* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /** * DB independent backup and restore of eGW's DB * * @class db_backup * @author RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de * @license GPL */ class db_backup { var $schema_proc; /** schema_proc class */ var $schemas = array(); /** array tablename => schema */ var $exclude_tables = array( /** exclude from backup */ 'phpgw_sessions','phpgw_app_sessions', // eGW's session-tables 'phpgw_anglemail', // email's cache 'phpgw_felamimail_cache','phpgw_felamimail_folderstatus', // felamimail's cache ); var $system_tables = false; /** regular expression to identify system-tables => ignored for schema+backup */ var $egw_tables = false; /** regurar expression to identify eGW tables => if set only they are used */ var $backslash_token = '##!!**bAcKsLaSh**!!##'; // used in cvs_split /** * Constructor */ function db_backup() { if (is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc)) // schema_proc already instanciated, use it { $this->schema_proc = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc; } else { $this->schema_proc = CreateObject('phpgwapi.schema_proc'); } $this->db = $this->schema_proc->m_odb; $this->adodb = &$GLOBALS['egw']->ADOdb; if (is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw_setup'])) // called from setup { $tables = $this->adodb->MetaTables('TABLES'); if (in_array('phpgw_config',$tables)) { $this->db->query("SELECT config_value FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_app='phpgwapi' AND config_name='backup_dir'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); if (!($this->backup_dir = $this->db->f(0))) { $this->db->query("SELECT config_value FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_app='phpgwapi' AND config_name='files_dir'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $this->backup_dir = $this->db->f(0).'/db_backup'; } $this->db->query("SELECT config_value FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_app='phpgwapi' AND config_name='system_charset'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $this->charset = $this->db->f(0); if (!$this->charset) { $this->db->query("SELECT content FROM phpgw_lang WHERE message_id='charset' AND app_name='common' AND lang!='en'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); $this->charset = $this->db->f(0); } } if (!$this->charset) $this->charset = 'iso-8859-1'; } else // called from eGW { $this->schema_proc = CreateObject('phpgwapi.schema_proc'); if (!($this->backup_dir = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['backup_dir'])) { $this->backup_dir = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'].'/db_backup'; } $this->charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(); } if (!is_dir($this->backup_dir) && is_writable(dirname($this->backup_dir))) { mkdir($this->backup_dir); } switch($this->db->Type) { case 'sapdb': case 'maxdb': //$this->system_tables = '/^(sql_cursor.*|session_roles|activeconfiguration|cachestatistics|commandcachestatistics|commandstatistics|datastatistics|datavolumes|hotstandbycomponent|hotstandbygroup|instance|logvolumes|machineconfiguration|machineutilization|memoryallocatorstatistics|memoryholders|omslocks|optimizerinformation|sessions|snapshots|spinlockstatistics|version)$/i'; $this->egw_tables = '/^(egw_|phpgw_)/i'; break; } } /** * Opens the backup-file using the highest availible compression * * @param $name=false string/boolean filename to use, or false for the default one * @param $reading=false opening for reading ('rb') or writing ('wb') * @return string/resource error-msg of file-handle */ function fopen_backup($name=false,$reading=false) { if (!$name) { if (!$this->backup_dir || !is_writable($this->backup_dir)) { return lang("backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver",$this->backup_dir); } $name = $this->backup_dir.'/db_backup-'.date('YmdHi'); } else // remove the extension, to use the correct wrapper based on the extension { $name = preg_replace('/\.(bz2|gz)$/i','',$name); } $mode = $reading ? 'rb' : 'wb'; if (!($f = @fopen($file = "compress.bzip2://$name.bz2",$mode)) && !($f = @fopen($file = "compress.zlib://$name.gz",$mode)) && !($f = @fopen($file = "zlib:$name.gz",$mode)) && // php < 4.3 !($f = @fopen($file = $name,$mode))) { $lang_mode = $reading ? lang('reading') : lang('writing'); return lang("Cant open '%1' for %2",$name,$lang_mode); } return $f; } /** * Backup all data in the form of a (compressed) csv file * * @param $f resource file opened with fopen for reading */ function restore($f) { @set_time_limit(0); ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',true); $this->db->transaction_begin(); // drop all existing tables foreach($this->adodb->MetaTables('TABLES') as $table) { if ($this->system_tables && preg_match($this->system_tables,$table) || $this->egw_tables && !preg_match($this->egw_tables,$table)) { continue; } $this->schema_proc->DropTable($table); } $table = False; $n = 0; while(!feof($f)) { $line = trim(fgets($f)); ++$n; if (empty($line)) continue; if (substr($line,0,9) == 'charset: ') { $charset = substr($line,9); // needed if mbstring.func_overload > 0, else eg. substr does not work with non ascii chars @ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding',$charset); // set the DB's client encoding $this->db->Link_ID->SetCharSet($charset); continue; } if (substr($line,0,8) == 'schema: ') { // create the tables in the backup set $this->schemas = unserialize(trim(substr($line,8))); foreach($this->schemas as $table_name => $schema) { echo "
$table_name => ".$this->write_array($schema,1)."
