* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License */ namespace EGroupware\Api\Accounts; use EGroupware\Api; /** * Account import from LDAP (incl. ADS) to SQL * * @todo test with LDAP eg. update modification time of account, if memberships change * @todo support changed account_lid of users e.g. be checking UID (not possible for groups) */ class Import { /** @var Api\Accounts */ protected $frontend_sql; /** @var Api\Contacts\Ldap|Api\Contacts\Ldap */ protected $contacts; /** @var Api\Contacts\Sql */ protected $contacts_sql; /** @var Api\Contacts */ protected $contacts_sql_frontend; /** @var Ldap|Ads */ protected $accounts; /** @var Sql */ protected $accounts_sql; /** @var callable */ protected $_logger; /** * Constructor * * @param callable|null $logger function($str, $level) level: "debug", "detail", "info", "error" or "fatal" */ public function __construct(callable $logger=null) { // if we run from setup, we need to take care of loading db and egw_info/server if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup'])) { if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db)) { $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->loaddb(); } $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'] += Api\Config::read('phpgwapi'); } if (!in_array($source = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source'], ['ldap', 'ads'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_source='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source']}'!"); } $this->contacts = ($frontend = self::contactsFactory($source))->so_accounts ?: $frontend->somain; $this->contacts_sql_frontend = self::contactsFactory('sql'); $this->contacts_sql = $this->contacts_sql_frontend->so_accounts ?: $this->contacts_sql_frontend->somain; $this->accounts = self::accountsFactory($source)->backend; $this->frontend_sql = self::accountsFactory('sql'); $this->accounts_sql = $this->frontend_sql->backend; $this->_logger = $logger; } /** * Instantiate accounts object with given accounts-backend * * @param string $account_repository backend to use * @return Api\Accounts */ protected static function accountsFactory(string $account_repository) { static $cache = []; if (!isset($cache[$account_repository])) { $backup_repo = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository']; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] = $account_repository; $cache[$account_repository] = new Api\Accounts(); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] = $backup_repo; } return $cache[$account_repository]; } /** * Instantiate contacts object for given accounts backend * * @param string $account_repository * @return Api\Contacts */ protected static function contactsFactory(string $account_repository) { static $cache = []; if (!isset($cache[$account_repository])) { $backup_repo = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository']; $backup_accounts = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] = $account_repository; if ($backup_repo !== $account_repository) { $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = self::accountsFactory($account_repository); } $cache[$account_repository] = new Api\Contacts(); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] = $backup_repo; $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = $backup_accounts; } return $cache[$account_repository]; } /** * @param string $message * @param string $level log-level: "debug", "detail", "info", "error" or "fatal" * @return void */ protected function logger(string $message, string $level) { if ($this->_logger) { call_user_func($this->_logger, $message, $level); } } /** * @param bool $initial_import true: initial sync, false: incremental sync * @return array with int values for keys 'created', 'updated', 'uptodate', 'errors' and string 'result' * @throws \Exception also gets logged as level "fatal" * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if not correctly configured */ public function run(bool $initial_import=true) { try { // determine from where we migrate to what if (!in_array($source = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source'], ['ldap', 'ads'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_source='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_source']}'!"); } if (!in_array($type = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_type'], ['users', 'users+groups'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_type='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_type']}'!"); } if (!in_array($delete = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_delete'], ['yes', 'deactivate', 'no'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid account_import_delete='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_delete']}'!"); } if (!$initial_import && empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_lastrun'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(lang("You need to run the inital import first!")); } Api\Accounts::cache_invalidate(); // to not get any cached data eg. from the wrong backend // deleting accounts currently only works with (manual) initial import if (!