%1 email addresses inserted	common	id	%1 alamat email disisipkan
%1 file	common	id	berkas %1
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)!	common	id	'%1' is no php file in the eGW server root (%2)!
(shift-)click or drag to change value	jscalendar	id	(Shift-)Klik atau seret untuk mengubah nilai
00 (disable)	admin	id	00 (disable)
1 day	common	id	1 Hari
1 hour	common	id	1 Jam
1 month	common	id	1 Bulan
1 week	common	id	1 Minggu
13 (ntp)	admin	id	13 (ntp)
80 (http)	admin	id	80 (http)
about	common	id	Tentang
about %1	common	id	Tentang %1
about egroupware	common	id	Tentang eGroupware
about the calendar	jscalendar	id	Tentang Kalender
access	common	id	Akses
access not permitted	common	id	Akses tidak diijinkan
account has been created	common	id	Akoun telah dibuat
account has been deleted	common	id	Akoun telah dihapus
account has been updated	common	id	Akoun telah dikinikan
account is expired	common	id	Akoun kadaluarsa
accounts	common	id	Akoun
acl	common	id	ACL
action	common	id	Tindakan
actions	common	id	Tindakan
active	common	id	Aktif
add	common	id	Tambah
add %1 category for	common	id	Tambah %1 kategori untuk
add a new contact	common	id	Tambah kontak baru
add category	common	id	Tambah kategori
add shortcut	common	id	Tambah Shortcut
add sub	common	id	Tambah sub
addressbook	common	id	Buku Alamat
admin	common	id	Admin
administration	common	id	Administrasi
afghanistan	common	id	AFGHANISTAN
albania	common	id	ALBANIA
algeria	common	id	ALJAZAIR
all	common	id	Semua
all fields	common	id	semua field
all languages	common	id	semua bahasa
alphabet	common	id	a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet:	common	id	Alternate style-sheet:
american samoa	common	id	SAMOA AMERIKA
an error happened	common	id	Terjadi kesalahan
and	common	id	Dan
andorra	common	id	ANDORA
angola	common	id	ANGOLA
anguilla	common	id	ANGUILA
antarctica	common	id	ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda	common	id	ANTIGUA DAN BARBUDA
application	common	id	Aplikasi
apply	common	id	Terapkan
april	common	id	April
argentina	common	id	ARGENTINA
armenia	common	id	ARMENIA
aruba	common	id	ARUBA
august	common	id	Agustus
australia	common	id	AUSTRALIA
austria	common	id	AUSTRIA
author	common	id	Penulis
autosave default category	common	id	Simpan otomatis Kategori Bawaan
azerbaijan	common	id	AZERBAIJAN
back	common	id	Kembali
background color:	common	id	Warna Belakang:
bahamas	common	id	BAHAMA
bahrain	common	id	BAHRAIN
bangladesh	common	id	BANGLADESH
barbados	common	id	BARBADOS
bcc	common	id	BCC
belarus	common	id	BELARUSIA
belgium	common	id	BELGIA
belize	common	id	BELIZE
benin	common	id	BENIN
bermuda	common	id	BERMUDA
bhutan	common	id	BHUTAN
bold	common	id	Bold
bolivia	common	id	BOLIVIA
border	common	id	Border
bosnia and herzegovina	common	id	BOSNIA DAN HERZEGOVINA
botswana	common	id	BOTSWANA
bottom	common	id	Bawah
bouvet island	common	id	KEPULAUAN BOUVET
brazil	common	id	BRASIL
british indian ocean territory	common	id	TERITORI SAMUDERA INDIA INGGRIS
brunei darussalam	common	id	BRUNEI DARUSALAM
bulgaria	common	id	BULGARIA
bulgarian	common	id	Bulgaria
burkina faso	common	id	BURKINA FASO
burundi	common	id	BURUNDI
calendar	common	id	Kalender
cambodia	common	id	KAMBOJA
cameroon	common	id	KAMERUN
canada	common	id	KANADA
cancel	common	id	Batal
cape verde	common	id	CAPE VERDE
caption	common	id	Caption
categories	common	id	Kategori
categories for	common	id	kategori untuk
category	common	id	Kategori
category %1 has been added !	common	id	Kategori %1 telah ditambahkan!
category %1 has been updated !	common	id	Kategori %1 telah dikinikan!
