* * View and manipulate contact records using SQL * * Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Engo * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * This library is part of the phpGroupWare API * * http://www.phpgroupware.org/api * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * * or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /*! @class acl @abstract Contact List System @discussion Author: jengo/Milosch
This class provides a contact database scheme.
It attempts to be based on the vcard 2.1 standard, with mods as needed to make for more reasonable sql storage.
Syntax: CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts');
Example1: $contacts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts'); */ class contacts_ { var $db; var $std_table='phpgw_addressbook'; var $ext_table='phpgw_addressbook_extra'; var $account_id; var $stock_contact_fields; // This is an array of almost the fields in the phpgw_addressbook table, except id,owner,lid,tid,access,cat_id var $non_contact_fields; // Here are the rest var $email_types; // VCard email type array var $total_records; // This will contain numrows for data retrieved var $grants; // This holds all of the users that have granted access to there entrys function contacts_($useacl=True) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $this->db = $phpgw->db; if($useacl) { $this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('addressbook'); } $this->account_id = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; // The left side are the array elements used throughout phpgw, right side are the db field names. $this->stock_contact_fields = array( 'fn' => 'fn', // 'prefix given middle family suffix' 'n_given' => 'n_given', // firstname 'n_family' => 'n_family', // lastname 'n_middle' => 'n_middle', 'n_prefix' => 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix' => 'n_suffix', 'sound' => 'sound', 'bday' => 'bday', 'note' => 'note', 'tz' => 'tz', 'geo' => 'geo', 'url' => 'url', 'pubkey' => 'pubkey', 'org_name' => 'org_name', // company 'org_unit' => 'org_unit', // division 'title' => 'title', 'adr_one_street' => 'adr_one_street', 'adr_one_locality' => 'adr_one_locality', 'adr_one_region' => 'adr_one_region', 'adr_one_postalcode' => 'adr_one_postalcode', 'adr_one_countryname' => 'adr_one_countryname', 'adr_one_type' => 'adr_one_type', // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home 'label' => 'label', // address label 'adr_two_street' => 'adr_two_street', 'adr_two_locality' => 'adr_two_locality', 'adr_two_region' => 'adr_two_region', 'adr_two_postalcode' => 'adr_two_postalcode', 'adr_two_countryname' => 'adr_two_countryname', 'adr_two_type' => 'adr_two_type', // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home 'tel_work' => 'tel_work', 'tel_home' => 'tel_home', 'tel_voice' => 'tel_voice', 'tel_fax' => 'tel_fax', 'tel_msg' => 'tel_msg', 'tel_cell' => 'tel_cell', 'tel_pager' => 'tel_pager', 'tel_bbs' => 'tel_bbs', 'tel_modem' => 'tel_modem', 'tel_car' => 'tel_car', 'tel_isdn' => 'tel_isdn', 'tel_video' => 'tel_video', 'tel_prefer' => 'tel_prefer', // home, work, voice, etc 'email' => 'email', 'email_type' => 'email_type', //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... 'email_home' => 'email_home', 'email_home_type' => 'email_home_type' //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... ); $this->non_contact_fields = array( 'id' => 'id', 'lid' => 'lid', 'tid' => 'tid', 'cat_id' => 'cat_id', 'access' => 'access', 'owner' => 'owner' ); /* Used to flag an address as being: domestic OR international(default) parcel(default) postal(default) */ $this->adr_types = array( 'dom' => lang('Domestic'), 'intl' => lang('International'), 'parcel' => lang('Parcel'), 'postal' => lang('Postal') ); // Used to set preferred number field $this->tel_types = array( 'work' => 'work', 'home' => 'home', 'voice' => 'voice', 'fax' => 'fax', 'msg' => 'msg', 'cell' => 'cell', 'pager' => 'pager', 'bbs' => 'bbs', 'modem' => 'modem', 'car' => 'car', 'isdn' => 'isdn', 'video' => 'video' ); // Used to set email_type fields $this->email_types = array( 'INTERNET' => 'INTERNET', 'CompuServe' => 'CompuServe', 'AOL' => 'AOL', 'Prodigy' => 'Prodigy', 'eWorld' => 'eWorld', 'AppleLink' => 'AppleLink', 'AppleTalk' => 'AppleTalk', 'PowerShare' => 'PowerShare', 'IBMMail' => 'IBMMail', 'ATTMail' => 'ATTMail', 'MCIMail' => 'MCIMail', 'X.400' => 'X.400', 'TLX' => 'TLX' ); } // send this the id and whatever fields you want to see function read_single_entry($id,$fields="") { if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; } list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) = $this->split_stock_and_extras($fields); if (count($stock_fieldnames)) { $t_fields = "," . implode(",",$stock_fieldnames); if ($t_fields == ",") { unset($t_fields); } } $this->db2 = $this->db; $this->db->query("select id,lid,tid,owner,access,cat_id $t_fields from $this->std_table WHERE id='$id'"); $this->db->next_record(); $return_fields[0]['id'] = $this->db->f('id'); // unique id $return_fields[0]['lid'] = $this->db->f('lid'); // lid for