$initial_import && $delete !== 'no') { $delete = 'no'; } $created = $updated = $uptodate = $errors = $deleted = 0; if (in_array('groups', explode('+', $type))) { foreach($this->groups($initial_import ? null : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_lastrun'], $delete, $groups, $set_members) as $name => $val) { $$name += $val; } } // query all groups in SQL $sql_users = []; if ($delete !== 'no') { $where = ['account_type' => 'u']; if ($delete === 'deactivate') { $where['account_status'] = 'A'; // no need to deactivate already deactivated users } foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(Sql::TABLE, 'account_id,account_lid', $where, __LINE__, __FILE__) as $row) { $sql_users[$row['account_id']] = $row['account_lid']; } } $filter = [ 'owner' => '0', ]; if (!$initial_import) { $filter[] = 'modified>='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_import_lastrun']; } $last_modified = null; $start_import = time(); $cookie = ''; $start = ['', 5, &$cookie]; // cookie must be a reference! do { foreach ($this->contacts->search('', false, '', 'account_lid', '', '', 'AND', $start, $filter) as $contact) { $new = null; if (!isset($last_modified) || (int)$last_modified < (int)$contact['modified']) { $last_modified = $contact['modified']; } $account = $this->accounts->read($contact['account_id']); $this->logger(json_encode($contact + $account), 'debug'); // check if account exists in sql if (!($account_id = $this->accounts_sql->name2id($account['account_lid']))) { $sql_account = $account; // check if account_id is not yet taken by another user or group --> unset it to let DB assign a new one if ($this->accounts_sql->read($account['account_id'])) { unset($sql_account['account_id']); } if (($account_id = $sql_account['account_id'] = $this->accounts_sql->save($sql_account, true)) > 0) { // run addaccount hook to create eg. home-directory or mail account Api\Hooks::process($sql_account+array( 'location' => 'addaccount' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) $this->logger("Successful created user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account[account_id]". ($account['account_id'] != $account_id ? " as #$account_id" : '').')', 'detail'); } else { $this->logger("Error creaing user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account[account_id])", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } } elseif ($account_id < 0) { throw new \Exception("User '$account[account_lid]' already exists as group!"); } elseif (!($sql_account = $this->accounts_sql->read($account_id))) { throw new \Exception("User '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id) should exist, but not found!"); } else { // ignore LDAP specific fields, and empty fields $relevant = array_filter(array_intersect_key($account, $sql_account), static function ($attr) { return $attr !== null && $attr !== ''; }); unset($relevant['person_id']); // is always different as it's the UID, no need to consider $to_update = $relevant + $sql_account; // fix accounts without firstname if (!isset($to_update['account_firstname']) && $to_update['account_lastname'] === $to_update['account_fullname']) { $to_update['account_firstname'] = null; } if (($diff = array_diff_assoc($to_update, $sql_account))) { if ($this->accounts_sql->save($to_update) > 0) { // run editaccount hook to create eg. home-directory or mail account Api\Hooks::process($to_update+array( 'location' => 'editaccount' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) $this->logger("Successful updated user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id): " . json_encode($diff, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'detail'); if (!$new) $new = false; } else { $this->logger("Error updating user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } } else { $this->logger("User '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id) already up to date", 'debug'); } } if (!($sql_contact = $this->contacts_sql->read(['account_id' => $account_id]))) { $sql_contact = $contact; unset($sql_contact['id']); // LDAP contact-id is the UID! if (!$this->contacts_sql->save($sql_contact)) { $sql_contact['id'] = $this->contacts_sql->data['id']; $this->logger("Successful created contact for user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)", 'detail'); $new = true; } else { $this->logger("Error creating contact for user '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } } else { $to_update = array_merge($sql_contact, array_filter($contact, static function ($attr) { return $attr !== null && $attr !== ''; })); $to_update['id'] = $sql_contact['id']; if (($diff = array_diff_assoc($to_update, $sql_contact))) { if ($this->contacts_sql->save($to_update) === 0) { $this->logger("Successful updated contact data of '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id): ". json_encode($diff, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), 'detail'); if (!