import {css, html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues} from "lit"; import {SlIcon, SlMenu, SlMenuItem} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {egwMenuItem} from "./egw_menu"; import {customElement} from "lit/decorators/custom-element.js"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js"; import bootstrapIcons from "../etemplate/Styles/bootstrap-icons"; @customElement("egw-menu-shoelace") export class EgwMenuShoelace extends LitElement { static get styles() { return [ bootstrapIcons, css` :host { display: block; } .default-item::part(label) { font-weight: var(--sl-font-weight-bold, bold); } sl-menu { box-shadow: var(--sl-shadow-x-large); } sl-menu-item::part(base) { height: 1.7em; line-height: var(--sl-line-height-dense); align-items: center; padding: 0; } sl-menu-item::part(prefix) { min-width: var(--sl-spacing-2x-large); } /* Customise checkbox menuitem */ sl-menu-item[type="checkbox"]::part(checked-icon) { visibility: hidden; } sl-menu-item[type="checkbox"]:not([checked])::part(checked-icon) { color: var(--sl-color-neutral-300); } et2-image { line-height: normal; width: 1.3em; } ` ] } private structure = []; private popup = null; private removeCallback = null; private get menu() : SlMenu { return this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("sl-menu");} constructor(_structure : egwMenuItem[]) { super(); this.structure = _structure; this.handleDocumentClick = this.handleDocumentClick.bind(this); this.handleKeypress = this.handleKeypress.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); document.addEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeypress); } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeypress); if(this.popup) { this.popup.remove(); this.popup = null; } if(this.removeCallback) {; } } public showAt(_x, _y, _onHide) { this.removeCallback = _onHide; if(this.popup == null) { this.popup = Object.assign(document.createElement("sl-popup"), { placement: "right-start", autoSize: "vertical", flip: true, shift: true }); this.popup.append(this); this.popup.classList.add("egw_menu"); } let menu = this; this.popup.anchor = { getBoundingClientRect() { return { x: _x, y: _y, width: 0, // placement="right-start" only works well with 0, not menu.clientWidth, height: menu.clientHeight, top: _y, left: _x, right: _x, bottom: _y } } }; = true; document.body.append(this.popup); Promise.all([this.updateComplete, this.popup.updateComplete]).then(() => { // Causes scroll issues if we don't position = "top: 0px"; (<SlMenuItem>'sl-menu-item')).focus(); }); } public hide() { if(this.popup) { = false; } // egw_menu always creates a new menu this.remove(); } handleSelect(event) { // If not open, skip if(!this.popup) { return; } if(event.detail.item.value) { const item = <egwMenuItem>event.detail.item.value; if(item.checkbox) { // Update our internal data = item.checked = event.detail.item.checked; // Update image of a checkbox item to be toggle on or off // this happens by requesting an update because item.checked has changed event.detail.item.querySelector('et2-image').src = item.checked ? "toggle-on" : "toggle-off"; return; } if(typeof item.onClick == "function") { this.hide();, item, event); } } } handleCheckboxClick(event) { const check ="sl-menu-item"); if(!check || check.parentElement == this) { return; } // Make sure sub-menu does not close event.stopPropagation(); // Normal select event check.checked = !check.checked; check.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("sl-select", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false, composed: true, detail: {item: check} })); } handleDocumentClick(event) { if(!event.composedPath().includes(this)) { this.hide(); } } handleKeypress(event : KeyboardEvent) { if(event.key == "Escape") { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.hide(); } } private itemTemplate(item : egwMenuItem) { if(item.caption == "-") { return html` <sl-divider></sl-divider>`; } //if we have a checkbox, change the icon to be a toggle slider. Either on or off if (item.checkbox) { item.iconUrl = item.checked ? "toggle-on" : "toggle-off"; } return html` <sl-menu-item class=${classMap({ "default-item": item.default })} id=${} type="${item.checkbox ? "checkbox" : "normal"}" ?checked=${item.checkbox && item.checked} ?disabled=${!item.enabled} .value=${item} @click=${item.checkbox ? this.handleCheckboxClick : nothing} > ${item.iconUrl ? html` <et2-image slot="prefix" src="${item.iconUrl}"></et2-image>` : nothing} <span style="color: ${item.color || nothing}">${item.caption}</span> ${item.shortcutCaption ? html`<span slot="suffix" class="keyboard_shortcut"> ${item.shortcutCaption} </span>` : nothing} ${item.children.length == 0 ? nothing : html` <sl-menu slot="submenu"> ${repeat(item.children, i => this.itemTemplate(i))} </sl-menu> `} </sl-menu-item> `; } render() { return html` <sl-menu @sl-select=${this.handleSelect} > ${repeat(this.structure, i => this.itemTemplate(i))} </sl-menu>`; } }