* @author Joerg Lehrke * @author Ralf Becker * @package infolog * @subpackage syncml * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ require_once EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/horde/lib/core.php'; /** * InfoLog: Create and parse iCal's */ class infolog_ical extends infolog_bo { /** * @var array $priority_egw2ical conversion of the priority egw => ical */ var $priority_egw2ical = array( 0 => 9, // low 1 => 5, // normal 2 => 3, // high 3 => 1, // urgent ); /** * @var array $priority_ical2egw conversion of the priority ical => egw */ var $priority_ical2egw = array( 9 => 0, 8 => 0, 7 => 0, // low 6 => 1, 5 => 1, 4 => 1, 0 => 1, // normal 3 => 2, 2 => 2, // high 1 => 3, // urgent ); /** * @var array $priority_egw2funambol conversion of the priority egw => funambol */ var $priority_egw2funambol = array( 0 => 0, // low 1 => 1, // normal 2 => 2, // high 3 => 2, // urgent ); /** * @var array $priority_funambol2egw conversion of the priority funambol => egw */ var $priority_funambol2egw = array( 0 => 0, // low 1 => 1, // normal 2 => 3, // high ); /** * manufacturer and name of the sync-client * * @var string */ var $productManufacturer = 'file'; var $productName = ''; /** * Shall we use the UID extensions of the description field? * * @var boolean */ var $uidExtension = false; /** * user preference: Use this timezone for import from and export to device * * @var string */ var $tzid = null; /** * Client CTCap Properties * * @var array */ var $clientProperties; /** * Set Logging * * @var boolean */ var $log = false; var $logfile="/tmp/log-infolog-vcal"; /** * Constructor * * @param array $_clientProperties client properties */ function __construct(&$_clientProperties = array()) { parent::__construct(); if ($this->log) $this->logfile = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir']."/log-infolog-vcal"; $this->clientProperties = $_clientProperties; } /** * Exports one InfoLog tast to an iCalendar VTODO * * @param int|array $task infolog_id or infolog-tasks data * @param string $_version='2.0' could be '1.0' too * @param string $_method='PUBLISH' * @param string $charset='UTF-8' encoding of the vcalendar, default UTF-8 * * @return string|boolean string with vCal or false on error (eg. no permission to read the event) */ function exportVTODO($task, $_version='2.0',$_method='PUBLISH', $charset='UTF-8') { if (is_array($task)) { $taskData = $task; } else { if (!($taskData = $this->read($task, true, 'server'))) return false; } if ($taskData['info_id_parent']) { $parent = $this->read($taskData['info_id_parent']); $taskData['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_uid']; } else { $taskData['info_id_parent'] = ''; } if ($this->uidExtension) { if (!preg_match('/\[UID:.+\]/m', $taskData['info_des'])) { $taskData['info_des'] .= "\n[UID:" . $taskData['info_uid'] . "]"; if ($taskData['info_id_parent'] != '') { $taskData['info_des'] .= "\n[PARENT_UID:" . $taskData['info_id_parent'] . "]"; } } } if (!empty($taskData['info_cat'])) { $cats = $this->get_categories(array($taskData['info_cat'])); $taskData['info_cat'] = $cats[0]; } $taskData = translation::convert($taskData, translation::charset(), $charset); if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($taskData)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } $vcal = new Horde_iCalendar; $vcal->setAttribute('PRODID','-//EGroupware//NONSGML EGroupware InfoLog '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['infolog']['version'].'//'. strtoupper($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'])); $vcal->setAttribute('VERSION',$_version); if ($_method) $vcal->setAttribute('METHOD',$_method); $tzid = $this->tzid; if ($tzid && $tzid != 'UTC') { // check if we have vtimezone component data for tzid of event, if not default to user timezone (default to server tz) if (!calendar_timezones::add_vtimezone($vcal, $tzid)) { error_log(__METHOD__."() unknown TZID='$tzid', defaulting to user timezone '".egw_time::$user_timezone->getName()."'