<?php /* V4.50 6 July 2004 Run multiple copies of this php script at the same time to test unique generation of id's in multiuser mode */ include_once('../adodb.inc.php'); $testaccess = true; include_once('testdatabases.inc.php'); function testdb(&$db,$createtab="create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date)") { $table = 'adodbseq'; $db->Execute("drop table $table"); //$db->debug=true; $ctr = 5000; $lastnum = 0; while (--$ctr >= 0) { $num = $db->GenID($table); if ($num === false) { print "GenID returned false"; break; } if ($lastnum + 1 == $num) print " $num "; else { print " <font color=red>$num</font> "; flush(); } $lastnum = $num; } } ?>