* @copyright (c) 2008-14 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * eGroupWare API: VFS - stream wrapper to access the regular filesystem (setting a given user, group and mode) * * This stream wrapper allows to mount parts of the regular filesystem, under specified permissions. * You can eg. mount an directory in the docroot to allow the Admin group to upload files there. * * This stream wrapper uses query parameters to pass certain options to it: * - user: uid or user-name owning the path, default root * - group: gid or group-name owning the path, default root * - mode: mode bit for the path, default 0005 (read and execute for nobody) * - exec: false (default) = do NOT allow to upload or modify scripts, true = allow it (if docroot is mounted, this allows to run scripts!) * scripts are considered every file having a script-extension (eg. .php, .pl, .py), defined with SCRIPT_EXTENSION_PREG constant * - url: download url, if NOT a regular webdav.php download should be used, eg. because directory already * lies within the docroot or is mapped via an alias * * Example mount command for an uploads directory in the docroot (needs to be writable by webserver!): * * filemanager/cli.php mount --user root_admin --password secret --domain default \ * 'filesystem://egal/var/www/html/uploads?group=Admins&mode=075&url=http://domain.com/uploads' /uploads * * (admin / secret is username / password of setup user, "root_" prefix differenciate from regular EGw-user!) * * To correctly support characters with special meaning in url's (#?%), we urlencode them with egw_vfs::encodePathComponent * and urldecode all path again, before passing them to php's filesystem functions. * * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-wrapper-register.php */ class filesystem_stream_wrapper implements iface_stream_wrapper { /** * Scheme / protocol used for this stream-wrapper */ const SCHEME = 'filesystem'; /** * Mime type of directories, the old vfs used 'Directory', while eg. WebDAV uses 'httpd/unix-directory' */ const DIR_MIME_TYPE = egw_vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE ; /** * mode-bits, which have to be set for files */ const MODE_FILE = 0100000; /** * mode-bits, which have to be set for directories */ const MODE_DIR = 040000; /** * optional context param when opening the stream, null if no context passed * * @var mixed */ var $context; /** * stream / ressouce this class is opened for by stream_open * * @var ressource */ private $opened_stream; /** * URL of the opened stream, used to build the complete URL of files in the dir * * @var string */ private $opened_stream_url; /** * directory-ressouce this class is opened for by dir_open * * @var ressource */ private $opened_dir; /** * URL of the opened dir, used to build the complete URL of files in the dir * * @var string */ private $opened_dir_url; /** * How much should be logged to the apache error-log * * 0 = Nothing * 1 = only errors * 2 = all function calls and errors (contains passwords too!) */ const LOG_LEVEL = 1; /** * Regular expression identifying scripts, to NOT allow updating them if exec mount option is NOT set */ const SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS_PREG = '/\.(php[0-9]*|pl|py)$/'; /** * This method is called immediately after your stream object is created. * * @param string $url URL that was passed to fopen() and that this object is expected to retrieve * @param string $mode mode used to open the file, as detailed for fopen() * @param int $options additional flags set by the streams API (or'ed together): * - STREAM_USE_PATH If path is relative, search for the resource using the include_path. * - STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS If this flag is set, you are responsible for raising errors using trigger_error() during opening of the stream. * If this flag is not set, you should not raise any errors. * @param string $opened_path full path of the file/resource, if the open was successfull and STREAM_USE_PATH was set * @return boolean true if the ressource was opened successful, otherwise false */ function stream_open ( $url, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) { $this->opened_stream = $this->opened_stream_url = null; $read_only = str_replace('b','',$mode) == 'r'; // check access rights, based on the eGW mount perms if (!($stat = self::url_stat($url,0)) || $mode[0] == 'x') // file not found or file should NOT exist { $dir = egw_vfs::dirname($url); if ($mode[0] == 'r' || // does $mode require the file to exist (r,r+) $mode[0] == 'x' || // or file should not exist, but does !egw_vfs::check_access($dir,egw_vfs::WRITABLE,$dir_stat=self::url_stat($dir,0))) // or we are not allowed to create it { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file does not exist or can not be created!"); if (!($options & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) { trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file does not exist or can not be created!",E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } } elseif (!$read_only && !egw_vfs::check_access($url,egw_vfs::WRITABLE,$stat)) // we are not allowed to edit it { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file can not be edited!"); if (!($options & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) { trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file can not be edited!",E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } if (!