* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * FeLaMiMail worker class * -provides backend functionality for all classes in FeLaMiMail * -provides classes that may be used by other apps too */ class felamimail_bo { var $public_functions = array ( 'flagMessages' => True, ); static $debug = false; //true; // sometimes debuging is quite handy, to see things. check with the error log to see results // define some constants // message types var $type = array("text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio", "image", "video", "other"); // message encodings var $encoding = array("7bit", "8bit", "binary", "base64", "quoted-printable", "other"); static $displayCharset; /** * Instance of bopreference * * @var bopreferences */ var $bopreferences; /** * Active preferences * * @var array */ var $mailPreferences; // set to true, if php is compiled with multi byte string support var $mbAvailable = FALSE; // what type of mimeTypes do we want from the body(text/html, text/plain) var $htmlOptions; var $sessionData; // the current selected user profile var $profileID = 0; /** * Folders that get automatic created AND get translated to the users language * their creation is also controlled by users mailpreferences. if set to none / dont use folder * the folder will not be automatically created. This is controlled in bofelamimail->getFolderObjects * so changing names here, must include a change of keywords there as well. Since these * foldernames are subject to translation, keep that in mind too, if you change names here. * ActiveSync: * Outbox is needed by Nokia Clients to be able to send Mails * @var array */ static $autoFolders = array('Drafts', 'Templates', 'Sent', 'Trash', 'Junk', 'Outbox'); /** * Autoload classes from emailadmin, 'til they get autoloading conform names * * @param string $class */ static function autoload($class) { if (file_exists($file=EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/emailadmin/inc/class.'.$class.'.inc.php')) { include_once($file); //error_log(__METHOD__."($class) included $file"); } elseif (file_exists($file=EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/felamimail/inc/class.'.$class.'.inc.php')) { include_once($file); } else { #error_log(__METHOD__."($class) failed!"); } } /** * Hold instances by profileID for getInstance() singleton * * @var array */ private static $instances = array(); /** * Singleton for felamimail_bo * * @param boolean $_restoreSession=true * @param int $_profileID=0 * @param boolean $_validate=true - flag wether the profileid should be validatet or not, if validation is true, you may receive a profile * not matching the input profileID, if we can not find a profile matching the given ID * @return object instance of felamimail_bo */ public static function getInstance($_restoreSession=true, $_profileID=0, $_validate=true) { if ($_profileID != 0 && $_validate) { $profileID = self::validateProfileID($_restoreSession, $_profileID); if ($profileID != $_profileID) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Validation of profile with ID:'.$_profileID.' failed. Using '.$profileID.' instead.'); error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # Instance='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'].', User='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']); $_profileID = $profileID; $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add('felamimail','ActiveProfileID',$_profileID,'user'); // save prefs $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->save_repository(true); egw_cache::setSession('felamimail','activeProfileID',$_profileID); } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' RestoreSession:'.$_restoreSession.' ProfileId:'.$_profileID.' called from:'.function_backtrace()); if (!isset(self::$instances[$_profileID])) { self::$instances[$_profileID] = new felamimail_bo('utf-8',$_restoreSession,$_profileID); } else { // make sure the prefs are up to date for the profile to load self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences = self::$instances[$_profileID]->bopreferences->getPreferences(true,$_profileID); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." ReRead the Prefs for ProfileID ".$_profileID.' called from:'.function_backtrace()); if (self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences) { self::$instances[$_profileID]->icServer = self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer($_profileID); if ($_profileID != 0) self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences->setIncomingServer(self::$instances[$_profileID]->icServer,0); self::$instances[$_profileID]->ogServer = self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($_profileID); if ($_profileID != 0) self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences->setOutgoingServer(self::$instances[$_profileID]->ogServer,0); self::$instances[$_profileID]->htmlOptions = self::$instances[$_profileID]->mailPreferences->preferences['htmlOptions']; } } self::$instances[$_profileID]->profileID = $_profileID; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' RestoreSession:'.$_restoreSession.' ProfileId:'.$_profileID); return self::$instances[$_profileID]; } /** * validate the given profileId to make sure it is valid for the active user * * @param boolean $_restoreSession=true - needed to pass on to getInstance * @param int $_profileID=0 * @return int validated profileID -> either the profileID given, or a valid one */ public static function validateProfileID($_restoreSession=true, $_profileID=0) { $identities = array(); $mail = felamimail_bo::getInstance($_restoreSession, $_profileID, $validate=false); // we need an instance of felamimail_bo $selectedID = $mail->getIdentitiesWithAccounts($identities); $activeIdentity =& $mail->mailPreferences->getIdentity($_profileID, true); // if you use user defined accounts you may want to access the profile defined with the emailadmin available to the user // as we validate the profile in question and may need to return an emailadminprofile, we fetch this one all the time $boemailadmin = new emailadmin_bo(); $defaultProfile = $boemailadmin->getUserProfile() ; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($defaultProfile)); $identitys =& $defaultProfile->identities; $icServers =& $defaultProfile->ic_server; foreach ($identitys as $tmpkey => $identity) { if (empty($icServers[$tmpkey]->host)) continue; $identities[$identity->id] = $identity->realName.' '.$identity->organization.' <'.$identity->emailAddress.'>'; } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($identities)); if (array_key_exists($_profileID,$identities)) { // everything seems to be in order self::$profileID REMAINS UNCHANGED } else { if (array_key_exists($selectedID,$identities)) { $_profileID = $selectedID; } else { foreach (array_keys((array)$identities) as $k => $ident) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Testing Identity with ID:'.$ident.' for being provided by emailadmin.'); if ($ident <0) $_profileID = $ident; } if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Profile Selected (after trying to fetch DefaultProfile):'.array2string($_profileID)); if (!array_key_exists($_profileID,$identities)) { // everything failed, try first profile found $keys = array_keys((array)$identities); if (count($keys)>0) $_profileID = array_shift($keys); else $_profileID = 0; } } } if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'::'.__LINE__.' ProfileSelected:'.$_profileID.' -> '.$identities[$_profileID]); return $_profileID; } /** * Private constructor, use felamimail_bo::getInstance() instead * * @param string $_displayCharset='utf-8' * @param boolean $_restoreSession=true * @param int $_profileID=0 */ private function __construct($_displayCharset='utf-8',$_restoreSession=true, $_profileID=0) { $this->profileID = $_profileID; if ($_restoreSession) { //error_log(__METHOD__." Session restore ".function_backtrace()); $this->restoreSessionData(); $lv_mailbox = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; $firstMessage = $this->sessionData['previewMessage']; } else { $this->restoreSessionData(); $lv_mailbox = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; $firstMessage = $this->sessionData['previewMessage']; $this->sessionData = array(); $this->forcePrefReload(); } //error_log(array2string(array($firstMessage,$lv_mailbox))); // FIXME: this->foldername seems to be unused //$this->foldername = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; $this->accountid = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; $this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences',$_restoreSession); $this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences(true,$this->profileID); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." ProfileID ".$this->profileID.' called from:'.function_backtrace()); if ($this->mailPreferences) { $this->icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer($this->profileID); if ($this->profileID != 0) $this->mailPreferences->setIncomingServer($this->icServer,0); $this->ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($this->profileID); if ($this->profileID != 0) $this->mailPreferences->setOutgoingServer($this->ogServer,0); $this->htmlOptions = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['htmlOptions']; } //_debug_array($this->mailPreferences->preferences); $this->imapBaseDir = ''; self::$displayCharset = $_displayCharset; if(function_exists(mb_decode_mimeheader)) { mb_internal_encoding(self::$displayCharset); } // set some defaults if(empty($this->sessionData)) { // this should be under user preferences // sessionData empty // store active profileID $this->sessionData['profileID'] = $_profileID; // no filter active $this->sessionData['activeFilter'] = "-1"; // default mailbox INBOX $this->sessionData['mailbox'] = (($lv_mailbox && self::folderExists($lv_mailbox,true)) ? $lv_mailbox : "INBOX"); $this->sessionData['previewMessage'] = ($firstMessage >0 ? $firstMessage : 0); // default start message $this->sessionData['startMessage'] = 1; // default mailbox for preferences pages $this->sessionData['preferences']['mailbox'] = "INBOX"; $this->sessionData['messageFilter'] = array( 'string' => '', 'type' => 'quick', 'status' => 'any', ); // default sorting switch($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['sortOrder']) { case 1: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTDATE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 2: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTFROM; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 3: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTFROM; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 4: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSUBJECT; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 5: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSUBJECT; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; case 6: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSIZE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; case 7: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTSIZE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = false; break; default: $this->sessionData['sort'] = SORTDATE; $this->sessionData['sortReverse'] = true; break; } $this->saveSessionData(); } if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $this->mbAvailable = TRUE; } } public static function forcePrefReload() { // unset the fm_preferences session object, to force the reload/rebuild $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('fm_preferences','felamimail',serialize(array())); $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','emailadmin',serialize(array())); } function getFolderPrefixFromNamespace($nameSpace, $folderName) { foreach($nameSpace as $type => $singleNameSpace) { if($type == 'personal' && substr($singleNameSpace[2]['name'],0,strlen($folderName))==$folderName && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('Mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe return 'Mail'; } elseif($type == 'personal' && substr($singleNameSpace[2]['name'],0,strlen($folderName))==$folderName && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe return 'mail'; } else { return (substr($singleNameSpace[0]['name'],0,strlen($folderName))==$folderName ? $singleNameSpace[0]['name'] : ''); } } } function setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_acl, $_recursive=false) { //$_recursive=true; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'-> called with:'."$_folderName, $_accountName, $_acl, $_recursive"); if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_acl)) ) { return false; } if ($_recursive) { $delimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $nameSpace = $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); $prefix = $this->getFolderPrefixFromNamespace($nameSpace, $_folderName); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'."$_folderName, $delimiter, $prefix"); $subFolders = $this->getMailBoxesRecursive($_folderName, $delimiter, $prefix); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Fetched Subfolders->'.array2string($subFolders)); foreach ($subFolders as $k => $folder) { // we do not monitor failure or success on subfolders if ($folder <> $_folderName) $this->icServer->setACL($folder, $_accountName, $_acl); } } return TRUE; } function deleteACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_recursive=false) { //$_recursive=true; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." calledv with: $_folderName, $_accountName, $_recursive"); if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteACL($_folderName, $_accountName)) ) { return false; } if ($_recursive) { $delimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $nameSpace = $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); $prefix = $this->getFolderPrefixFromNamespace($nameSpace, $_folderName); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'."$_folderName, $delimiter, $prefix"); $subFolders = $this->getMailBoxesRecursive($_folderName, $delimiter, $prefix); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Fetched Subfolders->'.array2string($subFolders)); foreach ($subFolders as $k => $folder) { // we do not monitor failure or success on subfolders if ($folder <> $_folderName) $this->icServer->deleteACL($folder, $_accountName); } } return TRUE; } /** * hook to add account * * this function is a wrapper function for emailadmin * * @param _hookValues contains the hook values as array * @return nothing */ function addAccount($_hookValues) { if ($this->mailPreferences) { $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer($this->profileID); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { // if not connected, try opening an admin connection if (!$icServer->_connected) $this->openConnection($this->profileID,true); $icServer->addAccount($_hookValues); if ($icServer->_connected) $this->closeConnection(); // close connection afterwards } $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($this->profileID); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->addAccount($_hookValues); } } } /** * save a message in folder * throws exception on failure * @todo set flags again * * @param string _folderName the foldername * @param string _header the header of the message * @param string _body the body of the message * @param string _flags the imap flags to set for the saved message * * @return the id of the message appended or exception */ function appendMessage($_folderName, $_header, $_body, $_flags) { $header = ltrim(str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_header)); $body = str_replace("\n","\r\n",$_body); $messageid = $this->icServer->appendMessage("$header"."$body", $_folderName, $_flags); if ( PEAR::isError($messageid)) { if (self::$debug) error_log("Could not append Message:".print_r($messageid->message,true)); throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput(lang("Could not append Message:".array2string($messageid->message))); //return false; } if ($messageid === true) // try to figure out the message uid { $list = $this->getHeaders($_folderName, $_startMessage=1, $_numberOfMessages=1, $_sort=0, $_reverse=true, $_filter=array()); if ($list) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' MessageUid:'.$messageid.' but found:'.array2string($list)); $messageid = $list['header'][0]['uid']; } } return $messageid; } function closeConnection() { //if ($icServer->_connected) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' disconnect from Server'); if ($icServer->_connected) $this->icServer->disconnect(); } /** * remove any messages which are marked as deleted or * remove any messages from the trashfolder * * @param string _folderName the foldername * @return nothing */ function compressFolder($_folderName = false) { $folderName = ($_folderName ? $_folderName : $this->sessionData['mailbox']); $deleteOptions = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']; //$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['trashFolder']; $this->icServer->selectMailbox($folderName); if($folderName == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") { $this->icServer->deleteMessages('1:*'); $this->icServer->expunge(); } else { $this->icServer->expunge(); } } /** * create a new folder under given parent folder * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @param string _folderName the new foldername * @param bool _subscribe subscribe to the new folder * * @return mixed name of the newly created folder or false on error */ function createFolder($_parent, $_folderName, $_subscribe=false) { $parent = $this->_encodeFolderName($_parent); $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); if(empty($parent)) { $newFolderName = $folderName; } else { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $newFolderName = $parent . $HierarchyDelimiter . $folderName; } if (self::folderExists($newFolderName)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Folder $newFolderName already exists."); return $newFolderName; } if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->createMailbox($newFolderName) ) ) { return false; } if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->subscribeMailbox($newFolderName) ) ) { return false; } return $newFolderName; } function createIMAPFilter($_folder, $_criterias) { //_debug_array($_criterias); if(!is_array($_criterias)) { return 'ALL'; } #error_log(print_r($_criterias, true)); $imapFilter = ''; #foreach($_criterias as $criteria => $parameter) { if(!empty($_criterias['string'])) { $criteria = strtoupper($_criterias['type']); switch ($criteria) { case 'QUICK': if($this->isSentFolder($_folder)) { $imapFilter .= 'OR SUBJECT "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" TO "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; } else { $imapFilter .= 'OR SUBJECT "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" FROM "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; } break; case 'BCC': case 'BODY': case 'CC': case 'FROM': case 'KEYWORD': case 'SUBJECT': case 'TEXT': case 'TO': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' "'. $_criterias['string'] .'" '; break; case 'SINCE': case 'BEFORE': case 'ON': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' '. $_criterias['string'].' '; break; } } #foreach($_criterias as $criteria => $parameter) { $criteria = strtoupper($_criterias['status']); switch ($criteria) { case 'ANSWERED': case 'DELETED': case 'FLAGGED': case 'NEW': case 'OLD': case 'RECENT': case 'SEEN': case 'UNANSWERED': case 'UNDELETED': case 'UNFLAGGED': case 'UNSEEN': $imapFilter .= $criteria .' '; break; } #} if (isset($_criterias['range']) && !empty($_criterias['range'])) { $imapFilter .= $_criterias['range'].' '; } //error_log("Filter: $imapFilter"); if($imapFilter == '') { return 'ALL'; } else { return trim($imapFilter); #return 'CHARSET '. strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) .' '. trim($imapFilter); } } /** * convert a mailboxname from displaycharset to urf7-imap * * @param string _folderName the foldername * * @return string the converted foldername */ function decodeFolderName($_folderName) { return translation::convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } function decodeMimePart($_mimeMessage, $_encoding, $_charset = '') { // decode the part if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__."() with $_encoding and $_charset:".print_r($_mimeMessage,true)); switch (strtoupper($_encoding)) { case 'BASE64': // use imap_base64 to decode, not any longer, as it is strict, and fails if it encounters invalid chars return base64_decode($_mimeMessage); //imap_base64($_mimeMessage); break; case 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE': // use imap_qprint to decode return quoted_printable_decode($_mimeMessage); break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it return $_mimeMessage; break; } } /** * decode header (or envelope information) * if array given, note that only values will be converted * @param mixed $_string input to be converted, if array call decode_header recursively on each value * @return mixed - based on the input type */ static function decode_header($_string) { if (is_array($_string)) { foreach($_string as $k=>$v) { $_string[$k] = self::decode_header($v); } return $_string; } else { return translation::decodeMailHeader($_string,self::$displayCharset); } } function decode_subject($_string,$decode=true) { #$string = $_string; if($_string=='NIL') { return 'No Subject'; } if ($decode) $_string = self::decode_header($_string); return $_string; } /** * decodes winmail.dat attachments * * @param int $_uid * @param string $_partID * @param int $_filenumber * @return array */ function decode_winmail( $_uid, $_partID, $_filenumber=0 ) { $attachment = $this->getAttachment( $_uid, $_partID ); $dirname = $this->accountid.'_'.$this->profileID.'_'.$this->sessionData['mailbox'].'_'.$_uid.'_'.$_partID; if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Dirname:'.$dirname); $dirname = md5($dirname); $dir = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']."/fmail_winmail/$dirname"; if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Dir to save winmail.dat to:'.$dir); $mime = CreateObject('phpgwapi.mime_magic'); if ( $attachment['type'] == 'APPLICATION/MS-TNEF' && $attachment['filename'] == 'winmail.dat' ) { // decode winmail.dat if ( !file_exists( "$dir/winmail.dat" ) ) { @mkdir( $dir, 0700, true ); file_put_contents( "$dir/winmail.dat", $attachment['attachment'] ); } //if (self::$debug) unset($attachment['attachment']); if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Saving Attachment to $dir. ->".array2string($attachment)); if (file_exists('/usr/bin/tnef')) { exec( "cd $dir && /usr/bin/tnef --save-body --overwrite -C $dir -f ./winmail.dat" ); } elseif (exec("which tnef")) // use tnef if exsting, as it gives better results.. { exec( "cd $dir && tnef --save-body --overwrite -C $dir -f ./winmail.dat" ); } elseif (exec("which ytnef")) { exec( "cd $dir && ytnef -f . winmail.dat" ); } // list contents $files = scandir( $dir ); foreach ( $files as $num => $file ) { if ( filetype( "$dir/$file" ) != 'file' || $file == 'winmail.dat' ) continue; if ( $_filenumber > 0 && $_filenumber != $num ) continue; $type = $mime->filename2mime($file); $attachments[] = array( 'is_winmail' => $num, 'name' => self::decode_header($file), 'size' => filesize( "$dir/$file"), 'partID' => $_partID, 'mimeType' => $type, 'type' => $type, 'attachment' => $_filenumber > 0 ? file_get_contents("$dir/$file") : '', ); unlink($dir."/".$file); } if (file_exists($dir."/winmail.dat")) unlink($dir."/winmail.dat"); if (file_exists($dir)) @rmdir($dir); return $_filenumber > 0 ? $attachments[0] : $attachments; } return false; } function deleteAccount($_hookValues) { if ($this->mailPreferences) { $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer($this->profileID); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { //try to connect with admin rights, when not connected if (!$icServer->_connected) $this->openConnection($this->profileID,true); $icServer->deleteAccount($_hookValues); if ($icServer->_connected) $this->closeConnection(); // close connection } $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($this->profileID); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->deleteAccount($_hookValues); } } } /** * delete a existing folder * * @param string _folderName the name of the folder to be deleted * * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function deleteFolder($_folderName) { $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); $this->icServer->unsubscribeMailbox($folderName); if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMailbox($folderName)) ) { return false; } return true; } function deleteMessages($_messageUID, $_folder=NULL) { $msglist = ''; $oldMailbox = ''; if (is_null($_folder) || empty($_folder)) $_folder = $this->sessionData['mailbox']; if(!is_array($_messageUID) || count($_messageUID) === 0) { if ($_messageUID=='all') { $_messageUID= null; } else { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." no messages Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID)); return false; } } $deleteOptions = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['deleteOptions']; $trashFolder = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']; $draftFolder = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder']; //$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['draftFolder']; $templateFolder = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder']; //$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['templateFolder']; if(($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $trashFolder && $deleteOptions == "move_to_trash") || ($this->sessionData['mailbox'] == $draftFolder)) { $deleteOptions = "remove_immediately"; } if($this->icServer->getCurrentMailbox() != $_folder) { $oldMailbox = $this->icServer->getCurrentMailbox(); $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_folder); } switch($deleteOptions) { case "move_to_trash": if(!empty($trashFolder)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(implode(' : ', $_messageUID)); if (self::$debug) error_log("$trashFolder <= ". $this->sessionData['mailbox']); // copy messages $retValue = $this->icServer->copyMessages($trashFolder, $_messageUID, $_folder, true); if ( PEAR::isError($retValue) ) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." failed to copy Message(s) to $trashFolder: ".implode(',',$_messageUID)); throw new egw_exception("failed to copy Message(s) to $trashFolder: ".implode(',',$_messageUID).' due to:'.array2string($retValue->message)); return false; } // mark messages as deleted $retValue = $this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true); if ( PEAR::isError($retValue)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." failed to delete Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID).' due to:'.$retValue->message); throw new egw_exception("failed to delete Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID).' due to:'.array2string($retValue->message)); return false; } // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); } break; case "mark_as_deleted": // mark messages as deleted foreach((array)$_messageUID as $key =>$uid) { $flags = $this->getFlags($uid); if (strpos( array2string($flags),'Deleted')!==false) $undelete[] = $uid; unset($flags); } $retValue = PEAR::isError($this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true)); foreach((array)$undelete as $key =>$uid) { $this->flagMessages('undelete', $uid, $oldMailbox); } if ( PEAR::isError($retValue)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." failed to mark as deleted for Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID)); throw new egw_exception("failed to mark as deleted for Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID).' due to:'.array2string($retValue->message)); return false; } break; case "remove_immediately": // mark messages as deleted $retValue = $this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true); if ( PEAR::isError($retValue)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." failed to remove immediately Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID)); throw new egw_exception("failed to remove immediately Message(s): ".implode(',',$_messageUID).' due to:'.array2string($retValue->message)); return false; } // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); break; } if($oldMailbox != '') { $this->icServer->selectMailbox($oldMailbox); } return true; } /** * convert a mailboxname from utf7-imap to displaycharset * * @param string _folderName the foldername * * @return string the converted string */ function encodeFolderName($_folderName) { return translation::convert($_folderName, 'UTF7-IMAP', self::$displayCharset); } # function encodeHeader($_string, $_encoding='q') # { # switch($_encoding) { # case "q": # if(!preg_match("/[\x80-\xFF]/",$_string)) { # // nothing to quote, only 7 bit ascii # return $_string; # } # # $string = imap_8bit($_string); # $stringParts = explode("=\r\n",$string); # while(list($key,$value) = each($stringParts)) { # if(!empty($retString)) $retString .= " "; # $value = str_replace(" ","_",$value); # // imap_8bit does not convert "?" # // it does not need, but it should # $value = str_replace("?","=3F",$value); # $retString .= "=?".strtoupper(self::$displayCharset). "?Q?". $value. "?="; # } # #exit; # return $retString; # break; # default: # return $_string; # } # } function getFlags ($_messageUID) { $flags = $this->icServer->getFlags($_messageUID, true); if (PEAR::isError($flags)) { return null; } return $flags; } function getNotifyFlags ($_messageUID) { $flags = $this->icServer->getFlags($_messageUID, true); if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.$_messageUID.array2string($flags)); if (PEAR::isError($flags)) { return null; } if ( in_array('MDNSent',$flags[0]) ) return true; if ( in_array('MDNnotSent',$flags[0]) ) return false; return null; } /** * flag a Message * * @param string _flag (readable name) * @param mixed array/string _messageUID array of ids to flag, or 'all' * @param string _folder foldername * * @todo handle handle icserver->setFlags returnValue * * @return bool true, as we do not handle icserver->setFlags returnValue */ function flagMessages($_flag, $_messageUID,$_folder=NULL) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->' .$_flag."$_messageUID,$_folder"); if(!is_array($_messageUID)) { #return false; if ($_messageUID=='all') { //all is an allowed value to be passed } else { $_messageUID=array($_messageUID); } } $this->icServer->selectMailbox(($_folder?$_folder:$this->sessionData['mailbox'])); switch($_flag) { case "undelete": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Deleted', 'remove', true); break; case "flagged": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Flagged', 'add', true); break; case "read": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Seen', 'add', true); break; case "forwarded": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '$Forwarded', 'add', true); case "answered": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Answered', 'add', true); break; case "unflagged": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Flagged', 'remove', true); break; case "unread": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Seen', 'remove', true); $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '\\Answered', 'remove', true); $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, '$Forwarded', 'remove', true); break; case "mdnsent": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, 'MDNSent', 'add', true); break; case "mdnnotsent": $this->icServer->setFlags($_messageUID, 'MDNnotSent', 'add', true); break; } $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$this->sessionData['mailbox']]['uidValidity'] = 0; $this->saveSessionData(); return true; // as we do not catch/examine setFlags returnValue } function _getSubStructure($_structure, $_partID) { $tempID = ''; $structure = $_structure; if (empty($_partID)) $_partID=1; $imapPartIDs = explode('.',$_partID); #error_log(print_r($structure,true)); #error_log(print_r($_partID,true)); if($_partID != 1) { foreach($imapPartIDs as $imapPartID) { if(!empty($tempID)) { $tempID .= '.'; } $tempID .= $imapPartID; #error_log(print_r( "TEMPID: $tempID
",true)); //_debug_array($structure); if($structure->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MESSAGE' && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RFC822' && count($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts) == 1 && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'MIXED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RELATED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'REPORT')) { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]; } else { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]; } } } if($structure->partID != $_partID) { foreach($imapPartIDs as $imapPartID) { if(!empty($tempID)) { $tempID .= '.'; } $tempID .= $imapPartID; //print "TEMPID: $tempID
"; //_debug_array($structure); if($structure->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MESSAGE' && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RFC822' && count($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts) == 1 && $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'MIXED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'RELATED' || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == 'REPORT')) { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]; } else { $structure = $structure->subParts[$tempID]; } } if($structure->partID != $_partID) { error_log(__METHOD__."(". __LINE__ .") partID's don't match"); return false; } } return $structure; } /* * strip tags out of the message completely with their content * param $_body is the text to be processed * param $tag is the tagname which is to be removed. Note, that only the name of the tag is to be passed to the function * without the enclosing brackets * param $endtag can be different from tag but should be used only, if begin and endtag are known to be different e.g.: */ static function replaceTagsCompletley(&$_body,$tag,$endtag='',$addbracesforendtag=true) { translation::replaceTagsCompletley($_body,$tag,$endtag,$addbracesforendtag); } static function getCleanHTML(&$_html, $usepurify = false) { // remove CRLF and TAB as it is of no use in HTML. // but they matter in
, so we rather don't
			//$_html = str_replace("\r\n",' ',$_html);
			//$_html = str_replace("\t",' ',$_html);
			//repair doubleencoded ampersands
			$_html = str_replace('&amp;','&',$_html);
			self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'style'); // clean out empty or pagewide style definitions / left over tags
			self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'head'); // Strip out stuff in head
			self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'!\[if','',false); // Strip out stuff in ifs
			self::replaceTagsCompletley($_html,'!--\[if','',false); // Strip out stuff in ifs
			// force the use of kses, as it is still have the edge over purifier with some stuff
			$usepurify = false;
			if ($usepurify)
				// we may need a customized config, as we may allow external images, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['allowExternalIMGs']

