* @copyright (c) 2004-10 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * calendar UserInterface forms: view and edit events, freetime search * * The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strikt definition, in which time-zone they operate: * UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!! * BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because * SO operates only on server-time * * The state of the UI elements is managed in the uical class, which all UI classes extend. * * All permanent debug messages of the calendar-code should done via the debug-message method of the bocal class !!! */ class calendar_uiforms extends calendar_ui { var $public_functions = array( 'freetimesearch' => True, 'edit' => true, 'process_edit' => true, 'export' => true, 'import' => true, 'cat_acl' => true, ); /** * Standard durations used in edit and freetime search * * @var array */ var $durations = array(); /** * Name of the tabs used in edit * * @var string */ var $tabs = 'general|description|participants|recurrence|custom|links|alarms'; /** * default locking time for entries, that are opened by another user * * @var locktime in seconds */ var $locktime_default=1; /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(true); // call the parent's constructor for ($n=15; $n <= 8*60; $n+=($n < 60 ? 15 : ($n < 240 ? 30 : 60))) { $this->durations[$n*60] = sprintf('%d:%02d',$n/60,$n%60); } } /** * Create a default event (adding a new event) by evaluating certain _GET vars * * @return array event-array */ function &default_add_event() { $extra_participants = $_GET['participants'] ? explode(',',$_GET['participants']) : array(); if (isset($_GET['owner'])) { $owner = $_GET['owner']; } // dont set the planner start group as owner/participants if called from planner elseif ($this->view != 'planner' || $this->owner != $this->cal_prefs['planner_start_with_group']) { $owner = $this->owner; } if (!$owner || !is_numeric($owner) || $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($owner) != 'u' || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_ADD,0,$owner)) { if ($owner) // make an owner who is no user or we have no add-rights a participant { // if we come from ressources we don't need any users selected in calendar if (!isset($_GET['participants']) || $_GET['participants'][0] != 'r') { foreach(explode(',',$owner) as $uid) { // only add users or a single ressource, not all ressources displayed by a category if (is_numeric($uid) || $owner == $uid) { $extra_participants[] = $uid; } } } } $owner = $this->user; } //echo "

this->owner=$this->owner, _GET[owner]=$_GET[owner], user=$this->user => owner=$owner, extra_participants=".implode(',',$extra_participants)."

\n"; // by default include the owner as participant (the user can remove him) $extra_participants[] = $owner; $start = $this->bo->date2ts(array( 'full' => isset($_GET['date']) && (int) $_GET['date'] ? (int) $_GET['date'] : $this->date, 'hour' => (int) (isset($_GET['hour']) && (int) $_GET['hour'] ? $_GET['hour'] : $this->bo->cal_prefs['workdaystarts']), 'minute' => (int) $_GET['minute'], )); //echo "

_GET[date]=$_GET[date], _GET[hour]=$_GET[hour], _GET[minute]=$_GET[minute], this->date=$this->date ==> start=$start=".date('Y-m-d H:i',$start)."

\n"; $participant_types['u'] = $participant_types = $participants = array(); foreach($extra_participants as $uid) { if (isset($participants[$uid])) continue; // already included if (!$this->bo->check_acl_invite($uid)) continue; // no right to invite --> ignored if (is_numeric($uid)) { $participants[$uid] = $participant_types['u'][$uid] = calendar_so::combine_status($uid == $this->user ? 'A' : 'U',1, ($uid == $this->user || ($uid == $owner && $this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_ADD,0,$owner))) ? 'CHAIR' : 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'); } elseif (is_array($this->bo->resources[$uid[0]])) { $res_data = $this->bo->resources[$uid[0]]; list($id,$quantity) = explode(':',substr($uid,1)); if (($status = $res_data['new_status'] ? ExecMethod($res_data['new_status'],$id) : 'U')) { $participants[$uid] = $participant_types[$uid[0]][$id] = calendar_so::combine_status($status,$quantity,'REQ-PARTICIPANT'); } } } if (!$participants) // if all participants got removed, include current user { $participants[$this->user] = $participant_types['u'][$this->user] = calendar_so::combine_status('A',1,'CHAIR'); } return array( 'participant_types' => $participant_types, 'participants' => $participants, 'owner' => $owner, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $start + (int) $this->bo->cal_prefs['defaultlength']*60, 'tzid' => $this->bo->common_prefs['tz'], 'priority' => 2, // normal 'public'=> $this->cal_prefs['default_private'] ? 0 : 1, 'alarm' => array(), ); } /** * Process the edited event and evtl. call edit to redisplay it * * @param array $content posted eTemplate content */ function process_edit($content) { if (!is_array($content)) // redirect from etemplate, if POST empty { return $this->edit(null,null,strip_tags($_GET['msg'])); } $referer = !empty($content['referer']) ? $content['referer'] : '/index.php?menuaction='.$this->view_menuaction; list($button) = @each($content['button']); if (!$button && $content['action']) $button = $content['action']; // action selectbox unset($content['button']); unset($content['action']); $view = $content['view']; if ($button == 'ical') { $msg = $this->export($content['id'],true); } // delete a recur-exception if ($content['recur_exception']['delete_exception']) { list($date) = each($content['recur_exception']['delete_exception']); unset($content['recur_exception']['delete_exception']); if (($key = array_search($date,$content['recur_exception'])) !== false) { unset($content['recur_exception'][$key]); $content['recur_exception'] = array_values($content['recur_exception']); } } // delete an alarm if ($content['alarm']['delete_alarm']) { list($id) = each($content['alarm']['delete_alarm']); //echo "delete alarm $id"; _debug_array($content['alarm']['delete_alarm']); if ($content['id']) { if ($this->bo->delete_alarm($id)) { $msg = lang('Alarm deleted'); unset($content['alarm'][$id]); } else { $msg = lang('Permission denied'); } } else { unset($content['alarm'][$id]); } } if ($content['duration']) { $content['end'] = $content['start'] + $content['duration']; } $event = $content; unset($event['new_alarm']); unset($event['alarm']['delete_alarm']); unset($event['duration']); if (in_array($button,array('ignore','freetime','reedit'))) // called from conflict display { // no conversation necessary, event is already in the right format } elseif (isset($content['participants'])) // convert content => event { if ($content['whole_day']) { $event['start'] = $this->bo->date2array($event['start']); $event['start']['hour'] = $event['start']['minute'] = 0; unset($event['start']['raw']); $event['start'] = $this->bo->date2ts($event['start']); $event['end'] = $this->bo->date2array($event['end']); $event['end']['hour'] = 23; $event['end']['minute'] = $event['end']['second'] = 59; unset($event['end']['raw']); $event['end'] = $this->bo->date2ts($event['end']); } // some checks for recurances, if you give a date, make it a weekly repeating event and visa versa if ($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE && $event['recur_data']) $event['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY; if ($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY && !$event['recur_data']) { $event['recur_data'] = 1 << (int)date('w',$event['start']); } $event['participants'] = $event['participant_types'] = array(); foreach($content['participants'] as $key => $data) { switch($key) { case 'delete': // handled in default case 'quantity': // handled in new_resource case 'role': // handled in add, account or resource case 'cal_resources': case 'status_date': break; case 'add': // email or rfc822 addresse (eg. "Ralf Becker ") in the search field // ToDo: get eTemplate to return that field if (($email = $_POST['exec']['participants']['resource']['query']) && (preg_match('/^(.*<)?([a-z0-9_.-]+@[a-z0-9_.-]{5,})>?