/** * EGroupware clientside API object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT stylite.de) * @author Ralf Becker */ /*egw:uses egw_core; egw_debug; egw_preferences; egw_lang; egw_links; egw_open; egw_user; egw_config; egw_images; egw_jsonq; egw_files; egw_json; egw_store; egw_tooltip; egw_css; egw_calendar; egw_ready; egw_data; egw_tail; egw_inheritance; egw_message; egw_notification; */ /** * Object to collect instantiated application objects * * Attributes classes collects loaded application classes, * which can get instantiated: * * app[appname] = new app.classes[appname](); * * On destruction only app[appname] gets deleted, app.classes[appname] need to be used again! * * @type object */ window.app = {classes: {}}; (function() { "use strict"; var debug = false; var egw_script = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); var start_time = (new Date).getTime(); if(typeof console != "undefined" && console.time) console.time("egw"); // set opener as early as possible for framework popups (not real popups) if (!window.opener && window.parent !== window) { try { if (window.parent.framework && typeof window.parent.framework.popup_idx == 'function' && window.parent.framework.popup_idx.call(window.parent.framework, window) !== undefined) { window.opener = window.parent; } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if opener is different security context / cross-origin } } // Flag for if this is opened in a popup var popup = (window.opener != null); window.egw_webserverUrl = egw_script.getAttribute('data-url'); window.egw_appName = egw_script.getAttribute('data-app'); // split includes in legacy js and modules const legacy_js_regexp = /do_not_match_anything/; // check if egw object was injected by window open if (typeof window.egw == 'undefined') { try { // try finding it in top or opener's top if (window.opener && typeof window.opener.top.egw != 'undefined') { window.egw = window.opener.top.egw; if (typeof window.opener.top.framework != 'undefined') window.framework = window.opener.top.framework; popup = true; if (debug) console.log('found egw object in opener'); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if opener is different security context / cross-origin } try { // try finding it in top if (typeof window.egw == 'undefined' && window.top && typeof window.top.egw != 'undefined') { window.egw = window.top.egw; if (typeof window.top.framework != 'undefined') window.framework = window.top.framework; if (debug) console.log('found egw object in top'); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if top is different security context / cross-origin } if (typeof window.egw == 'undefined') { window.egw = { prefsOnly: true, legacy_js_regexp: legacy_js_regexp, webserverUrl: egw_webserverUrl }; if (debug) console.log('creating new egw object'); } } else if (debug) console.log('found injected egw object'); var include = JSON.parse(egw_script.getAttribute('data-include')) || []; // check for a framework object if (typeof window.framework == 'undefined') { try { // try finding it in top or opener's top if (window.opener && typeof window.opener.top.framework != 'undefined') { window.framework = window.opener.top.framework; if (debug) console.log('found framework object in opener top'); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if opener is different security context / cross-origin } try { if (typeof window.framework == 'undefined' && window.top && typeof window.top.framework != 'undefined') { window.framework = window.top.framework; if (debug) console.log('found framework object in top'); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if top is different security context / cross-origin } // if framework not found, but requested to check for it, redirect to cd=yes to create it var check_framework = egw_script.getAttribute('data-check-framework'); if (typeof window.framework == 'undefined' && !window.location.pathname.match(/\/(smallpart\/|login.php)/) && // not for login page !window.location.search.match(/[&?]cd=/) && // for popups check if required files are not about to be loaded (saved additional redirect and fixes LTI launches) (check_framework || include.filter(function(_uri){return _uri.match(/api\/(config|user)\.php/);}).length < 2)) { window.location.search += (window.location.search ? "&" : "?")+(check_framework ? "cd=yes" : "cd=popup"); } } try { if (typeof egw == 'function') egw(window).message; } catch (e) { console.log('Security exception accessing window specific egw object --> creating new one', e); window.egw = { prefsOnly: true, legacy_js_regexp: legacy_js_regexp, webserverUrl: egw_webserverUrl }; } // set top window in egw object if (typeof window.egw.top === "undefined") { window.egw.top = window; } // focus window / call window.focus(), if data-window-focus is specified var window_focus = egw_script.getAttribute('data-window-focus'); if (window_focus && JSON.parse(window_focus)) { window.focus(); } /** * Import JavaScript legacy code: global scope, non-strict and executed in order * * @param String|Array _src * @param String|undefined _baseurl * @return {Promise[]>} */ async function legacy_js_import(_src, _baseurl) { console.log("Legacy import: ", _src,_baseurl); if (!Array.isArray(_src)) _src = [].concat(_src); return Promise.all(_src.map(src => { return new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = (_baseurl ? _baseurl+'/' : '')+src; script.async = _src.length === 1; script.onload = _resolve; script.onerror = _reject; document.head.appendChild(script); }) // catch and display, but not stop execution .catch((err) => { console.error(src+": "+err.message)}); })); } const egw_modules = [ // TODO: Dev mode should remove .min or remap it with importmap 'egw.min' ]; // make our promise global, as legacy code calls egw_LAB.wait which we assign to egw_ready.then window.egw_LAB = window.egw_ready = legacy_js_import(include.filter((src) => src.match(legacy_js_regexp) !