\n"; $this->schema_proc->CreateTable($table_name,$schema); } // make the schemas availible for the db-class $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['all-apps']['table_defs'] = &$this->schemas; continue; } if (substr($line,0,7) == 'table: ') { $table = substr($line,7); $cols = $this->csv_split($line=fgets($f)); ++$n; if (feof($f)) break; continue; } if ($table) // do we already reached the data part { $data = $this->csv_split($line,$cols); if (count($data) == count($cols)) { $this->db->insert($table,$data,False,__LINE__,__FILE__,'all-apps',true); } else { echo '

'.lang("Line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored",$n,$line,$table)."

\n"; echo 'data=
\n"; } } } // updated the sequences, if the DB uses them foreach($this->schemas as $table => $schema) { foreach($schema['fd'] as $column => $definition) { if ($definition['type'] == 'auto') { $this->schema_proc->UpdateSequence($table,$column); break; // max. one per table } } } $this->db->transaction_commit(); } /** * Split one line of a csv file into an array and does all unescaping * @internal */ function csv_split($line,$keys=False) { $fields = explode(',',trim($line)); $str_pending = False; $n = 0; foreach($fields as $i => $field) { if ($str_pending !== False) { $field = $str_pending.','.$field; $str_pending = False; } $key = $keys ? $keys[$n] : $n; if ($field[0] == '"') { if (substr($field,-1) !== '"' || $field === '"') { $str_pending = $field; continue; } // count the number of backslashes before the finishing double-quote // it's not escaped if the number is even (incl. zero) for($anz_bslash = 0, $i = strlen($field)-2; $i >= 0 && $field[$i] == '\\'; --$i,++$anz_bslash); if ($anz_bslash & 1) // ending double quote is escaped and does not end the string { $str_pending = $field; continue; } $arr[$key] = str_replace($this->backslash_token,'\\',str_replace(array('\\\\','\\n','\\r','\\"'),array($this->backslash_token,"\n","\r",'"'),substr($field,1,-1))); } else { $arr[$key] = $field == 'NULL' ? NULL : $field; } ++$n; } return $arr; } /** * @internal */ function escape_data(&$data,$col,$defs) { if (is_null($data)) { $data = 'NULL'; } else { switch($defs[$col]['type']) { case 'int': case 'auto': case 'decimal': case 'date': case 'timestamp': break; default: $data = '"'.str_replace(array('\\',"\n","\r",'"'),array('\\\\','\\n','\\r','\\"'),$data).'"'; break; } } } /** * Backup all data in the form of a (compressed) csv file * * @param f resource file opened with fopen for writing */ function backup($f) { @set_time_limit(0); fwrite($f,"eGroupWare backup from ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n"); fwrite($f,"\ncharset: $this->charset\n\n"); $this->schema_backup($f); // add the schema in a human readable form too /* not needed, already done by schema_backup foreach($this->adodb->MetaTables('TABLES') as $table) { if ($this->db->Type == 'sapdb' || $this->db->Type == 'maxdb') { $table = strtolower($table); } if (!($this->schemas[$table] = $this->schema_proc->GetTableDefinition($table))) { unset($this->schemas[$table]); } } */ fwrite($f,"\nschema: ".serialize($this->schemas)."\n"); foreach($this->schemas as $table => $schema) { if (in_array($table,$this->exclude_tables)) continue; // dont backup $first_row = true; $this->db->select($table,'*',false,__LINE__,__FILE__); while(($row = $this->db->row(true))) { if ($first_row) { fwrite($f,"\ntable: $table\n".implode(',',array_keys($row))."\n"); $first_row = false; } array_walk($row,array('db_backup','escape_data'),$schema['fd']); fwrite($f,implode(',',$row)."\n"); } } return true; } /** * Backup all schemas in the form of a setup/tables_current.inc.php file * * @param f resource/boolean */ function schema_backup($f=False) { foreach($this->adodb->MetaTables('TABLES') as $table) { if ($this->system_tables && preg_match($this->system_tables,$table) || $this->egw_tables && !preg_match($this->egw_tables,$table)) { continue; } if ($this->db->Type == 'sapdb' || $this->db->Type == 'maxdb') { $table = strtolower($table); } if (!($this->schemas[$table] = $this->schema_proc->GetTableDefinition($table))) { unset($this->schemas[$table]); } if (($this->db->Type == 'sapdb' || $this->db->Type == 'maxdb') && $table == 'phpgw_anglemail') { // sapdb does not differ between text and blob $this->schemas[$table]['fd']['content']['type'] = 'blob'; } } $def = "\t\$phpgw_baseline = "; $def .= $this->write_array($this->schemas,1); $def .= ";\n"; if ($f) { fwrite($f,$def); } else { if (!is_object($this->browser)) { $this->browser = CreateObject('phpgwapi.browser'); } $this->browser->content_header('schema-backup-'.date('YmdHi').'.inc.php','text/plain',strlen($def)); echo " $val) { if (!is_int($key)) { $def .= "'$key' => "; } if (is_array($val)) { $def .= $this->write_array($val,$parent == 'fd' ? 0 : $depth,$key); } else { if (!$only_vals && $key === 'nullable') { $def .= $val ? 'True' : 'False'; } else { $def .= "'$val'"; } } if ($n < count($arr)-1) { $def .= ",$tabs".($tabs ? "\t" : ''); } ++$n; } $def .= "$tabs)"; return $def; } }