/** * eGroupware mobile framework object * @package framework * @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright Stylite AG 2014 * @description Create mobile framework */ /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; /phpgwapi/js/jquery/TouchSwipe/jquery.touchSwipe.js; framework.fw_base; framework.fw_browser; framework.fw_ui; egw_fw_classes; egw_inheritance.js; */ /** * * @param {DOMWindow} window */ (function(window){ /** * * @type @exp;fw_ui_sidemenu_entry@call;extend */ var mobile_ui_sidemenu_entry = fw_ui_sidemenu_entry.extend({ /** * Override fw_ui_sidemenu_entry class constructor * * @returns {undefined} */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this,arguments); } }); /** * * @type @exp;fw_ui_sidemenu@call;extend */ var mobile_ui_sidemenu = fw_ui_sidemenu.extend({ /** * * @returns {undefined} */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this,arguments); var $baseDiv = $j(this.baseDiv); $baseDiv.swipe({ swipe: function (e, direction,distance) { switch (direction) { case "up": case "down": if ($baseDiv.css('overflow') == 'hidden') $baseDiv.css('overflow-y','auto'); break; case "left": if (distance >= 10) { framework.toggleMenu(); } break; case "right": framework.toggleMenu(); } }, swipeStatus:function(event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers) { switch (direction) { } }, allowPageScroll: "vertical" }); // Do not attach sidebox application entries $j(this.elemDiv).detach(); }, /** * Adds an entry to the sidemenu. * @param {type} _name specifies the title of the new sidemenu entry * @param {type} _icon specifies the icon displayed aside the title * @param {type} _callback specifies the function which should be called when a callback is clicked * @param {type} _tag extra data * @param {type} _app application name * * @returns {mobile_ui_sidemenu_entry} */ addEntry: function(_name, _icon, _callback, _tag, _app) { //Create a new sidemenu entry and add it to the list var entry = new mobile_ui_sidemenu_entry(this, this.baseDiv, this.elemDiv, _name, _icon, _callback, _tag, _app); this.entries[this.entries.length] = entry; return entry; }, /** * Hide sidebar menu and top toolbar */ disable: function () { $j(this.baseDiv).hide(); $j('#egw_fw_top_toolbar').hide(); }, /** * * Show sidebar menu and top toolbar */ enable: function () { $j(this.baseDiv).show(); $j('#egw_fw_top_toolbar').show(); } }); /** * popup frame constructor */ var popupFrame = Class.extend({ /** * Constructor of popupFrame * @param {type} _wnd */ init:function(_wnd) { var self = this; this.$container = $j(document.createElement('div')).addClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_container egw_fw_mobile_popup_loader'); this.$iFrame = $j(document.createElement('iframe')) .addClass('egw_fw_mobile_popupFrame') .appendTo(this.$container); this.$container.appendTo('body'); // Create close button for popups var $closeBtn = $j(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_close') .click(function (){self.close(framework.popup_idx(self.$iFrame[0].contentWindow));}); if (framework.getUserAgent() === 'iOS' && !framework.isNotFullScreen()) $closeBtn.css({top:"15px"}); this.$container.prepend($closeBtn); this.windowOpener = _wnd; }, /** * Opens the iframe window as modal popup * * @param {type} _url * @param {type} _width * @param {type} _height * @param {type} _posX * @param {type} _posY * @returns {undefined} */ open: function(_url,_width,_height,_posX,_posY) { //Open iframe with the url this.$iFrame.attr('src',_url); var self = this; //After the popup is fully loaded this.$iFrame.on('onpopupload', function (){ var popupWindow = this.contentWindow; var $appHeader = $j(popupWindow.document).find('#divAppboxHeader'); $appHeader.addClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_appHeader'); //Remove the loading class self.$container.removeClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_loader'); self.$iFrame.css({visibility:'visible'}); }); this.$iFrame.on('load', //In this function we can override all popup window objects function () { var popupWindow = this.contentWindow; var $appHeader = $j(popupWindow.document).find('#divAppboxHeader'); var $et2_container = $j(popupWindow.document).find('.et2_container'); if ($appHeader.length > 0) { // Extend the dialog to 100% width $et2_container.css({width:'100%', height:'100%'}); if (framework.getUserAgent() === 'iOS' && !framework.isNotFullScreen()) $appHeader.addClass('egw_fw_mobile_iOS_popup_appHeader'); } // If the popup is not an et2_popup if ($et2_container.length == 0) { self.