== null), window.egw_webserverUrl) .then(Promise.all(egw_modules.map(mod => import(window.egw_webserverUrl+'/api/js/jsapi/'+mod+'.js') .catch((err) => {console.error(rel_src+": "+err.message)})))) .then(() => Promise.all(include.filter((src) => src.match(legacy_js_regexp) === null) //.reverse() .map(rel_src => import(window.egw_webserverUrl+'/'+rel_src) .catch((err) => {window.setTimeout(() => {throw err;},0)}) ))).then(() => { // We need to override the globalEval to mitigate potential execution of // script tag. This issue is relevant to jQuery 1.12.4, we need to check // if we still need this after upgrading jQuery. jQuery.extend({ globalEval:function(data){} }); // call egw.link_handler, if attr specified var egw_redirect = egw_script.getAttribute('data-egw-redirect'); if (egw_redirect) { // set sidebox for tabed templates, we need to set it now, as framework will not resent it! var sidebox = egw_script.getAttribute('data-setSidebox'); if (window.framework && sidebox) { window.framework.setSidebox.apply(window.framework, JSON.parse(sidebox)); } egw_redirect = JSON.parse(egw_redirect); egw.link_handler.apply(egw, egw_redirect); return; // do NOT execute any further code, as IE(11) will give errors because framework already redirects } // call egw_refresh on opener, if attr specified var refresh_opener = egw_script.getAttribute('data-refresh-opener'); if (refresh_opener && window.opener) { refresh_opener = JSON.parse(refresh_opener) || {}; window.opener.egw(window.opener).refresh.apply(egw(window.opener), refresh_opener); } // close window / call window.close(), if data-window-close is specified var window_close = egw_script.getAttribute('data-window-close'); if (window_close) { if (typeof window_close == 'string' && window_close !== '1') { alert(window_close); } // If there's a message & opener, set it if(window.opener && egw_script.getAttribute('data-message')) { egw(window.opener).message(JSON.parse(egw_script.getAttribute('data-message'))); } egw(window).close(); } // call egw.open_link, if popup attr specified var egw_popup = egw_script.getAttribute('data-popup'); if (egw_popup) { egw_popup = JSON.parse(egw_popup) || []; egw.open_link.apply(egw, egw_popup); } // set grants if given for push var egw_grants = egw_script.getAttribute('data-grants'); if (egw_grants) { egw.set_grants(JSON.parse(egw_grants)); } if(typeof console != "undefined" && console.timeEnd) console.timeEnd("egw"); var end_time = (new Date).getTime(); var gen_time_div = jQuery('#divGenTime_'+window.egw_appName); if (!gen_time_div.length) gen_time_div = jQuery('.pageGenTime'); var gen_time_async = jQuery('.asyncIncludeTime').length > 0 ? jQuery('.asyncIncludeTime'): gen_time_div.append('').find('.asyncIncludeTime'); gen_time_async.text(egw.lang('async includes took %1s', (end_time-start_time)/1000)); // Make sure opener knows when we close - start a heartbeat try { if ((window.opener && window.opener.framework || popup) && window.name != '') { // Timeout is 5 seconds, but it iks only applied(egw_utils) when something asks for the window list window.setInterval(function () { if (window.opener && window.opener.framework && typeof window.opener.framework.popup_idx(window) == 'undefined' && !egwIsMobile()) { window.opener.framework.popups.push(window); } egw().storeWindow(this.egw_appName, this); }, 2000); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if opener is different security context / cross-origin } // instantiate app object var appname = window.egw_appName; if (app && typeof app[appname] != 'object' && typeof app.classes[appname] == 'function') { app[appname] = new app.classes[appname](); } // set sidebox for tabed templates var sidebox = egw_script.getAttribute('data-setSidebox') || jQuery('#late-sidebox').attr('data-setSidebox'); if (window.framework && sidebox && sidebox !== 'null') { window.framework.setSidebox.apply(window.framework, JSON.parse(sidebox)); } var resize_attempt = 0; var resize_popup = function() { var $main_div = jQuery('#popupMainDiv'); var $et2 = jQuery('.et2_container'); var w = { width: egw_getWindowInnerWidth(), height: egw_getWindowInnerHeight() }; // Use et2_container for width since #popupMainDiv is full width, but we still need // to take padding/margin into account var delta_width = w.width - ($et2.outerWidth(true) + ($main_div.outerWidth(true) - $main_div.width())); var delta_height = w.height - ($et2.outerHeight(true) + ($main_div.outerHeight(true) - $main_div.height())); // Don't let the window gets horizental scrollbar var scrollWidth = document.body.scrollWidth - document.body.clientWidth; var scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight - w.height; if (scrollWidth > 0 && scrollWidth + egw_getWindowOuterWidth() < screen.availWidth) delta_width = -scrollWidth; if (delta_height && egw_getWindowOuterHeight() >= egw.availHeight()) { delta_height = 0; } if((delta_width != 0 || delta_height != 0) && (delta_width >2 || delta_height >2 || delta_width<-2 || delta_height < -2) && (scrollHeight>0 || scrollWidth>0)) { if (window.framework && typeof window.framework.resize_popup != 'undefined') { window.framework.resize_popup($et2.outerWidth(true), $et2.outerHeight(true), window); } else { window.resizeTo(egw_getWindowOuterWidth() - delta_width+8, egw_getWindowOuterHeight() - delta_height); } } // trigger a 2. resize, as one is not enough, if window is zoomed if (delta_width && ++resize_attempt < 2) { window.setTimeout(resize_popup, 50); } else { resize_attempt = 0; } }; // rest needs DOM to be ready jQuery(function() { // load etemplate2 template(s) jQuery('form.et2_container[data-etemplate]').each( function(index, node) { import('../etemplate/etemplate2').then((module) => { const data = JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('data-etemplate')) || {}; if (popup || window.opener && !egwIsMobile()) { // Resize popup when et2 load is done jQuery(node).on('load', () => window.setTimeout(resize_popup, 50)); } const et2 = new module.etemplate2(node, "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate::ajax_process_content"); et2.load(data.name, data.url, data.data); if (typeof data.response !== 'undefined') { const json_request = egw(window).json(""); json_request.handleResponse({response: data.response}); } }).catch((e) => alert(e.message+"\n\n"+e.stack)); }); // Offline/Online checking part if (typeof window.Offline != 'undefined') { Offline.options = { // Should we check the connection status immediately on page load. checkOnLoad: false, // Should we monitor AJAX requests to help decide if we have a connection. interceptRequests: true, // Should we automatically retest periodically when the connection is down (set to false to disable). reconnect: { // How many seconds should we wait before rechecking. initialDelay: 3, // How long should we wait between retries. //delay: (1.5 * last delay, capped at 1 hour) }, // Should we store and attempt to remake requests which fail while the connection is down. requests: true, checks: { xhr: { url: egw.webserverUrl+'/api/templates/default/images/favicon.ico?'+Date.now() } } }; window.Offline.on('down', function(){ this.loading_prompt('connectionLost', true, '', null); }, egw(window)); window.Offline.on('up', function(){ jQuery('.close', '#egw_message').click(); this.loading_prompt('connectionLost', false); }, egw(window)); } // set app-header if (window.framework && egw_script.getAttribute('data-app-header')) { egw(window).app_header(egw_script.getAttribute('data-app-header'), appname); } // display a message if (egw_script.getAttribute('data-message')) { var params = JSON.parse(egw_script.getAttribute('data-message')) || ['']; egw(window).message.apply(egw(window), params); } // hide location bar for mobile browsers if (egw_script.getAttribute('data-mobile')) { window.scrollTo(0, 1); } try { // Open tutorial popup with an introduction video about egroupware if (window.framework === window.top.framework && typeof et2_dialog != 'undefined' && !egw.preference('egw_tutorial_noautoload', 'common') && !parseInt(egw_script.getAttribute('data-framework-reload')) && (!egw.config('egw_tutorial_disable', 'phpgwapi') || egw.config('egw_tutorial_disable', 'phpgwapi') == 'sidebox')) { // we need to wait until common translations are loaded egw.langRequireApp(window, 'common', function() { var buttons = [ {text:egw.lang("Show now"), id:"show", image: "check", default:"true"}, {text:egw.lang("Show next login"), id:"later", image: "right"}, {text:egw.lang("No thanks"), id:"never", image: "cancel"} ]; et2_dialog.show_dialog(function (_button_id) { if (_button_id == "show" ) { egw.open_link(egw.link('/index.php', 'menuaction=api.EGroupware\\Api\\Framework\\Tutorial.popup&tuid=introduction-'+egw.preference('lang')+'-0-a'),'_blank','960x580'); } if(_button_id != "later") { egw.set_preference('common', 'egw_tutorial_noautoload',true); } }, egw.lang('We would like to introduce you to EGroupware by showing a short introduction video.'), egw.lang('Introduction'), {}, buttons, et2_dialog.QUESTION_MESSAGE, undefined, egw(window)); }, this); } // open websocket to push server for our top window if (egw === window.top.egw && egw_script.getAttribute('data-websocket-url')) { egw.json('websocket', {}, undefined, this).openWebSocket( egw_script.getAttribute('data-websocket-url'), JSON.parse(egw_script.getAttribute('data-websocket-tokens')), parseInt(egw_script.getAttribute('data-websocket-account_id')) ); } } catch(e) { // ignore SecurityError exception if top is different security context / cross-origin } }); }); // window.egw_LAB.wait = window.egw_ready.then; /** * */ window.callManual = function() { if (window.framework) { window.framework.callManual.call(window.framework, window.location.href); } }; })(); /** * Call a function specified by it's name (possibly dot separated, eg. "app.myapp.myfunc") * * @param {string|Function} _func dot-separated function name * @param {mixed} ...args variable number of arguments * @returns {Mixed|Promise} * @deprecated use egw.callFunc(_func, ...) or egw.applyFunc(_func, args) */ window.et2_call = function(_func) { return egw.applyFunc(_func, [].slice.call(arguments, 1), window); }