True ); var $mbox; // the mailbox identifier any function should use // define some constants // message types var $type = array("text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio", "image", "video", "other"); // message encodings var $encoding = array("7bit", "8bit", "binary", "base64", "quoted-printable", "other"); // set to true, if php is compiled with multi byte string support var $mbAvailable = FALSE; // what type of mimeTypes do we want from the body(text/html, text/plain) var $htmlOptions; function bofelamimail($_displayCharset='iso-8859-1') { $this->restoreSessionData(); $this->foldername = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; $this->accountid = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; $this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences'); $this->sofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.sofelamimail'); $this->botranslation = CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation'); $this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences(); $this->imapBaseDir = ''; $this->displayCharset = $_displayCharset; // set some defaults if(count($this->sessionData) == 0) { // this should be under user preferences // sessionData empty // no filter active $this->sessionData['activeFilter'] = "-1"; // default mailbox INBOX $this->sessionData['mailbox'] = "INBOX"; // default start message $this->sessionData['startMessage'] = 1; // default mailbox for preferences pages $this->sessionData['preferences']['mailbox'] = "INBOX"; // default sorting $this->sessionData['sort'] = $this->mailPreferences['sortOrder']; $this->saveSessionData(); } if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) $this->mbAvailable = TRUE; $this->htmlOptions = $this->mailPreferences['htmlOptions']; $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $this->profileID = $config->config_data['profileID']; } /** * hook to add account * * this function is a wrapper function for emailadmin * * @param _hookValues contains the hook values as array * @returns nothing */ function addAccount($_hookValues) { if($this->profileID > 0 && is_numeric($this->profileID)) { ExecMethod('',$_hookValues,3,$this->profileID); } } function adminMenu() { if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == "ldap") { $data = Array ( 'description' => 'email settings', 'url' => '/index.php', 'extradata' => 'menuaction=emailadmin.uiuserdata.editUserData' ); //Do not modify below this line global $menuData; $menuData[] = $data; } } function appendMessage($_folderName, $_header, $_body, $_flags) { #print "
"; $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$_folderName,3,$this->profileID); $header = str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_header); $body = str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_body); $result = @imap_append($this->mbox, $mailboxString, "$header"."$body", $_flags); #print imap_last_error(); return $result; } function closeConnection() { if(is_resource($this->mbox)) { imap_close($this->mbox); } } // creates the mailbox string needed for the various imap functions /* function createMailboxString($_folderName='') { $mailboxString = sprintf("{%s:%s%s/notls}%s", $this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'], $this->mailPreferences['imapPort'], $this->mailPreferences['imapOptions'], $_folderName); return $this->encodeFolderName($mailboxString); }*/ function compressFolder() { $prefs = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences(); $deleteOptions = $prefs['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $prefs['trash_folder']; if($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") { // delete all messages in the trash folder $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$this->sessionData['mailbox'],3,$this->profileID); $status = imap_status ($this->mbox, $mailboxString, SA_ALL); $numberOfMessages = $status->messages; $msgList = "1:$numberOfMessages"; imap_delete($this->mbox, $msgList); imap_expunge($this->mbox); } elseif($deleteOptions == "mark_as_deleted") { // delete all messages in the current folder which have the deleted flag set imap_expunge($this->mbox); } } function decodeFolderName($_folderName) { if($this->mbAvailable) { return mb_convert_encoding( $_folderName, $this->displayCharset, "UTF7-IMAP"); } // if not return @imap_utf7_decode($_folderName); } function decode_header($string) { #print "decode header: $string

"; $newString = ''; $elements=imap_mime_header_decode($string); for($i=0;$icharset}
"; #echo "Text: {$elements[$i]->text}

"; if ($elements[$i]->charset == 'default') $elements[$i]->charset = 'iso-8859-1'; $tempString = $this->botranslation->convert($elements[$i]->text,$elements[$i]->charset); $newString .= $tempString; } return $newString; } function deleteAccount($_hookValues) { if($this->profileID > 0 && is_numeric($this->profileID)) { ExecMethod('',$_hookValues,3,$this->profileID); } } function deleteMessages($_messageUID) { $caching = CreateObject('felamimail.bocaching', $this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'], $this->mailPreferences['username'], $this->sessionData['mailbox']); reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { if(!empty($msglist)) $msglist .= ","; $msglist .= $value; } $prefs = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences(); $deleteOptions = $prefs['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $prefs['trash_folder']; if($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") { $deleteOptions = "remove_immediately"; } switch($deleteOptions) { case "move_to_trash": if(!empty($trashFolder)) { if (imap_mail_move ($this->mbox, $msglist, $this->encodeFolderName($trashFolder), CP_UID)) { imap_expunge($this->mbox); reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { $caching->removeFromCache($value); } } else { print imap_last_error()."
