true ); protected $legacy_options = 'only_app'; /** * Constructor * * @param string|XMLReader $xml string with xml or XMLReader positioned on the element to construct * @throws Api\Exception\WrongParameter */ public function __construct($xml = '') { if($xml) { parent::__construct($xml); } } /* Changes all link widgets to template protected static $transformation = array( 'type' => array( 'link-list'=>array( 'value' => array('__callback__'=>'get_links'), 'type' => 'template', 'id' => 'etemplate.link_widget.list' ) ), ); */ /** * Set up what we know on the server side. * * Set the options for the application select. * * @param string $cname * @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont' */ public function beforeSendToClient($cname, array $expand=null) { $attrs = $this->attrs; $form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand); $value =& self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name, true); if($value && !is_array($value) && !$this->attrs['only_app']) { // Try to explode if(count(explode(':',$value)) < 2) { throw new Api\Exception\WrongParameter("Wrong value sent to $this, needs to be an array. ".array2string($value)); } list($app, $id) = explode(':', $value,2); $value = array('app' => $app, 'id' => $id); } elseif (!$value) { return; } // ToDo: implement on client-side if (!$attrs['help']) self::setElementAttribute($form_name, 'help', 'view this linked entry in its application'); if($attrs['type'] == 'link-list') { $app = $value['to_app']; $id = $value['to_id']; $links = Api\Link::get_links($app,$id,'','link_lastmod DESC',true, $value['show_deleted']); foreach($links as $link) { $value[] = $link; } } } /** * Find links that match the given parameters */ public static function ajax_link_search($app, $type, $pattern, $options=array()) { $options['type'] = $type ? $type : $options['type']; if(!$options['num_rows']) $options['num_rows'] = 1000; $links = Api\Link::query($app, $pattern, $options); $linksc = array_combine(array_map(function($k) { return (string)$k; }, array_keys($links)), $links); $response = Api\Json\Response::get(); $response->data($linksc); } /** * Return title for a given app/id pair * * @param string $app * @param string|int $id * @return string|boolean string with title, boolean false of permission denied or null if not found */ public static function ajax_link_title($app,$id) { $title = Api\Link::title($app, $id); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', '$id') = ".array2string($title)); Api\Json\Response::get()->data($title); } /** * Return titles for all given app and id's * * @param array $app_ids array with app => array(id, ...) pairs * @return array with app => id => title */ public static function ajax_link_titles(array $app_ids) { $response = array(); foreach($app_ids as $app => $ids) { if(count($ids)) { $response[$app] = Api\Link::titles($app, $ids); } else { error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($app_ids).") got invalid title request: app=$app, ids=" . array2string($ids)); } } Api\Json\Response::get()->data($response); } /** * Create links */ public static function ajax_link($app, $id, Array $links) { // Files need to know full path in tmp directory foreach($links as $key => $link) { if($link['app'] == Api\Link::VFS_APPNAME) { if (is_dir($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']) && is_writable($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'])) { $path = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'] . '/' . $link['id']; } else { $path = $link['id'].'+'; } $link['tmp_name'] = $path; $links[$key]['id'] = $link; } } $result = Api\Link::link($app, $id, $links); $response = Api\Json\Response::get(); $response->data(is_array($id) ? $id : $result !== false); } public static function ajax_link_list($value) { $app = $value['to_app']; $id = $value['to_id']; $links = Api\Link::get_links($app,$id,$value['only_app'],'link_lastmod DESC',true, $value['show_deleted']); foreach($links as &$link) { $link['title'] = Api\Link::title($link['app'],$link['id'],$link); if ($link['app'] == Api\Link::VFS_APPNAME) { $link['target'] = '_blank'; $link['label'] = 'Delete'; $link['help'] = lang('Delete this file'); $link['title'] = Api\Vfs::decodePath($link['title']); $link['icon'] = Api\Link::vfs_path($link['app2'],$link['id2'],$link['id'],true); $link['download_url'] = Api\Vfs::download_url($link['icon']); // Make links to directories load in filemanager if($link['type'] == Api\Vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE) { $link['target'] = 'filemanager'; } } else { $link['icon'] = Api\Link::get_registry($link['app'], 'icon'); $link['label'] = 'Unlink'; $link['help'] = lang('Remove this link (not the