$/i',$email,$matches))) { $status = calendar_so::combine_status('U',$content['participants']['quantity'],$content['participants']['role']); // check if email belongs to account or contact --> prefer them over just emails (if we are allowed to invite him) if (($data = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($matches[2],'account_email')) && $this->bo->check_acl_invite($data)) { $event['participants'][$data] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$data] = $status; } elseif ((list($data) = ExecMethod2('addressbook.addressbook_bo.search',array( 'email' => $matches[2], 'email_home' => $matches[2], ),true,'','','',false,'OR'))) { $event['participants']['c'.$data['id']] = $event['participant_types']['c'][$data['id']] = $status; } else { $event['participants']['e'.$email] = $event['participant_types']['e'][$email] = $status; } } elseif (!$content['participants']['account'] && !$content['participants']['resource']) { $msg = lang('You need to select an account, contact or resource first!'); } break; case 'resource': if (is_array($data) && isset($data['current']) ) { list($app,$id) = explode(':',$data['current']); } else { list($app,$id) = explode(':',$data); } foreach($this->bo->resources as $type => $data) if ($data['app'] == $app) break; $uid = $this->bo->resources[$type]['app'] == $app ? $type.$id : false; // check if new entry is no account (or contact entry of an account) if ($app != 'addressbook' || !($data = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($id,'person_id')) || !$this->bo->check_acl_invite($data)) { if ($uid && $id) { $status = isset($this->bo->resources[$type]['new_status']) ? ExecMethod($this->bo->resources[$type]['new_status'],$id) : 'U'; if ($status) { $event['participants'][$uid] = $event['participant_types'][$type][$id] = calendar_so::combine_status($status,$content['participants']['quantity'],$content['participants']['role']); } elseif(!$msg_permission_denied_added) { $msg .= lang('Permission denied!'); $msg_permission_denied_added = true; } } break; } // fall-through for accounts entered as contact case 'account': foreach(is_array($data) ? $data : explode(',',$data) as $uid) { if ($uid && $this->bo->check_acl_invite($uid)) { $event['participants'][$uid] = $event['participant_types']['u'][$uid] = calendar_so::combine_status($uid == $this->bo->user ? 'A' : 'U',1,$content['participants']['role']); } elseif($uid && !$msg_permission_denied_added) { $msg .= lang('Permission denied!'); $msg_permission_denied_added = true; } } break; default: // existing participant row foreach(array('uid','status','quantity','role') as $name) { $$name = $data[$name]; } if ($content['participants']['delete'][$uid]) { $uid = false; // entry has been deleted } else { if (is_numeric($uid)) { $id = $uid; $type = 'u'; } else { $id = substr($uid,1); $type = $uid[0]; } if ($data['old_status'] != $status && !(!$data['old_status'] && $status == 'G')) { //echo "

$uid: status changed '$data[old_status]' --> '$status<'/p>\n"; $new_status = calendar_so::combine_status($status, $quantity, $role); if ($this->bo->set_status($event['id'],$uid,$new_status,isset($content['edit_single']) ? $content['participants']['status_date'] : 0)) { // refreshing the calendar-view with the changed participant-status if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $msg = lang('Status for all future scheduled days changed'); } else { if(isset($content['edit_single'])) { $msg = lang('Status for this particular day changed'); // prevent accidentally creating a real exception afterwards $view = true; $hide_delete = true; } else { $msg = lang('Status changed'); } } if (!$preserv['no_popup']) { $js = 'opener.location.href=\''.addslashes(egw::link($referer,array( 'msg' => $msg, ))).'\';'; } } } if ($uid && $status != 'G') { $event['participants'][$uid] = $event['participant_types'][$type][$id] = calendar_so::combine_status($status,$quantity,$role); } } break; } } } $preserv = array( 'view' => $view, 'hide_delete' => $hide_delete, 'edit_single' => $content['edit_single'], 'reference' => $content['reference'], 'recurrence' => $content['recurrence'], 'actual_date' => $content['actual_date'], 'referer' => $referer, 'no_popup' => $content['no_popup'], $this->tabs => $content[$this->tabs], 'template' => $content['template'], ); $noerror=true; switch((string)$button) { case 'exception': // create an exception in a recuring event $msg = $this->_create_exception($event,$preserv); break; case 'copy': // create new event with copied content, some content need to be unset to make a "new" event unset($event['id']); unset($event['uid']); unset($event['alarm']); unset($event['reference']); unset($event['recurrence']); unset($event['recur_exception']); unset($event['edit_single']); // in case it has been set unset($event['modified']); unset($event['modifier']); $event['owner'] = !(int)$this->owner || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_ADD,0,$this->owner) ? $this->user : $this->owner; $preserv['view'] = $preserv['edit_single'] = false; $msg = lang('Event copied - the copy can now be edited'); $event['title'] = lang('Copy of:').' '.$event['title']; break; case 'ignore': $ignore_conflicts = true; $button = $event['button_was']; // save or apply unset($event['button_was']); // fall through case 'mail': case 'save': case 'print': case 'apply': if ($event['id'] && !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event)) { switch ($button) { case 'mail': // just mail without edit-rights is ok $js = $this->custom_mail($event,false); break 2; case 'print': // just print without edit-rights is ok $js = $this->custom_print($event,false); break 2; } $msg = lang('Permission denied'); $button = ''; break; } if ($event['start'] > $event['end']) { $msg = lang('Error: Starttime has to be before the endtime !!!'); $button = ''; break; } if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE && $event['recur_enddate'] && $event['start'] > $event['recur_enddate']) { $msg = lang('repetition').': '.lang('Error: Starttime has to be before the endtime !!!'); $button = ''; break; } if (!$event['participants']) { $msg = lang('Error: no participants selected !!!'); $button = ''; break; } // if private event with ressource reservation is forbidden if (!$event['public'] && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['no_ressources_private']) { foreach ($event['participants'] as $uid => $value) { if ($uid[0] == 'r') //ressource detection { $msg = lang('Error: ressources reservation in private events is not allowed!!!'); $button = ''; break 2; //break foreach and case } } } if ($content['edit_single']) // we edited a single event from a series { $event['reference'] = $event['id']; $event['recurrence'] = $content['edit_single']; unset($event['id']); $conflicts = $this->bo->update($event,$ignore_conflicts,true,false,true,$messages); if (!is_array($conflicts) && $conflicts) { // now we need to add the original start as recur-execption to the series $recur_event = $this->bo->read($event['reference']); $recur_event['recur_exception'][] = $content['edit_single']; unset($recur_event['start']); unset($recur_event['end']); // no update necessary $this->bo->update($recur_event,true); // no conflict check here unset($recur_event); unset($event['edit_single']); // if we further edit it, it's just a single event unset($preserv['edit_single']); } else // conflict or error, we need to reset everything to the state befor we tried to save it { $event['id'] = $event['reference']; unset($event['reference']); $event['uid'] = $content['uid']; } } else // we edited a non-reccuring event or the whole series { $conflicts = $this->bo->update($event,$ignore_conflicts,true,false,true,$messages); unset($event['ignore']); } if (is_array($conflicts)) { $event['button_was'] = $button; // remember for ignore return $this->conflicts($event,$conflicts,$preserv); } // check if there are messages from update, eg. removed participants or categories because of missing rights if ($messages) { $msg .= ($msg ? ', ' : '').implode(', ',$messages); } if ($conflicts === 0) { $msg .= ($msg ? ', ' : '') .lang('Error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!').'
