 * importexport plugin to import vCard files
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package importexport
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @copyright 2012 Nathan Gray
 * @version $Id$

 * Plugin to import vCard files
class addressbook_import_vcard implements importexport_iface_import_plugin  {

	private static $plugin_options = array(

	 * actions wich could be done to data entries
	protected static $actions = array('insert');

	 * conditions for actions
	 * @var array
	protected static $conditions = array( );

	 * @var definition
	private $definition;

	 * @var bocontacts
	private $bocontacts;

	* For figuring out if a contact has changed
	protected $tracking;

	 * @var bool
	private $dry_run = false;
	private $preview_records = array();

	 * @var bool is current user admin?
	private $is_admin = false;

	 * @var int
	private $user = null;

	 * List of import warnings
	protected $warnings = array();

	 * List of import errors
	protected $errors = array();

         * List of actions, and how many times that action was taken
        protected $results = array();

	 * imports entries according to given definition object.
	 * @param resource $_stream
	 * @param string $_charset
	 * @param definition $_definition
	public function import( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition ) {
		$this->definition = $_definition;

		// user, is admin ?
		$this->is_admin = isset( $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] ) && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'];
		$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];

                // set contact owner
                $contact_owner = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] ) ?
                        $_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] : $this->user;
                // Import into importer's personal addressbook
                if($contact_owner == 'personal')
                        $contact_owner = $this->user;

		// dry run?
		$this->dry_run = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] ) ? $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] :  false;

		// Needed for categories to work right
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'addressbook';

		// fetch the addressbook bo
		$this->bocontacts = new addressbook_vcal();

		$charset = $_definition->plugin_options['charset'];
		if($charset == 'user') $charset = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['vcard_charset'];

		// Start counting successes
		$this->current = 0;
		$count = 0;
		$this->results = array();

		// Failures
		$this->errors = array();

		// Fix for Apple Addressbook
        $vCard = preg_replace('/item\d\.(ADR|TEL|EMAIL|URL)/', '\1', stream_get_contents($_stream));

		$contacts = new egw_ical_iterator($vCard, '', $charset, array($this, '_vcard'),array(
			// Owner (addressbook)
		while($contacts->valid()) {
			$contact = $contacts->current();

			$this->action('insert', $contact, $this->current);

			// Stop if we have enough records for a preview
				$egw_record = new addressbook_egw_record();
				$this->preview_records[] = $egw_record;
				if($count >= $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']) break;

		return $count;

	 * Changes a vcard object into egw data array
	public function _vcard($_vcard, $owner)
		$charset = $_definition->plugin_options['charset'];
		if($charset == 'user') $charset = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['vcard_charset'];
		$record = $this->bocontacts->vcardtoegw($_vcard,$charset);

		$record['owner'] = $owner;

		// Check that owner (addressbook) is allowed
		if(!array_key_exists($record['owner'], $this->bocontacts->get_addressbooks()))
			$this->errors[$this->current] = lang("Unable to import into %1, using %2",
			$record['owner'] = $this->user;

		// Do not allow owner == 0 (accounts) without an account_id
		// It causes the contact to be filed as an account, and can't delete
		if(!$record['owner'] && !$record['account_id'])
			$record['owner'] = $this->user;

		if (is_array($record['cat_id']))
			$record['cat_id'] = implode(',',$this->bocontacts->find_or_add_categories($record['cat_id'], -1));
		return $record;

	 * perform the required action
	 * @param int $_action one of $this->actions
	 * @param array $_data contact data for the action
	 * @return bool success or not
	private function action ( $_action, $_data, $record_num = 0 ) {
		switch ($_action) {
			case 'none' :
				return true;
			case 'update' :
				// Only update if there are changes
				$old = $this->bocontacts->read($_data['id']);
				// if we get countrycodes as countryname, try to translate them -> the rest should be handled by bo classes.
				foreach(array('adr_one_', 'adr_two_') as $c_prefix) {
					if (strlen(trim($_data[$c_prefix.'countryname']))==2) $_data[$c_prefix.'countryname'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->country->get_full_name(trim($_data[$c_prefix.'countryname']),$translated=true);
				// Don't change a user account into a contact
				if($old['owner'] == 0) {
				} elseif(!$this->definition->plugin_options['change_owner']) {
					// Don't change addressbook of an existing contact

