* @copyright (c) 2005-8 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * some necessary defines used by the calendar */ if(extension_loaded('mcal') == False) { define('MCAL_RECUR_NONE',0); define('MCAL_RECUR_DAILY',1); define('MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY',2); define('MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY',3); define('MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY',4); define('MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY',5); define('MCAL_RECUR_SECONDLY',6); define('MCAL_RECUR_MINUTELY',7); define('MCAL_RECUR_HOURLY',8); define('MCAL_M_SUNDAY',1); define('MCAL_M_MONDAY',2); define('MCAL_M_TUESDAY',4); define('MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY',8); define('MCAL_M_THURSDAY',16); define('MCAL_M_FRIDAY',32); define('MCAL_M_SATURDAY',64); define('MCAL_M_WEEKDAYS',62); define('MCAL_M_WEEKEND',65); define('MCAL_M_ALLDAYS',127); } define('REJECTED',0); define('NO_RESPONSE',1); define('TENTATIVE',2); define('ACCEPTED',3); /** * Class to store all calendar data (storage object) * * Tables used by socal: * - egw_cal: general calendar data: cal_id, title, describtion, locations, ... * - egw_cal_dates: start- and enddates (multiple entry per cal_id for recuring events!) * - egw_cal_user: participant info including status (multiple entries per cal_id AND startdate for recuring events) * - egw_cal_repeats: recur-data: type, optional enddate, etc. * - egw_cal_extra: custom fields (multiple entries per cal_id possible) * * The new UI, BO and SO classes have a strikt definition, in which time-zone they operate: * UI only operates in user-time, so there have to be no conversation at all !!! * BO's functions take and return user-time only (!), they convert internaly everything to servertime, because * SO operates only on server-time */ class calendar_so { /** * name of the main calendar table and prefix for all other calendar tables */ var $cal_table = 'egw_cal'; var $extra_table,$repeats_table,$user_table,$dates_table,$all_tables; /** * internal copy of the global db-object * * @var egw_db */ var $db; /** * instance of the async object * * @var asyncservice */ var $async; /** * SQL to sort by status U, T, A, R * */ const STATUS_SORT = "CASE cal_status WHEN 'U' THEN 1 WHEN 'T' THEN 2 WHEN 'A' THEN 3 WHEN 'R' THEN 4 ELSE 0 END ASC"; /** * Constructor of the socal class */ function __construct() { $this->async = $GLOBALS['egw']->asyncservice; $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; $this->all_tables = array($this->cal_table); foreach(array('extra','repeats','user','dates') as $name) { $vname = $name.'_table'; $this->all_tables[] = $this->$vname = $this->cal_table.'_'.$name; } } /** * reads one or more calendar entries * * All times (start, end and modified) are returned as timesstamps in servertime! * * @param int/array/string $ids id or array of id's of the entries to read, or string with a single uid * @param int $recur_date=0 if set read the next recurrance at or after the timestamp, default 0 = read the initital one * @return array/boolean array with id => data pairs or false if entry not found */ function read($ids,$recur_date=0) { //echo "