$container.removeClass('egw_fw_mobile_popup_loader'); self.$iFrame.css({visibility:'visible'}); } // Set the popup opener popupWindow.opener = self.windowOpener; } ); this.$container.show(); }, /** * Close popup * @param {type} _idx remove the given popup index from the popups array * @returns {undefined} */ close: function (_idx) { this.$container.detach(); //Remove the closed popup from popups array window.framework.popups.splice(_idx,1); }, /** * Resize the iFrame popup * @param {type} _width actuall width * @param {type} _height actuall height */ resize: function (_width,_height) { //As we can not calculate the delta value, add 30 px as delta this.$iFrame.css({width:_width+30, height:_height+30}); } }); /** * mobile framework object defenition * here we can add framework methods and also override fw_base methods if it is neccessary * @type @exp;fw_base@call;extend */ var fw_mobile = fw_base.extend({ /** * Mobile framework constructor * * @param {string} _sidemenuId sidebar menu div id * @param {string} _tabsId tab area div id * @param {string} _webserverUrl specifies the egroupware root url * @param {function} _sideboxSizeCallback * @param {int} _sideboxStartSize sidebox start size * @param {string} _baseContainer * @param {string} _mobileMenu */ init:function (_sidemenuId, _tabsId, _webserverUrl, _sideboxSizeCallback, _sideboxStartSize, _baseContainer, _mobileMenu) { // call fw_base constructor, in order to build basic DOM elements this._super.apply(this,arguments); var self = this; // Stores opened popups object this.popups = []; // The size that sidebox should be opened with this.sideboxSize = _sideboxStartSize; //Bind handler to orientation change $j(window).on("orientationchange",function(){ self.orientation(); }); this.baseContainer = document.getElementById(_baseContainer); this.mobileMenu = document.getElementById(_mobileMenu); //Bind the click handler to menu $j(this.mobileMenu).on({ click:function() { self.toggleMenu(); } }); if (this.sidemenuDiv && this.tabsDiv) { //Create the sidemenu, the tabs area this.sidemenuUi = new mobile_ui_sidemenu(this.sidemenuDiv); this.tabsUi = new egw_fw_ui_tabs(this.tabsDiv); var egw_script = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); var apps = egw_script ? egw_script.getAttribute('data-navbar-apps') : null; this.loadApplications(JSON.parse(apps)); } this.sideboxSizeCallback(_sideboxStartSize); // Check if user runs the app in full screen or not, // then prompt user base on the mode, and if the user // dismisses the message do not show it again var fullScreen = this.isNotFullScreen(); if (fullScreen && !egw.getLocalStorageItem('fw_mobile', 'fullscreen_message')){ egw.message(fullScreen,'info'); jQuery('#egw_message').on('click', function(e){ egw.setLocalStorageItem('fw_mobile','fullscreen_message', 'true'); return true; }); } }, /** * * @returns {undefined} */ setSidebox:function() { this._super.apply(this,arguments); this.setSidebarState(this.activeApp.preferences.toggleMenu); }, /** * Check if the device is in landscape orientation * * @returns {boolean} returns true if the device orientation is on landscape otherwise return false(protrait) */ isLandscape: function () { //if there's no window.orientation then the default is landscape var orient = true; if (typeof window.orientation != 'undefined') { orient = window.orientation & 2?true:false; } return orient; }, /** * Arranging toolbar icons according to device orientation * * @param {string} _orientation in order to determine which box should be transfered {"top"|"side"}. * default value is landscape */ arrangeToolbar: function (_orientation) { var orientation = _orientation || 'landscape'; var $toolbar = $j('#egw_fw_top_toolbar'); //tabs container var $tabs = $j('.egw_fw_ui_tabs_header'); if (orientation === 'landscape') { $toolbar.css('height','auto'); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(this.getToggleMenuState() === "off"?72:this.sideboxSize); $tabs.appendTo('#egw_fw_sidemenu'); // Remove tabs header portriat's specific styles $tabs.removeClass('tabs-header-portrait-collapsed'); } else { $toolbar.css('height','60px'); $tabs.appendTo($toolbar); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(this.getToggleMenuState() === "off"?1:this.sideboxSize); if (this.getToggleMenuState() === "off") { $tabs.addClass('tabs-header-portrait-collapsed'); } else { $tabs.removeClass('tabs-header-portrait-collapsed'); } //Tabs are scrollable if ($tabs[0].scrollHeight > $tabs.height()) { $tabs.addClass('egw-fw-tabs-scrollable'); } } }, /** * Orientation on change method */ orientation: function () { if (!this.isLandscape()) this.toggleMenu('on'); this.arrangeToolbar(this.isLandscape()?'landscape':'portrait'); }, /** * Toggle sidebar menu * @param {string} _state */ toggleMenu: function (_state) { var state = _state || this.getToggleMenuState(); var collapseSize = this.isLandscape()?72:1; var expandSize = this.sideboxSize; var $toggleMenu = $j(this.baseContainer); var $tabs = $j('.egw_fw_ui_tabs_header'); if (state === 'on') { $toggleMenu.addClass('sidebar-toggle'); if (!this.isLandscape()) $tabs.addClass('tabs-header-portrait-collapsed'); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(collapseSize); this.setToggleMenuState('off'); } else { $toggleMenu.removeClass('sidebar-toggle'); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(expandSize); this.setToggleMenuState('on'); if (!this.isLandscape()) $tabs.removeClass('tabs-header-portrait-collapsed'); } //Audio effect for toggleMenu var audio = $j('#egw_fw_menuAudioTag'); if (egw.preference('audio_effect','common') == '1') audio[0].play(); }, /** * Gets the active app toggleMenu state value * * @returns {string} returns state value off | on */ getToggleMenuState: function () { var $toggleMenu = $j(this.baseContainer); var state = ''; if (typeof this.activeApp.preferences.toggleMenu!='undefined') { state = this.activeApp.preferences.toggleMenu; } else { state = $toggleMenu.hasClass('sidebar-toggle')?'off':'on'; } return state; }, /** * Sets toggle menu state value * @param {string} _state toggle state value, either off|on */ setToggleMenuState: function (_state) { if (_state === 'on' || _state === 'off') { this.activeApp.preferences['toggleMenu'] = _state; egw.set_preference(this.activeApp.appName,'egw_fw_mobile',this.activeApp.preferences); } else { egw().debug("error","The toggle menu value must be either on | off"); } }, /** * set sidebar state * @param {type} _state * @returns {undefined} */ setSidebarState: function(_state) { var $toggleMenu = $j(this.baseContainer); if (_state === 'off') { $toggleMenu.addClass('sidebar-toggle'); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(72); } else { $toggleMenu.removeClass('sidebar-toggle'); this.toggleMenuResizeHandler(this.sideboxSize); } }, /** * Load applications * * @param {object} _apps object list of applications * @returns {undefined} */ loadApplications: function (_apps) { var restore = this._super.apply(this, arguments); var activeApp = ''; /** * Check if the given app is in the navbar or not * * @param {string} appName application name * @returns {Boolean} returns true if it is in the navbar, otherwise false */ var app_navbar_lookup = function (appName) { for(var i=0; i< _apps.length; i++) { // Do not show applications which are not suppose to be shown on nabvar, except home if ((appName == _apps[i].name && !_apps[i]['noNavbar']) || (appName == _apps[i].name && _apps[i]['name'] == 'home')) return true; } return false; }; //Now actually restore the tabs by passing the application, the url, whether //this is an legacyApp (null triggers the application default), whether the //application is hidden (only the active tab is shown) and its position //in the tab list. for (var app in this.applications) { if (typeof restore[app] == 'undefined') { restore[app]= { app:this.applications[app], url:this.applications[app].url }; } if (restore[app].active !='undefined' && restore[app].active) { activeApp = app; } // Do not load the apps which are not in the navbar if (app_navbar_lookup(app)) this.applicationTabNavigate(restore[app].app, restore[app].url, app == activeApp?false:true,-1); } // Check if there is no activeApp active the Home app if exist // otherwise the first app in the list if (activeApp =="" || !activeApp) { this.setActiveApp(typeof this.applications.home !='undefined'? this.applications.home:this.applications[Object.keys(this.applications)[0]]); } //Set the current state of the tabs and activate TabChangeNotification. this.serializedTabState = egw.jsonEncode(this.assembleTabList()); // Transfer tabs to the sidebar var $tabs = $j('.egw_fw_ui_tabs_header'); $tabs.appendTo(this.sidemenuDiv); // Disable loader, if present $j('#egw_fw_loading').hide(); }, /** * Sets the active framework application to the application specified by _app * * @param {egw_fw_class_application} _app application object */ setActiveApp: function(_app) { this._super.apply(this,arguments); this.activeApp.preferences = egw.preference('egw_fw_mobile',this.activeApp.appName)||{}; }, /** * applicationClickCallback is used internally by fw_mobile in order to handle clicks on * sideboxmenu * * @param {egw_fw_ui_tab} _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ applicationClickCallback: function(_sender) { this._super.apply(this,arguments); }, /** * tabClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on * a tab. * * @param {egw_fw_ui_tab} _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ tabClickCallback: function(_sender) { this._super.apply(this,arguments); framework.setSidebarState(this.tag.preferences.toggleMenu); }, toggleMenuResizeHandler:function(_size) { var size= _size || this.sideboxSize; this.sideboxSizeCallback(size); this.activeApp.browser.callResizeHandler(); }, /** * Callback to calculate height of browser iframe or div * * @param {object} _iframe dom node of iframe or null for div * @returns number in pixel */ getIFrameHeight: function(_iframe) { var height = this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (_iframe) { height +=25; // Fix for iFrame Scrollbar for iOS // ATM safari does not support regular scrolling content insdie an iframe, therefore // we need to wrap them all with a div and apply overflow:scroll if (this.getUserAgent() === 'iOS') { $j(_iframe.parentNode).css({"-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch", "overflow-y":"scroll"}); var $body = $j(_iframe.contentWindow.document).find('body'); if ($body.children().length >1) { $body.children().wrapAll('
'); } else if ($body.children().length == 1 && !$body.children().css('overflow') === 'scroll') { $body.children().css({overflow:'auto',height:'100%'}); } } } height += jQuery('#egw_fw_sidebar').offset().top; // fullScreen iOS need to be set with different height as safari adds an extra bottom border if (this.getUserAgent() === 'iOS' && !this.isNotFullScreen()) { height +=5; } else { height +=20; } if (!this.isLandscape()) return height - 30; return height; }, /** * * @param {app object} _app * @param {int} _pos * Checks whether the application already owns a tab and creates one if it doesn't exist */ createApplicationTab: function(_app, _pos) { //Default the pos parameter to -1 if (typeof _pos == 'undefined') _pos = -1; if (_app.tab == null) { //Create the tab _app.tab = this.tabsUi.addTab(_app.icon, this.tabClickCallback, function(){}, _app, _pos); _app.tab.setTitle(_app.displayName); } }, /** * Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url as iframe * * @param {string} _url * @param {number} _width * @param {number} _height * @param {string} _windowName or "_blank" * @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app * @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined * @param {string} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup * @param {DOMWindow} _parentWnd parent window * @returns {DOMWindow|undefined} */ openPopup: function(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _parentWnd) { if (typeof _returnID == 'undefined') _returnID = false; var $wnd = jQuery(_parentWnd.top); var positionLeft = ($wnd.outerWidth()/2)-(_width/2)+_parentWnd.screenX; var positionTop = ($wnd.outerHeight()/2)-(_height/2)+_parentWnd.screenY; var navigate = false; if (typeof _app != 'undefined' && _app !== false) { var appEntry = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); if (appEntry && appEntry.browser == null) { navigate = true; framework.applicationTabNavigate(appEntry, 'about:blank'); } } else { var appEntry = framework.activeApp; } var popup = new popupFrame(_parentWnd); if (typeof window.framework.popups != 'undefined') window.framework.popups.push(popup); popup.open(_url,_width,_height,positionLeft,positionTop); var windowID = popup.$iFrame[0].contentWindow; // inject framework and egw object, because opener might not yet be loaded and therefore has no egw object! windowID.egw = window.egw; windowID.framework = this; if (navigate) { window.setTimeout("framework.applicationTabNavigate(framework.activeApp, framework.activeApp.indexUrl);", 500); } if (_returnID === false) { // return nothing } else { return windowID; } }, /** * Check if given window is a "popup" alike, returning integer or undefined if not * * @param {DOMWindow} _wnd * @returns {number|undefined} */ popup_idx: function(_wnd) { if (typeof window.framework.popups != 'undefined') { for (var i=0; i < window.framework.popups.length; i++) { if (window.framework.popups[i].$iFrame[0].contentWindow === _wnd) { return i; } } } return undefined; }, /** * @param {window} _wnd window object which suppose to be closed */ popup_close:function (_wnd) { var i = this.popup_idx(_wnd); if (i !== undefined) { // Close the matched popup window.framework.popups[i].close(i); } }, resize_popup: function (_w,_h, _wnd) { var i = this.popup_idx(_wnd); if (i !