group/account records $return_fields[0]['tid'] = $this->db->f('tid'); // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts $return_fields[0]['owner'] = $this->db->f('owner'); // id of owner/parent for the record $return_fields[0]['access'] = $this->db->f('access'); // public/private $return_fields[0]['cat_id'] = $this->db->f('cat_id'); if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == 'array') { while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) { $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name); } } // Setup address type fields if ($this->db->f('adr_one_type')) { $one_type = $this->db->f('adr_one_type'); reset($this->adr_types); while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { eval("if (strstr(\$one_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"one_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }"); } } if ($this->db->f('adr_two_type')) { $two_type = $this->db->f('adr_two_type'); reset($this->adr_types); while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { eval("if (strstr(\$two_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"two_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }"); } } $this->db2->query("SELECT contact_name,contact_value FROM $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($this->db2->next_record()) { // If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it. // This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f('contact_name')]) { $return_fields[0][$this->db2->f('contact_name')] = $this->db2->f('contact_value'); } } return $return_fields; } function read_last_entry($fields='') { if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; } list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) = $this->split_stock_and_extras($fields); if (count($stock_fieldnames)) { $t_fields = "," . implode(",",$stock_fieldnames); if ($t_fields == ",") { unset($t_fields); } } $this->db2 = $this->db; $this->db->query('SELECT max(id) FROM '.$this->std_table,__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $id = $this->db->f(0); $this->db->query("SELECT id,lid,tid,owner,access,cat_id $t_fields from $this->std_table WHERE id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $return_fields[0]['id'] = $this->db->f('id'); $return_fields[0]['lid'] = $this->db->f('lid'); $return_fields[0]['tid'] = $this->db->f('tid'); $return_fields[0]['owner'] = $this->db->f('owner'); $return_fields[0]['access'] = $this->db->f('access'); // public/private $return_fields[0]['cat_id'] = $this->db->f('cat_id'); if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == 'array') { while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) { $return_fields[0][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name); } } // Setup address type fields if ($this->db->f('adr_one_type')) { $one_type = $this->db->f('adr_one_type'); reset($this->adr_types); while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { eval("if (strstr(\$one_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"one_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }"); } } if ($this->db->f('adr_two_type')) { $two_type = $this->db->f('adr_two_type'); reset($this->adr_types); while (list($name,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { eval("if (strstr(\$two_type,\$name)) { \$return_fields[0][\"two_\$name\"] = \"on\"; }"); } } $this->db2->query("select contact_name,contact_value from $this->ext_table where contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($this->db2->next_record()) { // If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it. // This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f('contact_name')]) { $return_fields[0][$this->db2->f('contact_name')] = $this->db2->f('contact_value'); } } return $return_fields; } // send this the range, query, sort, order and whatever fields you want to see function read($start=0,$offset=0,$fields="",$query="",$filter="",$sort="",$order="") { global $phpgw,$phpgw_info; if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; } $DEBUG = 0; list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) = $this->split_stock_and_extras($fields); if (count($stock_fieldnames)) { $t_fields = "," . implode(",",$stock_fieldnames); if ($t_fields == ",") { unset($t_fields); } } // turn filter's a=b,c=d OR a=b into an array if ($filter) { $extra_stock = array( 'id' => 'id', 'tid' => 'tid', 'lid' => 'lid', 'owner' => 'owner', 'access' => 'access', 'cat_id' => 'cat_id' ); $check_stock = $this->stock_contact_fields + $extra_stock; if ($DEBUG) { echo "DEBUG - Inbound filter is: #".$filter."#"; } $filterarray = split(',',$filter); if ($filterarray[1]) { $i=0; for ($i=0;$iDEBUG - Filter intermediate strings 1: #".$name."# => #".$value."#"; } $filterfields[$name] = $value; } } } else { list($name,$value) = split('=',$filter); if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - Filter intermediate strings 1: #".$name."# => #".$value."#"; } $filterfields = array($name => $value); } // now check each element of the array and convert into SQL for queries // below $i=0; reset($filterfields); while (list($name,$value) = each($filterfields)) { if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - Filter intermediate strings 2: #".