 * EGroupware - eTemplate serverside tree widget
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @copyright 2012 Nathan Gray
 * @version $Id$


 * eTemplate tree widget
 * @see http://docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtmlxtree:syntax_templates Tree syntax
 * Example initialisation of tree via $sel_options array:
 *  use \etemplate_widget_tree as tree;
 * 	$sel_options['tree'] = array(
 * 		tree::ID => 0, tree::CHILDREN => array(	// ID of root has to be 0!
 * 			array(
 *				tree::ID => '/INBOX',
 *				tree::LABEL => 'INBOX', tree::TOOLTIP => 'Your inbox',
 *				tree::OPEN => 1, tree::IMAGE_FOLDER_OPEN => 'kfm_home.png', tree::IMAGE_FOLDER_CLOSED => 'kfm_home.png',
 *				tree::CHILDREN => array(
 *					array(tree::ID => '/INBOX/sub', tree::LABEL => 'sub', tree::IMAGE_LEAF => 'folderClosed.gif'),
 *					array(tree::ID => '/INBOX/sub2', tree::LABEL => 'sub2', tree::IMAGE_LEAF => 'folderClosed.gif'),
 *				),
 *				tree::CHECKED => true
 * 			),
 * 			array(
 *				tree::ID => '/user',
 *				tree::LABEL => 'user',
 *				tree::CHILDREN => array(
 *	 				array(tree::ID => '/user/birgit', tree::LABEL => 'birgit', tree::IMAGE_LEAF => 'folderClosed.gif'),
 *					array(tree::ID => '/user/ralf', tree::LABEL => 'ralf', tree::AUTOLOAD_CHILDREN => 1),
 *				),
 *				tree::CHECKED => false
 * 			),
 * 	));
 * Please note:
 * - for more info see class constants below
 * - all images have to be under url specified in attribute "image_path", default $websererUrl/phpgwapi/templates/default/image/dhtmlxtree
 * - you can use attribute "std_images" to supply different standard images from default
 *	[ "leaf.gif", "folderOpen.gif", "folderClosed.gif" ]
 * - images can also be specified as standard "app/image" string, client-side will convert them to url relativ to image_path
 * - json autoloading uses identical data-structur and should use etemplate_widget_tree::send_quote_json($data)
 *   to send data to client, as it takes care of html-encoding of node text
 * - if autoloading is enabled, you have to validate returned results yourself, as widget does not know (all) valid id's
class etemplate_widget_tree extends etemplate_widget
	 * key for id of node, has to be unique, eg. a path, nummerical id is allowed too
	 * if of root has to be 0!
	const ID = 'id';
	 * key for label of node
	const LABEL = 'text';
	 * key for tooltip / title of node
	const TOOLTIP = 'tooltip';
	 * key for array of children (not json object: numerical keys 0, 1, ...)
	const CHILDREN = 'item';
	 * key if children exist and should be autoloaded, set value to 1
	const AUTOLOAD_CHILDREN = 'child';
	 * key of relative url of leaf image or standard "app/image" string
	 * used if node has not [AUTOLOAD_]CHILDREN set
	const IMAGE_LEAF = 'im0';
	 * key of relative url of open folder image or standard "app/image" string
	 * used if node has [AUTOLOAD_]CHILDREN set AND is open
	const IMAGE_FOLDER_OPEN = 'im1';
	 * key of relative url of closed folder image or standard "app/image" string
	 * used if node has [AUTOLOAD_]CHILDREN set AND is closed
	const IMAGE_FOLDER_CLOSED = 'im2';
	 * key of flag if folder is open, default folder is closed
	const OPEN = 'open';
	 * check checkbox if exists (in case of three-state checkboxes values can be:0 unchecked- 1 - checked or -1 - unsure)
	const CHECKED = 'checked';
	 * Parse and set extra attributes from xml in template object
	 * Reimplemented to parse our differnt attributes
	 * @param string|XMLReader $xml
	 * @param boolean $cloned =true true: object does NOT need to be cloned, false: to set attribute, set them in cloned object
	 * @return etemplate_widget_template current object or clone, if any attribute was set
	public function set_attrs($xml, $cloned=true)
		$this->attrs['type'] = $xml->localName;
		parent::set_attrs($xml, $cloned);

		// set attrs[multiple] from attrs[options]
		if ($this->attrs['options'] > 1)
			$this->setElementAttribute($this->id, 'multiple', true);

	 * Send data as json back to tree
	 * Basicly sends a Content-Type and echos json encoded $data and exit.
	 * As text parameter accepts html in tree, we htmlencode it here!
	 * @param array $data
	public static function send_quote_json(array $data)
		// switch regular JSON response handling off

		header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
		echo json_encode(self::htmlencode_node($data));


