* @package admin * @copyright (c) 2011-16 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ include_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/setup/inc/hook_config.inc.php'); // functions to return password hashes use EGroupware\Api; use EGroupware\Api\Framework; use EGroupware\Api\Mail\Credentials; use EGroupware\OpenID\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository; use EGroupware\WebAuthn\PublicKeyCredentialSourceRepository; /** * Reset passwords */ class admin_passwordreset { /** * Which methods of this class can be called as menuation * * @var array */ public $public_functions = array( 'index' => true, 'ajax_clear_credentials' => true ); /** * @var array */ var $replacements = array( 'lid' => 'LoginID', 'firstname' => 'first name', 'lastname' => 'last name', 'fullname' => 'full name', 'email' => 'email', 'password' => 'new password', 'id' => 'nummeric account ID', ); /** * Constructor * */ function __construct() { if($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('account_access',16,'admin')) { $GLOBALS['egw']->redirect_link('/index.php'); } } /** * Reset passwords * * @param array $content =null * @param string $msg ='' */ function index(array $content=null, $msg='') { // Setup if opened as a dialog $content['dialog'] = $_GET['dialog'] ?? null; if($content['dialog'] && empty($content['users']) && isset($_GET['ids'])) { $content['users'] = $_GET['ids']; $query = Api\Cache::getSession('admin', 'account_list'); if($_GET['select_all'] == 'true') { @set_time_limit(0); // switch off the execution time limit, as it's for big selections to small $query['num_rows'] = false; // all $query['start'] = 0; $readonlys = null; $content['users'] = []; $rows = []; admin_ui::get_users($query, $rows); foreach($rows as $row) { $content['users'][] = $row['account_id']; } } } if (!($account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository']) && !($account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type'])) { $account_repository = 'sql'; } if (!($current_hash = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$account_repository.'_encryption_type'])) { $current_hash = 'md5'; } if (is_array($content) && !isset($_GET['dialog'])) { if ($content['download_csv'] && $content['changed']) { Api\Header\Content::type('changed.csv', 'text/csv'); //echo "account_lid;account_password;account_email;account_firstname;account_lastname\n"; foreach($content['changed'] as $account) { echo "$account[account_lid];$account[account_password];$account[account_email];$account[account_firstname];$account[account_lastname]\n"; } exit; } if (!$content['users']) { $msg = lang('You need to select some users first!'); } elseif (!$content['random_pw'] && !$content['hash'] && !$content['notify'] && (string)$content['changepassword'] === '' && (string)$content['mustchangepassword'] === '' && (string)$content['mail']['activate'] === '' && (string)$content['mail']['quota'] === '' && strpos($content['mail']['domain'], '.') === false) { $msg = lang('You need to select as least one action!'); } elseif(!$content['random_pw'] && $content['hash'] && $content['hash'] != $current_hash && $current_hash != 'plain') { $msg = lang('You can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!'); } else { if ($content['hash'] && $content['hash'] != $current_hash) { Api\Config::save_value($account_repository.'_encryption_type',$content['hash'],'phpgwapi'); $msg = lang('Changed password hash for %1 to %2.',strtoupper($account_repository),$content['hash'])."\n"; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$account_repository.'_encryption_type'] = $content['hash']; } $change_pw = $content['random_pw'] || $content['hash'] && $content['hash'] != $current_hash; $changed = array(); $emailadmin = null; foreach($content['users'] as $account_id) { $result = $this->resetAccount($account_id, $content, $change_pw, $current_hash, $msg, $changed); if($result === false) { break; } } if ($changed) { $msg .