entry itself)'); } } $response = Api\Json\Response::get(); // Strip keys, unneeded and cause index problems on the client side $response->data(array_values($links)); } /** * Allow changing of comment after link is created */ public static function ajax_link_comment($link_id, $comment) { $result = false; if((int)$link_id > 0) { Api\Link::update_remark((int)$link_id, $comment); $result = true; } else { $link = Api\Link::get_link((int)$link_id); if($link && $link['app'] == Api\Link::VFS_APPNAME) { $files = Api\Link::list_attached($link['app2'],$link['id2']); $file = $files[(int)$link_id]; $path = Api\Link::vfs_path($link['app2'],$link['id2'],$file['id']); $result = Api\Vfs::proppatch($path, array(array('name' => 'comment', 'val' => $comment))); } } $response = Api\Json\Response::get(); $response->data($result !== false); } /** * Symlink an existing file in filemanager */ public static function link_existing($app_id, $files) { list($app, $id, $dest_file) = explode(':', $app_id); if($id && $dest_file && trim($dest_file) !== '') { $id .= "/$dest_file"; } if(!is_array($files)) $files = array($files); foreach($files as $target) { Api\Link::link_file($app, $id, $target); } } public static function ajax_delete($value) { $response = Api\Json\Response::get(); $response->data(Api\Link::unlink($value)); } /** * Download the files linked to the given entry as one ZIP. * * Because of the $public_functions entry, this is callable as a menuaction. * This lets us just open the URL with app & id parametrs and get a ZIP. If * the entry has no linked files, the ZIP will still be returned, but it will * be empty. */ public static function download_zip() { $app = $_GET['app']; $id = $_GET['id']; if(Api\Link::file_access($app, $id)) { $app_path = Api\Link::vfs_path($app,$id,'',true); // Pass the files linked, not the entry path $files = Api\Vfs::find($app_path); if($files[0] == $app_path) { array_shift($files); } Api\Vfs::download_zip($files, Api\Link::title($app, $id)); common::egw_exit(); } } /** * Validate input * * Following attributes get checked: * - needed: value must NOT be empty * - min, max: int and float widget only * - maxlength: maximum length of string (longer strings get truncated to allowed size) * - preg: perl regular expression incl. delimiters (set by default for int, float and colorpicker) * - int and float get casted to their type * * @param string $cname current namespace * @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont' * @param array $content * @param array &$validated=array() validated content */ public function validate($cname, array $expand, array $content, &$validated=array()) { $form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand); if (!$this->is_readonly($cname, $form_name)) { $value = $value_in =& self::get_array($content, $form_name); // keep values added into request by other ajax-functions, eg. files draged into htmlarea (Vfs) if ((!$value || !$value['to_id']) && is_array($expand['cont'][$this->id]) && !empty($expand['cont'][$this->id]['to_id'])) { $value['to_id'] = $expand['cont'][$this->id]['to_id']; } // Link widgets can share IDs, make sure to preserve values from others $already = self::get_array($validated,$form_name); if($already != null) { $value = array_merge($value,$already); } // Automatically do link if user selected entry but didn't click 'Link' button $link = self::get_array($content, self::form_name($cname, $this->id . '_link_entry')); if($this->type =='link-to' && is_array($link) && $link['app'] && $link['id'] ) { // Do we have enough information to link automatically? if(is_array($value) && $value['to_id']) { Api\Link::link($value['to_app'], $value['to_id'], $link['app'], $link['id']); } else { // Not enough information, leave it to the application if(!is_array($value['to_id'])) $value['to_id'] = array(); $value['to_id'][] = $link; } } // Look for files - normally handled by ajax $files = self::get_array($content, self::form_name($cname, $this->id . '_file')); if(is_array($files) && !(is_array($value) && $value['to_id'])) { $value = array(); if (is_dir($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']) && is_writable($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'])) { $path = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'] . '/'; } else { $path = ''; } foreach($files as $name => $attrs) { if(!is_array($value['to_id'])) $value['to_id'] = array(); $value['to_id'][] = array( 'app' => Api\Link::VFS_APPNAME, 'id' => array( 'name' => $attrs['name'], 'type' => $attrs['type'], 'tmp_name' => $path.$name ) ); } } $valid =& self::get_array($validated, $form_name, true); if (true) $valid = $value; //error_log($this); //error_log(" " . array2string($valid)); } } }