<?php /***************************************************************************\ * EGroupWare - EMailAdmin SMTP via Plesk * * http://www.egroupware.org * * Written and (c) 2006 by RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * emailadmin plugin for plesk: * * - tested with Plesk7.5 under Linux, but should work with other plesk * * versions and Windows too as it uses plesks cli (command line interface) * * - this plugin ONLY works if you have root access to the webserver !!! * * - configuration instructions are in the class.pleskimap.inc.php * * => as with the "LDAP, Postfix & Cyrus" plugin the plesk one creates mail * * users and manages passwords, aliases, forwards and quota from within * * eGroupWare - no need to additionally visit the plesk interface anymore * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ include_once(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/emailadmin/inc/class.defaultsmtp.inc.php"); include_once(EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/emailadmin/inc/class.pleskimap.inc.php"); class smtpplesk extends defaultsmtp { /** * Capabilities of this class (pipe-separated): default, forward */ const CAPABILITIES = 'default|forward'; /** * @var string/boolean $error string with last error-message or false */ var $error = false; /** * call plesk's mail command line interface * * The actual code is in the pleskimap class, to not double it. * * @param string $action 'info', 'create', 'update' or 'remove' * @param string/int $account account_lid or numerical account_id * @param string $password=null string with password or null to not change * @param array $aliases=null array with aliases or null to not change the aliases * @param string/boolean $forward=null email address to forward, false to not forward or null to not change * @param boolean $keepLocalCopy=null if forwarding keep a local copy or not, null = dont change * @param int $quota_kb=null mailbox quota in kb * @return boolean/array array with returned values or false otherwise, error-message in $this->error */ function plesk_mail($action,$account,$password=null,$aliases=null,$forward=null,$keepLocalCopy=null,$quota_kb=null) { static $plesk; if (!is_object($plesk)) { $plesk = new pleskimap(null); $this->error =& $plesk->error; } return $plesk->plesk_mail($action,$account,$password,$aliases,$forward,$keepLocalCopy,$quota_kb); } function addAccount($hookValues) { // account is added via pleskimap::addAccount(); } /** * Returns the email address of the current user * * @param string/int $accountName account-id or -lis (name) * @return array of arrays with keys name, address and type={default|alternate} */ function getAccountEmailAddress() { //echo "<p>smtpplesk::getAccountEmailAddress()</p>\n"; return array(array( 'name' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['fullname'], 'address' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['email'], 'type' => 'default' )); } /** * Save SMTP forwarding address * * @param int $accountID user-id * @param string $forwardingAddress email to forward to * @param string $keepLocalCopy 'yes' or something else */ function saveSMTPForwarding($accountID, $forwardingAddress, $keepLocalCopy) { //echo "<p>smtpplesk::saveSMTPForwarding('$accountID','$forwardingAddress','$keepLocalCopy')</p>\n"; return $this->plesk_mail('update',$accountID,null,null,array($forwardingAddress),$keepLocalCopy == 'yes'); } }