"; } } break; case "mark_as_deleted": imap_delete($this->mbox, $msglist, FT_UID); break; case "remove_immediately": imap_delete($this->mbox, $msglist, FT_UID); imap_expunge ($this->mbox); reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { $caching->removeFromCache($value); } break; } } function encodeFolderName($_folderName) { if($this->mbAvailable) { return mb_convert_encoding( $_folderName, "UTF7-IMAP", $this->displayCharset ); } // if not return imap_utf7_encode($_folderName); } function encodeHeader($_string, $_encoding='q') { switch($_encoding) { case "q": if(!preg_match("/[\x80-\xFF]/",$_string)) { // nothing to quote, only 7 bit ascii return $_string; } $string = imap_8bit($_string); $stringParts = explode("=\r\n",$string); while(list($key,$value) = each($stringParts)) { if(!empty($retString)) $retString .= " "; $value = str_replace(" ","_",$value); // imap_8bit does not convert "?" // it does not need, but it should $value = str_replace("?","=3F",$value); $retString .= "=?".strtoupper($this->displayCharset)."?Q?".$value."?="; } #exit; return $retString; break; default: return $_string; } } function flagMessages($_flag, $_messageUID) { reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { if(!empty($msglist)) $msglist .= ","; $msglist .= $value; } switch($_flag) { case "flagged": $result = imap_setflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Flagged", ST_UID); break; case "read": $result = imap_setflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Seen", ST_UID); break; case "answered": $result = imap_setflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Answered", ST_UID); break; case "unflagged": $result = imap_clearflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Flagged", ST_UID); break; case "unread": $result = imap_clearflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Seen", ST_UID); $result = imap_clearflag_full ($this->mbox, $msglist, "\\Answered", ST_UID); break; } #print "Result: $result
"; } // this function is based on a on "Building A PHP-Based Mail Client" // // fetch a specific attachment from a message function getAttachment($_uid, $_partID) { // parse message structure $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); $sections = array(); $this->parseMessage($sections, $structure, $_partID); #_debug_array($sections); $type = $sections[$_partID]["mimeType"]; $encoding = $sections[$_partID]["encoding"]; $filename = $sections[$_partID]["name"]; $attachment = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, $_partID, FT_UID); switch ($encoding) { case ENCBASE64: // use imap_base64 to decode $attachment = imap_base64($attachment); break; case ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE: // use imap_qprint to decode $attachment = imap_qprint($attachment); break; case ENCOTHER: // not sure if this needs decoding at all break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it } return array( 'type' => $type, 'encoding' => $encoding, 'filename' => $filename, 'attachment' => $attachment ); } function getEMailProfile() { $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $felamimailConfig = $config->config_data; #_debug_array($felamimailConfig); if(!isset($felamimailConfig['profileID'])) { return -1; } else { return intval($felamimailConfig['profileID']); } } function getFolderStatus($_folderName) { // now we have the keys as values $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$_folderName,3,$this->profileID); $subscribedFolders = $this->getFolderList(true); #print_r($subscribedFolders); #print $subscribedFolders[$_folderName]." - $_folderName
