<part label="III">
	<title>Using phpGroupWare</title>
		Using phpGroupWare is a cake walk , thats what people say :-). Reading this doc would
		definitely give a head start. If u ever comea cross any problem please report to
<chapter id="logingin">
	<title>Loging into phpgw</title>
		After your setup you can point your browser to <filename>index.php</filename> in the
		installation directory. If the set up was right you can login with user name <classname>demo
		</classname> and the password is <classname>1234</classname>> Now it is recommended to
		create a new user with administrative privileges and delete the old one.
<chapter id="checkmail">
	<title>checking Email</title>
<chapter id="addressbook">
	<title>Using Addressbook</title>
<chapter id="calender">
	<title>Using Calender</title>
<chapter id="fileman">
	<title>Managing Files with file manager</title>
<chapter id="headlines">
	<title>Getting Headlines</title>
<chapter id="hr">
	<title>Human Resources</title>
<chapter id="pref">
<chapter id="todo">
	<title>Using todo</title>
<chapter id="tobtick">
	<title>Using Trouble ticket</title>