== undefined) { //Here we can call popup resize } }, /** * Check if the framework is not running in fullScreen mode * @returns {boolean|string} returns recommendation message if the app is not running in fullscreen mode otherwise false */ isNotFullScreen: function () { switch (this.getUserAgent()) { case 'iOS': if (navigator.standalone) { $j(this.baseContainer).css({top:20}); return false; } else { return egw.lang('For better experience please install mobile template in your device: tap on safari share button and then select Add to Home Screen'); } break; case 'android': if (screen.height - window.outerHeight < 40 || ((screen.height > 640 || screen.width>640) && screen.height - window.outerHeight < 82)) { return false; } else { return egw.lang('For better experience please install mobile template in your device: tap on chrome setting and then select Add to Home Screen'); } case 'unknown': } }, /** * get the device platform * @returns {string} returns device platform name */ getUserAgent: function () { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // iOS and safari if( userAgent.match( /iPad/i ) || userAgent.match( /iPhone/i ) || userAgent.match( /iPod/i ) ) { return 'iOS'; } // Android if (userAgent.match(/android/i)) { return 'android'; } return 'unknown'; }, /** * Calculate the excess height available on popup frame. The excess height will be use in etemplate2 resize handler * * @param {type} _wnd current window * @returns {Number} excess height */ get_wExcessHeight: function (_wnd) { var $popup = $j(_wnd.document); var $appHeader = $popup.find('#divAppboxHeader'); //Calculate the excess height var excess_height = egw(_wnd).is_popup()? $j(_wnd).height() - $popup.find('#popupMainDiv').height() - $appHeader.outerHeight()+10: false; // Recalculate excess height if the appheader is shown, e.g. mobile framework dialogs if ($appHeader.length > 0 && $appHeader.is(':visible')) excess_height -= $appHeader.outerHeight()-9; return excess_height; }, /** * Function runs after etemplate is fully loaded * - Triggers onpopupload framework popup's event * * @param {type} _wnd local window */ et2_loadingFinished: function (_wnd) { if (typeof this.popups != 'undefined' && this.popups.length > 0) { var i = this.popup_idx(_wnd); if (i !== undefined) { //Trigger onpopupload event for the current popup window.framework.popups[i].$iFrame.trigger('onpopupload'); } } } }); egw_LAB.wait(function() { /** * Initialise mobile framework * @param {int} _size width size which sidebox suppose to be open * @param {boolean} _fixedFrame make either the frame fixed or resizable */ function egw_setSideboxSize(_size,_fixedFrame) { var fixedFrame = _fixedFrame || false; var frameSize = _size; var sidebar = document.getElementById('egw_fw_sidebar'); var mainFrame = document.getElementById('egw_fw_main'); if (fixedFrame) { frameSize = 0; sidebar.style.zIndex = 999; } mainFrame.style.marginLeft = frameSize + 'px'; sidebar.style.width = _size + 'px'; } $j(document).ready(function() { window.framework = new fw_mobile("egw_fw_sidemenu", "egw_fw_tabs", window.egw_webserverUrl, egw_setSideboxSize, 300, 'egw_fw_basecontainer', 'egw_fw_menu'); window.callManual = window.framework.callManual; jQuery('#egw_fw_print').click(function(){window.framework.print();}); jQuery('#topmenu_logout').click(function(){ window.framework.redirect(this.getAttribute('href')); return false;}); jQuery('form[name^="tz_selection"]').children().on('change', function(){framework.tzSelection(this.value); return false;}); window.egw.link_quick_add('quick_add'); // allowing javascript urls in topmenu and sidebox only under CSP by binding click handlers to them var href_regexp = /^javascript:([^\(]+)\((.*)?\);?$/; jQuery('#egw_fw_topmenu_items,#egw_fw_topmenu_info_items,#egw_fw_sidemenu,#egw_fw_footer').on('click','a[href^="javascript:"]',function(ev){ ev.stopPropagation(); // do NOT execute regular event, as it will violate CSP, when handler does NOT return false var matches = this.href.match(href_regexp); var args = []; if (matches.length > 1 && matches[2] !== undefined) { try { args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2]+']'); } catch(e) { // deal with '-encloded strings (JSON allows only ") args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2].replace(/','/g, '","').replace(/((^|,)'|'(,|$))/g, '$2"$3')+']'); } } args.unshift(matches[1]); et2_call.apply(this, args); return false; // IE11 seems to require this, ev.stopPropagation() does NOT stop link from being executed }); }); }); })(window);