				$config = html::purifyCreateDefaultConfig();

				$config->set('Core.Encoding', (self::$displayCharset?self::$displayCharset:'UTF-8'));
				// maybe the two following lines are useful for caching???
				$config->set('HTML.DefinitionID', 'felamimail');
				$config->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1);
				// doctype and tidylevel
	 			$config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional');
				$config->set('HTML.TidyLevel', 'light');
				// EnableID is needed for anchor tags
				// actual allowed tags and attributes
				$config->set('URI.AllowedSchemes', array('http'=>true, 'https'=>true, 'ftp'=>true, 'file'=>true, 'mailto' => true, 'cid'=>true));
				$config->set('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty', true);
				$config->set('HTML.Allowed', 'br,p[class|align],b,i,u,s,em,pre,tt,strong,strike,center,div[class|align],hr[class|style],'.
				$DisableExternalResources = true;
				if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['allowExternalIMGs']) $DisableExternalResources = false;
				$config->set('Core.RemoveInvalidImg', false);
				//$config->set('Attr.DefaultInvalidImage', 'Image removed by htmlpurify');
				$config->set('Core.HiddenElements', array('script','style','head')); // strips script, style, head copletely

				$config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']?$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']:sys_get_temp_dir()));
				$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); // remove this later!
				//$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
				//$_html = $purifier->purify( $_html );
				if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) $_html = stripslashes($_html);
				$_html = html::purify($_html,$config);
	            // no scripts allowed
	            // clean out comments , should not be needed as purify should do the job.
				$search = array(
					'@url\(http:\/\/[^\)].*?\)@si',  // url calls e.g. in style definitions
					'@@',         // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
	            //$_html = preg_replace($search,"",$_html);
	            // remove non printable chars
	            $_html = preg_replace('/([\000-\012])/','',$_html);
				//echo $_html;exit;
				$kses = new kses();
				// since check protocoll is called for every value associated to an attribute we have to add color and background-color to the valid protocolls
				#$kses->AddHTML('html', array(
				#		'xmlns' => array(),
				#		'lang' => array(),
				#	)
				#$kses->AddHTML('body', array(
				#		'class' => array(),
				#		'id' => array(),
				#	)
				#$kses->AddHTML('meta', array(
				#		'http-equiv' => array(),
				#		'content' => array(),
				#	)
				#		'rel' => array(), // ="stylesheet"
				#		'type' => array(), //="text/css"
				#		'href' => array(),
				#		'media' => array(),
				#	)
					'p', array(
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						'align'	=> array('minlen' =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  10)
						"class" => array('maxlen' => 20),
						"color"	=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"style"		=> array('minlen' => 1),
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						'align' => array('maxlen' => 10)
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"type"	=> array('maxlen' => 20)
						"type"	=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"color"	=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"background-color" => array('maxlen' => 20),
						"background" => array('maxlen' => 5),

						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"value" => array('maxlen' => 45),
						"selected" => array()

					"a", array(
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"href" 		=> array('maxlen' => 348, 'minlen' => 10),
						"name" 		=> array('minlen' => 2),
						'target'	=> array('maxlen' => 10)

					"pre", array(
						"class"		=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"wrap" => array('maxlen' => 10)

				//      Allows 'td' tag with colspan|rowspan|class|style|width|nowrap attributes,
				//              colspan has minval of   2       and maxval of 5
				//              rowspan has minval of   3       and maxval of 6
				//              class   has minlen of   1 char  and maxlen of   10 chars
				//              style   has minlen of  10 chars and maxlen of 100 chars
				//              width   has maxval of 100
				//              nowrap  is valueless
						"class"   => array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"border"   => array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  10),
						"cellpadding"   => array("minlen" =>   0, 'maxlen' =>  10),
						"cellspacing"   => array("minlen" =>   0, 'maxlen' =>  10),
						"width"   => array("maxlen" => 5),
						"style"   => array('minlen' =>  10, 'maxlen' => 100),
						"bgcolor"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"align"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"valign"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"bordercolor"   => array('maxlen' =>  10)
						"colspan"	=> array('minval' =>   2, 'maxval' =>   5),
						"rowspan"	=> array('minval' =>   3, 'maxval' =>   6),
						"class"		=> array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"width"		=> array("maxlen" => 5),
						"style"		=> array('minlen' =>  10, 'maxlen' => 100),
						"align"		=> array('maxlen' =>  10),
						'bgcolor'	=> array('maxlen' => 10),
						"valign"	=> array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"nowrap"	=> array('valueless' => 'y')
						"colspan" => array('minval' =>   2, 'maxval' =>   5),
						"rowspan" => array('minval' =>   3, 'maxval' =>   6),
						"class"   => array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"width"   => array("maxlen" => 5),
						"style"   => array('minlen' =>  10, 'maxlen' => 100),
						"align"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						'bgcolor' => array('maxlen' => 10),
						"valign"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"nowrap"  => array('valueless' => 'y')
						"colspan" => array('minval' =>   2, 'maxval' =>   5),
						"rowspan" => array('minval' =>   3, 'maxval' =>   6),
						"class"   => array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"width"   => array("maxlen" => 5),
						"style"   => array('minlen' =>  10, 'maxlen' => 100),
						"align"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"valign"   => array('maxlen' =>  10),
						"nowrap"  => array('valueless' => 'y')
						"class"   => array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"style"	  => array('minlen' =>  5, 'maxlen' => 100)
						"class"	=> array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  20),
						"style"	=> array("minlen" =>   1),
						"cite"	=> array('maxlen' => 30),
						"type"	=> array('maxlen' => 10),
						"dir"	=> array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  10)
						"class" 	=> array('maxlen' => 20),
						"src"		=> array("minlen" =>   4, 'maxlen' =>  384, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['allowExternalIMGs'] ? '' : 'match' => '/^cid:.*/'),
						"align"		=> array("minlen" =>   1),
						"border"	=> array('maxlen' => 30),
						"width"		=> array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  3),
						"height"	=> array("minlen" =>   1, 'maxlen' =>  3),

				// no scripts allowed
				// clean out comments
				$search = array(
					'@@',         // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
					'@url\(http:\/\/[^\)].*?\)@si',  // url calls e.g. in style definitions
				$_html = preg_replace($search,"",$_html);
				// do the kses clean out first, to avoid general problems with content later on
				$_html = $kses->Parse($_html);
				// remove non printable chars
				$_html = preg_replace('/([\000-\012])/','',$_html);

		* replace emailaddresses enclosed in <> (eg.: ) with the emailaddress only (e.g: me@you.de)
		* always returns 1
		static function replaceEmailAdresses(&$text)
			return translation::replaceEmailAdresses($text);

		static function convertHTMLToText($_html,$stripcrl=false,$stripalltags=true)
			return translation::convertHTMLToText($_html,self::$displayCharset,$stripcrl,$stripalltags);

		 * retrieve a attachment
		 * @param int _uid the uid of the message
		 * @param string _partID the id of the part, which holds the attachment
		 * @param int _winmail_nr winmail.dat attachment nr.
		 * @return array
		function getAttachment($_uid, $_partID, $_winmail_nr=0)
			// parse message structure
			$structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true);
			if($_partID != '') {
				$structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID);
			$filename = $this->getFileNameFromStructure($structure, $_uid, $structure->partID);
			$attachment = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $_partID, true, true);
			if (PEAR::isError($attachment))
				error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$attachment->message);
				return array('type' => 'text/plain',
							 'filename' => 'error.txt',
							 'attachment' =>__METHOD__.' failed:'.$attachment->message

			if (PEAR::isError($attachment))
				error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$attachment->message);
				return array('type' => 'text/plain',
							 'filename' => 'error.txt',
							 'attachment' =>__METHOD__.' failed:'.$attachment->message

			switch ($structure->encoding) {
				case 'BASE64':
					// use imap_base64 to decode
					$attachment = imap_base64($attachment);
					// use imap_qprint to decode
					#$attachment = imap_qprint($attachment);
					$attachment = quoted_printable_decode($attachment);
					// it is either not encoded or we don't know about it

