//v.1.3 build 100805 /* Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com To use this component please contact sales@dhtmlx.com to obtain license */ /*_TOPICS_ * @0:Initialization * @1:Add/delete * @2:Lookup * @3:Appearance * @4:Private * @5:Handlers * @6:Load/Save data * @7:Printing */ /** * @desc: GanttProjectInfo constructor * @param: id - id of the project * @param: name - name of the project * @param: startDate - start date of the project (JavaScript Date object) * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ function GanttProjectInfo(id, name, startDate) { this.Id = id; this.Name = name; this.StartDate = startDate; this.ParentTasks = []; } /** * @desc: Delete specified task * @param: id - id of the task to be deleted * @type: public * @topic: 1 * @edition: Professional */ GanttProjectInfo.prototype.deleteTask = function(id) { var task = this.getTaskById(id); if (task) { if (!task.ParentTask) { for (var i = 0; i < this.ParentTasks.length; i++) { if (this.ParentTasks[i].Id == id) { if (this.ParentTasks[i].nextParentTask) { if (this.ParentTasks[i].previousParentTask) { this.ParentTasks[i].previousParentTask.nextParentTask = this.ParentTasks[i].nextParentTask; this.ParentTasks[i].nextParentTask.previousParentTask = this.ParentTasks[i].previousParentTask; } else { this.ParentTasks[i].nextParentTask.previousParentTask = null; } } else { if (this.ParentTasks[i].previousParentTask) { this.ParentTasks[i].previousParentTask.nextParentTask = null; } } this.ParentTasks[i] = null; this.ParentTasks.splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { var parentTask = task.ParentTask; for (var i = 0; i < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; i++) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].Id == id) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].nextChildTask) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask) { parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask.nextChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i].nextChildTask; parentTask.ChildTasks[i].nextChildTask.previousChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask; } else { parentTask.ChildTasks[i].nextChildTask.previousChildTask = null; } } else { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask) { parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask.nextChildTask = null; } } parentTask.ChildTasks[i] = null; parentTask.ChildTasks.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } }; /** * @desc: Addition of the task in project * @param: task - TaskInfo object * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttProjectInfo.prototype.addTask = function(task) { this.ParentTasks.push(task); task.setProject(this); }; /** * @desc: get object task by id * @param: id - id of task * @type: public * @topic: 2 */ GanttProjectInfo.prototype.getTaskById = function(id) { for (var j = 0; j < this.ParentTasks.length; j++) { var task = this.getTaskByIdInTree(this.ParentTasks[j], id); if (task) return task; } return null; }; /** * @desc: get object task by id * @param: parentTask -(object) parent task * @param: id - id of current task * @type: private * @topic: 2 */ GanttProjectInfo.prototype.getTaskByIdInTree = function(parentTask, id) { if (parentTask.Id == id) { return parentTask; } else { for (var i = 0; i < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; i++) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].Id == id) { return parentTask.ChildTasks[i]; } if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].ChildTasks.length > 0) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i].ChildTasks.length > 0) { var cTask = this.getTaskByIdInTree(parentTask.ChildTasks[i], id); if (cTask) return cTask; } } } } return null; }; /** * @desc: GanttTaskInfo constructor * @param: id - specifies id of task * @param: name - specifies name of task * @param: est - specifies Estimated Start Date of task * @param: duration - specifies duration of task in hours * @param: percentCompleted - specifies percentCompleted of task * @param: predecessorTaskId - specifies predecessorTask Id of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ function GanttTaskInfo(id, name, est, duration, percentCompleted, predecessorTaskId) { this.Id = id; this.Name = name; this.EST = est; this.Duration = duration; this.PercentCompleted = percentCompleted; this.PredecessorTaskId = predecessorTaskId; this.ChildTasks = []; this.ChildPredTasks = []; this.ParentTask = null; this.PredecessorTask = null; this.Project = null; this.nextChildTask = null; this.previousChildTask = null; this.nextParentTask = null; this.previousParentTask = null; } /** * @desc: Addition of child task to the parent task * @param: task - (object) task * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttTaskInfo.prototype.addChildTask = function(task) { this.ChildTasks.push(task); task.ParentTask = this; }; /** * @desc: set project to this task and its children * @param: project - (object) project * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttTaskInfo.prototype.setProject = function(project) { this.Project = project; for (var j = 0; j < this.ChildTasks.length; j++) { this.ChildTasks[j].setProject(project); } }; /** * @desc: private GanttTask constructor * @param: taskInfo - (object)GanttTaskInfo * @param: project - (object) GanttProject * @param: chart - (object)GanttChart * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ function GanttTask(taskInfo, project, chart) { this.isTask = true; this.Chart = chart; this.Project = project; this.TaskInfo = taskInfo; //control variables this.checkMove = false; this.checkResize = false; this.moveChild = false; this.maxPosXMove = -1; this.minPosXMove = -1; this.maxWidthResize = -1; this.minWidthResize = -1; this.posX = 0; this.posY = 0; this.MouseX = 0; this.taskItemWidth = 0; this.isHide = false; this._heightHideTasks = 0; this._isOpen = true; this.descrTask = null; this.cTaskItem = null; this.cTaskNameItem = null; this.parentTask = null; this.predTask = null; this.childTask = []; this.childPredTask = []; this.nextChildTask = null; this.previousChildTask = null; this.nextParentTask = null; this.previousParentTask = null; } /** * @desc: private GanttProject constructor * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ function GanttProject(Chart, projectInfo) { this.isProject = true; this.nextProject = null; this.previousProject = null; this.arrTasks = []; this.Project = projectInfo; this.Chart = Chart; this.percentCompleted = 0; this.Duration = 0; this.descrProject = null; this.projectItem = null; this.projectNameItem = null; this.posY = 0; this.posX = 0; } /** * @desc: check width of projectNameItem * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.checkWidthProjectNameItem = function() { if (this.projectNameItem.offsetWidth + this.projectNameItem.offsetLeft > this.Chart.maxWidthPanelNames) { var width = this.projectNameItem.offsetWidth + this.projectNameItem.offsetLeft - this.Chart.maxWidthPanelNames; var countChar = Math.round(width / (this.projectNameItem.offsetWidth / this.projectNameItem.firstChild.length)); var pName = this.Project.Name.substring(0, this.projectNameItem.firstChild.length - countChar - 3); pName += "..."; this.projectNameItem.innerHTML = pName; } }; /** * @desc: create GanttProject. * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.create = function() { var containerTasks = this.Chart.oData.firstChild; this.posX = (this.Project.StartDate - this.Chart.startDate) / (60 * 60 * 1000) * this.Chart.hourInPixels; if (this.previousProject) { if (this.previousProject.arrTasks.length > 0) { var lastChildTask = this.Chart.getLastChildTask(this.previousProject.arrTasks[this.previousProject.arrTasks.length - 1]); this.posY = parseInt(lastChildTask.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; } else { this.posY = parseInt(this.previousProject.projectItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; } } else { this.posY = 6; } if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { var containerNames = this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild; this.projectNameItem = this.createProjectNameItem(); containerNames.appendChild(this.projectNameItem); this.checkWidthProjectNameItem(); } this.projectItem = [this.createProjectItem(),[]]; containerTasks.appendChild(this.projectItem[0]); if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) { containerTasks.appendChild(this.createDescrProject()); } this.addDayInPanelTime(); }; /** * @desc: GanttChart constructor * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ function GanttChart() { this.Error = new GanttError(); this.dhtmlXMLSenderObject = new dhtmlXMLSenderObject(this); //settings this.heightTaskItem = 12; this.dayInPixels = 24; this.hoursInDay = 8; this._showTreePanel = true; this._showTooltip = true; this.isShowDescTask = false; this.isShowDescProject = false; this.isShowNewProject = true; this.isEditable = false; this.isShowConMenu = false; this.correctError = false; this.maxWidthPanelNames = 150; this.minWorkLength = 8; this.paramShowTask = []; this.paramShowProject = []; this.savePath = null; this.loadPath = null; //control variables this.divTimeInfo = null; this.divInfo = null; this.panelNames = null; this.panelTime = null; this.oData = null; this.content = null; this.panelErrors = null; this.contextMenu = null; this.hourInPixelsWork = this.dayInPixels / this.hoursInDay; this.hourInPixels = this.dayInPixels / 24; this.countDays = 0; this.startDate = null; this.initialPos = 0; this.contentHeight = 0; this.contentWidth = 0; this._oDataHeight = 0; this.Project = []; this.arrProjects = []; this.xmlLoader = null; this._isIE = false; this._isFF = false; this._isOpera = false; this._isMove = false; this._isResize = false; this._isError = false; this.imgs = "codebase/imgs/"; this.stylePath = "codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css"; // used in simple printing method getPrintableHTML() this.shortMonthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; this.monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; this._useShortMonthNames = true; dhtmlxEventable(this); } /** * @desc: set path to image directory * @param: newPath - path to image directory, end with slash / * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setImagePath = function(newPath) { this.imgs = newPath; }; /** * @desc: set path to styles file, default is "codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css"; used in simple printing method printToWindow() * @param: newPath - path to styles file * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setStylePath = function(newPath) { this.stylePath = newPath; }; /** * @desc: set url which is used to save chart data with saveData() method * @param: newPath - url to server script. * @type: public * @topic: 6 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setSavePath = function(newPath) { this.savePath = newPath; }; /** * @desc: set url which is used to load chart data with loadData() method * @param: newPath - url to server script. * @type: public * @topic: 6 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setLoadPath = function(newPath) { this.loadPath = newPath; }; GanttChart.prototype.setCorrectError = function(isCorrectError) { this.correctError = isCorrectError; }; /** * @desc: enable or disable inline task description (displayed right after the task bar), and configure the shown values * @param: isShowDescTask - true/false show or hide * @param: param - comma separated list of letters: n - Name, d - Duration, e - EST, p -Percent complete. For example value "n,e" will show task name and EST date. * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.showDescTask = function(isShowDescTask, param) { this.isShowDescTask = isShowDescTask; var arrValues = new Array(5); if (this.isShowDescTask) { if (param) { var arrParam = param.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < arrParam.length; i++) { var k = this.getParamShowTask(arrParam[i]); arrValues[k] = 1; } } else { arrValues[this.getParamShowTask('')] = 1; } this.paramShowTask = this.getValueShowTask(arrValues); } }; /** * @desc: enable or disable inline project description (displayed right after the project bar), and configure the shown values * @param: isShowDescProject - true/false show or hide * @param: param - comma separated list of letters: n - Name, d - Duration, s - Start date, p -Percent complete. For example value "n,s" will show project name and start date. * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.showDescProject = function(isShowDescProject, param) { this.isShowDescProject = isShowDescProject; var arrValues = new Array(4); if (this.isShowDescProject) { if (param) { var arrParam = param.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < arrParam.length; i++) { var k = this.getParamShowProject(arrParam[i]); arrValues[k] = 1; } } else { arrValues[this.getParamShowProject('')] = 1; } this.paramShowProject = this.getValueShowProject(arrValues); } }; /** * @desc: enable or disable context menu in tree. it can be used for a simple task manipulations. * @param: show - true/false show or hide * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.showContextMenu = function(show) { this.isShowConMenu = show; }; /** * @desc: set custom context menu for the tree. * @param: menu - an instance of dhtmlxMenu. * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setContextMenu = function(menu) { this.showContextMenu(true); this.contextMenu = menu; }; /** * @desc: show new project at startup. it is usefull if you have no project at all, and you need some start point. also menu is attached to this project item. * @param: show - true/false show or hide * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.showNewProject = function(show) { this.isShowNewProject = show; }; GanttChart.prototype.getParamShowTask = function(param) { switch (param) { case 'n': //name return 0; break; case 'd': //duration return 1; break; case 'e': //est return 2; break; case 'p': //percent complete return 3; break; case 's-f': //start-finish return 4; break; default: return 0; break; } }; GanttChart.prototype.getParamShowProject = function(param) { switch (param) { case 'n': //name return 0; break; case 'd': //duration return 1; break; case 's': //start date return 2; break; case 'p': //percent complete return 3; break; default: return 0; break; } }; GanttChart.prototype.getValueShowTask = function(param) { var arrValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { if (param[i]) { switch (i) { case 0: arrValues.push('Name'); break; case 1: arrValues.push('Duration'); break; case 2: arrValues.push('EST'); break; case 3: arrValues.push('PercentComplete'); break; case 4: arrValues.push('S-F'); break; default: break; } } } return arrValues; }; GanttChart.prototype.getValueShowProject = function(param) { var arrValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { if (param[i]) { switch (i) { case 0: arrValues.push('Name'); break; case 1: arrValues.push('Duration'); break; case 2: arrValues.push('StartDate'); break; case 3: arrValues.push('PercentComplete'); break; default: break; } } } return arrValues; }; /** * @desc: make Gantt Chart editable by user * @param: isEditable - (true/false) * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setEditable = function(isEditable) { this.isEditable = isEditable; }; //#__pro_feature:01102007{ /** * @desc: show left side tree panel * @param: show - (true/false) * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 * @edition: Professional */ GanttChart.prototype.showTreePanel = function(show) { this._showTreePanel = show; }; /** * @desc: show task & project tooltip * @param: show - (true/false) * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.showTooltip = function(show) { this._showTooltip = show; }; //#} /** * @desc: Get current project by id * @param: id - id of current project * @type: public * @topic: 2 */ GanttChart.prototype.getProjectById = function(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++) { if (this.arrProjects[i].Project.Id == id) { return this.arrProjects[i]; } } return null; }; /** * @desc: Get browser type * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.getBrowserType = function() { if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Explorer') != -1) { this._isIE = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla') != -1) { this._isFF = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1) { this._isOpera = true; } }; /** * @desc: Add new project * @param: project - (object) GanttProjectInfo * @type: public * @topic: 0 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.addProject = function(projectInfo) { this.Project.push(projectInfo); }; /** * @desc: Removal of GanttTask * @param: id - id of GanttTask * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttProject.prototype.deleteTask = function(id) { var task = this.getTaskById(id); if (task) { this.deleteChildTask(task); } else { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 30, [id]); } }; /** * @desc: Removal of GanttProject * @param: id - id of project * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.deleteProject = function(id) { var project = this.getProjectById(id); if (project) { if (project.arrTasks.length > 0) { while (project.arrTasks.length > 0) { project.deleteChildTask(project.arrTasks[0]); } } if (project.nextProject)project.shiftNextProject(project, -23); for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { if (this.Project[i].Id == project.Project.Id) { this.Project.splice(i, 1); } } if ((project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)) { var previousProject = project.previousProject; previousProject.nextProject = project.nextProject; } if ((project.previousProject) && !(project.nextProject)) { var previousProject = project.previousProject; previousProject.nextProject = null; } if (!(project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)) { var nextProject = project.nextProject; nextProject.previousProject = null; } for (var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++) { if (this.arrProjects[i].Project.Id == id) { this.arrProjects.splice(i, 1); } } project.projectItem[0].parentNode.removeChild(project.projectItem[0]); if (this.isShowDescProject) { project.descrProject.parentNode.removeChild(project.descrProject); } if (this._showTreePanel) { project.projectNameItem.parentNode.removeChild(project.projectNameItem); } this._oDataHeight -= 11 + this.heightTaskItem; if (this.Project.length == 0) { if (this.isShowNewProject) { var d = new Date(this.startDate); var t = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)); var pi = new GanttProjectInfo(1, "New project", t); this.Project.push(pi); var project = new GanttProject(this, pi); project.create(); this.arrProjects.push(project); this._oDataHeight += 11 + this.heightTaskItem; } } } else { this.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 31, [id]); } }; /** * @desc: Set name of project. * @param: name - new name of Project. * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.setName = function(name) { if ((name != "") && (name != null)) { this.Project.Name = name; if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { this.projectNameItem.innerHTML = name; this.projectNameItem.title = name; this.checkWidthProjectNameItem(); } if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject)this.descrProject.