$new) $new = false; } else { $this->logger("Error updating contact data of '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id)", 'error'); ++$errors; continue; } } else { $this->logger("Contact data of '$account[account_lid]' (#$account_id) already up to date", 'debug'); } } // if requested, also set memberships if ($type === 'users+groups') { // we need to convert the account_id's of memberships, in case we use different ones in SQL $this->accounts_sql->set_memberships(array_filter(array_map(static function($account_lid) use ($groups) { return array_search($account_lid, $groups); }, $account['memberships'])), $account_id); } if ($new) { ++$created; } elseif ($new === false) { ++$updated; } else { ++$uptodate; } // remember the users we imported, to be able to delete the ones we dont unset($sql_users[$account_id]); } } while ($start[2] !== ''); if ($set_members) { foreach($this->setMembers($set_members) as $name => $num) { $$name += $num; } } // do we need to delete (or deactivate) no longer existing users if ($delete !== 'no' && $sql_users) { if ($delete === 'deactivate') { $GLOBALS['egw']->db->update(Sql::TABLE, ['account_status' => null], ['account_id' => array_keys($sql_users)], __LINE__, __FILE__); $num = count($sql_users); $this->logger("Deactivated $num no longer existing user(s): ".implode(', ', array_map(static function ($account_id, $account_lid) { return $account_lid.' (#'.$account_id.')'; }, array_keys($sql_users), $sql_users)), 'detail'); $deleted += count($sql_users); } else { foreach($sql_users as $account_id => $account_lid) { if ($this->deleteAccount($account_id, $account_lid, $this->logger)) { $deleted++; } else { $errors++; } } } } $last_run = max($start_import-1, $last_modified); Api\Config::save_value('account_import_lastrun', $last_run, 'phpgwapi'); $str = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_run). ' UTC'; if (!$errors) { $this->logger("Setting new incremental import time to: $str ($last_run)", 'detail'); } if ($created || $updated || $errors || $deleted) { $result = "Created $created, updated $updated and deleted $deleted account(s), with $errors error(s)."; } else { $result = "All accounts are up-to-date."; } $this->logger($result, 'info'); if ($initial_import && self::installAsyncJob()) { $this->logger('Async job for periodic import installed', 'info'); } } catch(\Exception $e) { $this->logger($e->getMessage(), 'fatal'); $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = $frontend; throw $e; } // restore regular frontend $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = $frontend; return [ 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, 'uptodate' => $uptodate, 'errors' => $errors, 'deleted' => $deleted, 'result' => $result, ]; } /** * Import all groups * * We assume we can list all groups without running into memory or timeout issues. * Groups with identical names as users are skipped, but logged as error. * * We can only delete no longer existing groups, if we query all groups! * So $delete !== 'no', requires $modified === null. * * @param int|null $modified null: initial import, int: timestamp of last import * @param string $delete what to do with no longer existing groups: "yes": delete incl. data, "deactivate": delete group, "no": do nothing * @param array|null &$groups on return all current groups as account_id => account_lid pairs * @param array|null &$set_members on return, if modified: (sql)account_id => [(ldap)account_id => account_lid] pairs * @return int[] values for keys "created", "updated", "uptodate", "errors", "deleted" */ protected function groups(?int $modified, string $delete, array &$groups=null, array &$set_members=null) { // to delete no longer existing groups, we have to query all groups! if ($modified) $delete = 'no'; // query all groups in SQL $sql_groups = $groups = $set_members = []; foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(Sql::TABLE, 'account_id,account_lid', ['account_type' => 'g'], __LINE__, __FILE__) as $row) { $sql_groups[-$row['account_id']] = $row['account_lid']; } // fill groups with existing ones, for incremental sync, as we need to return all groups if (!empty($modified)) { $groups = $sql_groups; } $created = $updated = $uptodate = $errors = $deleted = 0; foreach($this->accounts->search(['type' => 'groups', 'modified' => $modified]) as $account_id => $group) { $this->logger(json_encode($group, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'debug'); if (!($sql_id = array_search($group['account_lid'], $sql_groups))) { if ($this->accounts_sql->name2id($group['account_lid']) > 0) { $this->logger("Group '$group[account_lid]' already exists as user --> skipped!", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } // check if the numeric account_id is not yet taken --> unset account_id and let DB create a new one if ($this->accounts_sql->read($account_id)) { unset($group['account_id']); } if (($sql_id = $group['account_id'] = $this->accounts_sql->save($group, true)) < 0) { // run addgroup hook to create eg. home-directory or mail account Api\Hooks::process($group+array( 'location' => 'addgroup' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) $this->logger("Successful created group '$group[account_lid]' (#$account_id".