	* eGroupWare API - Ping class                                              *
	* This file written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>                *
	* Linux only ping class for detecting network connections                  *
	* Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Engo                                           *
	* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
	* This library is part of the eGroupWare API                               *
	* http://www.egroupware.org/api                                            *
	* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
	* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it  *
	* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
	* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,         *
	* or any later version.                                                    *
	* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
	* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               *
	* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.              *
	* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
	* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,  *
	* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA            *

	/* $Id$ */
	/* $Source$ */

	class ping
		var $hostname;
		var $packet_tx;
		var $packet_rx;
		var $packet_loss;
		var $reponse_min;
		var $reponse_max;
		var $reponse_avg;
		var $reponse_mdev;

		var $raw_array_of_data = array();

		function ping($hostname)
			$this->hostname = $hostname;

		function clear_values()
			$this->packet_tx         = 0;
			$this->packet_rx         = 0;
			$this->packet_loss       = 0;
			$this->reponse_min       = '';
			$this->reponse_max       = '';
			$this->reponse_avg       = '';
			$this->reponse_mdev      = '';
			$this->raw_array_of_data = array();

		function re_ping()

			$raw_data = `ping -c 5 $this->hostname`;
			$this->raw_array_of_data = explode("\n",$raw_data);


		function parse_responses()
			$dl     = $this->raw_array_of_data[count($this->raw_array_of_data) - 3];
			$values = explode(',',$dl);

			$packet_tx   = str_replace(' packets transmitted','',$values[0]);
			$packet_rx   = str_replace(' packets received','',$values[1]);
			$packet_loss = ereg_replace('% packet loss','',$values[2]);

			$this->packet_tx   = (int)str_replace(' ','',$packet_tx);
			$this->packet_rx   = (int)str_replace(' ','',$packet_rx);
			$this->packet_loss = (int)str_replace(' ','',$packet_loss);

		function parse_times()
			$tl          = $this->raw_array_of_data[count($this->raw_array_of_data) - 2];
			$times_split = explode(' = ',$tl);
			$raw_times   = $times_split[1];
			$raw_times   = str_replace(' ms','',$raw_times);
			$values      = explode('/',$raw_times);

			$this->response_min  = $values[0];
			$this->response_avg  = $values[1];
			$this->response_max  = $values[2];
			$this->response_mdev = $values[3];

		function debug_output()
			echo '<br><b>Debug output</b><hr width="20%" align="left">';
			echo '<b>hostname:</b> ' . $this->hostname;
			echo '<br><b>tx:</b> ' . $this->packet_tx;
			echo '<br><b>rx:</b> ' . $this->packet_rx;
			echo '<br><b>loss:</b> ' . $this->packet_loss;
			echo '<br><b>min:</b> ' . $this->response_min;
			echo '<br><b>max:</b> ' . $this->response_max;
			echo '<br><b>avg:</b> ' . $this->response_avg;
			echo '<br><b>mdev:</b> ' . $this->response_mdev;