  * eGroupWare - Preferences - categories                                    *
  * http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
  * Written by Bettina Gille [ceb@phpgroupware.org]                          *
  * -----------------------------------------------                          *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *
  /* $Id$ */

	class bocategories
		var $cats;

		var $start;
		var $query;
		var $sort;
		var $order;

		function bocategories($cats_app='')
			$this->cats           =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories','',$cats_app);


			$start  = $_POST['start']  ? $_POST['start']  : $_GET['start'];
			$query  = $_POST['query']  ? $_POST['query']  : $_GET['query'];
			$sort   = $_POST['sort']   ? $_POST['sort']   : $_GET['sort'];
			$order  = $_POST['order']  ? $_POST['order']  : $_GET['order'];

			if(!empty($start) || $start == '0' || $start == 0)
				$this->start = $start;
			if((empty($query) && !empty($this->query)) || !empty($query))
				$this->query = $query;

			if(isset($sort) && !empty($sort))
				$this->sort = $sort;
			if(isset($order) && !empty($order))
				$this->order = $order;

		function save_sessiondata($data, $cats_app)
			$colum = $cats_app . '_cats';

		function read_sessiondata($cats_app)
			$colum = $cats_app . '_cats';
			$data = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data',$column);

			$this->start  = $data['start'];
			$this->query  = $data['query'];
			$this->sort   = $data['sort'];
			$this->order  = $data['order'];

		function get_list($global_cats)
			return $this->cats->return_sorted_array($this->start,True,$this->query,$this->sort,$this->order,$global_cats);

		function save_cat($values)
			if ($values['access'])
				$values['access'] = 'private';
				$values['access'] = 'public';

			if ($values['id'] && $values['id'] != 0)
				return $this->cats->edit($values);
				return $this->cats->add($values);

		function exists($data)
			$data['type']   = $data['type'] ? $data['type'] : '';
			$data['cat_id'] = $data['cat_id'] ? $data['cat_id'] : '';
			return $this->cats->exists($data['type'],$data['cat_name'],$data['cat_id']);

		function formatted_list($format,$type,$cat_parent,$global_cats)
			return $this->cats->formated_list($format,$type,$cat_parent,$global_cats);

		function delete($cat_id,$subs)
			return $this->cats->delete($cat_id,$subs,!$subs);	// either delete the subs or modify them

		function check_values($values)
			if (strlen($values['descr']) >= 255)
				$error[] = lang('Description can not exceed 255 characters in length !');

			if (!$values['name'])
				$error[] = lang('Please enter a name');
				if (!$values['parent'])
					$exists = $this->exists(array
						'type'     => 'appandmains',
						'cat_name' => $values['name'],
						'cat_id'   => $values['id']
					$exists = $this->exists(array
						'type'     => 'appandsubs',
						'cat_name' => $values['name'],
						'cat_id'   => $values['id']

				if ($exists == True)
					$error[] = lang('This name has been used already');

			if (is_array($error))
				return $error;