* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @copyright 2008-10 by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de * @package etemplate * @subpackage extensions * @version $Id$ */ /** * eTemplate extension to display stuff from the VFS system * * Contains the following widgets: * - vfs aka File name+link: clickable filename, with evtl. clickable path-components * - vfs-name aka Filename: filename automatically urlencoded on return (urldecoded on display to user) * - vfs-size aka File size: human readable filesize, eg. 1.4k * - vfs-mode aka File mode: posix mode as string eg. drwxr-x--- * - vfs-mime aka File icon: mime type icon or thumbnail (if configured AND enabled in the user-prefs) * - vfs-uid aka File owner: Owner of file, or 'root' if none * - vfs-gid aka File group: Group of file, or 'root' if none * - vfs-upload aka VFS file: displays either download and delete (x) links or a file upload * + value is either a vfs path or colon separated $app:$id:$relative_path, eg: infolog:123:special/offer * + if empty($id) / new entry, file is created in a hidden temporary directory in users home directory * and calling app is responsible to move content of that dir to entry directory, after entry is saved * + option: required mimetype or regular expression for mimetype to match, eg. '/^text\//i' for all text files * + if path ends in a slash, multiple files can be uploaded, their original filename is kept then * * All widgets accept as value a full path. * vfs-mime and vfs itself also allow an array with values like stat (incl. 'path'!) as value. * vfs-mime also allows just the mime type as value. * All other widgets allow additionally the nummeric value from the stat call (to not call it again). */ class vfs_widget { /** * exported methods of this class * * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'pre_process' => True, 'post_process' => true, // post_process is only used for vfs-upload (all other widgets set $cell['readlonly']!) ); /** * availible extensions and there names for the editor * * @var array */ var $human_name = array( 'vfs' => 'File name+link', // clickable filename, with evtl. clickable path-components 'vfs-name' => 'File name', // filename automatically urlencoded 'vfs-size' => 'File size', // human readable filesize 'vfs-mode' => 'File mode', // posix mode as string eg. drwxr-x--- 'vfs-mime' => 'File icon', // mime type icon or thumbnail 'vfs-uid' => 'File owner', // Owner of file, or 'root' if none 'vfs-gid' => 'File group', // Group of file, or 'root' if none 'vfs-upload' => 'VFS file', // displays either download and delete (x) links or a file upload ); /** * pre-processing of the extension * * This function is called before the extension gets rendered * * @param string $form_name form-name of the control * @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified * @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets * @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly * @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process * @param object &$tmpl reference to the template we belong too * @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise */ function pre_process($form_name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl) { //echo "


\n"; $type = $cell['type']; if (!in_array($type,array('vfs-name','vfs-upload'))) $cell['readonly'] = true; // to not call post-process // check if we have a path and not the raw value, in that case we have to do a stat first if (in_array($type,array('vfs-size','vfs-mode','vfs-uid','vfs-gid')) && !is_numeric($value) || $type == 'vfs' && !$value) { if (!$value || !($stat = egw_vfs::stat($value))) { if ($value) $value = lang("File '%1' not found!",egw_vfs::decodePath($value)); $cell = etemplate::empty_cell(); return true; // allow extra value; } } $cell['type'] = 'label'; switch($type) { case 'vfs-upload': // option: required mimetype or regular expression for mimetype to match, eg. '/^text\//i' for all text files if (empty($value) && preg_match('/^exec.*\[([^]]+)\]$/',$form_name,$matches)) // if no value via content array, use widget name { $value = $matches[1]; } $extension_data = array('value' => $value, 'mimetype' => $cell['size'], 'type' => $type); if ($value[0] != '/') { list($app,$id,$relpath) = explode(':',$value,3); if (empty($id)) { static $tmppath = array(); // static var, so all vfs-uploads get created in the same temporary dir if (!isset($tmppath[$app])) $tmppath[$app] = '/home/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'].'/.'.$app.'_'.md5(time().session_id()); $value = $tmppath[$app]; unset($cell['onchange']); // no onchange, if we have to use a temporary dir } else { $value = egw_link::vfs_path($app,$id,'',true); } if (!empty($relpath)) $value .= '/'.$relpath; } $path = $extension_data['path'] = $value; if (substr($path,-1) != '/' && self::file_exists($path) && !egw_vfs::is_dir($path)) // display download link and delete icon { $extension_data['path'] = $path; $cell = $this->file_widget($value,$path,$cell['name'],$cell['label']); } else // file does NOT exists --> display file upload { $cell['type'] = 'file'; // if no explicit help message set and we only allow certain file types --> show them if (empty($cell['help']) && $cell['size']) { if (($type = mime_magic::mime2ext($cell['size']))) { $type = '*.'.strtoupper($type); } else { $type = $cell['size']; } $cell['help'] = lang('Allowed file type: %1',$type); } } // check if directory (trailing slash) is given --> upload of multiple files if (substr($path,-1) == '/' && egw_vfs::file_exists($path) && ($files = egw_vfs::scandir($path))) { //echo $path; _debug_array($files); $upload = $cell; $cell = etemplate::empty_cell('vbox','',array('size' => ',,0,0')); $extension_data['files'] = $files; $value = array(); foreach($files as $file) { $file = $path.$file; $basename = basename($file); unset($widget); $widget = $this->file_widget($value[$basename],$file,$upload['name']."[$basename]"); etemplate::add_child($cell,$widget); } etemplate::add_child($cell,$upload); } break; case 'vfs-size': // option: add size in bytes in brackets $value = egw_vfs::hsize($size = is_numeric($value) ? $value : $stat['size']); if ($cell['size']) $value .= ' ('.$size.')'; $cell['type'] = 'label'; break; case 'vfs-mode': $value = egw_vfs::int2mode(is_numeric($value) ? $value : $stat['mode']); list($span,$class) = explode(',',$cell['span'],2); $class .= ($class ? ' ' : '') . 'vfsMode'; $cell['span'] = $span.','.$class; $cell['no_lang'] = true; break; case 'vfs-uid': case 'vfs-gid': $uid = !is_numeric($value) ? $stat[$type=='vfs-uid'?'uid':'gid'] : $value; $value = !$uid ? 'root' : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($type=='vfs-uid'?$uid:-$uid); // our internal gid's are negative! break; case 'vfs': if (is_array($value)) { $name = $value['name']; $path = substr($value['path'],0,-strlen($name)-1); $mime = $value['mime']; } else { $name = $value; $path = ''; $mime = egw_vfs::mime_content_type($value); $value = array(); } if (($cell_name = $cell['name']) == '$row') { $cell_name = array_pop($arr=explode('][',substr($form_name,0,-1))); } $cell['name'] = ''; $cell['type'] = 'hbox'; $cell['size'] = '0,,0,0'; foreach($name != '/' ? explode('/',$name) : array('') as $n => $component) { if ($n > (int)($path === '/')) { $sep = soetemplate::empty_cell('label','',array('label' => '/')); soetemplate::add_child($cell,$sep); unset($sep); } $value['c'.$n] = $component !== '' ? egw_vfs::decodePath($component) : '/'; $path .= ($path != '/' ? '/' : '').$component; // replace id's in /apps again with human readable titles $path_parts = explode('/',$path); if ($path_parts[1] == 'apps') { switch(count($path_parts)) { case 2: $value['c'.$n] = lang('Applications'); break; case 3: $value['c'.$n] = lang($path_parts[2]); break; case 4: if (is_numeric($value['c'.$n])) $value['c'.$n] .= egw_link::title($path_parts[2],$path_parts[3]); break; } } if (egw_vfs::is_readable($path)) // show link only if we have access to the file or dir { if ($n < count($comps)-1 || $mime == egw_vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE || egw_vfs::is_dir($path)) { $value['l'.$n] = '/index.php?menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_ui.index&path='.urlencode($path); $target = ''; } else { $value['l'.$n] = egw_vfs::download_url($path); $target = ',,,_blank'; } } if ($cell['onclick']) { $comp = etemplate::empty_cell('button',$cell_name.'[c'.$n.']',array( 'size' => '1', 'no_lang' => true, 'span' => ',vfsFilename', 'label' => $value['c'.$n], 'onclick' => str_replace('$path',"'".addslashes($path)."'",$cell['onclick']), )); } else { $comp = etemplate::empty_cell('label',$cell_name.'[c'.$n.']',array( 'size' => ',@'.$cell_name.'[l'.$n.']'.$target, 'no_lang' => true, 'span' => ',vfsFilename', )); } etemplate::add_child($cell,$comp); unset($comp); } unset($cell['onclick']); // otherwise it's handled by the grid too //_debug_array($comps); _debug_array($cell); _debug_array($value); break; case 'vfs-name': // size: [length][,maxLength[,allowPath]] $cell['type'] = 'text'; list($length,$maxLength,$allowPath) = $options = explode(',',$cell['size']); $preg = $allowPath ? '' : '/[^\\/]/'; // no slash '/' allowed, if not allowPath set $cell['size'] = "$length,$maxLength,$preg"; $value = egw_vfs::decodePath($value); $extension_data = array('type' => $type,'allowPath' => $allowPath); break; case 'vfs-mime': // size: [thsize] (thumbnail size) //Read the thumbnail size list($thsize) = explode(',', $cell['size']); if (!is_numeric($thsize)) { $thsize = NULL; } if (!$value) { $cell = etemplate::empty_cell(); return true; } if (!is_array($value)) { if ($value[0] == '/' || count(explode('/',$value)) != 2) { $mime = egw_vfs::mime_content_type($path=$value); } else { $mime = $value; } } else { $path = $value['path']; $mime = $value['mime']; } //error_log(__METHOD__."() type=vfs-mime: value=".array2string($value).": mime=$mime, path=$path"); $cell['type'] = 'image'; $cell['label'] = mime_magic::mime2label($mime); list($mime_main,$mime_sub) = explode('/',$mime); if ($mime_main == 'egw' || isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$mime_main])) { $value = $mime_main == 'egw' ? $mime_sub.'/navbar' : $mime; // egw-applications for link-widget $cell['label'] = lang($mime_main == 'egw' ? $mime_sub : $mime_main); list($span,$class) = explode(',',$cell['span'],2); $class .= ($class ? ' ' : '') . 'vfsMimeIcon'; $cell['span'] = $span.','.$class; } elseif($path && $mime_main == 'image' && in_array($mime_sub,array('png','jpeg','jpg','gif','bmp')) && (string)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['link_list_thumbnail'] != '0' && (string)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['link_list_thumbnail'] != '0' && // check the size of the image, as too big images get no icon, but a PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted (!is_array($value) && ($stat = egw_vfs::stat($path)) ? $stat['size'] : $value['size']) < 600000) { if (substr($path,0,6) == '/apps/') { $path = parse_url(egw_vfs::resolve_url_symlinks($path),PHP_URL_PATH); } //Assemble the thumbnail parameters $thparams = array('path' => $path); if ($thsize) { $thparams['thsize'] = $thsize; } $value = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/etemplate/thumbnail.php', $thparams); } else { $value = egw_vfs::mime_icon($mime); } // mark symlinks (check if method exists, to allow etemplate to run on 1.6 API!) if (method_exists('egw_vfs','is_link') && egw_vfs::is_link($path)) { $broken = !egw_vfs::stat($path); list($span,$class) = explode(',',$cell['span'],2); $class .= ($class ? ' ' : '') . ($broken ? 'vfsIsBrokenLink' : 'vfsIsLink'); $cell['span'] = $span.','.$class; $cell['label'] = ($broken ? lang('Broken link') : lang('Link')).': '.egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::readlink($path)). (!$broken ? ' ('.$cell['label'].')' : ''); } break; default: $value = 'Not yet implemented'; } return true; } /** * Create widget with download and delete (only if dir is writable) link * * @param mixed &$value * @param string $path vfs path of download * @param string $name name of widget * @param string $label=null label, if not set basename($path) is used * @return array */ static function file_widget(&$value,$path,$name,$label=null) { $value = empty($label) ? egw_vfs::decodePath(egw_vfs::basename($path)) : lang($label); // display (translated) Label or filename (if label empty) $vfs_link = etemplate::empty_cell('label',$name,array( 'size' => ','.egw_vfs::download_url($path).',,,_blank,,'.$path, )); // if dir is writable, add delete link if (egw_vfs::is_writable(egw_vfs::dirname($path))) { $cell = etemplate::empty_cell('hbox','',array('size' => ',,0,0')); etemplate::add_child($cell,$vfs_link); $delete_icon = etemplate::empty_cell('button',$path,array( 'label' => 'delete', 'size' => 'delete', // icon 'onclick' => "return confirm('Delete this file');", 'span' => ',leftPad5', )); etemplate::add_child($cell,$delete_icon); } else { $cell = $vfs_link; } return $cell; } /** * Check if vfs file exists *without* using the extension * * If you rename a file, you have to clear the cache ($clear_after=true)! * * @param string &$path on call path without extension, if existing on return full path incl. extension * @param boolean $clear_after=null clear file-cache after (true) or before (false), default dont clear * @return */ static function file_exists(&$path,$clear_after=null) { static $files = array(); // static var, to scan each directory only once $dir = egw_vfs::dirname($path); if ($clear_after === false) unset($files[$dir]); if (!isset($files[$dir])) $files[$dir] = egw_vfs::file_exists($dir) ? egw_vfs::scandir($dir) : array(); $basename = egw_vfs::basename($path); $basename_len = strlen($basename); $found = false; foreach($files[$dir] as $file) { if (substr($file,0,$basename_len) == $basename) { $path = $dir.'/'.$file; $found = true; } } if ($clear_after === true) unset($files[$dir]); //echo "

".__METHOD__."($path) returning ".array2string($found)."