$read_only && self::deny_script($url)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) permission denied, file is a script!"); if (!($options & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) { trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) permission denied, file is a script!",E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } // open the "real" file if (!($this->opened_stream = fopen($path=egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH)),$mode,$options))) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) fopen('$path','$mode',$options) returned false!"); return false; } $this->opened_stream_url = $url; return true; } /** * This method is called when the stream is closed, using fclose(). * * You must release any resources that were locked or allocated by the stream. */ function stream_close ( ) { $ret = fclose($this->opened_stream); $this->opened_stream = null; return $ret; } /** * This method is called in response to fread() and fgets() calls on the stream. * * You must return up-to count bytes of data from the current read/write position as a string. * If there are less than count bytes available, return as many as are available. * If no more data is available, return either FALSE or an empty string. * You must also update the read/write position of the stream by the number of bytes that were successfully read. * * @param int $count * @return string/false up to count bytes read or false on EOF */ function stream_read ( $count ) { return fread($this->opened_stream,$count); } /** * This method is called in response to fwrite() calls on the stream. * * You should store data into the underlying storage used by your stream. * If there is not enough room, try to store as many bytes as possible. * You should return the number of bytes that were successfully stored in the stream, or 0 if none could be stored. * You must also update the read/write position of the stream by the number of bytes that were successfully written. * * @param string $data * @return integer */ function stream_write ( $data ) { return fwrite($this->opened_stream,$data); } /** * This method is called in response to feof() calls on the stream. * * Important: PHP 5.0 introduced a bug that wasn't fixed until 5.1: the return value has to be the oposite! * * if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.0','>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1','<')) * { * $eof = !$eof; * } * * @return boolean true if the read/write position is at the end of the stream and no more data availible, false otherwise */ function stream_eof ( ) { return feof($this->opened_stream); } /** * This method is called in response to ftell() calls on the stream. * * @return integer current read/write position of the stream */ function stream_tell ( ) { return ftell($this->opened_stream); } /** * This method is called in response to fseek() calls on the stream. * * You should update the read/write position of the stream according to offset and whence. * See fseek() for more information about these parameters. * * @param integer $offset * @param integer $whence SEEK_SET - 0 - Set position equal to offset bytes * SEEK_CUR - 1 - Set position to current location plus offset. * SEEK_END - 2 - Set position to end-of-file plus offset. (To move to a position before the end-of-file, you need to pass a negative value in offset.) * @return boolean TRUE if the position was updated, FALSE otherwise. */ function stream_seek ( $offset, $whence ) { return !fseek($this->opened_stream,$offset,$whence); // fseek returns 0 on success and -1 on failure } /** * This method is called in response to fflush() calls on the stream. * * If you have cached data in your stream but not yet stored it into the underlying storage, you should do so now. * * @return booelan TRUE if the cached data was successfully stored (or if there was no data to store), or FALSE if the data could not be stored. */ function stream_flush ( ) { return fflush($this->opened_stream); } /** * This method is called in response to fstat() calls on the stream. * * If you plan to use your wrapper in a require_once you need to define stream_stat(). * If you plan to allow any other tests like is_file()/is_dir(), you have to define url_stat(). * stream_stat() must define the size of the file, or it will never be included. * url_stat() must define mode, or is_file()/is_dir()/is_executable(), and any of those functions affected by clearstatcache() simply won't work. * It's not documented, but directories must be a mode like 040777 (octal), and files a mode like 0100666. * If you wish the file to be executable, use 7s instead of 6s. * The last 3 digits are exactly the same thing as what you pass to chmod. * 040000 defines a directory, and 0100000 defines a file. * * @return array containing the same values as appropriate for the stream. */ function stream_stat ( ) { return self::url_stat($this->opened_stream_url,0); } /** * This method is called in response to unlink() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should attempt to delete the item specified by path. * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support unlinking! * * @param string $url * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ static function unlink ( $url ) { $path = egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH)); // check access rights (file need