\n"; $table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->cal_table); $group_by_cols = $this->cal_table.'.'.implode(','.$this->cal_table.'.',array_keys($table_def['fd'])); $table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->repeats_table); $group_by_cols .= ','.$this->repeats_table.'.'.implode(','.$this->repeats_table.'.',array_keys($table_def['fd'])); $where = array(); if (is_array($ids)) { array_walk($ids,create_function('&$val,$key','$val = (int) $val;')); $where[] = $this->cal_table.'.cal_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')'; } elseif (is_numeric($ids)) { $where[] = $this->cal_table.'.cal_id = '.(int) $ids; } else { $where['cal_uid'] = $ids; } if ((int) $recur_date) { $where[] = 'cal_start >= '.(int)$recur_date; } $events = array(); foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,"$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end", $where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'GROUP BY '.$group_by_cols,'calendar',0, ",$this->dates_table LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->dates_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id". " WHERE $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id") as $row) { $row['recur_exception'] = $row['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$row['recur_exception']) : array(); if (!$row['recur_type']) $row['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_NONE; $row['alarm'] = array(); $events[$row['cal_id']] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_'); // if a uid was supplied, convert it for the further code to an id if (!is_array($ids) && !is_numeric($ids)) $ids = $row['cal_id']; } if (!$events) return false; // check if we have a real recurance, if not set $recur_date=0 if (is_array($ids) || $events[(int)$ids]['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $recur_date = 0; } else // adjust the given recurance to the real time, it can be a date without time(!) { if ($recur_date) { // also remember recur_date, maybe we need it later, duno now $recur_date = $events[$ids]['recur_date'] = $events[$ids]['start']; } } // participants, if a recur_date give, we read that recurance, else the one users from the default entry with recur_date=0 foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'*',array( 'cal_id' => $ids, 'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_user_type DESC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar') as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts { // if the type is not an ordinary user (eg. contact or resource)... if ($row['cal_user_type'] && $row['cal_user_type'] != 'u') { // prefix the id with the type $user_id = $row['cal_user_type'].$row['cal_user_id']; // and append quantity $row['cal_status'] .= $row['cal_quantity'] == 1 ? '' : $row['cal_quantity']; } else { $user_id = (int) $row['cal_user_id']; } $events[$row['cal_id']]['participants'][$user_id] = $row['cal_status']; $events[$row['cal_id']]['participant_types'][$row['cal_user_type']][$row['cal_user_id']] = $row['cal_status']; } // custom fields foreach($this->db->select($this->extra_table,'*',array('cal_id'=>$ids),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $events[$row['cal_id']]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value']; } // alarms, atm. we read all alarms in the system, as this can be done in a single query foreach((array)$this->async->read('cal'.(is_array($ids) ? '' : ':'.(int)$ids).':%') as $id => $job) { list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id); if (!isset($events[$cal_id])) continue; // not needed $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; $events[$cal_id]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm; } //echo "


\n"; return $events; } /** * generate SQL to filter after a given category (evtl. incl. subcategories) * * @param array/int $cat_id cat-id or array of cat-ids, or !$cat_id for none * @return string SQL to include in the query */ function cat_filter($cat_id) { $sql = ''; if ($cat_id) { if (!is_array($cat_ids) && !@$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['cats_no_subs']) { $cats = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->return_all_children($cat_id); } else { $cats = is_array($cat_id) ? $cat_id : array($cat_id); } array_walk($cats,create_function('&$val,$key','$val = (int) $val;')); $sql = '(cal_category'.(count($cats) > 1 ? " IN ('".implode("','",$cats)."')" : '='.$this->db->quote((int)$cat_id)); foreach($cats as $cat) { $sql .= ' OR '.$this->db->concat("','",'cal_category',"','").' LIKE '.$this->db->quote('%,'.$cat.',%'); } $sql .= ') '; } return $sql; } /** * Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones * * @param int $start startdate of the search/list (servertime) * @param int $end enddate of the search/list (servertime) * @param int/array $users user-id or array of user-id's, !$users means all entries regardless of users * @param int $cat_id=0 mixed category-id or array of cat-id's, default 0 = all * Please note: only a single cat-id, will include all sub-cats (if the common-pref 'cats_no_subs' is False) * @param string $filter='' string filter-name, atm. all or hideprivate * @param string $query='' pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search) * Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!! * @param int/bool $offset=False offset for a limited query or False (default) * @param int $num_rows=0 number of rows to return if offset set, default 0 = use default in user prefs * @param string $order='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma * @param boolean $show_rejected=true should the search return rejected invitations * @return array of cal_ids, or false if error in the parameters * * ToDo: search custom-fields too */ function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='',$query='',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,$order = 'cal_start',$show_rejected=true) { //echo '

socal::search('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.print_r($users,true).','.print_r($cat_id,true).",'$filter',".print_r($query,true).",$offset,$num_rows)