cayman islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN CAYMAN
cc	common	id	CC
centered	common	id	tengah
central african republic	common	id	REPUBLIK AFRIKA TENGAH
chad	common	id	CHAD
change	common	id	Perubahan
charset	common	id	utf-8
check installation	common	id	Cek instalasi
check now	common	id	Cek Sekarang
chile	common	id	CHILI
china	common	id	CHINA
choose the category	common	id	Pilih kategori
christmas island	common	id	KEPULAUAN NATAL
clear	common	id	Bersihkan
clear form	common	id	Kosongkan Form
click	common	id	Klik
close	common	id	Tutup
close sidebox	common	id	Tutup sidebox
cocos (keeling) islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN COCOS (KEELING)
collection empty.	common	id	Koleksi kosong.
collection listing	common	id	Daftar Koleksi
colombia	common	id	KOLOMBIA
common preferences	common	id	Kesukaan Bersama
comoros	common	id	KOMORO
company	common	id	Kompani
congo	common	id	KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the	common	id	REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK KONGO
contacting server...	common	id	Menghubungi Server...
content type	common	id	Content type
cook islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN COOK
copy	common	id	Salin
costa rica	common	id	KOSTA RIKA
cote d ivoire	common	id	PANTAI GADING
create	common	id	Bikin
created by	common	id	Dibikin Oleh
croatia	common	id	KROASIA
cuba	common	id	KUBA
currency	common	id	Matauang
current	common	id	Current
current users	common	id	Pengguna saat ini
cyprus	common	id	SIPRUS
czech republic	common	id	REPUBLIK CESNYA
database error	common	id	Database error
database error!	common	id	Database error!
date	common	id	Tanggal
date due	common	id	Tanggal Berakhir
date selection:	jscalendar	id	Pemilihan tanggal:
december	common	id	Desember
default category	common	id	Kategori Bawaan
delete	common	id	Hapus
delete category	common	id	Hapus kategori
delete row	common	id	Hapus baris
delete this entry	common	id	Hapus entri ini
denmark	common	id	DENMARK
description	common	id	Uraian
detail	common	id	Detil
details	common	id	Detil
directory	common	id	Direktori
disable slider effects	common	id	Disable slider effects
disabled	common	id	Disabled
display %s first	jscalendar	id	Tampilkan %s lebih dulu
djibouti	common	id	DJIBOUTI
doctype:	common	id	DOCTYPE:
document properties	common	id	Properti Dokumen
document title:	common	id	Judul Dokumen:
domain	common	id	Domain
domestic	common	id	Domestik
dominica	common	id	DOMINIKA
dominican republic	common	id	REPUBLIK DOMINIKA
done	common	id	Selesai
download	common	id	Unduh
drag to move	jscalendar	id	Seretlah untuk memindahkan
e-mail	common	id	E-Mail
east timor	common	id	TIMOR LESTE
eastern european	common	id	Eropa Timur
ecuador	common	id	EKUADOR
edit	common	id	Edit
edit %1 category for	common	id	Edit kategori %1 untuk
edit categories	common	id	Edit Kategori
edit category	common	id	Edit kategori
egroupware	common	id	eGroupWare
egroupware api version	common	id	Versi API eGroupWare
egroupware version	common	id	Versi EGroupware
egypt	common	id	MESIR
el salvador	common	id	EL SALVADOR
email	common	id	E-Mail
enabled	common	id	Enabled
end date	common	id	Tanggal berakhir
end time	common	id	Waktu berakhir
entry not found!	common	id	Entri tidak ditemukan!
entry updated sucessfully	common	id	Entri sukses dikinikan
equatorial guinea	common	id	GUINEA KHATULISTIWA
eritrea	common	id	ERITREA
error	common	id	Error
estonia	common	id	ESTONIA
etag	common	id	ETag
ethiopia	common	id	ETHIOPIA
everything	common	id	Segalanya
exact	common	id	eksak
failed to change password.	common	id	Gagal mengubah password.
falkland islands (malvinas)	common	id	KEPULAUAN FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
faroe islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN FAROE
favorites	common	id	Favorit
fax number	common	id	nomor fax
february	common	id	Pebruari
fields	common	id	Field
fiji	common	id	FIJI
files	common	id	Berkas
filter	common	id	Saringan
finland	common	id	FINLANDIA
first name	common	id	Nama depan
first name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	id	nama depan pengguna, mis. "%1"
first page	common	id	Halaman awal
firstname	common	id	Namadepan
fixme!	common	id	FIXME!
