# Installing EGroupware dependencies
# - install myrepo utility (https://myrepos.branchable.com/)
# - to install or update run inside EGroupware dir: mr up
# - alternativly you can also run the commands manually

checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/ADOdb.git

checkout = svn checkout https://github.com/EGroupware/ckeditor-dev/branches/trunk/dev/builder/release/ckeditor

# to run composer.phar automatic, this .mrconfig need to be trusted by adding it to ~/.mrtrust
checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/egroupware.git &&
	/usr/bin/env composer.phar install
update = git pull &&
	/usr/bin/env composer.phar install

### Optional apps you can enable by uncommenting them and (re-)run: mr up
# synchronise mobile phone via Z-Push and ActiveSync protocoll
checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/activesync.git
chain = true

# tracking or helpdesk application
checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/tracker.git

# projectmanagement and Ganttcharts
checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/projectmanager.git

# record and share bookmarks
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/bookmarks.git

# publish and agregate RSS or ATOM feeds
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/news_admin.git

### Older apps requiring to install phpgwapi and etemplate!
# old api used by non 16.1 apps
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/phpgwapi.git

# alternative "Stylite" template set
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/jdots.git

# old templating system superseeded by eTemplate2 in 16.1+ api
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/etemplate.git

# allows (after configuration!) to selfregister accounts and recover lost passwords
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/registration.git

# knowledge base
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/phpbrain.git

# wiki application
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/wiki.git

# keeps passwords in sync with Samba3 using same LDAP as EGroupware (for Samba4 use Active Directory)
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/sambaadmin.git

# content managment application
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/sitemgr.git

# chat application
#checkout = git clone git@github.com:EGroupware/phpfreechat.git
#chain = true

### EPL apps not publicly available
#checkout = svn checkout svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite/trunk/stylite

#checkout = svn checkout svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite/trunk/esyncpro