	 * HTML encoding of text and tooltip of node including all children
	 * @param array $item
	 * @return array
	public static function htmlencode_node(array $item)
		$item['text'] = html::htmlspecialchars($item['text']);

		if (isset($item['item']) && is_array($item['item']))
			foreach($item['item'] as &$child)
				$child = self::htmlencode_node($child);
		return $item;

	 * Check if given $id is one of given tree
	 * @param string $id needle
	 * @param array $item haystack with values for attributes 'id' and 'item' (children)
	 * @return boolean true if $id is contained in $item or it's children, false otherwise
	public static function in_tree($id, array $item)
		if ((string)$id === (string)$item['id'])
			return true;
		foreach((array)$item['item'] as $child)
			if (self::in_tree($id, $child)) return true;
		return false;

	 * Check if given $id is cat_id attribute of one of given array members
	 * @param int $id
	 * @param array $cats
	 * @return boolean
	public static function in_cats($id, array $cats)
		return (boolean)array_filter($cats, function($cat) use($id){
			return $cat['id'] == $id;

	 * Validate input
	 * @param string $cname current namespace
	 * @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont'
	 * @param array $content
	 * @param array &$validated=array() validated content
	public function validate($cname, array $expand, array $content, &$validated=array())
		$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand);

		$ok = true;
		if (!$this->is_readonly($cname, $form_name))
			$value = $value_in = self::get_array($content, $form_name);

			// we can not validate if autoloading is enabled
			if (!$this->attrs['autoloading'])
				$allowed = $this->attrs['multiple'] ? array() : array('' => $this->attrs['options']);
				$allowed += self::selOptions($form_name);
				foreach((array) $value as $val)
					if ($this->type == 'tree-cat' && !($this->attrs['multiple'] && !$val) && !self::in_cats($val, $allowed) ||
						$this->type == 'tree' && !self::in_tree($val, $allowed))
						self::set_validation_error($form_name,lang("'%1' is NOT allowed%2)!", $val,
							$this->type == 'tree-cat' ? " ('".implode("','",array_keys($allowed)).')' : ''), '');
						$value = '';
			// return values for cat-tree as string, but not for regular tree as it can have id's with comma!
			if (is_array($value) && $this->type == 'tree-cat')
				$value = implode(',',$value);
			if ($ok && $value === '' && $this->attrs['needed'])
				self::set_validation_error($form_name,lang('Field must not be empty !!!',$value),'');
			$valid =& self::get_array($validated, $form_name, true);
			if (true) $valid = $value;
			//error_log(__METHOD__."() $form_name: ".array2string($value_in).' --> '.array2string($value).', allowed='.array2string($allowed));

	 * Fill type options in self::$request->sel_options to be used on the client
	 * @param string $cname
	public function beforeSendToClient($cname)
		$form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id);

		if (($templated_path = self::templateImagePath($this->attrs['image_path'])) != $this->attrs['image_path'])
			self::setElementAttribute($form_name, 'image_path', $this->attrs['image_path'] = $templated_path);
			//error_log(__METHOD__."() setting templated image-path for $form_name: $templated_path");

		if (!is_array(self::$request->sel_options[$form_name])) self::$request->sel_options[$form_name] = array();
		if ($this->attrs['type'])
			// += to keep further options set by app code
			self::$request->sel_options[$form_name] += self::typeOptions($this->attrs['type'], $this->attrs['options'],
				$no_lang=null, $this->attrs['readonly'], self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name));

			// if no_lang was modified, forward modification to the client
			if ($no_lang != $this->attr['no_lang'])
				self::setElementAttribute($form_name, 'no_lang', $no_lang);

		// Make sure &nbsp;s, etc.  are properly encoded when sent, and not double-encoded
		foreach(self::$request->sel_options[$form_name] as &$label)
				$label = html_entity_decode($label, ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');
				$label['label'] = html_entity_decode($label['label'], ENT_NOQUOTES,'utf-8');


	 * Get template specific image path
	 * @param string $image_path =null default path to use, or empty to use default of /phpgwapi/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree
	 * @return string templated url if available, otherwise default path
	public static function templateImagePath($image_path=null)
		$webserver_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'];
		if (empty($image_path))
			$image_path = $webserver_url.'/phpgwapi/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/';
		// check if we have template-set specific image path
		if ($webserver_url && $webserver_url != '/')
			list(,$image_path) = explode($webserver_url, $image_path, 2);
		$templated_path = strtr($image_path, array(
			'/phpgwapi/templates/default' => $GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template_dir,
			'/default/' => '/'.$GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template.'/',
		if (file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$templated_path))
			return ($webserver_url != '/' ? $webserver_url : '').$templated_path;
			//error_log(__METHOD__."() setting templated image-path for $form_name: $templated_path");
		return ($webserver_url != '/' ? $webserver_url : '').$image_path;