!"); calendar_timezones::add_vtimezone($vcal, $tzid=egw_time::$user_timezone->getName()); $tzid = null; } if (!isset(self::$tz_cache[$tzid])) { self::$tz_cache[$tzid] = calendar_timezones::DateTimeZone($tzid); } } $vevent = Horde_iCalendar::newComponent('VTODO',$vcal); if (!isset($this->clientProperties['SUMMARY']['Size'])) { // make SUMMARY a required field $this->clientProperties['SUMMARY']['Size'] = 0xFFFF; $this->clientProperties['SUMMARY']['NoTruncate'] = false; } // set fields that may contain non-ascii chars and encode them if necessary foreach (array( 'SUMMARY' => $taskData['info_subject'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $taskData['info_des'], 'LOCATION' => $taskData['info_location'], 'RELATED-TO' => $taskData['info_id_parent'], 'UID' => $taskData['info_uid'], 'CATEGORIES' => $taskData['info_cat'], ) as $field => $value) { if (isset($this->clientProperties[$field]['Size'])) { $size = $this->clientProperties[$field]['Size']; $noTruncate = $this->clientProperties[$field]['NoTruncate']; if ($this->log && $size > 0) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . "() $field Size: $size, NoTruncate: " . ($noTruncate ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE') . "\n",3,$this->logfile); } //Horde::logMessage("VTODO $field Size: $size, NoTruncate: " . // ($noTruncate ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } else { $size = -1; $noTruncate = false; } $cursize = strlen($value); if (($size > 0) && $cursize > $size) { if ($noTruncate) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . "() $field omitted due to maximum size $size\n",3,$this->logfile); } //Horde::logMessage("VTODO $field omitted due to maximum size $size", // __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_WARNING); continue; // skip field } // truncate the value to size $value = substr($value, 0, $size -1); if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__ . "() $field truncated to maximum size $size\n",3,$this->logfile); } //Horde::logMessage("VTODO $field truncated to maximum size $size", // __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_INFO); } if (empty($value) && ($size < 0 || $noTruncate)) continue; if ($field == 'RELATED-TO') { $options = array('RELTYPE' => 'PARENT'); } else { $options = array(); } if (preg_match('/[^\x20-\x7F]/', $value)) { $options['CHARSET'] = $charset; switch ($this->productManufacturer) { case 'groupdav': if ($this->productName == 'kde') { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } else { $options['CHARSET'] = ''; if (preg_match('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/', $value)) { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } else { $options['ENCODING'] = ''; } } break; case 'funambol': $options['ENCODING'] = 'FUNAMBOL-QP'; } } $vevent->setAttribute($field, $value, $options); } if ($taskData['info_startdate']) { self::setDateOrTime($vevent, 'DTSTART', $taskData['info_startdate'], $tzid); } if ($taskData['info_enddate']) { self::setDateOrTime($vevent, 'DUE', $taskData['info_enddate'], false); // export always as date } if ($taskData['info_datecompleted']) { self::setDateOrTime($vevent, 'COMPLETED', $taskData['info_datecompleted'], $tzid); } $vevent->setAttribute('DTSTAMP',time()); $vevent->setAttribute('CREATED', $taskData['info_created'] ? $taskData['info_created'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('infolog_task',$taskData['info_id'],'add')); $vevent->setAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED', $taskData['info_datemodified'] ? $taskData['info_datemodified'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('infolog_task',$taskData['info_id'],'modify')); $vevent->setAttribute('CLASS',$taskData['info_access'] == 'public' ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE'); $vevent->setAttribute('STATUS',$this->status2vtodo($taskData['info_status'])); // we try to preserv the original infolog status as X-INFOLOG-STATUS, so we can restore it, if the user does not modify STATUS $vevent->setAttribute('X-INFOLOG-STATUS',$taskData['info_status']); $vevent->setAttribute('PERCENT-COMPLETE',$taskData['info_percent']); if ($this->productManufacturer == 'funambol' && (strpos($this->productName, 'outlook') !