'. lang('Copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.','',''); $noerror=false; } elseif ($conflicts > 0) { $msg = lang('Event saved').($msg ? ', '.$msg : ''); // writing links for new entry, existing ones are handled by the widget itself if (!$content['id'] && is_array($content['link_to']['to_id'])) { egw_link::link('calendar',$event['id'],$content['link_to']['to_id']); } $js = 'opener.location.href=\''.addslashes(egw::link($referer,array( 'msg' => $msg, ))).'\';'; if ($button == 'print') { $js = $this->custom_print($event,!$content['id'])."\n".$js; // first open the new window and then update the view } if ($button == 'mail') { $js = $this->custom_mail($event,!$content['id'])."\n".$js; // first open the new window and then update the view } } else { $msg = lang('Error: saving the event !!!'); } break; case 'cancel': if($content['cancel_needs_refresh']) { $js = 'opener.location.href=\''.addslashes(egw::link($referer,array( 'msg' => $msg, ))).'\';'; } break; case 'delete': if ($this->bo->delete($event['id'],(int)$content['edit_single'])) { if ($content['reference'] == 0 && !$content['edit_single']) { // We delete a whole series $recur_exceptions = $this->bo->so->get_related($event['uid']); foreach ($recur_exceptions as $id) { $this->bo->delete($id); } } $msg = lang('Event deleted'); $js = 'opener.location.href=\''.addslashes(egw::link($referer,array( 'msg' => $msg, ))).'\';'; } break; case 'freetime': // the "click" has to be in onload, to make sure the button is already created $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("document.getElementsByName('exec[freetime]')[0].click();"); break; case 'add_alarm': if ($this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,!$content['new_alarm']['owner'] ? $event : 0,$content['new_alarm']['owner'])) { $offset = DAY_s * $content['new_alarm']['days'] + HOUR_s * $content['new_alarm']['hours'] + 60 * $content['new_alarm']['mins']; $alarm = array( 'offset' => $offset, 'time' => ($content['actual_date'] ? $content['actual_date'] : $content['start']) - $offset, 'all' => !$content['new_alarm']['owner'], 'owner' => $content['new_alarm']['owner'] ? $content['new_alarm']['owner'] : $this->user, ); if ($alarm['time'] < $this->bo->now_su) { $msg = lang("Can't add alarms in the past !!!"); } elseif ($event['id']) // save the alarm immediatly { if(($alarm_id = $this->bo->save_alarm($event['id'],$alarm))) { $alarm['id'] = $alarm_id; $event['alarm'][$alarm_id] = $alarm; $msg = lang('Alarm added'); } else { $msg = lang('Error adding the alarm'); } } else { for($alarm['id']=1; isset($event['alarm'][$alarm['id']]); $alarm['id']++); // get a temporary non-conflicting, numeric id $event['alarm'][$alarm['id']] = $alarm; } } else { $msg = lang('Permission denied'); } break; } if (in_array($button,array('cancel','save','delete')) && $noerror) { if ($content['lock_token']) // remove an existing lock { egw_vfs::unlock(egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path('calendar',$content['id']),$content['lock_token'],false); } if ($content['no_popup']) { $GLOBALS['egw']->redirect_link($referer,array( 'msg' => $msg, )); } $js .= 'window.close();'; echo "\n"; common::egw_exit(); } return $this->edit($event,$preserv,$msg,$js,$event['id'] ? $event['id'] : $content['link_to']['to_id']); } /** * Create an exception from the clicked event * * It's not stored to the DB unless the user saves it! * * @param array &$event * @param array &$preserv * @return string message that exception was created */ function _create_exception(&$event,&$preserv) { $event['end'] += $preserv['actual_date'] - $event['start']; $event['reference'] = $preserv['reference'] = $event['id']; $event['recurrence'] = $preserv['recurrence'] = $preserv['actual_date']; $event['start'] = $preserv['edit_single'] = $preserv['actual_date']; $event['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_NONE; foreach(array('recur_enddate','recur_interval','recur_exception','recur_data') as $name) { unset($event[$name]); } if($this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event)) { return lang('Save event as exception - Delete single occurrence - Edit status or alarms for this particular day'); } return lang('Edit status or alarms for this particular day'); } /** * return javascript to open felamimail compose window with preset content to mail all participants * * @param array $event * @param boolean $added * @return string javascript window.open command */ function custom_mail($event,$added) { $to = array(); foreach($event['participants'] as $uid => $status) { $toadd = ''; if ($status == 'R' || $uid == $this->user) continue; if (is_numeric($uid) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'u') { if (!($email = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_email'))) continue; $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_account_name($uid,$lid,$firstname,$lastname); $toadd = $firstname.' '.$lastname.' <'.$email.'>'; if (!in_array($toadd,$to)) $to[] = $toadd; } elseif ($uid < 0) { foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($uid,true) as $uid) { if (!($email = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_email'))) continue; $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_account_name($uid,$lid,$firstname,$lastname); $toadd = $firstname.' '.$lastname.' <'.$email.'>'; // dont add groupmembers if they already rejected the event, or are the current user if (!in_array($toadd,$to) && ($event['participants'][$uid] !== 'R' && $uid != $this->user)) $to[] = $toadd; } } elseif(($info = $this->bo->resource_info($uid))) { $to[] = $info['email']; } } list($subject,$body) = $this->bo->get_update_message($event,$added ? MSG_ADDED : MSG_MODIFIED); // update-message is in TZ of the user #error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($event,true)); $boical = new calendar_ical(); $ics = $boical->exportVCal(array($event),'2.0','request',false); $ics_file = tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],'ics'); if(($f = fopen($ics_file,'w'))) { fwrite($f,$ics); fclose($f); } $vars = array( 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose', 'preset[to]' => $to, 'preset[subject]' => $subject, 'preset[body]' => $body, 'preset[name]' => 'event.ics', 'preset[file]' => $ics_file, 'preset[type]' => 'text/calendar; method=request', 'preset[size]' => filesize($ics_file), ); return "window.open('".egw::link('/index.php',$vars)."','_blank','width=700,height=700,scrollbars=yes,status=no');"; } /** * return javascript to open compose window to print the event * * @param array $event * @param boolean $added * @return string javascript window.open command */ function custom_print($event,$added) { $vars = array( 'menuaction' => 