folder already exists.	common	id	Folder sudah ada.
force selectbox	common	id	Force SelectBox
forever	common	id	Selamanya
france	common	id	PERANCIS
french guiana	common	id	GUYANA PERANCIS
french polynesia	common	id	POLYNESIA PERANCIS
french southern territories	common	id	TERITORI SELATAN PERANCIS
friday	common	id	Jumat
ftp	common	id	FTP
fullname	common	id	Namalengkap
fullscreen mode	common	id	Mode Layarpenuh
gabon	common	id	GABON
gambia	common	id	GAMBIA
general menu	common	id	Menu Umum
georgia	common	id	GEORGIA
german	common	id	Jerman
germany	common	id	JERMAN
ghana	common	id	GHANA
gibraltar	common	id	GIBRALTAR
global	common	id	Global
global public	common	id	Global Publik
go today	jscalendar	id	Ke Hari ini
grant access	common	id	Berikan Akses
greece	common	id	YUNANI
greek	common	id	Yunani
greenland	common	id	GREENLAND
grenada	common	id	GRENADA
group	common	id	Kelompok
group access	common	id	Akses Kelompok
group has been added	common	id	Kelompok telah dibuat
group has been deleted	common	id	Kelompok telah dihapus
group has been updated	common	id	Kelompok telah dikinikan
group name	common	id	Nama kelompok
group public	common	id	Kelompok Publik
groups	common	id	Kelompok
guadeloupe	common	id	GUADELOUPE
guam	common	id	GUAM
guatemala	common	id	GUATEMALA
guinea	common	id	GUINEA
guinea-bissau	common	id	GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana	common	id	GUYANA
haiti	common	id	HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands	common	id	PULAU HEARD DAN KEPULAUAN MCDONALD
height	common	id	Tinggi (H)
help	common	id	Bantuan
high	common	id	Tinggi
highest	common	id	Tertinggi
holy see (vatican city state)	common	id	HOLY SEE (NEGARA KOTA VATICAN)
home	common	id	Beranda
home email	common	id	email rumah
honduras	common	id	HONDURAS
hong kong	common	id	HONG KONG
hungary	common	id	HONGARIA
iceland	common	id	ISLANDIA
image url	common	id	Image URL
india	common	id	INDIA
indonesia	common	id	INDONESIA
insert column after	common	id	Sisipkan kolom setelah
insert column before	common	id	Sisipkan kolom sebelum
insert row after	common	id	Sisipkan baris setelah
insert row before	common	id	Sisipkan baris sebelum
international	common	id	Internasional
invalid filename	common	id	Nama berkas salah
invalid ip address	common	id	Alamat IP salah
invalid password	common	id	Password salah
iran, islamic republic of	common	id	IRAN
iraq	common	id	IRAK
ireland	common	id	IRLANDIA
israel	common	id	ISRAEL
italic	common	id	Italic
italy	common	id	ITALIA
jamaica	common	id	JAMAIKA
january	common	id	Januari
japan	common	id	JEPANG
japanese	common	id	Jepang
jordan	common	id	YORDANIA
july	common	id	Juli
jun	common	id	Jun
june	common	id	Juni
justify center	common	id	Rata Tengah
justify full	common	id	Rata Penuh
justify left	common	id	Rata Kiri
justify right	common	id	Rata Kanan
kazakstan	common	id	KAZAKSTAN
kenya	common	id	KENYA
keywords	common	id	Katakunci
kiribati	common	id	KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of	common	id	KOREA UTARA
korea, republic of	common	id	KOREA SELATAN
korean	common	id	Korea
kuwait	common	id	KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan	common	id	KYRGYZSTAN
language	common	id	Bahasa
lao peoples democratic republic	common	id	LAOS
last modified	common	id	Pengubahan terakhir
last name	common	id	Nama belakang
last name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	id	nama belakang pengguna, mis. "%1"
last page	common	id	Halaman akhir
lastname	common	id	Namabelakang
latvia	common	id	LATVIA
ldap-mgr	common	id	LDAP-Manager
lebanon	common	id	LEBANON
left	common	id	Kiri
lesotho	common	id	LESOTHO
liberia	common	id	LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya	common	id	LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
license	common	id	Lisensi
