 * EGroupware: Preferences app UI for settings/preferences
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Ralf Becker <rb@stylite.de>
 * @package preferences
 * @copyright (c) 2013 by Ralf Becker <rb@stylite.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$

require_once EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/etemplate/inc/class.etemplate.inc.php';

 * UI for settings / preferences
class preferences_settings
	 * Methods callable via menuaction
	 * @var array
	public $public_functions = array(
		'index' => true,
	 * App we work on
	 * @var string
	public $appname = 'preferences';
	 * Preferences read by call_hook
	 * @var array
	public $settings = array();

	 * Edit preferences
	 * @param array $content=null
	 * @param string $msg=''
	function index(array $content=null, $msg='')
		$tpl = new etemplate_new('preferences.settings');
		if (!is_array($content))
			$appname = isset($_GET['appname']) && $_GET['appname'] != 'preferences' ? $_GET['appname'] : 'common';
			$type = 'user';
			$account_id = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] &&
				isset($_GET['account_id']) && (int)$_GET['account_id'] &&
				$account_id = (int)$_GET['account_id'];
				$type = $_GET['account_id'] < 0 ? 'group' : 'user';
			if ($content['button'])
				list($button) = each($content['button']);
					case 'save':
					case 'apply':
						// ToDo: save preferences
						$appname = $content['old_appname'] ? $content['old_appname'] : 'common';
						list($type,$account_id) = explode(':', $content['old_type']);
						// merge prefs of all tabs together again
						$prefs = array();
						foreach($content as $name => $val)
							if (is_array($val) && strpos($name, 'tab') === 0)
								$prefs = array_merge($prefs, $val);
						//error_log(__METHOD__."() button=$button, content=".array2string($content).' --> prefs='.array2string($prefs));;;
						if ($account_id && $account_id != $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->get_account_id())
						$attribute = $type == 'group' ? 'user' : $type;
						if (!($msg=$this->process_array($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->$attribute, $prefs, $content['types'], $appname, $attribute)))
							$msg_type = 'success';
							$msg = lang('Preferences saved.');
			$appname = $content['appname'] ? $content['appname'] : 'common';
			list($type,$account_id) = explode(':', $content['type']);
		if ($account_id && $account_id != $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->get_account_id())
		$preserve = array('types' => array());
		// preserv open tab, if appname is not chanaged
		if (!isset($content['old_appname']) || $content['old_appname'] == $content['appname'] ||
			$content['old_appname'] == 'common' && !$content['appname'])
			$old_tab = $content['tabs'];
		$content = $this->get_content($appname, $type, $sel_options, $readonlys, $preserve['types'], $tpl);
		$preserve['appname'] = $preserve['old_appname'] = $content['appname'];
		$preserve['type'] = $preserve['old_type'] = $content['type'];
		if (isset($old_tab)) $content['tabs'] = $old_tab;

		// if not just saved, call validation before, to be able to show failed validation of current prefs
		if (!isset($button))
			$attribute = $type == 'group' ? 'user' : $type;
			$msg = $this->process_array($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->$attribute,
				(array)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->{$attribute}[$appname], $preserve['types'], $appname, $attribute, true);
		// get sidebox menu of given app
		if ($appname != 'common')
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $appname;
			// need to include our css
		if ($msg) egw_framework::message($msg, $msg_type ? $msg_type : 'error');

		$tpl->exec('preferences.preferences_settings.index', $content, $sel_options, $readonlys, $preserve);

	 * Verify and save preferences
	 * @param array &$repository values get updated here
	 * @param array $values new values
	 * @param array $types setting-name => type
	 * @param string $appname appname or 'common'
	 * @param string $type 'user', 'default', 'forced'
	 * @param boolean $only_verify=false
	 * @return string with verification error or null on success
	function process_array(array &$repository, array $values, array $types=null, $appname, $type, $only_verify=false)
		$prefs = &$repository[$appname];

		foreach($values as $var => $value)
			// type specific validation
				case 'password':	// dont write empty password-fields
					if (empty($value)) continue 2;
				case 'vfs_file':
				case 'vfs_dir':
				case 'vfs_dirs':
					if ($value === '')
						// empty is always allowed