			$attachmentData = array(
				'type'		=> $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType,
				'filename'	=> $filename,
				'attachment'	=> $attachment
			// try guessing the mimetype, if we get the application/octet-stream
			if (strtolower($attachmentData['type']) == 'application/octet-stream') $attachmentData['type'] = mime_magic::filename2mime($attachmentData['filename']);
			# if the attachment holds a winmail number and is a winmail.dat then we have to handle that.
			if ( $filename == 'winmail.dat' && $_winmail_nr > 0 &&
				( $wmattach = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $_partID, $_winmail_nr ) ) )
				$attachmentData = array(
					'type'       => $wmattach['type'],
					'filename'   => $wmattach['name'],
					'attachment' => $wmattach['attachment'],
			return $attachmentData;

		 * Fetch a specific attachment from a message by it's cid
		 * this function is based on a on "Building A PHP-Based Mail Client"
		 * http://www.devshed.com
		 * @param string|int $_uid
		 * @param string $_cid
		 * @param string $_part
		 * @return array with values for keys 'type', 'filename' and 'attachment'
		function getAttachmentByCID($_uid, $_cid, $_part)
			// some static variables to avoid fetching the same mail multible times
			static $uid,$part,$attachments,$structure;
			//error_log("getAttachmentByCID:$_uid, $_cid, $_part");

			if(empty($_cid)) return false;

