 * EGroupWare - JS code for implementing inheritance
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Andreas Stöckel
 * @copyright Stylite 2011
 * @version $Id$

"use strict";

 * Usage of the JS inheritance system
 * ----------------------------------
 * To create a class write
 * MyClass = Class.extend([interfaces, ] functions);
 * where "interfaces" is a single interface or an array of interfaces and
 * functions an object containing the functions the class implements.
 * An interface has to be created in the following way:
 * var IBreathingObject = new Interface({
 * 		breath: function() {}
 * });
 * var Human = Class.extend(IBreathingObject, {
 * 		walk: function() {
 * 			console.log("Walking");
 * 		},
 * 		speak: function(_words) {
 * 			console.log(_words);
 * 		}
 * });
 * As "Human" does not implement the function "breath", "Human" is treated as
 * abstract. Trying to create an instance of "Human" will throw an exception.
 * However
 * Human.prototype.implements(IBreathingObject);
 * will return true. Lets create a specific class of "Human":
 * var ChuckNorris = Human.extend({
 * 		breath: function() {
 * 			console.log("Chuck Norris does not breath, he holds air hostage.");
 * 		},
 * 		speak: function(_words) {
 * 			console.warn("Chuck Norris says:");
 * 			this._super(_words);
 * 		}
 * });

// The following code is mostly taken from 
// http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/
// some parts were slightly changed for better understanding. Added possiblity
// to use interfaces.

/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
 * By John Resig http://ejohn.org/
 * MIT Licensed
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
	var initializing = false;

	 * Turn this to "true" to track creation and destruction of elements
	var getMem_freeMem_trace = false;

	var tracedObjects = {};

	// Check whether "function decompilation" works - fnTest is normally used to
	// check whether a 
	var fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;

	// Base "Class" for interfaces - needed to check whether an object is an
	// interface
	this.Interface = function(fncts) {
		for (var key in fncts)
			this[key] = fncts[key];

	 * The addInterfaceFunctions function adds all interface functions the class has
	 * to implement to the class prototype.
	function addInterfaceFunctions(prototype, interfaces)
		// Remember all interface functions in the prototype
		var ifaces = ((typeof prototype["_ifacefuncs"] == "undefined") ? [] :

		prototype["_ifacefuncs"] = [];

		for (var i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
			var iface = interfaces[i];
			if (iface instanceof Interface)
				for (var key in iface)
				throw("Interfaces must be instance of Interface!");

		for (var i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++)

	function addAttributeFunctions(prototype, _super)
		function _copyMerge(_new, _old)
			var result = {};

			// Copy the new object
			if (typeof _new != "undefined")
				for (var key in _new)
					result[key] = _new[key];

			// Merge the old object
			for (var key in _old)
				if (typeof result[key] == "undefined")
					result[key] = _old[key];

			return result;

		var attributes = {};

		// Copy the old attributes
		for (var key in prototype.attributes)
			attributes[key] = _copyMerge({}, prototype.attributes[key]);

			prototype._validate_attributes(prototype, attributes)

		// Add the old attributes to the new ones. If the attributes already
		// exist, they are merged.
		for (var key in _super.attributes)
			var _old = _super.attributes[key];
			var _new = {};

			attributes[key] = _copyMerge(attributes[key], _old);

		prototype.attributes = attributes;

	function classExtend(interfaces, prop) {

		if (typeof prop == "undefined")
			prop = interfaces;
			interfaces = [];

		// If a single interface is given, encapsulate it in an array
		if (!(interfaces instanceof Array))
			interfaces = [interfaces];

		if (typeof prop.attributes == "undefined")
			prop.attributes = {};

		var _super = this.prototype;

		// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
		// don't run the init constructor)
		initializing = true;
		var prototype = new this();
		initializing = false;

		// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
		for (var name in prop) {
			// Check if we're overwriting an existing function and check whether
			// the function actually uses "_super" - the RegExp test function
			// silently converts the funciton prop[name] to a string.
			if (typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
			    typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]))
				prototype[name] = (function(name, fn){
					return function() {
						var tmp = this._super;

						// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
						// but on the super-class
						this._super = _super[name];

						// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
						// remove it when we're done executing
						var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
						this._super = tmp;

						return ret;
				})(name, prop[name]);
				prototype[name] = prop[name];

		// Add the interface functions and the "implements" function to the
		// prototype
		addInterfaceFunctions(prototype, interfaces);

		// Merge the attributes and create the functions corresponding to the
		// attributes
		addAttributeFunctions(prototype, _super);

		// The dummy class constructor
		function Class() {
			// All construction is actually done in the init method
			if (!initializing)
				// Check whether the object implements all interface functions
				for (var i = 0; i < this._ifacefuncs.length; i++)
					var func = this._ifacefuncs[i];
					if (!(typeof this[func] == "function"))
						throw("Trying to create abstract object, interface " + 
							"function '" + func + "' not implemented.");

				// Do some tracing of the getMem_freeMem_trace is activated
				if (getMem_freeMem_trace)
					this.__OBJ_UID = "obj_" + egw.uid();
					var className = this.className();
					tracedObjects[this.__OBJ_UID] = {
						"created": new Date().getTime(),
						"class": className
					egw.debug("log", "*" + this.__OBJ_UID + " (" + className + ")");

				if (this.init)
					this.init.apply(this, arguments);

		// Populate our constructed prototype object
		Class.prototype = prototype;

		// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
		Class.prototype.constructor = Class;

		// And make this class extendable
		Class.extend = classExtend;

		return Class;

	// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
	this.Class = function(){};

	// Create a new Class that inherits from this class. The first parameter
	// is an array which defines a set of interfaces the object has to
	// implement. An interface is simply an object with named functions.
	Class.extend = classExtend;

	// The base class has no attributes
	Class.prototype.attributes = {};
	Class.prototype._ifacefuncs = [];

	// Add the basic functions

	 * Destructor function - it calls "destroy" if it has been defined and then
	 * deletes all keys of this element, so that any access to this element will
	 * eventually throw an exception, making it easier to hunt down memory leaks.
	Class.prototype.free = function() {
		if (this.destroy)

		// Trace the freeing of the object
		if (getMem_freeMem_trace)
			egw.debug("log", "-" + this.__OBJ_UID);

		// Delete every object entry
		for (var key in this)

		// Don't raise an exception when attempting to free an element multiple
		// times.
		this.free = function() {};

	// Some debug functions for memory leak hunting
	if (getMem_freeMem_trace)
		 * Prints a list of all objects UIDs which have not been freed yet.
		Class.prototype.showTrace = function() {

		 * VERY slow - for debugging only!
		Class.prototype.className = function() {
			for (var key in window)
				if (key.substr(0, 3) == "et2" && this.constructor == window[key])
					return key;

			return "?";

	 * The implements function can be used to check whether the object
	 * implements the given interface.
	Class.prototype.implements = function(_iface) {
		for (var key in _iface)
			if (this._ifacefuncs.indexOf(key) < 0)
				return false;
		return true;

	 * The instanceOf function can be used to check for both - classes and
	 * interfaces. Please don't change the case of this function as this
	 * affects IE and Opera support.
	Class.prototype.instanceOf = function(_obj) {
		if (_obj instanceof Interface)
			return this.implements(_obj);
			return this instanceof _obj;