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit', 'cal_id' => $event['id'], 'print' => true, ); return "window.open('".egw::link('/index.php',$vars)."','_blank','width=700,height=700,scrollbars=yes,status=no');"; } /** * Edit a calendar event * * @param array $event=null Event to edit, if not $_GET['cal_id'] contains the event-id * @param array $perserv=null following keys: * view boolean view-mode, if no edit-access we automatic fallback to view-mode * hide_delete boolean hide delete button * referer string menuaction of the referer * no_popup boolean use a popup or not * edit_single int timestamp of single event edited, unset/null otherwise * @param string $msg='' msg to display * @param string $js='window.focus();' javascript to include in the page * @param mixed $link_to_id='' $content from or for the link-widget */ function edit($event=null,$preserv=null,$msg='',$js = 'window.focus();',$link_to_id='') { $sel_options = array( 'recur_type' => &$this->bo->recur_types, 'status' => $this->bo->verbose_status, 'duration' => $this->durations, 'role' => $this->bo->roles, 'action' => array( 'copy' => array('label' => 'Copy', 'title' => 'Copy this event'), 'ical' => array('label' => 'Export', 'title' => 'Download this event as iCal'), 'print' => array('label' => 'Print', 'title' => 'Print this event'), 'mail' => array('label' => 'Mail all participants', 'title' => 'compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved'), ), ); unset($sel_options['status']['G']); if (!is_array($event)) { $preserv = array( 'no_popup' => isset($_GET['no_popup']), 'referer' => common::get_referer('/index.php?menuaction='.$this->view_menuaction), 'template' => isset($_GET['template']) ? $_GET['template'] : (isset($_REQUEST['print']) ? 'calendar.print' : 'calendar.edit'), ); $cal_id = (int) $_GET['cal_id']; if (!$cal_id || $cal_id && !($event = $this->bo->read($cal_id,$_GET['date'])) || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$event)) { if ($cal_id) { if (!$preserv['no_popup']) { $js = "alert('".lang('Permission denied')."'); window.close();"; } else { $GLOBALS['egw']->framework->render('

'.lang('Permission denied')."

\n",null,true); common::egw_exit(); } } $event =& $this->default_add_event(); } else { $preserv['actual_date'] = $event['start']; // remember the date clicked if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { // check if we should create an exception if ($_GET['exception']) { // exception: preserv participants of this event and merge it with the 0-recurrence $participants = array('participants' => $event['participants'],'participant_types' => $event['participant_types']); $event = array_merge($this->bo->read($cal_id,0,true),$participants); $msg = $this->_create_exception($event,$preserv); } else { $event = $this->bo->read($cal_id,0,true); // read the 0-recurrence } } } // set new start and end if given by $_GET if(isset($_GET['start'])) { $event['start'] = $_GET['start']; } if(isset($_GET['end'])) { $event['end'] = $_GET['end']; } // check if the event is the whole day $start = $this->bo->date2array($event['start']); $end = $this->bo->date2array($event['end']); $event['whole_day'] = !$start['hour'] && !$start['minute'] && $end['hour'] == 23 && $end['minute'] == 59; $link_to_id = $event['id']; if (!$add_link && !$event['id'] && isset($_GET['link_app']) && isset($_GET['link_id']) && preg_match('/^[a-z_0-9-]+:[:a-z_0-9-]+$/i',$_GET['link_app'].':'.$_GET['link_id'])) // gard against XSS { egw_link::link('calendar',$link_to_id,$_GET['link_app'],$_GET['link_id']); } } $etpl = new etemplate(); if (!$etpl->read($preserv['template'])) { $etpl->read($preserv['template'] = 'calendar.edit'); } $view = $preserv['view'] = $preserv['view'] || $event['id'] && !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event); //echo "view=$view, event="; _debug_array($event); // shared locking of entries to edit if (!$view && ($locktime = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['Lock_Time_Calender']) && $event['id']) { $lock_path = egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path('calendar',$event['id']); $lock_owner = 'mailto:'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_email']; if (($preserv['lock_token'] = $content['lock_token'])) // already locked --> refresh the lock { egw_vfs::lock($lock_path,$preserv['lock_token'],$locktime,$lock_owner,$scope='shared',$type='write',true,false); } if (($lock = egw_vfs::checkLock($lock_path)) && $lock['owner'] != $lock_owner) { $msg .= ' '.lang('This entry is currently opened by %1!', (($lock_uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id(substr($lock['owner'],7),'account_email')) ? common::grab_owner_name($lock_uid) : $lock['owner'])); } elseif($lock) { $preserv['lock_token'] = $lock['token']; } elseif(egw_vfs::lock($lock_path,$preserv['lock_token'],$locktime,$lock_owner,$scope='shared',$type='write',false,false)) { // install ajax handler to unlock the entry again, if the window get's closed by the user $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onunload("xajax_doXMLHTTP('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_unlock',$event[id],'$preserv[lock_token]');"); } else { $msg .= ' '.lang("Can't aquire lock!"); // eg. an exclusive lock via CalDAV ... $view = true; } //echo "

lock_path=$lock_path, lock_owner=$lock_owner, lock_token=$preserv[lock_token], msg=$msg

\n"; } $content = array_merge($event,array( 'link_to' => array( 'to_id' => $link_to_id, 'to_app' => 'calendar', ), 'edit_single' => $preserv['edit_single'], // need to be in content too, as it is used in the template $this->tabs => $preserv[$this->tabs], 'view' => $view, 'msg' => $msg, )); $content['duration'] = $content['end'] - $content['start']; if (isset($this->durations[$content['duration']])) $content['end'] = ''; $row = 2; $readonlys = $content['participants'] = $preserv['participants'] = array(); foreach($event['participant_types'] as $type => $participants) { $name = 'accounts'; if (isset($this->bo->resources[$type])) { $name = $this->bo->resources[$type]['app']; } foreach($participants as $id => $status) { $uid = $type == 'u' ? $id : $type.$id; calendar_so::split_status($status,$quantity,$role); $preserv['participants'][$row] = $content['participants'][$row] = array( 'app' => $name == 'accounts' ? ($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($id) == 'g' ? 'Group' : 'User') : $name, 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => $status, 'old_status' => $status, 'quantity' => $quantity > 1 || $uid[0] == 'r' ? $quantity : '', // only display quantity for resources or if > 1 'role' => $role, ); // replace iCal roles with a nicer label and remove regular REQ-PARTICIPANT if (isset($this->bo->roles[$role])) { $content['participants'][$row]['role_label'] = lang($this->bo->roles[$role]); } // allow third party apps to use categories for roles elseif(substr($role,0,6) == 'X-CAT-') { $content['participants'][$row]['role_label'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->id2name(substr($role,6)); } else { $content['participants'][$row]['role_label'] = lang(str_replace('X-','',$role)); } //echo "