						// If forced, empty == not set
						if($type == 'forced')
							// need to call preferences::delete, to also set affective prefs!
							if (!$only_verify) $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->delete($appname, $var, $type);
							continue 2;
					elseif ($types[$var] == 'vfs_file')
						if ($value[0] != '/' || !egw_vfs::stat($value) || egw_vfs::is_dir($value))
							$error = lang('%1 is no existing vfs file!',htmlspecialchars($value));
						// split multiple comma or whitespace separated directories
						// to still allow space or comma in dirnames, we also use the trailing slash of all pathes to split
						foreach($types[$var] == 'vfs_dir' ? array($value) : preg_split('/[,\s]+\//', $value) as $n => $dir)
							if ($n) $dir = '/'.$dir;	// re-adding trailing slash removed by split
							if ($dir[0] != '/' || !egw_vfs::stat($dir) || !egw_vfs::is_dir($dir))
								$error .= ($error ? ' ' : '').lang('%1 is no existing vfs directory!',$dir);
				case 'Array':	// notify
					$value = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->lang_notify($value, $types[$var], True);

			if (isset($value) && $value !== '' && $value !== '**NULL**')
				if (is_array($value)) $value = implode(',',$value);	// multiselect

				$prefs[$var] = $value;

				// need to call preferences::add, to also set affective prefs!
				if (!$only_verify) $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add($appname, $var, $prefs[$var], $type);

				// need to call preferences::delete, to also set affective prefs!
				if (!$only_verify) $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->delete($appname, $var, $type);
		//echo "prefix='$prefix', prefs=<pre>"; print_r($repository[$appname]); echo "</pre>\n";

		// the following hook can be used to verify the prefs
		// if you return something else than False, it is treated as an error-msg and
		// displayed to the user (the prefs are not saved)
		if(($error .= $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->single(array(
			'location' => 'verify_settings',
			'prefs'    => $repository[$appname],
			'prefix'   => $prefix,
			'type'     => $type
			return $error;

		if (!$only_verify) $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->save_repository(True,$type);

		// certain common prefs (language, template, ...) require the session to be re-created
		if ($appname == 'common' && !$only_verify)

		return null;

	 * Get content, sel_options and readonlys for given appname and type
	 * @param string $appname appname or 'common'
	 * @param string $type
	 * @param array &$sel_options
	 * @param array &$readonlys
	 * @param array &$types on return setting-name => setting-type
	 * @param etemplate $tpl
	 * @throws egw_exception_wrong_parameter
	 * @return array content
	function get_content($appname, $type, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$types, $tpl)
		if (!$this->call_hook($appname, $type))
			throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("Could not find settings for application: ".$appname);
		$attribute = $type == 'group' ? 'user' : $type;
		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$appname', '$type' ) attribute='$attribute', preferences->account_id=".$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->get_account_id());

		//_debug_array($this->settings); exit;
		$sel_options = $readonlys = $content = $tabs = array();
		// disable all but first tab and name current tab "tab1", for apps not using sections
		$tab = 'tab1';
		foreach($this->settings as $setting)
			if (!is_array($setting)) continue;
			if ($type != 'forced' && !empty($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced[$appname][$setting['name']]))
				continue;	// forced preferences are not displayed, unless we edit them
			$types[$setting['name']] = $old_type = $setting['type'];

				case 'section':
					$tab = 'tab'.(1+count($tabs));
					$tabs[] = array(
						'id' => $tab,
						'template' => 'preferences.settings.tab1',
						'label' => $setting['title'],
					// fall through
				case 'subsection':	// is in old code, but never seen it used
					continue 2;