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); this.addDayInPanelTime(); } }; /** * @desc: Set Percent Completed of project * @param: percentCompleted - percent completed of Project * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.setPercentCompleted = function(percentCompleted) { percentCompleted = parseInt(percentCompleted); if (isNaN(percentCompleted)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 6, null); return false; } if (percentCompleted > 100) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 7, null); return false; } else if (percentCompleted < 0) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 8, null); return false; } if ((percentCompleted > 0) && (percentCompleted < 100) && (this.percentCompleted > 0) && (this.percentCompleted < 100)) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = parseInt(percentCompleted) + "%"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.style.width = (percentCompleted * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].width = (100 - parseInt(percentCompleted)) + "%"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].firstChild.style.width = ((100 - percentCompleted) * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; } else if (((percentCompleted == 0) || (percentCompleted == 100)) && (this.percentCompleted > 0) && (this.percentCompleted < 100)) { if (percentCompleted == 0) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = 100 + "%"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.style.width = this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; } else if (percentCompleted == 100) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].parentNode.removeChild(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1]); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = 100 + "%"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.style.width = this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; } } else if (((percentCompleted == 0) || (percentCompleted == 100)) && ((this.percentCompleted == 0) || (this.percentCompleted == 100))) { if ((percentCompleted == 0) && (this.percentCompleted == 100)) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } else if ((percentCompleted == 100) && (this.percentCompleted == 0)) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.src = this.Chart.imgs + "parentnode_filled.png"; } } else if (((percentCompleted > 0) || (percentCompleted < 100)) && ((this.percentCompleted == 0) || (this.percentCompleted == 100))) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]); var cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = percentCompleted + "%"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = (percentCompleted * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "parentnode_filled.png"; cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = (100 - percentCompleted) + "%"; imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = ((100 - percentCompleted) * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } else if (this.percentCompleted == -1) { if (percentCompleted == 100) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.src = this.Chart.imgs + "parentnode_filled.png"; } else if (percentCompleted < 100 && percentCompleted > 0) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]); var cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = percentCompleted + "%"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = (percentCompleted * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "parentnode_filled.png"; cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = (100 - percentCompleted) + "%"; imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = ((100 - percentCompleted) * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } } this.percentCompleted = percentCompleted; if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject)this.descrProject.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); return true; }; /** * @desc: Removal of child GanttTask * @param: task - (object)parent GanttTask * @type: private * @topic: 1 */ GanttProject.prototype.deleteChildTask = function(task) { if (task) { if (task.cTaskItem[0].style.display == "none") { this.Chart.openTree(task.parentTask); } //delete of connecting lines if (task.childPredTask.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < task.childPredTask.length; i++) { for (var t = 0; t < task.childPredTask[i].cTaskItem[1].length; t++) { task.childPredTask[i].cTaskItem[1][t].parentNode.removeChild(task.childPredTask[i].cTaskItem[1][t]); } task.childPredTask[i].cTaskItem[1] = []; task.childPredTask[i].predTask = null; } } //delete child task if (task.childTask.length > 0) { while (task.childTask.length > 0) { this.deleteChildTask(task.childTask[0]); } } //shift tasks if (task.cTaskItem[0].style.display != "none") task.shiftCurrentTasks(task, -23); //delete object task this.Project.deleteTask(task.TaskInfo.Id); //delete div and connecting lines from oData if (task.cTaskItem[0]) { task.cTaskItem[0].parentNode.removeChild(task.cTaskItem[0]); } if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.descrTask.parentNode.removeChild(task.descrTask); } if (task.cTaskItem[1].length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < task.cTaskItem[1].length; j++) { task.cTaskItem[1][j].parentNode.removeChild(task.cTaskItem[1][j]); } } //delete div and connecting lines from panelName if (task.cTaskNameItem[0]) { task.cTaskNameItem[0].parentNode.removeChild(task.cTaskNameItem[0]); } if (task.cTaskNameItem[1]) { for (var j = 0; j < task.cTaskNameItem[1].length; j++) { task.cTaskNameItem[1][j].parentNode.removeChild(task.cTaskNameItem[1][j]); } } if (task.cTaskNameItem[2]) { task.cTaskNameItem[2].parentNode.removeChild(task.cTaskNameItem[2]); } //delete object task if (task.parentTask) { if (task.previousChildTask) { if (task.nextChildTask) { task.previousChildTask.nextChildTask = task.nextChildTask; } else { task.previousChildTask.nextChildTask = null; } } var parentTask = task.parentTask; for (var i = 0; i < parentTask.childTask.length; i++) { if (parentTask.childTask[i].TaskInfo.Id == task.TaskInfo.Id) { parentTask.childTask[i] = null; parentTask.childTask.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (parentTask.childTask.length == 0) { if (parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2]) { parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].parentNode.removeChild(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2]); parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2] = null; } } } else { if (task.previousParentTask) { if (task.nextParentTask) { task.previousParentTask.nextParentTask = task.nextParentTask; } else { task.previousParentTask.nextParentTask = null; } } var project = task.Project; for (var i = 0; i < project.arrTasks.length; i++) { if (project.arrTasks[i].TaskInfo.Id == task.TaskInfo.Id) { project.arrTasks.splice(i, 1); } } } if (task.predTask) { var predTask = task.predTask; for (var i = 0; i < predTask.childPredTask.length; i++) { if (predTask.childPredTask[i].TaskInfo.Id == task.TaskInfo.Id) { predTask.childPredTask[i] = null; predTask.childPredTask.splice(i, 1); } } } if (task.Project.arrTasks.length != 0) { task.Project.shiftProjectItem(); } else { task.Project.projectItem[0].style.display = "none"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) this.hideDescrProject(); } this.Chart._oDataHeight -= 11 + this.Chart.heightTaskItem; } }; /** * @desc: Insert the task in the project and returns it * @param: id - Specifies id of task * @param: name - Specifies name of task * @param: EST - Specifies est of task * @param: Duration - Specifies duration of task * @param: PercentCompleted - Specifies percentCompleted of task * @param: predecessorTaskId - Specifies predecessorTask Id of task * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttProject.prototype.insertTask = function(id, name, EST, Duration, PercentCompleted, predecessorTaskId, parentTaskId) { var task = null; var _task = null; if (this.Project.getTaskById(id)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 22, [id]); return false; } if ((!Duration) || (Duration < this.Chart.minWorkLength)) { Duration = this.Chart.minWorkLength; } if ((!name) || (name == "")) { name = id; } if ((!PercentCompleted) || (PercentCompleted == "")) { PercentCompleted = 0; } else { PercentCompleted = parseInt(PercentCompleted); if (PercentCompleted < 0 || PercentCompleted > 100) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 35, null); return false; } } var sortRequired = false; if ((parentTaskId) && (parentTaskId != "")) { var parentTask = this.Project.getTaskById(parentTaskId); if (!parentTask) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 21, [parentTaskId]); return false; } EST = EST || parentTask.EST; if (EST < parentTask.EST) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 20, [id,parentTaskId]); return false; } task = new GanttTaskInfo(id, name, EST, Duration, PercentCompleted, predecessorTaskId); if (!this.Chart.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, task)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 19, [parentTaskId,id]); return false; } task.ParentTask = parentTask; var _parentTask = this.getTaskById(parentTask.Id); var isHide = false; if (_parentTask.cTaskItem[0].style.display == "none") { isHide = true; } else if (_parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2]) { if (!_parentTask._isOpen) { isHide = true; } } if (isHide) { if (_parentTask.childTask.length == 0) { this.Chart.openTree(_parentTask.parentTask); } else { this.Chart.openTree(_parentTask); } } if (predecessorTaskId != "") { var predTask = this.Project.getTaskById(predecessorTaskId); if (!predTask) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 27, [predecessorTaskId]); return false; } if (predTask.ParentTask) { if (predTask.ParentTask.Id != task.ParentTask.Id) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 32, [predTask.Id,task.Id]); return false; } } else { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 32, [predTask.Id,task.Id]); return false; } if (!this.Chart.checkPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task)) { this.Chart.correctPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task); } task.PredecessorTask = predTask; } var isAdd = false; if (sortRequired) for (var i = 0; i < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; i++) { if (task.EST < parentTask.ChildTasks[i].EST) { parentTask.ChildTasks.splice(i, 0, task); if (i > 0) { parentTask.ChildTasks[i - 1].nextChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i]; parentTask.ChildTasks[i].previousChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i - 1]; } if (parentTask.ChildTasks[i + 1]) { parentTask.ChildTasks[i + 1].previousChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i]; parentTask.ChildTasks[i].nextChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[i + 1]; } isAdd = true; break; } } if (!isAdd) { if (parentTask.ChildTasks.length > 0) { parentTask.ChildTasks[parentTask.ChildTasks.length - 1].nextChildTask = task; task.previousChildTask = parentTask.ChildTasks[parentTask.ChildTasks.length - 1]; } parentTask.ChildTasks.push(task); } if (parentTask.ChildTasks.length == 1) { _parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2] = _parentTask.createTreeImg(); } _task = new GanttTask(task, this, this.Chart); _task.create(); if (task.nextChildTask) _task.nextChildTask = _task.Project.getTaskById(task.nextChildTask.Id); _task.addDayInPanelTime(); _task.shiftCurrentTasks(_task, 23); } else { EST = EST || this.Project.StartDate; task = new GanttTaskInfo(id, name, EST, Duration, PercentCompleted, predecessorTaskId); if (task.EST <= this.Chart.startDate) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 18, [task.Id]); return false; } if (predecessorTaskId != "") { var predTask = this.Project.getTaskById(predecessorTaskId); if (!predTask) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 27, [predecessorTaskId]); return false; } if (!this.Chart.checkPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task)) { this.Chart.correctPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task); } if (predTask.ParentTask) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 15, [task.Id,predTask.Id]); return false; } task.PredecessorTask = predTask; } var isAdd = false; if (sortRequired) for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.ParentTasks.length; i++) { if (EST < this.Project.ParentTasks[i].EST) { this.Project.ParentTasks.splice(i, 0, task); if (i > 0) { this.Project.ParentTasks[i - 1].nextParentTask = task; task.previousParentTask = this.Project.ParentTasks[i - 1]; } if (this.Project.ParentTasks[i + 1]) { this.Project.ParentTasks[i + 1].previousParentTask = task; task.nextParentTask = this.Project.ParentTasks[i + 1]; } isAdd = true; break; } } if (!isAdd) { if (this.Project.ParentTasks.length > 0) { this.Project.ParentTasks[this.Project.ParentTasks.length - 1].nextParentTask = task; task.previousParentTask = this.Project.ParentTasks[this.Project.ParentTasks.length - 1]; } this.Project.ParentTasks.push(task); } _task = new GanttTask(task, this, this.Chart); _task.create(); if (task.nextParentTask) _task.nextParentTask = _task.Project.getTaskById(task.nextParentTask.Id); _task.addDayInPanelTime(); this.arrTasks.push(_task); _task.shiftCurrentTasks(_task, 23); this.projectItem[0].style.display = "inline"; this.setPercentCompleted(this.getPercentCompleted()); this.shiftProjectItem(); if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) { this.showDescrProject(); } } this.Chart.checkHeighPanelTasks(); return _task; }; /** * @desc: Check Position of predecessor task * @param: predTask - (object) predecessor task * @param: task - (object) current task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.checkPosPredecessorTask = function(predTask, task) { var widthPred = this.getWidthOnDuration(predTask.Duration); var posPred = this.getPosOnDate(predTask.EST); var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.EST); return (widthPred + posPred) <= posChild; }; GanttChart.prototype.correctPosPredecessorTask = function(predTask, ctask, ctaskObj) { var newDate = new Date(predTask.EST); newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + (predTask.Duration / this.hoursInDay * 24)); if (newDate.getHours() > 0) { newDate.setHours(0); newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1); } if (ctaskObj) ctaskObj.setEST(newDate, true); else ctask.EST = newDate; if (ctask.ParentTask) { if (!this.checkPosParentTask(ctask.ParentTask, ctask)) { var newDate2 = new Date(ctask.ParentTask.EST); newDate2.setHours(newDate2.getHours() + (ctask.ParentTask.Duration / this.hoursInDay * 24)); ctask.Duration = parseInt((parseInt((newDate2 - ctask.EST) / (1000 * 60 * 60))) * this.hoursInDay / 24); } } }; GanttChart.prototype.correctPosParentTask = function(parentTask, ctask) { if (!ctask.PredecessorTask) { if (parentTask.EST > ctask.EST) { ctask.EST = new Date(parentTask.EST); } if (!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, ctask)) { ctask.Duration = parentTask.Duration; } } else { this.correctPosPredecessorTask(ctask.PredecessorTask, ctask); } }; /** * @desc: Check position of parent task * @param: parentTask - (object) parent task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.checkPosParentTaskInTree = function(parentTask) { var isError = false; for (var t = 0; t < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; t++) { if (!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, parentTask.ChildTasks[t])) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 28, [parentTask.Id,parentTask.ChildTasks[t].Id]); return true; } else { this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } } if (parentTask.EST > parentTask.ChildTasks[t].EST) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 33, [parentTask.Id,parentTask.ChildTasks[t].Id]); return true; } else { this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } } if (parentTask.ChildTasks[t].ChildTasks.length > 0) { isError = this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } } return isError; }; /** * @desc: Set Predecessor Task to child * @param: project - (object) current Project * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttChart.prototype.setPredTask = function(project) { var isError = false; for (var k = 0; k < project.ParentTasks.length; k++) { if (!this.isEmpty(project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTaskId)) { project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask = project.getTaskById(project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTaskId); if (!project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 27, [project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTaskId]); return true; } } project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask.ChildPredTasks.push(project.ParentTasks[k]); } if (project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask) { if (!this.checkPosPredecessorTask(project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask, project.ParentTasks[k])) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 26, [project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask.Id,project.ParentTasks[k].Id]); return true; } else { this.correctPosPredecessorTask(project.ParentTasks[k].PredecessorTask, project.ParentTasks[k]); } } } isError = this.setPredTaskInTree(project.ParentTasks[k]); if (isError) return isError; } return isError; }; /** * @desc: Set Predecessor Task to child * @param: project - (object) current parent task * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttChart.prototype.setPredTaskInTree = function(parentTask) { var isError = false; for (var t = 0; t < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; t++) { if (!this.isEmpty(parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTaskId)) { parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask = parentTask.Project.getTaskById(parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTaskId); if (!parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 27, [parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTaskId]); return true; } } if (!this.checkPosPredecessorTask(parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask, parentTask.ChildTasks[t])) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 26, [parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask.Id,parentTask.ChildTasks[t].Id]); return true; } else { this.correctPosPredecessorTask(parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask, parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } } parentTask.ChildTasks[t].PredecessorTask.ChildPredTasks.push(parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } if (parentTask.ChildTasks[t].ChildTasks.length > 0) { isError = this.setPredTaskInTree(parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } } return isError; }; /** * @desc: Check Position of Parent Task * @param: parentTask - (object) Parent Task * @param: task - (object) current Task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.checkPosParentTask = function(parentTask, task) { var widthParent = this.getWidthOnDuration(parentTask.Duration); var posParent = this.getPosOnDate(parentTask.EST); var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.EST); var widthChild = this.getWidthOnDuration(task.Duration); return (widthParent + posParent) >= (posChild + widthChild); }; /** * @desc: Insert new GanttProject and returns it * @param: id - id of project * @param: name - name of project * @param: startDate - Start Date of project * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.insertProject = function(id, name, startDate) { if (this._isError) { this.clearData(); this.clearItems(); this.hidePanelErrors(); this._isError = false; } if (this.startDate >= startDate) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 14, null); return false; } if (this.getProjectById(id)) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 23, [id]); return false; } this.checkHeighPanelTasks(); var project = new GanttProjectInfo(id, name, startDate); this.Project.push(project); var _project = new GanttProject(this, project); for (var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++) { if (startDate < this.arrProjects[i].Project.StartDate) { this.arrProjects.splice(i, 0, _project); if (i > 0) { _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[i - 1]; this.arrProjects[i - 1].nextProject = _project; } if (i + 1 <= this.arrProjects.length) { _project.nextProject = this.arrProjects[i + 1]; this.arrProjects[i + 1].previousProject = _project; _project.shiftNextProject(_project, 23); } _project.create(); if (this.isShowDescProject) { _project.hideDescrProject(); } return _project; } } if (this.arrProjects.length > 0) { this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1].nextProject = _project; _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1]; } this.arrProjects.push(_project); _project.create(); if (this.isShowDescProject) { _project.hideDescrProject(); } return _project; }; /** * @desc: show context menu in tree in current position * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype._showContextMenu = function(event, obj) { if (this.contextMenu.isDhtmlxMenuObject) { var res = this.callEvent("onBeforeContextMenu", [this.contextMenu, obj]); if (res === false) return; var x, y; if (_isIE){ var dEl0 = window.document.documentElement, dEl1 = window.document.body, corrector = new Array((dEl0.scrollLeft||dEl1.scrollLeft),(dEl0.scrollTop||dEl1.scrollTop)); x = event.clientX + corrector[0]; y = event.clientY + corrector[1]; } else { x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } this.contextMenu.showContextMenu(x-1, y-1); } else { var elem = event.srcElement || event.target; this.contextMenu.showContextMenu(elem.style.left, elem.style.top, obj); } }; /** * @desc: Opens a tree * @param: parentTask - (object) parent task * @type: private * @topic: 3 */ GanttChart.prototype.openTree = function(parentTask) { var lastParentTask = this.getLastCloseParent(parentTask); if (parentTask.TaskInfo.Id != lastParentTask.TaskInfo.Id) { this.openNode(lastParentTask); this.openTree(parentTask); } else { this.openNode(lastParentTask); } }; /** * @desc: Opens current node * @param: parentTask - (object) parent task * @type: private * @topic: 3 */ GanttChart.prototype.openNode = function(parentTask) { if (!parentTask._isOpen) { parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].src = this.imgs + "minus.gif"; parentTask._isOpen = true; parentTask.shiftCurrentTasks(parentTask, parentTask._heightHideTasks); parentTask.showChildTasks(parentTask, parentTask._isOpen); parentTask._heightHideTasks = 0; } }; /** * @desc: get last close parent * @param: task - (object) task * @type: private * @topic: 2 */ GanttChart.prototype.getLastCloseParent = function(task) { if (task.parentTask) { if ((!task.parentTask._isOpen) || (task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].style.display == "none")) { return this.getLastCloseParent(task.parentTask); } else { return task; } } else { return task; } }; /** * @desc: create a connection line between this task and predecessor * @param: predecessorTaskId - ID of the predecessor Task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.setPredecessor = function(predecessorTaskId) { if (predecessorTaskId == "") this.clearPredTask(); else { var task = this.TaskInfo; if (task.Id == predecessorTaskId) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 36); return false; } var predTaskObj = this.Project.getTaskById(predecessorTaskId); if (!predTaskObj) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 27, [predecessorTaskId]); return false; } var predTask = predTaskObj.TaskInfo; var a1 = predTask.ParentTask == null, a2 = task.ParentTask == null; if (a1 && !a2 || !a1 && a2 || !a1 && !a2 && (predTask.ParentTask.Id != task.ParentTask.Id)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 32, [predTask.Id,task.Id]); return false; } // remove current connection this.clearPredTask(); if (!this.Chart.checkPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task)) { this.Chart.correctPosPredecessorTask(predTask, task, this); } task.PredecessorTaskId = predecessorTaskId; task.PredecessorTask = predTask; this.predTask = predTaskObj; predTaskObj.childPredTask.push(this); this.cTaskItem[1] = this.createConnectingLinesDS(); } return true; }; /** * @desc: remove references and connections to predecessor task * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.clearPredTask = function() { if (this.predTask) { var ch = this.predTask.childPredTask; for (var i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) { if (ch[i] == this) { ch.splice(i, 1); break; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.cTaskItem[1].length; i++) { this.cTaskItem[1][i].parentNode.removeChild(this.cTaskItem[1][i]); } this.cTaskItem[1] = []; this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTaskId = null; this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTask = null; this.predTask = null; } }; /** * @desc: shifts the task * @param: est - est of current Task * @param: shiftChild - (true/false) to shift children or not * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.setEST = function(est, shiftChild) { this.moveChild = shiftChild; this.getMoveInfo(); var pos = this.Chart.getPosOnDate(est); if ((parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width) + pos > this.maxPosXMove) && (this.maxPosXMove != -1)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 12, [this.TaskInfo.Id]); this.maxPosXMove = -1; this.minPosXMove = -1; return false; } if (pos < this.minPosXMove) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 11, [this.TaskInfo.Id]); this.maxPosXMove = -1; this.minPosXMove = -1; return false; } this.cTaskItem[0].style.left = pos; var width = pos - this.posX; this.moveCurrentTaskItem(width, shiftChild); this.Project.shiftProjectItem(); if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask)this.descrTask.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); this.addDayInPanelTime(); this.posX = 0; this.maxPosXMove = -1; this.minPosXMove = -1; return true; }; /** * @desc: set duration of the current task * @param: duration - (int) duration of current task in hours * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.setDuration = function(duration) { this.getResizeInfo(); var width = this.Chart.getWidthOnDuration(duration); if ((width > this.maxWidthResize) && (this.maxWidthResize != -1)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 10, [this.TaskInfo.Id]); return false; } else if (width < this.minWidthResize) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 9, [this.TaskInfo.Id]); return false; } else { this.taskItemWidth = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); this.resizeTaskItem(width); this.endResizeItem(); if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask)this.descrTask.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); return true; } }; /** * @desc: establishes percent completed of the current task * @param: percentCompleted - (int) percent completed of current task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.setPercentCompleted = function(percentCompleted) { percentCompleted = parseInt(percentCompleted); if (isNaN(percentCompleted)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 6, null); return false; } if (percentCompleted > 100) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 7, null); return false; } if (percentCompleted < 0) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", 8, null); return false; } if ((percentCompleted != 0) && (percentCompleted != 100)) { if ((this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 0) && (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 100)) { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = percentCompleted + "%"; this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].width = 100 - percentCompleted + "%"; } else if ((this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted == 0) || (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted == 100)) { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]); var cellTblTask = document.createElement("td"); this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellTblTask); cellTblTask.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.width = percentCompleted + "%"; var imgPrF = document.createElement("img"); imgPrF.style.width = (percentCompleted * this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPrF.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.appendChild(imgPrF); imgPrF.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_filled.png"; cellTblTask = document.createElement("td"); this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].appendChild(cellTblTask); cellTblTask.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.width = (100 - percentCompleted) + "%"; imgPrF = document.createElement("img"); imgPrF.style.width = ((100 - percentCompleted) * this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPrF.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.appendChild(imgPrF); imgPrF.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } } else if (percentCompleted == 0) { if ((this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 0) && (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 100)) { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]); this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = 100 + "%"; } else { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } } else if (percentCompleted == 100) { if ((this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 0) && (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 100)) { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].parentNode.removeChild(this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1]); this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].width = 100 + "%"; } else { this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_filled.png"; } } this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted = percentCompleted; this.taskItemWidth = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); this.resizeTaskItem(this.taskItemWidth); this.endResizeItem(); if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask)this.descrTask.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); return true; }; /** * @desc: set name of the current task * @param: name - (string) name of the current task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.setName = function(name) { if ((name != "") && (name != null)) { this.TaskInfo.Name = name; if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { this.cTaskNameItem[0].innerHTML = name; this.cTaskNameItem[0].title = name; this.checkWidthTaskNameItem(); } if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask)this.descrTask.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); this.addDayInPanelTime(); } }; /** * @desc: get projectInfo by id * @param: id - Project id * @type: private * @topic: 2 */ GanttChart.prototype.getProjectInfoById = function(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { if (this.Project[i].Id == id) { return this.Project[i]; } } return null; }; /** * @desc: load xml data from string or file * @param: content - (string) XML string or fileName * @param: isFile - (true/false) if the content is a file name or XML string. if youload from file, setLoadPath() url is used, fileName is passed in "path" field * @param: isLocal - (true/false) if the file is a local file (for debugging purposes) or remote (server-side) * @type: public * @topic: 6 */ GanttChart.prototype.loadData = function(content, isFile, isLocal) { this.clearData(); if ((isFile == null) || (isFile == 'undefined')) { isFile = false; } if ((isLocal == null) || (isLocal == 'undefined')) { isLocal = false; } this.loadXML(content, isFile, isLocal); this.Project.sort(this.sort_byStartDate); this.startDate = this.getStartDate(); this.clearItems(); //this.panelTime.removeChild(this.panelTime.firstChild); //this.panelTime.appendChild(this.createPanelTime()); for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { for (var k = 0; k < this.Project[i].ParentTasks.length; k++) { if ((this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST != null) && (this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST != '')) { this.setESTChild(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k]); } else { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 25, [this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].Id]); return; } if (this.setPredTask(this.Project[i])) return; } for (var k = 0; k < this.Project[i].ParentTasks.length; k++) { if (this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST < this.Project[i].StartDate) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 24, [this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].Id,this.Project[i].Id]); return; } if (this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k])) return; } this.sortTasksByEST(this.Project[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { var project = new GanttProject(this, this.Project[i]); if (this.arrProjects.length > 0) { var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1]; project.previousProject = previousProject; previousProject.nextProject = project; } project.create(); this.checkHeighPanelTasks(); this.arrProjects.push(project); this.createTasks(project); } }; /** * @desc: Clearing of a control * @type: public * @topic: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.clearAll = function() { this._oDataHeight = 0; this.startDate = null; this._isError = false; this.hidePanelErrors(); this.clearData(); this.clearItems(); }; /** * @desc: deleting of a data * @type: private * @topic: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.clearData = function() { this._oDataHeight = 0; this.startDate = null; this._isError = false; this.hidePanelErrors(); this.Project = []; this.arrProjects = []; }; /** * @desc: deleting of items of a control * @type: private * @topic: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.clearItems = function() { this.oData.removeChild(this.oData.firstChild); this.oData.appendChild(this.createPanelTasks()); this.oData.firstChild.appendChild(this.divInfo); this.oData.firstChild.appendChild(this.panelErrors); if (this._showTreePanel) { this.panelNames.removeChild(this.panelNames.firstChild); this.panelNames.appendChild(this.createPanelNamesTasks()); } this.panelTime.removeChild(this.panelTime.firstChild); this.panelTime.appendChild(this.createPanelTime()); }; /** * @desc: load xml data * @param: content - (string) XML string or fileName * @param: isFile - (true/false) if the content is a file name or XML string * @param: isLocal - (true/false) if the file is a local file (for debugging purposes) or remote (server-side) * @type: private * @topic: 6 */ GanttChart.prototype.loadXML = function(content, isFile, isLocal) { if (isFile && (content == null || content == "")) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 4, null); return; } this.xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(null, this, false); try { if (!isFile) try { this.xmlLoader.loadXMLString(content); } catch (e) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 37, [content]); } else if (!isLocal) { this.xmlLoader.loadXML(this.loadPath + "?path=" + content + "&rnd=" + (new Date() - 0), false); } else { this.xmlLoader.loadXML(content + "?rnd=" + (new Date() - 0), false); } this.doLoadDetails(isLocal); } catch(e) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 5, [content]); } }; /** * @desc: parsing of XML data * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.doLoadDetails = function(isLocal) { switch (this.xmlLoader.xmlDoc.status) { case 0: if (!isLocal) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 1, null); return; } break; case 404: if (!isLocal) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 5, [this.loadPath]); } else { this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 5, [this.xmlLoader.filePath]) } return; break; case 500: this.Error.throwError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", 2, null); return; break; default: break; } var name = null; var id = null; var est = null; var duration = null; var percentCompleted = null; var predecessorTaskId = null; //var prArr = []; //var tsArr = []; //var rootTagProject = this.xmlLoader.getXMLTopNode("projects"); var projectArr = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("//project"); for (var j = 0; j < projectArr.length; j++) { var startDateTemp = projectArr[j].getAttribute("startdate"); var startDate = startDateTemp.split(","); var project = new GanttProjectInfo(projectArr[j].getAttribute("id"), projectArr[j].getAttribute("name"), new Date(startDate[0], (parseInt(startDate[1]) - 1), startDate[2])); var taskArr = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./task", projectArr[j]); for (var i = 0; i < taskArr.length; i++) { id = taskArr[i].getAttribute("id"); name = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./name", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./name", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var estTemp = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./est", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./est", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; est = estTemp.split(","); duration = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./duration", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./duration", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; percentCompleted = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./percentcompleted", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./percentcompleted", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; predecessorTaskId = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./predecessortasks", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./predecessortasks", taskArr[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var task = new GanttTaskInfo(id, name, new Date(est[0], (parseInt(est[1]) - 1), est[2]), duration, percentCompleted, predecessorTaskId); var childTasksNode = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./childtasks", taskArr[i]); var childTasksArr = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./task", childTasksNode[0]); if (childTasksArr.length != 0) this.readChildTasksXML(task, childTasksArr); project.addTask(task); } this.addProject(project); } }; /** * @desc: parsing of XML data * @param: parentTask - Parent Task object * @param: childTasksArrXML - Array of child tasks (xml) * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.readChildTasksXML = function(parentTask, childTasksArrXML) { var name = null; var id = null; var est = null; var duration = null; var percentCompleted = null; var predecessorTaskId = null; for (var i = 0; i < childTasksArrXML.length; i ++) { id = childTasksArrXML[i].getAttribute("id"); name = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./name", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./name", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var estTemp = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./est", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./est", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; est = estTemp.split(","); duration = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./duration", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./duration", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; percentCompleted = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./percentcompleted", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./percentcompleted", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; predecessorTaskId = (this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./predecessortasks", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild == null) ? "" : this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./predecessortasks", childTasksArrXML[i])[0].firstChild.nodeValue; var task = new GanttTaskInfo(id, name, new Date(est[0], (parseInt(est[1]) - 1), est[2]), duration, percentCompleted, predecessorTaskId); task.ParentTask = parentTask; parentTask.addChildTask(task); var childTasksNode = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./childtasks", childTasksArrXML[i]); var childTasksArr = this.xmlLoader.doXPath("./task", childTasksNode[0]); if (childTasksArr.length != 0) { this.readChildTasksXML(task, childTasksArr); } } }; /** * @desc: create XML string from the chart content * @type: public * @topic: 6 */ GanttChart.prototype.getXML = function() { var strXML = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { strXML += ""; for (var j = 0; j < this.Project[i].ParentTasks.length; j++) { strXML += ""; strXML += "" + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].Name + ""; strXML += "" + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].EST.getFullYear() + "," + (this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].EST.getMonth() + 1) + "," + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].EST.getDate() + ""; strXML += "" + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].Duration + ""; strXML += "" + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].PercentCompleted + ""; strXML += "" + this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].PredecessorTaskId + ""; strXML += ""; strXML += this.createChildTasksXML(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[j].ChildTasks); strXML += ""; strXML += ""; } strXML += ""; } strXML += ""; return strXML; }; /** * @desc: create XML * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createChildTasksXML = function(childTasks) { var strXML = ""; for (var n = 0; n < childTasks.length; n++) { strXML += ""; strXML += "" + childTasks[n].Name + ""; strXML += "" + childTasks[n].EST.getFullYear() + "," + (childTasks[n].EST.getMonth() + 1) + "," + childTasks[n].EST.getDate() + ""; strXML += "" + childTasks[n].Duration + ""; strXML += "" + childTasks[n].PercentCompleted + ""; strXML += "" + childTasks[n].PredecessorTaskId + ""; if (childTasks[n].ChildTasks) { strXML += ""; strXML += this.createChildTasksXML(childTasks[n].ChildTasks); strXML += ""; } strXML += ""; } return strXML; }; /** * @desc: function of sorting by EST * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.sort_byEST = function(a, b) { if (a.EST < b.EST) return -1; if (a.EST > b.EST) return 1; return 0; }; /** * @desc: function of sorting by start date * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.sort_byStartDate = function(a, b) { if (a["StartDate"] < b["StartDate"]) return -1; if (a["StartDate"] > b["StartDate"]) return 1; return 0; }; /** * @desc: set the date to child tasks * @param: parentTask - (object) parent task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.setESTChild = function(parentTask) { for (var t = 0; t < parentTask.ChildTasks.length; t++) { if ((parentTask.ChildTasks[t].EST == null ) || (parentTask.ChildTasks[t].EST == "")) { parentTask.ChildTasks[t].EST = parentTask.EST; } if (parentTask.ChildTasks[t].ChildTasks.length != 0) this.setESTChild(parentTask.ChildTasks[t]); } }; /** * @desc: creation of the panel containing tasks * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPanelTasks = function() { var divTasks = document.createElement("div"); divTasks.className = "taskPanel"; divTasks.style.cssText = "position:relative;"; divTasks.style.height = this.contentHeight - 63 + "px"; var w = this.startDate ? (this.startDate.getDay()-1) : ((new Date(0)).getDay()-1); if (w==-1) w=6; divTasks.style.background = "url(" + this.imgs + "bg_week.png) -"+(w*24)+"px 0px"; this.panelTasks = divTasks; return divTasks; }; /** * @desc: creation of the panel containing names of tasks * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPanelNamesTasks = function() { var divListNames = document.createElement("div"); divListNames.innerHTML = " "; divListNames.style.cssText = "position:relative;background:url(" + this.imgs + "bg.png)"; divListNames.style.height = this.contentHeight - 63 + "px"; divListNames.style.width = this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"; return divListNames; }; /** * @desc: creation a window with the data of task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPopUpInfo = function() { var divTaskInfo = document.createElement("div"); divTaskInfo.style.cssText = 'display: none;'; var tblTaskInfo = document.createElement("table"); tblTaskInfo.