liechtenstein	common	id	LIECHTENSTEIN
list	common	id	Daftar
list members	common	id	Daftar anggota
lithuania	common	id	LITHUANIA
load	common	id	Muatkan
local	common	id	Lokal
locations	common	id	lokasi
login	common	id	Masuk
loginid	common	id	LoginID
logout	common	id	Keluar
lost login id	common	id	Lupa LoginID
lost password	common	id	Lupa password
low	common	id	Rendah
lowest	common	id	Terendah
luxembourg	common	id	LUXEMBOURG
macau	common	id	MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of	common	id	MACEDONIA, BEKAS REPUBLIK YUGOSLAVIA
madagascar	common	id	MADAGASKAR
main category	common	id	Kategori Utama
main screen	common	id	Layar Utama
maintainer	common	id	Pemelihara
malawi	common	id	MALAWI
malaysia	common	id	MALAYSIA
maldives	common	id	MALADEWA
mali	common	id	MALI
malta	common	id	MALTA
march	common	id	Maret
marshall islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN MARSHALL
martinique	common	id	MARTINIQUE
mauritania	common	id	MAURITANIA
mauritius	common	id	MAURITIUS
max number of icons in navbar	common	id	Maks. jumlah ikon pada baris navigasi
may	common	id	Mei
mayotte	common	id	MAYOTTE
medium	common	id	Medium
menu	common	id	Menu
message	common	id	Pesan
mexico	common	id	MEKSIKO
micronesia, federated states of	common	id	FEDERASI NEGARA MICRONESIA
minute	common	id	menit
moldova, republic of	common	id	REPUBLIK MOLDOVA
monaco	common	id	MONACO
monday	common	id	Senin
mongolia	common	id	MONGOLIA
montenegro	common	id	MONTENEGRO
montserrat	common	id	MONTSERRAT
morocco	common	id	MAROKO
mozambique	common	id	MOZAMBIQUE
multiple	common	id	jamak
myanmar	common	id	MYANMAR
name	common	id	Nama
name of the user, eg. "%1"	common	id	nama pengguna, mis. "%1"
namibia	common	id	NAMIBIA
nauru	common	id	NAURU
nepal	common	id	NEPAL
netherlands	common	id	BELANDA
netherlands antilles	common	id	ANTILLES BELANDA
never	common	id	Never*
new caledonia	common	id	KALEDONIA BARU
new main category	common	id	Kategori Utama baru
new value	common	id	Nilai Baru
new zealand	common	id	SELANDIA BARU
next	common	id	Lanjut
next month (hold for menu)	jscalendar	id	Bulan mendatang (tekan, menu)
next page	common	id	Halaman selanjutnya
next year (hold for menu)	jscalendar	id	Tahun mendatang (tekan, menu)
nicaragua	common	id	NIKARAGUA
niger	common	id	NIGER
nigeria	common	id	NIGERIA
niue	common	id	NIUE
no	common	id	Tidak
no - cancel	common	id	Tidak - Batal
no entries found, try again ...	common	id	tiada entri ditemukan, coba lagi ...
no subject	common	id	Tanpa Subyek
none	common	id	Tiada
norfolk island	common	id	KEPULAUAN NORFOLK
normal	common	id	Normal
northern mariana islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN MARIANA UTARA
norway	common	id	NORWEGIA
not	common	id	not
not assigned	common	id	not assigned
note	common	id	Catatan
notes	common	id	Catatan
notifications	common	id	notifikasi
notify window	common	id	Jendela Pemberitahuan
november	common	id	November
october	common	id	Oktober
ok	common	id	OK
old value	common	id	Nilai Lama
oman	common	id	OMAN
on mouse over	common	id	On Mouse Over
only private	common	id	hanya privat
only yours	common	id	hanya milik anda
open	common	id	Open
open notify window	common	id	Buka jendela pemberitahuan
open popup window	common	id	Buka jendela popup
open sidebox	common	id	Buka sidebox
or	common	id	or
ordered list	common	id	Daftar Teratur
original	common	id	Asal-Muasal
other	common	id	Lainnya
overview	common	id	Sekilas
owner	common	id	Pemilik
page	common	id	Halaman
pakistan	common	id	PAKISTAN
palau	common	id	PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied	common	id	PALESTINA
panama	common	id	PANAMA
papua new guinea	common	id	PAPUA NUGINI
paraguay	common	id	PARAGUAY
parcel	common	id	Parsel
password	common	id	Password
permission denied!	common	id	Ijin ditolak!