\n"; $where = array(); if (is_array($query)) { $where = $query; } elseif ($query) { foreach(array('cal_title','cal_description','cal_location') as $col) { $to_or[] = $col . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('%'.$query.'%'); } $where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')'; } if ($users) { $users_by_type = array(); foreach(is_array($users) ? $users : array($users) as $user) { if (is_numeric($user)) { $users_by_type['u'][] = (int) $user; } elseif (is_numeric(substr($user,1))) { $users_by_type[$user{0}][] = (int) substr($user,1); } } $to_or = array(); $table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table); foreach($users_by_type as $type => $ids) { $to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,array( 'cal_user_type' => $type, 'cal_user_id' => $ids, )); } $where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')'; if (!$show_rejected) $where[] = "cal_status != 'R'"; } if ($cat_id) { $where[] = $this->cat_filter($cat_id); } if ($start) $where[] = (int)$start.' < cal_end'; if ($end) $where[] = 'cal_start < '.(int)$end; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,]+$/i',$order)) $order = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injunktion if ($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] && $this->db->capabilities['union']) { // changed the original OR in the query into a union, to speed up the query execution under MySQL 5 $select = array( 'table' => $this->cal_table, 'join' => "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id", 'cols' => "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date", 'where' => $where, 'app' => 'calendar', ); $selects = array($select,$select); $selects[0]['where'][] = 'recur_type IS NULL AND cal_recur_date=0'; $selects[1]['where'][] = 'cal_recur_date=cal_start'; if (is_numeric($offset)) // get the total too { // we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns) $selects[0]['cols'] = $selects[1]['cols'] = "DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date"; $this->total = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows(); $selects[0]['cols'] = $selects[1]['cols'] = $select['cols']; // restore the original cols } $rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$order,$offset,$num_rows); } else // MsSQL oder MySQL 3.23 { $where[] = '(recur_type IS NULL AND cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date=cal_start)'; //_debug_array($where); if (is_numeric($offset)) // get the total too { // we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns) $this->total = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date", $where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar',0, "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id")->NumRows(); } $rs = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] ? 'DISTINCT ' : ''). "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date", $where,__LINE__,__FILE__,$offset,'ORDER BY '.$order,'calendar',$num_rows, "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id"); } $events = $ids = $recur_dates = $recur_ids = array(); foreach($rs as $row) { $ids[] = $id = $row['cal_id']; if ($row['cal_recur_date']) { $id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date']; $recur_dates[] = $row['cal_recur_date']; } $row['alarm'] = array(); $row['recur_exception'] = $row['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$row['recur_exception']) : array(); $events[$id] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'cal_'); } if (count($events)) { // now ready all users with the given cal_id AND (cal_recur_date=0 or the fitting recur-date) // This will always read the first entry of each recuring event too, we eliminate it later $recur_dates[] = 0; foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'*',array( 'cal_id' => array_unique($ids), 'cal_recur_date' => $recur_dates, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'ORDER BY cal_id,cal_user_type DESC,'.self::STATUS_SORT,'calendar') as $row) // DESC puts users before resources and contacts { $id = $row['cal_id']; if ($row['cal_recur_date']) $id .= '-'.$row['cal_recur_date']; if (!isset($events[$id])) continue; // not needed first entry of recuring event $events[$id]['participants'][$this->combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id'])] = $row['cal_status']; } /* custom fields are not shown in the regular views, so we can ignore them here for the moment foreach($this->db->select($this->extra_table,'*',array('cal_id'=>$ids),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $set_ids = array($row['cal_id']); if (isset($recur_ids[$row['cal_id']])) $set_ids += $recur_ids[$row['cal_id']]; foreach($set_ids as $id) { if (isset($events[$cal_id])) { $events[$id]['#'.$row['cal_extra_name']] = $row['cal_extra_value']; } } } */ // alarms, atm. we read all alarms in the system, as this can be done in a single query foreach((array)$this->async->read('cal'.(is_array($ids) ? '' : ':'.(int)$ids).':%') as $id => $job) { list(,$cal_id) = explode(':',$id); $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; $event_start = $alarm['time'] + $alarm['offset']; if (isset($events[$cal_id])) // none recuring event { $events[$cal_id]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm; } elseif (isset($events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start])) // recuring event { $events[$cal_id.'-'.$event_start]['alarm'][$id] = $alarm; } } } //echo "

