$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 activeTheme, $.jqplot.ThemeEngine
 addLegendRowHooks, $.jqplot.$.jqplot
 alpha, $.jqplot.shadowRenderer
 autoscale, Axis
 autoscaleBubbles, $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer
 autoscaleMultiplier, $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer
 autoscalePointsFactor, $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer
 Available Options
 axes, jqPlot
 axesDefaults, jqPlot
 axisDefaults, $.jqplot.LogAxisRenderer
 barDirection, $.jqplot.BarRenderer
 barLabelOptions, $.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer
 barLabelRenderer, $.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer
 barLabels, $.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer
 barMargin, $.jqplot.BarRenderer
 barPadding, $.jqplot.BarRenderer
 barWidth, $.jqplot.BarRenderer
 bodyWidth, $.jqplot.OHLCRenderer
 border, Legend
 breakOnNull, Series
 breakPoints, $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer
 breakTickLabel, $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer
 bringSeriesToFront, $.jqplot.Highlighter
 bubbleAlpha, $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer
 bubbleGradients, $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer
 candleStick, $.jqplot.OHLCRenderer
 Change Log
 clearRect, $.jqplot.shapeRenderer
 clickReset, $.jqplot.Cursor
 closeColor, $.jqplot.OHLCRenderer
 constrainOutsideZoom, $.jqplot.Cursor
 constrainTo, $.jqplot.Dragable
 constrainZoomTo, $.jqplot.Cursor
 copy, $.jqplot.ThemeEngine
 css, $.jqplot.BlockRenderer
 cursorLegendFormatString, $.jqplot.Cursor
jQuery function called by the user to create a plot.
Renderer to place labels on the axes.
A “tick” object showing the value of a tick/gridline on the plot.
A plugin renderer for jqPlot to draw a bar plot.
Renderer which draws lines as stacked bezier curves.
Plugin renderer to draw a x-y block chart.
Plugin renderer to draw a bubble chart.
Renderer to draw axis labels with a canvas element to support advanced featrues such as rotated text.
Renderer to draw axis ticks with a canvas element to support advanced featrues such as rotated text.
The default jqPlot grid renderer, creating a grid on a canvas element.
A plugin for jqPlot to render a category style axis, with equal pixel spacing between y data values of a series.
Data Renderer function which converts a custom JSON data object into jqPlot data format.
Plugin class representing the cursor as displayed on the plot.
A plugin for a jqPlot to render an axis as a series of date values.
The default title renderer for jqPlot.
Legend Renderer specific to donut plots.
Plugin renderer to draw a donut chart.
Plugin to make plotted points dragable by the user.
Legend Renderer specific to funnel plots.
Plugin renderer to draw a funnel chart.
Plugin which will highlight data points when they are moused over.
The default jqPlot axis renderer, creating a numeric axis.
The default line renderer for jqPlot, this class has no options beyond the Series class.
A plugin for a jqPlot to render a logarithmic axis.
The default jqPlot marker renderer, rendering the points on the line.
An axis renderer for a Mekko chart.
Legend renderer used by mekko charts with options for controlling number or rows and columns as well as placement outside of plot area.
Draws a Mekko style chart which shows 3 dimensional data on a 2 dimensional graph.
Plugin renderer to draw a meter gauge chart.
jqPlot Plugin to draw Open Hi Low Close, Candlestick and Hi Low Close charts.
Legend Renderer specific to pie plots.
Plugin renderer to draw a pie chart.
Plugin for putting labels at the data points.
The default jqPlot shadow renderer, rendering shadows behind shapes.
The default jqPlot shape renderer.
Theme Engine provides a programatic way to change some of the more common jqplot styling options such as fonts, colors and grid options.
Plugin which will automatically compute and draw trendlines for plotted data.