				case 'notify':
					$vars = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->vars;
					if (is_array($setting['values'])) $vars += $setting['values'];
					$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->{$attribute}[$appname][$setting['name']] =
						$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->lang_notify($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->{$attribute}[$appname][$setting['name']], $vars);
					$types[$setting['name']] = $vars;	// store vars for re-translation, instead type "notify"
					if ($setting['help'] && ($setting['run_lang'] || !isset($setting['run_lang'])))
						$setting['help'] = lang($setting['help']);
					$setting['help'] .= '<p><b>'.lang('Substitutions and their meanings:').'</b>';
					foreach($vars as $var => $var_help)
						$lname = ($lname = lang($var)) == $var.'*' ? $var : $lname;
						$setting['help'] .= "<br>\n".'<b>$$'.$lname.'$$</b>: '.$var_help;
					$setting['help'] .= "</p>\n";
					$setting['run_lang'] = false;	// already done now
					// handle as textarea
				case 'textarea':
					$setting['type'] = is_a($tpl, 'etemplate_old') ? 'textarea' : 'textbox';
					$tpl->setElementAttribute($tab.'['.$setting['name'].']', 'multiline', 'true');
					// anyway setting via css: width: 99%, height: 5em
					// for old eT use size attribute
					if (is_a($tpl, 'etemplate_old') && (!empty($setting['cols']) || !empty($setting['rows'])))
						$setting['size'] = $setting['rows'].','.$setting['cols'];
				case 'password':
				case 'vfs_file':
				case 'vfs_dir':
				case 'vfs_dirs':
				case 'input':
					$setting['type'] = 'textbox';
				case 'check':
					$setting['type'] = 'select';
					$setting['values'] = array('1' => lang('yes'), '0' => lang('no'));
				case 'multiselect':
					$setting['type'] = 'select';
					$tpl->setElementAttribute($tab.'['.$setting['name'].']', 'rows', 5);
					if (!isset($setting['size'])) $setting['size'] = '5';	// old eT
				case 'color':
					$setting['type'] = 'colorpicker';
			// move values/options to sel_options array
			if (isset($setting['values']) && is_array($setting['values']))
				if ($old_type != 'multiselect' && $old_type != 'notify')
						case 'user':
							$setting['values'] = array('' => lang('Use default'))+$setting['values'];
						case 'default':
						case 'group':
							$setting['values'] = array('' => lang('No default'))+$setting['values'];
						case 'forced';
							$setting['values'] = array('**NULL**' => lang('Users choice'))+$setting['values'];
				// need to call fix_encoded_options manually, as id is not matching because of autorepeat
				$sel_options[$setting['name']] = $setting['values'];
			if ($type == 'user')
				$default = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->group[$appname][$setting['name']] ?
					$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->group[$appname][$setting['name']] :

				if (isset($setting['values']) && (string)$setting['values'][$default] !== '')
					$default = $setting['values'][$default];
				elseif (strpos($default, ',') !== false)
					$values = array();
					foreach(explode(',', $default) as $value)
						if (isset($setting['values'][$value])) $values[] = $setting['values'][$value];
					if ($values) $default = implode(', ', $values);
				if (is_array($types[$setting['name']]))	// translate the substitution names
					$default = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->lang_notify($default, $types[$setting['name']]);
			if ($setting['help'] && ($setting['run_lang'] || !isset($setting['run_lang'])))
				$setting['help'] = lang($setting['help']);
			$content[$tab][] = array(
				'name' => $setting['name'],
				'type' => $setting['type'],
				'label' => preg_replace('|<br[ /]*>|i', "\n", $setting['label']),
				'help' => lang($setting['help']),	// is html
				'size' => $setting['size'],	// old eT
				'default' => !empty($default) ? lang('Default').': '.$default : null,
				'onchange' => $setting['onchange'],
			//error_log("appname=$appname, attribute=$attribute, setting=".array2string($setting));
			$content[$tab][$setting['name']] = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->{$attribute}[$appname][$setting['name']];
			//if ($old_type == 'multiselect') $content[$tab][$setting['name']] = explode(',', $content[$tab][$setting['name']]);
		// defining used tabs on run-time
		if ($tabs) $tpl->setElementAttribute('tabs', 'tabs', $tabs);