socal::search\n"; _debug_array($events); return $events; } /** * Checks for conflicts */ /* folowing SQL checks for conflicts completly on DB level SELECT cal_user_type, cal_user_id, SUM( cal_quantity ) FROM egw_cal, egw_cal_dates, egw_cal_user LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_repeats.cal_id WHERE egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_dates.cal_id AND egw_cal.cal_id = egw_cal_user.cal_id AND ( recur_type IS NULL AND cal_recur_date =0 OR cal_recur_date = cal_start ) AND ( ( cal_user_type = 'u' # user of the checked event AND cal_user_id IN ( 7, 5 ) ) AND 1118822400 < cal_end # start- and end-time of the checked event AND cal_start <1118833200 ) AND egw_cal.cal_id !=26 # id of the checked event AND cal_non_blocking !=1 AND cal_status != 'R' GROUP BY cal_user_type, cal_user_id ORDER BY cal_user_type, cal_usre_id */ /** * Saves or creates an event * * We always set cal_modified and cal_modifier and for new events cal_uid. * All other column are only written if they are set in the $event parameter! * * @param array $event * @param boolean &$set_recurrences on return: true if the recurrences need to be written, false otherwise * @param int $change_since=0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all * @param int &$etag etag=null etag to check or null, on return new etag * @return boolean/int false on error, 0 if etag does not match, cal_id otherwise */ function save($event,&$set_recurrences,$change_since=0,&$etag=null) { //echo "

socal::save(,$change_since) event="; _debug_array($event); //error_log(__METHOD__."(".str_replace(array("\n",' '),'',print_r($event,true)).",$set_recurrences,$change_since,$etag)"); $cal_id = (int) $event['id']; unset($event['id']); $set_recurrences = !$cal_id && $event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE; // add colum prefix 'cal_' if there's not already a 'recur_' prefix foreach($event as $col => $val) { if ($col{0} != '#' && substr($col,0,6) != 'recur_' && $col != 'alarm') { $event['cal_'.$col] = $val; unset($event[$col]); } } if (is_array($event['cal_category'])) $event['cal_category'] = implode(',',$event['cal_category']); if ($cal_id) { $where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id); if (!is_null($etag)) $where['cal_etag'] = $etag; unset($event['cal_etag']); $event[] = 'cal_etag=cal_etag+1'; // always update the etag, even if none given to check $this->db->update($this->cal_table,$event,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); if (!is_null($etag) && $this->db->affected_rows() < 1) { return 0; // wrong etag, someone else updated the entry } if (!is_null($etag)) ++$etag; } else { if (!$event['cal_owner']) $event['cal_owner'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; if (!$event['cal_id'] && !isset($event['cal_uid'])) $event['cal_uid'] = ''; // uid is NOT NULL! $this->db->insert($this->cal_table,$event,false,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); if (!($cal_id = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->cal_table,'cal_id'))) { return false; } // new event (without uid), not strong enough uid or new created referencing event => create new uid if (strlen($event['cal_uid']) < 20 || is_numeric($event['cal_uid']) || $event['cal_reference'] && strpos($event['cal_uid'],'cal-'.$event['calreference'].'-') !== false) { $event['cal_uid'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('calendar',$cal_id); $this->db->update($this->cal_table,array('cal_uid' => $event['cal_uid']),array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } $etag = 0; // new events need to have at least one participant, default to the owner if (!isset($event['cal_participants'])) { $event['cal_participants'] = array($event['cal_owner'] => 'A'); } } // write information about recuring event, if recur_type is present in the array if (isset($event['recur_type'])) { if (isset($event['recur_exception']) && is_array($event['recur_exception']) && count($event['recur_exception'])) { // delete execeptions from the user and dates table, it could be the first time $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_recur_date' => $event['recur_exception']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); $this->db->delete($this->dates_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id,'cal_start' => $event['recur_exception']),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); $event['recur_exception'] = implode(',',$event['recur_exception']); } else { $event['recur_exception'] = null; } if (!$set_recurrences) { // check if the recure-information changed $old_recur = $this->db->select($this->repeats_table,'*',array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetch(); $old_exceptions = $old_recur['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$old_recur['recur_exception']) : array(); $exceptions = $event['recur_exception'] ? explode(',',$event['recur_exception']) : array(); $set_recurrences = $event['recur_type'] != $old_recur['recur_type'] || $event['recur_data'] != $old_recur['recur_data'] || $event['recur_interval'] != $old_recur['recur_interval'] || $event['recur_enddate'] != $old_recur['recur_enddate'] || count(array_diff($old_exceptions,$exceptions)); // exception deleted or added } unset($event[0]); // unset the 'etag=etag+1', as it's not in the repeats table if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $this->db->insert($this->repeats_table,$event,array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } else { $this->db->delete($this->repeats_table,array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } if ($set_recurrences) { // delete all, but the lowest dates record $min = (int) $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start)',array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchSingle(); $this->db->delete($this->dates_table,array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_start > '.(int)$min, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); // delete all user-records, with recur-date != 0 $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_recur_date != 0', ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } // update start- and endtime if present in the event-array, evtl. we need to move all recurrences if (isset($event['cal_start']) && isset($event['cal_end'])) { $this->move($cal_id,$event['cal_start'],$event['cal_end'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since); } // update participants if present in the event-array if (isset($event['cal_participants'])) { $this->participants($cal_id,$event['cal_participants'],!$cal_id ? false : $change_since); } // Custom fields foreach($event as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] == '#') { if (strlen($value)) { $this->db->insert($this->extra_table,array( 'cal_extra_value' => $value, ),array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1), ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } else { $this->db->delete($this->extra_table,array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_extra_name' => substr($name,1), ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } } // updating or saving the alarms, new alarms have a temporary numeric id! // ToDo: recuring events !!! if (is_array($event['alarm'])) { foreach ($event['alarm'] as $id => $alarm) { if (is_numeric($id)) unset($alarm['id']); // unset the temporary id, to add the alarm $alarm['time'] = $event['cal_start'] - $alarm['offset']; // recalculate the offset, as the start-time might have changed $this->save_alarm($cal_id,$alarm); } } if (is_null($etag)) { $etag = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_etag',array('cal_id' => $cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetchSingle(); } return $cal_id; } /** * moves an event to an other start- and end-time taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!) * * @param int $cal_id * @param int $start new starttime * @param int $end new endtime * @param int/boolean $change_since=0 false=new entry, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all * @param int $old_start=0 old starttime or (default) 0, to query it from the db * @param int $old_end=0 old starttime or (default) 0 * @return int/boolean number of moved recurrences or false on error */ function move($cal_id,$start,$end,$change_since=0,$old_start=0,$old_end=0) { //echo "