Pointer to currently active theme
called at the end of legend draw, so plugins can add rows to the legend table.
this.alpha = 0.07
alpha transparency of shadow stroke.
this.angle = 0
angle of text, measured clockwise from x axis.
this.angle = 0
angle of text, measured clockwise from x axis.
this.angle = 45
Angle of the shadow in degrees.
this.autoscale = false
Autoscale the axis min and max values to provide sensible tick spacing.
this.autoscaleBubbles = true
True to scale the bubble radius based on plot size.
this.autoscaleMultiplier = 1.0
Multiplier the bubble size if autoscaleBubbles is true.
this.autoscalePointsFactor = -0.07
Factor which decreases bubble size based on how many bubbles on on the chart.
See jqPlot Options for a list of options available thorugh the options object (not complete yet!)
this.axes = {xaxis: new Axis('xaxis'), yaxis: new Axis('yaxis'), x2axis: new Axis('x2axis'), y2axis: new Axis('y2axis'), y3axis: new Axis('y3axis'), y4axis: new Axis('y4axis'), y5axis: new Axis('y5axis'), y6axis: new Axis('y6axis'), y7axis: new Axis('y7axis'), y8axis: new Axis('y8axis'), y9axis: new Axis('y9axis')}
up to 4 axes are supported, each with it’s own options, See Axis for axis specific options.
default options that will be applied to all axes.
An individual axis object.
Default properties which will be applied directly to the series.
this.background = "#efefef"
background color of the inside of the gauge.
this.background = '#fffdf6'
css spec for the background color.
css spec for the background of the legend box.
this.barDirection = 'vertical'
‘vertical’ = up and down bars, ‘horizontal’ = side to side bars
this.barLabelOptions = {}
options object to pass to the bar label renderer.
this.barLabelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer
renderer to use to draw labels under each bar.
this.barLabels = this.barLabels || []
array of labels to put under each bar.
this.barMargin = 10
Number of pixels between groups of bars at adjacent axis values.
this.barPadding = 8
Number of pixels between adjacent bars at the same axis value.
this.barWidth = null
Width of the bar in pixels (auto by devaul).
this.bodyWidth = 'auto'
width of the candlestick body in pixels.
css spec for the border around the legend box.
this.borderColor = null
color of the borders between areas on the chart
this.borderColor = null
color of the border adjacent to the axis.
this.borderColor = '#999999'
css spec for the color of the grid border.
this.borderWidth = null
width of line stroked at the border of the axis.
this.borderWidth = 2.0
width of the border in pixels.
this.breakOnNull = false
Wether line segments should be be broken at null value.
this.breakPoints = null
this.breakTickLabel = "&asymp
Label to use at the axis break if breakPoints are specified.
this.bringSeriesToFront = false
This option requires jQuery 1.4+ True to bring the series of the highlighted point to the front of other series.
this.bubbleAlpha = 1.0
Alpha transparency to apply to all bubbles in this series.
this.bubbleGradients = false
True to color the bubbles with gradient fills instead of flat colors.
this.candleStick = false
true to render chart as candleStick.
See Change Log
this.clearRect = false
true to cear a rectangle.
this.clickReset = false
Will reset plot zoom if single click on plot without drag.
this.closeColor = null
color of the close price tick mark.
CSS color spec for the dragged point (and adjacent line segment or bar).
this.color = '#666666'
color of marker.
this.color = '#666666'
CSS color spec for the trend line.
color of the line
color of the line
color of the line
color of the line
css color spec for the series
color of the line
this.constrainOutsideZoom = true
True to limit actual zoom area to edges of grid, even when zooming outside of plot area.
this.constrainTo = 'none'
Constrain dragging motion to an axis or to none.
this.constrainZoomTo = 'none'
‘none’, ‘x’ or ‘y’
$.jqplot.ThemeEngine.prototype.copy = function (sourceName,
Create a copy of an existing theme in the themeEngine, adding it the themeEngine.
Copyright © 2009-2011 Chris Leonello jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses.
this.css = {padding:'2px', border:'1px solid #999', textAlign:'center'}
default css styles that will be applied to all data blocks.
this.cursorLegendFormatString = $.jqplot.Cursor.cursorLegendFormatString
Format string used in the cursor legend.