access common en Access access not permitted common en Access not permitted access type common en Access type account has been created common en Account has been created account has been deleted common en Account has been deleted account has been updated common en Account has been updated account preferences common en Account Preferences acl common en ACL active common en Active add common en Add add category common en Add category add x category for common en Add %1 category for admin common en Admin administration common en Administration all common en All april common en April are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ? august common en August autosave default category common en Autosave Default Category cancel common en Cancel categories common en Categories categories for common en categories for category common en Category category x has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added ! category x has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated ! change common en Change charset common en iso-8859-1 choose a category common en Choose a category choose the parent category common en Choose the parent category clear common en Clear clear form common en Clear Form copy common en Copy create common en Create created by common en Created By currency common en Currency current users common en Current users custom common en Custom date common en Date date due common en Date Due december common en December default category common en Default Category delete common en Delete description common en Description done common en Done do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common en Do you also want to delete all subcategories ? edit common en Edit edit category common en Edit category edit categories common en Edit Categories edit x category for common en Edit %1 category for e-mail common en E-Mail email common en E-Mail end date common en End date end time common en End time entry has been deleted sucessfully common en Entry has been deleted sucessfully entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully error common en Error february common en February fields common en Fields files common en Files filter common en Filter first name common en First name firstname common en Firstname friday common en Friday ftp common en FTP global common en Global global public common en Global Public grant access common en Grant access group access common en Group Access group common en Group group has been added common en Group has been added group has been deleted common en Group has been deleted group has been updated common en Group has been updated group public common en Group Public groups common en Groups help common en Help high common en High home common en Home it has been more then x days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common en It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version january common en January july common en July june common en June last name common en Last name lastname common en Lastname last page common en last page login common en Login logout common en Logout low common en Low main category common en Main category main screen common en Main screen manual common en Manual march common en March may common en May medium common en Medium message common en Message monday common en Monday name common en Name new entry added sucessfully common en New entry added sucessfully new main category common en New main category next common en Next no common en No none common en None normal common en Normal no subject common en No Subject note common en Note notes common en Notes november common en November october common en October ok common en OK only yours common en only yours on *nix systems please type: x common en On *nix systems please type: %1 other common en Other overview common en Overview owner common en Owner parent category common en Parent Category password common en Password password has been updated common en Password has been updated permissions to the files/users directory common en permissions to the files/users directory personal common en Personal please enter a name common en Please enter a name ! please set your preferences for this application common en Please set your preferences for this application please x by hand common en Please %1 by hand powered by phpgroupware version x common en Powered by phpGroupWare version %1 prefer common en Prefer preferences common en Preferences print common en Print priority common en Priority private common en Private public common en public read common en Read rename common en Rename saturday common en Saturday save common en Save search common en Search select category common en Select Category september common en September session has been killed common en Session has been killed show all common en show all showing x common en showing %1 showing x - x of x common en showing %1 - %2 of %3 sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common en Sorry, there was a problem processing your request. start date common en Start date start time common en Start time status common en Status subject common en Subject submit common en Submit sunday common en Sunday the two passwords are not the same common en The two passwords are not the same this name has been used already common en This name has been used already ! thursday common en Thursday time common en Time time zone common en Timezone time zone offset common en Time zone offset title common en Title to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common en To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the total common en Total tuesday common en Tuesday url common en URL updated common en Updated user common en User username common en Username users common en users view common en View wednesday common en Wednesday which groups common en Which groups yes common en Yes you are required to change your password during your first login common en You are required to change your password during your first login you have 1 new message! common en You have 1 new message! you have messages! common en You have messages! you have no new messages common en You have no new messages you have selected an invalid date common en You have selected an invalid date ! you have selected an invalid main category common en You have selected an invalid main category ! you have x new messages! common en You have %1 new messages! you must enter a password common en You must enter a password your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match your search returned x matchs common en your search returned %1 matches your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated bad login or password login en Bad login or password phpgroupware login login en phpGroupWare login sorry, your login has expired login en Sorry, your login has expired use cookies login en use cookies username login en Username you are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for common en You are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged out your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.