($sql_id != $account_id ? " as #$sql_id" : '').')', 'detail'); $created++; } else { $this->logger("Error creating group '$group[account_lid]' (#$account_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } } elseif (!($sql_group = $this->accounts_sql->read($sql_id))) { throw new \Exception("Group '$group[account_lid]' (#$sql_id) should exist, but not found!"); } else { $group['account_id'] = $sql_id; unset($sql_group['account_fullname'], $sql_group['account_firstname'], $sql_group['account_lastname']); // not stored anywhere // ignore LDAP specific fields, and empty fields $relevant = array_filter(array_intersect_key($group, $sql_group), static function ($attr) { return $attr !== null && $attr !== ''; }); $to_update = $relevant + $sql_group; if (($diff = array_diff_assoc($to_update, $sql_group))) { if ($this->accounts_sql->save($to_update) < 0) { Api\Hooks::process($to_update+array( 'location' => 'editgroup', 'old_name' => $sql_group['account_lid'], ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) $this->logger("Successful updated group '$group[account_lid]' (#$sql_id): " . json_encode($diff, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), 'detail'); $updated++; } else { $this->logger("Error updating group '$group[account_lid]' (#$sql_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } } else { $this->logger("Group '$group[account_lid]' (#$sql_id) already up to date", 'debug'); $uptodate++; } // unset the updated groups, so we can delete the ones not returned from LDAP unset($sql_groups[$sql_id]); } $groups[$sql_id] = $group['account_lid']; // if we only get modified groups, we need to record and return the id's to update members, AFTER users are created/updated if ($modified) { $set_members[$sql_id] = $this->accounts->read($group['account_id'])['members']; } } // delete the groups not returned from LDAP, groups can NOT be deactivated, we just delete them in the DB foreach($delete !== 'no' ? $sql_groups : [] as $account_id => $account_lid) { static $acl=null; if ($delete === 'yes') { if ($this->deleteAccount($account_id, $account_lid, $this->logger)) { $deleted++; } else { $errors++; } } } return [ 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, 'uptodate' => $uptodate, 'errors' => $errors, 'deleted' => $deleted, ]; } /** * Delete an account from SQL including its data * * We use admin_cmd_delete_account to also log that the account was deleted. * * @param int $account_id * @param string $account_lid * @return bool */ protected function deleteAccount(int $account_id, string $account_lid) { // make sure admin_cmd_delete_account uses the SQL accounts object, to not delete in the source, but in EGroupware DB! $backup_accounts = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts; $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = $this->frontend_sql; $type = $account_id < 0 ? 'group' : 'user'; try { $cmd = new \admin_cmd_delete_account($account_id, null, $account_id > 0); $this->logger("Successful deleted no longer existing $type '$account_lid' (#$account_id): ".$cmd->run(), 'detail'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger("Error deleting no longer existing $type '$account_lid' (#$account_id): ".$e->getMessage(), 'error'); } $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts = $backup_accounts; return !isset($e); } /** * Hook called when setup configuration is being stored: * - install/removing cron job to periodic import accounts from LDAP/ADS * * @param array $location key "newsettings" with reference to changed settings from setup > configuration * @throws \Exception for errors */ public static function setupConfig(array $location) { $config =& $location['newsettings']; // check if periodic import is configured AND initial sync already done foreach(['account_import_type', 'account_import_source', 'account_import_frequency'] as $name) { if (empty($config[$name])) { self::installAsyncJob(); return; } } if (empty(Api\Config::read('phpgwapi')['account_import_lastrun'])) { self::installAsyncJob(); } self::installAsyncJob((float)$config['account_import_frequency'], $config['account_import_time']); } const ASYNC_JOB_ID = 'AccountsImport'; /** * Install async job for periodic import, if configured * * @param float $frequency * @param string|null $time * @return bool true: job installed, false: job canceled, if it was already installed */ protected static function installAsyncJob(float $frequency=0.0, string $time=null) { $async = new Api\Asyncservice(); $async->cancel_timer(self::ASYNC_JOB_ID); if (empty($frequency) && !empty($time) && preg_match('/^\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $time)) { $frequency = 24.0; } if ($frequency > 0.0) { [$hour, $min] = explode(':', $time ?: '00:00'); $times = ['hour' => (int)$hour, 'min' => (int)$min]; if ($frequency >= 36) { $times['day'] = '*/'.round($frequency/24.0); // 48h => day: */2 } elseif ($frequency >= 24) { $times['day'] = '*'; } elseif ($frequency >= 1) { $times['hour'] = round($frequency) == 1 ? '*' : '*/'.round($frequency); } elseif ($frequency >= .1) { $times = ['min' => '*/'.