\n"; if (!(int) $cal_id) return false; if (!$old_start) { if ($change_since !== false) $row = $this->db->select($this->dates_table,'MIN(cal_start) AS cal_start,MIN(cal_end) AS cal_end', array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar')->fetch(); // if no recurrence found, create one with the new dates if ($change_since === false || !$row || !$row['cal_start'] || !$row['cal_end']) { $this->db->insert($this->dates_table,array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_start' => $start, 'cal_end' => $end, ),false,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); return 1; } $move_start = (int) ($start-$row['cal_start']); $move_end = (int) ($end-$row['cal_end']); } else { $move_start = (int) ($start-$old_start); $move_end = (int) ($end-$old_end); } $where = 'cal_id='.(int)$cal_id; if ($move_start) { // move the recur-date of the participants $this->db->query("UPDATE $this->user_table SET cal_recur_date=cal_recur_date+$move_start WHERE $where AND cal_recur_date ". ((int)$change_since ? '>= '.(int)$change_since : '!= 0'),__LINE__,__FILE__); } if ($move_start || $move_end) { // move the event and it's recurrences $this->db->query("UPDATE $this->dates_table SET cal_start=cal_start+$move_start,cal_end=cal_end+$move_end WHERE $where". ((int) $change_since ? ' AND cal_start >= '.(int) $change_since : ''),__LINE__,__FILE__); } return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /** * combines user_type and user_id into a single string or integer (for users) * * @param string $user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ... * @param string|int $user_id id * @return string|int combined id */ function combine_user($user_type,$user_id) { if (!$user_type || $user_type == 'u') { return (int) $user_id; } return $user_type.$user_id; } /** * splits the combined user_type and user_id into a single values * * @param string|int $uid * @param string &$user_type 1-char type: 'u' = user, ... * @param string|int &$user_id id */ function split_user($uid,&$user_type,&$user_id) { if (is_numeric($uid)) { $user_type = 'u'; $user_id = (int) $uid; } else { $user_type = $uid[0]; $user_id = substr($uid,1); } } /** * updates the participants of an event, taken into account the evtl. recurrences of the event(!) * * @param int $cal_id * @param array $participants id => status pairs * @param int/boolean $change_since=0 false=new entry, > 0 time from which on the repetitions should be changed, default 0=all * @param int $recur_date=0 time of which repetitions should be updated, default 0=all * @return int/boolean number of updated recurrences or false on error */ function participants($cal_id,$participants,$change_since=0) { //echo "