$uid ($quantity): $role --> {$content['participants'][$row]['role']}

\n"; $readonlys[$row.'[status]'] = !$this->bo->check_status_perms($uid,$event); $readonlys["delete[$uid]"] = $preserv['hide_delete'] || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event); // todo: make the participants available as links with email as title if ($name == 'accounts') { $content['participants'][$row++]['title'] = common::grab_owner_name($id); } elseif (($info = $this->bo->resource_info($uid))) { $content['participants'][$row++]['title'] = $info['name'] ? $info['name'] : $info['email']; } else { $content['participants'][$row++]['title'] = '#'.$uid; } // enumerate group-invitations, so people can accept/reject them if ($name == 'accounts' && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($id) == 'g' && ($members = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($id,true))) { $sel_options['status']['G'] = lang('Select one'); foreach($members as $member) { if (!isset($participants[$member]) && $this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,0,$member)) { $preserv['participants'][$row] = $content['participants'][$row] = array( 'app' => 'Group invitation', 'uid' => $member, 'status' => 'G', ); // read access is enough to invite participants, but you need edit rights to change status if (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,0,$member)) { $readonlys[$row.'[quantity]'] = $readonlys["delete[$member]"] =$readonlys[$row]['status']= true; } else { $readonlys[$row.'[quantity]'] = $readonlys["delete[$member]"] = true; } $content['participants'][$row++]['title'] = common::grab_owner_name($member); } } } } // resouces / apps we shedule, atm. resources and addressbook $content['participants']['cal_resources'] = ''; foreach($this->bo->resources as $data) { $content['participants']['cal_resources'] .= ','.$data['app']; } // adding extra content for the resource link-entry widget to // * select resources or addressbook as a default selection on the app selectbox based on prefs $content['participants']['resource']['default_sel'] = $this->cal_prefs['defaultresource_sel']; // * get informations from the event on the ajax callback if (in_array($content['participants']['resource']['default_sel'],array('resources_conflict','resources_without_conflict'))) { // fix real app string $content['participants']['resource']['default_sel'] = 'resources'; // this will be used to get reservation information on the resource select list $content['participants']['resource']['extra'] = "values2url(this.form,'start,end,duration,participants,recur_type,whole_day')". "+'&exec[event_id]=".$content['id']."'"."+'&exec[show_conflict]=". (($this->cal_prefs['defaultresource_sel'] == 'resources_without_conflict')? '0':'1')."'"; } } $content['participants']['status_date'] = $preserv['actual_date']; $preserv = array_merge($preserv,$content); if ($event['alarm']) { // makes keys of the alarm-array starting with 1 $content['alarm'] = array(false); foreach(array_values($event['alarm']) as $id => $alarm) { if (!$alarm['all'] && !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,0,$alarm['owner'])) { continue; // no read rights to the calendar of the alarm-owner, dont show the alarm } $alarm['all'] = (int) $alarm['all']; $days = (int) ($alarm['offset'] / DAY_s); $hours = (int) (($alarm['offset'] % DAY_s) / HOUR_s); $minutes = (int) (($alarm['offset'] % HOUR_s) / 60); $label = array(); if ($days) $label[] = $days.' '.lang('days'); if ($hours) $label[] = $hours.' '.lang('hours'); if ($minutes) $label[] = $minutes.' '.lang('Minutes'); $alarm['offset'] = implode(', ',$label); $content['alarm'][] = $alarm; $readonlys['delete_alarm['.$id.']'] = !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$alarm['all'] ? $event : 0,$alarm['owner']); } if (count($content['alarm']) == 1) { $content['alarm'] = false; // no alarms added to content array } } else { $content['alarm'] = false; } $content['msg'] = $msg; if ($view) { foreach($event as $key => $val) { if ($key != 'alarm') $readonlys[$key] = true; } // we need to unset the tab itself, as this would make all content (incl. the change-status selects) readonly unset($readonlys[$this->tabs]); // participants are handled individual unset($readonlys['participants']); $readonlys['button[save]'] = $readonlys['button[apply]'] = $readonlys['freetime'] = true; $readonlys['link_to'] = $readonlys['customfields'] = true; $readonlys['duration'] = true; $content['participants']['no_add'] = true; // respect category permissions if(!empty($event['category'])) { $content['category'] = $this->categories->check_list(EGW_ACL_READ, $event['category']); } } else { // We hide the enddate if one of our predefined durations fits // the call to set_style_by_class has to be in onload, to make sure the function and the element is already created $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("set_style_by_class('table','end_hide','display','".($content['duration'] && isset($sel_options['duration'][$content['duration']]) ? 'none' : 'block')."');"); $readonlys['recur_exception'] = !count($content['recur_exception']); // otherwise we get a delete button if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $onclick =& $etpl->get_cell_attribute('button[delete]','onclick'); $onclick = str_replace('Delete this event','Delete this series of recuring events',$onclick); // some fundamental values of an existing series should not be changed by the user $readonlys['start'] = $readonlys['whole_day'] = true; $readonlys['recur_type'] = $readonlys['recur_data'] = true; $readonlys['recur_interval'] = $readonlys['tzid'] = true; } elseif ($event['reference'] != 0) { $readonlys['recur_type'] = $readonlys['recur_enddate'] = true; $readonlys['recur_interval'] = $readonlys['recur_data'] = true; } } // disabling the custom fields tab, if there are none $readonlys[$this->tabs] = array( 'custom' => !count($this->bo->config['customfields']), 'participants' => $this->accountsel->account_selection == 'none', ); if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['felamimail'])) // no mail without mail-app { unset($sel_options['action']['mail']); } if (!$event['id']) // no ical export for new (not saved) events { $readonlys['action'] = true; } if (!($readonlys['button[exception]'] = !