language: php php: - 5.6 - 7.0 - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 #- master matrix: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - php: 7.3 #- php: master services: - memcached # - mysql we use mariadb instead installed via addons below - postgres addons: mariadb: '10.0' sudo: required before_script: - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -y myrepos libpcre3-dev - case $(phpenv version-name) in "5.6") yes "" | pecl install memcache; yes "" | pecl install apcu-4.0.11; yes "" | pecl install igbinary; echo "" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini; phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; ;; "7"|"7.0"|"7.1"|"7.2") yes "" | pecl install apcu; echo "" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini; phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; ;; "7.3"|"master") echo "" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini; ;; esac - case $(phpenv version-name) in "5.6") composer require 'phpunit/phpunit:~5.7'; ;; "7"|"7.0") composer require 'phpunit/phpunit:~6'; ;; *) composer require 'phpunit/phpunit:~7'; ;; esac #- php -m - php -i - sed 's/^update = git stash -q/update = \#git stash -q/g' .mrconfig - mr --trust-all --stats up - (cd activesync; mr --trust-all --stats up) # create data directory - sudo mkdir /var/lib/egroupware - sudo chown travis /var/lib/egroupware - ln -s /var/lib/egroupware/ script: # install egroupware using MariaDB as domain "default" # and add an admin user "demo" with password "guest" - php doc/rpm-build/post_install.php --domain default --source_dir `pwd` --start_db '' --autostart_db '' --start_webserver '' --webserver_user '' --admin_user demo --admin_passwd guest --admin_email # disable PostgreSQL install as it fails in Travis with Fatal error: Call to unimplemented native function pg_set_client_encoding # install egroupware using PostgreSQL as domain "pgsql", need some specific handling we can not create users via sql #- psql -U postgres -c 'create database egroupware'; # disable postgres install for hhvm, as there is no psql extension #- test $(phpenv version-name) = 'hhvm' || # php doc/rpm-build/post_install.php --domain pgsql --db_type pgsql --db_port 5432 --db_user postgres --db_pass '' # --source_dir `pwd` --start_db '' --autostart_db '' --start_webserver '' --webserver_user '' # install egroupware with LDAP for account and MySQL as domain "ldap" #- php doc/rpm-build/post_install.php --domain ldap --db_name ldap --db_user ldap # --account-auth ldap --ldap_suffix dc=local --ldap_admin 'cn=admin,$suffix' --ldap_admin_pw secret # --source_dir `pwd` --start_db '' --autostart_db '' --start_webserver '' --webserver_user '' # Ubuntu has problems with #!/usr/bin/env php -dapc.enable=1, it stalls forever - vendor/bin/phpunit -c doc -dapc.enable_cli=1 # do not run syntax check for hhvm, as it always fails / get terminated after 10m - test $(phpenv version-name) = 'hhvm' || ./doc/ cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache