gd = $this->check_gd(); if ($this->gd == 0) { echo 'Your PHP installation does not seem to have the required GD library. Please see the PHP documentation on how to install and enable the GD library.'; exit; } $this->cur_x = 0; $this->cur_y = 0; $this->width = 0; $this->height = 0; $this->hImage = 0; $this->colormap = array(); $this->hColor = 0; $this->font = 0; $this->type = 'png'; $this->temp_file = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . 'phpgwapi' . SEP . 'images' . SEP . 'draw_tmp.png'; } function check_gd() { ob_start(); phpinfo(8); // Just get the modules loaded $a = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if(preg_match('/.*GD Version.*(1[0-9|\.]+).*/',$a,$m)) { $r=1; //$v=$m[1]; } elseif(preg_match('/.*GD Version.*(2[0-9|\.]+).*/',$a,$m)) { $r=2; //$v=$m[1]; } else { $r=0; //$v=$m[1]; } return $r; } function Init() { $this->hImage = ImageCreate($this->width, $this->height) or die; return True; } function Done() { ImageDestroy($this->hImage); } function MoveTo($x, $y) { if ($x >= 0 && $x <= $this->width && $y >= 0 && $y <= $this->height) { $this->cur_x = $x; $this->cur_y = $y; return true; } return false; } function LineTo($x, $y, $linestyle = 'solid') { if ($x >= 0 && $x <= $this->width && $y >= 0 && $y <= $this->height) { if ($linestyle == 'dashed') ImageDashedLine($this->hImage, $this->cur_x, $this->cur_y, $x, $y, $this->hColor); else ImageLine($this->hImage, $this->cur_x, $this->cur_y, $x, $y, $this->hColor); $this->cur_x = $x; $this->cur_y = $y; return true; } return false; } function Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $linestyle = 'solid') { if ($x1 >= 0 && $x1 <= $this->width && $y1 >= 0 && $y1 <= $this->height && $x2 >= 0 && $x2 <= $this->width && $y2 >= 0 && $y2 <= $this->height) { if ($linestyle == 'solid') ImageLine($this->hImage, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->hColor); else ImageDashedLine($this->hImage, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->hColor); $this->cur_x = $x2; $this->cur_y = $y2; return true; } return false; } function SetColor($r, $g, $b, $set_transparent=False) { $key = "$r,$g,$b"; if (!IsSet($this->colormap[$key])) { $this->hColor = ImageColorAllocate($this->hImage, $r, $g, $b); $this->colormap[$key] = $this->hColor; } else { $this->hColor = $this->colormap[$key]; } if ($set_transparent) { ImageColorTransparent($this->hImage,$this->hColor); } return true; } function SetColorByName($name) { $r = 0; $g = 0; $b = 0; switch ($name) { case 'red': $r = 180; break; case 'green': $g = 180; break; case 'blue': $b = 180; break; case 'bright red': $r = 255; break; case 'bright green': $g = 255; break; case 'bright blue': $b = 255; break; case 'dark red': $r = 80; break; case 'dark green': $g = 80; break; case 'dark blue': $b = 80; break; case 'yellow': $r = 255; $g = 215; break; } return $this->SetColor($r, $g, $b); } function SetFont($font) { if ($font < 1 || $font > 5) return false; $this->font = $font; return true; } function GetFontHeight() { return ImageFontHeight($this->font); } function GetFontWidth() { return ImageFontWidth($this->font); } function DrawText($params) { $text = $params['text']; $direction = (isset($params['direction'])?$params['direction']:''); $justification = (isset($params['justification'])?$params['justification']:'center'); $margin_left = (isset($params['margin_left'])?$params['margin_left']:''); $textwidth = ImageFontWidth($this->font) * strlen($text); /*if (isset($margin_left) && $textwidth >= $margin_left) { $text = strlen($text) - 1 . '.'; }*/ if ($justification == 'center') { if ($direction == 'up') { $this->cur_y += $textwidth / 2; if ($this->cur_y > $this->height) $this->cur_y = $this->height; } else { $this->cur_x -= $textwidth / 2; if ($this->cur_x < 0) $this->cur_x = 0; } } else if ($justification == 'right') { if ($direction == 'up') { $this->cur_y += $textwidth; if ($this->cur_y > $this->height) $this->cur_y = $this->height; } else { $this->cur_x -= $textwidth; if ($this->cur_x < 0) $this->cur_x = 0; } } if ($direction == 'up') ImageStringUp($this->hImage, $this->font, $this->cur_x, $this->cur_y, $text, $this->hColor); else ImageString($this->hImage, $this->font, $this->cur_x, $this->cur_y, $text, $this->hColor); return true; } function ToBrowser() { //header('Content-type: image/' . $this->type); switch ($this->type) { case 'png': ImagePNG($this->hImage,$this->temp_file); break; case 'gif': ImageGIF($this->hImage); break; case 'jpeg': ImageJPEG($this->hImage); break; } } } ?>