		$content['appname'] = $appname;
		$sel_options['appname'] = array();
		foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->hook_implemented('settings') as $app)
			if ($app != 'preferences' && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$app])
				$sel_options['appname'][$app] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$app]['title'];

		$sel_options['type'] = array(
			'user' => 'Your preferences',
			'default' => 'Default preferences',
			'forced' => 'Forced preferences',
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['admin'])
			$content['type'] = $type;
			if (($id = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->get_account_id()) != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])
				$content['type'] .= ':'.$id;
				$sel_options['type'][$content['type']] = common::grab_owner_name($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->account_id);

				// Restrict app list to apps the user has access to
				$user_apps = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_user_applications($id);
				$sel_options['appname'] = array_intersect_key($sel_options['appname'], $user_apps);
			foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->search(array('type' => 'groups', 'sort' => 'account_lid')) as $account_id => $group)
				$sel_options['type']['group:'.$account_id] = lang('Preferences').' '.common::display_fullname($group['account_lid'], '', '', $account_id);
			$content['type'] = 'user';
			$readonlys['type'] = true;
		//_debug_array($content); exit;
		//_debug_array($sel_options); //exit;
		return $content;

	 * Get preferences by calling various hooks to supply them
	 * Sets $this->appname and $this->settings
	 * @param string $appname appname or 'common'
	 * @param string $type='user' 'default' or 'forced'
	 * @return boolean
	protected function call_hook($appname, $type='user')
		$this->appname = $appname == 'common' ? 'preferences' : $appname;

		if($this->appname != 'preferences')
			translation::add_app('preferences');	// we need the prefs translations too

		// make type available, to hooks from applications can use it, eg. activesync
		$GLOBALS['type'] = $type;

		// calling app specific settings hook
		$settings = $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->single('settings',$this->appname);
		// it either returns the settings or save it in $GLOBALS['settings'] (deprecated!)
		if (isset($settings) && is_array($settings) && $settings)
			$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $settings);
		elseif(isset($GLOBALS['settings']) && is_array($GLOBALS['settings']) && $GLOBALS['settings'])
			$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $GLOBALS['settings']);
			return False;	// no settings returned

		// calling settings hook all apps can answer (for a specific app)
		foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process('settings_'.$this->appname,$this->appname,true) as $app => $settings)
			if (isset($settings) && is_array($settings) && $settings)
				$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings,$settings);
		/* Remove ui-only settings */
			foreach($this->settings as $key => $valarray)
			/* Here we include the settings hook file for the current template, if it exists.
			 This is not handled by the hooks class and is only valid if not using xml-rpc.
			$tmpl_settings = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template_dir.'/hook_settings.inc.php';
			if($this->appname == 'preferences' && file_exists($tmpl_settings))
				$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings,$GLOBALS['settings']);
		// check if we have a default/forced value from the settings hook,
		// which is NOT stored as default currently
		// --> store it as default, to allow to propagate defaults to existing installations
		foreach ($this->settings as $name => $data)
			// only set not yet set default prefs, so user is able to unset it again with ""
			// (only works with type vfs_*, other types delete empty values!)
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default[$appname][$name]) &&
			((string)$data['default'] !== '' || (string)$data['forced'] !== ''))
				$default = (string)$data['forced'] !== '' ? $data['forced'] : $data['default'];
				//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($appname) $this->appname/$appname/$name=$default NOT yet set!</p>\n";
				$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default[$appname][$name] = $default;
				$need_update = true;
		if ($need_update)
		return True;