= lang('Passwords and/or attributes of %1 accounts changed',count($changed)); } } } $content['msg'] = $msg; $content['account_repository'] = $account_repository; $content['current_hash'] = $content['hash'] ? $content['hash'] : $current_hash; $sel_options['hash'] = $account_repository == 'sql' ? sql_passwdhashes($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'],true) : passwdhashes($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'],true); $sel_options['activate'] = array('Deactivate','Activate'); // Start with same message as last time $config = Api\Config::read('admin'); $message = $config['password_reset_message']; $content['subject'] = $message['subject']; $content['body'] = $message['body']; $content['replacements'] = array(); foreach($this->replacements as $name => $label) { $content['replacements'][] = array( 'name' => '$$'.$name.'$$', 'label' => $label, ); } $readonlys['download_csv'] = !$changed; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Bulk password reset'); $tmpl = new Api\Etemplate('admin.passwordreset'); $tmpl->exec('admin.admin_passwordreset.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,array( 'changed' => $changed, 'dialog' => $content['dialog'], ), 2 * !empty($content['dialog'])); } protected function resetAccount($account_id, $content, $change_pw, $current_hash, &$msg, &$changed) { if(($account = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($account_id))) { if($content['group']) { $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->set_memberships(array_merge(array_keys($account['memberships']), $content['group']), $account_id); } if($content['random_pw']) { if(($minlength = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_length']) < 8) { $minlength = 8; } $n = 0; do { $password = Api\Auth::randomstring($minlength, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_strength'] >= 4 ); error_log(__METHOD__ . "() minlength=$minlength, n=$n, password=$password"); } while(++$n < 100 && Api\Auth::crackcheck($password, null, null, null, $account)); $old_password = null; } elseif($change_pw && !preg_match('/^{plain}/i', $account['account_pwd']) && ($current_hash != 'plain' || $current_hash == 'plain' && $account['account_pwd'][0] == '{')) { $msg .= lang('Account "%1" has NO plaintext password!', $account['account_lid']) . "\n"; return; } else { $old_password = $password = preg_replace('/^{plain}/i', '', $account['account_pwd']); } // change password, if requested try { if($change_pw && !$GLOBALS['egw']->auth->change_password($old_password, $password, $account_id)) { $msg .= lang('Failed to change password for account "%1"!', $account['account_lid']) . "\n"; return; } } catch (Exception $e) { $msg .= lang('Failed to change password for account "%1"!', $account['account_lid']) . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } // force password change on next login if((string)$content['mustchangepassword'] !== '' && !(!$content['mustchangepassword'] && $change_pw)) { // dont use password here, as the use of passwords indicates the usage of the functionality in usermode $GLOBALS['egw']->auth->setLastPwdChange($account_id, null, $content['mustchangepassword'] ? 0 : time()); } // allow or forbid to change password, if requested if((string)$content['changepassword'] !== '') { if(!$content['changepassword']) { $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->add_repository('preferences', 'nopasswordchange', $account_id, 1); } else { $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->delete_repository('preferences', 'nopasswordchange', $account_id); } } $account['account_password'] = $password; if((string)$content['mail']['activate'] !== '' || (string)$content['mail']['quota'] !== '' || strpos($content['mail']['domain'], '.') !== false) { if(!isset($emailadmin)) { $emailadmin = Api\Mail\Account::get_default(); if(!Api\Mail\Account::is_multiple($emailadmin)) { $msg = lang('No default account found!'); return false; } } if(($userData = $emailadmin->getUserData($account_id))) { if((string)$content['mail']['activate'] !== '') { $userData['accountStatus'] = $content['mail']['activate'] ? 'active' : ''; } if((string)$content['mail']['quota'] !== '') { $userData['quotaLimit'] = $content['mail']['quota']; } if(strpos($content['mail']['domain'], '.') !== false) { $userData['mailLocalAddress'] = preg_replace('/@' . preg_quote($emailadmin->acc_domain) . '$/', '@' . $content['mail']['domain'], $userData['mailLocalAddress']); foreach($userData['mailAlternateAddress'] as &$alias) { $alias = preg_replace('/@' . preg_quote($emailadmin->acc_domain) . '$/', '@' . $content['mail']['domain'], $alias); } } $emailadmin->saveUserData($account_id, $userData); } else { $msg .