	 * Return image relative to trees image-path
	 * @param string $image url of image, eg. from common::image($image, $app)
	 * @return string path relative to image-path, to use when returning tree data eg. via json
	public static function imagePath($image)
		static $image_path=null;
		if (!isset($image_path)) $image_path = self::templateImagePath ();

		$parts = explode('/', $image_path);
		$image_parts   = explode('/', $image);

		// remove common parts
		while(isset($parts[0]) && $parts[0] === $image_parts[0])
		// add .. for different parts, except last image part
		$url = implode('/', array_merge(array_fill(0, count($parts)-1, '..'), $image_parts));

		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$image') image_path=$image_path returning $url");
		return $url;

	 * Get options from $sel_options array for a given selectbox name
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param boolean $no_lang=false value of no_lang attribute
	 * @return array
	public static function selOptions($name)
		$options = array();
		if (isset(self::$request->sel_options[$name]) && is_array(self::$request->sel_options[$name]))
			$options += self::$request->sel_options[$name];
			$name_parts = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$name));
			if (count($name_parts))
				$org_name = $name_parts[count($name_parts)-1];
				if (isset(self::$request->sel_options[$org_name]) && is_array(self::$request->sel_options[$org_name]))
					$options += self::$request->sel_options[$org_name];
				elseif (isset(self::$request->sel_options[$name_parts[0]]) && is_array(self::$request->sel_options[$name_parts[0]]))
					$options += self::$request->sel_options[$name_parts[0]];
		if (isset(self::$request->content['options-'.$name]))
			$options += self::$request->content['options-'.$name];
		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name') returning ".array2string($options));
		return $options;

	 * Fetch options for certain tree types
	 * @param string $widget_type
	 * @param string $legacy_options options string of widget
	 * @param boolean $no_lang=false initial value of no_lang attribute (some types set it to true)
	 * @param boolean $readonly =false
	 * @param mixed $value =null value for readonly
	 * @return array with value => label pairs
	public static function typeOptions($widget_type, $legacy_options, &$no_lang=false, $readonly=false, $value=null)
		list($rows,$type,$type2,$type3) = explode(',',$legacy_options);

		$no_lang = false;
		$options = array();
		switch ($widget_type)
			case 'tree-cat':	// !$type == globals cats too, $type2: extraStyleMultiselect, $type3: application, if not current-app, $type4: parent-id, $type5=owner (-1=global),$type6=show missing
				if ($readonly)  // for readonly we dont need to fetch all cat's, nor do we need to indent them by level
					$cell['no_lang'] = True;
					foreach(is_array($value) ? $value : (strpos($value,',') !== false ? explode(',',$value) : array($value)) as $id)
						if ($id) $cell['sel_options'][$id] = stripslashes($GLOBALS['egw']->categories->id2name($id));
				if (!$type3 || $type3 === $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->app_name)
					$categories =& $GLOBALS['egw']->categories;
				else    // we need to instanciate a new cat object for the correct application
					$categories = new categories('',$type3);
				foreach((array)$categories->return_sorted_array(0,False,'','','',!$type,0,true) as $cat)
					$s = stripslashes($cat['name']);

					if ($cat['app_name'] == 'phpgw' || $cat['owner'] == '-1')
						$s .= ' &#9830;';
					$cat2path[$cat['id']] = $path = ($cat['parent'] ? $cat2path[$cat['parent']].'/' : '').(string)$cat['id'];

					// 1D array
					$options[] = $cat + array(
						'text'	=>	$s,
						'path'	=>	$path,

						These ones to play nice when a user puts a tree & a selectbox with the same
						ID on the form (addressbook edit):
						if tree overwrites selectbox options, selectbox will still work
						'label'	=>	$s,
						'title'	=>	$cat['description']

					// Tree in array
					//$options[$cat['parent']][] = $cat;
				// change cat-ids to pathes and preserv unavailible cats (eg. private user-cats)
				if ($value)
					$pathes = $extension_data['unavailable'] = array();
					foreach(is_array($value) ? $value : explode(',',$value) as $cat)
						if (isset($cat2path[$cat]))
							$pathes[] = $cat2path[$cat];
							$extension_data['unavailable'][] = $cat;
					$value = $rows ? $pathes : $pathes[0];
				$cell['size'] = $rows.($type2 ? ','.$type2 : '');
				$no_lang = True;

		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$widget_type', '$legacy_options', no_lang=".array2string($no_lang).', readonly='.array2string($readonly).", value=$value) returning ".array2string($options));
		return $options;