soapTypes = $soapTypes; $this->xml = $xml; $this->xml_encoding = $encoding; $this->root_struct = ""; // options: envelope,header,body,method // determines where in the message we are (envelope,header,body,method) $this->status = ""; $this->position = 0; $this->pos_stat = 0; $this->depth = 0; $this->default_namespace = ""; $this->namespaces = array(); $this->message = array(); $this->fault = false; $this->fault_code = ""; $this->fault_str = ""; $this->fault_detail = ""; $this->eval_str = ""; $this->depth_array = array(); $this->debug_flag = True; $this->debug_str = ""; $this->previous_element = ""; $this->entities = array ( "&" => "&", "<" => "<", ">" => ">", "'" => "'", '"' => """ ); // Check whether content has been read. if(!empty($xml)) { $this->debug("Entering soap_parser()"); //$this->debug("DATA DUMP:\n\n$xml"); // Create an XML parser. $this->parser = xml_parser_create($this->xml_encoding); // Set the options for parsing the XML data. //xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // Set the object for the parser. xml_set_object($this->parser, &$this); // Set the element handlers for the parser. xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "start_element","end_element"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,"character_data"); xml_set_default_handler($this->parser, "default_handler"); // Parse the XML file. if(!xml_parse($this->parser,$xml,true)) { // Display an error message. $this->debug(sprintf("XML error on line %d: %s", xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)))); $this->fault = true; } else { // get final eval string $this->eval_str = "\$response = ".trim($this->build_eval($this->root_struct)).";"; } xml_parser_free($this->parser); } else { $this->debug("xml was empty, didn't parse!"); } } // loop through msg, building eval_str function build_eval($pos) { $this->debug("inside build_eval() for $pos: ".$this->message[$pos]["name"]); $eval_str = $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"]; // loop through children, building... if($this->message[$pos]["children"] != "") { $this->debug("children string = ".$this->message[$pos]["children"]); $children = explode("|",$this->message[$pos]["children"]); $this->debug("it has ".count($children)." children"); @reset($children); while(list($c,$child_pos) = @each($children)) /* foreach($children as $c => $child_pos) */ { //$this->debug("child pos $child_pos: ".$this->message[$child_pos]["name"]); if($this->message[$child_pos]["eval_str"] != "") { $this->debug("entering build_eval() for ".$this->message[$child_pos]["name"].", array pos $c, pos: $child_pos"); $eval_str .= $this->build_eval($child_pos).", "; } } $eval_str = substr($eval_str,0,strlen($eval_str)-2); } // add current node's eval_str $eval_str .= $this->message[$pos]["end_eval_str"]; return $eval_str; } // start-element handler function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) { // position in a total number of elements, starting from 0 // update class level pos $pos = $this->position++; // and set mine $this->message[$pos]["pos"] = $pos; // parent/child/depth determinations // depth = how many levels removed from root? // set mine as current global depth and increment global depth value $this->message[$pos]["depth"] = $this->depth++; // else add self as child to whoever the current parent is if($pos != 0) { $this->message[$this->parent]["children"] .= "|$pos"; } // set my parent $this->message[$pos]["parent"] = $this->parent; // set self as current value for this depth $this->depth_array[$this->depth] = $pos; // set self as current parent $this->parent = $pos; // set status if(ereg(":Envelope$",$name)) { $this->status = "envelope"; } elseif(ereg(":Header$",$name)) { $this->status = "header"; } elseif(ereg(":Body$",$name)) { $this->status = "body"; // set method } elseif($this->status == "body") { $this->status = "method"; if(ereg(":",$name)) { $this->root_struct_name = substr(strrchr($name,":"),1); } else { $this->root_struct_name = $name; } $this->root_struct = $pos; $this->message[$pos]["type"] = "struct"; } // set my status $this->message[$pos]["status"] = $this->status; // set name $this->message[$pos]["name"] = htmlspecialchars($name); // set attrs $this->message[$pos]["attrs"] = $attrs; // get namespace if(ereg(":",$name)) { $namespace = substr($name,0,strpos($name,":")); $this->message[$pos]["namespace"] = $namespace; $this->default_namespace = $namespace; } else { $this->message[$pos]["namespace"] = $this->default_namespace; } // loop through atts, logging ns and type declarations @reset($attrs); while (list($key,$value) = @each($attrs)) /* foreach($attrs as $key => $value) */ { // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces if(ereg("xmlns:",$key)) { $namespaces[substr(strrchr($key,":"),1)] = $value; if($name == $this->root_struct_name) { $this->methodNamespace = $value; } } // if it's a type declaration, set type elseif($key == "xsi:type") { // then get attname and set $type $type = substr(strrchr($value,":"),1); } } // set type if available if($type) { $this->message[$pos]["type"] = $type; } // debug //$this->debug("parsed $name start, eval = '".