				// Merge to deal with fields not in import record
				$_data = array_merge($old, $_data);
				$changed = $this->tracking->changed_fields($_data, $old);
				if(count($changed) == 0) {
					return true;
				} else {
					//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($changed).' Old:'.$old['adr_one_countryname'].' ('.$old['adr_one_countrycode'].') New:'.$_data['adr_one_countryname'].' ('.$_data['adr_one_countryname'].')');
				// Make sure n_fn gets updated

				// Fall through
			case 'insert' :
				if($_action == 'insert') {
					// Addressbook backend doesn't like inserting with ID specified, it screws up the owner & etag
				if(!isset($_data['org_name'])) {
					// org_name is a trigger to update n_fileas
					$_data['org_name'] = '';

				if ( $this->dry_run ) {
					return true;
				} else {
					$result = $this->bocontacts->save( $_data, $this->is_admin);
					if(!$result) {
						$this->errors[$record_num] = $this->bocontacts->error;
					} else {
					return $result;
				throw new egw_exception('Unsupported action: '. $_action);

	public function preview( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition )
		$rows = array('h1'=>array(),'f1'=>array(),'.h1'=>'class=th');

		// Set this so plugin doesn't do any data changes
		$_definition->plugin_options = (array)$_definition->plugin_options + array('dry_run' => true);

		$this->import($_stream, $_definition);

		// Get field labels
		$rows['h1'] = $labels = $this->bocontacts->contact_fields;

		$record_class = get_class($this->preview_records[0]);

		foreach($this->preview_records as $i => $record)
			// Convert to human-friendly
			$record = $record->get_record_array();
			$row = array();
			foreach($labels as $field => $label)
				$row[$field] = $record[$field];

				// Don't scare users, do something with jpeg
				if($field == 'jpegphoto' && $row[$field])
					$row[$field] = '<img style="max-width:50px;max-height:50px;" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.$row[$field].'"/>';
			$row += $record;
			$rows[] = $row;
		return html::table($rows);

	 * returns translated name of plugin
	 * @return string name
	public static function get_name() {
		return lang('Addressbook vCard import');

	 * returns translated (user) description of plugin
	 * @return string descriprion
	public static function get_description() {
		return lang("Imports contacts into your Addressbook from a vCard File. ");

	 * retruns file suffix(s) plugin can handle (e.g. csv)
	 * @return string suffix (comma seperated)
	public static function get_filesuffix() {
		return 'vcf';

	 * return etemplate components for options.
	 * @abstract We can't deal with etemplate objects here, as an uietemplate
	 * objects itself are scipt orientated and not "dialog objects"
	 * @return array (
	 * 		name 		=> string,
	 * 		content		=> array,
	 * 		sel_options => array,
	 * 		preserv		=> array,
	 * )
	public function get_options_etpl() {
		// lets do it!

	 * returns etemplate name for slectors of this plugin
	 * @return string etemplate name
	public function get_selectors_etpl() {
		// lets do it!

        * Returns warnings that were encountered during importing
        * Maximum of one warning message per record, but you can append if you need to
        * @return Array (
        *       record_# => warning message
        *       )
        public function get_warnings() {
		return $this->warnings;

        * Returns errors that were encountered during importing
        * Maximum of one error message per record, but you can append if you need to
        * @return Array (
        *       record_# => error message
        *       )
        public function get_errors() {
		return $this->errors;

        * Returns a list of actions taken, and the number of records for that action.
        * Actions are things like 'insert', 'update', 'delete', and may be different for each plugin.
        * @return Array (
        *       action => record count
        * )
        public function get_results() {
                return $this->results;
} // end of iface_export_plugin