* @version $Id$ */ /** * eTemplate Extension: widget that shows one row of tabs and an other row with the eTemplate of the selected tab * * See the example in 'etemplate.tab_widget.test' * * This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function */ class tab_widget { /** * exported methods of this class * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'pre_process' => True, 'post_process' => True, 'noReadonlysALL' => true, // mark extension as not to set readonly for $readonlys['__ALL__'] ); /** * availible extensions and there names for the editor * @var string */ var $human_name = 'Tabs'; // this is the name for the editor /** * Constructor of the extension * * @param string $ui '' for html */ function tab_widget($ui) { } /** * pre-processing of the extension * * This function is called before the extension gets rendered * * @param string $name form-name of the control * @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified * @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets * @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly * @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process * @param object &$tmpl reference to the template we belong too * @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise */ function pre_process($form_name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,&$tmpl) { //echo "


\n"; if (!$cell['onchange']) // onchange allows to use the old behavior (submit for each new tab) { $dom_enabled = true; } $labels = explode('|',$cell['label']); $helps = explode('|',$cell['help']); if (strpos($cell_name=$tab_names=$cell['name'],'=') !== false) { list($cell_name,$tab_names) = explode('=',$cell['name']); $cell['name'] = $cell_name; } $names = explode('|',$tab_names); // disable tab mentioned in readonlys foreach(is_array($readonlys) ? $readonlys : array($readonlys => true) as $name => $disable) { if($name && $disable && ($key = array_search($name,$names)) !== false) { unset($names[$key]); $names = array_values($names); unset($helps[$key]); $helps = array_values($helps); unset($labels[$key]); $labels = array_values($labels); } } $tab_widget = new etemplate('etemplate.tab_widget'); $tab_widget->no_onclick = true; if ($value && strpos($value,'.') === false) { $value = $tmpl->name . '.' . $value; } foreach($names as $k => $name) { if (strpos($name,'.') === false) { $name = $names[$k] = $tmpl->name . '.' . $name; } if ($value == $name) { $selected_tab = $name; } } $all_names = implode('|',$names); if (empty($selected_tab)) { $value = $selected_tab = $names[0]; } $extension_data = $value; // remember the active tab in the extension_data foreach($names as $k => $name) { if (strpos($name,'.') === false) { $name = $names[$k] = $tmpl->name . '.' . $name; } $tcell =& $tab_widget->empty_cell(); if ($value == $name) { $tcell['span'] = ',etemplate_tab_active'; } else { $tcell['span'] = ',etemplate_tab'; } if ($dom_enabled) { $tcell['onclick'] = "activate_tab('$name','$all_names','$form_name');"; $tcell['id'] = $name.'-tab'; } elseif ($value != $name) { $tcell['type'] = 'button'; $tcell['onchange'] = '1'; $tcell['name'] = $cell_name.'['.$name.']'; } $tcell['label'] = $labels[$k]; $tcell['help'] = $helps[$k]; $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('tabs',1+$k,$tcell); } $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('tabs','type','hbox'); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('tabs','size',count($names)); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('tabs','name',''); if ($dom_enabled) { foreach($names as $n => $name) { $bcell = $tab_widget->empty_cell('template',$name); $bcell['obj'] = new etemplate($name,$tmpl->as_array()); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body',$n+1,$bcell); } $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','type','deck'); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','size',count($names)); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','span',',tab_body'); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','name',$cell_name); } else { $stab = new etemplate($selected_tab,$tmpl->as_array()); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','type','template'); $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','size',''); // the deck has a '1' there $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','obj',$stab); } $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('body','name',$selected_tab); $cell['type'] = 'template'; $cell['obj'] = &$tab_widget; $cell['label'] = $cell['help'] = ''; return False; // NO extra Label } /** * postprocessing method, called after the submission of the form * * It has to copy the allowed/valid data from $value_in to $value, otherwise the widget * will return no data (if it has a preprocessing method). The framework insures that * the post-processing of all contained widget has been done before. * * Only used by select-dow so far * * @param string $name form-name of the widget * @param mixed &$value the extension returns here it's input, if there's any * @param mixed &$extension_data persistent storage between calls or pre- and post-process * @param boolean &$loop can be set to true to request a re-submision of the form/dialog * @param object &$tmpl the eTemplate the widget belongs too * @param mixed &value_in the posted values (already striped of magic-quotes) * @return boolean true if $value has valid content, on false no content will be returned! */ function post_process($name,&$value,&$extension_data,&$loop,&$tmpl,$value_in) { //echo "

tab_widget::post_process($name): value_in = "; _debug_array($value_in); if (is_array($value_in)) { foreach ($value_in as $tab => $button_pressed) { if ($button_pressed) { $value = $tab; $loop = True; } } } else { $value = $value_in; } // if value not set (other button pressed), set the value we remembered in the extension_data if (!$value) { $value = $extension_data; } return True; } }