"; if(isset($subscribedFolders[$_folderName])) { $retValue['subscribed'] = true; } else { $retValue['subscribed'] = false; } // get the current IMAP counters $folderStatus = imap_status($this->mbox,$mailboxString,SA_ALL); // merge a array and object to a array $retValue = array_merge($retValue,$folderStatus); return $retValue; } function getFolderList($_subscribedOnly=false) { $folders = array(); if(!is_resource($this->mbox)) { return $folders; } $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$this->imapBaseDir,3,$this->profileID); if($_subscribedOnly == 'true') { $list = imap_getsubscribed($this->mbox,$mailboxString,"*"); } else { $list = imap_getmailboxes($this->mbox,$mailboxString,"*"); } if(is_array($list)) { #_debug_array($list); reset($list); $folders = array(); while (list($key, $val) = each($list)) { // remove the {host:port/imap/...} part $folderNameIMAP = $this->decodeFolderName(preg_replace("/{.*}/",'',$val->name)); $folderParts = explode(".",$folderNameIMAP); reset($folderParts); $displayName = ""; #print_r($folderParts);print"
"; for($i=0; $i 'INBOX'),$folders); reset($folders); return $folders; } else { if($_subscribedOnly == 'true' && is_array(imap_list($this->mbox,$mailboxString,'INBOX'))) { $folders['INBOX'] = 'INBOX'; return $folders; } return false; } } function getHeaders($_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort) { #printf ("this->bofelamimail->getHeaders start: %s
",date("H:i:s",mktime())); $caching = CreateObject('felamimail.bocaching', $this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'], $this->mailPreferences['username'], $this->sessionData['mailbox']); $bofilter = CreateObject('felamimail.bofilter'); $transformdate = CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate'); $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$this->sessionData['mailbox'],3,$this->profileID); $status = imap_status ($this->mbox, $mailboxString, SA_ALL); $cachedStatus = $caching->getImapStatus(); // no data chached already? // get all message informations from the imap server for this folder if ($cachedStatus['uidnext'] == 0) { #print "nix gecached!!
"; #print "current UIDnext :".$cachedStatus['uidnext']."
"; #print "new UIDnext :".$status->uidnext."
"; for($i=1; $i<=$status->messages; $i++) { @set_time_limit(); $messageData['uid'] = imap_uid($this->mbox, $i); $header = imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, $i); // parse structure to see if attachments exist // display icon if so $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $i); $sections = array(); $this->parseMessage($sections, $structure); $messageData['date'] = $header->udate; $messageData['subject'] = $header->subject; $messageData['to_name'] = $header->to[0]->personal; $messageData['to_address'] = $header->to[0]->mailbox."@".$header->to[0]->host; $messageData['sender_name'] = $header->from[0]->personal; $messageData['sender_address'] = $header->from[0]->mailbox."@".$header->from[0]->host; $messageData['size'] = $header->Size; $messageData['attachments'] = "false"; foreach($sections as $key => $value) { if($value['type'] == 'attachment') { $messageData['attachments'] = "true"; break; } } // maybe it's already in the database // lets remove it, sometimes the database gets out of sync $caching->removeFromCache($messageData['uid']); $caching->addToCache($messageData); unset($messageData); } $caching->updateImapStatus($status); } // update cache, but only add new emails elseif($status->uidnext != $cachedStatus['uidnext']) { #print "found new messages
"; #print "new uidnext: ".$status->uidnext." old uidnext: ".$cachedStatus['uidnext']."