			if ($_uid != $uid || $_part != $part)
				$attachments = $this->getMessageAttachments($uid=$_uid, $part=$_part);
				$structure = null;
			$partID = false;
			foreach($attachments as $attachment)
				if(isset($attachment['cid']) && (strpos($attachment['cid'], $_cid) !== false || strpos($_cid, $attachment['cid']) !== false))
					$partID = $attachment['partID'];
			if ($partID == false)
				foreach($attachments as $attachment)
					// if the former did not match try matching the cid to the name of the attachment
					if(isset($attachment['cid']) && isset($attachment['name']) && (strpos($attachment['name'], $_cid) !== false || strpos($_cid, $attachment['name']) !== false))
						$partID = $attachment['partID'];
			if ($partID == false)
				foreach($attachments as $attachment)
					// if the former did not match try matching the cid to the name of the attachment, AND there is no mathing attachment with cid
					if(isset($attachment['name']) && (strpos($attachment['name'], $_cid) !== false || strpos($_cid, $attachment['name']) !== false))
						$partID = $attachment['partID'];
			//error_log( "Cid:$_cid PARTID:$partID
"); #exit; if($partID == false) { return false; } // parse message structure if (is_null($structure)) { $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); } $part_structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $partID); $filename = $this->getFileNameFromStructure($part_structure, $_uid, $_uid, $part_structure->partID); $attachment = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $partID, true); if (PEAR::isError($attachment)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$attachment->message); return array('type' => 'text/plain', 'filename' => 'error.txt', 'attachment' =>__METHOD__.' failed:'.$attachment->message ); } if (PEAR::isError($attachment)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$attachment->message); return array('type' => 'text/plain', 'filename' => 'error.txt', 'attachment' =>__METHOD__.' failed:'.$attachment->message ); } switch ($part_structure->encoding) { case 'BASE64': // use imap_base64 to decode $attachment = imap_base64($attachment); break; case 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE': // use imap_qprint to decode #$attachment = imap_qprint($attachment); $attachment = quoted_printable_decode($attachment); break; default: // it is either not encoded or we don't know about it } $attachmentData = array( 'type' => $part_structure->type .'/'. $part_structure->subType, 'filename' => $filename, 'attachment' => $attachment ); // try guessing the mimetype, if we get the application/octet-stream if (strtolower($attachmentData['type']) == 'application/octet-stream') $attachmentData['type'] = mime_magic::filename2mime($attachmentData['filename']); return $attachmentData; } /** * getIdentitiesWithAccounts * * @param array reference to pass all identities back * @return the default Identity (active) or 0 */ function getIdentitiesWithAccounts(&$identities) { // account select box $selectedID = $this->profileID; if($this->mailPreferences->userDefinedAccounts) $allAccountData = $this->bopreferences->getAllAccountData($this->mailPreferences); if ($allAccountData) { foreach ($allAccountData as $tmpkey => $accountData) { $identity =& $accountData['identity']; $icServer =& $accountData['icServer']; //_debug_array($identity); //_debug_array($icServer); if (empty($icServer->host)) continue; $identities[$identity->id]=$identity->realName.' '.$identity->organization.' <'.$identity->emailAddress.'>'; if (!empty($identity->default)) $selectedID = $identity->id; } } return $selectedID; } function getEMailProfile() { $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $felamimailConfig = $config->config_data; #_debug_array($felamimailConfig); if(!isset($felamimailConfig['profileID'])){ return -1; } else { return intval($felamimailConfig['profileID']); } } function getErrorMessage() { return $this->icServer->_connectionErrorObject->message; } /** * get IMAP folder status * * returns an array information about the imap folder * * @param _folderName string the foldername * * @return array */ function getFolderStatus($_folderName) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." called with:".$_folderName); $retValue = array(); $retValue['subscribed'] = false; if(!$icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer($this->profileID)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." no Server found for Folder:".$_folderName); return false; } // does the folder exist??? $folderInfo = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('', $_folderName, true); if(is_a($folderInfo, 'PEAR_Error') || !is_array($folderInfo[0])) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." returned Info for folder $_folderName:".print_r($folderInfo->message,true)); return false; } #if(!is_array($folderInfo[0])) { # return false; #} $subscribedFolders = $this->icServer->listsubscribedMailboxes('', $_folderName); if(is_array($subscribedFolders) && count($subscribedFolders) == 1) { $retValue['subscribed'] = true; } $retValue['delimiter'] = $folderInfo[0]['HIERACHY_DELIMITER']; $retValue['attributes'] = $folderInfo[0]['ATTRIBUTES']; $shortNameParts = explode($retValue['delimiter'], $_folderName); $retValue['shortName'] = array_pop($shortNameParts); $retValue['displayName'] = $this->encodeFolderName($_folderName); $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = $this->encodeFolderName($retValue['shortName']); if(strtoupper($retValue['shortName']) == 'INBOX') { $retValue['displayName'] = lang('INBOX'); $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = lang('INBOX'); } // translate the automatic Folders (Sent, Drafts, ...) like the INBOX elseif (in_array($retValue['shortName'],self::$autoFolders)) { $retValue['displayName'] = $retValue['shortDisplayName'] = lang($retValue['shortName']); } if ( PEAR::isError($folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus($_folderName)) ) { /*if ($folderStatus = $this->bofelamimail->getMailBoxCounters($_folderName)) { $retValue['messages'] = $folderStatus->messages; $retValue['recent'] = $folderStatus->recent; $retValue['uidnext'] = $folderStatus->uidnext; $retValue['unseen'] = $folderStatus->unseen; $retValue['uidvalidity']= $folderStatus->uidvalidity; */ //_debug_array($folderStatus); if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." returned folderStatus for Folder $_folderName:".print_r($folderStatus->message,true)); } else { $retValue['messages'] = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $retValue['recent'] = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $retValue['uidnext'] = $folderStatus['UIDNEXT']; $retValue['uidvalidity'] = $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; $retValue['unseen'] = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; if ($retValue['unseen']==0 && isset($this->mailPreferences->preferences['trustServersUnseenInfo']) && // some servers dont serve the UNSEEN information $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trustServersUnseenInfo']==false) { $sortResult = $this->getSortedList($_folderName, $_sort=0, $_reverse=1, $_filter=array('status'=>'UNSEEN'),$byUid=true,false); $retValue['unseen'] = count($sortResult); } } return $retValue; } /** * get IMAP folder objects * * returns an array of IMAP folder objects. Put INBOX folder in first * position. Preserves the folder seperator for later use. The returned * array is indexed using the foldername. * * @param _subscribedOnly boolean get subscribed or all folders * @param _getCounters boolean get get messages counters * * @return array with folder objects. eg.: INBOX => {inbox object} */ function getFolderObjects($_subscribedOnly=false, $_getCounters=false) { $isUWIMAP = false; $delimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $inboxData = new stdClass; $inboxData->name = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->folderName = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->displayName = lang('INBOX'); $inboxData->delimiter = $delimiter; $inboxData->shortFolderName = 'INBOX'; $inboxData->shortDisplayName = lang('INBOX'); $inboxData->subscribed = true; if($_getCounters == true) { /* $folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus('INBOX'); $status = new stdClass; $status->messages = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $status->unseen = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; $status->recent = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $inboxData->counter = $status; */ $inboxData->counter = self::getMailBoxCounters('INBOX'); } // force unsubscribed by preference showAllFoldersInFolderPane if ($_subscribedOnly == true && isset($this->mailPreferences->preferences['showAllFoldersInFolderPane']) && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['showAllFoldersInFolderPane']==1) { $_subscribedOnly = false; } #$inboxData->attributes = 64; $inboxFolderObject = array('INBOX' => $inboxData); #_debug_array($folders); $nameSpace = $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); #_debug_array($nameSpace); #_debug_array($delimiter); if(isset($nameSpace['#mh/'])) { // removed the uwimap code // but we need to reintroduce him later // uw imap does not return the attribute of a folder, when requesting subscribed folders only // dovecot has the same problem too } else { if (is_array($nameSpace)) { foreach($nameSpace as $type => $singleNameSpace) { if($type == 'personal' && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('Mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = 'Mail'; } elseif($type == 'personal' && ($singleNameSpace[2]['name'] == '#mh/' || count($nameSpace) == 1) && $this->icServer->mailboxExist('mail')) { // uw-imap server with mailbox prefix or dovecot maybe $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = 'mail'; } else { $foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'] = $singleNameSpace[0]['name']; } #echo "############## ".print_r($singleNameSpace,true)." ###################
"; $foldersNameSpace[$type]['delimiter'] = $delimiter; if(is_array($singleNameSpace[0])) { // fetch and sort the subscribed folders $subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listsubscribedMailboxes($foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix']); if (empty($subscribedMailboxes) && $type == 'shared') $subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listsubscribedMailboxes('',0); #echo "subscribedMailboxes";_debug_array($subscribedMailboxes); if( PEAR::isError($subscribedMailboxes) ) { continue; } $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'] = $subscribedMailboxes; if (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'])) sort($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']); #_debug_array($foldersNameSpace); if ($_subscribedOnly == true) { $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'] = (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']) ? $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'] :array()); continue; } // only check for Folder in FolderMaintenance for Performance Reasons if(!$_subscribedOnly) { foreach ((array)$foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'] as $folderName) { //echo __METHOD__."Checking $folderName for existence
"; if (!self::folderExists($folderName)) { echo("eMail Folder $folderName failed to exist; should be unsubscribed; Trying ..."); error_log(__METHOD__."-> $folderName failed to be here; should be unsubscribed"); if (self::subscribe($folderName, false)) { echo " success."."
" ; } else { echo " failed."."
"; } } } } // fetch and sort all folders #echo $type.'->'.$foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'].'->'.($type=='shared'?0:2)."
"; $allMailboxesExt = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'],2,true); if (empty($allMailboxesExt) && $type == 'shared') $allMailboxesExt = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('',0,true); if( PEAR::isError($allMailboxesExt) ) { #echo __METHOD__;_debug_array($allMailboxesExt); continue; } foreach ($allMailboxesExt as $mbx) { #echo __METHOD__;_debug_array($mbx); $allMailBoxesExtSorted[$mbx['MAILBOX']] = $mbx; } if (is_array($allMailBoxesExtSorted)) ksort($allMailBoxesExtSorted); #_debug_array($allMailBoxesExtSorted); $allMailboxes = array(); foreach ((array)$allMailBoxesExtSorted as $mbx) { #echo $mbx['MAILBOX']."
"; if (in_array('\HasChildren',$mbx["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Haschildren',$mbx["ATTRIBUTES"])) { unset($buff); //$buff = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($mbx['MAILBOX'].$delimiter,0,false); if (!in_array($mbx['MAILBOX'],$allMailboxes)) $buff = self::getMailBoxesRecursive($mbx['MAILBOX'],$delimiter,$foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'],1); if( PEAR::isError($buff) ) { continue; } #_debug_array($buff); if (is_array($buff)) $allMailboxes = array_merge($allMailboxes,$buff); } if (!in_array($mbx['MAILBOX'],$allMailboxes)) $allMailboxes[] = $mbx['MAILBOX']; #echo "Result:";_debug_array($allMailboxes); } $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'] = $allMailboxes; if (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) sort($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']); } } } // check for autocreated folders if(isset($foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix'])) { $personalPrefix = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix']; $personalDelimiter = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['delimiter']; if(!empty($personalPrefix)) { if(substr($personalPrefix, -1) != $personalDelimiter) { $folderPrefix = $personalPrefix . $personalDelimiter; } else { $folderPrefix = $personalPrefix; } } if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'] && !empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'])) { $foldersToCheck = array_diff(self::$autoFolders,explode(',',$this->mailPreferences->preferences['notavailableautofolders'])); } else { $foldersToCheck = self::$autoFolders; } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." foldersToCheck:".array2string($foldersToCheck)); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." foldersToCheck:".array2string( $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])); foreach($foldersToCheck as $personalFolderName) { $folderName = (!empty($personalPrefix)) ? $folderPrefix.$personalFolderName : $personalFolderName; if(!is_array($foldersNameSpace['personal']['all']) || !in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'])) { $createfolder = true; switch($folderName) { case 'Drafts': // => Entwürfe if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Junk': //] => Spammails if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['junkFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['junkFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Sent': //] => Gesendet // ToDo: we may need more sophistcated checking here if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Trash': //] => Papierkorb if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Templates': //] => Vorlagen if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; break; case 'Outbox': // Nokia Outbox for activesync //if ($this->mailPreferences->preferences['outboxFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences->preferences['outboxFolder']=='none') $createfolder=false; if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['activesync']) $createfolder = true; break; } if ($createfolder && self::folderExists($folderName)) $createfolder = false; if($createfolder === true && $this->createFolder('', $folderName, true)) { $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'][] = $folderName; $foldersNameSpace['personal']['subscribed'][] = $folderName; } else { #print "FOLDERNAME failed: $folderName
"; } } } } } #echo "
FolderNameSpace To Process:";_debug_array($foldersNameSpace); foreach( array('personal', 'others', 'shared') as $type) { if(isset($foldersNameSpace[$type])) { if($_subscribedOnly) { if( !PEAR::isError($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']) ) $listOfFolders = $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']; } else { if( !PEAR::isError($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) $listOfFolders = $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']; } foreach((array)$listOfFolders as $folderName) { //echo "
"; if($_subscribedOnly && !in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) { #echo "$folderName failed to be here
"; continue; } $folderParts = explode($delimiter, $folderName); $shortName = array_pop($folderParts); $folderObject = new stdClass; $folderObject->delimiter = $delimiter; $folderObject->folderName = $folderName; $folderObject->shortFolderName = $shortName; if(!$_subscribedOnly) { #echo $folderName."->".$type."
"; #_debug_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']); $folderObject->subscribed = in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed']); } if($_getCounters == true) { /* $folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus($folderName); #echo "
FolderStatus:";_debug_array($folderStatus); if(is_array($folderStatus)) { $status = new stdClass; $status->messages = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $status->unseen = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; $status->recent = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $folderObject->counter = $status; } */ $folderObject->counter = $this->bofelamimail->getMailBoxCounters($folderName); } if(strtoupper($folderName) == 'INBOX') { $folderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->folderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->shortFolderName = 'INBOX'; $folderObject->displayName = lang('INBOX'); $folderObject->shortDisplayName = lang('INBOX'); $folderObject->subscribed = true; // translate the automatic Folders (Sent, Drafts, ...) like the INBOX } elseif (in_array($shortName,self::$autoFolders)) { $tmpfolderparts = explode($delimiter,$folderObject->folderName); array_pop($tmpfolderparts); $folderObject->displayName = implode($delimiter,$tmpfolderparts).$delimiter.lang($shortName); $folderObject->shortDisplayName = lang($shortName); unset($tmpfolderparts); } else { $folderObject->displayName = $this->encodeFolderName($folderObject->folderName); $folderObject->shortDisplayName = $this->encodeFolderName($shortName); } $folderName = $folderName; if (in_array($shortName,self::$autoFolders)) { $autoFolderObjects[$folderName] = $folderObject; } else { $folders[$folderName] = $folderObject; } } } } if (is_array($autoFolderObjects)) { uasort($autoFolderObjects,array($this,"sortByAutoFolderPos")); } if (is_array($folders)) uasort($folders,array($this,"sortByDisplayName")); //$folders2return = array_merge($autoFolderObjects,$folders); //_debug_array($folders2return); #exit; return array_merge($inboxFolderObject,(array)$autoFolderObjects,(array)$folders); } function sortByDisplayName($a,$b) { // 0, 1 und -1 return strcasecmp($a->displayName,$b->displayName); } function sortByAutoFolderPos($a,$b) { // 0, 1 und -1 $pos1 = array_search($a->shortFolderName,self::$autoFolders); $pos2 = array_search($b->shortFolderName,self::$autoFolders); if ($pos1 == $pos2) return 0; return ($pos1 < $pos2) ? -1 : 1; } function getMailBoxCounters($folderName) { $folderStatus = $this->icServer->getStatus($folderName); #echo "
FolderStatus:";_debug_array($folderStatus); if ( PEAR::isError($folderStatus)) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." returned FolderStatus for Folder $folderName:".print_r($folderStatus->message,true)); return false; } if(is_array($folderStatus)) { $status = new stdClass; $status->messages = $folderStatus['MESSAGES']; $status->unseen = $folderStatus['UNSEEN']; $status->recent = $folderStatus['RECENT']; $status->uidnext = $folderStatus['UIDNEXT']; $status->uidvalidity = $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; return $status; } return false; } function getMailBoxesRecursive($_mailbox, $delimiter, $prefix, $reclevel=0) { #echo __METHOD__." retrieve SubFolders for $_mailbox$delimiter
"; $maxreclevel=25; if ($reclevel > $maxreclevel) { error_log( __METHOD__." Recursion Level Exeeded ($reclevel) while looking up $_mailbox$delimiter "); return array(); } $reclevel++; // clean up double delimiters $_mailbox = preg_replace('~'.($delimiter == '.' ? "\\".$delimiter:$delimiter).'+~s',$delimiter,$_mailbox); //get that mailbox in question $mbx = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($_mailbox,1,true); #_debug_array($mbx); if (is_array($mbx[0]["ATTRIBUTES"]) && (in_array('\HasChildren',$mbx[0]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Haschildren',$mbx[0]["ATTRIBUTES"]))) { // if there are children fetch them #echo $mbx[0]['MAILBOX']."
"; unset($buff); $buff = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($mbx[0]['MAILBOX'].($mbx[0]['MAILBOX'] == $prefix ? '':$delimiter),2,false); //$buff = $this->icServer->getMailboxes($mbx[0]['MAILBOX'],2,false); #_debug_array($buff); if( PEAR::isError($buff) ) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." Error while retrieving Mailboxes for:".$mbx[0]['MAILBOX'].$delimiter."."); return array(); } else { $allMailboxes = array(); foreach ($buff as $mbxname) { $mbxname = preg_replace('~'.($delimiter == '.' ? "\\".$delimiter:$delimiter).'+~s',$delimiter,$mbxname); #echo "About to recur in level $reclevel:".$mbxname."
"; if ( $mbxname != $mbx[0]['MAILBOX'] && $mbxname != $prefix) $allMailboxes = array_merge($allMailboxes, self::getMailBoxesRecursive($mbxname, $delimiter, $prefix, $reclevel)); } if (!(in_array('\NoSelect',$mbx[0]["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Noselect',$mbx[0]["ATTRIBUTES"]))) $allMailboxes[] = $mbx[0]['MAILBOX']; return $allMailboxes; } } else { return array($_mailbox); } } /** * getMimePartCharset - fetches the charset mimepart if it exists * @param $_mimePartObject structure object * @return mixed mimepart or false if no CHARSET is found, the missing charset has to be handled somewhere else, * as we cannot safely assume any charset as we did earlier */ function getMimePartCharset($_mimePartObject) { //$charSet = 'iso-8859-1';//self::$displayCharset; //'iso-8859-1'; // self::displayCharset seems to be asmarter fallback than iso-8859-1 $CharsetFound=false; //echo "#".$_mimePartObject->encoding.'#
'; if(is_array($_mimePartObject->parameters)) { if(isset($_mimePartObject->parameters['CHARSET'])) { $charSet = $_mimePartObject->parameters['CHARSET']; $CharsetFound=true; } } // this one is dirty, but until I find something that does the trick of detecting the encoding, .... //if ($CharsetFound == false && $_mimePartObject->encoding == "QUOTED-PRINTABLE") $charSet = 'iso-8859-1'; //assume quoted-printable to be ISO //if ($CharsetFound == false && $_mimePartObject->encoding == "BASE64") $charSet = 'utf-8'; // assume BASE64 to be UTF8 return ($CharsetFound ? $charSet : $CharsetFound); } function getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen = false) { // a multipart/alternative has exactly 2 parts (text and html OR text and something else) // sometimes there are 3 parts, when there is an ics/ical attached/included-> we want to show that // as attachment AND as abstracted ical information (we use our notification style here). $partText = false; $partHTML = false; if (self::$debug) _debug_array(array("METHOD"=>__METHOD__,"LINE"=>__LINE__,"STRUCTURE"=>$_structure)); foreach($_structure as $mimePart) { if($mimePart->type == 'TEXT' && ($mimePart->subType == 'PLAIN' || $mimePart->subType == 'CALENDAR') && $mimePart->bytes > 0) { if ($mimePart->subType == 'CALENDAR' && $partText === false) $partText = $mimePart; // only if there is no partText set already if ($mimePart->subType == 'PLAIN') $partText = $mimePart; } elseif($mimePart->type == 'TEXT' && $mimePart->subType == 'HTML' && $mimePart->bytes > 0) { $partHTML = $mimePart; } elseif ($mimePart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $mimePart->subType == 'RELATED' && is_array($mimePart->subParts)) { // in a multipart alternative we treat the multipart/related as html part #$partHTML = array($mimePart); error_log(__METHOD__." process MULTIPART/RELATED with array as subparts"); $partHTML = $mimePart; } elseif ($mimePart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $mimePart->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' && is_array($mimePart->subParts)) { //cascading multipartAlternative structure, assuming only the first one is to be used return $this->getMultipartAlternative($_uid,$mimePart->subParts,$_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$_htmlMode); switch($_htmlMode) { case 'html_only': case 'always_display': if(is_object($partHTML)) { if($partHTML->subType == 'RELATED') { return $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $partHTML, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } else { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partHTML, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } } elseif(is_object($partText) && $_htmlMode=='always_display') { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } break; case 'only_if_no_text': if(is_object($partText)) { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } elseif(is_object($partHTML)) { if($partHTML->type) { return $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $partHTML, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } else { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partHTML, 'always_display', $_preserveSeen); } } break; default: if(is_object($partText)) { return $this->getTextPart($_uid, $partText, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } else { $bodyPart = array( 'body' => lang("no plain text part found"), 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); } break; } return $bodyPart; } function getMultipartMixed($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen = false) { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_htmlMode
"; $bodyPart = array(); if (self::$debug) _debug_array($_structure); if (!is_array($_structure)) $_structure = array($_structure); foreach($_structure as $part) { if (self::$debug) echo $part->type."/".$part->subType."
"; switch($part->type) { case 'MULTIPART': switch($part->subType) { case 'ALTERNATIVE': $bodyPart[] = $this->getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); break; case 'MIXED': case 'SIGNED': $bodyPart = array_merge($bodyPart, $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen)); break; case 'RELATED': $bodyPart = array_merge($bodyPart, $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $part->subParts, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen)); break; } break; case 'TEXT': switch($part->subType) { case 'PLAIN': case 'HTML': case 'CALENDAR': // inline ics/ical files if($part->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT') { $bodyPart[] = $this->getTextPart($_uid, $part, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ->'.$part->type."/".$part->subType.' -> BodyPart:'.array2string($bodyPart[count($bodyPart)-1])); break; } break; case 'MESSAGE': if($part->subType == 'delivery-status') { $bodyPart[] = $this->getTextPart($_uid, $part, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } break; default: // do nothing // the part is a attachment #$bodyPart[] = $this->getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlMode, $part->partID, $part); #if (!($part->type == 'TEXT' && ($part->subType == 'PLAIN' || $part->subType == 'HTML'))) { # $bodyPart[] = $this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, $part->partID, $part); #} } } return $bodyPart; } function getMultipartRelated($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen = false) { return $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode, $_preserveSeen); } function getTextPart($_uid, $_structure, $_htmlMode = '', $_preserveSeen = false) { $bodyPart = array(); if (self::$debug) _debug_array(array($_structure,function_backtrace())); $partID = $_structure->partID; $mimePartBody = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $partID, true, $_preserveSeen); if (PEAR::isError($mimePartBody)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$mimePartBody->message); return false; } //_debug_array($mimePartBody); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' UID:'.$_uid.' PartID:'.$partID.' HTMLMode:'.$_htmlMode.' ->'.array2string($_structure).array2string($mimePartBody)); if (empty($mimePartBody)) return array( 'body' => '', 'mimeType' => ($_structure->type == 'TEXT' && $_structure->subType == 'HTML') ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain', 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); //_debug_array(preg_replace('/PropertyFile___$/','',$this->decodeMimePart($mimePartBody, $_structure->encoding))); if($_structure->subType == 'HTML' && $_htmlMode!= 'html_only' && $_htmlMode != 'always_display' && $_htmlMode != 'only_if_no_text') { $bodyPart = array( 'error' => 1, 'body' => lang("displaying html messages is disabled"), 'mimeType' => 'text/html', 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); } elseif ($_structure->subType == 'PLAIN' && $_htmlMode == 'html_only') { $bodyPart = array( 'error' => 1, 'body' => lang("displaying plain messages is disabled"), 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', // make sure we do not return mimeType text/html 'charSet' => self::$displayCharset, ); } else { // some Servers append PropertyFile___ ; strip that here for display $bodyPart = array( 'body' => preg_replace('/PropertyFile___$/','',$this->decodeMimePart($mimePartBody, $_structure->encoding, $this->getMimePartCharset($_structure))), 'mimeType' => ($_structure->type == 'TEXT' && $_structure->subType == 'HTML') ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain', 'charSet' => $this->getMimePartCharset($_structure), ); if ($_structure->subType == 'CALENDAR') { // we get an inline CALENDAR ical/ics, we display it using the calendar notification style $calobj = new calendar_ical; $calboupdate = new calendar_boupdate; // timezone stuff $tz_diff = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'] - $this->common_prefs['tz_offset']; // form an event out of ical $event = $calobj->icaltoegw($bodyPart['body']); $event= $event[0]; // preset the olddate $olddate = $calboupdate->format_date($event['start']+$tz_diff); // search egw, if we can find it $eventid = $calobj->find_event(array('uid'=>$event['uid'])); if ((int)$eventid[0]>0) { // we found an event, we use the first one $oldevent = $calobj->read($eventid); // we set the olddate, to comply with the possible merge params for the notification message if($oldevent != False && $oldevent[$eventid[0]]['start']!=$event[$eventid[0]]['start']) { $olddate = $calboupdate->format_date($oldevent[$eventid[0]]['start']+$tz_diff); } // we merge the changes and the original event $event = array_merge($oldevent[$eventid[0]],$event); // for some strange reason, the title of the old event is not replaced with the new title // if you klick on the ics and import it into egw, so we dont show the title here. // so if it is a mere reply, we dont use the new title (more detailed info/work needed here) if ($_structure->parameters['METHOD']=='REPLY') $event['title'] = $oldevent[$eventid[0]]['title']; } // we prepare the message $details = $calboupdate->_get_event_details($event,$action,$event_arr); $details['olddate']=$olddate; //_debug_array($_structure); list($subject,$info) = $calboupdate->get_update_message($event,($_structure->parameters['METHOD']=='REPLY'?false:true)); $info = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->parse_notify($info,$details); // we set the bodyPart, we only show the event, we dont actually do anything, as we expect the user to // click on the attached ics to update his own eventstore $bodyPart['body'] = $subject; $bodyPart['body'] .= "\n".$info; $bodyPart['body'] .= "\n\n".lang('Event Details follow').":\n"; foreach($event_arr as $key => $val) { if(strlen($details[$key])) { switch($key){ case 'access': case 'priority': case 'link': break; default: $bodyPart['body'] .= sprintf("%-20s %s\n",$val['field'].':',$details[$key]); break; } } } } } //_debug_array($bodyPart); return $bodyPart; } function getNameSpace($_icServer) { $this->icServer->getNameSpaces(); } function getHierarchyDelimiter() { $HierarchyDelimiter = '/'; if(is_a($this->icServer,'defaultimap')) { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->icServer->getHierarchyDelimiter(); if (PEAR::isError($HierarchyDelimiter)) $HierarchyDelimiter = '/'; } return $HierarchyDelimiter; } /** * fetches a sorted list of messages from the imap server * private function * * @todo implement sort based on Net_IMAP * @param string $_folderName the name of the folder in which the messages get searched * @param integer $_sort the primary sort key * @param bool $_reverse sort the messages ascending or descending * @param array $_filter the search filter * @return bool */ function getSortedList($_folderName, $_sort, &$_reverse, $_filter, &$resultByUid=true, $setSession=true) { //ToDo: FilterSpecific Cache if(PEAR::isError($folderStatus = $this->icServer->examineMailbox($_folderName))) { return false; } if(is_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]) && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['uidValidity'] === $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['messages'] === $folderStatus['EXISTS'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['uidnext'] === $folderStatus['UIDNEXT'] && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['filter'] === $_filter && $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sort'] === $_sort && //$this->sessionData['folderStatus'][0][$_folderName]['reverse'] === $_reverse && !empty($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sortResult']) ) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." USE CACHE for Profile:". $this->profileID." Folder:".$_folderName); $sortResult = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sortResult']; } else { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." USE NO CACHE for Profile:". $this->profileID." Folder:".$_folderName." Filter:".array2string($_filter).function_backtrace()); $filter = $this->createIMAPFilter($_folderName, $_filter); //_debug_array($filter); if($this->icServer->hasCapability('SORT')) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." Mailserver has SORT Capability, SortBy: $_sort Reverse: $_reverse"); $sortOrder = $this->_getSortString($_sort, $_reverse); if ($_reverse && strpos($sortOrder,'REVERSE')!==false) $_reverse=false; // as we reversed the result already if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." Mailserver runs SORT: SortBy: $sortOrder Filter: $filter"); if (!empty(self::$displayCharset)) { $sortResult = $this->icServer->sort($sortOrder, strtoupper( self::$displayCharset ), $filter, $resultByUid); } if (PEAR::isError($sortResult) || empty(self::$displayCharset)) { $sortResult = $this->icServer->sort($sortOrder, 'US-ASCII', $filter, $resultByUid); // if there is an PEAR Error, we assume that the server is not capable of sorting if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { $advFilter = 'CHARSET '. strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) .' '.$filter; if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { $resultByUid = false; $sortResult = $this->icServer->search($filter, $resultByUid); if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { $sortResult = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sortResult']; } } } } if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($sortResult,true)); } else { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." Mailserver has NO SORT Capability"); $advFilter = 'CHARSET '. strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) .' '.$filter; $sortResult = $this->icServer->search($advFilter, $resultByUid); if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { $sortResult = $this->icServer->search($filter, $resultByUid); if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { // some servers are not replying on a search for uids, so try this one $resultByUid = false; $sortResult = $this->icServer->search('*', $resultByUid); if (PEAR::isError($sortResult)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' PEAR_Error:'.array2string($sortResult->message)); $sortResult = null; } } } if(is_array($sortResult)) { sort($sortResult, SORT_NUMERIC); } if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." using Filter:".print_r($filter,true)." ->".print_r($sortResult,true)); } if ($setSession) { $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['uidValidity'] = $folderStatus['UIDVALIDITY']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['messages'] = $folderStatus['EXISTS']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['uidnext'] = $folderStatus['UIDNEXT']; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['filter'] = $_filter; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sortResult'] = $sortResult; $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['sort'] = $_sort; } } if ($setSession) { $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['reverse'] = $_reverse; $this->saveSessionData(); } return $sortResult; } function getMessageEnvelope($_uid, $_partID = '',$decode=false) { if($_partID == '') { if( PEAR::isError($envelope = $this->icServer->getEnvelope('', $_uid, true)) ) { return false; } //if ($decode) _debug_array($envelope[0]); return ($decode ? self::decode_header($envelope[0]): $envelope[0]); } else { if( PEAR::isError($headers = $this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $_partID, true)) ) { return false; } #_debug_array($headers); $newData = array( 'DATE' => $headers['DATE'], 'SUBJECT' => ($decode ? self::decode_header($headers['SUBJECT']):$headers['SUBJECT']), 'MESSAGE_ID' => $headers['MESSAGE-ID'] ); $recepientList = array('FROM', 'TO', 'CC', 'BCC', 'SENDER', 'REPLY_TO'); foreach($recepientList as $recepientType) { if(isset($headers[$recepientType])) { if ($decode) $headers[$recepientType] = self::decode_header($headers[$recepientType]); $addresses = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($headers[$recepientType], ''); foreach($addresses as $singleAddress) { $addressData = array( 'PERSONAL_NAME' => $singleAddress->personal ? $singleAddress->personal : 'NIL', 'AT_DOMAIN_LIST' => $singleAddress->adl ? $singleAddress->adl : 'NIL', 'MAILBOX_NAME' => $singleAddress->mailbox ? $singleAddress->mailbox : 'NIL', 'HOST_NAME' => $singleAddress->host ? $singleAddress->host : 'NIL', 'EMAIL' => $singleAddress->host ? $singleAddress->mailbox.'@'.$singleAddress->host : $singleAddress->mailbox, ); if($addressData['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $addressData['RFC822_EMAIL'] = imap_rfc822_write_address($singleAddress->mailbox, $singleAddress->host, $singleAddress->personal); } else { $addressData['RFC822_EMAIL'] = 'NIL'; } $newData[$recepientType][] = $addressData; } } else { if($recepientType == 'SENDER' || $recepientType == 'REPLY_TO') { $newData[$recepientType] = $newData['FROM']; } else { $newData[$recepientType] = array(); } } } //if ($decode) _debug_array($newData); return $newData; } } function getHeaders($_folderName, $_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort, $_reverse, $_filter, $_thisUIDOnly=null, $_cacheResult=true) { //self::$debug=true; if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.function_backtrace()); if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."$_folderName,$_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort, $reverse, ".array2string($_filter).", $_thisUIDOnly"); $reverse = (bool)$_reverse; // get the list of messages to fetch $this->reopen($_folderName); //$this->icServer->selectMailbox($_folderName); $rByUid = true; // try searching by uid. this var will be passed by reference to getSortedList, and may be set to false, if UID retrieval fails #print "
			if ($_thisUIDOnly === null)
				if (($_startMessage || $_numberOfMessages) && !isset($_filter['range']))
					// this will not work we must calculate the range we want to retieve as e.g.: 0:20 retirieves the first 20 mails and sorts them
					// if sort capability is applied to the range fetched, not sort first and fetch the range afterwards
					$start = $_startMessage-1;
					$end = $_startMessage-1+$_numberOfMessages;
					//$_filter['range'] ="$start:$end";
					//$_filter['range'] ="$_startMessage:*";
				if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."$_folderName, $_sort, $reverse, ".array2string($_filter).", $rByUid");