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px"; tblTaskInfo.className = "poPupInfo"; divTaskInfo.appendChild(tblTaskInfo); var rowTaskInfo = tblTaskInfo.insertRow(tblTaskInfo.rows.length); var cellTaskInfo = document.createElement("td"); rowTaskInfo.appendChild(cellTaskInfo); this.divInfo = divTaskInfo; return divTaskInfo; }; /** * @desc: creation a window with the current date * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPopUpTimeInfo = function() { var divTimeInfo = document.createElement("div"); divTimeInfo.style.display = "none"; var tblTimeInfo = document.createElement("table"); tblTimeInfo.className = "poPupTime"; divTimeInfo.appendChild(tblTimeInfo); var rowTimeInfo = tblTimeInfo.insertRow(tblTimeInfo.rows.length); var cellTimeInfo = document.createElement("td"); cellTimeInfo.align = "center"; rowTimeInfo.appendChild(cellTimeInfo); return divTimeInfo; }; /** * @desc: create a panel with the days * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPanelTime = function() { var panelTime = document.createElement("div"); panelTime.style.position = "relative"; var tblTime = document.createElement("table"); panelTime.appendChild(tblTime); tblTime.cellPadding = "0px"; tblTime.border = "0px"; tblTime.cellSpacing = "0px"; tblTime.bgColor = "#FFFFFF"; tblTime.style.marginTop = "0px"; var monthRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length); var newRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length); //creating cells for tblTime for (var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++) { this.addPointInTimePanel(newRow, panelTime); this.addDayInPanelTime(newRow); } return panelTime; }; /** * @desc: creation of point in panel time * @param: row - current row * @param: panelTime -Panel which contains days * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.addPointInTimePanel = function(row, panelTime) { var leftLine = document.createElement("div"); leftLine.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:" + ( row.cells.length * this.dayInPixels ) + "px;top:20px;height:20px;width:1px;font-size:1px;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;background:#f1f3f1;"; panelTime.appendChild(leftLine); }; GanttChart.prototype._calculateMonthColSpan = function(date, maxLen) { var m1 = date.getMonth(); for(var i=1; i<=maxLen; i++) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); var m2 = date.getMonth(); if (m2 != m1) return i; } return maxLen; }; /** * @desc: Returns a string representation of current month for the month scale row. You may override this function to customize the label. * @param: date - {JavaScript Date object}, the date of month for which you should render month label. * @type: public, overridable * @topic: 3 */ GanttChart.prototype.getMonthScaleLabel = function(date) { return (this._useShortMonthNames ? this.shortMonthNames : this.monthNames)[date.getMonth()] + " '" + (""+date.getFullYear()).substring(2); }; /** * @desc: Use short or full month name in the month label axis. Default is true. * @param: flag - {true|false} * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.useShortMonthNames = function(flag) { this._useShortMonthNames = flag; }; /** * @desc: Define short month names for your locale * @param: names - an array of strings, ["Jan", "Feb", ...] * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setShortMonthNames = function(names) { this.shortMonthNames = names; }; /** * @desc: Define full month names for your locale * @param: names - an array of strings, ["January", "February", ...] * @type: public * @topic: 3 * @before_init: 1 */ GanttChart.prototype.setMonthNames = function(names) { this.monthNames = names; }; /** * @desc: Add day in panel time * @param: row - row, which contains days * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.addDayInPanelTime = function(row) { var self = this, idx = row.cells.length, date = new Date(this.startDate); var newCell = row.insertCell(idx); newCell.style.height = "20px"; newCell.style.width = this.dayInPixels + "px"; newCell.className = "dayNumber"; date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(idx)); var day = date.getDate() newCell.innerHTML = day; newCell.setAttribute("idx", idx); var monthRow = row.parentNode.parentNode.rows[0]; if (idx==0 || day==1) { var newCell2 = monthRow.insertCell(monthRow.cells.length); newCell2.className = "monthName"; newCell2.style.height = "20px"; if (monthRow.cells.length%2 == 0) newCell2.style.backgroundColor = "#f7f8f7"; newCell2.colSpan = this._calculateMonthColSpan(new Date(date), Math.max(1,this.countDays-idx)); newCell2.innerHTML = this.getMonthScaleLabel(date); } else { var n = monthRow.cells.length, cs=0; for(var i=0; i=cs) monthRow.cells[n-1].colSpan += 1; } var w = date.getDay(); if (w==0 || w==6) newCell.style.backgroundColor = "#f7f8f7"; }; /** * @desc: increment Height of Panel Tasks * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.incHeightPanelTasks = function(height) { var containerTasks = this.oData.firstChild; containerTasks.style.height = parseInt(containerTasks.style.height) + height + "px"; }; /** * @desc: increment Height of Panel Names * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.incHeightPanelNames = function(height) { var containerNames = this.panelNames.firstChild; containerNames.style.height = parseInt(containerNames.style.height) + height + "px"; }; /** * @desc: check Heigh of Panel Tasks * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.checkHeighPanelTasks = function() { this._oDataHeight += 11 + this.heightTaskItem; if ((parseInt(this.oData.firstChild.style.height) <= this._oDataHeight)) { this.incHeightPanelTasks(this.heightTaskItem + 11); if (this._showTreePanel) this.incHeightPanelNames(this.heightTaskItem + 11); } }; /** * @desc: sorting of tasks by EST in the current project * @param: project - current project * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.sortTasksByEST = function(project) { project.ParentTasks.sort(this.sort_byEST); for (var i = 0; i < project.ParentTasks.length; i++) { project.ParentTasks[i] = this.sortChildTasks(project.ParentTasks[i]); } }; /** * @desc: sorting of child tasks in the parent task * @param: parenttask - (object) parent task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.sortChildTasks = function(parenttask) { parenttask.ChildTasks.sort(this.sort_byEST); for (var i = 0; i < parenttask.ChildTasks.length; i++) { if (parenttask.ChildTasks[i].ChildTasks.length > 0) this.sortChildTasks(parenttask.ChildTasks[i]); } return parenttask; }; /** * @desc: Handler of data errors * @param: type - type of error * @param: descr - description of error * @param: params - current data * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttChart.prototype.errorDataHandler = function(type, descr, params) { if (!this._isError) { this.clearData(); this.showPanelErrors(); this._isError = true; } this.addErrorInPanelErrors(type, descr); }; /** * @desc: creation of Panel Errors * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createPanelErrors = function() { var tbl = document.createElement("table"); tbl.width = "100%"; tbl.style.display = "none"; tbl.className = "panelErrors"; this.panelErrors = tbl; return tbl; }; /** * @desc: show of Panel Errors * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.showPanelErrors = function() { this.panelErrors.style.display = "inline"; }; /** * @desc: hide of Panel Errors * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.hidePanelErrors = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.panelErrors.rows.length; i++) { this.panelErrors.rows[i].parentNode.removeChild(this.panelErrors.rows[i]); } this.panelErrors.style.display = "none"; }; /** * @desc: add error message in Panel Errors * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.addErrorInPanelErrors = function(type, descr) { var row = this.panelErrors.insertRow(this.panelErrors.rows.length); var cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.style.height = "20px"; cell.style.width = "100px"; cell.innerHTML = type; row.appendChild(cell); cell = document.createElement("td"); row.appendChild(cell); cell.innerHTML = descr; }; /** * @desc: Handler of errors * @param: type - type of error * @param: descr - description of error * @param: params - current data * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttChart.prototype.errorSendDataHandler = function(type, descr, params) { alert(descr); }; /** * @desc: Handler of errors * @param: type - type of error * @param: descr - description of error * @param: params - current data * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttChart.prototype.errorLoadDataHandler = function(type, descr, params) { alert(descr); }; /** * @desc: Handler of API errors * @param: type - type of error * @param: descr - description of error * @param: params - current data * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttChart.prototype.errorAPIHandler = function(type, descr, params) { alert(descr); }; /** * @desc: saves data to server, using setSavePath() url and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoding * @param: fileName - passed to server as "filename" field, xml content is passed in "data" field * @type: public * @topic: 6 */ GanttChart.prototype.saveData = function(fileName) { try { if (!this.dhtmlXMLSenderObject.isProcessed) { this.dhtmlXMLSenderObject.sendData(fileName, this.savePath, this.getXML()); } } catch (e) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", e, null); } }; /** * @desc: creation of GanttChart * @param: divId - id of div in which the control lays * @param: xmlFile - path to XML document * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttChart.prototype.create = function(divId) { var self = this; var content = document.getElementById(divId); this.content = content; this.getBrowserType(); // if (this._isIE) { document.body.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { window.event.returnValue = false; }); document.body.attachEvent('onkeydown', function() { if (event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey) window.event.returnValue = false; }); } else { content.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, true); document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 65 && e.ctrlKey) e.preventDefault(); }, true); } //init handlers this.Error.catchError("DATA_ERROR", function(type, descr, params) { self.errorDataHandler(type, descr, params) }); this.Error.catchError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", function(type, descr, params) { self.errorSendDataHandler(type, descr, params) }); this.Error.catchError("DATA_INSERT_ERROR", function(type, descr, params) { self.errorAPIHandler(type, descr, params) }); this.Error.catchError("DATA_LOAD_ERROR", function(type, descr, params) { self.errorLoadDataHandler(type, descr, params) }); //create Table var tableControl = document.createElement("table"); tableControl.cellPadding = "0"; tableControl.cellSpacing = "0"; tableControl.style.cssText = "width: 100%; position: relative;"; var newRowTblControl = tableControl.insertRow(tableControl.rows.length); var newCellTblControl; //Add to content Table this.contentHeight = content.offsetHeight; this.contentWidth = content.offsetWidth; content.appendChild(tableControl); this.countDays = this.getCountDays(); this.Project.sort(this.sort_byStartDate); this.startDate = this.getStartDate(); //Creation panel of time this.panelTime = document.createElement("div"); this.panelTime.appendChild(this.createPanelTime()); this.panelTime.style.cssText = "position:relative;overflow:hidden;height:40px;top:0px;left:1px"; //Creation panel oData this.oData = document.createElement("div"); this.oData.appendChild(this.createPanelTasks()); this.oData.style.cssText = "position:relative;overflow:auto;height:" + (this.contentHeight - 40) + "px;border-left:#f1f3f1 1px solid"; this.oData.firstChild.appendChild(this.createPanelErrors()); //Creation panel of names if (this._showTreePanel) { this.panelNames = document.createElement("div"); newCellTblControl = document.createElement("td"); newCellTblControl.vAlign = "top"; this.panelNames.appendChild(this.createPanelNamesTasks()); this.panelNames.style.cssText = "position:relative;top:40px;overflow:hidden;border-left:#f1f3f1 1px solid;border-bottom:#f1f3f1 1px solid"; newCellTblControl.appendChild(this.panelNames); newRowTblControl.appendChild(newCellTblControl); } //add oData and oDataTime newCellTblControl = document.createElement("td"); var divCell = document.createElement("div"); divCell.style.cssText = "position: relative;"; divCell.appendChild(this.panelTime); divCell.appendChild(this.oData); newCellTblControl.appendChild(divCell); newRowTblControl.appendChild(newCellTblControl); //Show panel of names if (this._showTreePanel) { this.panelNames.style.height = (this.contentHeight - 56) + "px"; this.panelNames.style.width = this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"; this.oData.style.width = (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames) + "px"; this.panelTasks.style.width = this.dayInPixels * this.countDays + "px"; this.panelTime.style.width = (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames - 0*18) + "px"; this.panelTime.firstChild.style.width = this.dayInPixels * this.countDays + "px"; if (this.isShowConMenu && this.contextMenu == null) this.contextMenu = new contextMenu(this); } else { this.oData.style.width = this.contentWidth + "px"; this.panelTime.style.width = (this.contentWidth - 16) + "px"; } if (this._isOpera) { this.oData.onmousewheel = function() { return false; } } this.oData.onscroll = function() { self.panelTime.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft; if (self.panelNames) { self.panelNames.scrollTop = this.scrollTop; if (self.isShowConMenu) self.contextMenu.hideContextMenu(); } }; //create pop up time info this.divTimeInfo = this.createPopUpTimeInfo(); divCell.appendChild(this.divTimeInfo); //create pop up info task this.oData.firstChild.appendChild(this.createPopUpInfo()); //this.Project.sort(this.sort_byStartDate); //this.startDate = this.getStartDate(); for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { for (var k = 0; k < this.Project[i].ParentTasks.length; k++) { if (this.isEmpty(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST)) { this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST = this.Project[i].StartDate; } this.setESTChild(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k]); if (this.setPredTask(this.Project[i])) return; } for (var k = 0; k < this.Project[i].ParentTasks.length; k++) { if (this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST < this.Project[i].StartDate) { if (!this.correctError) { this.Error.throwError("DATA_ERROR", 24, [this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].Id,this.Project[i].Id]); return; } else { this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k].EST = this.Project[i].StartDate; } } if (this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(this.Project[i].ParentTasks[k])) return; } this.sortTasksByEST(this.Project[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { //creation project var project = new GanttProject(this, this.Project[i]); if (this.arrProjects.length > 0) { var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1]; project.previousProject = previousProject; previousProject.nextProject = project; } project.create(); this.checkHeighPanelTasks(); this.arrProjects.push(project); this.createTasks(project); } return this; }; GanttChart.prototype.isEmpty = function(value) { return (value == null || value == ''); }; /** * @desc: returns chart in html format suitable for printing, full-sized and without scrollbars * @type: public * @topic: 7 */ GanttChart.prototype.getPrintableHTML = function() { var w = parseInt(this.oData.firstChild.style.width) - parseInt(this.oData.style.width); var h = parseInt(this.panelTasks.style.height) - parseInt(this.panelTasks.parentNode.style.height); this.oData.setAttribute("id","ganttPrint02"); this.panelNames.setAttribute("id","ganttPrint03"); var res = 'onload=function(){var w=' + w + ',h=' + h + ',c1=document.getElementById("ganttPrint01"),c2=document.getElementById("ganttPrint02"),c3=document.getElementById("ganttPrint03");' + 'c2.style.width=parseInt(c2.style.width)+w+"px";c2.previousSibling.style.width=c2.style.width;c1.style.width=parseInt(c1.style.width)+w+"px";c2.style.height=parseInt(c2.style.height)+h+"px";' + 'c2.style.overflow="hidden";c3.style.height=c3.firstChild.style.height;c1.style.height=parseInt(c1.style.height)+h+"px";}' + '
' + this.content.innerHTML + '
'; this.oData.setAttribute("id",null); this.panelNames.setAttribute("id",null); return res; }; /** * @desc: opens chart in a new window, from where you can print it as you like - you can use browser's "Print preview" menu button to layout the chart on your page, choose a paper size etc. * @param: message - (string) this message will appear in alert window to instruct user what to do for printing. Set it to null to skip this alert. By default it says "Use browser's menu File->Print preview to setup page layout." * @type: public * @topic: 7 */ GanttChart.prototype.printToWindow = function(message) { var o = window.open(); o.document.write(this.getPrintableHTML()); o.document.close(); if (message!==null) { o.alert(message ? message : "Use browser's menu \"File->Print preview\" to setup page layout." ); } }; /** * @desc: Calculation of Start Date * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.getStartDate = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.length; i++) { if (this.startDate) { if (this.Project[i].StartDate < this.startDate) { this.startDate = new Date(this.Project[i].StartDate); } } else { this.startDate = new Date(this.Project[i].StartDate); } } this.initialPos = 24 * this.hourInPixels; if (this.startDate) { return new Date(this.startDate.setHours(this.startDate.getHours() - 24)); } else { return new Date(); } }; /** * @desc: Calculation of Count Days * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.getCountDays = function() { if (this._showTreePanel) { return parseInt((this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames) / (this.hourInPixels * 24)); } else { return parseInt((this.contentWidth) / (this.hourInPixels * 24)); } }; /** * @desc: Creation of tasks * @param: project - (object)project * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createTasks = function(project) { for (var j = 0; j < project.Project.ParentTasks.length; j++) { if (j > 0) { project.Project.ParentTasks[j - 1].nextParentTask = project.Project.ParentTasks[j]; project.Project.ParentTasks[j].previousParentTask = project.Project.ParentTasks[j - 1]; } var task = new GanttTask(project.Project.ParentTasks[j], project, this); project.arrTasks.push(task); task.create(); this.checkHeighPanelTasks(); if (project.Project.ParentTasks[j].ChildTasks.length > 0) { this.createChildItemControls(project.Project.ParentTasks[j].ChildTasks, project); } } }; /** * @desc: Creation of tasks * @param: arrChildTasks - array of child tasks * @param: project - (object)project * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.createChildItemControls = function(arrChildTasks, project) { for (var i = 0; i < arrChildTasks.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { arrChildTasks[i].previousChildTask = arrChildTasks[i - 1]; arrChildTasks[i - 1].nextChildTask = arrChildTasks[i]; } var task = new GanttTask(arrChildTasks[i], project, this); task.create(); this.checkHeighPanelTasks(); if (arrChildTasks[i].ChildTasks.length > 0) { this.createChildItemControls(arrChildTasks[i].ChildTasks, project); } } }; /** * @desc: show a small window with the data of task * @param: event - (object)event * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getPopUpInfo = function(object, event) { //this.cTaskItem[0] var posY = object.offsetTop + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 6; var posX = object.offsetLeft + ((event.layerX == null) ? event.offsetX : event.layerX); //data of task var tblInfo = this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = "
" + this.TaskInfo.Name + "
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "EST: " + this.TaskInfo.EST.getDate() + "." + (this.TaskInfo.EST.getMonth() + 1) + "." + this.TaskInfo.EST.getFullYear() + "
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Duration: " + this.TaskInfo.Duration + " hours
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Percent Complete: " + this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted + "%
"; //show predecessor task if (this.predTask) { tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Predecessor Task: "; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "*" + this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTask.Name + ""; } //show child tasks if (this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length != 0) { tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Child Tasks: "; for (var i = 0; i < this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length; i++) { tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += (i == this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length - 1) ? ("*" + this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks[i].Name + "") : ("*" + this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks[i].Name + ""); } } //show parent task if (this.TaskInfo.ParentTask) { tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Parent Task: "; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "*" + this.TaskInfo.ParentTask.Name + ""; } this.Chart.divInfo.style.cssText = "z-index:2;position: absolute;display: inline;"; if (posY + this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetHeight + 10 > this.Chart.oData.offsetHeight + this.Chart.oData.scrollTop) { this.Chart.divInfo.style.top = (posY - this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetHeight - 10 - this.Chart.heightTaskItem) + "px"; } else { this.Chart.divInfo.style.top = posY + "px"; } if (this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetWidth + posX + 10 > this.Chart.oData.offsetWidth + this.Chart.oData.scrollLeft) { this.Chart.divInfo.style.left = posX - (this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetWidth + posX + 20 - (this.Chart.oData.offsetWidth + this.Chart.oData.scrollLeft)) + "px"; } else { this.Chart.divInfo.style.left = posX + "px"; } }; /** * @desc: close a window in browser with the data of task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.closePopUpInfo = function() { this.Chart.divInfo.style.display = "none"; }; /** * @desc: creation connecting lines in panel of names * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.createConnectingLinesPN = function() { var arrConnectingLinesNames = []; /*var lineVerticalLeft = document.createElement("div"); lineVerticalLeft.style.cssText = "border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px; border-style: dotted; border-color: #C0C4C0; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;z-index:10;position: absolute;" + "height:" + (this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetTop - this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetTop) + "px;" + "top:" + (this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetTop + 5) + "px;" + "left:" + (this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft - 9) + "px;"; lineVerticalLeft.innerHTML = " "; this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild.appendChild(lineVerticalLeft); var LineHorizontalLeft = document.createElement("div"); LineHorizontalLeft.noShade = true; LineHorizontalLeft.color = "#000000"; LineHorizontalLeft.style.cssText = "left:" + (this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft - 9) + "px;top:" + (this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetTop + 5) + "px;z-index:10;" + "height:" + 1 + "px;width:" + (this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft - this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft + 4 ) + "px;position: absolute;border-width: 1px 0px 0px 0px;font-size: 1px;border-style: dotted; border-color: #C0C4C0;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"; this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild.appendChild(LineHorizontalLeft); arrConnectingLinesNames.push(lineVerticalLeft); arrConnectingLinesNames.push(LineHorizontalLeft);*/ return arrConnectingLinesNames; }; /** * @desc: creation connecting lines in panel oData * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.createConnectingLinesDS = function() { var oData = this.Chart.oData.firstChild; var arrLines = []; var arrowImg = new Image(); arrowImg.src = this.Chart.imgs + "arr.gif"; //vertical line var lineVerticalRight = document.createElement("div"); //horizontal line var lineHorizontal = document.createElement("div"); var posXPredecessorTask = parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var posYPredecessorTask = parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].style.top); var posXChildTask = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var posYChildTask = this.posY + 2; //width task item var widthChildTask = parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); var widthPredecessorTask = parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); if (posYPredecessorTask < posYChildTask) { lineVerticalRight.style.cssText = "border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #4A8F43;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;z-index:0;font-size: 1px;position: absolute;" + "height:" + (posYChildTask - this.Chart.heightTaskItem / 2 - posYPredecessorTask - 3) + "px;width:" + 1 + "px;left:" + (posXPredecessorTask + widthPredecessorTask - 20 ) + "px;top:" + (posYPredecessorTask + this.Chart.heightTaskItem) + "px;"; lineHorizontal.style.cssText = "height:1px;border-color: #4A8F43;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px 0px 0px 0px;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;z-index:0;position: absolute;" + "width:" + (15 + (posXChildTask - (widthPredecessorTask + posXPredecessorTask))) + "px;left:" + (posXPredecessorTask + widthPredecessorTask - 20 ) + "px;top:" + (posYChildTask + 2) + "px;"; arrowImg.style.cssText = "margin: 0px; padding: 0px;width:7px;height:14px;position: absolute;left:" + (posXChildTask - 7) + "px;top:" + (posYChildTask - 1) + "px;"; } else { lineVerticalRight.style.cssText = "border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #4A8F43;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;z-index:0;font-size: 1px;position: absolute;" + "height:" + (posYPredecessorTask + 2 - posYChildTask) + "px;width:" + 1 + "px;left:" + (posXPredecessorTask + widthPredecessorTask - 20 ) + "px;top:" + (posYChildTask + 2) + "px;"; lineHorizontal.style.cssText = "height:1px;border-color: #4A8F43;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px 0px 0px 0px;margin: 0px; padding: 0px;z-index:0;position: absolute;" + "width:" + (15 + (posXChildTask - (widthPredecessorTask + posXPredecessorTask))) + "px;left:" + (posXPredecessorTask + widthPredecessorTask - 20 ) + "px;top:" + (posYChildTask + 2) + "px;"; arrowImg.style.cssText = "margin: 0px; padding: 0px;width:7px;height:14px;position: absolute;left:" + (posXChildTask - 7) + "px;top:" + (posYChildTask - 1) + "px;"; } oData.appendChild(lineVerticalRight); oData.appendChild(lineHorizontal); oData.appendChild(arrowImg); arrLines.push(lineVerticalRight); arrLines.push(arrowImg); arrLines.push(lineHorizontal); return arrLines; }; /** * @desc: Shows current tasks * @param: task - GanttTask object. * @type: private * @topic: 3 */ GanttTask.prototype.showChildTasks = function(task, isOpen) { if (isOpen) { for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { if (task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[0].style.display == "none") { task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[0].style.display = "inline"; task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[0].style.display = "inline"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.childTask[i].showDescTask(); } task.isHide = false; if (task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[2]) { task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[2].style.display = "inline"; isOpen = task.childTask[i]._isOpen; } for (var k = 0; k < task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[1].length; k++) { task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[1][k].style.display = "inline"; } for (var k = 0; k < task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[1].length; k++) { task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[1][k].style.display = "inline"; } this._heightHideTasks += this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; if (task.childTask[i].childTask.length > 0) { this.showChildTasks(task.childTask[i], isOpen); } } } } }; /** * @desc: hide child task * @param: task - (object) GanttTask * @type: private * @topic: 3 */ GanttTask.prototype.hideChildTasks = function(task) { for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { if (task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[0].style.display != "none") { task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[0].style.display = "none"; task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[0].style.display = "none"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.childTask[i].hideDescTask(); } task.isHide = true; if (task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[2]) { task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[2].style.display = "none"; } for (var k = 0; k < task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[1].length; k++) { task.childTask[i].cTaskItem[1][k].style.display = "none"; } for (var k = 0; k < task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[1].length; k++) { task.childTask[i].cTaskNameItem[1][k].style.display = "none"; } this._heightHideTasks += this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; if (task.childTask[i].childTask.length > 0) { this.hideChildTasks(task.childTask[i]); } } } }; /** * @desc: shift current tasks * @param: task - (object) GanttTask * @param: height - specifies height on which tasks are shifted * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.shiftCurrentTasks = function(task, height) { this.shiftNextTask(this, height); task.Project.shiftNextProject(task.Project, height); }; GanttProject.prototype.shiftNextProject = function(project, height) { if (project.nextProject) { project.nextProject.shiftProject(height); this.shiftNextProject(project.nextProject, height); } }; GanttProject.prototype.shiftProject = function(height) { this.projectItem[0].style.top = parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.top) + height + "px"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) { this.descrProject.style.top = parseInt(this.descrProject.style.top) + height + "px"; } if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { this.projectNameItem.style.top = parseInt(this.projectNameItem.style.top) + height + "px"; } if (this.arrTasks.length > 0) this.shiftNextParentTask(this.arrTasks[0], height); }; GanttProject.prototype.shiftTask = function(task, height) { if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { task.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top) + height + "px"; if (task.cTaskNameItem[2]) { task.cTaskNameItem[2].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[2].style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.parentTask && task.cTaskNameItem[1][0]) { task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.top) + height + "px"; task.cTaskNameItem[1][1].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[1][1].style.top) + height + "px"; } } task.cTaskItem[0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + height + "px"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.descrTask.style.top = parseInt(task.descrTask.style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.cTaskItem[1][0]) { task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.top) + height + "px"; task.cTaskItem[1][1].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][1].style.top) + height + "px"; task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.top) + height + "px"; } }; GanttProject.prototype.shiftNextParentTask = function(task, height) { this.shiftTask(task, height); this.shiftChildTasks(task, height); if (task.nextParentTask) { this.shiftNextParentTask(task.nextParentTask, height); } }; GanttProject.prototype.shiftChildTasks = function(task, height) { for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { this.shiftTask(task.childTask[i], height); if (task.childTask[i].childTask.length > 0) { this.shiftChildTasks(task.childTask[i], height); } } }; GanttTask.prototype.shiftTask = function(task, height) { if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) { task.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top) + height + "px"; if (task.cTaskNameItem[2]) { task.cTaskNameItem[2].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[2].style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.parentTask) { if (task.cTaskNameItem[1].length > 0) if ((parseInt(this.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top) > parseInt(task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top)) && (task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.display != "none")) { task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.height = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.height) + height + "px"; } else { task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[1][0].style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.cTaskNameItem[1].length > 1) task.cTaskNameItem[1][1].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskNameItem[1][1].style.top) + height + "px"; } } task.cTaskItem[0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + height + "px"; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.descrTask.style.top = parseInt(task.descrTask.style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.predTask) { if (task.cTaskItem[1].length > 0) if (((parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.top) > parseInt(task.predTask.cTaskItem[0].style.top)) || (this.cTaskItem[0].id == task.predTask.TaskInfo.Id)) && task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.display != "none") { task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.height = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.height) + height + "px"; } else { task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.top) + height + "px"; } if (task.cTaskItem[1].length > 2) { task.cTaskItem[1][1].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][1].style.top) + height + "px"; task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.top = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.top) + height + "px"; } } }; GanttTask.prototype.shiftNextTask = function(task, height) { if (task.nextChildTask) { this.shiftTask(task.nextChildTask, height); this.shiftChildTask(task.nextChildTask, height); this.shiftNextTask(task.nextChildTask, height); } else if (task.parentTask) { this.shiftNextTask(task.parentTask, height); } else if (task.nextParentTask) { this.shiftTask(task.nextParentTask, height); this.shiftChildTask(task.nextParentTask, height); this.shiftNextTask(task.nextParentTask, height); } }; GanttTask.prototype.shiftChildTask = function(task, height) { for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { this.shiftTask(task.childTask[i], height); if (task.childTask[i].childTask.length > 0) { this.shiftChildTask(task.childTask[i], height); } } }; /** * @desc: get position of the task on EST * @param: est - time of the beginning of the task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.getPosOnDate = function(est) { return (est - this.startDate) / (60 * 60 * 1000) * this.hourInPixels; }; /** * @desc: get width on duration * @param: duration - duration of current task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttChart.prototype.getWidthOnDuration = function(duration) { return Math.round(this.hourInPixelsWork * duration); }; /** * @desc: end of dragging of task * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttTask.prototype.endMove = function() { var width = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left) - this.posX; var est = this.getDateOnPosition(parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left)); est = this.checkPos(est); this.wasMoved = this.TaskInfo.EST.valueOf() != est.valueOf(); if (this.checkMove) { width = this.Chart.getPosOnDate(est) - this.posX; this.moveCurrentTaskItem(width, this.moveChild); this.Project.shiftProjectItem(); } this.checkMove = false; this.posX = 0; this.maxPosXMove = -1; this.minPosXMove = -1; this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = ""; if (this.Chart._isFF) document.body.style.cursor = ""; if (this.Chart._isIE) this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[2].childNodes[0].style.cursor = ""; }; GanttTask.prototype.checkPos = function(est) { var h = est.getHours(); if (h >= 12) { est.setDate(est.getDate() + 1); est.setHours(0); if ((parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width) + this.Chart.getPosOnDate(est) > this.maxPosXMove) && (this.maxPosXMove != -1)) { est.setDate(est.getDate() - 1); est.setHours(0); } } else if ((h < 12) && (h != 0)) { est.setHours(0); if ((this.Chart.getPosOnDate(est) < this.minPosXMove)) { est.setDate(est.getDate() + 1); } } this.cTaskItem[0].style.left = this.Chart.getPosOnDate(est) + "px"; return est; }; /** * @desc: returns max position of child task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getMaxPosPredChildTaskItem = function() { var posPredChildTaskItem = 0; var nextPosPredChildTaskItem = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.childPredTask.length; i++) { nextPosPredChildTaskItem = this.getMaxPosPredChildTaskItemInTree(this.childPredTask[i]); if (nextPosPredChildTaskItem > posPredChildTaskItem) { posPredChildTaskItem = nextPosPredChildTaskItem; } } return posPredChildTaskItem; }; /** * @desc: returns max position of child task in tree * @param: task - (object) task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getMaxPosPredChildTaskItemInTree = function(task) { var currentPos = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width) + parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var posPredChildTaskItem = 0; var nextPosPredChildTaskItem = 0; for (var i = 0; i < task.childPredTask.length; i++) { nextPosPredChildTaskItem = this.getMaxPosPredChildTaskItemInTree(task.childPredTask[i]); if (nextPosPredChildTaskItem > posPredChildTaskItem) { posPredChildTaskItem = nextPosPredChildTaskItem; } } if (posPredChildTaskItem > currentPos) { return posPredChildTaskItem; } else { return currentPos; } }; /** * @desc: get task by id * @param: id - Id of GanttTask * @type: public * @topic: 2 */ GanttProject.prototype.getTaskById = function(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arrTasks.length; i++) { var task = this.searchTaskInTree(this.arrTasks[i], id); if (task) return task; } return null; }; /** * @desc: search GanttTask in child tasks * @param: task - (object) parent GanttTask * @param: id - Id of GanttTask * @type: private * @topic: 2 */ GanttProject.prototype.searchTaskInTree = function(task, id) { if (task.TaskInfo.Id == id) { return task; } else { for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { if (task.childTask[i].TaskInfo.Id == id) { return task.childTask[i]; } else { if (task.childTask[i].childTask.length > 0) { var cTask = this.searchTaskInTree(task.childTask[i], id); if (cTask) return cTask; } } } } return null; }; /** * @desc: shift current projectItem * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.shiftProjectItem = function() { var posItemL = null; var posItemR = null; var posProjectItemL = parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.left); var posProjectItemR = parseInt(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.style.width) + parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.left); var widthProjectItem = parseInt(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.style.width); for (var t = 0; t < this.arrTasks.length; t++) { var tmpPosItemL = parseInt(this.arrTasks[t].cTaskItem[0].style.left); var tmpPosItemR = parseInt(this.arrTasks[t].cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.arrTasks[t].cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); if (!posItemL) { posItemL = tmpPosItemL; } if (!posItemR) { posItemR = tmpPosItemR; } if (posItemL > tmpPosItemL) { posItemL = tmpPosItemL; } if (posItemR < tmpPosItemR) { posItemR = tmpPosItemR; } } if (posItemL != posProjectItemL) { this.Project.StartDate = new Date(this.Chart.startDate); this.Project.StartDate.setHours(this.Project.StartDate.getHours() + (posItemL / this.Chart.hourInPixels)); } this.projectItem[0].style.left = posItemL + "px"; this.resizeProjectItem(posItemR - posItemL); this.Duration = Math.round(parseInt(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.width) / (this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork)); if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) { this.moveDescrProject(); } this.addDayInPanelTime(); }; /** * @desc: add one day * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.addDayInPanelTime = function() { var width = parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.projectItem[0].firstChild.style.width) + 20; if (this.Chart.isShowDescProject) { width += this.descrProject.offsetWidth; } var table = this.Chart.panelTime.firstChild, tbody = table.firstChild; if (parseInt(tbody.offsetWidth) < width) { var countDays = Math.round((width - parseInt(tbody.offsetWidth)) / this.Chart.dayInPixels); var row = tbody.rows[1]; for (var n = 0; n < countDays; n++) { this.Chart.addPointInTimePanel(row, table); this.Chart.addDayInPanelTime(row); } var w = this.Chart.dayInPixels * (row.cells.length); tbody.style.width = w + "px"; this.Chart.panelTasks.style.width = (w-18) + "px"; } }; /** * @desc: add event * @param: elm - current element * @param: evType - string that specifies any of the standard DHTML Events * @param: fn - pointer that specifies the function to call when sEvent fires * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttProject.prototype.addEvent = function (elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; } else if (elm.attachEvent) { return elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); } else { elm['on' + evType] = fn; } }; /** * @desc: shows popup info * @param: event - (object)event * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.getPopUpInfo = function(object, event) { //this.projectItem[0] var posX = object.offsetLeft + ((event.layerX == null) ? event.offsetX : event.layerX); var posY = object.offsetTop + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 6; var tblInfo = this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = "
" + this.Project.Name + "
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Start Date: " + this.Project.StartDate.getDate() + "." + (this.Project.StartDate.getMonth() + 1) + "." + this.Project.StartDate.getFullYear() + "
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Duration: " + this.Duration + " hours
"; tblInfo.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML += "Percent Complete: " + this.percentCompleted + "%
"; this.Chart.divInfo.style.cssText = "z-index:2;position: absolute;display: inline;"; if (posY + this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetHeight + 6 > this.Chart.oData.offsetHeight + this.Chart.oData.scrollTop) { this.Chart.divInfo.style.top = (posY - this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetHeight - 10 - this.Chart.heightTaskItem) + "px"; } else { this.Chart.divInfo.style.top = posY + "px"; } if (this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetWidth + posX + 10 > this.Chart.oData.offsetWidth + this.Chart.oData.scrollLeft) { this.Chart.divInfo.style.left = posX - (this.Chart.divInfo.lastChild.offsetWidth + posX + 20 - (this.Chart.oData.offsetWidth + this.Chart.oData.scrollLeft)) + "px"; } else { this.Chart.divInfo.style.left = posX + "px"; } }; /** * @desc: hides pop up info * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.closePopUpInfo = function() { this.Chart.divInfo.style.display = "none"; }; /** * @desc: resize projectItem * @param: width - new width * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttProject.prototype.resizeProjectItem = function(width) { var percentCompleted = this.percentCompleted; if (percentCompleted > 0 && percentCompleted < 100) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.style.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].style.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.style.width = Math.round(width * percentCompleted / 100) + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1].firstChild.style.width = Math.round(width * (100 - percentCompleted) / 100) + "px"; this.projectItem[0].lastChild.firstChild.width = width + "px"; } else if (percentCompleted == 0 || percentCompleted == 100) { this.projectItem[0].firstChild.style.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].style.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.style.width = width + "px"; this.projectItem[0].lastChild.firstChild.width = width + "px"; } }; /** * @desc: Moving of current task * @param: width - length of shift of the task * @param: moveChild - true, if move children together * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.moveCurrentTaskItem = function(width, moveChild) { var taskItem = this.cTaskItem[0]; this.TaskInfo.EST = new Date(this.Chart.startDate); this.TaskInfo.EST.setHours(this.TaskInfo.EST.getHours() + (parseInt(taskItem.style.left) / this.Chart.hourInPixels)); if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { this.showDescTask(); } if (this.cTaskItem[1].length > 0) { this.cTaskItem[1][2].style.width = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[1][2].style.width) + width + "px"; this.cTaskItem[1][1].style.left = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[1][1].style.left) + width + "px"; } for (var i = 0; i < this.childTask.length; i++) { if (!this.childTask[i].predTask) { this.moveChildTaskItems(this.childTask[i], width, moveChild); } } for (var i = 0; i < this.childPredTask.length; i++) { this.moveChildTaskItems(this.childPredTask[i], width, moveChild); } }; /** * @desc: Moving of child tasks * @param: task - (object) GanttTask * @param: width - length of shift of the task * @param: moveChild - true, if move children together * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.moveChildTaskItems = function(task, width, moveChild) { var taskItem = task.cTaskItem[0]; if (moveChild) { taskItem.style.left = parseInt(taskItem.style.left) + width + "px"; task.addDayInPanelTime(); task.TaskInfo.EST = new Date(this.Chart.startDate); task.TaskInfo.EST.setHours(task.TaskInfo.EST.getHours() + (parseInt(taskItem.style.left) / this.Chart.hourInPixels)); for (var n = 0; n < task.cTaskItem[1].length; n++) { task.cTaskItem[1][n].style.left = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][n].style.left) + width + "px"; } for (var i = 0; i < task.childTask.length; i++) { if (!task.childTask[i].predTask) { this.moveChildTaskItems(task.childTask[i], width, moveChild); } } for (var i = 0; i < task.childPredTask.length; i++) { this.moveChildTaskItems(task.childPredTask[i], width, moveChild); } } else { if (task.cTaskItem[1].length > 0) { task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.left = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.left) + width + "px"; task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.width = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][2].style.width) - width + "px"; task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.left = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[1][0].style.left) + width + "px"; } } if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { task.moveDescTask(); } }; /** * @desc: Addition of new day in panel of time * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.addDayInPanelTime = function() { var taskItem = this.cTaskItem[0]; var width = parseInt(taskItem.style.left) + parseInt(taskItem.firstChild.firstChild.width) + 20; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { width += this.descrTask.offsetWidth; } var table = this.Chart.panelTime.firstChild, tbody = table.firstChild; if (parseInt(tbody.offsetWidth) < width) { var row = tbody.rows[1]; var countDays = Math.round((width + 20 - parseInt(tbody.offsetWidth)) / this.Chart.dayInPixels); for (var n = 0; n < countDays; n++) { this.Chart.addPointInTimePanel(row, table); this.Chart.addDayInPanelTime(row); } var w = this.Chart.dayInPixels * (row.cells.length); tbody.style.width = w + "px"; this.Chart.panelTasks.style.width = (w-18) + "px"; } }; /** * @desc: return of date on position of task * @param: position - current position of task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getDateOnPosition = function(position) { var date = new Date(this.Chart.startDate); date.setHours(date.getHours() + (position / this.Chart.hourInPixels)); return date; }; /** * @desc: moving of current task * @param: event - (object) event * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.moveItem = function(event) { var pageX = event.screenX; var posTaskItem = (this.posX + (pageX - this.MouseX)); var widthTaskItem = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.width); var posTaskItemR = posTaskItem + widthTaskItem; if (this.checkMove) { var date = this.getDateOnPosition(posTaskItem); var res = this.Chart.callEvent("onTaskDragging", [this,date])!==false; if (res && ((this.minPosXMove <= posTaskItem)) && ((posTaskItemR <= this.maxPosXMove) || (this.maxPosXMove == -1))) { this.moveTaskItem(posTaskItem); } } }; /** * @desc: shift taskItem * @param: posX - position of task * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.moveTaskItem = function(posX) { this.addDayInPanelTime(); this.cTaskItem[0].style.left = posX + "px"; var date = this.getDateOnPosition(posX); this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = date.getDate() + '.' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '.' + date.getUTCFullYear(); }; /** * @desc: resize current task * @param: event - (object) event * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.resizeItem = function(event) { if (this.checkResize) { var MouseX = event.screenX; var widthTaskItem = this.taskItemWidth + (MouseX - this.MouseX); var countHours = Math.round(widthTaskItem / this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork); if (this.Chart.callEvent("onTaskResizing", [this,countHours])===false) return; if (widthTaskItem >= this.taskItemWidth) { if ((widthTaskItem <= this.maxWidthResize) || (this.maxWidthResize == -1)) { this.resizeTaskItem(widthTaskItem); this.addDayInPanelTime(); } else if ((this.maxWidthResize != -1) && (widthTaskItem > this.maxWidthResize)) { this.resizeTaskItem(this.maxWidthResize); } } else if (widthTaskItem <= this.taskItemWidth) { if (widthTaskItem >= this.minWidthResize) { this.resizeTaskItem(widthTaskItem); } else if (widthTaskItem < this.minWidthResize) { this.resizeTaskItem(this.minWidthResize); } } } }; /** * @desc: resize current taskItem * @param: width - width of current taskItem * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.resizeTaskItem = function(width) { var taskItem = this.cTaskItem[0]; var countHours = Math.round(width / this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork); var c = taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0]; if (c) { c.firstChild.style.width = parseInt(c.width) * width / 100 + "px"; } c = taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.rows[0].cells[1]; if (c) { c.firstChild.style.width = parseInt(c.width) * width / 100 + "px"; } taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width = width + "px"; taskItem.childNodes[1].firstChild.width = width + "px"; //resize info this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = countHours; taskItem.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].style.width = width + "px"; taskItem.childNodes[2].childNodes[1].style.left = width - 10 + "px"; }; /** * @desc: end of stretch of task * @param: event - (object) event * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.endResizeItem = function() { var taskItem = this.cTaskItem[0]; this.wasResized = this.taskItemWidth != parseInt(taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width); if (this.wasResized) { var posXL = taskItem.offsetLeft; var posXR = taskItem.offsetLeft + parseInt(taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width); this.TaskInfo.Duration = Math.round((posXR - posXL) / this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork); if (this.childPredTask.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < this.childPredTask.length; j++) { this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][2].style.width = parseInt(this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][2].style.width) - (parseInt(taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width) - this.taskItemWidth) + "px"; this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][2].style.left = parseInt(this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][2].style.left) + (parseInt(taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width) - this.taskItemWidth) + "px"; this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][0].style.left = parseInt(this.childPredTask[j].cTaskItem[1][0].style.left) + (parseInt(taskItem.childNodes[0].firstChild.width) - this.taskItemWidth) + "px"; } } } this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = ""; this.checkResize = false; this.taskItemWidth = 0; this.MouseX = 0; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { this.showDescTask(); } this.Project.shiftProjectItem(); if (this.Chart._isFF) document.body.style.cursor = ""; }; GanttProject.prototype.moveDescrProject = function() { this.descrProject.style.left = (parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.left) + this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); this.descrProject.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); }; GanttProject.prototype.showDescrProject = function() { var posX = (parseInt(this.projectItem[0].style.left) + this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); this.descrProject.style.left = posX + "px"; this.descrProject.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.descrProject.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); }; GanttProject.prototype.hideDescrProject = function() { this.descrProject.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; GanttProject.prototype.getDescStr = function() { var str = '', delim = ", "; for (var i = 0; i < this.Chart.paramShowProject.length; i++) { switch (this.Chart.paramShowProject[i]) { case "Name": if (str != "")str += delim; str += this.Project[this.Chart.paramShowProject[i]]; break; case "StartDate": if (str != "")str += delim; var d = this.Project[this.Chart.paramShowProject[i]]; str += d.getDate() + "." + (d.getMonth() + 1) + "." + d.getFullYear(); break; case "Duration": if (str != "")str += delim; str += this[this.Chart.paramShowProject[i]] + "h"; break; case "percentCompleted": if (str != "")str += delim; str += this[this.Chart.paramShowProject[i]] + "%"; break; default: break; } } return str; }; GanttProject.prototype.createDescrProject = function() { var posX = (this.posX + this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); var divDesc = document.createElement("div"); divDesc.style.cssText += ";z-index:1;position:absolute;left:" + posX + "px;top:" + this.posY + "px;"; divDesc.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); divDesc.className = "descProject"; this.descrProject = divDesc; if (this.Project.ParentTasks.length == 0) { this.descrProject.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if (this.Chart._showTooltip) { var self = this; var getPopUpInfo = function(e) { if ((!self.Chart._isMove) && (!self.Chart._isResize)) self.getPopUpInfo(self.descrProject, e); }; var closePopUpInfo = function() { self.closePopUpInfo(); }; this.addEvent(divDesc, 'mouseover', getPopUpInfo, false); this.addEvent(divDesc, 'mouseout', closePopUpInfo, false); } return divDesc; }; /** * @desc: creation of projectItem * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.createProjectItem = function() { var self = this; this.percentCompleted = this.getPercentCompleted(); this.Duration = this.getDuration(); var projectItem = document.createElement("div"); projectItem.id = this.Project.Id; projectItem.style.cssText = ";z-index:1;position: absolute;left:" + this.posX + "px;top:" + this.posY + "px;"; projectItem.style.width = this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; var tblProjectItem = document.createElement("table"); projectItem.appendChild(tblProjectItem); tblProjectItem.cellPadding = "0"; tblProjectItem.cellSpacing = "0"; tblProjectItem.style.cssText = "border: solid 1px #BC810D;"; var width = this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork; tblProjectItem.width = ((width == 0) ? 1 : width) + "px"; tblProjectItem.style.width = ((width == 0) ? 1 : width) + "px"; var rowprojectItem = tblProjectItem.insertRow(tblProjectItem.rows.length); if (this.percentCompleted != -1) { if (this.percentCompleted != 0) { var cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); rowprojectItem.appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = this.percentCompleted + "%"; cellprojectItem.style.lineHeight = "1px"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = (this.percentCompleted * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "parentnode_filled.png"; } if (this.percentCompleted != 100) { var cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); rowprojectItem.appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = (100 - this.percentCompleted) + "%"; cellprojectItem.style.lineHeight = "1px"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = ((100 - this.percentCompleted) * this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } } else { var cellprojectItem = document.createElement("TD"); rowprojectItem.appendChild(cellprojectItem); cellprojectItem.width = "1px"; cellprojectItem.style.lineHeight = "1px"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = "1px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem; cellprojectItem.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } var divTaskInfo = document.createElement("div"); divTaskInfo.style.cssText = "text-align:center;z-index:2;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"; // var tblTaskInfo = document.createElement("table"); divTaskInfo.appendChild(tblTaskInfo); tblTaskInfo.cellPadding = "0"; tblTaskInfo.cellSpacing = "0"; tblTaskInfo.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; tblTaskInfo.width = ((this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork == 0) ? 1 : this.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) + "px"; var rowTaskInfo = tblTaskInfo.insertRow(0); var cellTaskInfo = document.createElement("td"); cellTaskInfo.align = "center"; cellTaskInfo.vAlign = "top"; cellTaskInfo.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTaskInfo.className = "moveInfo"; cellTaskInfo.style.cssText = ";white-space:nowrap;"; rowTaskInfo.appendChild(cellTaskInfo); projectItem.appendChild(divTaskInfo); if (this.Project.ParentTasks.length == 0) { projectItem.style.display = "none"; } if (this.Chart._showTooltip) { var getPopUpInfo = function(e) { if ((!self.Chart._isMove) && (!self.Chart._isResize)) self.getPopUpInfo(self.projectItem[0], e); }; var closePopUpInfo = function() { self.closePopUpInfo(); }; this.addEvent(divTaskInfo, 'mouseover', getPopUpInfo, false); this.addEvent(divTaskInfo, 'mouseout', closePopUpInfo, false); } return projectItem; }; /** * @desc: Creation of projectNameItem * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.createProjectNameItem = function() { var self = this; var divName = document.createElement("div"); divName.style.cssText = "cursor:pointer;color:#003366;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;font-family:Tahoma,Arial;white-space:nowrap;height:15px;z-index:1;position:absolute;left:" + 5 + "px;top:" + this.posY + "px;"; divName.innerHTML = this.Project.Name; divName.title = this.Project.Name; if (this.Chart.isShowConMenu) { var showContMenu = function(event) { if (self.Chart.contextMenu.clear) self.Chart.contextMenu.clear(); var hideContMenu = null; if (!self.Chart._isIE) { hideContMenu = function() { self.Chart.contextMenu.hideContextMenu(); self.Chart.content.removeEventListener("mousedown", hideContMenu, false); }; } else { hideContMenu = function() { self.Chart.contextMenu.hideContextMenu(); self.Chart.content.detachEvent("mousedown", hideContMenu); }; } self.Chart.content.onmousedown = hideContMenu; if (!self.Chart._isIE) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } self.Chart._showContextMenu(event, self); }; if (this.Chart._isIE) { this.addEvent(divName, "contextmenu", function(e) { showContMenu(e); return false; }, false); } else { this.addEvent(divName, "contextmenu", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showContMenu(e); }, false); } } return divName; }; /** * @desc: calculates and returns percent completed of project * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.getPercentCompleted = function() { var sum = 0; var percentCompleted = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.ParentTasks.length; i++) { sum += parseInt(this.Project.ParentTasks[i].PercentCompleted); } if (this.Project.ParentTasks.length != 0) { return percentCompleted = Math.round(sum / this.Project.ParentTasks.length); } else { return percentCompleted = -1; } }; /** * @desc: calculates and returns the duration of project in hours * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.getDuration = function() { var duration = 0; var tmpDuration = 0; if (this.Project.ParentTasks.