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event) || $event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE)) { $content['exception_label'] = $this->bo->long_date($preserv['actual_date']); } $readonlys['button[delete]'] = !$event['id'] || $preserv['hide_delete'] || !$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_DELETE,$event); if (!$event['id'] || $this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$event)) // new event or edit rights to the event ==> allow to add alarm for all users { $sel_options['owner'][0] = lang('All participants'); } if (isset($event['participant_types']['u'][$this->user])) { $sel_options['owner'][$this->user] = $this->bo->participant_name($this->user); } foreach((array) $event['participant_types']['u'] as $uid => $status) { if ($uid != $this->user && $status != 'R' && $this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,0,$uid)) { $sel_options['owner'][$uid] = $this->bo->participant_name($uid); } } $content['no_add_alarm'] = !count($sel_options['owner']); // no rights to set any alarm if (!$event['id']) { $etpl->set_cell_attribute('button[new_alarm]','type','checkbox'); } if ($preserv['no_popup']) { $etpl->set_cell_attribute('button[cancel]','onclick',''); } //echo "content="; _debug_array($content); //echo "preserv="; _debug_array($preserv); //echo "readonlys="; _debug_array($readonlys); //echo "sel_options="; _debug_array($sel_options); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . (!$event['id'] ? lang('Add') : ($view ? ($content['edit_single'] ? lang('View exception') : ($content['recur_type'] ? lang('View series') : lang('View'))) : ($content['edit_single'] ? lang('Create exception') : ($content['recur_type'] ? lang('Edit series') : lang('Edit'))))); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= "\n"; $content['cancel_needs_refresh'] = (bool)$_GET['cancel_needs_refresh']; // non_interactive==true from $_GET calls immediate save action without displaying the edit form if(isset($_GET['non_interactive']) && (bool)$_GET['non_interactive'] === true) { unset($_GET['non_interactive']); // prevent process_exec <--> edit loops $content['button']['save'] = true; $this->process_edit(array_merge($content,$preserv)); } else { $etpl->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.process_edit',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,$preserv['no_popup'] ? 0 : 2); } } /** * Remove (shared) lock via ajax, when edit popup get's closed * * @param int $id * @param string $token */ function ajax_unlock($id,$token) { $lock_path = egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path('calendar',$id); $lock_owner = 'mailto:'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_email']; if (($lock = egw_vfs::checkLock($lock_path)) && $lock['owner'] == $lock_owner || $lock['token'] == $token) { egw_vfs::unlock($lock_path,$token,false); } $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript('window.close();'); return $response->getXML(); } /** * displays a sheduling conflict * * @param array $event * @param array $conflicts array with conflicting events, the events are not garantied to be readable by the user! * @param array $preserv data to preserv */ function conflicts($event,$conflicts,$preserv) { $etpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','calendar.conflicts'); foreach($conflicts as $k => $conflict) { $is_readable = $this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$conflict); $conflicts[$k] += array( 'icon_participants' => $is_readable ? (count($conflict['participants']) > 1 ? 'users' : 'single') : 'private', 'tooltip_participants' => $is_readable ? implode(', ',$this->bo->participants($conflict)) : '', 'time' => $this->bo->long_date($conflict['start'],$conflict['end'],true), 'conflicting_participants' => implode(",\n",$this->bo->participants(array( 'participants' => array_intersect_key($conflict['participants'],$event['participants']), ),true,true)), // show group invitations too 'icon_recur' => $conflict['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE ? 'recur' : '', 'text_recur' => $conflict['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE ? lang('Recurring event') : ' ', ); } $content = $event + array( 'conflicts' => array_values($conflicts), // conflicts have id-start as key ); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . lang('Scheduling conflict'); $etpl->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.process_edit',$content,false,false,array_merge($event,$preserv),$preserv['no_popup'] ? 0 : 2); } /** * Callback for freetimesearch button in edit * * It stores the data of the submitted form in the session under 'freetimesearch_args_'.$edit_content['id'], * for later retrival of the freetimesearch method, called by the returned window.open() command. * * @param array $edit_content * @return string with xajaxResponse */ function ajax_freetimesearch(array $edit_content) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); //$response->addAlert(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($edit_content).')'); if ($edit_content['duration']) { $edit_content['end'] = $edit_content['start'] + $edit_content['duration']; } if ($edit_content['whole_day']) { $arr = $this->bo->date2array($edit_content['start']); $arr['hour'] = $arr['minute'] = $arr['second'] = 0; unset($arr['raw']); $edit_content['start'] = $this->bo->date2ts($arr); $arr = $this->bo->date2array($edit_content['end']); $arr['hour'] = 23; $arr['minute'] = $arr['second'] = 59; unset($arr['raw']); $edit_content['end'] = $this->bo->date2ts($arr); } $content = array( 'start' => $edit_content['start'], 'duration' => $edit_content['end'] - $edit_content['start'], 'end' => $edit_content['end'], 'cal_id' => $edit_content['id'], 'recur_type' => $edit_content['recur_type'], 'participants' => array(), ); foreach($edit_content['participants'] as $key => $data) { if (is_numeric($key) && !$edit_content['participants']['delete'][$data['uid']]) { $content['participants'][] = $data['uid']; } elseif ($key == 'account' && !is_array($data) && $data) { $content['participants'][] = $data; } } // default search parameters $content['start_time'] = $edit_content['whole_day'] ? 0 : $this->cal_prefs['workdaystarts']; $content['end_time'] = $this->cal_prefs['workdayends']; if ($this->cal_prefs['workdayends']*HOUR_s < $this->cal_prefs['workdaystarts']*HOUR_s+$content['duration']) { $content['end_time'] = 0; // no end-time limit, as duration would never fit } $content['weekdays'] = MCAL_M_WEEKDAYS; $content['search_window'] = 7 * DAY_s; // store content in session egw_cache::setSession('calendar','freetimesearch_args_'.