"; $uidRange = $cachedStatus['uidnext'].":".$status->uidnext; #print "$uidRange
"; $newHeaders = imap_fetch_overview($this->mbox,$uidRange,FT_UID); $countNewHeaders = count($newHeaders); for($i=0; $i<$countNewHeaders; $i++) { $messageData['uid'] = $newHeaders[$i]->uid; $header = imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, $newHeaders[$i]->msgno); // parse structure to see if attachments exist // display icon if so $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $newHeaders[$i]->msgno); $sections = array(); $this->parseMessage($sections, $structure); $messageData['date'] = $header->udate; $messageData['subject'] = $header->subject; $messageData['to_name'] = $header->to[0]->personal; $messageData['to_address'] = $header->to[0]->mailbox."@".$header->to[0]->host; $messageData['sender_name'] = $header->from[0]->personal; $messageData['sender_address'] = $header->from[0]->mailbox."@".$header->from[0]->host; $messageData['size'] = $header->Size; $messageData['attachments'] = "false"; foreach($sections as $key => $value) { if($value['type'] == 'attachment') { $messageData['attachments'] = "true"; break; } } // maybe it's already in the database // lets remove it, sometimes the database gets out of sync $caching->removeFromCache($messageData['uid']); $caching->addToCache($messageData); unset($messageData); } $caching->updateImapStatus($status); } // now let's do some clean up // if we have more messages in the cache then in the imap box, some external // imap client deleted some messages. It's better to erase the messages from the cache. $displayHeaders = $caching->getHeaders(); if (count($displayHeaders) > $status->messages) { $messagesToRemove = count($displayHeaders) - $status->messages; reset($displayHeaders); for($i=0; $imbox,$displayHeaders[$i]['uid'],FT_UID); if (count($header[0]) == 0) { $caching->removeFromCache($displayHeaders[$i]['uid']); $removedMessages++; } if ($removedMessages == $messagesToRemove) break; } } // now lets gets the important messages $filterList = $bofilter->getFilterList(); $activeFilter = $bofilter->getActiveFilter(); $filter = $filterList[$activeFilter]; $displayHeaders = $caching->getHeaders($_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort, $filter); $count=0; $countDisplayHeaders = count($displayHeaders); for ($i=0;$i<$countDisplayHeaders;$i++) { $header = imap_fetch_overview($this->mbox,$displayHeaders[$i]['uid'],FT_UID); #print $header[0]->date;print "
"; #print_r($displayHeaders[$i]);print "
"; #print_r($header);exit; #$rawHeader = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox,$displayHeaders[$i]['uid'],FT_UID); #$headers = $this->sofelamimail->fetchheader($rawHeader); $retValue['header'][$count]['subject'] = $this->decode_header($header[0]->subject); $retValue['header'][$count]['sender_name'] = $this->decode_header($displayHeaders[$i]['sender_name']); $retValue['header'][$count]['sender_address'] = $this->decode_header($displayHeaders[$i]['sender_address']); $retValue['header'][$count]['to_name'] = $this->decode_header($displayHeaders[$i]['to_name']); $retValue['header'][$count]['to_address'] = $this->decode_header($displayHeaders[$i]['to_address']); $retValue['header'][$count]['attachments'] = $displayHeaders[$i]['attachments']; $retValue['header'][$count]['size'] = $header[0]->size; $timestamp = $displayHeaders[$i]['date']; $timestamp7DaysAgo = mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d")-7, date("Y")); $timestampNow = mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); // date from the future if($timestamp > $timestampNow) { $retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp); } // email from today, show only time elseif (date("Y-m-d") == date("Y-m-d",$timestamp)) { $retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = date("H:i:s",$timestamp); } // email from the last 7 days, show only weekday elseif($timestamp7DaysAgo < $timestamp) { $retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = lang(date("l",$timestamp)); #$retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$timestamp7DaysAgo)." - ".date("Y-m-d",$timestamp); $retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = date("H:i:s",$timestamp)."