string $name name of the form, defaul ''=none
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
* @return string html
static function form($content,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$name='',$options='',$method='POST')
$url = $url ? self::link($url,$url_vars) : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$html = "\n";
return $html;
* represents a html form with one button
* @param string $name name of the button
* @param string $label label of the button
* @param array $hidden_vars array with name-value pairs for hidden input fields
* @param string $url eGW relative URL, will be run through the link function
* @param string/array $url_vars parameters for the URL, send to link static function too
* @param string $options attributes for the tag, default ''=none
* @param string $form_name name of the form, defaul ''=none
* @param string $method method of the form, default 'POST'
* @return string html
static function form_1button($name,$label,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$form_name='',$method='POST')
return self::form(self::submit_button($name,$label),$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars,$form_name,' style="display: inline-block"',$method);
const THEAD = 1;
const TFOOT = 2;
const TBODY = 3;
static $part2tag = array(
self::THEAD => 'thead',
self::TFOOT => 'tfoot',
self::TBODY => 'tbody',
* creates table from array of rows
* abstracts the html stuff for the table creation
* Example: $rows = array (
* 'h1' => array( // optional header row(s)
* ),
* 'f1' => array( // optional footer row(s)
* ),
* '1' => array(
* 1 => 'cell1', '.1' => 'colspan=3',
* 2 => 'cell2',
* 3 => 'cell3', '.3' => 'width="10%"'
* ),'.1' => 'BGCOLOR="#0000FF"' );
* table($rows,'width="100%"') = '
* @param array $rows with rows, each row is an array of the cols
* @param string $options options for the table-tag
* @param boolean $no_table_tr dont return the table- and outmost tr-tabs, default false=return table+tr
* @return string with html-code of the table
static function table($rows,$options = '',$no_table_tr=False)
$html = $no_table_tr ? '' : "
$part = 0;
foreach($rows as $key => $row)
if (!is_array($row))
continue; // parameter
// get the current part from the optional 'h' or 'f' prefix of the key
$p = $key[0] == 'h' ? html::THEAD : ($key[0] == 'f' ? html::TFOOT : html::TBODY);
if ($part < $p && ($part || $p < self::TBODY)) // add only allowed and neccessary transitions
if ($part) $html .= ''.self::$part2tag[$part].">\n";
$html .= '<'.self::$part2tag[$part=$p].">\n";
$html .= $no_table_tr && $key == 1 ? '' : "\t
foreach($row as $key => $cell)
if ($key[0] == '.')
continue; // parameter
$table_pos = strpos($cell,'
if ($part) // close current part
$html .= "".self::$part2tag[$part].">\n";
$html .= "
if ($no_table_tr)
$html = substr($html,0,-16);
return $html;
* changes a selectbox to submit the form if it gets changed, to be used with the sbox-class
* @param string $sbox html with the select-box
* @param boolean $no_script if true generate a submit-button if javascript is off
* @return string html
static function sbox_submit( $sbox,$no_script=false )
$html = str_replace('