(int)$edit_content['id'],$content); //menuaction=calendar.calendar_uiforms.freetimesearch&values2url('start,end,duration,participants,recur_type,whole_day'),ft_search,700,500 $link = egw::link('/index.php',array( 'menuaction' => 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.freetimesearch', 'cal_id' => $edit_content['id'], )); $response->addScriptCall('egw_openWindowCentered2',$link,'ft_search',700,500); return $response->getXML(); } /** * Freetime search * * As the function is called in a popup via javascript, parametes get initialy transfered via the url * @param array $content=null array with parameters or false (default) to use the get-params * @param string start[str] start-date * @param string start[hour] start-hour * @param string start[min] start-minutes * @param string end[str] end-date * @param string end[hour] end-hour * @param string end[min] end-minutes * @param string participants ':' delimited string of user-id's */ function freetimesearch($content = null) { $etpl = new etemplate('calendar.freetimesearch'); $sel_options['search_window'] = array( 7*DAY_s => lang('one week'), 14*DAY_s => lang('two weeks'), 31*DAY_s => lang('one month'), 92*DAY_s => lang('three month'), 365*DAY_s => lang('one year'), ); if (!is_array($content)) { // get content from session (and delete it immediatly) $content = egw_cache::getSession('calendar','freetimesearch_args_'.(int)$_GET['cal_id']); egw_cache::unsetSession('calendar','freetimesearch_args_'.(int)$_GET['cal_id']); // pick a searchwindow fitting the duration (search for a 10 day slot in a one week window never succeeds) foreach($sel_options['search_window'] as $window => $label) { if ($window > $content['duration']) { $content['search_window'] = $window; break; } } } else { if (!$content['duration']) $content['duration'] = $content['end'] - $content['start']; if (is_array($content['freetime']['select'])) { list($selected) = each($content['freetime']['select']); //echo "$selected = ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$content['freetime'][$selected]['start']); $start = (int) $content['freetime'][$selected]['start']; $end = $start + $content['duration']; /** * ToDo: make this an eTemplate function to transmit content back to the opener */ $fields_to_set = array( 'exec[start][str]' => date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$start), 'exec[start][i]' => (int) date('i',$start), 'exec[end][str]' => date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$end), 'exec[end][i]' => (int) date('i',$end), 'exec[duration]' => $content['duration'], ); if ($this->common_prefs['timeformat'] == 12) { $fields_to_set += array( 'exec[start][H]' => date('h',$start), 'exec[start][a]' => date('a',$start), 'exec[end][H]' => date('h',$end), 'exec[end][a]' => date('a',$end), ); } else { $fields_to_set += array( 'exec[start][H]' => (int) date('H',$start), 'exec[end][H]' => (int) date('H',$end), ); } echo " \n"; exit; } } if ($content['recur_type']) { $content['msg'] .= lang('Only the initial date of that recuring event is checked!'); } $content['freetime'] = $this->freetime($content['participants'],$content['start'],$content['start']+$content['search_window'],$content['duration'],$content['cal_id']); $content['freetime'] = $this->split_freetime_daywise($content['freetime'],$content['duration'],$content['weekdays'],$content['start_time'],$content['end_time'],$sel_options); //echo "
\n"; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . lang('freetime search'); // let the window popup, if its already there $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= "\n"; if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->js)) { $GLOBALS['egw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript'); } $sel_options['duration'] = $this->durations; if ($content['duration'] && isset($sel_options['duration'][$content['duration']])) $content['end'] = ''; // We hide the enddate if one of our predefined durations fits // the call to set_style_by_class has to be in onload, to make sure the function and the element is already created $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("set_style_by_class('table','end_hide','visibility','".($content['duration'] && isset($sel_options['duration'][$content['duration']]) ? 'hidden' : 'visible')."');"); $etpl->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.freetimesearch',$content,$sel_options,'',array( 'participants' => $content['participants'], 'cal_id' => $content['cal_id'], 'recur_type' => $content['recur_type'], ),2); } /** * calculate the freetime of given $participants in a certain time-span * * @param array $participants user-id's * @param int $start start-time timestamp in user-time * @param int $end end-time timestamp in user-time * @param int $duration min. duration in sec, default 1 * @param int $cal_id own id for existing events, to exclude them from being busy-time, default 0 * @return array of free time-slots: array with start and end values */ function freetime($participants,$start,$end,$duration=1,$cal_id=0) { if ($this->debug > 2) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::freetime(participants=%1, start=%2, end=%3, duration=%4, cal_id=%5)',true,$participants,$start,$end,$duration,$cal_id); $busy = $this->bo->search(array( 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'users' => $participants, 'ignore_acl' => true, // otherwise we get only events readable by the user )); $busy[] = array( // add end-of-search-date as event, to cope with empty search and get freetime til that date 'start' => $end, 'end' => $end, ); $ft_start = $start; $freetime = array(); $n = 0; foreach($busy as $event) { if ((int)$cal_id && $event['id'] == (int)$cal_id) continue; // ignore our own event if ($event['non_blocking']) continue; // ignore non_blocking events if ($this->debug) { echo "

ft_start=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_start)."
\n"; echo "event[title]=$event[title]
\n"; echo "event[start]=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$event['start'])."
\n"; echo "event[end]=".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$event['end'])."
\n"; } // $events ends before our actual position ==> ignore it if ($event['end'] < $ft_start) { //echo "==> event ends before ft_start ==> continue
\n"; continue; } // $events starts before our actual position ==> set start to it's end and go to next event if ($event['start'] < $ft_start) { //echo "==> event starts before ft_start ==> set ft_start to it's end & continue
\n"; $ft_start = $event['end']; continue; } $ft_end = $event['start']; // only show slots equal or bigger to min_length if ($ft_end - $ft_start >= $duration) { $freetime[++$n] = array( 'start' => $ft_start, 'end' => $ft_end, ); if ($this->debug > 1) echo "

freetime: ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_start)." - ".date('D d.m.Y H:i',$ft_end)."

