* @copyright (c) 2007-9 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * Class to represent the persitent information of an eTemplate request * * This class stores the request-data direct in a hidden var in the form. * As this would allow an evil user to manipulate it and therefore compromise the security * of an EGroupware instance, this class should only be used, if mcrypt is available * to encrypt that data. The factory method etemplate_request::read() ensures that, * by using etemplate_request_session instead. * * The key used to encrypt the request can be set in header.inc.php by setting * * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['etemplate_form_key'] = 'something secret'; * * if this var is not set, the db_pass and EGW_SERVER_ROOT is used instead. * * The request object should be instancated only via the factory method etemplate::request($id=null) * * $request = etemplate::request(); * * // add request data * * $id = $request->id(); * * b) open or modify an existing request: * * if (!($request = etemplate::request($id))) * { * // request not found * } * * Ajax requests can use this object to open the original request by using the id, they have to transmitt back, * and register further variables, modify the registered ones or delete them AND then update the id, if it changed: * * if (($new_id = $request->id()) != $id) * { * $response->addAssign('etemplate_exec_id','value',$new_id); * } * * For an example look in link_widget::ajax_search() */ class etemplate_request { /** * here is the request data stored * * @var array */ protected $data=array(); /** * Flag if data has been modified and therefor need to be stored again in the session * * @var boolean */ protected $data_modified=false; /** * mcrypt resource * * @var resource */ static protected $mcrypt; /** * See gzcompress, set it to 0 to not compress * * @var int */ static public $compression_level = 6; /** * Name of request class used * * Can be set here to force a certain class, otherwise the factory method chooses one * * @var string */ static public $request_class; // = 'etemplate_request_session'; /** * Factory method to get a new request object or the one for an existing request * * If mcrypt AND gzcompress is available this factory method chooses etemplate_request, * which stores the request data encrypted in a hidden var directly in the form, * over etemplate_request_session, which stores the data in the session (and causing * the sesison to constantly grow). * * @param string $id=null * @return etemplate_request */ public static function read($id=null) { if (is_null(self::$request_class)) { self::$request_class = check_load_extension('mcrypt') && function_exists('gzcompress') && self::init_crypt() ? __CLASS__ : 'etemplate_request_session'; } if (self::$request_class != __CLASS__) { return call_user_func(array(self::$request_class,'read'),$id); } $request = new etemplate_request(); if (!is_null($id)) { $id = base64_decode($id); // decrypt the data if available if (self::init_crypt()) { $id = mdecrypt_generic(self::$mcrypt,$id); } // uncompress the data if available if (self::$compression_level && function_exists('gzcompress')) { //$len_compressed = bytes($id); //$time = microtime(true); $id = gzuncompress($id); //$time = number_format(1000.0 * (microtime(true) - $time),1); //$len_uncompressed = bytes($id); //error_log(__METHOD__."() uncompressed from $len_compressed to $len_uncompressed bytes $time ms"); } $request->data = unserialize($id); if (!$request->data) { error_log(__METHOD__."() id not valid!"); return false; } //error_log(__METHOD__."() size of request = ".bytes($id)); } return $request; } /** * Private constructor to force the instancation of this class only via it's static factory method read * * @param string $id=null */ private function __construct($id=null) { } /** * return the id of this request * * @return string */ public function &id() { $id = serialize($this->data); // compress the data if available if (self::$compression_level && function_exists('gzcompress')) { //$len_uncompressed = bytes($id); //$time = microtime(true); $id = gzcompress($id,self::$compression_level); //$time = number_format(1000.0 * (microtime(true) - $time),1); //$len_compressed = bytes($id); //error_log(__METHOD__."() compressed from $len_uncompressed to $len_compressed bytes in $time ms"); } // encrypt the data if available if (self::init_crypt()) { $id = mcrypt_generic(self::$mcrypt,$id); } $id = base64_encode($id); //error_log(__METHOD__."() #$this->id: size of request = ".bytes($id));//.", id='$id'"); //self::debug(); return $id; } /** * Register a form-variable to be processed * * @param string $form_name form-name * @param string $type etemplate type * @param array $data=array() optional extra data */ public function set_to_process($form_name,$type,$data=array()) { if (!$form_name || !$type) return; //echo '


\n"; $data['type'] = $type; // unquote single and double quotes, as this is how they get returned in $_POST $form_name = str_replace(array('\\\'','"'),array('\'','"'),$form_name); $this->data['to_process'][$form_name] = $data; $this->data_modified = true; } /** * Set an attribute of a to-process record * * @param string $form_name form-name * @param string $attribute etemplate type * @param array $value * @param boolean $add_to_array=false should $value be added to the attribute array */ public function set_to_process_attribute($form_name,$attribute,$value,$add_to_array=false) { //echo '