				$sortResult = $this->getSortedList($_folderName, $_sort, $reverse, $_filter, $rByUid, $_cacheResult);
				if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($sortResult));
				#print "
"; // nothing found if(!is_array($sortResult) || empty($sortResult)) { $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } $total = count($sortResult); #_debug_array($sortResult); #_debug_array(array_slice($sortResult, -5, -2)); //error_log("REVERSE: $reverse"); if($reverse === true) { $startMessage = $_startMessage-1; if($startMessage > 0) { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, -($_numberOfMessages+$startMessage), -$startMessage); } else { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, -($_numberOfMessages+($_startMessage-1))); } $sortResult = array_reverse($sortResult); } else { $sortResult = array_slice($sortResult, $_startMessage-1, $_numberOfMessages); } } else { $sortResult = (is_array($_thisUIDOnly) ? $_thisUIDOnly:(array)$_thisUIDOnly); } $queryString = implode(',', $sortResult); // fetch the data for the selected messages $headersNew = $this->icServer->getSummary($queryString, $rByUid); if ($headersNew == null && empty($_thisUIDOnly)) // -> if we request uids, do not try to look for messages with ids { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."Uid->$queryString, ByUID? $rByUid"); // message retrieval via uid failed try one by one via message number $rByUid = false; foreach($sortResult as $k => $v) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Query:'.$v.':*'); $rv = $this->icServer->getSummary($v.':*', $rByUid); $headersNew[] = $rv[0]; } } if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Query:'.$queryString.' Result:'.array2string($headersNew)); $count = 0; foreach((array)$sortResult as $uid) { $sortOrder[$uid] = $count++; } $count = 0; if (is_array($headersNew)) { foreach((array)$headersNew as $headerObject) { //if($count == 0) error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($headerObject)); if (empty($headerObject['UID'])) continue; $uid = ($rByUid ? $headerObject['UID'] : $headerObject['MSG_NUM']); // make dates like "Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:11:06 UT" working with strtotime if(substr($headerObject['DATE'],-2) === 'UT') { $headerObject['DATE'] .= 'C'; } if(substr($headerObject['INTERNALDATE'],-2) === 'UT') { $headerObject['INTERNALDATE'] .= 'C'; } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$this->decode_subject($headerObject['SUBJECT']).'->'.$headerObject['DATE']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['subject'] = $this->decode_subject($headerObject['SUBJECT']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['size'] = $headerObject['SIZE']; //$retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['date'] = self::_strtotime($headerObject['DATE'],'ts',true); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['date'] = self::_strtotime($headerObject['INTERNALDATE'],'ts',true); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mimetype'] = $headerObject['MIMETYPE']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['id'] = $headerObject['MSG_NUM']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['uid'] = $headerObject['UID']; $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['priority'] = ($headerObject['PRIORITY']?$headerObject['PRIORITY']:3); if (is_array($headerObject['FLAGS'])) { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['recent'] = in_array('\\Recent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['flagged'] = in_array('\\Flagged', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['answered'] = in_array('\\Answered', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['forwarded'] = in_array('$Forwarded', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['deleted'] = in_array('\\Deleted', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['seen'] = in_array('\\Seen', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['draft'] = in_array('\\Draft', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mdnsent'] = in_array('MDNSent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['mdnnotsent'] = in_array('MDNnotSent', $headerObject['FLAGS']); } if(is_array($headerObject['FROM']) && is_array($headerObject['FROM'][0])) { if($headerObject['FROM'][0]['HOST_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_address'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['FROM'][0]['EMAIL']); } else { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_address'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['FROM'][0]['MAILBOX_NAME']); } if($headerObject['FROM'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['sender_name'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['FROM'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME']); } } if(is_array($headerObject['TO']) && is_array($headerObject['TO'][0])) { if($headerObject['TO'][0]['HOST_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_address'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['TO'][0]['EMAIL']); } else { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_address'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['TO'][0]['MAILBOX_NAME']); } if($headerObject['TO'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['to_name'] = self::decode_header($headerObject['TO'][0]['PERSONAL_NAME']); } if (count($headerObject['TO'])>1) { $ki=0; foreach($headerObject['TO'] as $k => $add) { if ($k==0) continue; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."-> $k:".array2string($add)); if($add['HOST_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['additional_to_addresses'][$ki]['address'] = self::decode_header($add['EMAIL']); } else { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['additional_to_addresses'][$ki]['address'] = self::decode_header($add['MAILBOX_NAME']); } if($headerObject['TO'][$k]['PERSONAL_NAME'] != 'NIL') { $retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['additional_to_addresses'][$ki]['name'] = self::decode_header($add['PERSONAL_NAME']); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($retValue['header'][$sortOrder[$uid]]['additional_to_addresses'][$ki])); $ki++; } } } $count++; } //self::$debug=false; // sort the messages to the requested displayorder if(is_array($retValue['header'])) { $countMessages = false; if (isset($_filter['range'])) $countMessages = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_folderName]['messages']; ksort($retValue['header']); $retValue['info']['total'] = $countMessages ? $countMessages : $total; $retValue['info']['first'] = $_startMessage; $retValue['info']['last'] = $_startMessage + $count - 1 ; return $retValue; } else { $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } } else { if ($headersNew == null && empty($_thisUIDOnly)) error_log(__METHOD__." -> retrieval of Message Details to Query $queryString failed: ".print_r($headersNew,TRUE)); $retValue = array(); $retValue['info']['total'] = 0; $retValue['info']['first'] = 0; $retValue['info']['last'] = 0; return $retValue; } } function getNextMessage($_foldername, $_id) { #_debug_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult']); #_debug_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID]); #print "ID: $_id
"; $position=false; if (is_array($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'])) { $position = array_search($_id, $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult']); } #print "POS: $position
"; if($position !== false) { $retValue = array(); if($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['reverse'] == true) { #print "is reverse
"; if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1])) { $retValue['next'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1]; } if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1])) { $retValue['previous'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1]; } } else { #print "is not reverse"; if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1])) { $retValue['previous'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position-1]; } if(isset($this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1])) { $retValue['next'] = $this->sessionData['folderStatus'][$this->profileID][$_foldername]['sortResult'][$position+1]; } } return $retValue; } return false; } function getIMAPACL($_folderName, $user='') { if(($this->hasCapability('ACL'))) { if ( PEAR::isError($acl = $this->icServer->getACL($_folderName)) ) { return false; } if ($user=='') { return $acl; } foreach ($acl as $i => $userACL) { if ($userACL['USER'] == $user) { return $userACL['RIGHTS']; } } return ''; } return false; } /** * checks if the imap server supports a given capability * * @param string $_capability the name of the capability to check for * @return bool */ function hasCapability($_capability) { return $this->icServer->hasCapability(strtoupper($_capability)); } function getMailPreferences() { return $this->mailPreferences; } function getMessageAttachments($_uid, $_partID='', $_structure='', $fetchEmbeddedImages=true, $fetchTextCalendar=false, $resolveTNEF=true) { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_partID
"; if(is_object($_structure)) { $structure = $_structure; } else { $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); if($_partID != '' && $_partID !=0) { $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID); } } if (self::$debug) _debug_array($structure); $attachments = array(); // this kind of messages contain only the attachment and no body if($structure->type == 'APPLICATION' || $structure->type == 'AUDIO' || $structure->type == 'VIDEO' || $structure->type == 'IMAGE') { $newAttachment = array(); $newAttachment['name'] = $this->getFileNameFromStructure($structure,$_uid,$structure->partID); $newAttachment['size'] = $structure->bytes; $newAttachment['mimeType'] = $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType; $newAttachment['partID'] = $structure->partID; $newAttachment['encoding'] = $structure->encoding; // try guessing the mimetype, if we get the application/octet-stream if (strtolower($newAttachment['mimeType']) == 'application/octet-stream') $newAttachment['mimeType'] = mime_magic::filename2mime($newAttachment['name']); if(isset($structure->cid)) { $newAttachment['cid'] = $structure->cid; } # if the new attachment is a winmail.dat, we have to decode that first if ( $resolveTNEF && $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' && ( $wmattachments = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $newAttachment['partID'] ) ) ) { $attachments = array_merge( $attachments, $wmattachments ); } elseif ( $resolveTNEF===false && $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' ) { $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } else { if ( ($fetchEmbeddedImages && isset($newAttachment['cid']) && strlen($newAttachment['cid'])>0) || !isset($newAttachment['cid']) || empty($newAttachment['cid'])) $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } //$attachments[] = $newAttachment; #return $attachments; } // outlook sometimes sends a TEXT/CALENDAR;REQUEST as plain ics, nothing more. if ($structure->type == 'TEXT' && $structure->subType == 'CALENDAR' && isset($structure->parameters['METHOD'] ) && $structure->parameters['METHOD'] == 'REQUEST') { $newAttachment = array(); $newAttachment['name'] = 'event.ics'; $newAttachment['size'] = $structure->bytes; $newAttachment['mimeType'] = $structure->type .'/'. $structure->subType.';'.$structure->parameters['METHOD']; $newAttachment['partID'] = $structure->partID; $newAttachment['encoding'] = $structure->encoding; $newAttachment['method'] = $structure->parameters['METHOD']; $newAttachment['charset'] = $structure->parameters['CHARSET']; $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } // this kind of message can have no attachments if(($structure->type == 'TEXT' && !($structure->disposition == 'INLINE' && $structure->dparameters['FILENAME'])) || ($structure->type == 'MULTIPART' && $structure->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE' && !is_array($structure->subParts)) || !is_array($structure->subParts)) { if (count($attachments) == 0) return array(); } #$attachments = array(); foreach((array)$structure->subParts as $subPart) { // skip all non attachment parts if(($subPart->type == 'TEXT' && ($subPart->subType == 'PLAIN' || $subPart->subType == 'HTML') && ($subPart->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT' && !($subPart->disposition == 'INLINE' && $subPart->dparameters['FILENAME']))) || ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE') || ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'APPLEFILE') || ($subPart->type == 'MESSAGE' && $subPart->subType == 'delivery-status')) { if ($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && $subPart->subType == 'ALTERNATIVE') { $attachments = array_merge($this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, '', $subPart, $fetchEmbeddedImages, $fetchTextCalendar, $resolveTNEF), $attachments); } if (!($subPart->type=='TEXT' && $subPart->disposition =='INLINE' && $subPart->filename)) continue; } // fetch the subparts for this part if($subPart->type == 'MULTIPART' && ($subPart->subType == 'RELATED' || $subPart->subType == 'MIXED' || $subPart->subType == 'SIGNED' || $subPart->subType == 'APPLEDOUBLE')) { $attachments = array_merge($this->getMessageAttachments($_uid, '', $subPart, $fetchEmbeddedImages,$fetchTextCalendar, $resolveTNEF), $attachments); } else { if (!$fetchTextCalendar && $subPart->type == 'TEXT' && $subPart->subType == 'CALENDAR' && $subPart->parameters['METHOD'] && $subPart->disposition !='ATTACHMENT') continue; $newAttachment = array(); $newAttachment['name'] = $this->getFileNameFromStructure($subPart,$_uid,$subPart->partID); $newAttachment['size'] = $subPart->bytes; $newAttachment['mimeType'] = $subPart->type .'/'. $subPart->subType; $newAttachment['partID'] = $subPart->partID; $newAttachment['encoding'] = $subPart->encoding; $newAttachment['method'] = $subPart->parameters['METHOD']; $newAttachment['charset'] = $subPart->parameters['CHARSET']; // try guessing the mimetype, if we get the application/octet-stream if (strtolower($newAttachment['mimeType']) == 'application/octet-stream') $newAttachment['mimeType'] = mime_magic::filename2mime($newAttachment['name']); if(isset($subPart->cid)) { $newAttachment['cid'] = $subPart->cid; } # if the new attachment is a winmail.dat, we have to decode that first if ( $resolveTNEF && $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' && ( $wmattachments = $this->decode_winmail( $_uid, $newAttachment['partID'] ) ) ) { $attachments = array_merge( $attachments, $wmattachments ); } elseif ( $resolveTNEF===false && $newAttachment['name'] == 'winmail.dat' ) { $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } else { if ( ($fetchEmbeddedImages && isset($newAttachment['cid']) && strlen($newAttachment['cid'])>0) || !isset($newAttachment['cid']) || empty($newAttachment['cid']) || $newAttachment['cid'] == 'NIL') $attachments[] = $newAttachment; } //$attachments[] = $newAttachment; } } //_debug_array($attachments); exit; return $attachments; } function getFileNameFromStructure(&$structure, $_uid = false, $partID = false) { static $namecounter; if (is_null($namecounter)) $namecounter = 0; //if ( $_uid && $partID) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($structure).' Uid:'.$_uid.' PartID:'.$partID.' -> '.array2string($this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $partID, true))); if(isset($structure->parameters['NAME'])) { return rawurldecode(self::decode_header($structure->parameters['NAME'])); } elseif(isset($structure->dparameters['FILENAME'])) { return rawurldecode(self::decode_header($structure->dparameters['FILENAME'])); } elseif(isset($structure->dparameters['FILENAME*'])) { return rawurldecode(self::decode_header($structure->dparameters['FILENAME*'])); } elseif ( isset($structure->filename) && !empty($structure->filename) && $structure->filename != 'NIL') { return rawurldecode(self::decode_header($structure->filename)); } else { if ( $_uid && $partID) { $headers = $this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $partID, true); if ($headers) { if (!PEAR::isError($headers)) { // simple parsing of the headers array for a usable name //error_log( __METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($headers)); foreach(array('CONTENT-TYPE','CONTENT-DISPOSITION') as $k => $v) { foreach(array('filename','name') as $sk => $n) { if (stripos($headers[$v],$n)!== false) { $buff = explode($n,$headers[$v]); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($buff)); $namepart = array_pop($buff); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$namepart); $fp = strpos($namepart,'"'); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Start:'.$fp); if ($fp !== false) { $np = strpos($namepart,'"', $fp+1); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' End:'.$np); if ($np !== false) { $name = trim(substr($namepart,$fp+1,$np-$fp-1)); if (!empty($name)) return $name; } } } } } } } } $namecounter++; return lang("unknown").$namecounter.($structure->subType ? ".".$structure->subType : ""); } } function getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlOptions='', $_partID='', $_structure = '', $_preserveSeen = false) { if (self::$debug) echo __METHOD__."$_uid, $_htmlOptions, $_partID