(5*round(12*$frequency))]; // .1 => */5, .5 => */30 } $async->set_timer($times, self::ASYNC_JOB_ID, self::class.'::async'); return true; } return false; } const LOG_FILE = 'setup/account-import.log'; /** * Run incremental import via async job * * @return void */ public static function async() { try { $log = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'].'/'.self::LOG_FILE; if (!file_exists($dir=dirname($log)) && !mkdir($dir) || !is_dir($dir) || !($fp = fopen($log, 'a+'))) { $logger = static function($str, $level) { if (!in_array($level, ['debug', 'detail'])) { error_log(__METHOD__.' '.strtoupper($level).' '.$str); } }; } else { $logger = static function($str, $level) use ($fp) { if (!in_array($level, ['debug', 'detail'])) { fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s O').' '.strtoupper($level).' '.$str."\n"); } }; } $logger(date('Y-m-d H:i:s O').' LDAP account import started', 'info'); $import = new self($logger); $import->run(false); $logger(date('Y-m-d H:i:s O').' LDAP account import finished'.(!empty($fp)?"\n":''), 'info'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { _egw_log_exception($e); // disable async job, something is not configured correct self::installAsyncJob(); $logger('Async job for periodic import canceled', 'fatal'); } catch (\Exception $e) { _egw_log_exception($e); } if (!empty($fp)) fclose($fp); } /** * Tail the async import log * * @return void * @throws Api\Exception\WrongParameter * @todo get this working in setup */ public function showLog() { echo (new Api\Framework\Minimal())->header(['pngfix' => '']); $tailer = new Api\Json\Tail(self::LOG_FILE); echo $tailer->show(); } /** * Set members of a group specified by its (sql)account_id after an incremental update of the groups * * We need to take into account: * - members/users might not yet be added, if visible members are by membership to that group (eg. custom account-filter by membership in Default group) * - members might not be readable from LDAP, because the are not in account-filter * * @param array $set_members (sql)account_id => [(ldap)account_id => account_lid] pairs * @return int[] values for keys "created", "updated" and "errors" */ protected function setMembers(array $set_members) { // setting (new) members $created = $updated = $errors = 0; foreach($set_members as $sql_group_id => $members) { $group = $this->accounts_sql->id2name($sql_group_id) ?: '#'.$sql_group_id; foreach($members as $ldap_id => $account_lid) { if (!($account_id = $this->accounts_sql->name2id($account_lid))) { if (!($account = $this->accounts->read($ldap_id))) { $this->logger("Failed reading user '$account_lid' (#$ldap_id) from LDAP, maybe he is not contained in filter --> ignored", 'detail'); continue; } if (!($contact = $this->contacts->read($account['person_id']))) { $this->logger("Error reading contact-data of user '$account_lid' (#$ldap_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } $this->logger(json_encode($account + $contact, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), 'debug'); $sql_account = $account; // check if ldap-id is already taken --> create with own id if ($this->accounts_sql->id2name($ldap_id)) { unset($sql_account['account_id']); } if (($sql_account['account_id'] = $this->accounts_sql->save($sql_account, true))) { $this->logger("Successful created user '$account_lid' (#$ldap_id)", 'detail'); $created++; // save contact-data of user $sql_contact = $contact; $sql_contact['account_id'] = $sql_account['account_id']; unset($sql_contact['id']); if ($this->contacts_sql->save($sql_contact)) { $this->logger("Error saving contact-data of user '$account_lid' (#$ldap_id)", 'error'); $errors++; } } else { $this->logger("Error creating user '$account_lid' (#$ldap_id)", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } // set memberships using id's in sql (!) $this->accounts_sql->set_memberships(array_filter(array_map(function($account_lid) { return $this->accounts_sql->name2id($account_lid); }, $account['memberships'])), $sql_account['account_id']); } else { if (!($memberships = $this->accounts_sql->memberships($account_id))) { $this->logger("Error reading memberships of (existing) user '$account_lid' (#$account_id)!", 'error'); $errors++; continue; } if (!isset($memberships[$sql_group_id])) { $this->accounts_sql->set_memberships(array_merge(array_keys($memberships), [$sql_group_id]), $account_id); $this->logger("Adding membership of user '$account_lid' (#$account_id) to group '$group' (#$sql_group_id)", 'detail'); $updated++; } } } // removing no longer set members if (($sql_members = $this->accounts_sql->members($sql_group_id)) && ($removed = array_diff($sql_members, $members))) { foreach($removed as $sql_account_id => $sql_account_lid) { if (($memberships = $this->accounts_sql->memberships($sql_account_id)) && isset($memberships[$sql_group_id])) { unset($memberships[$sql_group_id]); $this->accounts_sql->set_memberships(array_keys($memberships), $sql_account_id); $this->logger("Removing membership of user '$sql_account_lid' (#$sql_account_id) from group '$group' (#$sql_group_id)", 'detail'); $updated++; } } } } return [ 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, 'errors' => $errors, ]; } }