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.Project.ParentTasks.length; i++) { tmpDuration = this.Project.ParentTasks[i].Duration * 24 / this.Chart.hoursInDay + (this.Project.ParentTasks[i].EST - this.Chart.startDate) / (60 * 60 * 1000); if (tmpDuration > duration) { duration = tmpDuration; } } return ((duration - this.posX) / 24) * this.Chart.hoursInDay; } else { return 0; } }; /** * @desc: returns id of project. * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.getId = function() { return this.Project.Id; }; /** * @desc: returns name of project. * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.getName = function() { return this.Project.Name; }; /** * @desc: returns start date of project. * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttProject.prototype.getStartDate = function() { return this.Project.StartDate; }; /** * @desc: add event * @param: elm - current element * @param: evType - string that specifies any of the standard DHTML Events * @param: fn - pointer that specifies the function to call when sEvent fires * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttTask.prototype.addEvent = function (elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; } else if (elm.attachEvent) { return elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); } else { elm['on' + evType] = fn; } }; /** * @desc: the beginning of movement of task * @param: event - (object)event * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttTask.prototype.startMove = function (event) { this.moveChild = event.ctrlKey; this.MouseX = event.screenX; this.getMoveInfo(); this.checkMove = true; if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { this.hideDescTask(); } if (this.Chart._isFF) document.body.style.cursor = "move"; if (this.Chart._isIE) event.srcElement.style.cursor = "move"; }; GanttTask.prototype.showDescTask = function() { var posX = (parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left) + this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); this.descrTask.style.left = posX + "px"; this.descrTask.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); this.descrTask.style.visibility = 'visible'; }; GanttTask.prototype.hideDescTask = function() { this.descrTask.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; GanttTask.prototype.getDescStr = function() { var str = '', delim = ", "; for (var i = 0; i < this.Chart.paramShowTask.length; i++) { var prop = this.Chart.paramShowTask[i], propValue = this.TaskInfo[prop]; switch (prop) { case "Name": if (str != "")str += delim; str += propValue; break; case "EST": if (str != "")str += delim; str += propValue.getDate() + "." + (propValue.getMonth() + 1) + "." + propValue.getFullYear(); break; case "S-F": if (str != "")str += delim; propValue = this.TaskInfo["EST"]; str += propValue.getDate() + "." + (propValue.getMonth() + 1) + "." + propValue.getFullYear() + " - "; propValue = this.getFinishDate(); str += propValue.getDate() + "." + (propValue.getMonth() + 1) + "." + propValue.getFullYear(); break; case "Duration": if (str != "")str += delim; str += propValue + "h"; break; case "PercentCompleted": if (str != "")str += delim; str += propValue + "%"; break; default: break; } } return str; }; /** * @desc: returns id of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getId = function() { return this.TaskInfo.Id; }; /** * @desc: returns name of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getName = function() { return this.TaskInfo.Name; }; /** * @desc: returns duration of task (in hours) * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getDuration = function() { return this.TaskInfo.Duration; }; /** * @desc: returns EST of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getEST = function() { return this.TaskInfo.EST; }; /** * @desc: calculates and returns FinishDate of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getFinishDate = function() { var date = new Date(this.TaskInfo.EST); date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt((this.TaskInfo["Duration"]-1)/this.Chart.hoursInDay+1)-1); return date; }; /** * @desc: returns PercentCompleted of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getPercentCompleted = function() { return this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted; }; /** * @desc: returns PredecessorTaskId of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getPredecessorTaskId = function() { return this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTaskId ? this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTaskId : null; }; /** * @desc: returns ParentTaskId of task * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.getParentTaskId = function() { return this.parentTask ? this.parentTask.getId() : null; }; GanttTask.prototype.moveDescTask = function() { var posX = (parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left) + this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); this.descrTask.style.left = posX + "px"; }; /** * @desc: Defines max and min position of movement * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getMoveInfo = function() { this.posX = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var widthTaskItem = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.width); var posParentTaskItem = (this.parentTask == null) ? 0 : parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var posPredTaskItem = (this.predTask == null) ? 0 : parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.predTask.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.width); var widthParentTaskItem = (this.parentTask == null) ? 0 : parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.width); var childPredPosX = 0; var childParentPosX = 0; var childParentPosXR = 0; if (this.childPredTask.length > 0) { var posChildTaskItem = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.childPredTask.length; n++) { if ((!posChildTaskItem) || ((posChildTaskItem) && (posChildTaskItem > parseInt(this.childPredTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left)))) { posChildTaskItem = parseInt(this.childPredTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left); } } childPredPosX = posChildTaskItem; } if (this.childTask.length > 0) { var posChildTaskItemR = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.childTask.length; n++) { if ((!posChildTaskItemR) || ((posChildTaskItemR) && (posChildTaskItemR > (parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left))))) { posChildTaskItemR = parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left); } } childParentPosXR = posChildTaskItemR; var posChildTaskItem = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.childTask.length; n++) { if ((!posChildTaskItem) || ((posChildTaskItem) && (posChildTaskItem < (parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width))))) { posChildTaskItem = parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); } } childParentPosX = posChildTaskItem; } if (!this.moveChild) { if (this.childPredTask.length > 0) { if (this.maxPosXMove < childPredPosX) this.maxPosXMove = childPredPosX; } if (this.childTask.length > 0) { if ((this.childPredTask.length > 0) && (this.maxPosXMove - widthTaskItem) > childParentPosXR) this.maxPosXMove = this.maxPosXMove - ((this.maxPosXMove - widthTaskItem) - childParentPosXR); if (!(this.childPredTask.length > 0)) this.maxPosXMove = childParentPosXR + widthTaskItem; this.minPosXMove = (childParentPosX - widthTaskItem); } if (posParentTaskItem > 0) { if ((!(this.childPredTask.length > 0)) && (this.childTask.length > 0)) { if (this.maxPosXMove > posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem) { this.maxPosXMove = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem; } } if (this.minPosXMove <= posParentTaskItem) { this.minPosXMove = posParentTaskItem; } if ((!(this.childTask.length > 0)) && (!(this.childPredTask.length > 0))) { this.maxPosXMove = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem; } else if ((!(this.childTask.length > 0)) && (this.childPredTask.length > 0)) { if ((posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem) > posPredTaskItem) { this.maxPosXMove = childPredPosX; } } } if (posPredTaskItem > 0) { if (this.minPosXMove <= posPredTaskItem) { this.minPosXMove = posPredTaskItem; } } if ((posPredTaskItem == 0) && (posParentTaskItem == 0)) { if (this.minPosXMove <= this.Chart.initialPos) { this.minPosXMove = this.Chart.initialPos; } } } else { if ((posParentTaskItem > 0) && (posPredTaskItem == 0)) { this.minPosXMove = posParentTaskItem; this.maxPosXMove = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem; } else if ((posParentTaskItem == 0) && (posPredTaskItem == 0)) { this.minPosXMove = this.Chart.initialPos; this.maxPosXMove = -1; } else if ((posParentTaskItem > 0) && (posPredTaskItem > 0)) { this.minPosXMove = posPredTaskItem; this.maxPosXMove = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem; } else if ((posParentTaskItem == 0) && (posPredTaskItem > 0)) { this.minPosXMove = posPredTaskItem; this.maxPosXMove = -1; } if ((this.parentTask) && (this.childPredTask.length > 0)) { var posChildTaskItem = this.getMaxPosPredChildTaskItem(this); var posParentTaskItem = parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); this.maxPosXMove = this.posX + widthTaskItem + posParentTaskItem - posChildTaskItem; } } }; /** * @desc: The beginning of extension of task * @param: event - (object) event * @type: private * @topic: 5 */ GanttTask.prototype.startResize = function(event) { this.MouseX = event.screenX; this.getResizeInfo(); if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { this.hideDescTask(); } this.checkResize = true; this.taskItemWidth = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); if (this.Chart._isFF)document.body.style.cursor = "e-resize"; }; /** * @desc: Defines max and min position of stretchings * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.getResizeInfo = function() { var taskItem = this.cTaskItem[0]; var posParentTaskItem = (this.parentTask == null) ? 0 : parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var widthParentTaskItem = (this.parentTask == null) ? 0 : parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskItem[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.width); var posTaskItem = parseInt(this.cTaskItem[0].style.left); var childPredPosX = 0; var childParentPosX = 0; if (this.childPredTask.length > 0) { var posChildTaskItem = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.childPredTask.length; n++) { if ((!posChildTaskItem) || ((posChildTaskItem) && (posChildTaskItem > parseInt(this.childPredTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left)))) { posChildTaskItem = parseInt(this.childPredTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left); } } childPredPosX = posChildTaskItem; } if (this.childTask.length > 0) { var posChildTaskItem = null; for (var n = 0; n < this.childTask.length; n++) { if ((!posChildTaskItem) || ((posChildTaskItem) && (posChildTaskItem < (parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width))))) { posChildTaskItem = parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(this.childTask[n].cTaskItem[0].firstChild.firstChild.width); } } childParentPosX = posChildTaskItem; } this.minWidthResize = this.Chart.dayInPixels; if (this.childTask.length > 0) { this.minWidthResize = childParentPosX - posTaskItem; } if ((this.childPredTask.length > 0) && (!this.parentTask)) { this.maxWidthResize = childPredPosX - posTaskItem; } else if ((this.childPredTask.length > 0) && (this.parentTask)) { var w1 = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem - posTaskItem; var w2 = childPredPosX - posTaskItem; this.maxWidthResize = Math.min(w1, w2); } else if ((this.childPredTask.length == 0) && (this.parentTask)) { this.maxWidthResize = posParentTaskItem + widthParentTaskItem - posTaskItem; } }; /** * @desc: creation of taskItem * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.createTaskItem = function() { var self = this; this.posX = this.Chart.getPosOnDate(this.TaskInfo.EST); var itemControl = document.createElement("div"); itemControl.id = this.TaskInfo.Id; itemControl.style.cssText = ";z-index:1;position:absolute;left:" + this.posX + "px;top:" + this.posY + "px;"; var divTaskItem = document.createElement("div"); itemControl.appendChild(divTaskItem); divTaskItem.style.cssText = "z-index:1;position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"; var tblTaskItem = document.createElement("table"); divTaskItem.appendChild(tblTaskItem); tblTaskItem.cellPadding = "0"; tblTaskItem.cellSpacing = "0"; tblTaskItem.width = this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; tblTaskItem.style.cssText = "border: solid 1px #6589A9;"; var rowTblTask = tblTaskItem.insertRow(tblTaskItem.rows.length); if (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 0) { var cellTblTask = document.createElement("td"); rowTblTask.appendChild(cellTblTask); cellTblTask.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.width = this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted + "%"; cellTblTask.style.lineHeight = "1px"; var imgPr = document.createElement("img"); imgPr.style.width = (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted * this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPr.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.appendChild(imgPr); imgPr.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_filled.png"; } if (this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted != 100) { var cellTblTask = document.createElement("td"); rowTblTask.appendChild(cellTblTask); cellTblTask.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.width = (100 - this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted) + "%"; cellTblTask.style.lineHeight = "1px"; var imgPrF = document.createElement("img"); imgPrF.style.width = ((100 - this.TaskInfo.PercentCompleted) * this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork) / 100 + "px"; imgPrF.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTblTask.appendChild(imgPrF); imgPrF.src = this.Chart.imgs + "progress_bg.png"; } if (this.Chart.isEditable) { var divTaskInfo = document.createElement("div"); divTaskInfo.style.cssText = "text-align:center;font-size:9px;z-index:2;position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"; var tblTaskInfo = document.createElement("table"); divTaskInfo.appendChild(tblTaskInfo); tblTaskInfo.cellPadding = "0"; tblTaskInfo.cellSpacing = "0"; tblTaskInfo.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; tblTaskInfo.width = this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; var rowTaskInfo = tblTaskInfo.insertRow(0); var cellTaskInfo = document.createElement("TD"); cellTaskInfo.align = "center"; cellTaskInfo.vAlign = "top"; cellTaskInfo.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; cellTaskInfo.className = "moveInfo"; cellTaskInfo.style.cssText = ";white-space:nowrap;font-size:9px"; rowTaskInfo.appendChild(cellTaskInfo); itemControl.appendChild(divTaskInfo); } var divTaskName = document.createElement("div"); itemControl.appendChild(divTaskName); divTaskName.style.cssText = ";z-index:2;position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"; var divMove = document.createElement("div"); divMove.innerHTML = ""; if (this.Chart._isIE) { divMove.style.background = "#000000"; divMove.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"; } divMove.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; divMove.style.width = this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + "px"; divTaskName.appendChild(divMove); if (this.Chart._showTooltip) { var getPopUpInfo = function(e) { if ((!self.Chart._isMove) && (!self.Chart._isResize)) self.getPopUpInfo(self.cTaskItem[0], e); }; var closePopUpInfo = function() { self.closePopUpInfo(); }; this.addEvent(divMove, 'mouseover', getPopUpInfo, false); this.addEvent(divMove, 'mouseout', closePopUpInfo, false); } var taskClick = function() { self.Chart.callEvent("onTaskClick", [self]); }; this.addEvent(divMove, 'click', taskClick, false); if (this.Chart.isEditable) { //Create resize area var divResize = document.createElement("div"); divResize.style.cssText = ";z-index:10;position: absolute;left:" + (this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork - 10) + "px;top:0px;"; divResize.style.height = this.Chart.heightTaskItem + "px"; divResize.style.width = "10px"; divResize.innerHTML = ""; divTaskName.appendChild(divResize); var startMove = function(e) { if (self.Chart.callEvent("onTaskStartDrag", [self])===false) return; var moveItem = function(e1) { if (self.checkMove) self.moveItem(e1); }; var endMove = function() { if (self.checkMove) { self.endMove(); self.Chart._isMove = false; if (self.Chart._isIE) { document.body.releaseCapture(); document.detachEvent("onmousemove", moveItem); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", endMove); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveItem, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", endMove, true); } if (self.wasMoved) self.Chart.callEvent("onTaskEndDrag", [self]); } }; self.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', moveItem, true); self.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', endMove, true); if (self.Chart._showTooltip) self.closePopUpInfo(); self.startMove(e); self.Chart._isMove = true; if (self.Chart._isIE) document.body.setCapture(false); }; var startResize = function(e) { if (self.Chart.callEvent("onTaskStartResize", [self])===false) return; var resizeItem = function(e1) { if (self.checkResize)self.resizeItem(e1); }; var endResizeItem = function() { if (self.checkResize) { self.endResizeItem(); self.Chart._isResize = false; if (self.Chart._isIE) { document.body.releaseCapture(); document.detachEvent("onmousemove", resizeItem); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", endResizeItem); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeItem, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", endResizeItem, true); } if (self.wasResized) self.Chart.callEvent("onTaskEndResize", [self]); } }; self.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', resizeItem, false); self.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', endResizeItem, false); self.startResize(e); if (self.Chart._isIE) document.body.setCapture(false); self.Chart._isResize = true; }; this.addEvent(divMove, 'mousedown', startMove, false); this.addEvent(divResize, 'mousedown', startResize, false); var setCursorResize = function(e2) { if (!self.Chart._isMove) (e2.srcElement?e2.srcElement:e2.target).style.cursor = "e-resize"; }; var setCursorStandart = function(e3) { if (!self.checkResize) (e3.srcElement?e3.srcElement:e3.target).style.cursor = ""; }; this.addEvent(divResize, 'mouseover', setCursorResize, false); this.addEvent(divResize, 'mouseout', setCursorStandart, false); } return itemControl; }; /** * @desc: creation of taskNameItem * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.createTaskNameItem = function(hasChildren) { var self = this; var divName = document.createElement("div"); divName.id = this.TaskInfo.Id; divName.style.cssText = "cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap;height:15px;z-index:1;position:absolute;left:20px;top: " + this.posY + "px;"; if (hasChildren) divName.style.fontWeight = "bold"; divName.className = "taskNameItem"; divName.title = this.TaskInfo.Name; divName.innerHTML = this.TaskInfo.Name; if (this.Chart.isShowConMenu) { var showContMenu = function(event) { if (self.Chart.contextMenu.clear) self.Chart.contextMenu.clear(); var hideContMenu = function() { self.Chart.contextMenu.hideContextMenu(); if (self.Chart._isIE) self.Chart.content.detachEvent("mousedown", hideContMenu); else self.Chart.content.removeEventListener("mousedown", hideContMenu, false); }; self.Chart.content.onmousedown = hideContMenu; if (!self.Chart._isIE) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } self.Chart._showContextMenu(event, self); }; if (this.Chart._isIE) { this.addEvent(divName, "contextmenu", function(e) { showContMenu(e); return false; }, false); } else { this.addEvent(divName, "contextmenu", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showContMenu(e); }, false); } } return divName; }; GanttTask.prototype.createTaskDescItem = function() { var posX = (this.posX + this.TaskInfo.Duration * this.Chart.hourInPixelsWork + 10); var divDesc = document.createElement("div"); divDesc.style.cssText += ";z-index:1;position:absolute;left:" + posX + "px;top:" + this.posY + "px;"; divDesc.innerHTML = this.getDescStr(); divDesc.className = "descTask"; this.descrTask = divDesc; if (this.Chart._showTooltip) { var self = this; var getPopUpInfo = function(e) { if ((!self.Chart._isMove) && (!self.Chart._isResize)) self.getPopUpInfo(self.descrTask, e); }; var closePopUpInfo = function() { self.closePopUpInfo(); }; this.addEvent(divDesc, 'mouseover', getPopUpInfo, false); this.addEvent(divDesc, 'mouseout', closePopUpInfo, false); } return divDesc; }; /** * @desc: check Width of taskNameItem * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.checkWidthTaskNameItem = function() { if (this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetWidth + this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft > this.Chart.maxWidthPanelNames) { var width = this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetWidth + this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetLeft - this.Chart.maxWidthPanelNames; var countChar = Math.round(width / (this.cTaskNameItem[0].offsetWidth / this.cTaskNameItem[0].firstChild.length)); var tName = this.TaskInfo.Name.substring(0, this.cTaskNameItem[0].firstChild.length - countChar - 3); tName += "..."; this.cTaskNameItem[0].innerHTML = tName; } }; /** * @desc: creation of GanttTask * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ GanttTask.prototype.create = function() { var containerTasks = this.Chart.oData.firstChild; var containerNames = null; if (this.Chart._showTreePanel) containerNames = this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild; var predecessorTask = this.TaskInfo.PredecessorTask; var parentTask = this.TaskInfo.ParentTask; var isCParentTask = (this.TaskInfo.ChildTasks.length > 0); var self = this; this.cTaskItem = []; this.cTaskNameItem = []; //creation arrTasks if (!parentTask) { if (this.TaskInfo.previousParentTask) { this.previousParentTask = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.previousParentTask.Id); var lastChildTask = this.Chart.getLastChildTask(this.previousParentTask); this.posY = parseInt(lastChildTask.