\n"; // remove group-invitations, they are NOT stored in the db foreach($participants as $uid => $status) { if ($status == 'G') { unset($participants[$uid]); } } $where = array('cal_id' => $cal_id); if ((int) $change_since) { $where[] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.(int)$change_since.')'; } if ($change_since !== false) // existing entries only { // delete not longer set participants $deleted = array(); foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_user_type,cal_user_id,cal_quantity',$where, __LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $uid = $this->combine_user($row['cal_user_type'],$row['cal_user_id']); if (!isset($participants[$uid])) // delete group-invitations { $deleted[$row['cal_user_type']][] = $row['cal_user_id']; } elseif($row['cal_quantity'] == (substr($participants[$uid],1) ? substr($participants[$uid],1) : 1)) { unset($participants[$uid]); // we dont touch them } } if (count($deleted)) { $to_or = array(); $table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->user_table); foreach($deleted as $type => $ids) { $to_or[] = $this->db->expression($table_def,array( 'cal_user_type' => $type, 'cal_user_id' => $ids, )); } $this->db->delete($this->user_table,$where + array('('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')'),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } if (count($participants)) // these are NEW participants now { // find all recurrences, as they all need the new parts to be added $recurrences = array(); if ($change_since !== false) // existing entries only { foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'DISTINCT cal_recur_date',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $recurrences[] = $row['cal_recur_date']; } } if (!count($recurrences)) $recurrences[] = 0; // insert the default one foreach($participants as $uid => $status) { $this->split_user($uid,$type,$id); foreach($recurrences as $recur_date) { $this->db->insert($this->user_table,array( 'cal_status' => $status !== true ? $status{0} : 'U', 'cal_quantity' => substr($status,1) ? substr($status,1) : 1, ),array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_recur_date' => $recur_date, 'cal_user_type' => $type, 'cal_user_id' => $id, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } } return true; } /** * set the status of one participant for a given recurrence or for all recurrences since now (includes recur_date=0) * * @param int $cal_id * @param char $user_type 'u' regular user, 'r' resource, 'c' contact * @param int $user_id * @param int/char $status numeric status (defines) or 1-char code: 'R', 'U', 'T' or 'A' * @param int $recur_date=0 date to change, or 0 = all since now * @return int number of changed recurrences */ function set_status($cal_id,$user_type,$user_id,$status,$recur_date=0) { static $status_code_short = array( REJECTED => 'R', NO_RESPONSE => 'U', TENTATIVE => 'T', ACCEPTED => 'A' ); if (!(int)$cal_id || !(int)$user_id) return false; if (is_numeric($status)) $status = $status_code_short[$status]; $where = array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_user_type' => $user_type ? $user_type : 'u', 'cal_user_id' => $user_id, ); if ((int) $recur_date) { $where['cal_recur_date'] = $recur_date; } else { $where[] = '(cal_recur_date=0 OR cal_recur_date >= '.time().')'; } if ($status == 'G') // remove group invitations, as we dont store them in the db { $this->db->delete($this->user_table,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } else { $this->db->insert($this->user_table,array( 'cal_status' => $status, ),$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /** * creates or update a recurrence in the dates and users table * * @param int $cal_id * @param int $start * @param int $end * @param array $participants uid => status pairs */ function recurrence($cal_id,$start,$end,$participants) { //echo "


\n"; $this->db->insert($this->dates_table,array( 'cal_end' => $end, ),array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_start' => $start, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); foreach($participants as $uid => $status) { if ($status == 'G') continue; // dont save group-invitations $this->split_user($uid,$type,$id); $this->db->insert($this->user_table,array( 'cal_status' => $status !== true ? $status{0} : 'U', 'cal_quantity' => substr($status,1) ? substr($status,1) : 1, ),array( 'cal_id' => $cal_id, 'cal_recur_date' => $start, 'cal_user_type' => $type, 'cal_user_id' => $id, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } /** * Get all unfinished recuring events (or all users) after a given time * * @param int $time * @return array with cal_id => max(cal_start) pairs */ function unfinished_recuring($time) { $ids = array(); foreach($this->db->select($this->repeats_table,"$this->repeats_table.cal_id,MAX(cal_start) AS cal_start",array( "$this->repeats_table.cal_id = $this->dates_table.cal_id", '(recur_enddate = 0 OR recur_enddate IS NULL OR recur_enddate > '.(int)$time.')', ),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,"GROUP BY $this->repeats_table.cal_id",'calendar',0,','.$this->dates_table) as $row) { $ids[$row['cal_id']] = $row['cal_start']; } return $ids; } /** * deletes an event incl. all recurrences, participants and alarms * * @param int $cal_id */ function delete($cal_id) { //echo "