to exist and directory need to be writable if (!file_exists($path) || is_dir($path) || !egw_vfs::check_access(egw_vfs::dirname($url),egw_vfs::WRITABLE)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) permission denied!"); return false; // no permission or file does not exist } return unlink($path); } /** * This method is called in response to rename() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should attempt to rename the item specified by path_from to the specification given by path_to. * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support renaming. * * The regular filesystem stream-wrapper returns an error, if $url_from and $url_to are not either both files or both dirs! * * @param string $url_from * @param string $url_to * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ static function rename ( $url_from, $url_to ) { $from = egw_vfs::parse_url($url_from); $to = egw_vfs::parse_url($url_to); // check access rights if (!($from_stat = self::url_stat($url_from,0)) || !egw_vfs::check_access(egw_vfs::dirname($url_from),egw_vfs::WRITABLE)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to): $from[path] permission denied!"); return false; // no permission or file does not exist } $to_dir = egw_vfs::dirname($url_to); if (!egw_vfs::check_access($to_dir,egw_vfs::WRITABLE,$to_dir_stat = self::url_stat($to_dir,0))) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to): $to_dir permission denied!"); return false; // no permission or parent-dir does not exist } if (self::deny_script($url_to)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to) permission denied, file is a script!"); return false; } // the filesystem stream-wrapper does NOT allow to rename files to directories, as this makes problems // for our vfs too, we abort here with an error, like the filesystem one does if (($to_stat = self::url_stat($to['path'],0)) && ($to_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE) !== ($from_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE)) { $is_dir = $to_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ? 'a' : 'no'; if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_to,$url_from) $to[path] is $is_dir directory!"); return false; // no permission or file does not exist } // if destination file already exists, delete it if ($to_stat && !self::unlink($url_to,$operation)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_to,$url_from) can't unlink existing $url_to!"); return false; } return rename(egw_vfs::decodePath($from['path']),egw_vfs::decodePath($to['path'])); } /** * This method is called in response to mkdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should attempt to create the directory specified by path. * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support creating directories. * * @param string $url * @param int $mode not used, as we dont allow to change mode * @param int $options Posible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS and STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ static function mkdir ( $url, $mode, $options ) { $path = egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH)); $recursive = (bool)($options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); // find the real parent (might be more then one level if $recursive!) do { $parent = dirname($parent ? $parent : $path); $parent_url = egw_vfs::dirname($parent_url ? $parent_url : $url); } while ($recursive && $parent != '/' && !file_exists($parent)); //echo __METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) path=$path, recursive=$recursive, parent=$parent, egw_vfs::check_access(parent_url=$parent_url,egw_vfs::WRITABLE)=".(int)egw_vfs::check_access($parent_url,egw_vfs::WRITABLE)."\n"; // check access rights (in real filesystem AND by mount perms) if (file_exists($path) || !file_exists($parent) || !is_writable($parent) || !egw_vfs::check_access($parent_url,egw_vfs::WRITABLE)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) permission denied!"); return false; } return mkdir($path,$mode=0700,$recursive); // setting mode 0700 allows (only) apache to write into the dir } /** * This method is called in response to rmdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should attempt to remove the directory specified by path. * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support removing directories. * * @param string $url * @param int $options Possible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS. * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ static function rmdir ( $url, $options ) { $path = egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH)); $parent = dirname($path); // check access rights (in real filesystem AND by mount perms) if (!file_exists($path) || !is_writable($parent) || !egw_vfs::check_access(egw_vfs::dirname($url),egw_vfs::WRITABLE)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) permission denied!"); return false; } return rmdir($path); } /** * This is not (yet) a stream-wrapper function, but it's necessary and can be used static * * @param string $path * @param int $time=null modification time (unix timestamp), default null = current time * @param int $atime=null access time (unix timestamp), default null = current time, not implemented in the vfs! * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ static function touch($url,$time=null,$atime=null) { $path = egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH)); $parent = dirname($path); // check access rights (in real filesystem AND by mount perms) if (!file_exists($path) || !is_writable($parent) || !egw_vfs::check_access(egw_vfs::dirname($url),egw_vfs::WRITABLE)) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) permission denied!"); return false; } return touch($path,$time,$atime); } /** * This is not (yet) a stream-wrapper function, but it's necessary and can be used static * * Not supported, as it would require root rights! * * @param string $path * @param string $mode mode string see egw_vfs::mode2int * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ static function chmod($path,$mode) { return false; } /** * This is not (yet) a stream-wrapper function, but it's necessary and can be used static * * Not supported, as it would require root rights! * * @param string $path * @param int $owner numeric user id * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ static function chown($path,$owner) { return false; } /** * This is not (yet) a stream-wrapper function, but it's necessary and can be used static * * Not supported, as it would require root rights! * * @param string $path * @param int $group numeric group id * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ static function chgrp($path,$group) { return false; } /** * This method is called immediately when your stream object is created for examining directory contents with opendir(). * * @param string $url URL that was passed to opendir() and that this object is expected to explore. * @param int $options * @return booelan */ function dir_opendir ( $url, $options ) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$options)"); $this->opened_dir = null; $path = egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::parse_url($this->opened_dir_url = $url,PHP_URL_PATH)); // ToDo: check access rights if (!($this->opened_dir = opendir($path))) { if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 0) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$options) opendir('$path') failed!"); return false; } return true; } /** * This method is called in response to stat() calls on the URL paths associated with the wrapper. * * It should return as many elements in common with the system function as possible. * Unknown or unavailable values should be set to a rational value (usually 0). * * If you plan to use your wrapper in a require_once you need to define stream_stat(). * If you plan to allow any other tests like is_file()/is_dir(), you have to define url_stat(). * stream_stat() must define the size of the file, or it will never be included. * url_stat() must define mode, or is_file()/is_dir()/is_executable(), and any of those functions affected by clearstatcache() simply won't work. * It's not documented, but directories must be a mode like 040777 (octal), and files a mode like 0100666. * If you wish the file to be executable, use 7s instead of 6s. * The last 3 digits are exactly the same thing as what you pass to chmod. * 040000 defines a directory, and 0100000 defines a file. * * @param string $url * @param int $flags holds additional flags set by the streams API. It can hold one or more of the following values OR'd together: * - STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK For resources with the ability to link to other resource (such as an HTTP Location: forward, * or a filesystem symlink). This flag specified that only information about the link itself should be returned, * not the resource pointed to by the link. * This flag is set in response to calls to lstat(), is_link(), or filetype(). * - STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET If this flag is set, your wrapper should not raise any errors. If this flag is not set, * you are responsible for reporting errors using the trigger_error() function during stating of the path. * stat triggers it's own warning anyway, so it makes no sense to trigger one by our stream-wrapper! * @return array */ static function url_stat ( $url, $flags ) { $parts = egw_vfs::parse_url($url); $path = egw_vfs::decodePath($parts['path']); $stat = @stat($path); // suppressed the stat failed warnings if ($stat) { // set owner, group and mode from mount options if (!self::parse_query($parts['query'],$uid,$gid,$mode)) { return false; if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 0) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$flags) can NOT self::parse_query('$parts[query]')!"); } $stat['uid'] = $stat[4] = $uid; $stat['gid'] = $stat[5] = $gid; $stat['mode'] = $stat[2] = $stat['mode'] & self::MODE_DIR ? self::MODE_DIR | $mode : self::MODE_FILE | ($mode & ~0111); // write rights also depend on the write rights of the webserver if (!is_writable($path)) { $stat['mode'] = $stat[2] = $stat['mode'] & ~0222; } } if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$flags) path=$path, mount_mode=".sprintf('0%o',$mode).", mode=".sprintf('0%o',$stat['mode']).'='.egw_vfs::int2mode($stat['mode'])); return $stat; } /** * This method is called in response to readdir(). * * It should return a string representing the next filename in the location opened by dir_opendir(). * * Unless other filesystem, we only return files readable by the user, if the dir is not writable for him. * This is done to hide files and dirs not accessible by the user (eg. other peoples home-dirs in /home). * * @return string */ function dir_readdir ( ) { do { $file = readdir($this->opened_dir); $ignore = !