"; if($_htmlOptions != '') { $this->htmlOptions = $_htmlOptions; } if(is_object($_structure)) { $structure = $_structure; } else { $structure = $this->icServer->getStructure($_uid, true); if($_partID != '') { $structure = $this->_getSubStructure($structure, $_partID); } } if (self::$debug) _debug_array($structure); switch($structure->type) { case 'APPLICATION': return array( array( 'body' => '', 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => 'iso-8859-1', ) ); break; case 'MULTIPART': switch($structure->subType) { case 'ALTERNATIVE': $bodyParts = array($this->getMultipartAlternative($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions, $_preserveSeen)); break; case 'MIXED': case 'REPORT': case 'SIGNED': $bodyParts = $this->getMultipartMixed($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions, $_preserveSeen); break; case 'RELATED': $bodyParts = $this->getMultipartRelated($_uid, $structure->subParts, $this->htmlOptions, $_preserveSeen); break; } return self::normalizeBodyParts($bodyParts); break; case 'VIDEO': case 'AUDIO': // some servers send audiofiles and imagesfiles directly, without any stuff surround it case 'IMAGE': // they are displayed as Attachment NOT INLINE return array( array( 'body' => '', 'mimeType' => $structure->subType, ), ); break; case 'TEXT': $bodyPart = array(); if ( $structure->disposition != 'ATTACHMENT') { switch($structure->subType) { case 'CALENDAR': // this is handeled in getTextPart case 'HTML': case 'PLAIN': default: $bodyPart = array($this->getTextPart($_uid, $structure, $this->htmlOptions, $_preserveSeen)); } } else { // what if the structure->disposition is attachment ,... } return self::normalizeBodyParts($bodyPart); break; case 'ATTACHMENT': case 'MESSAGE': switch($structure->subType) { case 'RFC822': $newStructure = array_shift($structure->subParts); if (self::$debug) {echo __METHOD__." Message -> RFC -> NewStructure:"; _debug_array($newStructure);} return self::normalizeBodyParts($this->getMessageBody($_uid, $_htmlOptions, $newStructure->partID, $newStructure)); break; } break; default: if (self::$debug) _debug_array($structure); return array( array( 'body' => lang('The mimeparser can not parse this message.'), 'mimeType' => 'text/plain', 'charSet' => 'iso-8859-1', ) ); break; } } /** * normalizeBodyParts - function to gather and normalize all body Information * @param _bodyParts - Body Array * @return array - a normalized Bodyarray */ static function normalizeBodyParts($_bodyParts) { if (is_array($_bodyParts)) { foreach($_bodyParts as $singleBodyPart) { if (!isset($singleBodyPart['body'])) { $buff = self::normalizeBodyParts($singleBodyPart); foreach ((array)$buff as $val) $body2return[] = $val; continue; } $body2return[] = $singleBodyPart; } } else { $body2return = $_bodyParts; } return $body2return; } function getMessageHeader($_uid, $_partID = '',$decode=false) { $retValue = $this->icServer->getParsedHeaders($_uid, true, $_partID, true); if (PEAR::isError($retValue)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($retValue->message)); $retValue = null; } return ($decode ? self::decode_header($retValue):$retValue); } function getMessageRawBody($_uid, $_partID = '') { if($_partID != '') { $body = $this->icServer->getBody($_uid, true); } else { $body = $this->icServer->getBodyPart($_uid, $_partID, true); } if (PEAR::isError($body)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed:'.$body->message); return false; } return $body; } function getMessageRawHeader($_uid, $_partID = '') { $retValue = $this->icServer->getRawHeaders($_uid, $_partID, true); if (PEAR::isError($retValue)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($retValue->message)); $retValue = "Could not retrieve RawHeaders in ".__METHOD__.__LINE__." PEAR::Error:".array2string($retValue->message); } return $retValue; } // return the qouta of the users INBOX function getQuotaRoot() { //if (!$this->icServer->_connected) $this->openConnection($this->profileID); if(!$this->icServer->hasCapability('QUOTA')) { return false; } $quota = $this->icServer->getStorageQuotaRoot('INBOX'); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($quota)); if(is_array($quota)) { return array( 'usage' => $quota['USED'], 'limit' => $quota['QMAX'], ); } else { return false; } } function getDraftFolder($_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'])) { return false; } $_folderName = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder']; // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } return $_folderName; } function getTemplateFolder($_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'])) { return false; } $_folderName = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder']; // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } return $_folderName; } function getTrashFolder($_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder'])) { return false; } $_folderName = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder']; // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } return $_folderName; } function getSentFolder($_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])) { return false; } $_folderName = $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder']; // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } return $_folderName; } function isSentFolder($_folderName, $_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['sentFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * checks if the Outbox folder exists and is port of the foldername to be checked */ function isOutbox($_folderName, $_checkexistance=TRUE) { if (stripos($_folderName, 'Outbox')===false) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } return true; } function isDraftFolder($_folderName, $_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['draftFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isTrashFolder($_folderName, $_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['trashFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isTemplateFolder($_folderName, $_checkexistance=TRUE) { if(empty($this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'])) { return false; } // does the folder exist??? if ($_checkexistance && !self::folderExists($_folderName)) { return false; } if(false !== stripos($_folderName, $this->mailPreferences->preferences['templateFolder'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function folderExists($_folder, $forceCheck=false) { static $folderInfo; if (empty($_folder)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Called with empty Folder:'.$_folder.function_backtrace()); return false; } // reduce traffic within on request //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Called with Folder:'.$_folder.function_backtrace()); if (isset($folderInfo[$_folder])) return $folderInfo[$_folder]; // does the folder exist??? //error_log(__METHOD__."->Connected?".$this->icServer->_connected.", ".$_folder.", ".($forceCheck?' forceCheck activated':'dont check on server')); if ((!($this->icServer->_connected == 1)) && $forceCheck) { //error_log(__METHOD__."->NotConnected and forceCheck with profile:".$this->profileID); //return false; //try to connect if (!$this->icServer->_connected) $this->openConnection($this->profileID,false); } if(is_a($this->icServer,'defaultimap')) $folderInfo[$_folder] = $this->icServer->mailboxExist($_folder); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Folder Exists:'.$folderInfo[$_folder].function_backtrace()); if(is_a($folderInfo[$_folder], 'PEAR_Error') || $folderInfo[$_folder] !== true) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * getFolderType - checks and returns the foldertype for a given nfolder * @param string $mailbox * @return int the folder Type 0 for Standard, 1 for Sent, 2 for draft, 3 for template */ function getFolderType($mailbox) { $sentFolderFlag =$this->isSentFolder($mailbox); $folderType = 0; if($sentFolderFlag || false !== in_array($mailbox,explode(',',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['messages_showassent_0']))) { $folderType = 1; $sentFolderFlag=1; } elseif($this->isDraftFolder($mailbox)) { $folderType = 2; } elseif($this->isTemplateFolder($mailbox)) { $folderType = 3; } return $folderType; } function moveMessages($_foldername, $_messageUID, $deleteAfterMove=true, $currentFolder = Null, $returnUIDs = false) { $msglist = ''; $deleteOptions = $GLOBALS['egw_info']["user"]["preferences"]["felamimail"]["deleteOptions"]; $retUid = $this->icServer->copyMessages($_foldername, $_messageUID, (!empty($currentFolder)?$currentFolder: $this->sessionData['mailbox']), true, $returnUIDs); if ( PEAR::isError($retUid) ) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."Copying to Folder $_foldername failed! PEAR::Error:".array2string($retUid->message)); throw new egw_exception("Copying to Folder $_foldername failed! PEAR::Error:".array2string($retUid->message)); return false; } if ($deleteAfterMove === true) { $retValue = $this->icServer->deleteMessages($_messageUID, true); if ( PEAR::isError($retValue)) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__."Delete After Move PEAR::Error:".array2string($retValue->message)); throw new egw_exception("Delete After Move PEAR::Error:".array2string($retValue->message)); return false; } if($deleteOptions != "mark_as_deleted") { // delete the messages finaly $this->icServer->expunge(); } } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($retUid)); return ($returnUIDs ? $retUid : true); } function openConnection($_icServerID=0, $_adminConnection=false) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'.$_icServerID); if (!is_object($this->mailPreferences)) { error_log(__METHOD__." No Object for MailPreferences found.". function_backtrace()); $this->errorMessage .= lang('No valid data to create MailProfile!!'); return false; } if(!$this->icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer((int)$_icServerID)) { $this->errorMessage .= lang('No active IMAP server found!!'); return false; } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'->'.array2string($this->icServer->ImapServerId)); if ($this->icServer && empty($this->icServer->host)) { $errormessage = lang('No IMAP server host configured!!'); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['emailadmin']) { $errormessage .= "
".lang("Configure a valid IMAP Server in emailadmin for the profile you are using."); } else { $errormessage .= "
".lang('Please ask the administrator to correct the emailadmin IMAP Server Settings for you.'); } $this->icServer->_connectionErrorObject->message .= $this->errorMessage .= $errormessage; return false; } //error_log( "-------------------------->open connection ".function_backtrace()); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ->'.array2string($this->icServer)); if ($this->icServer->_connected == 1) { $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($this->icServer->currentMailbox); //error_log(__METHOD__." using existing Connection ProfileID:".$_icServerID.' Status:'.print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); } else { //error_log( "-------------------------->open connection for Server with profileID:".$_icServerID.function_backtrace()); $tretval = $this->icServer->openConnection($_adminConnection); //error_log(__METHOD__." open new Connection ProfileID:".$_icServerID.' Status:'.print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); } //error_log(print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); return $tretval; } /** * rename a folder * * @param string _oldFolderName the old foldername * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @param string _folderName the new foldername * * @return mixed name of the newly created folder or false on error */ function renameFolder($_oldFolderName, $_parent, $_folderName) { $oldFolderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_oldFolderName); $parent = $this->_encodeFolderName($_parent); $folderName = $this->_encodeFolderName($_folderName); if(empty($parent)) { $newFolderName = $folderName; } else { $HierarchyDelimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); $newFolderName = $parent . $HierarchyDelimiter . $folderName; } if (self::$debug) error_log("create folder: $newFolderName"); $rv = $this->icServer->renameMailbox($oldFolderName, $newFolderName); if ( PEAR::isError($rv) ) { if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__." failed for $oldFolderName, $newFolderName with error: ".print_r($rv->message,true)); return false; } return $newFolderName; } function reopen($_foldername) { //error_log( "------------------------reopen-
"); //error_log(print_r($this->icServer->_connected,true)); if ($this->icServer->_connected == 1) { $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_foldername); } else { $tretval = $this->icServer->openConnection(false); $tretval = $this->icServer->selectMailbox($_foldername); } } function restoreSessionData() { $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['autoload'] = array(__CLASS__,'autoload'); $this->sessionData = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','felamimail'); } function saveFilter($_formData) { if(!empty($_formData['from'])) $data['from'] = $_formData['from']; if(!empty($_formData['to'])) $data['to'] = $_formData['to']; if(!empty($_formData['subject'])) $data['subject']= $_formData['subject']; if($_formData['filterActive'] == "true") { $data['filterActive']= "true"; } $this->sessionData['filter'] = $data; $this->saveSessionData(); } function saveSessionData() { $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','felamimail',$this->sessionData); } function setEMailProfile($_profileID) { $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail'); $config->read_repository(); $config->value('profileID',$_profileID); $config->save_repository(); } function subscribe($_folderName, $_status) { if (self::$debug) error_log("felamimail_bo::".($_status?"":"un")."subscribe:".$_folderName); if($_status === true) { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->subscribeMailbox($_folderName))) { error_log("felamimail_bo::".($_status?"":"un")."subscribe:".$_folderName." failed"); return false; } } else { if ( PEAR::isError($this->icServer->unsubscribeMailbox($_folderName))) { error_log("felamimail_bo::".($_status?"":"un")."subscribe:".$_folderName." failed"); return false; } } return true; } function toggleFilter() { if($this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] == 'true') { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'false'; } else { $this->sessionData['filter']['filterActive'] = 'true'; } $this->saveSessionData(); } function updateAccount($_hookValues) { if (is_object($this->mailPreferences)) $icServer = $this->mailPreferences->getIncomingServer(0); if(is_a($icServer,'defaultimap')) { $icServer->updateAccount($_hookValues); } if (is_object($this->mailPreferences)) $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer(0); if(is_a($ogServer,'defaultsmtp')) { $ogServer->updateAccount($_hookValues); } } function updateSingleACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $_aclType, $_aclStatus,$_recursive=false) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." $_folderName, $_accountName, $_aclType, $_aclStatus,$_recursive"); $userACL = $this->getIMAPACL($_folderName, $_accountName); if($_aclStatus == 'true' || $_aclStatus == 1) { if(strpos($userACL, $_aclType) === false) { $userACL .= $_aclType; $this->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $userACL, $_recursive); } } elseif($_aclStatus == 'false' || empty($_aclStatus)) { if(strpos($userACL, $_aclType) !== false) { $userACL = str_replace($_aclType,'',$userACL); $this->setACL($_folderName, $_accountName, $userACL, $_recursive); } } return $userACL; } static function wordwrap($str, $cols, $cut, $dontbreaklinesstartingwith=false) { $lines = explode("\n", $str); $newStr = ''; foreach($lines as $line) { // replace tabs by 8 space chars, or any tab only counts one char //$line = str_replace("\t"," ",$line); //$newStr .= wordwrap($line, $cols, $cut); $allowedLength = $cols-strlen($cut); if (strlen($line) > $allowedLength && ($dontbreaklinesstartingwith==false || ($dontbreaklinesstartingwith && strlen($dontbreaklinesstartingwith)>=1 && substr($line,0,strlen($dontbreaklinesstartingwith)) != $dontbreaklinesstartingwith ) ) ) { $s=explode(" ", $line); $line = ""; $linecnt = 0; foreach ($s as $k=>$v) { $cnt = strlen($v); // only break long words within the wordboundaries, // but it may destroy links, so we check for href and dont do it if we find one // we check for any html within the word, because we do not want to break html by accident if($cnt > $allowedLength && stripos($v,'href=')===false && stripos($v,'onclick=')===false && $cnt == strlen(html_entity_decode($v))) { $v=wordwrap($v, $allowedLength, $cut, true); } // the rest should be broken at the start of the new word that exceeds the limit if ($linecnt+$cnt > $allowedLength) { $v=$cut.$v; #$linecnt = 0; $linecnt =strlen($v)-strlen($cut); } else { $linecnt += $cnt; } if (strlen($v)) $line .= (strlen($line) ? " " : "").$v; } } $newStr .= $line . "\n"; } return $newStr; } /** * convert the foldername from display charset to UTF-7 * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @return ISO-8859-1 / UTF7-IMAP encoded string */ function _encodeFolderName($_folderName) { return translation::convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'ISO-8859-1'); #return translation::convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } /** * convert the foldername from UTF-7 to display charset * * @param string _parent the parent foldername * @return ISO-8859-1 / self::$displayCharset encoded string */ function _decodeFolderName($_folderName) { return translation::convert($_folderName, self::$displayCharset, 'ISO-8859-1'); #return translation::convert($_folderName, 'UTF7-IMAP', self::$displayCharset); } /** * convert the sort value from the gui(integer) into a string * * @param int _sort the integer sort order * @return the ascii sort string */ function _getSortString($_sort, $_reverse=false) { $_reverse=false; switch($_sort) { case 2: $retValue = 'FROM'; break; case 4: $retValue = 'TO'; break; case 3: $retValue = 'SUBJECT'; break; case 6: $retValue = 'SIZE'; break; case 0: default: //$retValue = 'DATE'; $retValue = 'ARRIVAL'; break; } return ($_reverse?'REVERSE ':'').$retValue; } function sendMDN($uid) { $identities = $this->mailPreferences->getIdentity(); $headers = $this->getMessageHeader($uid); $send = CreateObject('phpgwapi.send'); $send->ClearAddresses(); $send->ClearAttachments(); $send->IsHTML(False); $send->IsSMTP(); $array_to = explode(",",$headers['TO']); foreach($identities as $identity) { if ( preg_match('/\b'.$identity->emailAddress.'\b/',$headers['TO']) ) { $send->From = $identity->emailAddress; $send->FromName = $identity->realName; error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' using identity for send from:'.$send->From.' to match header information:'.$headers['TO']); break; } if($identity->default) { $send->From = $identity->emailAddress; $send->FromName = $identity->realName; } } if (isset($headers['DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO'])) { $toAddr = $headers['DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO']; } else if ( isset($headers['RETURN-RECEIPT-TO']) ) { $toAddr = $headers['RETURN-RECEIPT-TO']; } else if ( isset($headers['X-CONFIRM-READING-TO']) ) { $toAddr = $headers['X-CONFIRM-READING-TO']; } else return false; $singleAddress = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($toAddr,''); if (self::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' To Address:'.$singleAddress[0]->mailbox."@".$singleAddress[0]->host.", ".$singleAddress[0]->personal); $send->AddAddress($singleAddress[0]->mailbox."@".$singleAddress[0]->host, $singleAddress[0]->personal); $send->AddCustomHeader('References: '.$headers['MESSAGE-ID']); $send->Subject = $send->encode_subject( lang('Read')." : ".$headers['SUBJECT'] ); $sep = "-----------mdn".$uniq_id = md5(uniqid(time())); $body = "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n". $send->EncodeString(lang("Your message to %1 was displayed." ,$send->From),"7bit"). "\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: message/disposition-notification; name=\"MDNPart2.txt\"\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"; $body.= $send->EncodeString("Reporting-UA: eGroupWare\r\n" . "Final-Recipient: rfc822;".$send->From."\r\n" . "Original-Message-ID: ".$headers['MESSAGE-ID']."\r\n". "Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed",'7bit')."\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."\r\n". "Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers; name=\"MDNPart3.txt\"\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $send->EncodeString($this->getMessageRawHeader($uid),'7bit')."\r\n"; $body .= "--".$sep."--"; $header = rtrim($send->CreateHeader())."\r\n"."Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification;\r\n". "\tboundary=\"".$sep."\"\r\n\r\n"; //error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($send)); $rv = $send->SmtpSend($header,$body); //error_log(__METHOD__.'#'.array2string($rv).'#'); return $rv; } /** * Merges a given content with contact data * * @param string $content * @param array $ids array with contact id(s) * @param string &$err error-message on error * @return string/boolean merged content or false on error */ function merge($content,$ids,$mimetype='') { $contacts = new addressbook_bo(); $mergeobj = new addressbook_merge(); if (empty($mimetype)) $mimetype = (strlen(strip_tags($content)) == strlen($content) ?'text/plain':'text/html'); return $mergeobj->merge_string($content,$ids,$err,$mimetype); } /** * Tests if string contains 8bit symbols. * * If charset is not set, function defaults to default_charset. * $default_charset global must be set correctly if $charset is * not used. * @param string $string tested string * @param string $charset charset used in a string * @return bool true if 8bit symbols are detected */ static function is8bit(&$string,$charset='') { if ($charset=='') $charset= self::$displayCharset; /** * Don't use \240 in ranges. Sometimes RH 7.2 doesn't like it. * Don't use \200-\237 for iso-8859-x charsets. This ranges * stores control symbols in those charsets. * Use preg_match instead of ereg in order to avoid problems * with mbstring overloading */ if (preg_match("/^iso-8859/i",$charset)) { $needle='/\240|[\241-\377]/'; } else { $needle='/[\200-\237]|\240|[\241-\377]/'; } return preg_match("$needle",$string); } /** * htmlspecialchars * helperfunction to cope with wrong encoding in strings * @param string $_string input to be converted * @param mixed $charset false or string -> Target charset, if false bofelamimail displayCharset will be used * @return string */ static function htmlspecialchars($_string, $_charset=false) { //setting the charset (if not given) if ($_charset===false) $_charset = self::$displayCharset; $_stringORG = $_string; $_string = @htmlspecialchars($_string,ENT_QUOTES,$_charset, false); if (empty($_string) && !empty($_stringORG)) $_string = @htmlspecialchars(translation::convert($_stringORG,self::detect_encoding($_stringORG),$_charset),ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE,$_charset, false); return $_string; } /** * htmlentities * helperfunction to cope with wrong encoding in strings * @param string $_string input to be converted * @param mixed $charset false or string -> Target charset, if false bofelamimail displayCharset will be used * @return string */ static function htmlentities($_string, $_charset=false) { //setting the charset (if not given) if ($_charset===false) $_charset = self::$displayCharset; $_stringORG = $_string; $_string = @htmlentities($_string,ENT_QUOTES,$_charset, false); if (empty($_string) && !empty($_stringORG)) $_string = @htmlentities(translation::convert($_stringORG,self::detect_encoding($_stringORG),$_charset),ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE,$_charset, false); return $_string; } /** * detect_encoding - try to detect the encoding * only to be used if the string in question has no structure that determines his encoding * @param string - to be evaluated * @return mixed string/boolean (encoding or false */ static function detect_encoding($string) { static $list = array('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'windows-1251'); // list may be extended if (function_exists('iconv')) { foreach ($list as $item) { $sample = iconv($item, $item, $string); if (md5($sample) == md5($string)) return $item; } } return false; // we may choose to return iso-8859-1 as default at some point } static function detect_qp(&$sting) { $needle = '/(=[0-9][A-F])|(=[A-F][0-9])|(=[A-F][A-F])|(=[0-9][0-9])/'; return preg_match("$needle",$string); } /** * Helper function to handle wrong or unrecognized timezones * returns the date as it is parseable by strtotime, or current timestamp if everything failes * @param string date to be parsed/formatted * @param string format string, if none is passed, use the users common dateformat supplemented by the time hour:minute:second * @return string returns the date as it is parseable by strtotime, or current timestamp if everything failes */ static function _strtotime($date='',$format=NULL,$convert2usertime=false) { if ($format==NULL) $format = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'].' '.