* phpGroupWare - addressbook                                               *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
* Written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>                          *
* --------------------------------------------                             *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
*  option) any later version.                                              *

/* $Id$ */

	$phpgw_info["flags"] = array(
		"noheader" => True,
		"nonavbar" => True,
		"currentapp" => "addressbook",
		"enable_contacts_class" => True,
		"enable_nextmatchs_class" => True


	$this = CreateObject("phpgwapi.contacts");

	// First, make sure they have permission to this entry
	$check = addressbook_read_entry($ab_id,array('owner' => 'owner'));
	$perms = $this->check_perms($this->grants[$check[0]['owner']],PHPGW_ACL_READ);

	if ( (!$perms) && ($check[0]['owner'] != $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']) )
		Header("Location: "
			. $phpgw->link('/addressbook/index.php',"cd=16&order=$order&sort=$sort&filter=$filter&start=$start&query=$query&cat_id=$cat_id"));

	if (!$ab_id) {
		Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/index.php"));
	} elseif (!$submit && $ab_id) {
		echo parse_navbar();

	$t = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir("addressbook"));
	$t->set_file(array( "view"	=> "view.tpl"));

	while ($column = each($this->stock_contact_fields)) {
		if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$column[0]]) &&
			$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$column[0]]) {
			$columns_to_display[$column[0]] = True;
			$colname[$column[0]] = $column[0];

	// No prefs?
	if (!$columns_to_display ) {
		$columns_to_display = array(
			"n_given"    => "n_given",
			"n_family"   => "n_family",
			"org_name"   => "org_name",
			"tel_work"   => "tel_work",
			"tel_home"   => "tel_home",
			"email"      => "email",
			"email_home" => "email_home"
		while ($column = each($columns_to_display)) {
			$colname[$column[0]] = $column[1];
		$noprefs=  " - " . lang("Please set your preferences for this app");

	// merge in extra fields
 	$extrafields = array(
		"ophone"   => "ophone",
		"address2" => "address2",
		"address3" => "address3"
	$qfields = $this->stock_contact_fields + $extrafields;

	$fields  = addressbook_read_entry($ab_id,$qfields);

	$record_owner  = $fields[0]["owner"];

	if ($fields[0]["access"] == 'private') {
		$access_check = lang('private');
	} else {
		$access_check = lang('public');

	$view_header  = "<p>&nbsp;<b>" . lang("Address book - view") . $noprefs . "</b><hr><p>";
	$view_header .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="80%" align="center">';

	while ($column = each($columns_to_display)) { // each entry column
		$columns_html .= "<tr><td><b>" . display_name($colname[$column[0]]) . "</b>:</td>";
		$coldata = $fields[0][$column[0]];
		// Some fields require special formatting.       
		if ($column[0] == "url") {
			$ref='<a href="'.$coldata.'" target="_new">';
		} elseif (($column[0] == "email") || ($column[0] == "email_home")) {
			if ($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["email"]) {
			$ref='<a href="'.$phpgw->link("/email/compose.php","to=" . urlencode($coldata)).'" target="_new">';
			} else {
				$ref='<a href="mailto:'.$coldata.'">';
		} else { // But these do not
			$ref=""; $data=$coldata;
		$columns_html .= "<td>" . $ref . $data . "</td>";

	$cat = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
	$catinfo  = $cat->return_single($fields[0]['cat_id']);
	$catname  = $catinfo[0]["name"];
	if ($fields[0]['cat_id']) { $cat_id = $fields[0]['cat_id']; }

	$cat->app_name = "phpgw";
	$catinfo  = $cat->return_single($fields[0]['cat_id']);
	$catname .= $catinfo[0]["name"];
	if ($fields[0]['cat_id']) { $cat_id = $fields[0]['cat_id']; }

	if (!$catname) { $catname = lang('none'); }

	$columns_html .= '<tr><td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td></tr>'
		. '<tr><td><b>' . lang("Record owner") . '</b></td><td>'
		. $phpgw->common->grab_owner_name($record_owner) . '</td></tr>'
		. '<tr><td><b>' . lang("Record access") . '</b></td><td>'
		. $access_check . '</b></td></tr>'
		. '<tr><td><b>' . lang("Category") . '</b></td><td>'
		. $catname . '</b></td></tr>'
		. '</td></td></table>';

	$sfields = rawurlencode(serialize($fields[0]));

	if (($this->grants[$record_owner] & PHPGW_ACL_EDIT) || ($record_owner == $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']))
		if ($referer)
			$t->set_var('edit_link','<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/edit.php",'referer='.urlencode($referer)).'">');
			$t->set_var('edit_link','<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/edit.php").'">');
		$t->set_var('edit_button','<input type="submit" name="edit" value="' . lang('Edit') . '">');

	$copylink  = '<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/add.php").'">';
	$vcardlink = '<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/vcardout.php").'">';
	if ($referer)
		$referer = ereg_replace('/phpgroupware','',$referer);
		$donelink  = '<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link($referer).'">';
		$donelink  = '<form method="POST" action="' . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/index.php").'">';