$this->message[$pos]["eval_str"]."'"); } // end-element handler function end_element($parser, $name) { // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; // bring depth down a notch $this->depth--; // get type if not set already if($this->message[$pos]["type"] == "") { // if($this->message[$pos]["cdata"] == "" && $this->message[$pos]["children"] != "") if($this->message[$pos]["children"] != "") { $this->message[$pos]["type"] = "SOAPStruct"; } else { $this->message[$pos]["type"] = "string"; } } // set eval str start if it has a valid type and is inside the method if($pos >= $this->root_struct) { $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"] .= "\n CreateObject(\"phpgwapi.soapval\",\"".htmlspecialchars($name)."\", \"".$this->message[$pos]["type"]."\" "; $this->message[$pos]["end_eval_str"] = ")"; $this->message[$pos]["inval"] = "true"; /* if($this->message[$pos]["name"] == $this->root_struct_name){ $this->message[$pos]["end_eval_str"] .= " ,\"$this->methodNamespace\""; } */ if($this->message[$pos]["children"] != "") { $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"] .= ", array( "; $this->message[$pos]["end_eval_str"] .= " )"; } } // if i have no children and have cdata...then i must be a scalar value, so add my data to the eval_str if($this->status == "method" && $this->message[$pos]["children"] == "") { // add cdata w/ no quotes if only int/float/dbl if($this->message[$pos]["type"] == "string") { $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"] .= ", \"".$this->message[$pos]["cdata"]."\""; } elseif($this->message[$pos]["type"] == "int" || $this->message[$pos]["type"] == "float" || $this->message[$pos]["type"] == "double") { //$this->debug("adding cdata w/o quotes"); $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"] .= ", ".trim($this->message[$pos]["cdata"]); } elseif(is_string($this->message[$pos]["cdata"])) { //$this->debug("adding cdata w/ quotes"); $this->message[$pos]["eval_str"] .= ", \"".$this->message[$pos]["cdata"]."\""; } } // if in the process of making a soap_val, close the parentheses and move on... if($this->message[$pos]["inval"] == "true") { $this->message[$pos]["inval"] == "false"; } // if tag we are currently closing is the method wrapper if($pos == $this->root_struct) { $this->status = "body"; } elseif(ereg(":Body",$name)) { $this->status = "header"; } elseif(ereg(":Header",$name)) { $this->status = "envelope"; } // set parent back to my parent $this->parent = $this->message[$pos]["parent"]; $this->debug("parsed $name end, type '".$this->message[$pos]["type"]."'eval_str = '".trim($this->message[$pos]["eval_str"])."' and children = ".$this->message[$pos]["children"]); } // element content handler function character_data($parser, $data) { $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; $this->message[$pos]["cdata"] .= $data; //$this->debug("parsed ".$this->message[$pos]["name"]." cdata, eval = '$this->eval_str'"); } // default handler function default_handler($parser, $data) { //$this->debug("DEFAULT HANDLER: $data"); } // function to get fault code function fault() { if($this->fault) { return true; } else { return false; } } // have this return a soap_val object function get_response() { $this->debug("eval()ing eval_str: $this->eval_str"); @eval("$this->eval_str"); if($response) { $this->debug("successfully eval'd msg"); return $response; } else { $this->debug("ERROR: did not successfully eval the msg"); $this->fault = true; return CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval', "Fault", "struct", array( CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval', "faultcode", "string", "SOAP-ENV:Server" ), CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval', "faultstring", "string", "couldn't eval \"$this->eval_str\"" ) ) ); } } function debug($string) { if($this->debug_flag) { $this->debug_str .= "$string\n"; } } function decode_entities($text) { @reset($this->entities); while(list($entity,$encoded) = @each($this->entities)) /* foreach($this->entities as $entity => $encoded) */ { $text = str_replace($encoded,$entity,$text); } return $text; } } ?>