= lang('No profile defined for user %1', '#' . $account_id . ' ' . $account['account_fullname'] . "\n"); return; } } $changed[] = $account; if($content['notify']) { if(strpos($account['account_email'], '@') === false) { $msg .= lang('Account "%1" has no email address --> not notified!', $account['account_lid']); return; } $send = new Api\Mailer(); $send->AddAddress($account['account_email'], $account['account_fullname']); $replacements = array(); foreach($this->replacements as $name => $label) { $replacements['$$' . $name . '$$'] = $account['account_' . $name]; } $send->addHeader('Subject', strtr($content['subject'], $replacements)); $send->setBody(strtr($content['body'], $replacements)); if(!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_email'])) { $send->addHeader('From', Api\Mailer::add_personal( $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_email'], $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_fullname'] ) ); } try { $send->Send(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg .= lang('Notifying account "%1" %2 failed!', $account['account_lid'], $account['account_email']) . ': ' . strip_tags(str_replace('

', "\n", $e->getMessage())) . "\n"; } } } } public function ajax_clear_credentials($action_id, $account_ids) { $msg = []; if($action_id == 'clear_mail') { $count = Api\Mail\Credentials::delete(0,$account_ids, Credentials::IMAP|Credentials::SMTP|Credentials::SMIME); $msg[] = lang("%1 mail credentials deleted", $count); } $action['action'] = 'delete'; $action['selected'] = $account_ids; $hook_data = array(); if($action_id == 'clear_2fa') { if (Credentials::delete(0, $account_ids, Credentials::TWOFA)) { $msg[] = lang('Secret deleted, two factor authentication disabled.'); } $hook_data = Api\Hooks::process(array('location' => 'preferences_security'), ['openid'], true); } foreach($hook_data as $extra_tab) { if($extra_tab['delete']) { $msg[] = call_user_func_array($extra_tab['delete'], [$account_ids]); } else { switch ($extra_tab['name']) { case 'openid.access_tokens': // We need to get all access tokens, no easy way to delete by account $token_repo = new AccessTokenRepository(); $token_repo->revokeAccessToken(['account_id' => $action['selected']]); $count = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->affected_rows(); $msg[] = ($count > 1 ? $count.' ' : '') . lang('Access Token revoked.'); break; case 'webauthn.tokens': $token_repo = new PublicKeyCredentialSourceRepository(); $count = $token_repo->delete(['account_id' => $action['selected']]); $msg[] = ($count > 1 ? $count.' ' : '') . lang($extra_tab['label']) . ' ' . lang('deleted'); break; default: // Each credential / security option can have its nm as a different ID $content['tabs'] = $extra_tab['name']; foreach($extra_tab['data'] as $id => $datum) { if(is_array($datum) && array_key_exists('get_rows',$datum)) { $content[$id] = $action; } } $msg[] = call_user_func_array($extra_tab['save_callback'], [$content]); } } } Api\Json\Response::get()->message(implode("\n", $msg), 'success'); } public function ajax_reset($content) { $msg = ''; $changed = []; // Save message for next time if(!empty($content['values']['subject'])) { Api\Config::save_value( 'password_reset_message', [ 'subject' => $content['values']['subject'], 'body' => $content['values']['body']], 'admin' ); } if(!($account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository']) && !($account_repository = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type'])) { $account_repository = 'sql'; } if(!($current_hash = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$account_repository . '_encryption_type'])) { $current_hash = 'md5'; } $change_pw = $content['random_pw'] || $content['hash'] && $content['hash'] != $current_hash; $result = $this->resetAccount($content['user'], $content['values'], $change_pw, $current_hash, $msg, $changed); if(count($changed) == 1) { Api\Json\Response::get()->data($msg !== "" ? $msg : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($content['user'])); } else { Api\Json\Response::get()->error($msg); } } }