\n"; $this->delete_alarms($cal_id); foreach($this->all_tables as $table) { $this->db->delete($table,array('cal_id'=>$cal_id),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } /** * read the alarms of a calendar-event specified by $cal_id * * alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too * * @param int $cal_id * @return array of alarms with alarm-id as key */ function read_alarms($cal_id) { $alarms = array(); if ($jobs = $this->async->read('cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':%')) { foreach($jobs as $id => $job) { $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; $alarms[$id] = $alarm; } } return $alarms; } /** * read a single alarm specified by it's $id * * @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too * @return array with data of the alarm */ function read_alarm($id) { if (!($jobs = $this->async->read($id))) { return False; } list($id,$job) = each($jobs); $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; //echo "

read_alarm('$id')="; print_r($alarm); echo "

\n"; return $alarm; } /** * saves a new or updated alarm * * @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry * @param array $alarm array with fields: text, owner, enabled, .. * @return string id of the alarm */ function save_alarm($cal_id,$alarm) { //echo "

save_alarm(cal_id=$cal_id, alarm="; print_r($alarm); echo ")

\n"; if (!($id = $alarm['id'])) { $alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id); // find a free alarm# $n = count($alarms); do { $id = 'cal:'.(int)$cal_id.':'.$n; ++$n; } while (@isset($alarms[$id])); } else { $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } $alarm['cal_id'] = $cal_id; // we need the back-reference if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'calendar.calendar_boupdate.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } return $id; } /** * delete all alarms of a calendar-entry * * @param int $cal_id Id of the calendar-entry * @return int number of alarms deleted */ function delete_alarms($cal_id) { $alarms = $this->read_alarms($cal_id); foreach($alarms as $id => $alarm) { $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } return count($alarms); } /** * delete one alarms identified by its id * * @param string $id alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$cal_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too * @return int number of alarms deleted */ function delete_alarm($id) { return $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } /** * Delete account hook * * @param array|int $old_user integer old user or array with keys 'account_id' and 'new_owner' as the deleteaccount hook uses it * @param int $new_user=null */ function deleteaccount($data) { if (is_array($old_user)) { $new_user = $old_user['new_owner']; $old_user = $old_user['account_id']; } if (!(int)$new_user) { $this->split_user($old_user,$user_type,$user_id); if ($user_type == 'u') // only accounts can be owners of events { foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,'cal_id',array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $this->delete($row['cal_id']); } } $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array( 'cal_user_type' => $user_type, 'cal_user_id' => $user_id, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); // delete calendar entries without participants (can happen if the deleted user is the only participants, but not the owner) foreach($this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT $this->cal_table.cal_id",'cal_user_id IS NULL',__LINE__,__FILE__, False,'','calendar',0,"LEFT JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id") as $row) { $this->delete($row['cal_id']); } } else { $this->db->update($this->cal_table,array('cal_owner' => $new_user),array('cal_owner' => $old_user),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); // delete participation of old user, if new user is already a participant $ids = array(); foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_id',array( // MySQL does NOT allow to run this as delete! 'cal_user_type' => 'u', 'cal_user_id' => $old_user, "cal_id IN (SELECT cal_id FROM $this->user_table other WHERE other.cal_id=cal_id AND other.cal_user_id=".(int)$new_user." AND cal_user_type='u')", ),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row) { $ids[] = $row['cal_id']; } if ($ids) $this->db->delete($this->user_table,array( 'cal_user_type' => 'u', 'cal_user_id' => $old_user, 'cal_id' => $ids, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); // now change participant in the rest to contain new user instead of old user $this->db->update($this->user_table,array( 'cal_user_id' => $new_user, ),array( 'cal_user_type' => 'u', 'cal_user_id' => $old_user, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,'calendar'); } } }