$name."# => #".$value."#"; } $isstd=0; if ($name && empty($value)) { if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - filter field '".$name."' is empty (NULL)"; } while (list($fname,$fvalue)=each($check_stock)) { if ($fvalue==$name) { $filterlist .= $name.' is NULL,'; if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - filter field '".$name."' is a stock field"; } break; } } } elseif($name && $value) { reset($check_stock); while (list($fname,$fvalue)=each($check_stock)) { if ($fvalue==$name) { if (gettype($value) == "integer") { $filterlist .= $name."=".$value.","; } else { $filterlist .= $name."='".$value."',"; } break; } } } $i++; } $filterlist = substr($filterlist,0,-1); $filterlist = ereg_replace(","," AND ",$filterlist); if ($DEBUG) { echo "
DEBUG - Filter output string: #".$filterlist."#"; } if ($filterlist) { $filtermethod = '('.$filterlist.') '; $fwhere = ' WHERE '; $fand = ' AND '; } } else { $filtermethod = " AND (tid='n' OR tid is null)"; } if (!$filtermethod) { if($phpgw_info['user']['account_id']) { $fwhere .= " (owner=" . $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; $fand .= " (owner=" . $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; } } else { if($phpgw_info['user']['account_id']) { $fwhere .= $filtermethod . " AND (owner=" . $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; $fand .= $filtermethod . " AND (owner=" . $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; } else { $filtermethod = substr($filtermethod,0,-2); $fwhere .= $filtermethod; $fand .= $filtermethod; } } if (is_array($this->grants)) { $grants = $this->grants; while (list($user) = each($grants)) { $public_user_list[] = $user; } reset($public_user_list); $fwhere .= " OR (access='public' AND owner in(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . "))) "; $fand .= " OR (access='public' AND owner in(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . "))) "; } else { $fwhere .= ') '; $fand .= ') '; } if ($DEBUG && $filtermethod) { echo "
DEBUG - Filtering with: #" . $filtermethod . "#"; } if (!$sort) { $sort = "ASC"; } if ($order) { $ordermethod = "order by $order $sort "; } else { $ordermethod = "order by n_family,n_given,email $sort"; } if ($DEBUG && $ordermethod) { echo "
DEBUG - $ordermethod"; } $filtermethod = ""; // This logic allows you to limit rows, or not. // The export feature, for example, does not limit rows. // This way, it can retrieve all rows at once. if ($start && $offset) { $limit = $this->db->limit($start,$offset); } elseif ($start && !$offset) { $limit = ""; } elseif(!$start && !$offset) { $limit = ""; } else { #(!$start && $offset) { $start = 0; $limit = $this->db->limit($start,$offset); } $this->db3 = $this->db2 = $this->db; // Create new result objects before our queries if ($query) { $this->db3->query("SELECT * FROM $this->std_table WHERE (bday LIKE '%$query%' OR n_family LIKE '" . "%$query%' OR n_given LIKE '%$query%' OR email LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_one_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_region LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_one_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_two_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_region LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_two_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "org_name LIKE '%$query%' OR org_unit LIKE '%$query%') " . $fand . $filtermethod . $ordermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->total_records = $this->db3->num_rows(); $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM $this->std_table WHERE (bday LIKE '%$query%' OR n_family LIKE '" . "%$query%' OR n_given LIKE '%$query%' OR email LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_one_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_region LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_one_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_one_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_two_street LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_locality LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_region LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "adr_two_postalcode LIKE '%$query%' OR adr_two_countryname LIKE '%$query%' OR " . "org_name LIKE '%$query%' OR org_unit LIKE '%$query%') " . $fand . $filtermethod . $ordermethod . " " . $limit,__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $this->db3->query("SELECT id,lid,tid,owner,access,cat_id $t_fields FROM $this->std_table " . $fwhere . $filtermethod,__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->total_records = $this->db3->num_rows(); $this->db->query("SELECT id,lid,tid,owner,access,cat_id $t_fields FROM $this->std_table " . $fwhere . $filtermethod . " " . $ordermethod . " " . $limit,__LINE__,__FILE__); } $i=0; while ($this->db->next_record()) { // unique id, lid for group/account records, // type id (g/u) for groups/accounts, and // id of owner/parent for the record $return_fields[$i]['id'] = $this->db->f('id'); $return_fields[$i]['lid'] = $this->db->f('lid'); $return_fields[$i]['tid'] = $this->db->f('tid'); $return_fields[$i]['owner'] = $this->db->f('owner'); $return_fields[$i]['access'] = $this->db->f('access'); // public/private $return_fields[$i]['cat_id'] = $this->db->f('cat_id'); if (gettype($stock_fieldnames) == 'array') { while (list($f_name) = each($stock_fieldnames)) { $return_fields[$i][$f_name] = $this->db->f($f_name); } reset($stock_fieldnames); } $this->db2->query("SELECT contact_name,contact_value FROM $this->ext_table WHERE contact_id='" . $this->db->f("id") . "'" .