personal	common	id	Pribadi
peru	common	id	PERU
philippines	common	id	FILIPINA
phone number	common	id	nomor telepon
phpgwapi	common	id	eGroupWare API
pitcairn	common	id	PITCAIRN
please enter a name	common	id	Mohon masukan nama
please select	common	id	Pilihlah
please wait...	common	id	Tunggu...
poland	common	id	POLANDIA
popup with search	common	id	Popup dengan pencarian
portugal	common	id	PORTUGAL
postal	common	id	Pos
powered by	common	id	Digerakan oleh
preferences	common	id	Kesukaan
prev. month (hold for menu)	jscalendar	id	Bulan lalu (tekan, menu)
prev. year (hold for menu)	jscalendar	id	Tahun lalu (tekan, menu)
previous page	common	id	Halaman Sebelumnya
primary group	common	id	Kelompok utama
primary style-sheet:	common	id	Primary style-sheet:
print	common	id	Cetak
priority	common	id	Prioritas
private	common	id	Privat
programs	common	id	Program
project	common	id	Proyek
properties	common	id	Properti
public	common	id	publik
puerto rico	common	id	PUERTO RICO
qatar	common	id	QATAR
read	common	id	Baca
reading	common	id	membaca
register	common	id	Daftar
regular	common	id	Reguler
reject	common	id	Tolak
remember me	common	id	Ingat saya
remove selected accounts	common	id	buang akoun terpilih
remove shortcut	common	id	Buang Shortcut
rename	common	id	Ubah
replace	common	id	Ganti
replace with	common	id	Ganti dengan
resources	common	id	Sumberdaya
restore failed	common	id	Restore failed
reunion	common	id	REUNION
right	common	id	Kanan
romania	common	id	RUMANIA
russian	common	id	Rusia
russian federation	common	id	FEDERASI RUSIA
rwanda	common	id	RWANDA
saint helena	common	id	SAINT HELENA
saint kitts and nevis	common	id	SAINT KITTS DAN NEVIS
saint lucia	common	id	SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon	common	id	SAINT PIERRE DAN MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines	common	id	SAINT VINCENT DAN THE GRENADINES
samoa	common	id	SAMOA
san marino	common	id	SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe	common	id	SAO TOME DAN PRINCIPE
saturday	common	id	Sabtu
saudi arabia	common	id	ARAB SAUDI
save	common	id	Simpan
search	common	id	Cari
search %1 '%2'	common	id	Mencari %1 '%2'
search accounts	common	id	Cari akoun
search or select accounts	common	id	cari atau pilih akoun
second	common	id	detik
section	common	id	Seksi
select	common	id	Pilih
select action	common	id	Pilih tindakan
select all	common	id	Pilih semua
select all %1 %2 for %3	common	id	Pilih semua %1 %2 untuk %3
select category	common	id	Pilih Kategori
select date	common	id	Pilih tanggal
select group	common	id	Pilih kelompok
select home email address	common	id	Pilih alamat email rumah
select multiple accounts	common	id	Pilih beberapa akoun
select one	common	id	Pilih satu
select user	common	id	Pilih pengguna
select work email address	common	id	Pilih alamat email kerja
selection	common	id	Pemilihan
send	common	id	Kirim
senegal	common	id	SENEGAL
september	common	id	September
serbia	common	id	SERBIA
server name	common	id	Nama Server
setup	common	id	Setup
setup main menu	common	id	Menu Utama Setup
seychelles	common	id	SEYCHELLES
show all	common	id	tampilkan semua
show all categorys	common	id	Tampilkan semua kategori
show as topmenu	common	id	Tampilkan sebagai Topmenu
show clock?	common	id	Tampilkan Jam?
show in sidebox	common	id	Tampilkan pada sidebox
show menu	common	id	tampilkan menu
show_more_apps	common	id	Tunjukan Lebih banyak Aplikasi
showing %1	common	id	menampilkan %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3	common	id	menampilkan %1 - %2 dari %3
sierra leone	common	id	SIERRA LEONE
singapore	common	id	SINGAPURA
site configuration	common	id	Konfigurasi Situs
size	common	id	Ukuran
slovakia	common	id	SLOVAKIA
slovenia	common	id	SLOVENIA
solomon islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN SOLOMON
somalia	common	id	SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired	login	id	Sorry, your login has expired
south africa	common	id	AFRIKA SELATAN
south georgia and the south sandwich islands	common	id	GEORGIA SELATAN DAN KEPULAUAN SANDWICH SELATAN
spain	common	id	SPANYOL
sri lanka	common	id	SRI LANKA
start date	common	id	Tanggal memulai
start time	common	id	Jam memulai
start with	common	id	Memulai dengan
starting up...	common	id	Memulai...
