//v.3.6 build 131023 /* Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */ var _all_used_trees=new Array(); dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._createSelfA2=dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._createSelf; dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._createSelf=function(){ _all_used_trees[_all_used_trees.length]=this; return this._createSelfA2(); } window.onerror=function (a,b,c,d){ var d=document.createElement("DIV"); d.style.cssText="position:absolute; background-color:white; top:10px; left:10px; z-index:20; width:500px; border: 2px silver outset;"; var dh="
Javascript Error
"; dh+="
The next error ocured :
"+a+" in "+b+" at line "+c+"
"; dh+="
If you think that error can be caused by dhtmlxtree press the 'Generate report' button and send generated report to support@dhtmlx.com
"; dh+=""; dh+="
"; d.innerHTML=dh; document.body.appendChild(d); return true; }; function dhtmlxtreeErrorReport(a,b,c){ var str=a+" ["+b+"]"; if (a=='LoadXML') { str+="
"+c[0].status; } window.onerror(str, "none", "none"); } function dhtmlxtreeReport(node){ var that=node.parentNode; that.lastChild.innerHTML=""; var rep=that.childNodes[1].innerHTML; for (var a=0; a<_all_used_trees.length; a++){ var atree=_all_used_trees[a]; rep+="\n\n Tree "+a+"\n"; for (b in atree){ if (typeof(atree[b])=="function") continue; rep+=b+"="+atree[b]+"\n"; } rep+="---------------------\n"; if (atree.XMLLoader){ try{ var z=atree.XMLLoader.getXMLTopNode("tree") if (document.all) rep+=z.xml+"\n"; else{ var xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer(); rep+=xmlSerializer.serializeToString(z)+"\n"; } } catch(e){ rep+="XML not recognised\n"; } } rep+="---------------------\n"; for (var i in atree._idpull){ var n=atree._idpull[i]; if (typeof(n)!='object') continue; rep+="Node: "+n.id; rep+=" Childs: "+n.childsCount; for (var j=0; j