\n"; } $ft_start = $event['end']; } if ($this->debug > 0) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::freetime(participants=%1, start=%2, end=%3, duration=%4, cal_id=%5) freetime=%6',true,$participants,$start,$end,$duration,$cal_id,$freetime); return $freetime; } /** * split the freetime in daywise slot, taking into account weekdays, start- and stop-times * * If the duration is bigger then the difference of start- and end_time, the end_time is ignored * * @param array $freetime free time-slots: array with start and end values * @param int $duration min. duration in sec * @param int $weekdays allowed weekdays, bitfield of MCAL_M_... * @param int $start_time minimum start-hour 0-23 * @param int $end_time maximum end-hour 0-23, or 0 for none * @param array $sel_options on return options for start-time selectbox * @return array of free time-slots: array with start and end values */ function split_freetime_daywise($freetime,$duration,$weekdays,$start_time,$end_time,&$sel_options) { if ($this->debug > 1) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::split_freetime_daywise(freetime=%1, duration=%2, start_time=%3, end_time=%4)',true,$freetime,$duration,$start_time,$end_time); $freetime_daywise = array(); if (!is_array($sel_options)) $sel_options = array(); $time_format = $this->common_prefs['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i'; $start_time = (int) $start_time; // ignore leading zeros $end_time = (int) $end_time; // ignore the end_time, if duration would never fit if (($end_time - $start_time)*HOUR_s < $duration) { $end_time = 0; if ($this->debug > 1) $this->bo->debug_message('uiforms::split_freetime_daywise(, duration=%2, start_time=%3,..) end_time set to 0, it never fits durationn otherwise',true,$duration,$start_time); } $n = 0; foreach($freetime as $ft) { $daybegin = $this->bo->date2array($ft['start']); $daybegin['hour'] = $daybegin['minute'] = $daybegin['second'] = 0; unset($daybegin['raw']); $daybegin = $this->bo->date2ts($daybegin); for($t = $daybegin; $t < $ft['end']; $t += DAY_s,$daybegin += DAY_s) { $dow = date('w',$daybegin+DAY_s/2); // 0=Sun, .., 6=Sat $mcal_dow = pow(2,$dow); if (!($weekdays & $mcal_dow)) { //echo "wrong day of week $dow
\n"; continue; // wrong day of week } $start = $t < $ft['start'] ? $ft['start'] : $t; if ($start-$daybegin < $start_time*HOUR_s) // start earlier then start_time { $start = $daybegin + $start_time*HOUR_s; } // if end_time given use it, else the original slot's end $end = $end_time ? $daybegin + $end_time*HOUR_s : $ft['end']; if ($end > $ft['end']) $end = $ft['end']; // slot to small for duration if ($end - $start < $duration) { //echo "slot to small for duration=$duration
\n"; continue; } $freetime_daywise[++$n] = array( 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, ); $times = array(); for ($s = $start; $s+$duration <= $end && $s < $daybegin+DAY_s; $s += 60*$this->cal_prefs['interval']) { $e = $s + $duration; $end_date = $e-$daybegin > DAY_s ? lang(date('l',$e)).' '.date($this->common_prefs['dateformat'],$e).' ' : ''; $times[$s] = date($time_format,$s).' - '.$end_date.date($time_format,$e); } $sel_options[$n.'[start]'] = $times; } } return $freetime_daywise; } /** * Export events as vCalendar version 2.0 files (iCal) * * @param int|array $content=0 numeric cal_id or submitted content from etempalte::exec * @param boolean $return_error=false should an error-msg be returned or a regular page with it generated (default) * @return string error-msg if $return_error */ function export($content=0,$return_error=false) { $boical = new calendar_ical(); #error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($content,true)); if (is_numeric($cal_id = $content ? $content : $_REQUEST['cal_id'])) { if (!($ical =& $boical->exportVCal(array($cal_id),'2.0','PUBLISH',false))) { $msg = lang('Permission denied'); if ($return_error) return $msg; } else { html::content_header('event.ics','text/calendar',bytes($ical)); echo $ical; common::egw_exit(); } } if (is_array($content)) { $events =& $this->bo->search(array( 'start' => $content['start'], 'end' => $content['end'], 'enum_recuring' => false, 'daywise' => false, 'owner' => $this->owner, 'date_format' => 'server', // timestamp in server time for boical class )); if (!$events) { $msg = lang('No events found'); } else { $ical =& $boical->exportVCal($events,'2.0','PUBLISH',false); html::content_header($content['file'] ? $content['file'] : 'event.ics','text/calendar',bytes($ical)); echo $ical; common::egw_exit(); } } if (!is_array($content)) { $view = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('view','calendar'); $content = array( 'start' => $this->bo->date2ts($_REQUEST['start'] ? $_REQUEST['start'] : $this->date), 'end' => $this->bo->date2ts($_REQUEST['end'] ? $_REQUEST['end'] : $this->date), 'file' => 'event.ics', 'version' => '2.0', ); } $content['msg'] = $msg; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . lang('iCal Export'); $etpl = new etemplate('calendar.export'); $etpl->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.export',$content); } /** * Import events as vCalendar version 2.0 files (iCal) * * @param array $content=null submitted content from etempalte::exec */ function import($content=null) { if (is_array($content)) { if (is_array($content['ical_file']) && is_uploaded_file($content['ical_file']['tmp_name'])) { if (!ExecMethod('calendar.calendar_ical.importVCal',file_get_contents($content['ical_file']['tmp_name']))) { $msg = lang('Error: importing the iCal'); } else { $msg = lang('iCal successful imported'); } } else { $msg = lang('You need to select an iCal file first'); } } $content = array( 'msg' => $msg, ); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar') . ' - ' . lang('iCal Import'); $etpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','calendar.import'); $etpl->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.import',$content); } /** * Edit category ACL (admin only) * * @param array $content=null */ function cat_acl(array $content=null) { if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { throw new egw_exception_no_permission_admin(); } if ($content) { list($button) = each($content['button']); unset($content['button']); if ($button != 'cancel') // store changed acl { foreach($content['rows'] as $data) { if (!($cat_id = $data['cat_id'])) continue; foreach(array_merge((array)$data['add'],(array)$data['status'],array_keys((array)$data['old'])) as $account_id) { $rights = 0; if (in_array($account_id,(array)$data['add'])) $rights |= calendar_boupdate::CAT_ACL_ADD; if (in_array($account_id,(array)$data['status'])) $rights |= calendar_boupdate::CAT_ACL_STATUS; if ($account_id) $this->bo->set_cat_rights($cat_id,$account_id,$rights); } } } if ($button != 'apply') // end dialog { egw::redirect_link('/index.php',array('menuaction' => $this->view_menuaction)); } } $content['rows'] = $preserv['rows'] = array(); $n = 1; foreach($this->bo->get_cat_rights() as $Lcat_id => $data) { $cat_id = (int)substr($Lcat_id,1); $row = array( 'cat_id' => $cat_id, 'add' => array(), 'status' => array(), ); foreach($data as $account_id => $rights) { if ($rights & calendar_boupdate::CAT_ACL_ADD) $row['add'][] = $account_id; if ($rights & calendar_boupdate::CAT_ACL_STATUS) $row['status'][] = $account_id; } $content['rows'][$n] = $row; $preserv['rows'][$n] = array( 'cat_id' => $cat_id, 'old' => $data, ); $readonlys[$n.'[cat_id]'] = true; ++$n; } // add empty row for new entries $content['rows'][] = array('cat_id' => ''); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Calendar').' - '.lang('Category ACL'); $tmp = new etemplate('calendar.cat_acl'); $tmp->exec('calendar.calendar_uiforms.cat_acl',$content,null,$readonlys,$preserv); } }