status	common	id	Status
subject	common	id	Subyek
submit	common	id	Kirimkan
sudan	common	id	SUDAN
sunday	common	id	Minggu
suriname	common	id	SURINAME
svalbard and jan mayen	common	id	SVALBARD DAN JAN MAYEN
swaziland	common	id	SWAZILAND
sweden	common	id	SWEDIA
switzerland	common	id	SWISS
syrian arab republic	common	id	REPUBLIK ARAB SYRIA
table properties	common	id	Properti Tabel
taiwan	common	id	TAIWAN/TAIPEI
tajikistan	common	id	TAJIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of	common	id	REPUBLIK TANZANIA
text color:	common	id	Warna Teks:
thailand	common	id	THAILAND
thursday	common	id	Kamis
tiled	common	id	tiled
time	common	id	Waktu
time selection:	jscalendar	id	Pemilihan waktu:
time zone	common	id	Zonawaktu
time zone offset	common	id	Offset zonawaktu
title	common	id	Judul
to	common	id	Kepada
today	common	id	Hari ini
todays date, eg. "%1"	common	id	tanggal sekarang, mis. "%1"
togo	common	id	TOGO
tokelau	common	id	TOKELAU
tonga	common	id	TONGA
top	common	id	Atas
total	common	id	Total
trinidad and tobago	common	id	TRINIDAD DAN TOBAGO
tuesday	common	id	Selasa
tunisia	common	id	TUNISIA
turkey	common	id	TURKI
turkmenistan	common	id	TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands	common	id	KEPULAUAN TURKS DAN CAICOS
tuvalu	common	id	TUVALU
type	common	id	Tipe
uganda	common	id	UGANDA
ukraine	common	id	UKRANIA
united arab emirates	common	id	UNI EMIRAT ARAB
united kingdom	common	id	KERAJAAN INGGRIS
united states	common	id	AMERIKA SERIKAT
united states minor outlying islands	common	id	AMERIKA SERIKAT TANPA KEPULAUAN LUAR
unknown	common	id	Takdikenal
update	common	id	Perbarui
upload	common	id	Unggah
url	common	id	URL
uruguay	common	id	URUGUAY
user	common	id	Pengguna
user accounts	common	id	Akoun*
user groups	common	id	Kelompok*
username	common	id	Pengguna
users	common	id	pengguna
users choice	common	id	Pilihan pengguna
uzbekistan	common	id	UZBEKISTAN
value	common	id	Nilai
vanuatu	common	id	VANUATU
venezuela	common	id	VENEZUELA
version	common	id	Versi
viet nam	common	id	VIETNAM
view	common	id	View
virgin islands, british	common	id	KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, INGGRIS
virgin islands, u.s.	common	id	KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, AS.
wallis and futuna	common	id	WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday	common	id	Rabu
welcome	common	id	Selamat Datang
western european	common	id	Eropa Barat
western sahara	common	id	SAHARA BARAT
whole query	common	id	seluruh query
width	common	id	Lebar (W)
wk	jscalendar	id	mg
work email	common	id	email kerja
writing	common	id	Menulis
written by:	common	id	Ditulis oleh:
year	common	id	Tahun
yemen	common	id	YAMAN
yes	common	id	Ya
yes - delete	common	id	Ya - Hapus
yes - delete including sub-entries	common	id	Ya - Hapus berikut sub-entrinya
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application.	common	id	Anda mencoba Aplikasi eGroupWare: %1, namun anda tidak memiliki ijin untuk mengakses aplikasi ini.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br>	common	id	Pesan anda <b>tidak</b> dapat dikirimkan!<br>
your message has been sent	common	id	Pesan telah terkirim
zambia	common	id	ZAMBIA
zimbabwe	common	id	ZIMBABWE
zoom	common	id	Zoom
search for '%1'	common	id	Mencari '%1'