\n"; if (!$form_name) return; // unquote single and double quotes, as this is how they get returned in $_POST $form_name = str_replace(array('\\\'','"'),array('\'','"'),$form_name); if ($add_to_array) { $this->data['to_process'][$form_name][$attribute][] = $value; } else { $this->data['to_process'][$form_name][$attribute] = $value; } $this->data_modified = true; } /** * Unregister a form-variable to be no longer processed * * @param string $form_name form-name */ public function unset_to_process($form_name) { //echo '

'.__METHOD__."($form_name) isset_to_process($form_name)=".$this->isset_to_process($form_name)."

\n"; unset($this->data['to_process'][$form_name]); $this->data_modified = true; } /** * return the data of a form-var to process or the whole array * * @param string $form_name=null * @return array */ public function get_to_process($form_name=null) { //echo '


\n"; return $form_name ? $this->data['to_process'][$form_name] : $this->data['to_process']; } /** * check if something set for a given $form_name * * @param string $form_name * @return boolean */ public function isset_to_process($form_name) { //echo '

'.__METHOD__."($form_name) = ".array2string(isset($this->data['to_process'][$form_name]))."

\n"; return isset($this->data['to_process'][$form_name]); } /** * magic function to set all request-vars, used eg. as $request->method = 'app.class.method'; * * @param string $var * @param mixed $val */ public function __set($var,$val) { if ($this->data[$var] !== $val) { $this->data[$var] = $val; $this->data_modified = true; } } /** * magic function to access the request-vars, used eg. as $method = $request->method; * * @param string $var * @return mixed */ public function &__get($var) { return $this->data[$var]; } /** * magic function to see if a request-var has been set * * @param string $var * @return boolean */ public function __isset($var) { return array_key_exists($var, $this->data); } /** * Get the names / keys of existing variables * * @return array */ public function names() { return array_keys($this->data); } /** * Output the size-wise important parts of a request * * @param double $min_share minimum share to be reported (in percent of the whole request) * @param double $dump_share minimum share from which on a variable get output */ public function debug($min_share=1.0,$dump_share=25.0) { echo "

total size request data = ".($total=strlen(serialize($this->data)))."

\n"; echo "

shares bigger then $min_share% percent of it:

\n"; foreach($this->data as $key => $val) { $len = strlen(is_array($val) ? serialize($val) : $val); $len .= ' ('.sprintf('%2.1lf',($percent = 100.0 * $len / $total)).'%)'; if ($percent < $min_share) continue; echo "

$key: strlen(\$val)=$len

\n"; if ($percent >= $dump_share) _debug_array($val); if (is_array($val) && $len > 2000) { foreach($val as $k => $v) { $l = strlen(is_array($v) ? serialize($v) : $v); $l .= ' ('.sprintf('%2.1lf',($p = 100.0 * $l / $total)).'%)'; if ($p < $min_share) continue; echo "

 - {$key}[$k]: strlen(\$v)=$l

\n"; } } } } /** * Check if session encryption is configured, possible and initialise it * * @param string $algo='tripledes' * @param string $mode='ecb' * @return boolean true if encryption is used, false otherwise */ static public function init_crypt($algo='tripledes',$mode='ecb') { if (is_null(self::$mcrypt)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['etemplate_form_key'])) { $key = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['etemplate_form_key']; } else { $key = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_pass'].EGW_SERVER_ROOT; } if (!check_load_extension('mcrypt')) { error_log(__METHOD__."() required PHP extension mcrypt not loaded and can not be loaded, eTemplate requests get NOT encrypted!"); return false; } if (!(self::$mcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($algo, '', $mode, ''))) { error_log(__METHOD__."() could not mcrypt_module_open(algo='$algo','',mode='$mode',''), eTemplate requests get NOT encrypted!"); return false; } $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(self::$mcrypt); $iv = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv']) || strlen($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv']) < $iv_size ? mcrypt_create_iv ($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND) : substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv'],0,$iv_size); $key_size = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(self::$mcrypt); if (strlen($key) > $key_size) $key = substr($key,0,$key_size-1); if (mcrypt_generic_init(self::$mcrypt,$key, $iv) < 0) { error_log(__METHOD__."() could not initialise mcrypt, sessions get NOT encrypted!"); return self::$mcrypt = false; } } return is_resource(self::$mcrypt); } /** * Destructor */ function __destruct() { if (self::$mcrypt) { mcrypt_generic_deinit(self::$mcrypt); self::$mcrypt = null; } } }