($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat']==12?'h:i:s a':'H:i:s'); $date2return = ($convert2usertime ? egw_time::server2user($date,$format) : egw_time::to($date,$format)); if ($date2return==null) { $dtarr = explode(' ',$date); $test = null; while ($test===null && count($dtarr)>=1) { array_pop($dtarr); $test= ($convert2usertime ? egw_time::server2user(implode(' ',$dtarr),$format): egw_time::to(implode(' ',$dtarr),$format)); if ($test) $date2return = $test; } if ($test===null) $date2return = egw_time::to('now',$format); } return $date2return; } /** * checkFileBasics * check if formdata meets basic restrictions (in tmp dir, or vfs, mimetype, etc.) * * @param array $_formData passed by reference Array with information of name, type, file and size, mimetype may be adapted * @param string $IDtoAddToFileName id to enrich the returned tmpfilename * @param string $reqMimeType /(default message/rfc822, if set to false, mimetype check will not be performed * @return mixed $fullPathtoFile or exception */ static function checkFileBasics(&$_formData, $IDtoAddToFileName='', $reqMimeType='message/rfc822') { //error_log(__METHOD__.__FILE__.array2string($_formData).' Id:'.$IDtoAddToFileName.' ReqMimeType:'.$reqMimeType); $importfailed = $tmpFileName = false; if ($_formData['size'] != 0 && (is_uploaded_file($_formData['file']) || realpath(dirname($_formData['file'])) == realpath($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']) || parse_url($_formData['file'],PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'vfs')) { // ensure existance of eGW temp dir // note: this is different from apache temp dir, // and different from any other temp file location set in php.ini if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'])) { @mkdir($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],0700); } // if we were NOT able to create this temp directory, then make an ERROR report if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'])) { $alert_msg .= 'Error:'.'
' .'Server is unable to access phpgw tmp directory'.'
' .$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'].'
' .'Please check your configuration'.'
' .'
'; } // sometimes PHP is very clue-less about MIME types, and gives NO file_type // rfc default for unknown MIME type is: if ($reqMimeType == 'message/rfc822') { $mime_type_default = 'message/rfc'; } else { $mime_type_default = $reqMimeType; } if (trim($_formData['type']) == '') { $_formData['type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; } // if reqMimeType is set to false do not test for that if ($reqMimeType) { // so if PHP did not pass any file_type info, then substitute the rfc default value if (substr(strtolower(trim($_formData['type'])),0,strlen($mime_type_default)) != $mime_type_default) { // maybe its application/octet-stream -> this may mean that we could not determine the type // so we check for the suffix too $buff = explode('.',$_formData['name']); $suffix = ''; if (is_array($buff)) $suffix = array_pop($buff); // take the last extension to check with ext2mime if (!(strtolower(trim($_formData['type'])) == "application/octet-stream" && mime_magic::ext2mime($suffix)== $reqMimeType)) { //error_log("Message rejected, no message/rfc. Is:".$_formData['type']); $importfailed = true; $alert_msg .= lang("File rejected, no %2. Is:%1",$_formData['type'],$reqMimeType); } if ((strtolower(trim($_formData['type'])) != $reqMimeType && mime_magic::ext2mime($suffix)== $reqMimeType)) { $_formData['type'] = mime_magic::ext2mime($suffix); } } } // as FreeBSD seems to have problems with the generated temp names we append some more random stuff $randomString = chr(rand(65,90)).chr(rand(48,57)).chr(rand(65,90)).chr(rand(48,57)).chr(rand(65,90)); $tmpFileName = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']. SEP. $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']. trim($IDtoAddToFileName).basename($_formData['file']).'_'.$randomString; if (parse_url($_formData['file'],PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'vfs') { $tmpFileName = $_formData['file']; // no need to store it somewhere } elseif (is_uploaded_file($_formData['file'])) { move_uploaded_file($_formData['file'],$tmpFileName); // requirement for safe_mode! } else { rename($_formData['file'],$tmpFileName); } } else { //error_log("Import of message ".$_formData['file']." failes to meet basic restrictions"); $importfailed = true; $alert_msg .= lang("Processing of file %1 failed. Failed to meet basic restrictions.",$_formData['name']); } if ($importfailed == true) { throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput($alert_msg); } else { if (parse_url($tmpFileName,PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'vfs') { egw_vfs::load_wrapper('vfs'); } return $tmpFileName; } } /** * getRandomString - function to be used to fetch a random string and md5 encode that one * @param none * @return string - a random number which is md5 encoded */ static function getRandomString() { mt_srand((float) microtime() * 1000000); return md5(mt_rand (100000, 999999)); } /** * functions to allow access to mails through other apps to fetch content * used in infolog, tracker */ /** * get_mailcontent - fetches the actual mailcontent, and returns it as well defined array * @param object bofelamimail the bofelamimailobject to be used * @param uid the uid of the email to be processed * @param partid the partid of the email * @param mailbox the mailbox, that holds the message * @return array with 'mailaddress'=>$mailaddress, * 'subject'=>$subject, * 'message'=>$message, * 'attachments'=>$attachments, * 'headers'=>$headers, */ static function get_mailcontent(&$bofelamimail,$uid,$partid='',$mailbox='') { //echo __METHOD__." called for $uid,$partid
"; $headers = $bofelamimail->getMessageHeader($uid,$partid,true); // dont force retrieval of the textpart, let felamimail preferences decide $bodyParts = $bofelamimail->getMessageBody($uid,'',$partid); $attachments = $bofelamimail->getMessageAttachments($uid,$partid); if ($bofelamimail->isSentFolder($mailbox)) $mailaddress = $headers['TO']; elseif (isset($headers['FROM'])) $mailaddress = $headers['FROM']; elseif (isset($headers['SENDER'])) $mailaddress = $headers['SENDER']; if (isset($headers['CC'])) $mailaddress .= ','.$headers['CC']; //_debug_array($headers); $subject = $headers['SUBJECT']; $message = self::getdisplayableBody($bofelamimail, $bodyParts); $headdata = self::createHeaderInfoSection($headers); $message = $headdata.$message; //echo __METHOD__.'
'; //_debug_array($attachments); if (is_array($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $num => $attachment) { if ($attachment['mimeType'] == 'MESSAGE/RFC822') { //_debug_array($bofelamimail->getMessageHeader($uid, $attachment['partID'])); //_debug_array($bofelamimail->getMessageBody($uid,'', $attachment['partID'])); //_debug_array($bofelamimail->getMessageAttachments($uid, $attachment['partID'])); $mailcontent = self::get_mailcontent($bofelamimail,$uid,$attachment['partID']); $headdata =''; if ($mailcontent['headers']) { $headdata = self::createHeaderInfoSection($mailcontent['headers']); } if ($mailcontent['message']) { $tempname =tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']."_"); $attachedMessages[] = array( 'type' => 'TEXT/PLAIN', 'name' => $mailcontent['subject'].'.txt', 'tmp_name' => $tempname, ); $tmpfile = fopen($tempname,'w'); fwrite($tmpfile,$headdata.$mailcontent['message']); fclose($tmpfile); } foreach($mailcontent['attachments'] as $tmpattach => $tmpval) { $attachedMessages[] = $tmpval; } unset($attachments[$num]); } else { $attachments[$num] = array_merge($attachments[$num],$bofelamimail->getAttachment($uid, $attachment['partID'])); if (isset($attachments[$num]['charset'])) { if ($attachments[$num]['charset']===false) $attachments[$num]['charset'] = self::detect_encoding($attachments[$num]['attachment']); translation::convert($attachments[$num]['attachment'],$attachments[$num]['charset']); } $attachments[$num]['type'] = $attachments[$num]['mimeType']; $attachments[$num]['tmp_name'] = tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']."_"); $tmpfile = fopen($attachments[$num]['tmp_name'],'w'); fwrite($tmpfile,$attachments[$num]['attachment']); fclose($tmpfile); unset($attachments[$num]['attachment']); } } if (is_array($attachedMessages)) $attachments = array_merge($attachments,$attachedMessages); } return array( 'mailaddress'=>$mailaddress, 'subject'=>$subject, 'message'=>$message, 'attachments'=>$attachments, 'headers'=>$headers, ); } /** * createHeaderInfoSection - creates a textual headersection from headerobject * @param array header headerarray may contain SUBJECT,FROM,SENDER,TO,CC,BCC,DATE,PRIORITY,IMPORTANCE * @return string a preformatted string with the information of the header worked into it */ static function createHeaderInfoSection($header,$headline='') { $headdata = null; if ($header['SUBJECT']) $headdata = lang('subject').': '.$header['SUBJECT']."\n"; if ($header['FROM']) $headdata .= lang('from').': '.self::convertAddressArrayToString($header['FROM'])."\n"; if ($header['SENDER']) $headdata .= lang('sender').': '.self::convertAddressArrayToString($header['SENDER'])."\n"; if ($header['TO']) $headdata .= lang('to').': '.self::convertAddressArrayToString($header['TO'])."\n"; if ($header['CC']) $headdata .= lang('cc').': '.self::convertAddressArrayToString($header['CC'])."\n"; if ($header['BCC']) $headdata .= lang('bcc').': '.self::convertAddressArrayToString($header['BCC'])."\n"; if ($header['DATE']) $headdata .= lang('date').': '.$header['DATE']."\n"; if ($header['PRIORITY'] && $header['PRIORITY'] != 'normal') $headdata .= lang('priority').': '.$header['PRIORITY']."\n"; if ($header['IMPORTANCE'] && $header['IMPORTANCE'] !='normal') $headdata .= lang('importance').': '.$header['IMPORTANCE']."\n"; //if ($mailcontent['headers']['ORGANIZATION']) $headdata .= lang('organization').': '.$mailcontent['headers']['ORGANIZATION']."\ if (!empty($headdata)) { if (!empty($headline)) $headdata = "---------------------------- $headline ----------------------------\n".$headdata; if (empty($headline)) $headdata = "--------------------------------------------------------\n".$headdata; $headdata .= "--------------------------------------------------------\n"; } else { $headdata = "--------------------------------------------------------\n"; } return $headdata; } /** * convertAddressArrayToString - converts an felamimail envelope Address Array To String * @param array $rfcAddressArray an addressarray as provided by felamimail retieved via egw_pear.... * @return string a comma separated string with the mailaddress(es) converted to text */ static function convertAddressArrayToString($rfcAddressArray) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($rfcAddressArray)); $returnAddr =''; if (is_array($rfcAddressArray)) { foreach((array)$rfcAddressArray as $addressData) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($addressData)); if($addressData['MAILBOX_NAME'] == 'NIL') { continue; } if(strtolower($addressData['MAILBOX_NAME']) == 'undisclosed-recipients') { continue; } if ($addressData['RFC822_EMAIL']) { $addressObjectA = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($addressData['RFC822_EMAIL']):$addressData['RFC822_EMAIL']),''); } else { $emailaddress = ($addressData['PERSONAL_NAME']?$addressData['PERSONAL_NAME'].' <'.$addressData['EMAIL'].'>':$addressData['EMAIL']); $addressObjectA = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($emailaddress):$emailaddress),''); } $addressObject = $addressObjectA[0]; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($addressObject)); if ($addressObject->host == '.SYNTAX-ERROR.') continue; //$mb =(string)$addressObject->mailbox; //$h = (string)$addressObject->host; //$p = (string)$addressObject->personal; $returnAddr .= (strlen($returnAddr)>0?',':''); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$p.' <'.$mb.'@'.$h.'>'); $returnAddr .= imap_rfc822_write_address($addressObject->mailbox, $addressObject->host, $addressObject->personal); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Address: '.$returnAddr); } } else { // do not mess with strings, return them untouched /* ToDo: validate string as Address */ if (is_string($rfcAddressArray)) return $rfcAddressArray; } return $returnAddr; } /** * getStyles - extracts the styles from the given bodyparts * @param array $bodyParts with the bodyparts * @return string a preformatted string with the mails converted to text */ static function &getStyles($_bodyParts) { $style = ''; if (empty($_bodyParts)) return ""; foreach((array)$_bodyParts as $singleBodyPart) { if (!isset($singleBodyPart['body'])) { $singleBodyPart['body'] = self::getStyles($singleBodyPart); $style .= $singleBodyPart['body']; continue; } if ($singleBodyPart['charSet']===false) $singleBodyPart['charSet'] = felamimail_bo::detect_encoding($singleBodyPart['body']); $singleBodyPart['body'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert( $singleBodyPart['body'], strtolower($singleBodyPart['charSet']) ); $ct = preg_match_all('#(.+)#isU', $singleBodyPart['body'], $newStyle); if ($ct>0) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($newStyle[0])); $style2buffer = implode('',$newStyle[0]); } if ($style2buffer && strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) == 'UTF-8') { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($style2buffer)); $test = json_encode($style2buffer); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'#'.$test.'# ->'.strlen($style2buffer).' Error:'.json_last_error()); //if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE && strlen($style2buffer)>0) if ($test=="null" && strlen($style2buffer)>0) { // this should not be needed, unless something fails with charset detection/ wrong charset passed error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Found Invalid sequence for utf-8 in CSS:'.$style2buffer.' Charset Reported:'.$singleBodyPart['charSet'].' Carset Detected:'.felamimail_bo::detect_encoding($style2buffer)); $style2buffer = utf8_encode($style2buffer); } } $style .= $style2buffer; } // CSS Security // http://code.google.com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part1#Cascading_stylesheets $css = preg_replace('/(javascript|expession|-moz-binding)/i','',$style); felamimail_bo::replaceTagsCompletley($css,'script'); // Strip out script that may be included // we need this, as styledefinitions are enclosed with curly brackets; and template stuuff tries to replace everything between curly brackets that is having no horizontal whitespace $css = str_replace(':',': ',$css); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$css); // TODO: we may have to strip urls and maybe comments and ifs return $css; } /** * getdisplayableBody - creates the bodypart of the email as textual representation * @param object $bofelamimail the bofelamimailobject to be used * @param array $bodyParts with the bodyparts * @return string a preformatted string with the mails converted to text */ static function &getdisplayableBody(&$bofelamimail, $bodyParts, $preserveHTML = false) { for($i=0; $i'.$bodyParts[$i]['body']); $newBody = translation::convert($bodyParts[$i]['body'], $bodyParts[$i]['charSet']); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' MimeType:'.$bodyParts[$i]['mimeType'].'->'.$newBody); /* // in a way, this tests if we are having real utf-8 (the displayCharset) by now; we should if charsets reported (or detected) are correct if (strtoupper(self::$displayCharset) == 'UTF-8') { $test = json_encode($newBody); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.'#'.$test.'# ->'.strlen($newBody).' Error:'.json_last_error()); if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE && strlen($newBody)>0) { // this should not be needed, unless something fails with charset detection/ wrong charset passed error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Charset Reported:'.$bodyParts[$i]['charSet'].' Carset Detected:'.felamimail_bo::detect_encoding($bodyParts[$i]['body'])); $newBody = utf8_encode($newBody); } } */ if ($bodyParts[$i]['mimeType'] == 'text/html') { // as translation::convert reduces \r\n to \n and purifier eats \n -> peplace it with a single space $newBody = str_replace("\n"," ",$newBody); // convert HTML to text, as we dont want HTML in infologs $newBody = html::purify($newBody); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' after purify:'.$newBody); if ($preserveHTML==false) $newBody = $bofelamimail->convertHTMLToText($newBody,true); $bofelamimail->getCleanHTML($newBody); // new Body passed by reference //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' after getClean:'.$newBody); $message .= $newBody; continue; } $newBody =self::htmlspecialchars($newBody); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body(after specialchars):'.$newBody); $newBody = strip_tags($newBody); //we need to fix broken tags (or just stuff like "<800 USD/p" ) //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body(after strip tags):'.$newBody); $newBody = htmlspecialchars_decode($newBody,ENT_QUOTES); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body (after hmlspc_decode):'.$newBody); $message .= $newBody; //continue; } return $message; } /** * importMessageToMergeAndSend * * @param object &bo_merge bo_merge object * @param string $document the full filename * @param array $SendAndMergeTocontacts array of contact ids * @param string $_folder (passed by reference) will set the folder used. must be set with a folder, but will hold modifications if * folder is modified * @param string $importID ID for the imported message, used by attachments to identify them unambiguously * @return mixed array of messages with success and failed messages or exception */ function importMessageToMergeAndSend(&$bo_merge, $document, $SendAndMergeTocontacts, &$_folder, $importID='') { $importfailed = false; $processStats = array('success'=>array(),'failed'=>array()); if (empty($SendAndMergeTocontacts)) { $importfailed = true; $alert_msg .= lang("Import of message %1 failed. No Contacts to merge and send to specified.",$_formData['name']); } // check if formdata meets basic restrictions (in tmp dir, or vfs, mimetype, etc.) /* as the file is provided by bo_merge, we do not check try { $tmpFileName = felamimail_bo::checkFileBasics($_formData,$importID); } catch (egw_exception_wrong_userinput $e) { $importfailed = true; $alert_msg .