(".lang(date("D",$timestamp)).")"; } else { $retValue['header'][$count]['date'] = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp); } $retValue['header'][$count]['id'] = $header[0]->msgno; $retValue['header'][$count]['uid'] = $displayHeaders[$i]['uid']; $retValue['header'][$count]['recent'] = $header[0]->recent; $retValue['header'][$count]['flagged'] = $header[0]->flagged; $retValue['header'][$count]['answered'] = $header[0]->answered; $retValue['header'][$count]['deleted'] = $header[0]->deleted; $retValue['header'][$count]['seen'] = $header[0]->seen; $retValue['header'][$count]['draft'] = $header[0]->draft; $count++; } #printf ("this->bofelamimail->getHeaders done: %s
",date("H:i:s",mktime())); if(is_array($retValue['header'])) { #_debug_array($retValue['header']); $retValue['info']['total'] = $caching->getMessageCounter($filter); $retValue['info']['first'] = $_startMessage; $retValue['info']['last'] = $_startMessage + $count - 1 ; return $retValue; } else { return 0; } } function getMailPreferences() { return $this->mailPreferences; } function getMessageAttachments($_uid, $_partID='') { $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); $sections = array(); $this->parseMessage($sections, $structure, $_partID); #if(isset($sections['attachment']) && is_array($sections['attachment'])) #{ # #_debug_array($structure['attachment']); # return $sections['attachment']; #} $arrayData = array(); if(count($sections) > 0) { foreach($sections as $key => $value) { if($value['type'] == 'attachment') { $arrayData[] = $value; } } if(count($arrayData) > 0) { return $arrayData; } } return false; } function getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlOptions = '', $_partID) { if($_htmlOptions != '') $this->htmlOptions = $_htmlOptions; $structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); #_debug_array($structure); $sections = array(); $this->parseMessage($sections, $structure, $_partID); #_debug_array($sections); foreach($sections as $key => $value) { if($value['type'] == 'body') { #_debug_array($value); // no mime message, only body available if($key == 0) { $newPart = trim(imap_body($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID)); $encoding = $structure->encoding; // find mimetype if(strtolower($structure->subtype) == 'html') { $mimeType = 'text/html'; } else { $mimeType = 'text/plain'; } // find charset if($structure->ifparameters) { foreach($structure->parameters as $value) { $parameter[strtolower($value->attribute)] = strtolower($value->value); } $charSet = $parameter['charset']; } } else { // select which part(text or html) to display from multipart/alternative #_debug_array($sections); if($sections[substr($key,0,-2)]['mimeType'] == "multipart/alternative") { switch($this->htmlOptions) { // prefer html part // don't display text part case 'always_display': if($value['mimeType'] == 'text/plain') continue 2; break; case 'only_if_no_text': default: if($value['mimeType'] == 'text/html') continue 2; break; } } // don't diplay html emails at all if($value['mimeType'] == 'text/html' && $this->htmlOptions != 'always_display' && $this->htmlOptions != 'only_if_no_text') { continue; } $newPart = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, $value["partID"], FT_UID); #if($newPart == '') #{ # #print "nothing
"; # // FIX ME # // do this only if the parent sub type is multipart/mixed # // and parent/parent is message/rfc # $newPart = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, substr($value["partID"],0,-2), FT_UID); # #$newPart = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, '2.2', FT_UID); #} $encoding = $value['encoding']; $mimeType = $value['mimeType']; $charSet = $value['charset']; } // MS-Outlookbug workaround (don't break links) $newPart = preg_replace("!((http(s?)://)|((www|ftp)\.))(([^\n\t\r]+)([=](\r)?