($file === false || // stop if no more dirs or ($file != '.' && $file != '..' )); // file not . or .. if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1 && $ignore) error_log(__METHOD__.'() ignoring '.array2string($file)); } while ($ignore); // encode special chars messing up url's if ($file !== false) $file = egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($file); if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'() returning '.array2string($file)); return $file; } /** * This method is called in response to rewinddir(). * * It should reset the output generated by dir_readdir(). i.e.: * The next call to dir_readdir() should return the first entry in the location returned by dir_opendir(). * * @return boolean */ function dir_rewinddir ( ) { return rewinddir($this->opened_dir); } /** * This method is called in response to closedir(). * * You should release any resources which were locked or allocated during the opening and use of the directory stream. * * @return boolean */ function dir_closedir ( ) { closedir($this->opened_dir); $this->opened_dir = $this->extra_dirs = null; return true; } /** * parse a query containing mount parameters: user, uid, group, gid or mode * * @param string|array $query query string or array returned by parse_url (key 'query' holds the value) * @param int &$uid default if not set is 0=root * @param int &$gid default if not set is 0=root * @param int &$mode default if not set is 05 r-x for others * @return boolean true on successfull parse, false on error */ static function parse_query($query,&$uid,&$gid,&$mode) { parse_str(is_array($query) ? $query['query'] : $query,$params); // setting the default perms root.root r-x for other $uid = $gid = 0; $mode = 05; foreach($params as $name => $value) { switch($name) { case 'user': if (!is_numeric($value)) { if ($name === 'root') { $value = 0; } elseif (($value = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($value,'account_lid','u')) === false) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$query') unknown user-name '$value'!"); return false; // wrong user-name } } // fall-through case 'uid': if (!is_numeric($value) || $value < 0 || !is_int($value) && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($value)) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$query') wrong numeric user-id '$value'!"); return false; } $uid = (int)$value; break; case 'group': if (!is_numeric($value)) { if ($name === 'root') { $value = 0; } elseif (($value = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($value,'account_lid','g')) === false) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$query') unknown group-name '$value'!"); return false; // wrong group-name } $value = -$value; // vfs uses positiv gid's! } // fall-through case 'gid': if (!is_numeric($value) || $value < 0 || !is_int($value) && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name(-$value)) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$query') wrong numeric group-id '$value'!"); return false; } $gid = (int)$value; break; case 'mode': $mode = egw_vfs::mode2int($value); break; case 'url': // ignored, only used for download_url method break; default: error_log(__METHOD__."('$query') unknown option '$name'!"); break; } } //echo __METHOD__.'('.print_r($query,true).") uid=$uid, gid=$gid, mode=".sprintf('0%o',$mode)."\n"; return true; } /** * Check if url is a script (self::$script_extentions) and exec mount option is NOT set * * @param string $url * @return boolean true if $url is a script AND exec is NOT set, false otherwise */ static function deny_script($url) { $parts = egw_vfs::parse_url($url); parse_str($parts['query'],$get); $deny = !$get['exec'] && preg_match(self::SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS_PREG,$parts['path']); if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1 || self::LOG_LEVEL > 0 && $deny) { error_log(__METHOD__."($url) returning ".array2string($deny)); } return $deny; } /** * URL to download a file * * We use our webdav handler as download url instead of an own download method. * The webdav hander (filemanager/webdav.php) recognices eGW's session cookie and of cause understands regular GET requests. * * @param string $url * @param boolean $force_download=false add header('Content-disposition: filename="' . basename($path) . '"'), currently not supported! * @todo get $force_download working through webdav * @return string|false string with full download url or false to use default webdav.php url */ static function download_url($url,$force_download=false) { list(,$query) = explode('?',$url,2); parse_str($query,$get); if (empty($get['url'])) return false; // no download url given for this mount-point if (!($mount_url = egw_vfs::mount_url($url))) return false; // no mount url found, should not happen list($mount_url) = explode('?',$mount_url); list($url,$query) = explode('?',$url,2); $relpath = substr($url,strlen($mount_url)); $download_url = egw_vfs::concat($get['url'],$relpath); if ($download_url[0] == '/') { $download_url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://'). $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$download_url; } //die(__METHOD__."('$url') --> relpath = $relpath --> $download_url"); return $download_url; } } stream_register_wrapper(filesystem_stream_wrapper::SCHEME ,'filesystem_stream_wrapper');