$filterextra,__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($this->db2->next_record()) { // If its not in the list to be returned, don't return it. // This is still quicker then 5(+) separate queries if ($extra_fields[$this->db2->f('contact_name')]) { $return_fields[$i][$this->db2->f('contact_name')] = $this->db2->f('contact_value'); } } $i++; } return $return_fields; } function add($owner,$fields,$access='',$cat_id='',$tid='n') { list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) = $this->split_stock_and_extras($fields); //$this->db->lock(array("contacts")); if ($fields['lid']) { $lid[0] = 'lid,'; $lid[1] = $fields['lid']."','"; } $this->db->query("insert into $this->std_table (owner,access,cat_id,tid,".$lid[0] . implode(",",$this->stock_contact_fields) . ") values ('$owner','$access','$cat_id','$tid','".$lid[1] . implode("','",$this->loop_addslashes($stock_fields)) . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->query("select max(id) from $this->std_table ",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $id = $this->db->f(0); //$this->db->unlock(); if (count($extra_fields)) { while (list($name,$value) = each($extra_fields)) { $this->db->query("insert into $this->ext_table values ('$id','" . $this->account_id . "','" . addslashes($name) . "','" . addslashes($value) . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } function field_exists($id,$field_name) { $this->db->query("select count(*) from $this->ext_table where contact_id='$id' and contact_name='" . addslashes($field_name) . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); return $this->db->f(0); } function add_single_extra_field($id,$owner,$field_name,$field_value) { $this->db->query("insert into $this->ext_table values ($id,'$owner','" . addslashes($field_name) . "','" . addslashes($field_value) . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } function delete_single_extra_field($id,$field_name) { $this->db->query("delete from $this->ext_table where contact_id='$id' and contact_name='" . addslashes($field_name) . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } function update($id,$owner,$fields,$access='',$cat_id='',$tid='n') { // First make sure that id number exists $this->db->query("select count(*) from $this->std_table where id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); if (!$this->db->f(0)) { return False; } list($stock_fields,$stock_fieldnames,$extra_fields) = $this->split_stock_and_extras($fields); if (count($stock_fields)) { while (list($stock_fieldname) = each($stock_fieldnames)) { $ta[] = $stock_fieldname . "='" . addslashes($stock_fields[$stock_fieldname]) . "'"; } $fields_s = "," . implode(",",$ta); if ($field_s == ",") { unset($field_s); } $this->db->query("update $this->std_table set access='$access',cat_id='$cat_id', tid='$tid' $fields_s where " . "id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } while (list($x_name,$x_value) = each($extra_fields)) { if ($this->field_exists($id,$x_name)) { if (!$x_value) { $this->delete_single_extra_field($id,$x_name); } else { $this->db->query("update $this->ext_table set contact_value='" . addslashes($x_value) . "',contact_owner='$owner' where contact_name='" . addslashes($x_name) . "' and contact_id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } else { $this->add_single_extra_field($id,$owner,$x_name,$x_value); } } } // Used by admin to change ownership on account delete function change_owner($old_owner='',$new_owner='') { if (!($new_owner && $old_owner)) { return False; } $this->db->query("update $this->std_table set owner='$new_owner' WHERE owner=$old_owner",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->query("update $this->ext_table set contact_owner='$new_owner' WHERE contact_owner=$old_owner",__LINE__,__FILE__); return; } // This is where the real work of delete() is done, shared class file contains calling function function delete_($id) { $this->db->query("delete from $this->std_table where id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->query("delete from $this->ext_table where contact_id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } // This is for the admin script deleteaccount.php function delete_all($owner=0) { if ($owner) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM $this->std_table WHERE owner=$owner",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM $this->ext_table WHERE contact_owner=$owner",__LINE__,__FILE__); } return; } } ?>