\n))+!i", "$1$7", $newPart); // decode the file ... switch ($encoding) { case ENCBASE64: // use imap_base64 to decode $newPart = imap_base64($newPart); break; case ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE: // use imap_qprint to decode #$newPart = imap_qprint($newPart); $newPart = quoted_printable_decode($newPart); break; case ENCOTHER: // not sure if this needs decoding at all break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it break; } $bodyPart[] = array('body' => $newPart, 'mimeType' => $mimeType, 'charSet' => $charSet); } } return $bodyPart; } function getMessageHeader($_uid, $_partID = '') { $msgno = imap_msgno($this->mbox, $_uid); if($_partID == '') { $retValue = imap_header($this->mbox, $msgno); } else { // do it the hard way // we need to fetch the headers of another part(message/rfcxxxx) $headersPart = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, $_partID.".0", FT_UID); $retValue = imap_rfc822_parse_headers($headersPart); } #_debug_array($retValue); return $retValue; } function getMessageRawBody($_uid, $_partID = '') { if($_partID != '') { $body = imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, $_partID, FT_UID); } else { $header = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); $body = $header.imap_body($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); } return $body; } function getMessageRawHeader($_uid, $_partID = '') { if(!$_partID == '') { return imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $_uid, $_partID.'.0', FT_UID); } else { return imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); } } function getMessageStructure($_uid) { return imap_fetchstructure($this->mbox, $_uid, FT_UID); } // return the qouta of the users INBOX function getQuotaRoot() { if(is_array($this->storageQuota)) { return $this->storageQuota; } else { return false; } } function imap_createmailbox($_folderName, $_subscribe = False) { $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$_folderName,3,$this->profileID); $result = @imap_createmailbox($this->mbox,$mailboxString); if($_subscribe) { return @imap_subscribe($this->mbox,$mailboxString); } return $result; } function imap_deletemailbox($_folderName) { $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$_folderName,3,$this->profileID); @imap_unsubscribe ($this->mbox, $mailboxString); $result = imap_deletemailbox($this->mbox, $mailboxString); #print imap_last_error(); return $result; } function imapGetQuota($_username) { $quota_value = @imap_get_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username); if(is_array($quota_value) && count($quota_value) > 0) { return array('limit' => $quota_value['limit']/1024); } else { return false; } } function imap_get_quotaroot($_folderName) { return @imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $_folderName); } function imap_renamemailbox($_oldMailboxName, $_newMailboxName) { if(strcasecmp("inbox",$_oldMailboxName) == 0 || strcasecmp("inbox",$_newMailboxName) == 0) { return False; } $oldMailboxName = ExecMethod('',$_oldMailboxName,3,$this->profileID); $newMailboxName = ExecMethod('',$_newMailboxName,3,$this->profileID); $result = @imap_renamemailbox($this->mbox,$oldMailboxName, $newMailboxName); #print imap_last_error(); return $result; } function imapSetQuota($_username, $_quotaLimit) { if(is_numeric($_quotaLimit) && $_quotaLimit >= 0) { // enable quota $quota_value = @imap_set_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username, $_quotaLimit*1024); } else { // disable quota $quota_value = @imap_set_quota($this->mbox, "user.".$_username, -1); } } function moveMessages($_foldername, $_messageUID) { $caching = CreateObject('felamimail.bocaching', $this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'], $this->mailPreferences['username'], $this->sessionData['mailbox']); $deleteOptions = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["user"]["preferences"]["felamimail"]["deleteOptions"]; reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { if(!empty($msglist)) $msglist .= ","; $msglist .= $value; } #print $msglist."
"; #print "destination folder($_folderName): ".$this->encodeFolderName($_foldername)."
"; if (imap_mail_move ($this->mbox, $msglist, $this->encodeFolderName($_foldername), CP_UID)) { #print "allet ok
"; if($deleteOptions != "mark_as_deleted") { imap_expunge($this->mbox); reset($_messageUID); while(list($key, $value) = each($_messageUID)) { $caching->removeFromCache($value); } } } else { print imap_last_error()."