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; this.previousParentTask.nextParentTask = this; } else { this.posY = parseInt(this.Project.projectItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; } } if (parentTask) { var task = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.ParentTask.Id); this.parentTask = task; if (this.TaskInfo.previousChildTask) { this.previousChildTask = this.Project.getTaskById(this.TaskInfo.previousChildTask.Id); var lastChildTask = this.Chart.getLastChildTask(this.previousChildTask); this.posY = parseInt(lastChildTask.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; this.previousChildTask.nextChildTask = this; } else { this.posY = parseInt(task.cTaskItem[0].style.top) + this.Chart.heightTaskItem + 11; } task.childTask.push(this); } if (predecessorTask) { var task = this.Project.getTaskById(predecessorTask.Id); this.predTask = task; task.childPredTask.push(this); } //creation task item this.cTaskItem.push(this.createTaskItem()); containerTasks.appendChild(this.cTaskItem[0]); if (this.Chart.panelNames) { this.cTaskNameItem.push(this.createTaskNameItem(isCParentTask)); this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild.appendChild(this.cTaskNameItem[0]); } if (this.Chart.isShowDescTask) { containerTasks.appendChild(this.createTaskDescItem()); } //Create Connecting Lines var arrConnectingLines = []; if (predecessorTask) arrConnectingLines = this.createConnectingLinesDS(); this.cTaskItem.push(arrConnectingLines); if (this.Chart.panelNames) { //Create Connecting Lines var arrConnectingLinesNames = []; if (parentTask) { this.cTaskNameItem[0].style.left = parseInt(this.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[0].style.left) + 15 + "px"; arrConnectingLinesNames = this.createConnectingLinesPN(); } this.checkWidthTaskNameItem(); var treeImg = null; if (isCParentTask) treeImg = this.createTreeImg(); this.cTaskNameItem.push(arrConnectingLinesNames); this.cTaskNameItem.push(treeImg); } this.addDayInPanelTime(); return this; }; /** * @desc: creation of image of node * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttTask.prototype.createTreeImg = function() { var self = this; var treeImg = new Image(); treeImg.src = this.Chart.imgs + "minus.gif"; treeImg.id = this.TaskInfo.Id; treeImg.onclick = function() { if (self._isOpen) { this.src = self.Chart.imgs + "plus.gif"; self._isOpen = false; self.hideChildTasks(self); self.shiftCurrentTasks(self, -self._heightHideTasks); } else { this.src = self.Chart.imgs + "minus.gif"; self._isOpen = true; self.shiftCurrentTasks(self, self._heightHideTasks); self.showChildTasks(self, true); self._heightHideTasks = 0; } }; this.Chart.panelNames.firstChild.appendChild(treeImg); treeImg.style.cssText = "cursor:pointer;left:" + (parseInt(this.cTaskNameItem[0].style.left) - 12) + "px;top:" + (parseInt(this.cTaskNameItem[0].style.top) + 3) + "px;z-index:12;position:absolute;"; return treeImg; }; /** * @desc: returns last child of GanttTask * @type: private * @topic: 2 */ GanttChart.prototype.getLastChildTask = function(task) { if (task.childTask.length > 0) { return this.getLastChildTask(task.childTask[task.childTask.length - 1]); } else { return task; } }; /** * @desc: dhtmlXMLSenderObject constructor * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ dhtmlXMLSenderObject = function(ganttChart) { this.xmlHttp = this.createXMLHttpRequest(); this.isProcessed = false; this.path = null; this.filename = null; this.Chart = ganttChart; }; /** * @desc: creation (object) XMLHttpRequest * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXMLSenderObject.prototype.createXMLHttpRequest = function() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } }; /** * @desc: Sends the data on a server * @type: private * @topic: 6 */ dhtmlXMLSenderObject.prototype.sendData = function(filename, path, xmlData) { var self = this; this.path = path; this.filename = filename; if ((this.path == null) || (this.path == "")) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 3, null); return; } if ((this.filename == null) || (this.filename == "")) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 4, null); return; } this.isProcessed = true; this.xmlHttp.open("POST", this.path, true); if (this.Chart._isFF) { this.xmlHttp.onerror = function() { self.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = null; self.xmlHttp.abort(); self.isProcessed = false; } } this.xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { self.getStatus(); }; this.xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); this.xmlHttp.send("data=" + encodeURI(xmlData) + "&filename=" + filename); }; /** * @desc: Returns the status of operation * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXMLSenderObject.prototype.getStatus = function() { if (this.xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { var _status = ""; try { _status = this.xmlHttp.status; } catch(e) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 1, null); return 0; } switch (_status) { case 0: this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 1, null); //this.xmlHttp.abort(); break; case 404: this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 5, [this.path]); //this.xmlHttp.abort(); break; case 500: this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 2, null); //this.xmlHttp.abort(); break; case 12029: this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 1, null); //this.xmlHttp.abort(); break; default: if (!(_status >= 200 && _status < 300 || _status == 304)) { this.Chart.Error.throwError("DATA_SEND_ERROR", 0, null); //this.xmlHttp.abort(); } break; } this.isProcessed = false; } }; /** * @desc: GanttError constructor * @type: private * @topic: 0 */ function GanttError() { this.catches = []; this._errors = []; this._init(); return this; } /** * @desc: initialization of control errors * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttError.prototype._init = function() { //connection errors this._errors[0] = "Connection error"; this._errors[1] = "Cannot connect"; this._errors[2] = "Server error"; this._errors[3] = "Path is null or empty"; this._errors[4] = "Filename is null or empty"; this._errors[5] = "File (%0) is not found"; //API errors this._errors[6] = "Percent Complete should be a number"; this._errors[7] = "Percent Complete should be <= 100"; this._errors[8] = "Percent Complete should be >= 0"; this._errors[9] = "Increase duration of task(%0)"; this._errors[10] = "Reduce duration of task(%0)"; this._errors[11] = "Increase EST of child task (%0)"; this._errors[12] = "Reduce EST of task (%0)"; this._errors[13] = "The project (%0) is added"; this._errors[14] = "Start Date of the project < start Date of the control"; this._errors[15] = "Task (%0) cannot be the child of predecessor task(%1)"; this._errors[16] = "Time of the termination of predecessor task(%0) > EST of child task(%1)"; this._errors[17] = "The Predecessor (%0) task does not exist"; this._errors[18] = "The EST of task (%0) < start date of the control"; this._errors[19] = "Time of the termination of parent task (%0) < time of the termination of child task(%1)"; this._errors[20] = "The EST of task (%0) < EST of parent task(%1)"; this._errors[21] = "The parent task (%0) does not exist"; this._errors[22] = "The task (%0) is added"; this._errors[23] = "The project (%0) is added"; this._errors[24] = "Task (%0) EST < project (%1) startDate"; this._errors[25] = "Parent task (%0) EST cannot be null"; this._errors[26] = "Predecessor task (%0) position error. Reduce duration of predecessor task (%0) or increase EST of child task (%1)"; this._errors[27] = "Predecessor task (%0) does not exist"; this._errors[28] = "Increase duration of parent task (%0) or reduce EST of child task (%1) or reduce duration of child task(%1)"; this._errors[29] = "Reduce EST of parent task (%0) or increase EST of child task (%1)"; this._errors[30] = "The task(%0) does not exist"; this._errors[31] = "The project(%0) does not exist"; this._errors[32] = "Predecessor task(%0) and child task(%1) should have the same parent"; this._errors[33] = "Reduce EST of parent task (%0) or increase EST of child task (%1)"; this._errors[34] = "EST of task(%0) < start date of the project(%1)"; this._errors[35] = "Percent Complete should be <= 100 and >= 0"; this._errors[36] = "You may not connect a task to itself."; this._errors[37] = "Cannot parse this XML string."; }; /** * @desc: bind type of exception with handler * @param: type - type of error * @param: handler - handler name * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttError.prototype.catchError = function(type, handler) { this.catches[type] = handler; }; /** * @desc: get error string * @param: str - error message * @param: params - replace %i params in message * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttError.prototype.getErrorString = function(str, params) { if (!params) { return str; } else { for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { var re = new RegExp("%" + i, "gi"); str = str.replace(re, params[i]); } return str; } }; /** * @desc: throw error * @param: type - type of error * @param: description - description of error * @param: params - current data * @type: private * @topic: 4 */ GanttError.prototype.throwError = function(type, description, params) { if (this.catches[type]) { var index = parseInt(description); var errorStr = this.getErrorString(this._errors[index], params); return this.catches[type](type, errorStr, params); } return null; }; function contextMenu(chart) { this.Chart = chart; this.TabContainer = null; this.MenuPanel = null; this.tabPanel = null; this.arrTabs = []; this.isShow = false; this.hideDiv = null; this._init(); } contextMenu.prototype._init = function() { this.createMenuPanel(); this.createHideDiv(); this.createTabContainer(); this.createTabPanel(); var self = this; var arrItems = []; var tab1 = this.createTab(1, "Rename task", "t", true, this); tab1.addItem(1, "New name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab1.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab1.addItem(2, "Rename", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var name = tab1.arrItems[0].control.value; try { tab1.object.setName(name); tab1.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab2 = this.createTab(2, "Delete task", "t", true, this); tab2.addItem(1, "Delete", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { tab2.object.Project.deleteTask(tab2.object.TaskInfo.Id); tab2.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab3 = this.createTab(3, "Set EST", "t", true, this); tab3.addItem(1, "EST", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab3.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab3.addItem(2, "Move children", document.createElement("input"), "checkbox", function() { tab3.arrItems[1].control.focus(); }); tab3.addItem(3, "Update", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var isMoveChild = tab3.arrItems[1].control.checked; var arr = tab3.arrItems[0].control.value.split("."); var est = (arr.length < 3) ? null : (new Date(arr[2], parseInt(arr[1]) - 1, arr[0])); try { if (tab3.object.setEST(est, isMoveChild)) tab3.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab4 = this.createTab(4, "Set duration", "t", true, this); tab4.addItem(1, "Duration", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab4.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab4.addItem(2, "Update", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var d = tab4.arrItems[0].control.value; try { if (tab4.object.setDuration(d)) tab4.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab5 = this.createTab(5, "Set % complete", "t", true, this); tab5.addItem(1, "Percent Complete", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab5.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab5.addItem(2, "Update", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var p = tab5.arrItems[0].control.value; try { if (tab5.object.setPercentCompleted(p)) tab5.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab13 = this.createTab(13, "Set predecessor", "t", true, this); tab13.addItem(1, "Predecessor", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab13.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab13.addItem(2, "Update", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var p = tab13.arrItems[0].control.value; try { if (tab13.object.setPredecessor(p)) tab13.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab6 = this.createTab(6, "Rename project", "p", true, this); tab6.addItem(1, "New name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab6.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab6.addItem(2, "Rename", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var name = tab6.arrItems[0].control.value; try { tab6.object.setName(name); tab6.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab7 = this.createTab(7, "Delete project", "p", true, this); tab7.addItem(1, "Delete", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { tab7.object.Chart.deleteProject(tab7.object.Project.Id); tab7.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab8 = this.createTab(8, "Set % complete", "p", true, this); tab8.addItem(1, "Percent Complete", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab8.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab8.addItem(2, "Update", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { var p = tab8.arrItems[0].control.value; try { if (tab8.object.setPercentCompleted(p)) tab8.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab9 = this.createTab(9, "Add new task", "p", true, this); tab9.addItem(1, "Id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(2, "Name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[1].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(3, "EST", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[2].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(4, "Duration", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[3].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(5, "Percent complete", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[4].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(6, "Parent task id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[5].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(7, "Pred task id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab9.arrItems[6].control.focus(); }); tab9.addItem(9, "Insert", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { var id = tab9.arrItems[0].control.value; var name = tab9.arrItems[1].control.value; var arr = tab9.arrItems[2].control.value.split("."); var est = (arr.length < 3) ? null : (new Date(arr[2], parseInt(arr[1]) - 1, arr[0])); var duration = tab9.arrItems[3].control.value; var pc = tab9.arrItems[4].control.value; var parentTaskId = tab9.arrItems[5].control.value; var predTaskId = tab9.arrItems[6].control.value; if (tab9.object.insertTask(id, name, est, duration, pc, predTaskId, parentTaskId)) tab9.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); var tab11 = this.createTab(11, "Add successor task", "t", true, this); tab11.addItem(1, "Id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab11.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab11.addItem(2, "Name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab11.arrItems[1].control.focus(); }); tab11.addItem(3, "EST", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab11.arrItems[2].control.focus(); }); tab11.addItem(4, "Duration", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab11.arrItems[3].control.focus(); }); tab11.addItem(5, "Percent complete", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab11.arrItems[4].control.focus(); }); tab11.addItem(6, "Insert", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { var pr = tab11.object.Project; var id = tab11.arrItems[0].control.value; var name = tab11.arrItems[1].control.value; var arr = tab11.arrItems[2].control.value.split("."); var est = (arr.length < 3) ? null : (new Date(arr[2], parseInt(arr[1]) - 1, arr[0])); var duration = tab11.arrItems[3].control.value; var pc = tab11.arrItems[4].control.value; var parentTaskId = (tab11.object.parentTask == null) ? "" : tab11.object.parentTask.TaskInfo.Id; var predTaskId = tab11.object.TaskInfo.Id; if (pr.insertTask(id, name, est, duration, pc, predTaskId, parentTaskId)) tab11.hide(); } catch(e) { // } } ); var tab10 = this.createTab(10, "Add child task", "t", true, this); tab10.addItem(1, "Id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab10.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab10.addItem(2, "Name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab10.arrItems[1].control.focus(); }); tab10.addItem(3, "EST", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab10.arrItems[2].control.focus(); }); tab10.addItem(4, "Duration", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab10.arrItems[3].control.focus(); }); tab10.addItem(5, "Percent complete", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab10.arrItems[4].control.focus(); }); tab10.addItem(6, "Insert", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { var pr = tab10.object.Project; var id = tab10.arrItems[0].control.value; var name = tab10.arrItems[1].control.value; var arr = tab10.arrItems[2].control.value.split("."); var est = (arr.length < 3) ? null : (new Date(arr[2], parseInt(arr[1]) - 1, arr[0])); var duration = tab10.arrItems[3].control.value; var pc = tab10.arrItems[4].control.value; var parentTaskId = tab10.object.TaskInfo.Id; var predTaskId = ""; if (pr.insertTask(id, name, est, duration, pc, predTaskId, parentTaskId)) tab10.hide(); } catch(e) { // } } ); var tab12 = this.createTab(12, "-Insert new project-", "p", false, this); tab12.addItem(1, "Id", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab12.arrItems[0].control.focus(); }); tab12.addItem(2, "Name", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab12.arrItems[1].control.focus(); }); tab12.addItem(3, "Start date", document.createElement("input"), "text", function() { tab12.arrItems[2].control.focus(); }); tab12.addItem(4, "Insert", document.createElement("input"), "button", function() { try { var id = tab12.arrItems[0].control.value; var namePr = tab12.arrItems[1].control.value; var arr = tab12.arrItems[2].control.value.split("."); var startDatePr = (arr.length < 3) ? null : (new Date(arr[2], parseInt(arr[1]) - 1, arr[0])); if (self.Chart.insertProject(id, namePr, startDatePr)) tab12.hide(); } catch(e) { } } ); }; contextMenu.prototype.createHideDiv = function() { this.hideDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.hideDiv.style.position = "absolute"; this.hideDiv.style.left = "0px"; this.hideDiv.style.top = "0px"; this.Chart.content.appendChild(this.hideDiv); this.hideDiv.style.zIndex = 12; this.hideDiv.style.display = "none"; this.hideDiv.style.background = "#7D7E7D"; this.hideDiv.style.cssText += ";-moz-opacity: 0.5;filter: alpha(opacity=50);opacity:.50;"; this.hideDiv.style.width = this.Chart.content.offsetWidth + 2 + "px"; this.hideDiv.style.height = this.Chart.content.offsetHeight + 2 + "px"; }; contextMenu.prototype.createMenuPanel = function() { this.MenuPanel = document.createElement("div"); this.MenuPanel.style.visibility = "hidden"; this.MenuPanel.style.cssText += ";z-index:10;"; this.MenuPanel.style.position = "absolute"; this.Chart.content.appendChild(this.MenuPanel); this.MenuPanel.innerHTML = "
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