== false || strpos($this->productName, 'pocket pc') !== false)) { $priority = (int) $this->priority_egw2funambol[$taskData['info_priority']]; } else { $priority = (int) $this->priority_egw2ical[$taskData['info_priority']]; } $vevent->setAttribute('PRIORITY', $priority); $vcal->addComponent($vevent); $retval = $vcal->exportvCalendar(); if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($retval)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } // Horde::logMessage("exportVTODO:\n" . print_r($retval, true), // __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); return $retval; } /** * set date-time attribute to DATE or DATE-TIME depending on value * 00:00 uses DATE else DATE-TIME * * @param Horde_iCalendar_* $vevent * @param string $attr attribute name * @param int $time timestamp in server-time * @param string $tzid timezone to use for client, null for user-time, false for server-time */ static function setDateOrTime(&$vevent, $attr, $time, $tzid) { $params = array(); if ($tzid) { if (!isset(self::$tz_cache[$tzid])) { self::$tz_cache[$tzid] = calendar_timezones::DateTimeZone($tzid); } $tz = self::$tz_cache[$tzid]; } elseif(is_null($tzid)) { $tz = egw_time::$user_timezone; } else { $tz = egw_time::$server_timezone; } if (!is_a($time,'DateTime')) { $time = new egw_time($time,egw_time::$server_timezone); } $time->setTimezone($tz); // check for date --> export it as such if ($time->format('Hi') == '0000') { $arr = egw_time::to($time, 'array'); $value = array( 'year' => $arr['year'], 'month' => $arr['month'], 'mday' => $arr['day']); $params['VALUE'] = 'DATE'; } else { if ($tzid == 'UTC') { $value = $time->format('Ymd\THis\Z'); } elseif ($tzid) { $value = $time->format('Ymd\THis'); $params['TZID'] = $tzid; } else { $value = egw_time::to($time, 'ts'); } } $vevent->setAttribute($attr, $value, $params); } /** * Import a VTODO component of an iCal * * @param string $_vcalData * @param int $_taskID=-1 info_id, default -1 = new entry * @param boolean $merge=false merge data with existing entry * @param int $user=null delegate new task to this account_id, default null * @param string $charset=null The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * @param string $caldav_name=null CalDAV URL name-part for new entries * @return int|boolean integer info_id or false on error */ function importVTODO(&$_vcalData, $_taskID=-1, $merge=false, $user=null, $charset=null, $caldav_name=null) { if ($this->tzid) { date_default_timezone_set($this->tzid); } $taskData = $this->vtodotoegw($_vcalData,$_taskID, $charset); if ($this->tzid) { date_default_timezone_set($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_timezone']); } if (!$taskData) return false; // keep the dates $this->time2time($taskData, $this->tzid, false); // we suppose that a not set status in a vtodo means that the task did not started yet if (empty($taskData['info_status'])) { $taskData['info_status'] = 'not-started'; } if (empty($taskData['info_datecompleted'])) { $taskData['info_datecompleted'] = 0; } if (!is_null($user)) { $taskData['info_owner'] = $user; } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($taskData)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } if ($caldav_name) { $taskData['caldav_name'] = $caldav_name; } return $this->write($taskData, true, true, false); } /** * Search a matching infolog entry for the VTODO data * * @param string $_vcalData VTODO * @param int $contentID=null infolog_id (or null, if unkown) * @param boolean $relax=false if true, a weaker match algorithm is used * @param string $charset The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * * @return array of infolog_ids of matching entries */ function searchVTODO($_vcalData, $contentID=null, $relax=false, $charset=null) { $result = array(); if ($this->tzid) { date_default_timezone_set($this->tzid); } $taskData = $this->vtodotoegw($_vcalData, $contentID, $charset); if ($this->tzid) { date_default_timezone_set($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_timezone']); } if ($taskData) { if ($contentID) { $taskData['info_id'] = $contentID; } $result = $this->findInfo($taskData, $relax, $this->tzid); } return $result; } /** * Convert VTODO into a eGW infolog entry * * @param string $_vcalData VTODO data * @param int $_taskID=-1 infolog_id of the entry * @param string $charset The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * * @return array infolog entry or false on error */ function vtodotoegw($_vcalData, $_taskID=-1, $charset=null) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($_taskID)\n" . array2string($_vcalData)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } $vcal = new Horde_iCalendar; if (!