"; } } function openConnection($_folderName='', $_options=0, $_adminConnection=false) { if(!function_exists('imap_open')) { return lang('This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!'); } if(!$this->mailPreferences['emailConfigValid']) { return lang('no valid emailprofile selected!!'); } if($_folderName == '' && !$_adminConnection) { $_folderName = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; } if($_adminConnection) { $folderName = ''; $username = $this->mailPreferences['imapAdminUsername']; $password = $this->mailPreferences['imapAdminPW']; $options = ''; } else { $folderName = $_folderName; $username = $this->mailPreferences['username']; $password = $this->mailPreferences['key']; $options = $_options; } $mailboxString = ExecMethod('',$_folderName,3,$this->profileID); if(!$this->mbox = @imap_open ($mailboxString, $username, $password, $options)) { return imap_last_error(); } else { // get the quota for this mailboxbox if (function_exists('imap_get_quotaroot') && !$_adminConnection) { $quota = @imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $this->decodeFolderName($folderName)); if(is_array($quota['STORAGE'])) { $storage = $this->storageQuota = $quota['STORAGE']; } } #$_folderName = "user.lars.Asterisk"; #print "$_folderName
"; #imap_setacl($this->mbox, $_folderName, 'support', 'lrswipcda'); #print "
				#print_r(imap_getacl($this->mbox, $_folderName));
				#print "
"; return True; } } function parseMessage(&$_sections, $_structure, $_wantedPartID = '', $_currentPartID='') { #print "w: $_wantedPartID, c: $_currentPartID
"; #if($_currentPartID == '') #{ # _debug_array($_structure); # print "

"; #} #_debug_array($_sections); #if ($_currentPartID == '') _debug_array($_structure); switch ($_structure->type) { case TYPETEXT: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } $mime_type = "text"; $data['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $data['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $data['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $data["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $data["name"] = lang("unknown"); for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->parameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->parameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'name': $data["name"] = $param->value; break; case 'charset': $data["charset"] = $param->value; break; } } // set this to zero, when we have a plaintext message // if partID[0] is set, we have no attachments if($_currentPartID == '') $_currentPartID = '0'; if (strtolower($_structure->disposition) == "attachment" || $data["name"] != lang("unknown")) { // treat it as attachment // must be a attachment $_sections[$_currentPartID] = $data; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; } else { #print "found a body part $_currentPartID
"; // must be a body part $_sections["$_currentPartID"] = $data; $_sections["$_currentPartID"]['name'] = lang('body part')." $_currentPartID"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'body'; } #print "
"; #_debug_array($retData); #print "
"; break; case TYPEMULTIPART: #print "found multipart
"; $mimeType = 'multipart'; // lets cycle trough all parts $_sections[$_currentPartID]['mimeType'] = $mimeType."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); if($_currentPartID != '') $_currentPartID .= '.'; #print $_sections[$_currentPartID]['mimeType']."
"; for($i = 0; $i < count($_structure->parts); $i++) { $structureData = array(); $this->parseMessage($_sections, $_structure->parts[$i], $_wantedPartID, $_currentPartID.($i+1)); } break; case TYPEMESSAGE: #print "found message $_currentPartID
"; #_debug_array($_structure); #print "
"; // handle it as attachment #print "$_wantedPartID : $_currentPartID
"; if(($_wantedPartID < $_currentPartID) || empty($_wantedPartID)) { #print "add as attachment
"; $mime_type = "message"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; if(!empty($_structure->description)) { $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang($_structure->description); } // has the structure dparameters ?? if($_structure->ifdparameters) { foreach($_structure->dparameters as $key => $value) { switch(strtolower($value->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $value->value; break; } } } // has the structure parameters ?? if($_structure->ifparameters) { foreach($_structure->parameters as $key => $value) { switch(strtolower($value->attribute)) { case 'name': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $value->value; break; } } } } // recurse in it else { #_debug_array($_structure); for($i = 0; $i < count($_structure->parts); $i++) { # print "dive into Message
"; if($_structure->parts[$i]->type != TYPEMULTIPART) $_currentPartID = $_currentPartID.'.'.($i+1); $this->parseMessage($_sections, $_structure->parts[$i], $_wantedPartID, $_currentPartID); # $this->parseMessage($_sections, $_structure->parts[0], $_wantedPartID, $_currentPartID); # print "done diving