= $e->getMessage(); } */ $tmpFileName = $document; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($importfailed === false) { $mailObject = new egw_mailer(); try { $this->parseFileIntoMailObject($mailObject,$tmpFileName,$Header,$Body); } catch (egw_exception_assertion_failed $e) { $importfailed = true; $alert_msg .= $e->getMessage(); } //_debug_array($Body); $this->openConnection(); if (empty($_folder)) { $_folder = $this->getSentFolder(); } $delimiter = $this->getHierarchyDelimiter(); if($_folder=='INBOX'.$delimiter) $_folder='INBOX'; if ($importfailed === false) { $Subject = $mailObject->Subject; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Subject:'.$Subject); $Body = $mailObject->Body; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body:'.$Body); $AltBody = $mailObject->AltBody; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' AltBody:'.$AltBody); foreach ($SendAndMergeTocontacts as $k => $val) { $sendOK = $openAsDraft = false; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Id To Merge:'.$val); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'addressbook' && count($SendAndMergeTocontacts) > 1 && is_numeric($val) || $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($val)) // do the merge { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($mailObject)); $contact = $bo_merge->contacts->read($val); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ID:'.$val.' Data:'.array2string($contact)); $email = ($contact['email'] ? $contact['email'] : $contact['email_home']); $nfn = ($contact['n_fn'] ? $contact['n_fn'] : $contact['n_given'].' '.$contact['n_family']); $activeMailProfile = $this->mailPreferences->getIdentity($this->profileID, true); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($activeMailProfile)); $mailObject->From = $activeMailProfile->emailAddress; //$mailObject->From = $_identity->emailAddress; $mailObject->FromName = $mailObject->EncodeHeader($activeMailProfile->realName); $mailObject->MessageID = ''; $mailObject->ClearAllRecipients(); $mailObject->ClearCustomHeaders(); $mailObject->AddAddress($email,$mailObject->EncodeHeader($nfn)); $mailObject->Subject = $bo_merge->merge_string($Subject, $val, $e, 'text/plain'); if (!empty($AltBody)) { $mailObject->IsHTML(true); } elseif (empty($AltBody) && $mailObject->BodyContentType=='text/html') { $mailObject->IsHTML(true); $AltBody = self::convertHTMLToText($Body,false,$stripalltags=true); } else { $mailObject->IsHTML(false); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ContentType:'.$mailObject->BodyContentType); if (!empty($Body)) $mailObject->Body = $bo_merge->merge_string($Body, $val, $e, $mailObject->BodyContentType); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Result:'.$mailObject->Body.' error:'.array2string($e)); if (!empty($AltBody)) $mailObject->AltBody = $bo_merge->merge_string($AltBody, $val, $e, $mailObject->AltBodyContentType); $ogServer = $this->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($this->profileID); #_debug_array($ogServer); $mailObject->Host = $ogServer->host; $mailObject->Port = $ogServer->port; // SMTP Auth?? if($ogServer->smtpAuth) { $mailObject->SMTPAuth = true; // check if username contains a ; -> then a sender is specified (and probably needed) list($username,$senderadress) = explode(';', $ogServer->username,2); if (isset($senderadress) && !empty($senderadress)) $mailObject->Sender = $senderadress; $mailObject->Username = $username; $mailObject->Password = $ogServer->password; } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($mailObject)); // set a higher timeout for big messages @set_time_limit(120); $sendOK = true; try { $mailObject->Send(); } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $sendOK = false; $errorInfo = $e->getMessage(); if ($mailObject->ErrorInfo) // use the complete mailer ErrorInfo, for full Information { if (stripos($mailObject->ErrorInfo, $errorInfo)===false) { $errorInfo = 'Send Failed for '.$mailObject->Subject.' to '.$nfn.'<'.$email.'> Error:'.$mailObject->ErrorInfo.'
'.$errorInfo; } else { $errorInfo = $mailObject->ErrorInfo; } } error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($errorInfo)); } } elseif (!$k) // 1. entry, further entries will fail for apps other then addressbook { $openAsDraft = true; $mailObject->MessageID = ''; $mailObject->ClearAllRecipients(); $mailObject->ClearCustomHeaders(); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'addressbook' && is_numeric($val) || $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($val)) // do the merge { $contact = $bo_merge->contacts->read($val); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($contact)); $email = ($contact['email'] ? $contact['email'] : $contact['email_home']); $nfn = ($contact['n_fn'] ? $contact['n_fn'] : $contact['n_given'].' '.$contact['n_family']); $mailObject->AddAddress($email,$mailObject->EncodeHeader($nfn)); } $mailObject->Subject = $bo_merge->merge_string($Subject, $val, $e, 'text/plain'); if (!empty($AltBody)) { $mailObject->IsHTML(true); } elseif (empty($AltBody) && $mailObject->BodyContentType=='text/html') { $mailObject->IsHTML(true); $AltBody = self::convertHTMLToText($Body,false,$stripalltags=true); } else { $mailObject->IsHTML(false); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ContentType:'.$mailObject->BodyContentType); if (!empty($Body)) $mailObject->Body = $bo_merge->merge_string($Body, $val, $e, $mailObject->BodyContentType); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Result:'.$mailObject->Body.' error:'.array2string($e)); if (!empty($AltBody)) $mailObject->AltBody = $bo_merge->merge_string($AltBody, $val, $e, $mailObject->AltBodyContentType); $_folder = $this->getDraftFolder(); } if ($sendOK || $openAsDraft) { $BCCmail = ''; if ($this->folderExists($_folder,true)) { if($this->isSentFolder($_folder)) { $flags = '\\Seen'; } elseif($this->isDraftFolder($_folder)) { $flags = '\\Draft'; } else { $flags = ''; } unset($mailObject->sentHeader); unset($mailObject->sentBody); $savefailed = false; try { $messageUid =$this->appendMessage($_folder, $BCCmail.$mailObject->getMessageHeader(), $mailObject->getMessageBody(), $flags); } catch (egw_exception_wrong_userinput $e) { $savefailed = true; $alert_msg .= lang("Save of message %1 failed. Could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3",$Subject,$_folder,$e->getMessage()); } // no send, save successful, and message_uid present if ($savefailed===false && $messageUid && $sendOK===false) { list($fm_width,$fm_height) = explode('x',egw_link::get_registry('felamimail','view_popup')); $linkData = array ( 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.composeFromDraft', 'uid' => $messageUid, 'folder' => base64_encode($_folder), 'icServer' => $this->profileID, ); $composeUrl = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$linkData); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ComposeURL:'.$composeUrl); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script_thirst'] .= '"; $processStats['success'][] = lang("Saving of message %1 succeeded. Check Folder %2.",$Subject,$_folder); } } else { $savefailed = true; $alert_msg .= lang("Saving of message %1 failed. Destination Folder %2 does not exist.",$Subject,$_folder); } if ($sendOK) { $processStats['success'][] = 'Send succeeded to '.$nfn.'<'.$email.'>'.($savefailed?' but failed to store to Folder:'.$_folder:''); } else { $processStats['failed'][] = 'Send failed to '.$nfn.'<'.$email.'> See error_log for details'; } } } } unset($mailObject); } // set the url to open when refreshing if ($importfailed == true) { throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput($alert_msg); } else { return $processStats; } } /** * functions to allow the parsing of message/rfc files * used in felamimail to import mails, or parsev a message from file enrich it with addressdata (merge) and send it right away. */ /** * parseFileIntoMailObject - parses a message/rfc mail from file to the mailobject and returns the header and body via reference * throws egw_exception_assertion_failed when the required Pear Class is not found/loadable * @param object $mailObject instance of the SMTP Mailer Object * @param string $tmpFileName string that points/leads to the file to be imported * @param string &$Header reference used to return the imported Mailheader * @param string &$Body reference to return the imported Body * @return void Mailheader and body is returned via Reference in $Header $Body */ function parseFileIntoMailObject($mailObject,$tmpFileName,&$Header,&$Body) { $message = file_get_contents($tmpFileName); try { return $this->parseRawMessageIntoMailObject($mailObject,$message,$Header,$Body); } catch (egw_exception_assertion_failed $e) { // not sure that this is needed to pass on exeptions throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed($e->getMessage()); } } /** * parseRawMessageIntoMailObject - parses a message/rfc mail from file to the mailobject and returns the header and body via reference * throws egw_exception_assertion_failed when the required Pear Class is not found/loadable * @param object $mailObject instance of the SMTP Mailer Object * @param string $message string containing the RawMessage * @param string &$Header reference used to return the imported Mailheader * @param string &$Body reference to return the imported Body * @return void Mailheader and body is returned via Reference in $Header $Body */ function parseRawMessageIntoMailObject($mailObject,$message,&$Header,&$Body) { /** * pear/Mail_mimeDecode requires package "pear/Mail_Mime" (version >= 1.4.0, excluded versions: 1.4.0) * ./pear upgrade Mail_Mime * ./pear install Mail_mimeDecode */ //echo '
'; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$message); if (class_exists('Mail_mimeDecode',false)==false && (@include_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php') === false) throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(lang('Required PEAR class Mail/mimeDecode.php not found.')); $mailDecode = new Mail_mimeDecode($message); $structure = $mailDecode->decode(array('include_bodies'=>true,'decode_bodies'=>true,'decode_headers'=>true)); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($structure)); //_debug_array($structure); //exit; // now create a message to view, save it in Drafts and open it $mailObject->PluginDir = EGW_SERVER_ROOT."/phpgwapi/inc/"; $mailObject->IsSMTP(); $mailObject->CharSet = self::$displayCharset; // some default, may be altered by BodyImport if (isset($structure->ctype_parameters['charset'])) $mailObject->CharSet = trim($structure->ctype_parameters['charset']); $mailObject->Encoding = 'quoted-printable'; // some default, may be altered by BodyImport /* $mailObject->AddAddress($emailAddress, $addressObject->personal); $mailObject->AddCC($emailAddress, $addressObject->personal); $mailObject->AddBCC($emailAddress, $addressObject->personal); $mailObject->AddReplyto($emailAddress, $addressObject->personal); */ $result =''; foreach((array)$structure->headers as $key => $val) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$key); foreach((array)$val as $i => $v) { // if ($key!='content-type' && $key !='content-transfer-encoding') // the omitted values to that will be set at the end if ($key!='content-type' && $key !='content-transfer-encoding' && $key != 'message-id' && $key != 'x-priority') // the omitted values to that will be set at the end { $Header .= $mailObject->HeaderLine($key, trim($v)); } } switch ($key) { case 'x-priority': $mailObject->Priority = $val; break; case 'message-id': $mailObject->MessageID = $val; // ToDo: maybe we want to regenerate the message id all the time break; case 'sender': $mailObject->Sender = $val; break; case 'from': $address_array = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($val):$val),''); foreach((array)$address_array as $addressObject) { $mailObject->From = $addressObject->mailbox. (!empty($addressObject->host) ? '@'.$addressObject->host : ''); $mailObject->FromName = $addressObject->personal; } break; case 'content-transfer-encoding': $mailObject->Encoding = $val; break; case 'subject': $mailObject->Subject = $val; break; default: // stuff like X- ... //$mailObject->AddCustomHeader('X-Mailer: FeLaMiMail'); if (!strtolower(substr($key,0,2))=='x-') break; //case 'priority': // priority is a cusom header field // $mailObject->Priority = $val; // break; case 'disposition-notification-To': case 'organization': foreach((array)$val as $i => $v) $mailObject->AddCustomHeader($key.': '. $v); break; } } if ($structure->ctype_primary=='text' && $structure->body) { $mailObject->IsHTML($structure->ctype_secondary=='html'?true:false); $mailObject->Body = $structure->body; } $this->createBodyFromStructure($mailObject, $structure, $parenttype=null); $mailObject->SetMessageType(); $mailObject->CreateHeader(); // this sets the boundary stufff //echo "Boundary:".$mailObject->FetchBoundary(1).'
'; //$boundary =''; //if (isset($structure->ctype_parameters['boundary'])) $boundary = ' boundary="'.$mailObject->FetchBoundary(1).'";'; //if (isset($structure->headers['content-type'])) $Header .= $mailObject->HeaderLine('Content-type', $structure->ctype_primary.'/'.$structure->ctype_secondary.';'.$boundary); $Header .= $mailObject->GetMailMIME(); $Body = $mailObject->getMessageBody(); // this is a method of the egw_mailer/phpmailer class //_debug_array($Header); //_debug_array($Body); //_debug_array($mailObject); //exit; } /** * createBodyFromStructure - fetches/creates the bodypart of the email as textual representation * is called recursively to be able to fetch the stuctureparts of the mail parsed from Mail/mimeDecode * @param object $mailObject instance of the SMTP Mailer Object * @param array $structure array that represents structure and content of a mail parsed from Mail/mimeDecode * @param string $parenttype type of the parent node * @return void Parsed Information is passed to the mailObject to be processed there */ function createBodyFromStructure($mailObject, $structure, $parenttype=null, $decode=false) { static $attachmentnumber; static $isHTML; static $alternatebodyneeded; if (is_null($isHTML)) $isHTML = $structure->ctype_secondary=='html'?true:false; if (is_null($attachmentnumber)) $attachmentnumber = 0; if ($structure->parts && $structure->ctype_primary=='multipart') { if (is_null($alternatebodyneeded)) $alternatebodyneeded = false; foreach($structure->parts as $part) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Structure Content Type:'.$structure->ctype_primary.'/'.$structure->ctype_secondary.' Decoding:'.($decode?'on':'off')); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$structure->ctype_primary.'/'.$structure->ctype_secondary.' => '.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Part:'.array2string($part)); $partFetched = false; //echo __METHOD__.__LINE__.$structure->ctype_primary.'/'.$structure->ctype_secondary.'
'; if ($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) $mailObject->Encoding = $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']; $mailObject->IsHTML($part->ctype_secondary=='html'?true:false); if (isset($part->ctype_parameters['charset'])) $mailObject->CharSet = trim($part->ctype_parameters['charset']); if (($structure->ctype_secondary=='alternative'|| $structure->ctype_secondary=='mixed' || $structure->ctype_secondary=='signed') && $part->ctype_primary=='text' && $part->ctype_secondary=='plain' && $part->body) { //echo __METHOD__.__LINE__.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.'
'; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.' already fetched Content is HTML='.$isHTML.' Body:'.$part->body); $bodyPart = $part->body; if ($decode) $bodyPart = $this->decodeMimePart($part->body,($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64')); $mailObject->Body = ($isHTML==false?$mailObject->Body:'').$bodyPart; $mailObject->AltBody .= $bodyPart; $partFetched = true; } if (($structure->ctype_secondary=='alternative'|| $structure->ctype_secondary=='mixed' || $structure->ctype_secondary=='signed' ) && $part->ctype_primary=='text' && $part->ctype_secondary=='html' && $part->body) { //echo __METHOD__.__LINE__.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.'
'; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.' already fetched Content is HTML='.$isHTML.' Body:'.$part->body); $bodyPart = $part->body; if ($decode) $bodyPart = $this->decodeMimePart($part->body,($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64')); //$mailObject->IsHTML(true); // do we need/want that here? $mailObject->Body = ($isHTML?$mailObject->Body:'').$bodyPart; $alternatebodyneeded = true; $isHTML=true; $partFetched = true; } if (($structure->ctype_secondary=='alternative'|| $structure->ctype_secondary=='mixed' || $structure->ctype_secondary=='signed' ) && $part->ctype_primary=='text' && $part->ctype_secondary=='calendar' && $part->body) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.' BodyPart:'.array2string($part)); $bodyPart = $part->body; if ($decode) $bodyPart = $this->decodeMimePart($part->body,($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64')); $mailObject->AltExtended = $bodyPart; // "text/calendar; charset=utf-8; name=meeting.ics; method=REQUEST" // [ctype_parameters] => Array([charset] => utf-8[name] => meeting.ics[method] => REQUEST) $mailObject->AltExtendedContentType = $part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.';'. ($part->ctype_parameters['name']?' name='.$part->ctype_parameters['name'].';':''). ($part->ctype_parameters['method']?' method='.$part->ctype_parameters['method'].'':''); $partFetched = true; } if (($structure->ctype_secondary=='mixed' || $structure->ctype_secondary=='alternative' || $structure->ctype_secondary=='signed') && $part->ctype_primary=='multipart') { //error_log( __METHOD__.__LINE__." Recursion to fetch subparts:".$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary); $this->createBodyFromStructure($mailObject, $part, $parenttype=null, $decode); } //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$structure->ctype_primary.'/'.$structure->ctype_secondary.' => '.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.' Part:'.array2string($part)); if ($part->body && (($structure->ctype_secondary=='mixed' && $part->ctype_primary!='multipart') || trim($part->disposition) == 'attachment' || trim($part->disposition) == 'inline')) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$structure->ctype_secondary.'=>'.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.'->'.array2string($part)); $attachmentnumber++; $filename = trim(($part->ctype_parameters['name']?$part->ctype_parameters['name']:$part->d_parameters['filename'])); if (strlen($filename)==0) $filename = 'noname_'.$attachmentnumber; //echo $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'].'#
'; if ($decode) $part->body = $this->decodeMimePart($part->body,($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64')); if ((trim($part->disposition)=='attachment' || trim($part->disposition) == 'inline') && $partFetched==false) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Add String '.($part->disposition=='attachment'?'Attachment':'Part').' of type:'.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary); $mailObject->AddStringAttachment($part->body, //($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?base64_decode($part->body):$part->body), $filename, ($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64'), $part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary ); } if (!(trim($part->disposition)=='attachment' || trim($part->disposition) == 'inline') && $partFetched==false) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Add String '.($part->disposition=='attachment'?'Attachment':'Part').' of type:'.$part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary.' Body:'.$part->body); $mailObject->AddStringPart($part->body, //($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?base64_decode($part->body):$part->body), $filename, ($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'base64'), $part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary ); } } } if ($alternatebodyneeded == false) $mailObject->AltBody = ''; } } }