\n"; return $found; } /** * postprocessing method, called after the submission of the form * * It has to copy the allowed/valid data from $value_in to $value, otherwise the widget * will return no data (if it has a preprocessing method). The framework insures that * the post-processing of all contained widget has been done before. * * Only used by vfs-upload so far * * @param string $name form-name of the widget * @param mixed &$value the extension returns here it's input, if there's any * @param mixed &$extension_data persistent storage between calls or pre- and post-process * @param boolean &$loop can be set to true to request a re-submision of the form/dialog * @param object &$tmpl the eTemplate the widget belongs too * @param mixed &value_in the posted values (already striped of magic-quotes) * @return boolean true if $value has valid content, on false no content will be returned! */ function post_process($name,&$value,&$extension_data,&$loop,&$tmpl,$value_in) { //error_log(__METHOD__."('$name',".array2string($value).','.array2string($extension_data).",$loop,,".array2string($value_in).')'); //echo '


\n"; if (!$extension_data) return false; switch($extension_data['type']) { case 'vfs-name': $value = $extension_data['allowPath'] ? egw_vfs::encodePath($value_in) : egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($value_in); return true; case 'vfs-upload': break; // handeled below default: return false; } // from here on vfs-upload only! // check if delete icon clicked if ($_POST['submit_button'] == ($fname = str_replace($extension_data['value'],$extension_data['path'],$name)) || substr($extension_data['path'],-1) == '/' && substr($_POST['submit_button'],0,strlen($fname)-1) == substr($fname,0,-1)) { if (substr($extension_data['path'],-1) == '/') // multiple files? { foreach($extension_data['files'] as $file) // check of each single file, to not allow deleting of arbitrary files { if ($_POST['submit_button'] == substr($fname,0,-1).$file.']') { if (!egw_vfs::unlink($extension_data['path'].$file)) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('Error deleting %1!',egw_vfs::decodePath($extension_data['path'].$file))); } break; } } } elseif (!egw_vfs::unlink($extension_data['path'])) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('Error deleting %1!',egw_vfs::decodePath($extension_data['path']))); } $loop = true; return false; } // handle file upload $name = preg_replace('/^exec\[([^]]+)\](.*)$/','\\1\\2',$name); // remove exec prefix if (!is_array($_FILES['exec']) || !($filename = etemplate::get_array($_FILES['exec']['name'],$name))) { return false; // no file attached } $tmp_name = etemplate::get_array($_FILES['exec']['tmp_name'],$name); $error = etemplate::get_array($_FILES['exec']['error'],$name); if ($error) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('Error uploading file!')."\n". etemplate::max_upload_size_message()); $loop = true; return false; } if (empty($tmp_name) || function_exists('is_uploaded_file') && !is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) || !file_exists($tmp_name)) { return false; } // check if type matches required mime-type, if specified if (!empty($extension_data['mimetype'])) { $type = etemplate::get_array($_FILES['exec']['type'],$name); $is_preg = $extension_data['mimetype'][0] == '/'; if (!$is_preg && strcasecmp($extension_data['mimetype'],$type) || $is_preg && !preg_match($extension_data['mimetype'],$type)) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('File is of wrong type (%1 != %2)!',$type,$extension_data['mimetype'])); return false; } } $path = $extension_data['path']; if (substr($path,-1) != '/') { // add extension to path $parts = explode('.',$filename); if (($extension = array_pop($parts)) && mime_magic::ext2mime($extension)) // really an extension --> add it to path { $path .= '.'.$extension; } } else // multiple upload with dir given (trailing slash) { $path .= egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($filename); } if (!egw_vfs::file_exists($dir = egw_vfs::dirname($path)) && !egw_vfs::mkdir($dir,null,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE)) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('Error create parent directory %1!',egw_vfs::decodePath($dir))); return false; } if (!copy($tmp_name,egw_vfs::PREFIX.$path)) { etemplate::set_validation_error($name,lang('Error copying uploaded file to vfs!')); return false; } $value = $path; // return path of file, important if only a temporary location is used return true; } }