"; } } break; case TYPEAPPLICATION: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } $mime_type = "application"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->dparameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->dparameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->parameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->parameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'name': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } break; case TYPEAUDIO: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } $mime_type = "audio"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->dparameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->dparameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } break; case TYPEIMAGE: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } #print "found image $_currentPartID
"; $mime_type = "image"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->dparameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->dparameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } break; case TYPEVIDEO: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } $mime_type = "video"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->dparameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->dparameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } break; case TYPEMODEL: if(!preg_match("/^$_wantedPartID/i",$_currentPartID)) { break; } $mime_type = "model"; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['encoding'] = $_structure->encoding; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['size'] = $_structure->bytes; $_sections[$_currentPartID]['partID'] = $_currentPartID; $_sections[$_currentPartID]["mimeType"] = $mime_type."/". strtolower($_structure->subtype); $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = lang("unknown"); $_sections[$_currentPartID]['type'] = 'attachment'; for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($_structure->dparameters); $lcv++) { $param = $_structure->dparameters[$lcv]; switch(strtolower($param->attribute)) { case 'filename': $_sections[$_currentPartID]["name"] = $param->value; break; } } break; default: break; } #if ($_currentPartID == '') _debug_array($_sections); #print "$_wantedPartID, $_currentPartID
"; #if($_currentPartID >= $_wantedPartID) #{ # print "will add
"; # return $retData; #} } function restoreSessionData() { $this->sessionData = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data'); } function saveFilter($_formData) { if(!empty($_formData['from'])) $data['from'] = $_formData['from']; if(!empty($_formData['to'])) $data['to'] = $_formData['to']; if(!empty($_formData['subject'])) $data['subject']= $_formData['subject']; if($_formData['filterActive'] == "true") { $data['filterActive']= "true"; } $this->sessionData['filter'] = $data; $this->saveSessionData(); } function saveSessionData() { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','',$this->sessionData); } function setEMailProfile($_profileID) { $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $config->value('profileID',$_profileID); $config->save_repository(); } function subscribe($_folderName, $_status) { #$this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'] #$this->mailPreferences['imapPort'], $folderName = $this->encodeFolderName($_folderName); $folderName = "{".$this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'].":".$this->mailPreferences['imapPort']."}".$folderName; if($_status == 'unsubscribe') { return imap_unsubscribe($this->mbox,$folderName); } else { return imap_subscribe($this->mbox,$folderName); } } function toggleFilter() { if($this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] == 'true') { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'false'; } else { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'true'; } $this->saveSessionData(); } function updateAccount($_hookValues) { if($this->profileID > 0 && is_numeric($this->profileID)) { ExecMethod('',$_hookValues,3,$this->profileID); } } /* inspired by desolate19 at hotmail dot com */ function wordwrap($str, $cols, $cut) { /* // todo // think about multibyte charsets // think about links in html mode $len = strlen($str); $tag = 0; $lineLenght = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $lineLenght++; $chr = substr($str,$i,1); if(ctype_cntrl($chr)) { if(ord($chr) == 10) $lineLenght = 0; } if ($chr == '<') { $tag++; } elseif ($chr == '>') { $tag--; } elseif ((!$tag) && (ctype_space($chr))) { $wordlen = 0; } elseif (!$tag) { $wordlen++; } if ((!$tag) && (!$wordlen) && $lineLenght > $cols) { //if ((!$tag) && ($wordlen) && (!($wordlen % $cols))) { #print "add cut
"; $chr .= $cut; $lineLenght = 0; } $result .= $chr; } return $result; */ $lines = explode('\n', $str); $newStr = ''; foreach($lines as $line) { // replace tabs by 8 space chars, or any tab only counts one char $line = str_replace("\t"," ",$line); $newStr .= wordwrap($line, $cols, $cut); } return $newStr; } } ?>