True, "nonavbar" => True, "currentapp" => "home", "noapi" => True); include("../"); $phpgw_info["server"]["api_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/phpgwapi"; // Authorize the user to use setup app include("./inc/"); // Does not return unless user is authorized if ($newsettings["auth_type"] != "ldap") { setup_header(); } if ($submit) { @$db->query("delete from config"); while ($newsetting = each($newsettings)) { if ($newsetting[0] == "nntp_server") { $db->query("select config_value FROM config WHERE config_name='nntp_server'"); if ($db->num_rows()) { $db->next_record(); if ($db->f("config_value") <> $newsetting[1]) { $db->query("DELETE FROM newsgroups"); $db->query("DELETE FROM users_newsgroups"); } } } $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('" . addslashes($newsetting[0]) . "','" . addslashes($newsetting[1]) . "')"); } if ($newsettings["auth_type"] == "ldap") { Header("Location: ldap.php"); exit; } else { echo "
Your config has been updated
Click here to login"; } } @$db->query("select * from config"); while (@$db->next_record()) { $current_config[$db->f("config_name")] = $db->f("config_value"); } if ($error == "badldapconnection") { // Please check the number and dial again :) echo "
Error: There was a problem tring to connect to your LDAP server, please " . "check your config.
"; } ?>
 Directory information
Enter path for temporary files. " size="40">
Enter path for users and group files. " size="40">
Enter the location of phpGroupWare's URL.
Example: /phpGroupWare
(leave blank if at http://yourserver/)
 Mail settings
Enter the location of your mail server: ">
Select your mail server type:
IMAP server type:
Enter your mail sufix: ">
Mail server login type:
Enter your SMTP server hostname: ">
Enter your SMTP server port: ">
 Authentication / Accounts
Select which type of authentication you are using.
Select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts.
Auto create account records for authenticated users: >
LDAP host: ">
LDAP context: " size="40">
LDAP root dn: " size="40">
LDAP root password: ">
LDAP encryption type
Use cookies to pass sessionid: >
Enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt)
" size="40">
 Server information
Enter your default FTP server. ">
Enter your HTTP proxy server. ">
Enter your HTTP proxy server port. ">
Showed powered by logo on:
Would like like phpGroupWare to check for new version
when admins login ?:
Enter the title for your site. ">
Enter the hostname of the machine this server is running on.
 NNTP settings
Enter your NNTP server hostname: ">
Enter your NNTP server port: ">
Enter your NNTP sender: ">
Enter your NNTP organization: ">
Enter your NNTP admins email address: ">
Enter your NNTP login: ">
Enter your NNTP password: ">