($vcal->parsevCalendar($_vcalData, 'VCALENDAR', $charset))) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__. "(): No vCalendar Container found!\n",3,$this->logfile); } return false; } $version = $vcal->getAttribute('VERSION'); if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length'])) { $minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['syncml']['minimum_uid_length']; } else { $minimum_uid_length = 8; } $taskData = false; foreach ($vcal->getComponents() as $component) { if (!is_a($component, 'Horde_iCalendar_vtodo')) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__. "(): Not a vTODO container, skipping...\n",3,$this->logfile); } continue; } $taskData = array(); $taskData['info_type'] = 'task'; if ($_taskID > 0) { $taskData['info_id'] = $_taskID; } foreach ($component->getAllAttributes() as $attribute) { //$attribute['value'] = trim($attribute['value']); if (!strlen($attribute['value'])) continue; switch ($attribute['name']) { case 'CLASS': $taskData['info_access'] = strtolower($attribute['value']); break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $value = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attribute['value']); if (preg_match('/\s*\[UID:(.+)?\]/Usm', $value, $matches)) { if (!isset($taskData['info_uid']) && strlen($matches[1]) >= $minimum_uid_length) { $taskData['info_uid'] = $matches[1]; } //$value = str_replace($matches[0], '', $value); } if (preg_match('/\s*\[PARENT_UID:(.+)?\]/Usm', $value, $matches)) { if (!isset($taskData['info_id_parent']) && strlen($matches[1]) >= $minimum_uid_length) { $taskData['info_id_parent'] = $this->getParentID($matches[1]); } //$value = str_replace($matches[0], '', $value); } $taskData['info_des'] = $value; break; case 'LOCATION': $taskData['info_location'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attribute['value']); break; case 'DURATION': if (!isset($taskData['info_startdate'])) { $taskData['info_startdate'] = $component->getAttribute('DTSTART'); } $attribute['value'] += $taskData['info_startdate']; // fall throught case 'DUE': // even as EGroupware only displays the date, we can still store the full value // unless infolog get's stored, it does NOT truncate the time $taskData['info_enddate'] = $attribute['value']; break; case 'COMPLETED': $taskData['info_datecompleted'] = $attribute['value']; break; case 'DTSTART': $taskData['info_startdate'] = $attribute['value']; break; case 'PRIORITY': if (0 <= $attribute['value'] && $attribute['value'] <= 9) { if ($this->productManufacturer == 'funambol' && (strpos($this->productName, 'outlook') !== false || strpos($this->productName, 'pocket pc') !== false)) { $taskData['info_priority'] = (int) $this->priority_funambol2egw[$attribute['value']]; } else { $taskData['info_priority'] = (int) $this->priority_ical2egw[$attribute['value']]; } } else { $taskData['info_priority'] = 1; // default = normal } break; case 'STATUS': // check if we (still) have X-INFOLOG-STATUS set AND it would give an unchanged status (no change by the user) $taskData['info_status'] = $this->vtodo2status($attribute['value'], ($attr=$component->getAttribute('X-INFOLOG-STATUS')) && is_array($attr) ? $attr['value'] : null); break; case 'SUMMARY': $taskData['info_subject'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attribute['value']); break; case 'RELATED-TO': $taskData['info_id_parent'] = $this->getParentID($attribute['value']); break; case 'CATEGORIES': if (!empty($attribute['value'])) { $cats = $this->find_or_add_categories(explode(',',$attribute['value']), $_taskID); $taskData['info_cat'] = $cats[0]; } break; case 'UID': if (strlen($attribute['value']) >= $minimum_uid_length) { $taskData['info_uid'] = $attribute['value']; } break; case 'PERCENT-COMPLETE': $taskData['info_percent'] = (int) $attribute['value']; break; } } break; } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($_taskID)\n" . ($taskData ? array2string($taskData) : 'FALSE') . "\n",3,$this->logfile); } return $taskData; } /** * Export an infolog entry as VNOTE * * @param int $_noteID the infolog_id of the entry * @param string $_type content type (e.g. text/plain) * @param string $charset='UTF-8' encoding of the vcalendar, default UTF-8 * * @return string|boolean VNOTE representation of the infolog entry or false on error */ function exportVNOTE($_noteID, $_type, $charset='UTF-8') { if(!($note = $this->read($_noteID, true, 'server'))) return false; $note = translation::convert($note, translation::charset(), $charset); switch ($_type) { case 'text/plain': $txt = $note['info_subject']."\n\n".$note['info_des']; return $txt; case 'text/x-vnote': if (!empty($note['info_cat'])) { $cats = $this->get_categories(array($note['info_cat'])); $note['info_cat'] = translation::convert($cats[0], translation::charset(), $charset); } $vnote = new Horde_iCalendar_vnote(); $vnote->setAttribute('PRODID','-//EGroupware//NONSGML EGroupware InfoLog '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['infolog']['version'].'//'. strtoupper($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'])); $vnote->setAttribute('VERSION', '1.1'); foreach (array( 'SUMMARY' => $note['info_subject'], 'BODY' => $note['info_des'], 'CATEGORIES' => $note['info_cat'], ) as $field => $value) { $options = array(); if (preg_match('/[^\x20-\x7F]/', $value)) { $options['CHARSET'] = $charset; switch ($this->productManufacturer) { case 'groupdav': if ($this->productName == 'kde') { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } else { $options['CHARSET'] = ''; if (preg_match('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/', $value)) { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } else { $options['ENCODING'] = ''; } } break; case 'funambol': $options['ENCODING'] = 'FUNAMBOL-QP'; } } $vevent->setAttribute($field, $value, $options); } if ($note['info_startdate']) { $vnote->setAttribute('DCREATED',$note['info_startdate']); } else { $vnote->setAttribute('DCREATED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('infolog_note',$_noteID,'add')); } $vnote->setAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction('infolog_note',$_noteID,'modify')); #$vnote->setAttribute('CLASS',$taskData['info_access'] == 'public' ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE'); $retval = $vnote->exportvCalendar(); if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($retval)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } return $retval; } return false; } /** * Import a VNOTE component of an iCal * * @param string $_vcalData * @param string $_type content type (eg.g text/plain) * @param int $_noteID=-1 info_id, default -1 = new entry * @param boolean $merge=false merge data with existing entry * @param string $charset The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * * @return int|boolean integer info_id or false on error */ function importVNOTE(&$_vcalData, $_type, $_noteID=-1, $merge=false, $charset=null) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($_vcalData)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } if (!($note = $this->vnotetoegw($_vcalData, $_type, $_noteID, $charset))) return false; if($_noteID > 0) $note['info_id'] = $_noteID; if (empty($note['info_status'])) $note['info_status'] = 'done'; if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."()\n" . array2string($note)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } return $this->write($note, true, true, false); } /** * Search a matching infolog entry for the VNOTE data * * @param string $_vcalData VNOTE * @param int $contentID=null infolog_id (or null, if unkown) * @param boolean $relax=false if true, a weaker match algorithm is used * @param string $charset The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * * @return infolog_id of a matching entry or false, if nothing was found */ function searchVNOTE($_vcalData, $_type, $contentID=null, $relax=false, $charset=null) { if (!($note = $this->vnotetoegw($_vcalData, $_type, $contentID, $charset))) return array(); if ($contentID) $note['info_id'] = $contentID; unset($note['info_startdate']); return $this->findInfo($note, $relax, $this->tzid); } /** * Convert VTODO into a eGW infolog entry * * @param string $_data VNOTE data * @param string $_type content type (eg.g text/plain) * @param int $_noteID=-1 infolog_id of the entry * @param string $charset The encoding charset for $text. Defaults to * utf-8 for new format, iso-8859-1 for old format. * * @return array infolog entry or false on error */ function vnotetoegw($_data, $_type, $_noteID=-1, $charset=null) { if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($_type, $_noteID)\n" . array2string($_data)."\n",3,$this->logfile); } $note = false; switch ($_type) { case 'text/plain': $note = array(); $note['info_type'] = 'note'; $txt = translation::convert($_data, $charset); $txt = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt); if (preg_match('/([^\n]+)\n\n(.*)/ms', $txt, $match)) { $note['info_subject'] = $match[1]; $note['info_des'] = $match[2]; } else { $note['info_subject'] = $txt; } break; case 'text/x-vnote': $vnote = new Horde_iCalendar; if (!$vcal->parsevCalendar($_data, 'VCALENDAR', $charset)) return false; $version = $vcal->getAttribute('VERSION'); $components = $vnote->getComponent(); foreach ($components as $component) { if (is_a($component, 'Horde_iCalendar_vnote')) { $note = array(); $note['info_type'] = 'note'; foreach ($component->_attributes as $attribute) { switch ($attribute['name']) { case 'BODY': $note['info_des'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attribute['value']); break; case 'SUMMARY': $note['info_subject'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $attribute['value']); break; case 'CATEGORIES': if ($attribute['value']) { $cats = $this->find_or_add_categories(explode(',',$attribute['value']), $_noteID); $note['info_cat'] = $cats[0]; } break; } } } } } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__."($_type, $_noteID)\n" . ($note ? array2string($note) : 'FALSE') ."\n",3,$this->logfile); } return $note; } /** * Set the supported fields * * Currently we only store manufacturer and name * * @param string $_productManufacturer * @param string $_productName */ function setSupportedFields($_productManufacturer='', $_productName='') { $state = &$_SESSION['SyncML.state']; if (isset($state)) { $deviceInfo = $state->getClientDeviceInfo(); } // store product manufacturer and name, to be able to use it elsewhere if ($_productManufacturer) { $this->productManufacturer = strtolower($_productManufacturer); $this->productName = strtolower($_productName); } if (isset($deviceInfo) && is_array($deviceInfo)) { if (!isset($this->productManufacturer) || $this->productManufacturer == '' || $this->productManufacturer == 'file') { $this->productManufacturer = strtolower($deviceInfo['manufacturer']); } if (!isset($this->productName) || $this->productName == '') { $this->productName = strtolower($deviceInfo['model']); } if (isset($deviceInfo['uidExtension']) && $deviceInfo['uidExtension']) { $this->uidExtension = true; } if (isset($deviceInfo['tzid']) && $deviceInfo['tzid']) { switch ($deviceInfo['tzid']) { case -1: $this->tzid = false; break; case -2: $this->tzid = null; break; default: $this->tzid = $deviceInfo['tzid']; } } } if ($this->log) { error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__. '(' . $this->productManufacturer . ', '. $this->productName .', ' . ($this->tzid ? $this->tzid : egw_time::$user_timezone->getName()) . ")\n" , 3, $this->logfile); } Horde::logMessage('setSupportedFields(' . $this->productManufacturer . ', ' . $this->productName .', ' . ($this->tzid ? $this->tzid : egw_time::$user_timezone->getName()) .')', __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); } }